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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1918. PAGE SEVEN COURT Beuf, Placidus do . Hottingcr, Frederick hauling lock Etsel, Joseph. A do Scott, George moving roller, etc Toellc, Gerhard hauling rock Bainboz, L i hauling rock Boedigheimer, I J spreading of Highberger, E J hauling rock . Gunsalus, John do . Gieblcr, John do . Steward, Galvin do . Kusy, B J da Neitliug, Chris do , Fulton, S A d0 . - Lambert, L S patrolman . Road District No. 33. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice . Siegmund, E. G., hauling rock.. Frcre's, Theodore do . mbler, Bill taking tree from road .. Koad District No. 35. Joost, Rudolph clearing off slides Nystrom, Richard do Nystrom, Oscar do Bradley, Nelson do .... Miller, Conrad patrolman Boad District No. 36. Oregon Statesman publishing of road mooting notice Boad District No. 37. Cooper, J B digging ditch .... Hcanlan, James hauling gravel .. Smith, Ert ditching, ' laying of tile, cte 17.5J. 26.23 5.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 10.50 . 11.25 9.17 10.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 . 58.77 Jones, Clarence C patrolman . Koaa, District no. 64. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice Meyers, L H rolling road Loronacn, C A grading Krug, Alvin grading and drag- Ring Hall, N A driving team . .- Goplerud, John C patrolman Boad District No. 55. Whitehead, Ted filling ruts, etc Wipper, H patrolman .. . . Boad District No. 56. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice . Ebner, J W powder and cape. . Pacific Transfer company, haul; ing tile. 28.25 Associated Oil company, gas grease, etc . 18.97 Beardsley, A J? sand . 150.00 1.80 Biidwell, W S operating roller ' ' 5.00, ete . ' . - 93.50 g.75 Culver, W J advance for express ote .. . : Dciurieh. Prtcr nails , 12 00 21.25 6.87 23.62 3.70 7.50 1.80 11.78 2.00 1.S0 16.00 8.00 1.25 4.50 6.00 6.00 1.50 16.75 .. 1.80 12.00 10.50 9.00 Hoyscr, Geo M patrolman 42.75 ttoaa District no, s. 8nlem Sand and Gravel company gravel .... .. ....... Boad District No. 40. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice .... ..i. ..- Hammond Lumber company, shov el .... .- , Work, C H ditching, etc .... . Taylor, A J hauling and laying corduroy 7.98 36.50 10.00 10.00 15.00 3.75 Domagalla, Frank miscellaneous work . --' 101.00 Doniaealla. Frank expenses- ao- - count putting up railroad signs Farmor Hardware Company Bay L repairs for caterpillar, etc.. Farmer Hardware, company, Bay repairs 2.80 7.76 10.14 25.00 1.05 1.80 1.75 15.00 Eichards, E J patrolman Boad District No. it Oregon Statesman publishing of road mooting notice .. .... .-. Fraiike, A hauling rock, etc - Iloven, Otto spreading gravel, etc . Salem Construction company gravel Rwcglo, Cfiarles hauling rock Zell, G E hauling gravel .... Sweglc, George pntrnlman Boad District No. 42. Salem Sand and Gravel company gravel .... .... .... - Boad District No. 44. Buffalo Stenm Boiler Company parts for roller Farmer Hardware tompany, Bay L chisel, oilef. etc Mineli, Harlev P wood .... ...j Schotthoofer, Josef blacksmith work Cartwright, B E hauling rock Moore, U W do lining, J B do ... ...i . fitavk, Walter do -. -.- ...j .... ... Henningson, L H hauling rock.. -' Pearcie, K C do'.... " Hoffman, G shoveling rock .... .... Stripling, Amcl do .... Greene, B G spronding rock ...... Boad District No. 45. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notico Kmil!", C H black smithing .... Wcutlierill, George dragging . Fleetwood, H T patrolman Boad District No. 46. Eosciibaum, N patrolman Boad District No. 47. Daily Capital Journal, The pub lishing road meeting notico . Amort, Geo grading Batliner, John dragging and grading ...... Brown-Petrel Lumber company Hooper, Ed ditcliing cte McAllister, Cliarlr-s grading . . Lewis, O E pntrolman Boad District No. 43. Oregon Statesman publishing of rond meeting notico Huffman, E J use of team Jefferson Mill Company, lumber Halm, Edwin W patrolman .' Boad District No. 49. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice Ebner, J W f ileB nnd bolts 3.00 25.25 1.80 34.00 12.00 48.75 21.00 28.00 45.00 1.95 52.63 1.53 24.00 6.50 42.50 37.50 22.50 12.50! 1B.50! 10.0O1 7.50 6.00 18.00 Silvcrton Lumber company, dram Davenport, Floyd running en- Kua, Gilbert hauling rock ... Bue, Sever do . Morley, Jay do U .. Zimmerman, Joe do Wurnoi'k, Clark do Dick, John do -.. Peterson, Andrew spread rock.. Broghton, P hauled rock Loo, Carl grading Hauguen, P do . . ..- - Boad District No. 58.. Salem Sund and Gravel company gravel .... ..- Haynes, W H patrolman Boad District No. 60. Farmer Hardware company, Bay L nails , - Galbraith, J C hauling gravel Salem Sand and Gravel company gravel - Bussell, Theron M hauling lumber Martin, Jessee M covering gravel Martin Kenneth do , .... Patton, A" J patrolman .... Boad District No. 61. - Oregon Statesman publishing of road mooting notico .... Boad District No. 62. Collard, Pierce gravel .... . Farmer Hardware company, Bay L iron, chain, bolts, etc 6.12 Bcckncr, A L acting patrolman,. Boad District No. 65. Cramer, Emil team on drag " Eldridgo, H G do Glggey, E operating North San tium ferry HodsontFecuaiighty company, toeth for scarifier, etc . Hoven, Oscar engineer on cater pillar, ota- .. .. . 138.05 Koch ring, Machine company N W balance duo on carburetor Lockwood, C M gasoline ilcllwain, Lester spreading gra- h 72,11 7.60 1.05 29.25 11.25 1 Mcllwain, Win miscellaneous 15.00 3.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 7.80 19.87 6.10 20.00 56.55 5.00 2.50 2.50 61.25 1.80 16.45 68:89 99.00 Eloepping, BH deputy eouaty clerk : Herrick, W B do Arms," A II do McGee, h do . aio.oo 90.00 70.00 63.00 Bigdon, Leila F registration, clerk 53.00 Boyer, C E do,.-t . . 22.50 Cox, Ndlo I do - 2.50 ; Becoidei'B. Offlca, Savage, Helen deputy, recorder. 80.00 Bead, Gertrude Fawk do"- . 80.00 Treasures' Office' . Bichardson, W T deputy treas, 90.00 Assessor a uma - - State Mann. Webster, D justice Varney, P M constable State vs HcNeeL Brown, P L justice . Simeral, A L constable State Vs Moxley. Webster, D justice Varney, P M constable State vs Morley. Webster, D justice . Valley, P M constable State vs BeveaL Eeveal, Frank witness Lewis, C A clerk Kheiton,. Jl oo 90.00 90.00 Bradbury, Mildred stenographer 60.00 Went, GJs, clerk : .. 7.5.1)0 Court. Hous Morgan, Cal janitor ,. Kirby, A P d Hobson, L do 60.00 .60.00 Crook, Mrs Grace do . Brosig, Mrs E do Cronk, Earl, do . Bue, Mrs Bert do Wooden, Mrs W M do 1.80 .123 6.25 Patterson, Bichard patrolman . Boad District No. 66. Oregon Statosman publishing of roai meetine notice Lnthrop, Frank W hauling gravel etc - - Lathrop, Kaspcr J do .-. - Lathrop, Amor W do Lathrop, Gcorgo, shoveling grav el Lathrop, Earl spreading gravel Walitor, Jamos T hnuling gravel Van Nuys, B W repairing cul- vorts - -; Condit, S J patrolman Boad District No. 68. Oregon Statesman, publishing of road meeting notico .... - Looso, W H patrolman Boad District No. 69. Oiogon Statesman- publishing of road meeting notice Ebner, J W nails, etc Hoffer, Eugene dragging, otel. Vphoff, Fred hauled gravel.oto Cphof f, Frod sbovoling gravel, otc - - Walker, .Jos helped on footor Dichl, Albeit hauling gravel, etc 3.75 1.25 11.00 work .... Pcaree & Son, Lot L tank with equipment . Pearce & Son, Lot L coal oil.... Polk County, Oregon Indepcnd enco forry .... 