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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. paul rwo HIIMMI I! a it i m it A The Farmers' Store of Macaroni, 3 pounds Rice, 3 pounds White beans, 3 pounds Large size Armours and milk, can . English walnuts, pound 30c Cabbage,' per pound 4c Spuds, per lb. 2c; per 100 lbs $1.50 Onion sets, small, 2 lbs 25c Selected onions, per pound 4c Onion sets, large,' per pound 10c EGGS, PER DOZEN,Tj5c BUY YOUR WATER GLASS HERE FOR 30c PER QUART. THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO GET EGGS FOR STORING AS THEY ARE AT THEIR BEST THIS TIME OF YEAR A. W, 270 N. Commercial St. LEADER OF SINN (Ooutinucd from pago ono) rest was this war only as were othor wars was it for your puny ambitions that humanity has endured the horrors of the past five years and the entail of Borrows tliey have boqueathod to the future. I do not know whother the tatesmon at Paris will prove worthy of the trust or whother they will be great enough to grasp the opportunity that requires so little to improve it and found firmly now those relations! foatwocn peoples on a baslg worthy of our common humanity. One Source of Hope. . Tl... 1. 1- 1 ... '. , . ' , - .T5; T 7i. , TP, mios f tn"t eRU han those who were ino-w that at Paris there 1. at least th ,,t ,atol t M -ono man who apparently roalizea his 6 .' lr duty and who can accomplish what he Shouldn't Oppose Him. wills if he only remains steadfastly de-, Why should any of the statesman la termined and true. Tho Michiavollis Paris cvon. soek to oppose Prcaiaont may scoff at hint, Let him but be bold Wilson in having the cause of justice enough to lead straight on and that : uphold Havo tlioir statements not respectable portion of mankind, boon almost as explicit as MM Mave plain peoplo, whose spokesman he litis they . not viod with one another pro been and whoso hoarts he has won, chuininir that the Titrhts of the weak will be ready to inarch with him t0 the realisation of thoir common dream. Why should he hesitate to aee that America's alrps be accomplished! Were thoso aims not statod equivocally from the start! Is the cause loss worthy now that triumph is iu sight. Are those who oppose it now loss the ene- IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Kidney dlseaae Is no respecter of per sons. A majority of the ills afliictins; people today can be traced back to the kidney trouble. The kidneys are the most Important organs of the body. Tin1 are the fil terers of your blood. If the poisons liioh are swept irora the tissues by the tiloud are nut eliminated throuith the kidneys, disease one form or another will claim you as a victim. Kidney disease Is usually indicated by weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble, psin to loins and lower abdomen, fall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. & All these derangements are nature's Spring Millinery In our usual large assortment of new spring millin ery, we are showing an exceptionally large assort ment of Rough Straw, Pineapple Braid Shapes and Hats In all the popular shades and styles. Prices range From $2.50 to $5.00 As soon as the Weather Clears there will be a big rush for these new straws and shapes. Don't wait for the Crowd, Get ahead of it, We can give you better service now. ROSIN & 6REENBAUM r 4 0 North Commercial St. Few Prices Groceries .25c 25c .25c Libby's 15c Preferred stock clam chowder, 2 pound can .....30c Nice line canned soups . ..15c No. 5 Compound $1.20 Peanut Butter in bulk, 2 lbs 35c Vegetables iran Phone 721 Heel Skin Dcsccscs It i3 unnecessary for you to Buffer witheczema,blotches,rmrworm,rasiie3 and similar skin troubles. Zemo, ob tained at any drug Btore for 35c, or $1.00 forcxtra largo bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes tho skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating; disappearing liquid and is soothing to tho most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today ar.d savo all further distress. The E. W, Rose Co., Cleveland, O.' are no less worthy than rights of the strong! How can any of them claim tho privilege of condoning wrongs! Should they attempt to do so, President Wilson should boldly save them from thomsolvos. Wrong is no loss wrong because it happens to be one of their own number that it guilty. If Pros- Biennis that tbs kidneys need help. You should use OOM) MEDAL Hnnr li'm Oil Cssules immediately. The soothing, healing oil stimulates the kidneys, relieves inflammation and de stroys the germs which hare caused it Go to your druggist today and get a box of GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil -Capsules. Iu twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning. After. you feul somewhat improved continue1 to take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep the first-class condition and ward off he danger of other attacks. Ask for the original u,Krted GOLD MEDAL brand. Three sizes. Money re funded if they do cot help Jou. . Salen At Quality Salem, Ore. ident Wilson should by any chance prove too weak for his trust ho will have all the loss excuse because luckily America is strong enough not to allow herself to be cheated. She at any rate has no need to tremblo when the Brit ish lion, growls his intimid warnings to those who might disturb him at his prey. I cannot believe that the presi dent will bo weak or will allow him self to bo deterred from cutting away a yicioug canker at the core of the new world ordor by tho conventional dip lomatic