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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALES!, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1919. The Right Laxative For The Little Ones- .vnitMVf.';' Th sataral condition of a child if to be tmppy and carefree. When the (irl mope mnd b indifferent to tcbool and study, or the boy la sullen and refuses to go out and play; the duSd need, laxative to empty the bowel sandstir op the liver. .:-.;.,,,jj" It to n excellent remedy for the mother Caldwell Syrup Pepsin produeet a free move roent of the bowels without griping. A very little to required, and it to pleasant to take. A few hour after it ne the child will be its happy self again. A But something should be given that will produce the result In as simple and nat ural a way as possible. Harsh cathartic and physic are neither necessary nor de- Many mother have found that the com 1 fcinatioo of simple laxative herbs with pepsin old by druggists under the name of Dr. herself, and for the other member of the family, in obstinate or occasional conxtl pation, for the relief of headaches, as an aid in colds and fevers, minor skin eruptions and all disorder where the basis of the trouble to constipation. , The druggist will refund the money yo9 pay for Syrup Pepsin if It fail to do a promised. ' Dr. CaUweWr IYRUP PEPSIN The Perfect 2L Laxative FREE SAMPLES PRICE AS ALWAYS to enltt of greatly henna! laboratory cmtt due to tha W, by eamficmf profits and abaorbtn. war uZiZZTZlSS: I " .""I" 468 Wuhmcton St., UonticeUo, 111. If then mi Jl!ift " bm!?1 WgiU lot tha past b.hin at aoms-, aak fcr a coot ? for. Caldwdl book! O yean. Xan una 'iQc and turn. - onrk. .j d' t. "" vuircu uu Tf WW have mm imm! TV. f.Uw11'a Cm. Pepain atndfcr a trw trial bottle to Dr. W. B.CauwdL " V DID HLR A WORLD fcjVVUilla t SiUVUllla ( By GEBTETOE EOBISON OF GOOD, SHE SAYS C a HiriiBS of Poison, Morgana, ' RV? Vlnnra Wo C CI.,-. arrived Is night to sprad a ten day visit with kit cisters, Mm I. J. Cur- . lis and Mrs. J. a Austin, of 1745 81 ate street. Kiss Margaret Hinging, another i sister, who is a student fie Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis, wiM I be in 8alem at the same time for her mid year vacation. toaid Hardly (kt Up. Health Kestored By Tanlac. "I feel so well now that I ean hard ly realize the awful condition I was in jDeiore l took Tanlae," eid Mrs. E. P. Hoff, who lave ri J"10.''1 w MJ Wellington street, Vr ,1 U f been visitinir in Portland for the. uast "np, "nn. few days while awaitine the arrival of ; . 1 ha(1 been 1B rundown condition their son, who has lately returned Ior two yea, she continued, "and from overseas service, have returned was weak 1 eouid hardly keep going to Salem. They were forced to eome f nl(1 t0 t0T:e myself to eat, but noth homo without having seen the fcoy, as " Weed with me and I got so life he was sent to Camp Lewis over an- ies "n1 eonnt that I could hard other route. , l'T 8et UP 'wnen I sitting or lving uuwn, or even ao my Housework. I guf- ir,t w.iix aw, a r;.;a ' fered with splitting hcadachf. that Cridcr, both students at the Capital I0"' imst drive me distracted. Rnoinmu, rnUai. loft ie v.n. fnr I 'V appetite picked UD On UV first t,-i 8 K.l. T l. j . .. uauaa Ho attend the g home coming ; " i am now eating celebrarion that the people of the town i 'hrc,e hearty meals a day, those awful are putting on for the returned mem- VLBUat.ne9 are 80ne ana 1 am feeling bers of Company L. The. chief features ! 3ust flne. I have guined ten pounds of the occasion are to be an elaborate i f nd am strong enough to do ail my State Senator Dkick Dies At Oregon City Oregon City, Or., Mar. 21. Walter A. Dimick, Oregon City attorney and Clackamas county senator in the Ore gon legislature, died at his borne in Oregon City at 6 oVlock lust night, ftir an illness of 10 days. Mr. Dimick, who win born August 300, JH7, at Hubbard, Or., wn tbo son of Oeorgo W, Dimick, well known Ma rion county pioneer. Walter A. fHinirk wu educated in tbo public scljjols of Hubbard and IfraduaUid from Pacific- university at forest Orovo in 1!MI2. He wa admit ted to tbo pruc.tico of biw ;n 190-:, bc iouiing assotiattd wllh his cousin, JTii.lgo Ornnt II, Dimirk, nt Oregon ,'ity. Mr. Dimick served five ycurg as eity recorder cf Oregon City His career tin a legislator began in j!fu, wnen lie whs elected a reiiresen- At the recent session ho vras a lather of a bill simed to end bolahevism in Oregon. Ho was generally regarded as an in siirgenf in the legislature and was rrciuted with killing more measures than any other member. His most ac tive fight were made in