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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1919)
SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1919. PAGE TEN DailaHol Journal ,wtmm4 j ; C' I All Around ToYn j X tcvn X We have a fine assortment of 1ECII6S 9 Waists There is a good range of colors such as Black, White, Navy, Brown, Tan, Maize, Flesh, Apricot, Grays, Blues, etc. Then you will find sizes running all the way from 36 to 52. The materials are the best for the money that you will find, being in Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chine, China Silk and Voiles. SILK WAISTS....$1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98,v$5.90, $6.90 VOILE WAISTS 98c, $1.49, $1.98, and $2.98 We can supply your wants in MATERIALS FOR WAISTS In solid Colors. Figures and Stripes at 25c, 35c, 49c, 69c, $1.69, $1.79 and $1.98 5 ip. jmpfimi ijpo? X YIIQ MUST MAKE A RETURN OF INCOME? Every corporation; Every Partnership; Every married person with net income of $2,000 ; Every single person with net income of $1,000; Whether or not he is head of a house. Our income tax department is at your service. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H. Albert, President. Jos. II. Albert, Cashier DAVID LOONEY GETS OLD STAGE EOAD PAVED ; . Rixty aix years ago David H. Loon ry's father took up tho ranch whoro Mr. Loonoy now livs and on which ho raises blooded cattle. The road which passes tlio Loonoy farm was used as a Ibro toad for tho stages operated by Henr? Corbet t, later a United Ntntes senator and a leading finanelor of Oro gun. Mr. Looney, who is a formor member of tho Oregon state board of agriculture, went to the legislature as a representative of Marion comity in tho rocent session for tho sole purposo of (jotting that old Corbett atngo load paved. Mr, Looney "cut tho mustard" yestorday when the state highway com mission orderod seven miles of hardsnr facing north of Jefferson, whieh is whore Mr. I.oouey lives, and this im provement will pfv8 his ranch. He went homo last night fooling skookum. Oro-goulan. COMING EVENTS ' March 9 Christian Science lecture opera house, 3 p. m. March 11 B. W. Montague address before Six O'clock club, M. E. church. March 12 13 "Officer 666" at the opera house. Elks bene- fit. March 20 eJem Symphony concert, opera fceuM. Vrch 80. Tura elock for- ward of., hour, 2 o'clock . m. 1 OREGON . THEATRE NOW WALLACE EEID IN "THE DUB" Try Homo Baker for fine, pastry. 3-8 Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerce bldg, rooms 407,408. tf Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. will run auto trucks to Qhe-mawa dance Fri day night leaving Masonic Temple at 8:1 5p. Jn. 3-7 Charleg E. Archerd Implement Co. has some good White seed oat-a for sale. 3-8 E. G. G-ault, superintendent of agen cies for tho Metropolitan Lit'o Insur ance company, stopped off in the city yesterday for a brief visit with buper intendent Nicholson, of the local of fice. Mr. Gault covers the entire coun try west of the Rocky Mountains. Baby chicks, 541 Bute St. today tf Columbia river smelts in any quan tity, Fitts Market. t Wo buy liberty bonds, 314 Masonic i.lilg. , Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office 230 Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating S between here and Portland. We also make n PALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON 5 1 We buy produce of all kinds and with our transDor- 1 tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash j prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell 3 j your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. Try Home B"lBr for fine pastry. 3-8 Wood For Sale Four foot, slabs; prompt divery. Spaulding Log. Vo. 3-10 jagon. Lee M. E church, Dr. nurk- holder, a represents ivo of the Cente nary movement in the Portland area, will speak at the regular service hour on Sunday morning. He will bring us tho last word on the movement, nnd inspiration for the local campaign. A largo attendance is earnestly desired. Come and get acquainted with the movement. Evangelistic meetings tonight, Les lie Methodist church, Dr. A. Sterling Barnor preachcrj Paul Taylor singer. tf o Try Home Bakery bread, clean and holsum. 10U7 . Chemeketa. 3-8 Artificial tooth, have expert plate man, with over 31) years experience, at my office. )r. 1). X. Beechler, den tist, 302 U. S. iNatrBank bldg. tf Paul B. Taylor, lyric tenor of Log Angeles, arrived in the city today and is tho guest of the Rev. and Mrs. II. JN. Aldrieh. Ho will 'be heard in solos Sunday morning at the Leslie M. E. church and will have charge of tho chorus of the church during tho series of meetings soon to 'be held. Try Home Bakery bread, clean and holsum. 10U7 Chemeketa. 