716.95 Bamsden, Lloyd E repairing mo- Saleui Electric company motor cycle repairs .... .... - Salom Hardware company, pack ing -- - r Salom Sand and Gravel Co, gra vel : lOQ.go Salom Water Light and Power company water at tool house.. Snelling, B O tractor oil Snyder, B A operating Buena : : Vista ferry ,.... Standard Oil Company, engine - .distillate . - ..- .. .... Swart, H S- making maps J- - Vick Brothers bearing, etc Walkr, J J and. Van Hattou. Geo part payment aceount of construction Abiqua. creek dam 200,00 iamhiil Electric company Hew- 1.80 12.50 7.50 7.50 3.75 1.25 7.50 5.00 21.00 1.80 31.10 1.80 . 1.10 13.75 15.00 10.00 268.06 .75 2.50 11.05. .45 1.35 9.00 75,00 44.21 46.00 11.51 4.12 GENEEA1 FTJNDi 25.00 1.35 1.20 1.70 Eipclding, P J dragging Kruso, Jos hauling giavol ... .... 8.2S'lloolt, Marion shoveling gravel.. Klein, Fred hauling gravel . 8 00 Humpert, Henry patrolman Boad District No. 70. Oregon Statesman publishing of 3.30 rond meeting notice 5.00 Ditter, Bell &Compnny spikes.... Fisher Lumber company lumber 20.00 llobl, Joo, dragging - 22.56 Hunt, Norris repairing culverts.. 3.75 Branch, A do - - 5.00 Hansen, A repairing macadam.... 3.00 EtBol, Jake do -.. Schiuid, Matt d0 - Downing, E C patrolman 1 r-,5 Boad District No. 88. 1.87 Oregon Statesman publishing of 16.32 roud mooting notice 3.00 Hack, H F shoveling gravel .... Jacolisun, D hauling gravel . Kribs, John hnuling gravel 1 AS' Mills. Claud do .... !90!Turnidgo D E d0 -- .50 Norton, S W hauling lumber ...... 10.00 Turnidge, W J clearing road Seoly, Perry log drag work ...... Stone, Albert do .... - McKee, Chns A patrolman . . Boad District No. 50. Bones, W A with team on water wagon .. - - Salem Sand and Gravel company oravel - Koad District No. 52. Bishop, J A sharpen plows Bowen, J T sawing wood Dickens, W II trimming banks.. Herren, J H levclninn, auto hiro etc - Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice - Salem Sand and Gravel company gravel : Schmiedccke, C F dragging, etc Alton, A gravel Salem Construction company gravel Dunigan, E A Jr plowing and scraping Dunigan, M B laying tile Unrtroff, Dan ditching Caswell. Louis plowing, etc Bnrtruff, Joe grading, etc Davis, G W grading .... .. .. Lichty, John hauling gravel, etc Krehbicl, Carl do : ' Sleffen, Pet spreading gravel Bamsden, Carl, hnuling grave!,. etc. Lcighty, Lester do . Cripps, James do Frolunader, Adam do Dnigan, Edw Sr patrolman' Boad District No. 53. Oregon Statesman publishing of road meeting notice , Fischer Lumber company, lum- Desart, Earl do Kasar, Sam do Fay, B D do 10.00 Turnidgo, John patrolman inniV .Boaamaster. . nm OA 5.50 Culver, W J salary ano oxpenscs .' Johnson, F O deputy, roadmastcr ti.w Tn,i.rt T. S do 47.50 27,50! Salem Bridge. Portland Bailway Light ana po- 111.15 1 wcr company lighting .... Trucks. 1.00 Auto Electric shop rocharging of 1.00 1 batterv 1.50' Bliss, F W lights in storm front I etc 9.25, Director Brothers and Feldstein 1.80!Bollicr, John driving truck 100.00 i Farmer Hardware company, Bay 68.031 L truck repairs ,1213 10.75 jHockmnn, Chester driving true Miscellaneous. Accounts. Donor, Chas H bounty ... .... 1.75 Denuam, Gladys, do ; i 1.05 Thompson, F A for Mrs Joseph Fishburn .... 