the name of economy. Mr. Dimick is survived by a widow end one son, Normnn. Mrs. Dimick was Mis Oro Ciiplcs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Caplcs of Purest Grove, Or., an old pioneer family. Slie ami Mr. Dimick were schoolmates at Pacific universttv. Annual Freshman G'ee Begins At Eight Tonight The opportunity to hear real genu- ino homo tnauo music Is given the pub lic this evening at the armory, for to niirht is ithe eleventh annual freHhmnn tntivo from Cia-knmas county, Klcctcd 1 giro when tbo four clause, of Willam to the Oregon senate first in 11)10, Mr. I ett cunivorsitv comueto in sonir. MOTH EES Should see that the whole family take st least 3 or 4 doses of thoio, puri fying system cleaning medicine this spring. ow is the time. The fuinily will be healthier, happier,, and get along better if the blood is given a thoio purifying, the stomach and bow els cleaned out, and the germs of win ter, accumulated in the system, driven away. Iloliistcr's Koeky Mountain Tea is one of the very best and surest spring medicines to take. Get it and seg the difference in the whole family. Their color will be better, they'll feel fine and be well and happy. D. J. Fry. banquet followed by the armory. military ball in (Dimick served in Five consecutive leg islatures in that il ranch. Mr, Dimick was always regarded a ono of (bo leaders in the Semite. Ho initiated a large number of bills and took aii unnmmllv a active part in leuis-1 nf iu,it la ion, being an augiessive oiv..!eiit ' Tho seniors hn of any measure that he disapproved, ten by Homer Tasker, whilo the junior Rheumatism Back on the Joh With its Old-time Fury No Let-Up In Its Torture. ZXX S S. S. S. has given some wonderful results in treating Rheumatism. Be ing a puruly vegetable blood remedy, it purifies the blood of every Rerm, and thus removes the eause of Rheu matism. Get a bottle to-day at your drugstore, and start cn the right treatment that will Ret results. Free advice about your case can be had by writing to Medical Director, 26 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Pretty soon you will be reaching for '.he liniment bottle again, for the mil'xus of little pain demons that cau Rheumatism are on the war pat a. Winter weather seems to awak en them to renewed fury. But your Rheumatism cannot be ru.'bcd away, liniments and lotions cannot reach the disease. It is in the blood, and only a' remedy that goes deep down into the circula- classes will present words by Merrill D. Oliling. The writer of words for the sophomore clasg was too timid to have his or her name in print, bnt not so with the freshmen, as the words for their sung were composed by Lorclie B:atchford. Tho musician for ithe seniors is Ve- nita McKinney and for the juniors Prcla t'am.ibell. The sophomore music hn ibeen written by Evelyn Delng and for tho freshman class, by Mabel Stanford. As all musicians know, it is generally tho music of a song that mnkes it popular. WillaWtte university is the only col lozo on tho coast which has an annual uvo chosen words writ-1 fwslminn irlec. It is from itheso aonirs that material is obtained for the annu al eollego aong bonk. The public is invited to avail itself of this opportunity to hear what can bo done by students of the university iu -the way of writing music and words In awarding tho pennant, a special com mitteo will puss on the words and an other of prominent musicians on the worth of the songs from a musician's :landpcint.r' 1 , Tho university announces that the program will begin promptly ut 8 o'ciock ithig evening' and there will be no admittance charge. They also compete' in words for the songs end this gives the evening's pro gram a special interest ss thrro is the opportunity of not only hearing tho musi cof possibly future musicians, but Portland persons who were granted pensions last week are T. W. Johnson. 20; Mary R. Perry, $25, and Mary A. Morton, f-.). w 9 9 9 --i Tfrw- MtTttttttMtttH TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTttt HHgjHpHSHi tLSaite SMHfffffffffffiH :ttu:::::rt:::nt:::::::i:iitiiimrtmfft uuuiuuuiuuu; tntntuntl " ' hi . SHBHHlH --4 i -"""-Os." ..jL- s !- - a JS .r'-' rf ' 1 Bt I ---- a) .,-. --.u..-.,.-.,-,..l... 