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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1919)
ital Journal MONDAY EVENING" . March 3, 1919 . CHARLES H. FISUEB Editor tad Publisher uoYia age or. me Cap I IT Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon, Address All Communications To SALEM 136 S. Commercial St. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES n.!i. rw;0r n'r vr 5.00 Per Month- ... 5e Daily by Mail, per year- 3.00 Per Month.. 35e FULL LEASED WIKB TELEGRAPH REPORT FOREIGN EEPBESENTATIVES W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building Tie Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the oreh. If the carrier does not do this, mimes you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we ean dotermine whether or not the carriers aro following instructions. Phone Bl before 7:30 o'clock tnd a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the arrier has missed you. - LOYAL TO FRANCE. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL It the only newspaper in Balcm whose circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulations IRELAND AND AMERICA. There is no evading the fact that the latest appeal on behalf of Ireland meets with a less cordial response than of yore. Americans still love the Irish people and sym pathize with Ireland, but they are not so whole-hearted about it. The war has made a big difference. To some extent it has worked unfairly to the Irish, because the close relations into which we have been brought with the Brit ish has naturally given more of the British viewpoint, which is seldom charitable, even when it seeks to do some thing for Ireland's own good.' But the change seems to he Hup mostlv to the conduct of Ireland itself. Rightly or wrongly, there is a prevalent feeling in the United States today that the Irish people have not un derstood this war, have not grasped a rare opportunity to serve the cause of freedom on a world-scale, have been too tolerant of Prussianism, although it is the antithesis of all that Ireland really stands for, and have made tne task of Great Britain, and therefore of the Allies in gen eral far harder than it ought to have been. Whatever their motive, certainly the radical Irish leaders and their radical rank and file were unfortunately short-sighted in not preceiving that for once, England's war was their war mat ungiana was iignting desperate ly for the very things the Irish race has so long fought and yearned for. And it seemed apparent, all along, to American observers, that by helping in the big tasK cheerfully, instead of reluctantly, Ireland would not only have, kept her ideals bright and shed luster on herself, but would have earned and received from the British gov ernment treatment far more liberal than any formerly conceived. Now, whatever Britain yields to Ireland will be yielded rather grudgingly, in memory- of the many obstacles put in Britain's way in the most crucial period of her history. - These things have grieved America, not so much be cause they hurt England, as because they hurt Ireland herself; It is of course desirable that order be restored, that the world should go back to work as soon as possible, that military and economic matters be adjusted with all the speed consistent with safety. But the great bulk of the American people will feel nothing but sympathy for France in her stubborn resistance that there be no soft ening of terms, no easing of the path which Germany must lead. j Confronted by the awful consequences of German invasion, maimed physically and industrially, she knows as nobody else can know what danger means. She is right in demanding the assurance of such terms as will safeguard her and give her a chance to resume on some thing like an equal footing her place in the industrial world. But France need not worry. Germany has no friends. If she is subject to an economic investigation it is not for her sake but so that the truth as to her resources may be known. If she is allowed to go to work it is not to wax rich but so she can make the only possible restitution to France's financial end. And aside from that there is exactly the same affec tion, the same loyalty to France in the hearts of her al lies that called them to battle by her side, and would bring them there again should cause arise. conference: "I wish that I could promise my self the pleasure and profit of taking part in your deliberations. I find that nothing deliberate is permitted since my return. I hare been trying nndor tho guidance of my secretary. Mr. Tu multy, to do a month's work in week, 000 bond issue because we knew it would be used to pave scenic highways for the benefit of Portland, and it was. This fact the legislature knew would defeat the (10,000,000 issue if submitted to the people,, so an emergency