niceties that belonged to the ordor which the blood of millions was shed to destroy. But whether Ireland will be heard or not whether the statesmen at l'nris will stand forth as the most conspicu ous failures in history or sot, tho duty of Irishmen and the duty of all lovers of liberty is clear. The duty is to sec that oversight cannot be pleaded as an excuse. Tries to Blind Ireland. England tries to bind and gag Ire land, to throw her into obscurity as of a dungeon. It is our dutv to support all who lend a hand at loosening her. We must strive at least to let in tho purifying light to show Ireland as she is, struggling ever .against the slavery in which Kngland would confine her, fighting through centuries, maintaining in blood and tears communion with all fight for liberty everywhere battling for it as she ever has with tho foe upon her own hearth at homo. Ireland seeks nothing from England but the removal of England's interfer ing hand. Her only demand is for the f roedom and right to live her own life in hor own way with no limitations except thoso imposed by the necessity of re specting the equal rights of other peo ples. CHILDREN BTJEN TO DEATH Seattle, Wash., Mar. 13 While their mother, Mrs. 'Lee J. Barry, was ab sent from the house for a fow minutes to visit a nearby store, James Wilbur Harry, 5, and Lee J. Berry, Jr. 4, were burned to death in their home hero late yesterday afternoon. Noighbors and city firemen who at tempted to force their way into the burning building In an effort to rescue tho children were beaten back Iby the intense heat and smoke. The parents aro at neighboring homo prostrated over the death of the children. RLS! THICKEN AND AND STWANDRUFF Try This! Your Hair Gets Wavy, Glossy And Abun dant At Once. To 'be possessed of a bead of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff :s nieae ly a matter of using a little Dande-rine. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just got a small bottlo of Knowlton's Dandor ine now for a few cents all drug gtorei recommend Itapply a little as direct ed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, fresh ness, fluffiness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you ill i yon cannot find a traco of daiidmff o falling hair; but your rea? surprise will be after about two weeks' use, whoa you will see new hair fine and downy i at first yea but really new hair sprouting out all over your acalp Daa- aerine is, we believe, tho only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and enre for itchy sialp and it over fails to Stop falling hair at once. If you want to provo how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a lloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw jt through your hair taking one mall strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. 1 Society . 1 SA? - ??S I T ia with keen regret that a host of Salem friends are lamenting the departure of Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, who left for Los Angele today to re side permanently. Mrs. Sutherland has made her home in Salem for many years and happily endowed with the gift of friendship to a marked degree, has endeared herself to a multitude of acquaintances both in the Capital city and Portland, who feel in her going a loss not easily to be recompensed. Previous to. her departure and since the death of Mr. Sutherland a fow months ago, Mrs. Sutherland has spent much of her time in Portland visiting her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. IN, V. Sutherland. Vpoa her arrival in Los Angeles she will make her home for the immediate present with her daughter, Mrs. 8. i. Sehaefer, whose guest she has been on frequent sojourns in southern Califor nia, . Out standing among a featurcful record of interesting club events, the 'March meeting of the North Salem Wo man's club for which Mrs. F. L. Pur vine wag hostess yesterday at her res idence on Fifth street, wa marked by an unusually large attendance of mem 'bers and a number of outside guests. !A diversified and highly interesting iprogram was enjoyed, which featured an address by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, about her experience while on the Mexican border last sum- Yner. Miss Marvin volunteered her ser vices to .the American Traveling Li brary association for a period of sev eral months during which time sue gave freely and without recompense of her knowledge and valuable experience in library work, in the distribution of HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Upena Air Passages Kight Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up) the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. , Ho more hawking, snui- fling, blowing, headache, dryness. Ho your struggling for breath at night; cold or catarrh disappears. Get a email bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief cornea in stantly. - It's just fln. Don't stay stuffed-US with cold or" nasty catarrh, Institute of Music To Open in Salem The West Coast Institute of Music, with headquarters, 287 Washington street, Portland, and branches in other cities, will further extend their Insti tutes by opening up a thoroughly equip ped branch in Salem, in the Masonic building, for adult students and chil dren. The people of Salem are to be congratulated on having an Institute of such merit come fo this city, a'he same opportunities will be offered to students here, as are given in the larg er cities. Departments will be installed for Voico Culture, Piano. Violin, Mando