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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1919. PAGE SFVKN loll of if mtor "From Over There" General Pershing's Official Resort Killed in aetion lUeil from wounds Died of accident and other causes. 6 Died of disease , 26 Missing iu aetion ..... . 10 Total ..82 Today's casualty list contains the name of Albert Ii OdeU, wounded severely, of Boyd KTT.T.TiT) IN ACTION Lt Arthur Conner, St Albans Tt Corporals Norman D Kahn, Bald Englo Lake Minn Frank R Ludwig, Cleveland O Fred Lundgren, Osceola Nev James P Martin, Louis Miss Fred S Or H Stnrkey, Clitheral Min Privates William C Arnistroug, Alva Okla Harold Brown, Bukersfield Cat Joseph A Caretti, Ferndale Cal Robert B Clemmons, JNowata Okla Harliu J Glinkcrbeard, Covington Ky Hnrry W iClinkinbeard, Covington Ky Clarence A Gabbard, Sunnydale Ky Wilbur A Guthrie, Columbus Ind Arnold A Koenecke, Freedom Vis Charles Ledbetter, EHzabethtowa 111 Jerry Ledwith, Schuyler Falls H I Claire P McMoran, Senttlo John McWilliams, Olalla Wash Herman Mikelson, IBack Earth W1b . Neville O Tiara, Logan la , Cornelius Rizer, Apalachacola Fla Raymond M Schmidt, Dubuque la Ralph Wilmoro, St Louis Mo DIED OF WOUNDS Lt Charles R Daniels, Lockport N Sf Corp Earl H Pillow, Marion 111 Privates Bay I Booth, Greenville Mich Mareas E Callahan, Minto N D Joseph S Gorgol, Scrantou Pa Isaac Herttua, Bodar Wash . John T Murphy, Salem Mass William J Flowers, Pittsburg Benjamin H Bice, Bussellville "Venn George W Sheehan, Anaconda Mont Glenn S Simonson, Wautoma Wis Joseph Whinnie, Pitco Pa DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHEB CAUSES Sgt Edwin C Tattle, Brooklyn Muster Eng Joseph F Griffin, Brook lya Privates Joo Adamec, Indian Harbor Ind WinsomM Haze1!, Dunn La Louis J Kavier, Azoro Island James HiintnraviUo N C. DIED OF DISEASE Sgt Tom Cooperwood, W.ildner Ark Corp John Michael, Chicago Wagpner Charles E Crumrine, Park crsburg W Va Privates Michael Madden, McKeesport 0 Arthur & Marchman, Snyder Okla Iver L Nelson, Irene S D . Walter W Nelson, Forrest City Pa Panqu&lo Nero, New York William OTBrion. Forbeston O Peter E Overatake, Fincale O Peter A Polcr, Ainsworth. Wig James C Pollard, McDonald Kan Henry H ,Bobnson, Gholson Mass Hubert Thomas, Corbin Ky Edmund Vaneour, Late Colby N Y Paul D Welty, Cedar Bulge Colo Arthur Green, Chicago Augustus Lamb, St, Marks Fla Edmond 6 Lamb, Mancos Colo Charles Lawson Jr, Deer Harbor Wash John E Loshaw, Copenhagen N Y . Thomas J MiC'lusky, Crestfield HI . Charles H McGregor, Long Beach Cal Thomas J McNulty, Detroit Mich Isiah Macbray, Petersburg Va Killed in action, previously reported wounded severely: Privates Re?d Lyon, Winston Salem N C John D P Pilon, Shnboygan Mich John B- Strand, Milan Minn Killed In action, previously reported wounded in action: Pvt Robert W Dcaklc, Steetmau Tox HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! 8ays glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons,, To see the tinge of healthy bloom in your face, to seo your skin get clearer and clrarr-r, to wako up with out, a headache, backlache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, 'in fact to feel your best, day in and day out, just try inside bathing every morning for one week. Before brtakfast each da, drink a glass of real hot water with s teuspoott ful of limestone phosphate as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys Bart bowein the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweet ening and purifying the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the stomaeh. The action of hot water and Iimitriie phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully invigo rating. It cleans out all the sour fer mentations, gases and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for break fast. A quarter pound of limestome phos phate will cost very little at the drug store hat is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, go hot water and limestone phos phate art on the blood and gans. Those who are subject to eoa stipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach rhenmatie twinges, also those