clause WKs attached, when it was only vtree months until a special election. Out and I am hopinjr that not all of it hus'of this suni it in nrobably a little "sod. been done badly, but inasmuch as there J will bethrown to the valley counties, is a necessary pressure upon my time, I but the Columbia highway must be I know that you will excuse me from completed and a seenio highway built Business is better in Salem at the present time than ever before in the history of the city at this time of the year. There is evidence of a substantial growth in the immediate future, since business buildings and residences are becoming scarce and an era of building activity will be necessary in order to take care of the increasing population. , Senator George E. Chamberlain deserved the execu tive snub he received Thursday when he offered the Sen atorial hand to the chief of the nation. That champagne speech of the Oregon Senator in New York a year ago merited the rebuke he got, remarks the Tulare, (Cal.), Advance. 5C RSPPLING RBVES By Walt Mason THE LISTENER. The Cherrians, aided by all the patriotic organiza tions of Salem, are bringing the French veterans' band to this city on next Wednesday evening. This is a great organization, made up of men who were professional musicians of the first class, but who willingly took up arms against the invaders and defended their loved France as lfifng as they were physically fit to fight. Now they are back at the old profession again, and were tour ing this country in the interest of war-work drives when the armistice was signed. Probably no better band ever visited this country irom abroad, and it will be the treat of a life-time to hear them play and at the same time be contributing toward the fund necessary to give our re turning soldier boys the reception they deserve when they arrive home soon. The idea of giving the people who contribute to this welcoming fund their full money's worth in entertainment ought to make the sale of tickets for the event a very easy matter, -- More trouble along the Mexican border! One hund red and fifty thousand saloons will be opened there as soon as national prohibition goes into effect. . taking a part in your conference, much as l should fee profited 'by so doing. "My pleasant duty is to bid you a very hearty weleome and to express my gratification that so many execu tives of cities and of states have found the time and the inclination to come together on the very important matter we have to discuss. The primary duty of caring for our peoplo in tho inti mate matters that we want to discuss here, of eourso, falls upon the states and upon the municipalities and tho function wf tho federal government is to do what it" is trying to do in a con ference of this sort draw the execu tive minds of the country together so that they may profit by each other's suggestions and plans, and m that we may offer tour services to co-ordinate their efforts in any way that they may dee mit wise to co-ordinnte. To Perform Duty In other words, it is the privilege of tho federal government in matters of this sort to be the servants of the ex ecutives of the states and municipali ties and counties, and we shall perform that duty with the greatest pleasure if you will guide us with your sugges tions. around Mount Hood, all roads near to Portland must be paved, and the con sent of the Portland push obtained as to the location oi any other paving. If it works out like present indica tions, every legislative member who voted to stick on the emergency clause is politically dead. Visited Ancient Castle On Mosel, CajyBerg Eltz" Following is an extract from Tries, on the Mosel River, German, by Capt. Lloyd L. Case, addresse to his parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Case. He says: "We have been with the Germans for about tw0 months now, and I guess we will spend several months more with them from tho way things look I wouldn't object in the least to starting for the old Port of Embark ation at any time. This is sure some grape country; there is nothing but 1 nrnnna Awniin kn.A 1... iL.l 1 - V . "I hope that the discussion of this ? ZZ , T . 