lin, Hawaiian or Steel Guitar, Theory Harmony, Technique and all Band in struments. Private personal instruc tion will be given in all branches, with an expert competent teacher in charge of every department. A special method for beginnors will be introduced for tho first time in Sa lem, which has been endorsed by some of the foremost leading musicians in the country and which has proven a complete success. There will bo departments- for those who wish to take up teaching, as a profession, as well as for advanced students and beginners. Recitals "at homes" will be given for tho purpose of preparing pupils for concert and platform work. The Main Institute in Portland ha an enrollment of over 300 pupils which makes it the largest of any musical institute on the western coast. Tho strongest proof of tho real vahio of any eonrsa of instruction is tho personal pijnion of thojj who have given it a thorough test. The reports from the Portland prams are to the effect that they are making wonderful progress with their stunies. These of course are only a few of the many strong endorsements that have Lbeen given oat. To organise and get -started quickly, a special scholarship rate will be of fered to a limited number of pupils who enroll. Tho regular $ 5 scholar ship consisting of seven and ono half months' tuition, will bo given at half price, payable on time paying basis covering a period of half a year. It will behove those who are interest led to act quickly and take advantage j of an opportunity to receive a mimical education at such a nominal cost. The regular cost of tuition will go into ef- Ifeet a little later on. Both beginners and advanced pupils will be accepted, with special departments for children. Representatives of the Institute are now in the city, and the enrolling of pupils will begin at once. Teaching in all departments will begin on or about April 1st. The studios are located suites 304-305 Masonic Temple build iug, where applications will be re ceived. Those wishing to take advant age of the special half rate tuition, are kindly requested to make their appli cation at once. boosts and reading matter to the in valided and wounded soldiers iu hospit als along tho border. Many of the cav alry men, especially, were receiving hospital care at Ft Bliss, and their eagerness for things readable would have been fairly pitiful, had there not been such a gratifying supply of books donated and shipped in from all over the country. The tuberculosis patients and the nurses also were potent fac tors in keeping the circulation of books on the constant move. Following the conclusion of Miss Marvin's informational talk, a group, of pleasing musical numbers were giv en among which wero two instrumental solos, "Valse Abaresque' (T. Lach) and "A La Bien Aimee," (Edward tchutt) played by Miss Helen Simcs. ssupenntenaent John v. Todd gave two stirring vocal numbers, "Promise (XLife" and "The Americans Come," accompanied by Miss Gretchen Brown Miss Marion Emmons pleased her au .dience with a violin selection, "Ma- rzurka" by Tehrer. Miss Bertha Viek ias her accompanist. A violin number, "Sweet Bells of Peace" was played by Paul Purvine who followed with an enfore, "Laddie in Khaki," accom panied by Miss Simes. The rooms were beautifully decked 'with the golden daffodils and white hyaeinths. Delicate refreshments were served later by Miss Freda Young and (Miss Lora Purvine. The members of the North Salem club will meet next' month with Mrs. : 'Merle Prunk. Another distinctive pro 'gram is assured in the promise of a group of Indian pantomime numbers to be given by Mrs Oscar Gingrich, who is attaining such individual and envi able recognition as an interpreter or Indian songs and dances. Mrs. J. S. Hutchason and Mrs. Ed ward Sc'hunke wero admitted into the club as ncwnembcrs. The guests at the meeting yesterday numbered Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Adley Gregg, Mrs. Straussbau'gh, Mrs. George Stoddard. Mrs. E. Y. Young, Miss Fre da Young. The annual election of officers of the Parent-Teacher association of the Lincoln junior high school wag held yesterday at the regular monthly meet ing of the association held at the school. Those placed in office for the succeeding year weTe Mrs. J. W. Har bison, president; Mrs. Florian Von Eschen, first vice president; Mrs. C. W. Elgin, second vice president; Mrs. Mason 'Bishop, secretary; Miss Mar garet Power, treasurer. An entertaining program was pre sented by the pupils of the lower grades a colonial tea party and George 'Washington play being ..the main features of the entertainment. Later a most interesting talk was giv en by GeoTgo Halvorsen, concerning different phases of his Y. M. C. A. work in France. The next meeting of tho Parent-Teacher association will be held the second Tuesday in April. One of the most enjoyable St. Fat rick 's affairs of the week is anticipat ed by tho members of the Sweet Briar cduib, who with their husbands will participate in. a jolly gathering tomor row evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James lmlah on the Wallace Boad According to club custom the members hold open evening meetings occasion ally throughout tho year, when the men of the community are made wel come, and club hospitality is dispensed in most delightful fashion. Tho party tomorrow night will be the first eve ning meeting of the year, owing to the earlier postponement of all neighbor hood social affairs during tho influen za (ban. Mrs. Stacy Reeves, of Astoria and