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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1919)
J 5000 CIRCULATION (25,000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar- enteed by the Audit Boreas of Weather Report Circulations " Tenicht and Tburs- increasing southerly - FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE TAlr LEY NEWS SERVICE mSTTnTlnllnTra FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 14; SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FTV15 CENTS 1 lr , . WE TIT HE EfAD TERESTS SENATORS SEIIT CABLE TO PARIS HIIIC DENIAL "Famine Fund" Bill Was Con sidered In jeopardy On Account Of Charges. LEADERS WORRIED OVER TREMENDOUS OPPOSITION Hoover Amused Over Allega tion That He Is Friend 6f Chicago Packers. i aris, Jan. 23. Herbert Hoover to Hay flatly denied the charge which wns made in the Tinted States sauate that he had worked in the interests of American packing industries. "I apparently emerged in a new liijht as a friend of the Chicago pack 0 ran," Hoover Mid. "At the game lim the- mail ibruig. a Teport frw-4witk tand company, blaming the food admin istration for reducing their -profits' toy $10,000,009 during the last year. I Won't imagine the "packers would ap preciate a wide circle of sueb. friends. " I notice also that I committed a crime, by holding, in October, a joint leonferonce of farmers and ft represent ative for forty packers, as well as Iniiigiiig tho packers together with e-preseutaltiv of the. 'allied Ijovern trticnta for the purpose of nettling on h price for exports of pork that would Rive tfie American farmers a - square Ideal, and a distribution of orders that would protect the small packers. "We have even tried to secure a fcemtinuanoe of these war arrangements through the armistice period and open Other markets, because the American f armer did his duty and produced good. "IP the American farmer and small krneker now feels that these arrango neiits are wrong It would bo the great tent . burden off our shoulders if war could kujow it quicldy.. The British government is particularly anxious to he relieved from these arrangements." PLUNGED INTO DEBATE . By L. O. Martin (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, Jan. 23. Defnnso of Herbert Hoover against the chargo of plotting to aid and protect American 0-!"kin interests today plunged the itenate into angry debate on the $100, 000,000 famine fund bill. Laying (before the senate Hoover's ioYninl of improper collaboration with packers, Senator Hitchcock, Nebraska, mmmeit up the case in Hjover's be half thus: Hoover, at President Wilson's di- (Continued on page two) ABE MARTIN It takes a little dash o' adversity t' i-how what a feller's mode of. Lafc Bud f rries his own oothpirk 'cause be ays jo many places where he ea.ts fer git t' put 'em on th table. DENIES CHARGE OF AMERICAN PACKERS EITOI is met Portland Until First O ear, Supply And Demand In Labor Market Were Equal. Portland, Jan. 23. Probably the busiest place in Oregon at the present time is the office of the United States employment service, which is presided over by Wilfred F. Smith, federal di rector, who declared today that there are approximately 6000 men out of em ployment tin Oregon at this time. The federal employment service has launched a campaign for tho purpose of seeking ways and uie,aus through which the returning soldier and sailor may immediately fall into s position upon reaching home, and ha establish ed in every county a Soldiers ana Hailors' bureau, "with which it is in close communication. Agencies cooperating with tho gov service are tho state of Ore gon, the Bed Cross and others, reach ing into every nook and corner of the stT-te. lip until the first of the year, thero was no unemployment problem in Ore gon, for prior to that time, tho supply and demand in the labor market were about equal. But reports received daily at the office of the federal director indicated tho trend toward an unploy ment situation, and steps were taken at onee, to meet any emergency that might arise. "Five thousand blanks were sent to employers of the state, asking in formation as to the number of men employed, wages paid, cla?g of work, if more men could bo employed, etc. The employer filled in the blanks, re turning it to the federal director, who has dt far use as occasion demands. While the United States employment service is making a special effort to place the returned soldier and sailor in immediate employment, it has not relaxed its efforts in the interest of tho mechanic, the farm hand or the common laborer. To tako care of the soldier employment scheme, a separate division has been established at Lib erty temple, with Oaptaire James O. Convill in chargo. Figures show that of the 650 discharged soldiers who call ed at the office in the past week, 350 were placed. Many of the others did not register for work. Fifteen hundred men have app'cared daily, during tho past week, at the imain employment office. Only 1835 (registered for employment dn that per iod. Seventy four per cent of them were given work. TOR! CREDIT OERUSS PLAN Associated Powers Have Now Given Recignition To Slavs. By William Philip