'i ' J v STH4 J Ml Yd.. lxzmsr ' . Y JLi- Im -M-M 'miiissj 11 sfflirwi iiiiiiini iimiiumiii mi m iiMMi-BMaarMJimajtaxMMmJf ft fffM, - ::::::n:n:::::n::n:::::::::!iirrrrrrrrrrrrrrw ------ ---- t --- t a A Gentleman's Stylish Spring Shoes The Shoemaker's Trisnsh The Willamct'te nniveridty freshmari glee will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in the armory. This promises to be an event of interest and the public is most cordially invited to attend. The program consists of the followign num bers: Violin solo, "Mazurka" Meynarski Leila Ruby Senior song, "Cardinal and Gold" Words by Homer Tasket Musie by VcnMa McKinney Junior song, "The Spirit of Willam ette" Words by Merrill Ohling Music by Freda Onmpbell Reading, "Mr. Algernon Jones" Gene Sevy Sophomore song, "Willamette Here's to You" Music by Evelyn DoLong . Freshman song, "Hail Willamette" Words by Loreli Blatchford r Musie by Mabel Stanford Cello solo, "Berceuse from Jocclyn" Professor John R. Sites Presentation of the pennant Professor J. T. Matthews. j Mr. and Mrs. le Cridcr, prominent residents of Dallas, were Salem visit-" ors yesterday. . a a Mrs. W. A. Denton presented a num ber of pupile in a piano recital last Saturilay afternoon. The program was, as usual, heartily received by the au dience of mothers. These recitals arc looked forward to by those who are privileged to hear- them as the children ranaine from to 11 years, are win some and interesting and surprise their listeners with fhe aremarkaMe progress that i evinced from timo to time The closing "number, "Tho Star Spangled Banner" was played by Ar thur ir isber, 8 years old, wuue tne au dience and children stood. The pro gram follows: Ut 1's Try Spalding Dorothy TweedaJo Dandit March Rarth Henry W. Thiclson March Anthony Pixes Good Night ' Brown Ronald Craven May Zephers - Erb Peasants' Frolic ..- Gurlitt Virginia Bergcr Elfin Dance .'. Heins Beneitta Edwards Bohemian tiirl Balfe Bonner Marine Glover The Fire Flv d' To a Snowfiuko :. Shaefer Bunnies Ball Cramm Frances Martin Dixie Land - Wooer Harold dinger Fairy Whispers Krogmann .Tummncr How jjiorns Helen inoy Two liittle Frogirics Cramm Daneo of Spring ..- -rrani Marzarct ilenner Giants B Rovena Eyre lnish Serenade : Loeb-tvans To a Humming Bird - Virgil Bthclwynne Kelly Spinning Song Ellmenrcich Helen Ashelraaa. Annie Laurie - Weber Star Spangled Banner Weber Arthur Fisher The Symphony orchestra concert at the orjera house "was well attended con sidering the other special attractions that tho various amusement houses of the city were offering. Professor Bites is to be complimented on the success of his undertaking. a The Elk will he nodnsors for an in formal dance this evening, to which owinir to limited floor apace, only mem bers of the lodge and their ladies are invited. Finish InTCStigutisn Of Wreck Of Princess Sophia Juneau. Alaska, Feb. S8. (By mail) The investigation cf the wreck of tho Princess Sophia was completed to day by Justice Morrison and his nau tical advisers. The justice has been 'generally com mended for the manner in which he di rected the probe. The findings of the court will not be announced for some time. uousewora wita ease, ianlae did me a world of good more than all the oiher medicine I have taken put together." Tanlac is sold in Hubbard by jlub bard Drug Co., in Mt. AngoLJjj jJen Gooch, iu Gervaig by John Kelly, in Turner by H. P. Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman H. Storey, in Salem by Dr. A. C. Stone, in Silverton by lieo. A. Steclhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P. MeCnrdy, in Stayton by C. A. Beau ehamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Store Co., Inc., in Donald by M. W. Johnson and in Jefferson by Foshay & kason. Quinine That Does Not Affect Head Because of its tonic and laxative ef fect LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ru g ing in tho head. There is only one "Bn mo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signa ture on tho box. 30c. -1 :-'"-CS4 j aaBaaaiir " ' , . i i The Well Dressed Woman WEARING the proper model in the right kind of a corset gives one the feeling of being well dressed, but the eorset t must fit. To get a really good fitting J corset the services of our ex- pert corsetiere are at your dis- posal. " . One of our makes in partic- ular, the . IfloDufRT oasETS PrrontLaoed I gives most excellent results. It is a corset that will bring out style and improve the general figure lines. It is comfortable and durable. You will make no mistake in ar ranging for a trial fitting at your conven- I f if K ience. i U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 N. Liberty St. THE RISE OF A JEWISH EMPIRE IN PALESTINE W. A. Baker, a lecturer of national reputation, will deliver an nddress on "The Rise of a Jewish Empire in Pal estine," at the Moose hall at 8 p. m. tonight. Mr. Baker represents tho In ternational Biblo Students' association, and his addresses have never failed to deeply iutercsfc his hearers. Ho pro vides many new viewpoints for reflec tion as well as