5.00 Guyer, J p for Lucy Coffin 10.00 Hirsch, Adam bounty w I.. Bussell. Kenneth do - 3:55 Barnes, Lotta M relief .... -j. .... 15.00 Cook, Alice do ,- 10.00 Stitz, Dora do - - -.. - 15.00 Whedbee, Emma do ..- . 10,00 Dudley, L E bounty . 1.45 Lcverman, Tony do - 1.95 Aufderheide, Robert do 1.60 Bosloy, George do, . 1.65 Thomas, Willie do ..... ..- 2.70 Loretss, Kenneth do .... 1.25 Sterling, John, do , 1X3 Bradley, Mrs Lucy relief for six Decker children 4.. .... .... Colgan, G H bounty .... a, Gille, Henry do Van Nuys, Mrs. CEdo .. . Colvin, Bobcrt d0 . - j gsj Baker, W A relief, .... .... annmerman, Arnold Bounty . Darst, C P do .... : .... .... Stauffcr, Joseph do - .... Clovinger, Mrs b E relief ... .... Wolf, Theodoio bounty Mcllwain, Geo do Byrd, W H examinations Cashatt, C E do -,. ..j Griffith, L F examination Hnll, J B bounty Gath, Arthur do Benon, John bounty .... .... Schuff, M bounty .... .Poor Account, Baker, W. A., relief Balliott, 8 rolief Barnott, Elizabeth do ....... Barrior, Mr. and Mrs. do Boys & Girls Aid society do Clovinger Mrs 8 E do Bradley, Mrs Lucy for six Dock er children - 25.00 Buff un, W B do 10 00 Carlson, C Carl do . 10.00 Charlifaux, Mrs. Grandma do 10.00 Dickinson. S A do 10.00 Dodge, Ulyssa Ellen do 2.50 Dodge; Ulyssa Ellon do isJ.58 Enclolmrt. Mrs Anna do ' Foster, Mrs do lz.ou Gilchrist, Alma do 10.00 Gliddon. J H do 10.00 ...Uubiu. Li7.0tt0 do - iv-0 Groshong, Mrs J N do 10.00 90jW School Superintendent, Beid, Cor E oler 60.00 Smith, J W L supervisor 100.00 Fulksrson, Mary L. d0 1, 100.00 PoorAccounK Byrd, W H county physician 60.00 Jackson Hattie M special poor officer - - 70.00 Stock Inapeotox Morehouse. W Qt county veteri narian 33.60 Seale of Wolf at. and Measures Jones, JF salary and expenses' 49.45 County Court and Commissioners. Gonlet, W H county commission er , : 02.201 Hunt, J T Jo 60.00 Circuit Court. Gibbens, Goo W jurpr'L- .... - 63.40 Small, I H do . .... -.. 5o.o0 Drake, B S do .... .... 54.6Q Cooper, James.' T do . . . 54.60 HolUngsworth, J M do 63.00 Gehlen, N J do..,..... 05.00 La FOro, B M'do .... .i . 36.40 Hnlley,-B C bailiff .... ....54.00 McGilchrist, James, do 13.60 Begistrition and Elections. . Beavor State Printers envelopes. ; 6.50 Boyer, U G stamps .. . 18.00 Brentano, John F Thoo B canvas sing votes .. .. - 27.00 Crawford. E C delivering ballot boxes - 29.25 Director, Brothers & Feldstpin nails, etc ,. .70 Elliott,. N D official aptiees.ctc 11.50 Jaquet, Chas delivering, booths, . wood, etc. ,..;..,.r,. 35.75 Jones, B B delivorinij. sertificates. of vacancy .. 10.00 Mulkey, Wm P canvassing, votes 27.00 Ncedham, W I auto. hire,., ete delivering ballot boxos 9.34 Borstow, Miss Marie so iwat t onuin. Webster, D justice . Varney, P-M eonstable mate vs vecnter. Webster, D justice .... Varney, P M constable Neibler, Frank witness - .. Mills, John do Marshall, B 8 do ..... Smith, P N do Keber, J J do Young, Bufo do Lcct, Wm do . - Sticktar, Joo do : ;. .Zolner, Pete do Kohn, ?at do, S.60 15.42 i - .SO 5.90 5.95 4.50 8.05 4.50 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 8.10 S.10 .10 S0 10.00 13.95 20.50 2.90 2.90 2.90 4.00 4.00. 