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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1918)
Editorial Page of The Capital Journal SATURDAY EVENING November 9, 191S CHARLES H. FISHEH Editor and Publisher essBS5SBSSSBSSSB63SBSB9B6BSSSBSBSB6B6BaBS56BS5SB85SB3 Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address All Communications To Gibe Dailn $wkl Journal SALEM 130 S. Commercial St. OBEGON SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily, by Carrier, per year........00 Per Month Daily by Mail, per year $3.00 Tcr Month.. 45c 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEORAPH REPORT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES AV. D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. W.'H. Stockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building The Deily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If ibo carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers following instructions. Phone 61 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by Bpccial messenger if the carrier has missed you. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by tho Audit Bureau Of Circulations PATRIOTISM WILL RULE CONGRESS. The Medf ord Mail Tribune is right in its contention that all interests and factions opposed to the government vote against the administration in times like these. For instance, we do not have to go outside of Oregon to find precincts of pro-German tendency voting solidly repub lican, now, just as they did for Hughes for president two years ago. This is not because they love the republican party, but because the democrats are in control and thus represent the government. If the republicans were in power all these malcontents and elements of discontent would vote democratic. The Mail Tribune sizes up the situation pretty well when it says of the failure of the country to respond to the president's appeal and elect a congress of his own party will not materially cnange me course of events. Nearly all of the republicans made, campaigns upon pledges to support the presidents By the time the new congress comes into power, the war will have been over and "peace established. Even should the reactionaries try to organize an opposition to block the president's policies, they will not succeed, for the major ity of republicans place patriotism ahead of party. No one for a moment questions their absolute sincerity in $his respect. This talk about a patriotic issue in the cam paign was political camouflage. The democrats only had the best of the argument in that the rejection of his party candidates might be regarded abroad as a repudia tion of the president's war policies. One of the determining features of the election was the German vote, which except in New York and Mil waukee, where it supportedprojGerman socialists pledged to peace at any price, voted solidly for the republican ticket. This was the case in every section where there is a conosiderable German vote. It accounts for republican success in Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska and other states. It accounts for the re-election of Norris, who has opposed every war measure. . Political revolutions, however, are not undesirable things in this country. We believe the republican party stayed too long in power after the civil war and follow ing the Spanish-American conflict. It a good thing to have a republican national administration two years hence. These changes weaken political machines and foster independent voting. Long-continued power by one party is dangerous even in a republic. The election, with its mudslinging and abuse, cannot however minimize the president's great part in the war the contribution of moral leadership, which has played as important a role as the military and naval exertions of the allies. It has been hailed with delight by our allies, has created a unity of purpose that made them irrisistible and has destroyed the power of the enemy by aiding ma terially in demoralizing morale and in unhorsing autoc racy. ; President Wilson has committed America and the al lies to principles of justice and our ability to stand success will be proven by our adherence to these principles at the peace conference It is for this reason that the president must be supported, and probably will be supported by the new congress despite continued opposition by the reac tionary politicians and beneficiaries of privilege. GERMANY SEETHES WITH REVOLUTION. ard moved in diplomatic and the higher social circles be cause of the position he held. He saw the German people from the. same viewpoint that the- ruling class regarded them. m . A splendid series of articles was written for the Sat- urday Evening Post, by Mr. Roth, who was of German extraction himself, and who had been stationed for years in an important manufacturing city of Germany repre senting the United States. He left that country with Gerard when we entered