1 .... ft LI that wnuld av amw in aitnh n Life is just one propaganda after another. Now it's the Irish drive. . THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS BARBARA VISITS NEIL'S NEW . OFFICES. When I begin a prosy tale, too long and fierce to mention, Jim Boggs was never known to fail to give pro found Attention. His soulful eves are fixed on me, his Cars are forward slanted, and all the time he looks to me Jim; tn.e wno is encnanted. And when my weary tale is done, that most attentive feller remarks, "Pray tell an other one! You're sure a story teller!" In this sad world most .people sleep when one unwinds a story, or else they wring their hands and weep, and say the yarn is hoary. But Jim, he listens to a tale, and greets the joke with laughter; his mirth is like a mighty gale that shakes the bemn and rafter. And so I stand up strong for James, as through the town I'm straying, and I indorse whatever games he happens to be playing. And he has boosters by the cord, who to his standard rally; and he has friends in eveiy ward, in every street and alley. And when he runs for countv clerk, for sheriff or surveyor, his loyal friends get in their work, and every one's a stayer. The man who listens wisely well is ne'er by friends forsaken; and when he shoots he rings the bell, and carries home the bacon. CIIAPTEB XXI. Neil often spoke of lllunche Orton's nionev. 'A woman with as much dough as she has, can help a man in many ways," he had said when someone told of how. she had started her Ijrothof ou' the road to fortune; and how it had been her money that hnd furthered many schemes of Orton's. I wish I had money to bring you. Neil," I never had thought of it be fore. That is, not .until I heard him speak of Mrs. Orton ' coney. "I ll make money enough, if peoplo will let me alone!" His answer had been gruff. 1 I wish you had a little of her pep iou might influence some of these fools." I would do everything I could to help, if you would let mo." 'Hut you don't drink, and make them feel easy. You are too convention al for the men I have to riVnl with." It was tho first time he ever had spoken so to mo- I thought it an ab surd idea that people, women, had to be so unconventional to be of help to their husbands. ''You see, Hub, I am making money, doing a good business. Hut 1 want to do more. It costs us like the devil to livo. I want to put over gonio Tenlly big deals, get as many of the FAT things as I can. I hate piking. And there are lots of 'bis fat things to lie had, but a man doesn't get them by sitting in bis office. You havo got to go after them. And what get one man, drives another away." N 1 had been in Neil 'a office but a few times. It had been a commonplace of fico enough. But he had moved, and I never had seeu th new rooms. So one day I thought I would surprise him by dropping in upon him unexpected ly. He had just gone into business for himself. I was the surprised one. Neil was out, but the office were thero very much there. Great, lururiously furnish ed rooms, all oriental rugs and gleam ing mahogany. Not one or two, but a suit of half a doaen rooms opening into one another! One or two men, evidently bookkeepers, were bonding over their desks, and a eoude of very pretty but overdressed, over-eoiffured blondes were also pre'euding to work at their typewriters, but ia reality were wntehing me as I ntado my tor of in spection. 'lid Mr. Forbes leave any word to when he would return" I asked one of the girls. ''So he may not come hack to day," with a toss of the head ' Very well, then I will leave no mes sage." Suddenly it struck me that I, would not tell who I was. I would have j a little joke with Neil about it. 'Won't you leave your name!" she asked, rather eagerly, I thought. -''No it is immaterial-' I smiled to myself as I went down in the elevator. I would have some fun with Neil about my visit. But my smiles were soon dissipated by thoughts which I seemed unable to control. Why was it necessary for Neil to have such wonderful offices! The girl had said he often remained out all day. What did he do that kept him away There was nothing really business-like about the offices, althougn so solidly furnished. Axerything looked so JNbW so UNVSKl). - . -I recullod father's desk dusty, lit tered with .papers and mail. How he never would allow anyone to' touch things because he might get something mixed if they did I sighed as I thought how different Neil had things. Poor father, he wouldn't know what to do in such offices. I imagined he would feel strangled. Choked with luxury. I was using my new car for the first time. A lovely town and shopping car Neil had ordered for me. I drove home through the park, going quite out of my way to do so. But it was a lovely day and I hated to go in doors. Just as I drove along the mall, I saw Neil and Blanche Orton in a taxi coming toward me. I shrank back in the cor ner. Perhaps if they didn 't see me, the ear would pass unnoticed. I need not have worried; neither of them even so much as glanced toward me as they passed. . (Tomorrow Bab Learns of a Business Luncheon Blanche Orton I There ) WIWONURGES (Continued from page one) ference if it was limited -to a narrow subject. . . Tho resident urged " decision which will serve the purpose of all." Jt is evident, he added, tnat there must be a new alloeatioa of labor in many eases. He emphasized that the conference must weigh its work care fully because of its international sig nificance. ilir the firs time