Slmms. (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, Jan. 23. It is now possiblo to announce that the present detailed plan concerning Russia is Great Britain's. President Wilson, insisted 6nly on car rying out the broad principles involved. Premier Lloyd-George niid the other British delegates first brought for ward the idea of making certain con crete concessions and have sineo en deavored to persuade France to accept it. It was not until yesterday, how ever, that they succeeded in reconciling France's bitter feeling toward the so viet government and her fear that deal ing with the bolsheviki would be apt to result ia too large a degree of recog nition. The United Press was informed to day that the allies in wirelessing their proposal to the Lcnine-Trotsky govern ment thus replied to the latter 'a sug gestions that the associated powers rec ognize Russia- in return for a guarantee of Russia's foreign loans safeguarding of all interests, etc. BRITISH WAE CABINET MEETS. Paris, Jan. 2.1. The Britith war cab inet met here this afternoon to consid er the personnel of its contribution to tho joir.t commission which will confer with Russian delegates at the Princes Islands. Premier Borden of Canada, Premier Botha of the Union of South Africa and General Smuts, South Afri ca representative in the cabinet were considered. MADE WORKED J ON GENERAL STRIKE IN SEATTLE TODAY If Workers Concur, Walkout : Is Scheduled For Febru ary First Seattle, Wash., Jan. 23. Seattle la bor imiors aro today a referendum or. the question of a gen eral strike in this city February 1 in, sympathy v.ith the walkout of 30,000 men from the shipyards. .Tho Ceni& Labor Council last eve ning unanimously passed) a resolution caliing or. ell unions to take a iballot of their members. This action was re quested by tho Metal Trades Council. "Numerous speakers made appeals for the elimination of craft lineg in or ganized labor and declared that a revo lution within the labor movement was going to 'bring about a new f onn of labor activities. A gTeat organization tho country's workers that' could dictate to the government was freely predicted as the outcome of the pres ent labor unrest. "Wo '11 all quit together and we'll all go lack to work together," an nounced several speakers a'ftT a doubt had bfen raised as to whether, small unions might not be crushed in a gen eral walkout . which resulted in only tho lan;ci . organizations; securing their demands. ' ,i v.-': ',';,'' . .' A though February 1 was tentaiitly set us the 'day for the proposed gen-, oral walkout, dolegate after delegate urged lis fellows to take the iballot of their members as speedily as possible in order tl at tho strike could bo called even sooner in the event of a "yes" veidict. . . .. ; Alleged I. W. W. ' who crowded the gallery and attempted to break into the meeting on numerous occasions were repeatedly threatened with evic tion by angry delegates on the floor. On one occasion the mention of the Russian bolsheviki ibronght storms ' of cheeirs frcm both floor and gallery. Action Endorsed in Tacoma Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 23. The action cf the Metal Trades tin calling a strike in local shipyards and contract shops was endorsed by the Central Labor Council last night without discussion or opposition. Tho Central Labor .Council also gave its endorsement to the Tacoma sol diers, sailors and workmen 's council which .was formed at a special meeting yesterday afternoon. It was voted, how ever, that the Central Council should assume exclusiyo charge of the -organization work, turning down the propos al for the appointment of committees of tho socialists and I. W. W, to act with the labor unions. Used American Flags On Iron Cross Watch Fobs By Webb Miller (United Press correspondent) " American Headquarters in Germany, Jan. 22. Tho Amor . acan f lasf has been submitted to the ultimate insults. Coblcnz dealers have 1een discovered selling watch fobs made of iron crosg on which - were replicas of American flags Army officials confiscated all these stocks and are seeking the manufacturers. One retail er has been arrested. MOBE HIGH WATES. Look out for more high water. The river this morning was 20 feet above zero, rising' 2,6 feet since yesterday morning. A tel egram from the weather ob server at Portland received today noon, is as follows: Kiver rising at Albany, falling at Eugene and Jefferson. Will probably exceed 21 feet at Sa lem Friday." A flood stage of 21 feet in 8s lorn will bring the water pretty high on the dock and cover the floor of the old warehouse of the former Oregoa City' Transportation Company. ' Arraigned at Olympia on a charge of murdering his wife and two chil-j dren last May, Norman E. Burnett has . entered a plea of not guilty. CUT BUDGETS OE STATE INSTITUTIONS TO HELP REDUCE DIG EXPENSES Joint Ways And Means Coa- mittee Cut Deal &nooi Allotment $7,610. The joint ways and means committee last night cut the budget for the state school for the decf from $72,610 to $63,- 000, and indicated that the committee's policy will be to make every institution bear a share of the pruning which will have to be done in order to keep the ap propriations within, the limits of the funds available. . ... 