the war, and his articles were published about the time that Gerard gave the world the story of his experiences as ambassador at Berlin. This man Roth knew all classes of the German people, mixed with them and they talked freely to him. His ar ticles impressed the reader with the fact that he was well posted on the subject he was .treating. . ' ' The writer contended that revolt was sure to come to Germany; that the people at home were talking it even at that early date and that women spread the propaganda to the soldiers home on furloughs. The longer the revolt was delayed the worse it would be from all standpoints, he declared, and predicted that the Russian revolution might seem a tame alfair compared to what was due to happen in the kaiser s empire. This prediction seems to be coming true. Germany is aflame in all quarters and only a speedy peace may fore stall chaos and anarchy. It is likely that some oi the wiser German rulers foresaw the impending danger when they began their ef forts to end the war. It would not be surprising, however, it action came too late. HIS MOTHER OVER HERE. By Edmund Vance Cooke. It isn't alone that I give my boy, Him I. have builded from sorrow and joy, ' My boy who has Just turned man, But I send away what he was each day, Since ever his life began. The boy who yesterday, stooping above, Caressed my lips with a newer love, And although my eyes were dim, I knew that his heart had found its part And I blest that love for him. I am giving the youth who tossed his hat RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THE WAR LORD. STICK TO YOUR JOB. The lid is off in Germany. The bolshevik movement started by German militar ists to wreck the Russian empire, spread next to Austria Hungary and now bids fair to sweep over Germany itself. It will be remembered that Ambassador Gerard in his articles on Germany and the German people, contended that the kaiser's subjects would never revolt. Mr. Ger- LADD & BUSH, Bankers are receiving subscriptions'now for the JU I IRFRTY BONDS 4th There is sound sense in the statement that is being widely printed in a series of industrial and patriotic ad vertisements. "Things look good over on the west front. The Hun is falling back, snarling and killing as he goes but he is tailing back. I his is splendid news. But let's not fool ourselves. "It's a long way yet to Unter den Linden. The way will be spotted with the bodies of brave young' Americans wet with the blood of those we love best. "They know the price that will still have to be paid. We must go with them in prayer, in spirit, in material aid. "Pray to the just God of Battles who never yet has forsaken righteousness in arms but work as you pray, give as you pray and sacrifice as you pray. For the mo ment the tide of battle sets toward us, so work hard to keep it from ebbing. "Victory is not yet certain. Work steadily to clinch it. Victory will come onl ywith doing and giving. And God help America if we falter! "STICK TO YOUR JOB!" We may not have to go to Berlinit doesn't look that way now unless it is to hold the city and keep order while permanent peace is beirig arranged., But it is the American way to finish a job and keep at it until it is thoroughly finished. That means that we should contribute to the United War Work activities and the Red Cross, and buy bonds and thrift stamps, as long as the government says these things are necessary. In course of time the word will come from official sources that the war is really over and that we may return to our accustomed habits of times of peace and national security. In the meantime the civilian in any capacity has no more right to loaf on the job than the soldier. The noise and enthusiasm of the celebration in Salem, and throughout the country, broke all records. This is not 'a demonstrative community. It is quiet and conser vative. But the lid was off Thursday night as never be fore in its history. It indicated the strain under which the country has been- laboring as the demands of war have grown with its progress. Millions of homes have members in the service, some have made the supreme sac rifice and capacious hospitals are filled with the sick and wounded. While we have but a touch of war compar ed to the European countries, it has made a marked im pression upon every community, and the restriction of personal rights, so unusual in the country, has been felt by all classes. The influenza epidemic, too, followiong in the wake of war, has filled the nation with death and sor row. So when the tension was released by the magic word "peace", the nation was beside itself with joy, a feeling of relief and new found freedom that was indescribable. And even if the news was a little premature the celebra tion brought a better feeling and stronger faith in the future that have caused most people to overlook the fact that it was all a mistake. The various war boards expect to keep right on after