4.00 2.90 2.90 2.90 1 3.00 2.00 Pearce Son, Lot L batteries Bigdon, Company, account burial J M Brannon oo.U" Boberts, C M groceries for Mrs A Heghn Bobcrts,. C M groceries for Mrs Mo Afce, , , Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Mrs. Martha Dicke Salem Deaconess. Hospital care. of Ja Patterson ... Salem Deaconess Hospital care of J F Barker Salem Hospital, care of Mrs. Liz zie Howard Salem Hospital care of M, B Doud 7.95 7.42 30.00 10.30 7.00 30.00 Pork, on foot . Veal, fancy . Hay, cheat Steers Cow Spring lambs . Lambs, yearlings Eggs, cash Hens, uve Old roosters Chickens Turkey, dressed Turkeys live 45.00 30.00 w 18-pO 3.00 ... ,13.38 46.50 39.75 's ex- Insane examination. Grififth, I F. examination 500 Bcnool ouperiiiieiiaeui. Gardnor & Keene alarm clock..- Fulkerson, Mary L- supervisor a exDensos Oregon. Statosman school, direct ory .-. . - -f Beid, Cora E truancy Bodgers Paper cqropani mimeo , paper, envelopes, etc -.I. T lir. T B,inn.t,!afl'l omuii, i; , dujw.iw. itensen Smith, W M. traveling expenses, 16.63 Smith, W M advance lor stamps, nnd nostals Health Officer. Dlgerness, N groceries furnished Ivor Broindon v Beauchamp, Dr. n A registrar- Floonor, Dr J G do Boebe, G H do Wobert,: Louis do; Gooding, J a do-: Kollv, J 8 d0 Hubbs, G W do , Bauman, J T do Fruit Djspector. Van Trump, 8 H salary and ex- Sulem Hospital tare of Mrs. Jane Caldwell .... . Salem Hospital care of Geo Hub bard Salem Hospital eare of Joe Bar rencin . s. Salem Hospital ar of W M Mullinger . Salem Hospital ears of Janice, Smith Saleui aWtcr Light and Power, company water service for Mrs Donuldson Taylor, Earl E superintendent of poor farm j au Account. Farmer Hardware Company, Bay L mot) and holder - Ncedham, W I board of prisonr erg 25.00 22.00 11.00 1.30 337.07 ggt, and Foul toy i6 161B 242 ..:79 46ft 11 4-6 Sweet potatoes Potatoes Onions, local Cabbage Turnips, . Vegetate as , Celery Head lettuce . Beats 6ts 2224a 15a 2124 3335a 2S(iS 4.5 ii.7 tl.7S 2 U .. 95a Parsnips ., Cranberries, box Cauliflower 2.753 , $65S 1.75 3-3uParkor, John delivering ballot 24.75; 49.5H 24.00 8.40 4.00 2.25 8.00 1.50 .75 .75 7.75 2.00 1.15 27.51 Juvenile Account. Needham, W I auto hire l.0 Advertising. Salem Commercial Club club dues 300.00 Gopher and Mole Bounty Continued. Bover. U Q advance for bounty.. 10.80 Indemnity for Diseased Cattle. Turnidge, John indemnity .... .... 37.50 State rait. Van Trump, 8 H walnuts, 12.00 Tax Rebate. E,omp, Wm rebate 11.45 War Contingent Daily Capitaj Journal, The adver tininff account War Savings Rtrnnns committee ..- ..- 21.00 Federal Food Administration of Miirinn cnuntv Oregon stono-, crarihic holn. eto 31.50 Poor Account Continued, KWlsnn. t Co. E IS clubfoot for Schrock boy 12.00 Iran Orange S.505.7i Lemons, box . 5.50j)6.7i Bananas. . 9H Florida grape fruit, case - Black figs, 25 25 Ids. 58 Figs, 4 os. packages 5.5 Fins. 8 os. cackages , Fiss. 8 os. packages 3.89 Fiu. 10 lb. fanov . Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy- No. 1 comb honey , ,12.29 Betall Prices Creamery butter Flour, hard whealk country Duller Eggs, dozen 7Sa 657e 75a 91.00 boxes - - 3.00 Bodgers Paper company envelop es and paper 22.30 Salem Fuel Yards wood .... 4.15 Sims, Paul M rent of typewriter - 2.00 Stiff & Son, E L rent of tables chairs, etc .... .... ... .... ... . 12.60 EXPENSES. 40.00 12.00 28.7o 3.75 5.00 5.00 5.00 cl.00 1.80 1.05 17.10 9.37 3.12 1.87 1.87 10.00 5.00 6.87 1.80 2.50 5.00 5.00 3.75 1.30 30.00 10.00 5.00 1.35 4.00 1.20 1.D5 20.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 25.00 20.00 .50 ,1.70 ' 8.0.0 .90 18.01 4.24 53.32 7.20 9.88 4.00 0.30 34.50 1.80 2.00 .33 2.00 28.60 5.00 6.2i 7.5 12.50 7.81 6.00 20.61 i5 27.50 11a rf etc llmnlev. R driving truck 100.00 Juquotj Chas trip from garage tn tool house - Machine Company, Nor thwest rccairine coil . -i! Lockwood, C M gasoline .... 