whose skin is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of inside bathing will have them both looking end feeling better in every way. , Killed ia action, previously reported missing ia actios: v Sgt Thomas J Chase, Kingston Pa Corp Bichard Cleveland, Kenton 0 Corp Charles W Kitchens, Celina O Bugler Edward H Spinuiken, Buttons Bay Mich Privates Arthur Allen, Pangbura Ark Winston H Bean, Jackson Mich William Bierborst, Cincinnati O Andrew O Bothun, Sherwood N D Frank C Buffington, Villisca Ia Charley Campbell, Haddix Ky Tom Carpenter, Gilmer W Va Melvin 0 Catlin, Carson Wn Morton H Chapman, Harbor Beach Mich , Stanislaw Ciborewski, Baltimore Otis F 'lark, Woaewoc Wig ELza J Cooper, Newtathrop Mich Andrew Corbisier, Brussels Wig William H Cousins, Blaine Me Herman B Crawford, Fairmont City Pa Earl Curry, Garfield Ky Kenna Davis, Mount Tell W Va ' Cornelius IDokker, Chicago Walter Eubank, Kirkliu Ind Joe Fojtik Jr, Needville Tex William J Genthote,- W Warren O Maurice F Herman, Hartford Conn Josiah W Hill, Lower Salem O Floyd M Hitchcock, Gillispie 111 Stanley Hoover, Harbor Spgs Mich Gilbert A Neeley, Morgautown W Va Ernest Powell, Rood City Mich Dante Riecio, Brooklyn ' ' Frank P .Kulzinski, Chicago Hans Srand, Helena Mont ;Ray B Taylor, Juliaotta Ida Peter B Verdi, Evoleth Minn Louirnie Wagers, Glomawr Ky Lewis W Yarnall, Haines City Fla Died from wounds, previously report ed missing in action: Pvt Edward Cross, Curryville Mo Died, previously reported missing in action: Privates John W Blair, Foules La Wm H Cripps, Liberty Tenn Hubert Fowler. SimDSOnville S O Baymond Gardewino, Ttfin Valley Minn , MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES Killed in aetion . - 5 Died of wounds - - 5 Died of disease - Wnnmlod spverelv .. .. 14 Wounded slightly T Missing in action Total 31 KILLED IN ACTION Privates Andrew Auwerter, Columbia Pa Fred G Davidson, lMroit Mich Mark P Fowler, Blue Mtn Mis Charles A Hendricks, Moline 111 ' Walter II Lcpero, Farmington Mo .' . - PIED OF WOUNDS Privates Wesley J Christian, Rocncstcr N Y Clarence D Jones, St Louis Mo Arthur V Morgan, WaltUam Mass DIED OF DISEASE privates John I Burns, Washington Henry W Chapman, Paducah Ky William F Creigon, Oak Park 111 Harvey I Crewe, Hutchinson Kan Walter G Grassie, Glendnle Ariz Eied of wounds, previously reported severely wounded: rvt Lance fiutlcdge, San Francisco CLOYEDALE NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service) Clovcrdal,e Or., Jan. 21. Mr. H Fleeteopd was in Salem Saturday on business. Last reports from Miss Emma Schuf ferer, who i ill with the flu, in Stay ton, were that she is much better. Six members of the Fliflet family are all having a siege with the flu. All aro getting along nicely and expect to soon be up. , ,. Mr. Looney has been remodeling V . . Hadlev's house tho past week Miss Rosa Drager. who has b.'cn home since tho holidays returned to her school Saturdny. Miss Lucille Fleetwood went to Salem u n stav with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Fleetwood while her husband is away at .worn. Mrs. W. J. Hadley went to Salem to day to visit her mother, Mrs. Pickett, who is not very well the laat few days. Hungarian Ministry Is ' To Be Lead By Berinkey Berno, Jan. 20. M. Berinkey, whom President Karolyi entrusted witn ror nmtmn of a new Huniiariaii ministry, h announced his eabinet as follows, according to a dispatch from Bua lWinkev. nremier and minister of foreign affairs, jtistico and national ity. . Jfajy, minister of the interior. Sfcende, minister of finance. German!, minister of commerce. Boehyi, minister of war. Buza, minister of asrieuHnrt. Tinlo?hv. minister of provisioning. Pni.m TnTrrister of social assistance. Vara, Stephan, Szabo, Krajna and Kunnasy, ministers without portfolios. Another dispatch said tin socmhsts have deeided to enter the Berinkey cabinet, in which they will collaborate with members of the non-socialist par ties. The socialists, it wbs reported, will receive tho portfolios o war, in terior and publie education.. E. B. Fitts and S. line of Oregon Agricultural college are conducting a school of dairying at Canby in