son, Stacy Beeves Jr. are in Salem as the guests of Mrs. Lloyd Kamsden a sister of Mrs. Beeves. " The annual open meeting of the Wo men's Missionary society of the First Esiptist church which is to be given in the form of a birthday party will be held at the church tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. A pleasing program has been planned and all members of the congregation are invited. Colds Cause Grip and 'Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab- lots remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES signature on the box. 30c. A medal, the size of a half dollar and made from captured German can non, is to fo? awarded each worker in the forthcoming victory loan campaign. N'T WITH NEURALGIA Use Soothing Musterole When those sharp pains ga shooting through your head, when your skull seem as if it would split, just rub a ittle Musterole on your temples and jeck. It draws out the mflammation. soothes away the pain, usually giving1 quick relief, j Musterole is a clean, white ointment, ! made with oil of mustard. Better than a '. mustard plaster and does not blister, j Many doctors and nurses frankly rer oxmeid Musterole for sere throat, bron-1 chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neural gia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or cints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted f jet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). It 30c and 60c jars; hospital sire $2.50, Her First Corset The young girl's first cor set is a matter of consider able importance that moth ers are beginning to realize. -.-There has been an all too' prevalent opinion that any kind of a corset was good enough for the first one, but little girls will grow into big girls, and while they are do ing so their figures are greatly influenced by the corset they are wearing. The foundation of her fu ture figure begins with her first corset. The growing figure has a natural tendency to mold it self to the lines of the cor set. The corset, therefore, is responsible for a beautiful figure or a bad one, fCJ Firorvt Laced are recognized the country over for their perfec tion of design. An ideal MODART model for the growing figure or slender woman is one that is bon ed lightly and carefully to do away with any undue pressure. , , When properly fitted, as it is by our expert corset iere service, a MODART is support without re strainta healthful corset . ! i a; U uMiii U. G. SHIPLEY CO. 145-147 N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. THE' EASIEST WAY . ; TO END DANDRUFF There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This destroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of' plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rulb it in goatly with the finger Hps. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolvo and entiroly destroy every sin gle sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will bo fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can got liquid arvon at nny drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounc es is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fa;l. When you buy a shotgun to get that chicken hawk, make sure it's a Rem ington. The big Portland cement plant at San Juan, Cal., was destroyed by fire Sunday night, entailing a loss of $250, 000. Three soldiers sentenced tii death at Camp (Funnton for refusing to obey or ders have been restored to duty by President Wilson.. At a meeting of the National Wo man's party iu INew York Monday, President Wilson, was denounced for "inaction" in regard to woman suf frage. President Oarranwi of Mexico has de clined to send representatives to a con ference called at New York to discuss affairs of mutual interest to the Unit ed States and Mexico. GrowWbeat in Western Canada One Crop Oiler Pays for the Land i li-Lr.'AivuiiaiiLi'iiiiniriiiiiiiuiiiiiiVAViiiii. Western Canada offers the greatest advantages to home seekers. Large promt are assured. You can buy on easy payment termSi land similar to that which through many yeart o j w nuuuicusoi (an aria Bind a ln l V,H ua, iaiva iucwui vi i ana ana proauction. ineuwwu ments of the Dominion and Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta want the farmer in nronr. anil M..:ku SiaIm t M a tM a A w cm varuwing ana OIOCK K3ISing.rr Thoueh Western Ciinul trices of grain, cattle, abeep and bogs will I.w; .S.uL3"iPUTCnas5 "V". "ay , ....u, iuw uuiuiiuu vikhh; tWKl rx'ww num. te., ppl to hunt, of Imnuanliaa, Ottawa, Ua, imw, wr, in ana raw spo&aoa. Hash. OmmmHmi C iTOiMMt Agent. I'"' X ATARRH For head or throat Catarrh try the vapor treatment t7 x? VICKS VAPOR! 'YOUR flODYGUARD"- 30f. 60. fSenator Spencer of Missouri, one oB I he 39 sonators who signed Senator Lodge's resolution opposing the league of nations, now declares lie is "heai and soul in favor of the league." Fresh Fruit Desserts 2c Jiffy-Jell desserts, rich and fruity, cost but 2 cents per serving. Each package contains a vial of fruit essence, made from condensed fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this flavor, and you have a fresh-fruit dainty. Compare Jiffy-Jell with the old-style quick gela tine desserts. You will find it five times better, yet it costs no more. Millions now enjoy it. 10 Flaoort, at Your Grocer' 2 Package! for 23 Cent " ma has averaged from 20 to 45 cases are on record wnere in newcm v jj i . . m. - V naiui cuwuiavviucut cum " 1 ff . remain. nad at low Interest; on imDTfwememsr. mm iamtmsdmMMam wmuacw.