14.83 & Son Lot L do 3L70 Qusekcnbusb Auto Supply and Vulcanizing gas and oil .... .... Shafer, F E fan belts etc Stroud, E driving truck ..- - Valley Motor company nooo parts .... - - 7.02 2.93 61.60 61.60 53.G0 .75 58.05 21.40 100.00 1.75 Vick Brothers gas, repairs, etc 245.07 MISCELLANEOUS. Deggeler, William, do Lee, Frank do Dick, John do Bowen, Harvtv do Bridges. Ames, S spikes ; Barr, G I repairing 1.80 Brewer, John H lumber ; Ebner, J W nails, oil, ete .96 Lawrey, Fred transporting men and tools -- 3.00 Lawrev. Fred d0 2.251 Palmqiiist, Chas bridge timbers., 1.25 Windishar, John nails . 5.00 Lawrey, Fred bridge work 44.34 Scott. C E do .. 10.00 10.00 10.00 Haggard, Delia do Hardin, Graco Ellen do Hardwick, Charlos do Haynos, Mrs Caroline do Henry, Mrs OUvn iS do Hiug, Mrs Ora do Old Peoples Home Rilief Mrs. Julia D. Hurtel Imlay, Mrs Francis iclief Knott, Mrs Melvina do La Chappelle, Mrs A do . Lante, Cathorino do Kctchum, M. Lo., do Lawrence. Charles do Luciior, Stephen Sr do Mack, E A do for Mahor, Mrs Mary do 6.00 1.50 34.40 26.01 1L70 34.90 4.00 1.92 96.56 18.75 30.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 25.00 15.J0 32.50 12.00 18.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 12.00 10.00 McDauicl, Mrs. Blaich, do .. 20.00 McDonald, John do 10.00 Miracle, Mrs A do ; Newton, O D do : l"-00 Ouall. John J do 10.00 Reinhart, icosana ao Eemick, W. M., do . Rogers, Joseph W do Salem Deaconess hospital relief for W. 8. Mitchell Sehmidt. Katherine relief , Schmidt, Peter do Skoog, Mrs Albert do Smith, A H do Snoddcrly, Flora do - Stoevnson, Mrs. Bonnie do . Stripling, Hula ddo Thompson, Mrs 8- do - Wolls, H A do 61.231 91.56, MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS. owen, nar. . - - - - " a handling grader isarnan, u o unuist- . . - - - 09 On Darby, James O ditching for tile 5.00 etc with caUrpdUr 82.00 Whitflj Mrs J F do SALARIES. J Sheriff Office. Bower, O D do , ; Holmes, P H do Smith, B B do Willard, Pansy tax., clerk - MeFarlane, J C do .. Clark's Office Sheriff's Office. Beaver State Printers' printing notices, ete .... ..J Ji Ncedham, .W I autq liil-e,icrimint ; A al work - 2.20 Northwestern Long Distance Tel ephone Company calls ,.. . 2.55 Patton Bros., paper, adding ma 8.00 J chine paper; etc ,-, - 1.35 , Portland Bailway Light and Po- 3.35 1 wer company gas ... - - 1.35' Bodgors Paper company binding 10.00 tax receipts -. ..- Western Union Telegraph com pany tolcgrams . , Clerk's Office. Huckstain,. August stamped ven-velppcs- su.. Moores & Co., Boss E .legal blanks 5.67 Patton Bros staple machine, tab lets, etc - Bodgora, Pnpor. company paper..: Recorder's Office. Brooks, Mildred M advance for stamps and cards Shaver, B A printing mortgage ' record book Treasurer's Office. Commercinl Printing company, lcttor heads 9.25 Surveyor's Office. Patton Bros, envelopes, carbon paper, ete 15.25 Assessor's umce Patton Bros, paper 20 00 Bodgers Paper company carbon and paper - Steolhammcr, O A deputy asses sor .- West, Ben F advance for stamps District Attorney, Gcarhart, Hazello stenographer Gehlhar, Max advance for stamps, phone etc Coqnty Court and Comtniseioners, Daily Capital Journal, The pub lishing claim docket 79.68 Downing, A L auditing county records 85.00 Lee, A A do 83.00 Oregon Statesman publishing of. claim docket 83.52 Court House. Ashliman Xouis cleaning sink waste pipe 1.80 Barr, Theo M air valve, etc . 