Clack amas county. . ' : nlnnpl John Leader's trip to organ ise military work in the high schools of the state has been postponca on ac-ix sec in tue luKcns oi welcome anu ai count of the influenza epidemic. jfci-tion. . Earnest Brotherhood. Journal Want Ads PaY STOPS ANY COLD III A FEW IMS Tape's Cold CoepqesT Opens Clogged Nose And Head And Ends Grippe Belief eomea instantly. A dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe sold eith er in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged up nos trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re lieves sick headache, dullness, feverisa nesg sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Dont stay stuffed npt Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else in the world gives such, prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which coats only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes niee, eauses no incon venience. Be sure you get the genuine. FRANCEHAS EARNED ANDVYON BROTHERHOOD OFVORLD,SAYSW!LS0 Addressed French Senate In Response To Message Of Poincare. PARIS, Jan. 1 21. Addressing the senate hero yesterday Prcsidont Wilson said "Mr. President of tho senate, Mr. President of the republic: "Yon have made me foel your wol- eorae in words as generous as they are delightful and I feel that you have graciously called me your fnend. Maj I not in turn call this company a com pany of my friends, for everything that you havo o finely said today, sir, hat been corroborated in every crrcuuistance of our visit to this iua. whore we havo been welcofnSa, wn . but wolcomcd in the spirit and witVrae same thought, until it has soomod U tit spirits of tho two countries came togeth er iu an unusual and beautiful accord. Recognize Peru. "Wo know tho long peril througl which France has gone. France thought us remote, in comprehension and sym pathy and I dare say there were times when wo did not compreninu jou comprehended the danger U pres ence of which1 the 'world stood. .There was no time when we did no kuow how near it was. and I ut andet stand, sir, that throughout these try ing years when- mankind has waited for the catastrophe, the anxiety of France must have been the deepest and most constant of all, for she did stand at the frontier of freedom. She had carved out her own fortunes throng a lung period of eager struggles. Bhe has aono arnn-i tliinirg in buildiner W France and just across the border, sep arated from her only a fevr rt:fica timis and a little country whose nou- traJitv it has turned out the enemy did not respect, Inytlie shadow cast bj me eloud-which enveloped merit with the cloud of intrigue, the cloud of daw purpose, the eiouo oi sinister uuoigu. This shadow lay av ir .v., roruers of France. And yet it is fine to re member here, that for Franco this was not only a peril but a challenge Francs did not treniblo. Frame quietly and in hor own way prepared iter is for the ntnifffflo that was coming. Sho never took the initiative or did a single thing that was aggressive. W ad iHtvad herself for defense, not in order to pope her will upon other people; she had prepared herseit tnai no otner pew plo might impose its will upon her. America Always Friend. "As I stand with you and I mix with the delightful-people, of tun. x-.try, I sec this in their tliougi,.. America always was your friend. Now she demands. Kow she comprehends and now ghe hns come to bring us this met saue that understanding, she will a) ways be ready to help. And, while, as you say, sir, this danger niay to be a continuing danger, while it ia true thct Franco will always bo nearest this threat if we cannot turn it from a threat into a promise, theie are many elements thut ought to reassure Fiance. Tliero is a new awakening and an awakened world. It is not anead ot uf , but around us. It knows that itt dearest interests are involved in itl standing tugethar for a common pur pose. It knows that te peril ot irrance, if it continues, will be the peril of the world. It know that not only France must organize against this pern the world must organize agaiM it, "So I see in these welcomes not only ho-ipitality, not only kindness, not only hope, but purpose; 8 definite, clearly defined purpose that men understand ing one another must now support one another and that all the sons of free dnt are under a common oath to see thut freedom nevor suffers this danget atcln. To my mind this is tho miprcs give elements of this welcome. I know how much of it, sir, and I know hoa little of it to appropriate to myself. 