an occasional appeal to their sense of humor. The subject on this occasion is cno which cannot fail to interest all students of history, and especially those who have noted its close association in biblical prophecy, with tho inauguration of a new order Salem, Ore. ,aMMM MM t MM MM MM 4MeMM velopments may be expected, in fact aro already taking place. Thir, lecture is, therefore, timely and will undoiMii edly attract a largo audience. Railroad Passenger Rates To Be Increased San Francisco, March 19. Starting April 1 railroad passenger rates will be increased to 3 cents a mile, according to announcement made by the office of tho United States railroad administration. Based on this schedule fare from tstn Francisco to Los Angeles will raise of things. When all civilized nation from $13.95 to $14.20, while from hero have felt that Palestine rightly be longs to the Jens, only now has its transference to them .been made pos sible by the allied victory. It is evi dently the intention of the British gov ernment that right nd justice and to Sacramento the new increase will be from $2.70 to $4 and $4.60 nceording to tho route. The faro from Portland will raise from the present rate of $20 to $22.51. Where fares havo been charged in ex- cleanliness shall reign in the land so cess of three cents & miUr tho rate will lately delivered out of the clutches of, be deccrased. Excursion rates will be the "unspeakable Turk.-' Oreut de-' discontinued. Sore Throat. Golds Quickly Relieved By Hamlin's Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a simple and effective treatment for sore throat and chest colds. Used as a gargle for sore throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one night. How often sprains, bruises, cuts and burns occur in every family, as well as little troubles like earache, toothache, cold sores, canker sores, stiff neck, and tired aching feet. Soothing, healing Wizard Oil will al ways bring quick relief. Get it from druggists for 30 cents.-' If not satisfied return the bottle and. get your money back. Ever constipated or have sicla headache? Just try Wizard Liver, Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30, cents. Guaranteed. . JOURNAL WANT ADS ?AYi Mothers A iffftt m ttttttttttttttttA very high grade chocolate kid, backed with thctttUUttttttr JJttttUSSUShighest grade lininga very important feature mtttttttttiitt& tttttttttttttttty shoe. Best oak soles welted. Workmanship.tttUttUttttttt t$tUtttU$t$$thoroughjy good. A pompous shoe at a very humble ttttttttttt 11111 :Sn2XnU:Price indeed Seven Dollars Eighty-Five Cents. lltnilllllllllf Pilot Bock will erect a memorial fountain and statue to be dedicated to the 137 goldier boys who enlisted from southern Umatilla county. W70THERS Wsl ReKice vour doctor's L ii bill by keeping ttlniaiM a lanvul The responsibility for a dauphter's future largely rests with the mother. The right influence and the Information which is of vital interest to the daughter imparted at the proper time has not only saved the life but insured the success of many a beautiful girL When a girl's thoughts become sluggish with head aches, dizziness, or a disposition to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs and a desire for solitude, her " mother should conio to her aid and remember that Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the system for the coming change and start this trying period in a young gUl s life without pain or irregu laritips. Thousands of woman residing in every wartof thelTnited States bear willinar testimony to the wonderful virtues of this medicine, and What it has done for their daughters. Brooklyn, N. T. " I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink. kara's Viv'ittible Compound en"neh for what it has done for tar daughter. H!ie was 15 years of art", very sickly ami pals and she had to stay home from school most of the time. Sho sintered Monies from bsckaclia and dizzum-a and was without appetite. For 3 months she was under the doctor's ore and got no bettor, always comnlninimr about her Xwk and side aching so 1 did not know what to do. I read In the papers about ?'our wonderful medicine so I uiade up my mind to try t. She has taken five bottles of Lydia E. I'bikham's VegotablB Compound and doesn't complain any more with her bark and side aching. She lias (rained in weiflit and feels much bettor. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to all mothers and daughters." Kirs. M. Finoaa. CIS iiarcy Avenue, Brouklju, N.Y. Lifciia E Veg'etabl ""f'l'. ' "" " 1 " 11 1!"'-" '- wi,iw waa)mM,mg dvice wur.'id L nnlmams. H f A T"w1 ?0UR BODYGUARD" - 30 fcGOfaC 1 1 1