3-8 We tr.y liberty bonds. 311 Masonic! tldg. tf Economize, got your hats cleaned and ! blocked early to avoid th? rush, at old location, 493 Court St. C. B. Ellsworth, prop. ' 312 Dance, a real Jan Band, Cole Mc- Elrov ' at tho armory Friday night, March 14th. The Boy al Neighbors gve a dinner ThnrsdHv evening in their lodge rooms in the MdCornack building and cleared f!0. This sum will tbo handed over to tho War Mothers to aid them in put ting on a proper homecoming for the boys of Company M. Hrry McDaniel the famous Jars pi anist, just returned from war, will b featured with Cole McElroy's Jazz Band, armory Friday March 14th. I will sell the 8 room house at 1408 ('curt streot for fltSiil). Soo m. at once, an.Son will handle it. 0. W. Ln.fl.-ir. 405 406 Hubbard bldg. tf Dance tonight at armory 8 pm. Cola McElroy's Jazi Band, a real dance. Armory Friday March 14th. o Dance tonight at armory 8 p. m. o Rose pruning, begin Monday March 10 for one week only, prune roses and shrubs. Call 1394 or see at 211 Miller street. Maruny. o Lieutenant Paul Wallace bat receiv ed his discharge at Camp Dir, accord ing to letters received today by friend For the nert month or six' weeks he will visit friends and relatives in New York and Pennsylvania before return ing 'home. Amateur entertainers, singers, danc ers, musicians, and talent of all de scription for amateur night at Bligh theater. See Frank Bligh. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. TrwilUger, grad uate mortician and funeral directors, 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. o For Sale Massive quarter sawed oak bed, dresser and commode to match with coil spring and 40 lb. silk-floss mattress. Original cost $.loU, must .be seen to be appreciated. $100 takes it. Woodry's store, cor. iFerry and Li'berty o Dance tonight at armory 8 p. iu. -o In regard to the small pox cases at the Oregon state School for the Blind, it was stated from tho school today that there had been really only about ten serious cases but that all of theso were now on the Toad to recovery, About two weeks ago 50 or GO of .the school 'broke out with symptoms sug gestive of small pox but that all had bien vaccinated and were getting along all right. Overland, Briscoe and Chevrolet itcimrn nan iW.a their starter trou bles wim a specialist ana gei suni-iuc-tion. Autolite Service Station, 171 S. Commercial street. Auction gale at Fniitland Tuesday, March 11. 1 p. m. Miller estate. F. Ji. Woodry the auctioneer. Although the exact figure ha not been made known, it is estimated that the coming of the French band has placed with the War Mothers aoout $1500 to be used iii the several home coming events for returning memtbers of not only Company M but of others who may be in the city a -short time. It was through the generosity of the 70 loading men of the ity who con tributed $20 ach, paying the $1400 necessary to bring the baud hero, that the War Mothers '-realized this act amount. ',' Have you any furniture, rugs, heat ers or ranges to sell? If so, phone 510 or 51 1, Woodry tho auctioneer. o ' Buick owners can get their starters put in first class shape at 171 South Commercial St. Exido Service. Salem Farmer Cured of Cancer- Salem, Oregon. December 6, 1918. To Whom It May Concern: Thin U to certify that I had a cancer of my lower lip of three years standing which worried me greatly. I went to Dr. S. C. Stone (.Q.tnint TTo nnnlieri lid- uid for six days and then an oint ment, and m a few days tne can cer came out and the plte healed up nicely. This' wa3 last August, I can conscientiously recommend Dr. Stone and his treatment of cancer. W. J. BEOWN. Salem, Oregon. The above certificate was ten dered by Mr. Brfwn unsolicited in sppreciation of Dr. Stone's services. S. C STOHE. M. D. (Stone's Drug Store) 241 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon Phone 35. Consultation and Advice Free. RBlGSTOCKAUCTlONn y 1 Don't trade your used furniture for new. Sell it to Woodry for cash. Phone 510 or 511. Studebaker owners will be glad to know that they can -get thoir starter? repaired the way they should be at 17) South Commercial St o 1 Tomorrow eivonlnff: 7:.30 P. m will be the last service of the union reviv al meetings at the local United Man imlicnl nhnrc.h. tOottiilao near Center street, and Dt. C C Poling of Pitts burg, iPa., will give his final address on tho siw.iect " ino coming kiuk. Beginning Monday evening there will be held at the local Evangelical asso eintinn church. 