1 know that I have the very distinguish ed honor to represent a nation whose heart is in this business and I am proud to- speak for the people whom I repre sent. But I know that you honor ne in a- representative capacity and that my words have validity only in the United States. I delight in this wel come, therefore, as if I bad brought the people of the United States with me and they could see in your fays what " Th-c sum of the whole matter is tht-t France has earned and lias won the brothorhood of the world. She has stood at the ehicf post of danger and the thoughts of mankind and her broth- r - V. ..... Ul hmthaM in fnut. ! doni turn to her and center upon her. If this be true, as I believe it to be,' France is fortunate to have suffered She is fortunate to have proved her met tle as on of the champions of liberty I and sho has tied to herself, once for all, all those who love freedom and tray believe in the progress and rights of man. Saccessfd Oakland Author Is Dead In N. Y. New York, Jan. El. Herman Whit- aker the author,, whose some was in Oakland, Cal, died her yesterday of cancer of the stomach, at the age of 53 year -' . -. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 21. Herman Whitakar. the Oakland anthor. who died yesterday in New York, recently ; returned from Pans, where he went to report the war as a representative of the Oakland Tribune. t Whitaker wrote many novels, among them being "The Plnutcr, a story of Guatemala; "The Settler" and "Over Tho Border." Ho recently published "Fighting The German Shark." He spent considerable time with the Amer ican fleet. Surviving Whitaker are his wif o and seven children. Premier Orlando Names Italian Cabinet Personnel Rome, Jan. 20, -The new Italian cabinet, as officially announced today, is as follows: Orlando, premier. - Villa, vice premier. Sonnino, foreign minister. Facto, minister of justice. Stringer, minister of the treasury. General Caviglia, minister of war. Admiral Delbon, minister of the navy. ,, . ; General Girardini, minister of mili tary aid and war pensions. Riccio, minister of agriculture." Do Nava, minister of transport. ' Fradetetto, minister of reconstruc tion for invaded territories. King Victor Emmanuel accepted the resignations of Nitti, minister of the treasury: Sacchi, minister of justice; iMiliani, minister ef agriculture, and Villa, minister c transport. The lat ter was made vice premier, a new port folio, and will head the cabinet during Orlando' presence at the peaee eonfer ence. The ministry- of reconstruction for invaded territories also was po sted. Eleven thousand eases of influenza have been reported, at Spokane sfcwe the epidemic started, with 4(7 deaths, Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Black ford of the Seven fifth infantry at Camp Lewis, died of lntluenza Satur day, if if . EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take A Glass Of Salts Before Breakfast If Your Back Harts Or Bladder Both ers You. The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trou ble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our "blood is filled with uric aeid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from over work, become sluggish; the elominative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a gen eral decline in health. Whon your kidneys foci like lumps of lead; your back hurts or tho urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach,: or you have rheu matism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ounc es of . Tad Halts; take a tablcnpoonful in s glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidnoys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and baa been nsed for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutral ize the acids in the urine so it no long er is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia water beverage and belongs in ev.ery home, because aobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. ! Journal Classified ads bring t$3$l WAR. PUZZLES PRF.S.WILJ- PRESIDENT WILSON Upset Senator Chamber lin's proposed War Cabinet of three to take war control away from tho President, one year ago today. January 21, 1918. Find another politician. l ' JESTBRDAJ'B ANSWZB Lett Ude down note at riokt thouMer, The Seventh Day Adventist church at Colleire Place, near Walla. Walla, vu burned to the ground Saturday morn- ing. Charles Jaekson narrowly, escaped death at Albany from an overdose of morphine he stole from St. Mary's hospital. . . The ifircmen fighting a fire in Now York Saturday night fell inro-the .bias ing building when the roof collapsed aiii were buried in the debris. The Commercial Cable company an nounces that censorship has been lift ed on the Oommereial Paeifie system. I TiiE MARKET J Brain Wheat, soft whits 1.94S Wheat, lower srsdes o sample Oats 80e Hay, cheat 2428 Hay, oats , - -- 3S Barley, ton , 4850 Mill run . $4748 Eatterfat B itterfat .......... ................ .............. Creamery butter - Pork, Vesi and Mutton Pork, on foot - - Veal,' fancy .............. ...... ... Steers . .. Cows .. ..........t.......... .. 69a .. 68o . ids ... 20e 79 47e . lis .46 89c Spring lambs Lambs, yearlings . Eggs ana rota try Eggs, cash 47c Hens, life 2325e Old roosters - lot Chickens 23c Vegetables Sweet potatoes . $55.50 Potatoes . i oo Onions, local . $1.65 O&bbaeo .. 3W:ie Turnips 22o Head lettuce 4.50 Beets : 2e Parsnips 3e Cauliflower . $2.50 Cocoanutg .... . 1.73 I nut Oranges - : $4.50(315.75 ON, Jr. . MAX. ' miiJuJLlM!lffmltb. -J Lemons, box atVJU-a-Vi perceui government money iu LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornsck hall oa every Tn'sdsy at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. I. J. Knnfc K. K. 4 8. EOTAL NEIGHBORS OF AMEBIC! "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening is Derby building, Court and High Bt Mrs. Pearl Courscjs 214 Court St oracle; Mr, yelissa Persons, record' er 1413 N. 4th St. Phone 143AM. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246 meetr very 3rd and 4 th Thur. vs, 8 o'cloer in Derby building, corner Court an? High streets. E. F. Day, V. C.j Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Cspitil A wen. bly No. 84 meots every Thursday st 8 p. ni. in Masonic Temple. Norma L. Tcrwilliger, M. A.j C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. -iB.. results. 9c Florida grape fruit, ease te? Black figs lb. lilS i White fis, lb 19(i20e racige ngs per ox aw p&g tu-j.w Uoney. extracted 20 BetaJl fiices Creamery nutter U Flow, hard wheat i 75e Uooatry butter Eggs, doaen 53e Portland Market Portland, Or., Jan. EL Butter, eity creamery 86 Kggs, selected local ex. 03(&'07e Hens 30(n 33c Broilers 2627s Gooo 54 Cheese, triplets 3940 Turkeys 40e Si-XT UVB STOCK BLABZO-T Cattle Receipts 126 Tone of markot lower Best steer 511.75 13.25 Good to choice steers 1O.S50M1.85 Medium to good, steers 8.7a(s9.S5 Fir to good steers 7.75S.75 Common to fair steers, 5.75a7.75 Choice cows and, heifers 9.25(aa0.25 Gaoft to choice cows and heifers $S.739.75 ' Bananas Journal Want Quick Reference To Firms Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHING Salem Electrie Co.; Masonio Tomplo, OSTEOPATH DRS. B. E. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physician d serve specialists, Graduates ot Am erican school sf Osteopathy, Kirs villa, Mo. . Post graduate and spec ialized is nervous diseases st Los Angeles College. Offices 505-808 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 85x. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 2S1B. Dr. Wkite Bes. Phone 468. DANCING STOP SHAKING YOUB SHOTJLDEBfi Learn to Dance Correctly THEODORE and LILLIAN NEWMA Exhibition Dancers and Instructors Modern and Classie Danelng Hotel Marion, Salem, Oregon DENTIST OB. F. L. UTTER, DEITTLT, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce building. WATER COMPANY 4ALKM WATKB COMPANY Offiee corner Commercial and Trade itroets Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL mm TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD O.ei Ladd Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 por cent 34 years time. A. C. Bokrnstedt, 401 Masonic Tomple. Salem, Oregon MONEY to loan on good real estate. loan. iiiDerty oonas oongni ana soia. W T) Mmifh Rulnm Bunk nf Onm- merco. 12-14 1 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT ANU REPAIRED 60 years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 20 to 69 in high Paints, oil and varnish, ete Loganberry and hop hooks. Balcm Fence and Stove Works. S30 Court street. Pbons 124. 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, "Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy what you don't want and pay the highest price in ensh. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Sts tare 271 N. Commercial Phono 734 J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new and tn& hand furniture All kinds of repair work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Bight priees. 217 North Commercial St. Phono 16. -. AUTO PAINT SHOP Just opened In connec tion with the HIGHWAY GARAGE 1000 8 ComL Ht. EXPERT WORKMEN ' ' WANTED People of Salem to know that we pay highest price for mens second hand clothing, shoes, etet Tho . Caoital Exchange.- J37 Court St. Phone 493. t JOURNAL WANT ADSPAYi Medium to good eowj and heifers $'.3iXiSw0 Fair to medium cows and heifers 3.73(56.73 Caaners $S.300.75 BuUs 69 Calves S1S" ' Stockers and feeders 6.30S.5O Hogs Eeeeipts 193 Tone of market steady Prime mixed $16.5O6-80 Medium mixed $1616.50 Sough heavies $U.75I5.73 Pigs 13.5014.50 Bulk $1617 Steep -Receipts none. Tone of market steady Prima lanbs tl-lU.-3 Fair to medium lambs lll.7512.50 Yearlings 1111.30 , , Wethers t0(ai0.50 Ew 8!p)8.5t Farcers Prcdnce tepny Ch for your prodtieo today: 19c for top veal. .19Vse for top hegm 27e for heavy over 4 IK lens. 25c for light under 4 lb. heas. 160 ft High St. rhons10 That Give Service On Short Telephone ...Main 1209 ELECTRICAL 127 North High REPAIRING PEOPLES REPAIR SHOP Clocks, furniture, umbrellas sad shoe repair ing. Saws' filod, shear and knife grinding, ete. Satisfaction guaranteed 261 Oourt stroet. R. Wooley. 8-14 WE HAVE A NO. 1 SECOND HAND PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP E. L. STIFF & SON 440 COURT ST., SALEM REAL ESTATE 600 acre stock and grain raneh, stock, all equipment, grain, feed, 24 miles from town, will soil at a sacrifice price, eusy terms. 380 acres finest Woldo Hill ranch, income last year $10,000; will noil vory reasonable. 147 acres, all tillable, 140 culti vated, running water, 1 milos from Salem, U,0(i'O. 70 acres, 40 cultivated, running water, joining town, pric $4615, will carry back $3000. . For Exchange: 10 acres appls and peach orchard, 7 mil's from Salo'm, in A-l condition, will es eiiungo for acreage or residence. ' 487 acre ranch, a lot of stock, implements, 3 miles from town, want small ranch near Salem and some cash as first payment, price 16.000. SOCOLEFBKY 841 State St FOR SALE A good house, well locat ed. 9 room houso with twu line Jots, near car lino, two blocks to paved street, oa graveled street, garngs and plenty of fmit. Price $2000, SOi cash, balancn $13 per month. Call at 12U7 N. 18th St. or see Square Deal Realty Company. HE FRUITLAND Nursery, Salem, Roots box 138E, phono 111F21. We kave the Roman stra'n grtfod Franquet wal nuts as well as a full lino of all oth er nursery stock. ' 1-11 I can math you. C. W. Rlcraeyor, Beal Ksuie Agent, Canadian Lauds, 344 State street. FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITKRS Writs) to Orahnm & Wolls, Cnrvallis, O'egom Agents for Marion county l-8 SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage an refuse of all kinds removed on month Iy contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Main 2247, Residence Main 2272. OurWairt Adsaio VhCrowirryJbodB IbeyQrebound tobnfite Results you want Try One lo-Morrow Tha Joarnal Jtb Department will prin y anything Is ths- ) stationery line ao it ngoi sua save you real money. J Ads