in history, he said, there is "a genuine interna tional sympathy with what is dune on this side of the water." Attempts to establish the soviet sys tem of government in the United States were made ia the .recent strikes at Se attle, Lawrence Mass., Butte, Mont., Peterson, N. J., and other industrial centers, Secretary ef Labor Wilson charged before the governors and may ors' eonferem-e. Wilson's Address The text of the president's speech follows: conference will take as wide a scope as, you think necessary. We are not to discuss any single or narrow subject. We are met to discuss the proper meth ods of restoring all the labor condi tions of the country to a normal basis as soon as possible and to effecting such fresh allocations of labor and-in dustry as the circumstances may make necessary. ; ''I think I can testify from what 1 have seen on the other side of the wa ter that we are more fortunate than other nations iu respect to those great problems. Our industries have been dis turbed and disorganized disorganized as compared with a peace basis, very seriously, indeed, by the war, but not so. seriously as the industries of other countries, and, it seems to me, there fore, that we should approach theso problems that we are about to discuss with a good deal of confidence with a good deal of confidence that if wo havo a eominon purpose, we can real ize that eiommon purpose without seri ous or insurmountable difficulties.' On Average Man Depends All "The thing that hag impressed me most, gentlemen, not only is the re cent weeks, when I have been in con ference on tho other side of the water, but for many months before I went across the water, was this: We are at least learning that the 'business of government is to take counsel for the average man. Wo are at last learning that the whole matter of the prosper ity of peoples rung down into the great body of the men and women who do the work of the world and that the pro cess of guidance is not completed by tho mere success of great enterprises it ig completed only by the standard of the benefit that it confers upon those who in the obscure ranks of life contribute to the success of those en terpires. The hearts of the men, women and children of the world are stirred now m a way that has never Been known before. They are not only stir red by their individual circumstances but they are beginning to get a vision of what the gonorat circumstances or. the world aro and thero is, for the first time in history, an international sym pathy which is quick and vital -a sym Dathy which does not display itself merely in the contact of governments, out aispiays n'ii m mo gucui, xjm-i-eourse of sympathy between (treat bod ies that constitute great nations ana tho significance of a conference tike this is that we are expressing in it, and will, I believe, express in the results of this conference, our consciousness that we are the servants of this great silent mass of people who constitute the United toates and that, as heir ser vants, it is our business as well as our privilege, to tind out how me can best assist in making their lives what they wisa tnem to be, giving them the op portunities that they ought to .have, as sisting by public counsel in the pri vate affairs upon which the happiness oi men aepenas. Are Servants of People "And so I am the more distress-! that I cannot take part in these coun cils because my present business is to understand what plain men everywhere want. It is perfectly understood Paris that we are not meeting there as tne masters or anyuody; tnat we are meeting there as the servant of, I be lieve it is, about 700,000,000 people end that unless wo show that we under stand the business of servants we will not satisfy them and wo will not ac complish the peace of the world, and that if we show that we want to serve any iuterest but theirs wo will have become candidates, for. tho most last ing discredit that will ever attach to men in history. And so it i with this (profound feeliug of the Significance ot the tilings you are undertaking that I bid you welcome, because 1 believe you have come together in the spirit wmen i nave tried to indicate, and that we will together concert methods of cooperation and individual action, which will really cemplish what we wish to see accomplished in steadving and easing and facilitating the whole labor processes- of the luted State EDITOR LACK3 FAITH. " place. It reminds me very much of Silver Creek canyon, only on the scale of the Willamette. The mountains are mostly of shale formation, with no soil except what is carried up and put on them, It is certainly some job climb iug around here t0 where tho vines are planted, but the natives don't seem to mind it at all. It would soon kill one of our Bocky Mountain goats. I spent one day at "Burg Eltz" (ill old