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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPTTAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 1:1, 1919. PAGE THREE Bi DONEY PiilEES VARIOUS PHASFS OF FRENCH LIFE Ifl TAlfi Left Pleasant Impression Of ' Sisler Nation Vith Good Sized Audience. It only required sixty two and a half minutes for Dr. Douey to meander thru five centuries of 'French history, stop ping here and thoro to throw up a char eoal sketch of French whimsicalities or to make a pathological analysis of n eruption on the national cuticle. Hap pily ho avoided any excursions into the catacombs of French morality where , a flashlight would bo necessary, and he succeeded in leaving with his hear 6ts a pleasant impression of the nation 'which he has come to admire with all its shortcomings. The auditorium of the public library was well filled last night, notwithstand ing a large attraction elsewhere, and they enjoyed the discussion of French life the more because it was a ramble rather than a dissertation. He wont to France with high anticipations; he was met with surprises, an occasional dis appointment and some real discorev ics, for the Franco of today is a land of strange ways and customs, of check ered climatic conditions, and peculiar social stratification. Withal it is a land of beauty and of historie romance; a realm whoso racial characteristics can be exactly estimated by the kaliedo scapic changes in its form of govern ment. Don't Enow Real France The average American docs not know . France at all. Ho eccg Paris and as sumes that he has seen all that is worth while in France, Dr. Doney took mencal snapshots of every typo of Frenchman, from the salon to the hedgerow, and from the ensemble has discovered why a race that repudiated the Christian sabbath and undertook to dethrone Omnipotence, has survived Titter moral decay and disintegration. Ho has found in the huge tourgoise class and in oven the plodding, stolid peasantry, staunch, unquenchable qual ities Uiai mane t-r s.uoility in inmilv, social and ' industrial life, The bril lii.ucy and ctiei vewence anil ,a large . share of tie immorality of the race is witn the two upper classes the aristoc racy and the artist class. Finds Artistic Trend Ono feature of French character was every where evident to the. traveler; he found, the artistic trend of the Freneh mind cropping out in all condi tions; the (French ponu wowld sit sketch ing at the front almost under shell fire; the peasant woman would ex change a vegetable for a flower; the half Btarved shop girl would scant her lunch for a bit of ribbon; the house wife would brighten a pitiable meal .with m touch of daintiness. While. Dr7 Doney found the peasant class, dull, stolid, overworked, they were no more illiterate than tho same class in-America and England. The national culture is upheld by sixteen great universities, a hundred hign 'giade normal schools, and innumer able lesser institutions. Taken in the large, he ifound "La Belle France" very much to bo admired and respect ed ,although confessedly suffering from too "much indulgence in her own wines. . DESPONDENT WOMEN A prominent writer claims that "women are naturally 'despondent," but often mental depression may bo a.) tributed to an n'bnormal condition of tho system,, which expresses itself in nervousness, backache, headaches, sleeplessness, and consequent despond "eney. Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound goes to the- root of this trou ble ,it gives tone and strength to the system and restores women to a nor mal, healthy condition. . NO BOLSHEVISM IN OBEGON if . It - filifii a .pi mm 1 (-'HP- i ffii mm1-1 khh I It mkv Portland, Or., Mar. 13. TheTe will ibo no spread of bolshevism in Ore) ' gon according to Colonel John h. May, because The Third Oregon is homel "The Third Oregon is here and it 'a on the job," said Colonel May. "We took the oath of allegiance to the Unit ed States and pledged to support it against all its enemies and that applies in civil as well as military life." f . I A Stubborn Cough X - Loosens Right Up T TiiU homr-mndfl rfmfdr In a wonder 7 quirk rroults. Kiuily and X dieaply made. Here is a home-made syrup which mil . lions of people have found to be the most dependable means of breaking up stub born coughs. It is cheap and simple, but ery prompt in action. Under its heal ing, soothing inlluence, chest soreness (roes, phlegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep. The usual throat and chest colds are-con-, quered by it in 24 hours or less. Noth ing better for bronchitis, hoarseness, ' croup, whooping cough, bronchial asthma . pr winter coughs. To make this snlendid com ph. sttud. pour 2V4 ounces of Pinex into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup and snake thoroughly. If yon prefer, use clari fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, ' you get a full pint a family supply of much better cough svrup than you - could boy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and cliil- - dren love its pleasant taste. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway ' pine extract, known the world over for its prompt healing effect upon the mem branes. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2' ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co, Ft Wayne, lad. fXi v (e) J INS 1 t A H At Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store rmay ana oaturaav, marci Fresh f rom'the hands of expert designers and tailors come hundreds of new models, faithfully interpreting in the minnutest details the styles, materials and new colors that have won first place in the world of fashion. It would be hard indeed to imagine a more complete showing of decidedly stylish Women's apparel including new Spring Suits, Coats, Capes, Dolmans, Skirts, Waists, Millinery and Dresses, or to assemble garments of quality that would give greater satisfaction. Yet in spite of their excel lent qualities and expert tailoring their prices are very moderate. But you must really see the new arrivals to fully appreciate their many charms. Therefore you're cordially invited to come and personally inspect the new models, and try on as many of the gar ments as you desire. Experienced saleswomen will gladly assist you and you'll not be obligated." ' . J -1 .Via, A, New Spring Suits The new Spring Suits for Young Ladies and Women are delightful to look upon, with all their new features of bright vests, . brass or silver-like buttons, lovely em broidery, loose-back panels, etc. With all this, fine workmanship is not neglected. On the contrary, the suits, are better made than ever. The new lines are most re freshing after several seasons without any radical change. This season marks a new era in women's suits, and every woman owes it to her education to see these advance styles now shown at Salem's greatest and only exclusive Women's ap parel store. The ney suits are specially priced at from $19.75 to $65.50 Coats and Capes Are charmingly different and more in teresting than they have been in many seasons. Som'e take the form of coats, some of capes and some of both. These last are called dolmans, and they have the grace of a cape and' their loose sleeves give the comfort of a coat. Sport coats, too, are beginning to ap pear. , . , Materials seem to include most every thing from rough tweeds, durable serges and Poiret twills to soft dovetyn, silver tone, bolivia, crystal cloth and velour. Ranging in price from $15.00 up to $75.00 fm New Spring Dresses $12.75 To $55.00 S nisi 'W fry Every woman interested in tho now fashions will want ce these attractive dresses. Styles were never so charm ing and thore is a wide diversity in modes of trimming. In i&t. ffif SA to see these attractive dresses. Styles were never so charm- this splendid showing are new dresses of taffeta in the leading colors also dresses of satin, crepe de chine, geog- a ctte crepe, tricotine, serge and jersey. New Spring Sweaters $3.75 to $15.00 " New silk sweaters, also knit worsted coat sweaters in abundance for spring wear, some have sashes, others aro belted at waist line. Many are made with roll and con vertible collars; prevailing colors and all sizes now in stock and ready for your inspection. The woman who purchase)1 one or more of them will rejoice in their practicability and beauty. Dolman Or Not Damo Fashion says ' Dolman" so dolman it is. Thoro is no use in quibbling about the matter.- Ihjlumn is now tho season's most popular garment, it appears gracefully fashioned in velour, silvcrtone, tricotine and serges, lined with plain or fancy silks, prevailing colors including navy, tan, Coppen, blue, henna, brown, etc. Some are simply mado trimmed with buttons and military braid. Banging in price $24.50 up to $57.50 i 'rlHWS I' v JflJ.K i- iwlll. mm New Spring Milnery , TRIMMED HATS $2.75 TO $17.50 Every one fresh, shining and' radiating Spring Thero are close fitting little toques in the glowing benna shade, overseas blue, greens, browns, etc. Piping straws,- rough, smooth and shiny straw hats, also combinations of straws and Georgette, flower trimmed,- fruit and ribbons, clever, hats of lisero in the smartest shapes and newest styles and colors, but you II have to see these hats to appreciate the values. Your Inspection Invited ' You must really see the new suits, capes, coats, waists, hats and dresses ta fully appreciate their many charms. You are invited to come and try on as many of the garments as you desire. Experienced saleswomen will gladly wait on you and we are confident the styles and values offered will appeal to you. Old White Corner Building Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store T. Dainty New Waists Including Lingoro, (Jrcpo do Chine asd Georgette in ull tho wanted shades for spring. Many of the new models are beaded end embroidered or trimmed with pretty laces and tucks, round, square or V shape necks, some in distinc tive new colors, such as henna overseas blues, and Liber ty rod, also white flesh, maize, Copen, etc., in a com plete lino of sizes. Spring Skirts, $3.95 To $18.50 Fashion strongly favors the separate skirt for the Coming season and hero you will find the advance models that show tho stylo tendencies. ypkk rmmfm " . M-'r4,s5-riS--- "'s; V? Cl , !W O fe W U l' UWlUVf till Mi I 7 V I .-'- -' ' ET," . Mir ' '" ''- ' 1 If"' ' "V " " r i If -"! fi" til mm::,; II 'U tit I mm jg-'" - V 4 FN H VllatdWI'sli