1 . ' Members of the committee who visit ed the school brought out that increases in salaries must be allowed the teach ing force or else the school would lose ninny members of its staff, but the gen eral committee decided that a reduction could be made in the maintenance item, as they figured that the cost of living is going to decrease in the next two years. Tho committee . also considered last night the budget for the penitentiary, tho state fair board, the state engineer j tralia, and between Cenitralia and Van and tho water board, but it did not take couver. Service will probably be re- final action on any of thorn. Criticism was offered as to the run down appearance of some of the insti tutions, such as broken walks and minor ropairs about the buildings, and it was j decided to request the board of control to see that the heads of the institutions hereafter keep tho institutions in re- pair from day to day and not permit them to run down at the; heels. . It was also decided to ask the state board to see that the estimated value of produce raised on the various state farms be made uniform in the reports from tho institutions. Senator Patter son pointed out that at one institution cabbage was valued at $13 a ton while fit another it was valued at $-40 a ton. Ono institution valued its wheat at $3.50 a bushel, he said, whilo another had cheat seed credited up at $40 a bushel. ' For tho state penitonkiary, the bud got as printed cells fo $324,000, while lust night Warden-Sterns, ud Frank Davey presented addition items which run up to more than $10,000. Mombors of the. coDimittoo were inclined to ques tion the big increase in the per capita of tho institution, whilo Senator Lach mund WEntcd to know why it wns nee essary to employ a clerk for the state parolo officer. 1 The committeo will take action on t'hose budgets later. . ON WAY TO SOLUTION Action Of Supreme War Coun cil Did Great Deal To ward This. By Lowell Mellett (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Jan. 23 The Russian problem which has been considered as the greatest obstacle to a quick and per manent peace settlement, appeared to be well on the way to solution today. , The action of the supreme war coun cil late yesterday in voting partial recognition of the soviet government together with other political and mili tary factions in Russia which was ex clusively forecast by the United Press on January 11 was accepted as pav ing the way for trouble adjustments of Russian affairs. The associated powers are expected to cooperate in every mr for the es tablishment of a stable Russian gov ernment and tho restoration of Russia economically, industrially and socially. The Russians will be expected to or der immediate cessation of all ities, elections on a representative ba sis and arrangements for the payment of Russia's national debts Ono of the most significant angles of tho steering committees action was the evidence of the power and influence that can be exercised by the Unites States and Great Britain when work ing in unison. In the preamble of his proposal. Pre sident Wilson said that the attitude of the associated powers had been gov erned by the one idea of helping the Russian people and that they recogniz ed the right of self determination as applied to Russia. He declared that they "recognize the Russian without reser vation and -will in no way and in no circumstances aid or give countenance to any attempt at a counter revolu tion" Take Action. "In the spirit and with this pur pose," the statement said, "they have taken the following action: "They invite every organized group, that is now exercising 0r attempting to exercise political authority or military control anywhere in Siberia or within tho boundaries of EuroDean Russia as thev stood before the war just con-. eluded, except in Finland, to send rep- resentatives not exceeding three rep- (Continued on page eight) RAINS TIE UP TRAIN mm WASHINGTON STATE Several Bridges Have Been mmw -a a a a Washed Out And Puyallup valley Is Flooded. Tacoma, wash., Jan. 23. The con tinuous heavy rains of the past few days has disrupted local train service, put the municipal power jilant out of commission, flooded the lower Puyallup valley, made many' highways impass- ablo and resulted in general demorali zation of communications. Tho city is drawing all its power from the traction company plant. Tho city's hydro-electric plant at LaGrc-nde went out of commission shortly after midnight. Commissioner Davisson is dispatching a crew of workmen to La- Grando to try. to get the water running through the gates of the dam, which are choked up by floating driftwood. No railroad trains left hero for Port land last night, because of several washouts betwoen Tacoma and Cen- stored tomorrow, railroad officials say. Eastbound traffic on the Northern P.c-cific is also blocked just cast of Ta- i coma bv hieh water. Interurban trains to Seattlo aro tied up by slides at several points along the line, :- . " The main span of the Milwaukic bridge over the Puyallup river went out last nijHt. Between 5 p. m. Tuesday and the same