2.3, Evans, H E hauling trash 1.00 Portland Railway Light and Po wer eompany lighting Salem Water Light and Power company water . Circuit Court Continued. Needham, W I sheriff advance for serving subpoena .... Brock, Ed witness -.. - 8.00 j Buge, Chas 8 do - 15.00 , Marlatt. Goo Jr do . Fipncy, Ella do .... .... Brous, Tobe do Whitaker, Ella do - Thacher, George A do Elvin, James do - Monahan, James do . Brown, Thos. do - - Minto, J W do Sherwood, L C do . Boberts, 8 L do - Justice court Miscellaneous, Postal Telegraph-Cable company telegrams - - Western Union Telegraph com pany The do .-. Wolf, Wm account, .'prohibition law . .-W State Ts John Doe et aL Webster, D justice . .. - Needham, W I constable .... M. Everetts .... ..- -.. Larmor Transfer company coal for Mrs. Donaldson .... 12.63 6.67 6.50 30.00 6.37 J TKEHARKt Oram Wheat, soft white - , 1.948 Wheat, lower grades on sample Ont - 800 u mil 128 pensos - Foot AccountContinued. Archerd Implemont company po wer washer - Austin's Grocery groceries for Mrs Strath - Boworman, Mrs L N room rent for Jos Rogers - B-uu Burger. Win H house ront for "Mrs. Donaldson Champ & Son, 8 H groceries for Mrs Valet .-, - . ' Drake 's Grocery groceries for Mrs Van Cleave - Hall, E N acount burial M. Coy ' I Jack, W 8 account burial Geo. I UIUKNAI Wflfl! flfAI Buttetfat, , .... $4850 4343.50 6.00 Barley, ton 1 Mill run .... B AA Butterfat .... 55' n 70 Creamery butter : 6667 I Pork, Veal and Mutton Portland, Or., Deo. 30.-J8utter, city; creamery 660 Eggs, selected local ex oolffi'ivo Hons 28i30 : Broilers 2627j ! Geese. 25a . i Cheese, triplets 3940o Turkey 400, . DAXLT LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts 1205 Tone of market strong . Prinie,. etcers $12(0)13- . Choice eows -and-heifers 9940" , Medium,, to, good steora. $10U Fair to medium' steers 8 50(n)9.50' Common to fair steers 7.708.5 : Choice cows and heifers 8.509.25 Medinm to good; cows and heifer 7 .50(8.56 Fairto medium, cows ana neuew $6.507.50, Cannors. 3.8U(a.9U Bulls 6)8- Calves $912 . 1 Stocken and feedors $7(39 ! Hog -ReceipU 1768 , ; Tone of markot strong " Prima mixed $17(fiH7.23 Medium mixed . 16.5016.85, 1 Rough heavies $14.75(1 Q, 1 Pig, 1415 , Bulk 116.85 .. ' 1 Sheep Rocoipts 833 .- '-' -v' - , Tone of .markofr strong 10.00 j 13.00 Jourcal Want Ads Pay IViir to medium -Ycarlings'$10(8U Ewes $68.50- . Wethers 910.50 12.25r, lamb 11.50(S mm;mvhhvH,m ' "tl 1 CAPITAL JOURN ALl CLASSIFIED DEPT. I: : OWCI REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE OfiJSflORT NOTICE j: i WHERE BUYER AND SELLER HEEME RECOWIEND OUR ADVERTISERS l Tf, 1 1 11 ZVXITTHTITQ BLBOTBIOAI, . ZleetrU Co., Maoi Temple, 127 North Hirfh Telenhenf Mala im OSTEOPATH DBS. a E, WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians ana serve specialist Graduates of Am erican school of Ostoopathy, Eirk Tille, Mo. Post er0Uftt 8nd BPee" iaUiied in aervous disoese at hot argeles College. Offies 505-608 Nat r wao piwinn 83. Eosidenee, 10.1 fnrt. Vhone 2218. Dr. White IV" v - Boa, Phone 469 DENTIST TJE. F. L. TJTTEB, DEN JU T, KWo 413-414 Bank of Cemrooraa cwaing, WATER COMPANY ARE vou looking for a house n Port land'l I have a cozy three room cot tage, choice lot, in a fine location near ear lino in a good neighborhood . If you wish to buy it will pay you to see number 6730 at coiner of 68 street and 49 ave, S. E Portland. Price 600. Phono 470 or lee Square Tioul BealtT comliaay. V. S. bank b.ldg tf BRE2G YOUR TRADES t ... moih too. O. W. Blomeyer, Beal Ei: Aoent. Canadian Lands, 644 State street. REAL ESTATE 600 ACRES, 1500 acres botlom in, eut tivation, 450 acres hill pasture, all good soil, no rock, 