castle located a few mires nvm um' camp. It was a very fine trip and very interesting all the way. This is one of the oldest castles standing at the present time. It was started in the early part of the year 900 and finished up in 1200. For centuries it has been used by the Eltz family, thus deriving its namo. Everything about it ia in excellent condition, and every room is filled with interesting things, includ ing the old coats-of-arins, complete sets of armor, capturer from the Turks, all kinds of weapons 'torn bows and arrows to rifles, portraits and paintings dating back for decades; in fact every room was fully equipped, and there wero plenty 0f rooms. In tho court yards we saw piles Of sonle cannon balls, which they used to roll over the walls upon invaders. It is an ideal place for pro tection from enemies as it Is located on the sumniitt of an immense hill. There are dozens of old castles along Resolutions Of Condolence CnDeathOnas.A.WiIsci Whereas, Divine Providence,, la hi infinite wisdom has taken from out' midst, James A. Wilson, foremost among our eitizenehip, a leading ami ever sacrificing spirit in the upbuild ing of our community, prominent ia the fraternal, social and business activ ities of our city, a loyal and tireless worker in the purposes of the Cherrianf and an affectionate, devoted and home- loving husband, and, Whereas, the sudden and ssu uxinf away of our esteemed citizen, husbani and member, has precipitated our com munity into the depths of grief and gloom in appreciation of our loss, there fore be it Kesolved, that we deeply fleplore the demise of the said James A. W ilson, of whom it can be truly su-id that no sac rifice was too great or labor or love for the advancement or t?e iuterest qf tho community to sevcro, that the void created by the absence of his courteous smile, kindly word of greeting, en couragement and. counsel and never be filled; and, be it further, fiesolved, that we extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved widow &na relatives and recommend that this tri bute to the memory of the deceased be spread upon the permanent record of the Cherrians, that his record of good citizenship and blamoless life muf live as a worthy example to our mem bership through the years to come, an that an engraved copy of these reso lutions be presented to the bereave! widow, Mrs. James A. Wilson, in tokea of the esteem iu which the deceased was held by the Cherrians. THE SALEM CHERRIANS, Signed: P. E. FULLERTON, King; Bin Attest: W. 1. STALKY, Secy. LESTER DAVIS, A. HUCKESTEIN, F. G. DECKEBACH, CHAS. H. FISHER, COMMITTEE. COUNTY ROAD BOND ISSUE. '(Jefferson Review.) Regarding the proposed iBsue of that 1,000,000 bonds by Marion county to build feeder roads to eonnect with th state highway, the idea is not & ball one if there was only a highway to eon nect with. The money would all be used in our county and the people who paid the taxes would got the benefit of the good roads. It would be well te wait, however, until we have a p&ved highway to connect with. We liave the promise but not the Mwuranro or one. The Review wants good roads, and i more than willing to pay its share of taxes to get them, but this thing of ''taxation without representation" t build ecenic highways for Portland i no good. SILVERTIN WON GAME. . the Mosel, but most of them are almost " " totally destroyed, with only the massive The Eugene high school basketball walls standing. team lost to Bilverton oa the latter My box camo from the 89 division last I10r naay nignt riy a single count. ovenang, and I was sure glad to get it. but the decision was bo close tnat a re We have a commissary in Condcn, just urn ffame wi" be p'eyed in about 10 across the river, se we are ablo to get days on a neutral floor and with a ncu- canteen stuff quite of ton. I am feeling '"H reieree ana umpire, to aociae tne fine and hope you aro all the same. CAPT. LLOYD L. CASE, Company C, 4th Engineers. championship and to decide which team will play In Dean Walker '8 tournament at the university this spring. Th score was 27 to 28. Eugene Register. Ready for Daylight Saving ; a. '5 - -VA A.''X,0---tVy'' Nv.. -...... ..v V v.JvV' -jJV, -'.-V - ' f -i' VAV..-- .'v- j- f-? ....v.- i (Jefferson Review.) Hon. D. H. Loonoy savs that four mile of the Pacific Highway, begin ning at the Jeffereon eity limits and running north, will be paved this yecr. It mar be. but road promises are easily "Mr. Secretary nd gentlemen of the broken. The Review fought the 6,000,- ! t?r-. Tl V VLA - .j.V---. A'V4f, i,.-"--- o -. The Seeds 9 Victory insure the Fruits Peace . Copyright National War Garden Commission I c jXtTa 1,oa,,of Mgfet which come back to n on th ? mean million of doJW. to the country, XW W Garden Commlwlon, of Washington, which urges. Uiat every on have garden in 1919. 4:J