hour Wednesday, 3.09 inches of rain fell, tho heaviest since 1904. Telegraph wires are reported down to Bollingham, Wenatchoo, Vancouver, B. C, and other places. The worst flood in years is Reported in the lower Puyallup valley, covering the Seattlo boulevard, flooding ranches and washing out small bridges. The North Puycllup bridge is expocted to so out at any minute', and if it does the city of Puyallup will be cut off from its water supply. "', T E BY COMMITEE OE FIVE Another Bill In Senate Would Cause Road Legislation To ' Be Enacted. Senator Lnehmund and Senatoi' Thomas today introduced in the sen ate a Mil which, if enacted into luw, will make it a felony for any "offi cer, board, commission, council or agent of the- state or county or mu nicipality" to enter into contract for the construction or repair of any highway or street which provides for tho use of any material upoa which a royalty may be exacted. The penalty for the violation of 'the law is to bo imprisonment not to exceed 10 years o. a fine not to exceed $10,000. The senate committee on roads and highways introduced a bill providing that tho state or county may tako pos session of land within the boundaries of any located highway at any time af ter proceedings to condemn the land for public use have been started. This will make it unnecessary for the stnte or county to wait until after tho litigation over the land is complet ed before highway work on tne lana in question may be instituted. Another provision of the bill is that when reasonable search fails to reveal the location of the owner of the land within the state, the condemnation pro eeedinrs may bo instituted without an hostil-Wfort first having been made to agree with the owner as to the value of the land. ' Belief for Dairy Industry Relief for the dairy industry of the state is the object of a senate eoncur rent resolution introduced by Senator Pierce. It provides for tho appointment of a commiswon of five, two senators and three representatives, to immedi ately make an investigation of dairy ing conditions and report to the legis lature. The purpose, as stated in the reso lution, is '.'to make immediate investi gation for the purpose of ascertaining the facts as to the cost of production of milk and butter fat, and also as to the market price and eost of condens ing and manufacturing milk into mar ketable products, end the market price of manufactured products a well as the price paid by the consumer, in order that the facts in regard to this great industry may- be known to this body with the view that the proper legislation may be enacted to protect : the said industry." J The resolution says that agents of the Oregon Agricultural college assert 'that at least 50,000 dairy animals were slaughtered during 1918, primarily be-1 cause producers did not receive for milk and milk products the eost of (Continued on ptgo three) War Council Weighs Evidence Regarding Punishment of jiuns Also Discuss Today Preliminary To Saturday's Meeting Of General Congress, International Labor Legislation r and Preparation For War Damages. ; j By William Philip Slmms Paris, Jan 23. Punishment of the kaiser and his associates was formally discussed by tho supreme war council today. The belief prevailed in certain quarters that the council .will adopt some form of the program suggested by the American delegation in this re gard1 appointment of a special com mission to invsntigato' thoroughly the culpability of all those responsible for the t&t from the kaiser, down so tha'. none might escape. It wns expected that tho various forma of punishment to be meted out will ibo'taken up simultaneously, that nothing may be overlooked in tho way of affording a warning for ifuture po tential war makers. Penalty Considered '. -' Tho penalty for the German nation INFLUENZA REMOVED NEXT MONDAY Physicians Say Greatest Dan ger In Disease Is From Convalescents. Although no dofinito announcement has been made by- Mayor C, E. Albin and the health committee of the city council, it is probablo that the ban against public meetings and gatherings will bo removed, to go into effect next Monday morning. But the romoval of tho ban will not ' apply to dances, Dances arc still on tho tabu list. At a meeting held lust evening by Dr. Morso, Dr, Clements and Dr. Pcm bcrton, tho opinion was unanimous that if conditions continue for the better for the remainder, of the week, it will bo rifo to open tho town Monday morn ing. Tins would moan that schools will begin Monday. Tho great danger is from the con valescents end thoso who' aro In tho first stages of the influenza the doctors snid. To care for tho convalescents, the health committee of the city will make it an absolute requirement thi.