6 room house, I barns, granary, spring water in the,, house, all fenced, 2 miles from , town on Pacific highway, moil route, telephone, electric line for powei ot light, 3000 worth of live stock gooe withh the deal, terms on part, only 17,500. Socolofsky, 341 Blade Stt t SCAVENGER ALEH WATEB COMPANy-Office eorner Commercial and Trade streo'.s Bills payable monthly in advance. Phoae 606. SECOND-HAND GOODS SALV.M 8CATENGEB Garbage and reluae ef all kinds removea on rnoniu ly contracts at reasonable rate Cam pools cleaned. Dead aaimU re movsS. Office phone, Main 2247. Besidence, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY 1V4 ACBH9, house, barn, woodshed chicken coop, well, "Vj acre orchard, in Salem limit, offered the lass timo, only 1225. 5 acres, good i room house, barn, well, fair outbuild ings, 34 acre fine family orchard mail route past the door, offered the last time, only WSO. 5 acres, fane modern improvements, on paved real ' 3 acres prunes, 000. ID acres, alt in fall grain, close in only 1475, terms on 750. 10 acres, 8 in cultiva tion, good buildings, 5 miles out, oa ly 2500. Have several very fine pay inc nruno orchards for pale reason able. Soeolofnky, 341 ttta'.e 8t, rt WANT to secure a 2000 loan at 8 pM cent. 80 acre farm for rent. Soco lofsky, 341 State St. at KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MBET AT rRIj1TIiAiD Nursery, Salem, Boute t 9.00 40.00 15.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 30.03 20.00 8.00 10.00 7.50 0.00 100.00 100.00 . 90.00 50.00 97.D2 7.00 1.00 7.00 8.40 7.20 4.00 2.20 2.20 12.00 2.20 26.00 2.20 12.80 4.00 2.20 8.39 10.64 25.65 8.20 7.40 FINANCIAL EOTH TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security THO& K. FOBD Ladd Bush bank; Salem Oregos MCornsk hall, oa. ery TuMl7 at 8. P. Andresaa, C. O. F. J. Kane K. B. 8. State rs Hutton. ' 22.75 Webster, D justice 8. flDEBAL FABM LOANS 6 pe' cent 34 years time. A. C. Bonrnsteut, 401 Masonic Temple. Balem, Orgon. MOVEY to loan on good real estate. 5j percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Bakm Bank of Com- mArCA. 12-14 BOTAL NEIOHBOBS OF AMERICA "Oiegon Grape .Oaaap" Ne. 1360. meets every Thursday, eveniag i Derby building, Court and High Mrs. Pearl Coursoy, 214 Court t Oracle; Mrs. I'elissa Persoas, reeor er 1415 N. 4th St. Phoae 1436M. U fiDERN WOODMEN OF AM8B1C onmi Cedar Camn no. oo meew every 3rd and 4th Thur. ve, 8 o'cloel In Derby building, eorner Court and High streets. B.F. Day,, v. u.j r. Turner, clork. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES BEBTJILT AND BEPAIBED 50 years experience, Depot, Natioaal and American fence. Bizee 26 to. 58 in hih Paints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop hooka. Balem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124 I-Varuey, P M eonstable 0 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ,hor 138E. nhone lllil. We have ths Roman strain grtfed Franquet wal nuts as well as a full Uno of all oth er nursery stock. 1-1 Rheumatism Cured. Colds, Headache and Insomnia, prevented. Address 138 Capital Journal or call phone 1803 t FOB BOYAL TYPEWE1TEE8 Write to Graham & Wolls, Corvallis, Oregon, Agents for Marion county 1-21 UNITED ABTI SANS Capital Assort. bly No. 84 meets every -.mursusy i 8 p. m. in Manonie Temple. Norma L. Terwilligcr, M. A.; C A, Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens .street. The Jonrnal Job Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real money. intbePdDGrthatBr to-nwTCWvrSiithe Tctuirtf A7 - Results uAdrn