17th and Chem-eketa street a Bible conference, in chargo nf Walfnr linff S.nteh-lrish evange list and international Bible teacher. At four o'clock thcro will be meetings for girls at the same chnroh, in charge of girl preachers. Everybody welcome. Good automobile mechanics are a rare es frost in the Willamette valley, but automoibile owners are now assur ed of first class work, as Tom Watts, expert mechanic, has opened the '.Lib erty Garage (next door to Pohle's lm plement house) at 244 S. Liberty St. Mr. Watts has engaged Earl Wood, the Ford specialist, for the light car de partmciit, so that no matter the make of car, skilled service is guaranteed. Notice Dr. Hartley will closa hi AVntal office March 15th, 1919. Phone 114 3-19 There really is something doing in real estate not only In Salem but in the farms not so far from Snlem.JJ. V. Socolofsky reports that during the past week he had made real estate sales tho total of which will amount to $49,925, and the sales were for cash. These in clude th? following: C. G. Nichols buys thovM. L. Wearing place; O. Hiilman md son buy the A. Winger place; Fred Selling becomes tho owner of the John Etter property; Mrs. Emelen Klassen buys part of tho Joseph Schotthoefer place; VV. II. Welch becomes the own er of the E. -0. Sicke property and A. B. Taylor of Astoria purchases tho J. B. Lewis place. And. the office of the county recorder is doing a bigger bus iness recording real estuio transfers than for any time during the past five years. o Salem's big dance tonight at armory 8 p. m. Best of music. No jazz. Salem first Attend Salem's M djance tonight t armory. All local people. Xo jaw. but real music. o Secrelary Baker and General March expect to ieave Washington Sunday for an inspection trip that will take them to the Pacific coast. (The Medical School dispensary at jtilwaukee, Wis., has been endowed with $1:3.1,000 by tho family of Cuda hy Brothers company, meat packers Going suddenly jnsame, L. F. Smith, a Tacoma, Wash , sailor on tho steamer Willamette, jumped overboard at San B'rancisco Tuesday and was drowned. No agreement has yet been reached between copper producers ard the war department as to the disposal of HO, 000,000 pounds of copper acquired by the government during the war. At Salem, Saturday, April 5 Phone roe what you have for. sale not later than March 25th, that it may be entered in the advertising F N .Wn dryJheAuctioneer Phone 510 or 511 iMi' imiiMliliiPii -V iIimY'i if imfli.iHli'f 'if ri '111- I ; --- AND ATTENTION TAKE NOTICE- m That you owe it to yourself and the parties you rep- rASpnt' tn P-ft. what vnnr rhatipls are worth. Then - -' - - - -" o - - j - 1 J place them in the hands of a competent salesman and J a man who knows values. My business is auction- eering only. I will sell for you on commission or will m buy you outright tor cash. FN W fifiDRYnie AUCTIONEER Phcne 510 or 511, Salem, Oregon. ;1 i '7T V,a-,,.T f .-I .'ill'y--,j,wy;y.V.i',, JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JUNK WANTED. . FULL VALUE PAID FOR . SECOND HAND GOODS AND JUNK. & Phone 493 337 Court St. CAPITAL EXCHANGE t If You Like Fish Buy a Box of Fresh Columbia River ELT . Canned in mustard, catsup or oil as sardines, herring and mackerel" are prepared. They are equally as good. Fine for lunches and at only a fraction of the price paid for sardines in cans. Put them in fruit jars now empty. May also be salted, pickled, smoked or canned. Booklet containing many recipes free on request. $1.50 PER BOX OF 50 POUNDS Now is the time to buy them. Quality is fine and price-is low. Delivered north of Mission. Shipped to outside points by express WARD K. RICHARDSON Phone your order Phone 494 2395 Front St L.M.HUM art of . ; Tick So Tosj : Chines Medieine ti Tea Oft Has medicine whieh will mm ' uiy know dlsete. G)yn Sundays from II a. m. 4 until 8 p. m. I 153 Booth High St. 4 hdlem, Orefom. Phona 189 ! OREGON TAXI AND TRANSFER CO Have added one 2-ton G. M. C. truch to their equipment and are now able to handle anything that conies along. Jc ik sic sic sc sk sjc 4 J sflc sic k sic t Wl! ABE NOW READY TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE SREET WELCH ELECRIO CO. ' v 'REMEMBER! I Do Sbe Repairing Come in and give me a i trial. That will convince 1 you, as it has others S that my work is satisfactory. N.BRUECK 163 S. Commercial I H I Hop wire and a31 kinds of hides. Before you sell See Us. Phone 398. 271 Chemeketa CAPITAL JUNK CO. tf The CAST Oeorg? C. I Snydor, Miss Olya Gray, Oscar B. Gingrich, Miss Florence Cart wright, Jaincn Mott, Mrs. Walter fcpnulding, Ben W. Olcott, Carl Hinges, E. Coeie Pfttton, Bunny M wring, A. L Fraser, Dsn Langenberg, Mayor C. E. Allin. P The Elks Announce Their Annual Play for 1919 J Grand Theatre, Wednesday-Thursday, March 12-13. er Ohm TP See Page 8 Today Journal Wm "Officer 666" The 1919 Elks play "Officer 606" will be produced under the direction of James Mott, who staged tho 118 Elks play, '"The Man From Home" and the 1917 Elks play 'Gct-Rich-Quiek-Wallingford."