-t for three woeks, thoso recovering from tho flu must wear masks. This matter will not be optional. It will bo enforced by the uly authorities. If such a con valescent is seen out among peoplo not wearing a mask, ho or sho will bo sub ject to arrest. And tho doctors of the city will bo asked to co-oporato with the police to enforce the wearing of tho mask throe woeks. Another provision that will be re quired by tho health department is that should any ono who is attending a mov ing picture theatre hi'.ppon to dovclop a suspicious cough, that person will be handed a sterilized mask by one of the ushers with a request to wear it or got out of tho house. A campaign of education will be car ried on through tho school children, at the churches end even at the moving picture theatres. Physicians are unani mous in the opinion that it is the per AOa who is just ln the first stages of tho flu, or who Is just getting over it, are tho dungcrous ones to a community. With the probablo opening of the town Monday, the situation is to bo put squarely up to the people ag to whether they will co-operate with the health authorities. If not, the town stands a fine chanee of being closed igain If a number of new cases should develop. - Whilo there hag been no official an nouncement of the opening of tho town Monday, it has been practically decided that tho town is now in a condition that will justify removing tho ban. Dr. Hecley, state health officer, fav ors opening schools end churches but continuing the ban on dances. He also favors a campaign of education espe cially through school children. Railroad Shares Display Strength In Market Today New York, Jan. 23. Tho New York Evening Sua financial review toduy snid: The outstanding feature of today's stock market was unquestionably the strength displayed by railroad shares, in which gains of one to two points were the rule, St. Paul preferred did a drshing performance by pushing for ward six points to 73, in one moment advancing two points between sales and again losing as much in a sinfele trans Iwaj also considered. It was now ac? Icepted that indemnities will te limited! !to reparation for damages, but tho I sum will be huge. I The council also discussed the fol lowing subjects, in preparation for Sat urday meeting of the general con-, grees. International labor legislation. Responsibility and punishment in connection with the war. Reparation for war damages. An international regime for ports, waterways and railways. - - Procedure for adoption of territor ial question It was also announced that the coun cil will meet again tomorrow and that Marshal Foch, Field Marshal Hain an d General Iina, as-well na the Ver sailleti military representatives cf tha associated powers, will attend. ' BAN MAY BE What Business Men Think OTW' Question Business men of Salem, being ques-" tioncd on the influonza situation, nra almost unanimous in the opinion that no time should be lost ln lifting the ban on. public institutions, and at the sama time holding that there should be a more stringent enforcement of the re strictions upon convalescents and incip- I lent cases of influenza. The reports j from the health office show that tho , epidemic Is now well in hand, the num ber of now cases having decreased day after day until it has reached only one or two a day. At no time has tho per centage of cases per capita been any higher in Salem than in othor com munities, and nt the presont hour thero is no safer place in tho state than tho capital city, providing thero is tho proper vigilance against future eon tugion, Whilo business men have no direct interest in the opening of tha town, they feci that tho psychological effect is of the greatest Importance. It is imperative that the outside world bo assured at onco that there is the min imum of danger of infection in tho city of Hulem. Not till then can there ba a return tn norma business conditions. T Of) CRIMINAL SYNDICALISM BILL I. W. W. Is Against Opposition Jo Measure. Believe They Can Capitalize It A bitter fight against the criminal syndicalism bill is promised in the leg islature. Representatives of labor in both houses oro prepared today to bitterly fight the measure to the end and pos sible death. The labor men, headed by Represen tative Smith of MuUnomnli, formerly president of the Portland Central La bor Council admitted that the theory . of the syndicalism bill is all right, but claims the act might be put to vicious uses. It is understood tho L W. W., is op posed to any fight, against thu criminal syndicalism measure, believing that if passed, they will be able to make cap ital out of it. Smith has introduced a bill on crim inal commercialism, which vs termed tho "practice which indulges in and advo cates the change r amendment of enut ing or future labor laws safeguarding th health, safety and well being of tho laboring men and women of the statu of Oregon in any manner for profit o. other parposes, except ss provided by law. "The disruption or attempted dis ruption of any legal and lawful organ ization of men, wcnien. or men , anil women associated together for the pur pose of peacefully and legally better ing wages and the working eonditiona of working men and women and child ren in industry for profit or otherwise. ''The entering into secret agreement or the advocacy of tue same with intent to drive from the competitive field a person or persons engaged in the same line of business as those conspiring against them, for profit or other, pur poses." -i . Both houses late yesterday passed the $100,000 emergency relief measure, for Oregon soldiers, sailors and marines.