the armistice is signed, but their tenure of control will probably be short. American people will relax the mo ment they feel the emergency is passed and food conser vation, defense leagues and all such organizations will find the public paying much attention to them. The envoys may not have anything, to surrender if they wait until Monday. The allies are pushing forward, Maubeuge has fallen, and the fires of revolt are menacing Hindenburg s army from the rear. The war lord had his little day, he flashed his gleam ing saber; "he is," the nations used to say, "a most impos ing neighbor. He's talked of wounds and death and scars, until our heart-strings tingled; he certainly looks much like Mars, with Vulcan intermingled. He poses as the an cient Hun, Attila, bold and haughty; of course he means it all in fun--he's merely rather dotty." In times of peace the nations grinned at Wilhelm and his posing; his war in' the face of the worid, who flouted lord stuff was so much wind, no solemn threat disclosing. itflat - And while the nations erinned and smirked, and thought themselves in clover, the kaiser and his cohorts worked p tput hetir war graft over. They put it over good and strong, they caught the nations napping; as cenutries, the years seem long, since Bill began the scrapping. It'a easy now for us to say, We've learned our lesson fully, and ne'er again can royal jay spring stuff so wild and wooly." Alas, but we forget so soon, as graveward we go roaming! Is any corn that hurts at noon remembered in the gloaming? We'll have long years of peace again we're at that era's portal; if any war lord's strutting then, will we just wink and chortle - The United War Activities drive may be one of the last of its character during the war and deserves sup port. The soldiers will need their ministrations for some months to come. The Red Cross, too, will probably re quire additional funds to complete their work. As he bared his arm, untried. To win a place in .the world's lard race, With a laugh for the game beside. I am giving the lad who never eould Be half so bad as I thought him good, And if over his heart was sore, If ho rambled wild, he was nim mf child And I only lovod him moro. I ain giving the boy who went to school And if ever he irked at the rigid rule, Or his lessons Went amiss, 'Twas a very small chap snuggled into my lap For the .comfort of a mother's kiss. I am giving mv boy who went to play And who hurtled back any hour of the day, Like a wild wolf scenting wool, And I Bat by his side, with a motherly ' prido And filled his hallowncss full! I am giving the child of my every mood, Who sweetened my sleep, who savored .my food, Who brightened the morning light. And I fretted away such hours of the day " As he lingered out of my sight. I am giving the boy in his trousered pride. When first his little legs tucked inside That garment of youthful joy, And I laughed to bco his ticklesome glee To become a two-legged boy! am giving my child in his pinafores As he rambled and rummaged tho whole ln-doors, In silent mischief planned, Or clung to my skirt to kiss the hurt, Of his little pink tender hand. I am giving him sick, I am giving him well, Through sweets of heaven and fears oi hell, And along with all the rest, The new warm head, as I lay abed And it nestlod against my breast. Men give but a man for the Kaiser's crimes, But a mother gives ten thousand times. The boy whom she sends away, For tender and small or sturdy and tall, He is born to her every day. "TTTTTTTT T T T7TT TTTT ?TTi T The Wife! One of the surest signs that the war is over is the ef-. fort Mexico is making to get back on the front page of the newspapers. A new revolution is said to be smolder-' ing there. est idoa of nagging him, or of lotting zone by Ealph Faine. him know that sho was awaie of the WoifnrA nt Tna0 . fn time he came in. But if he were going I ,. ... ., , ' ,. . to take this tone with her she would I""" ul lue OI preparation an. toll him nothing. Her lip quivered , warfare, by PauJ Azan. By JANE PHELPS when she remembered how she had striven not to find fault even when sho knew she had cause. ' It had been twolve o'clock when ho camo in, yet he had resented her simple question in such a manner as to freeze the confidence on her lips. What had ho been doing, where had he been, that he was so quick to blamo her, so im patiantf Khe said nothing more, but dressed, and while at breakfast tried to appear as usual although "her thoughts never left tho question of his whereabouts until twolve o'clock the night before. Sho knew he never remained in his of fice after six, also that no school kept open till midnight. After his lesson ho "The Cross at tho Front." descrip tive of the religious spirit among the . soldiers, by Thomas Tiplady. "Out There," the work of the Y. M. C. A. at the front, by Charles White kair. "Tho Future of Disabled Soldiers," by C. W. Hutt. "Lost Fruits of Waterloo," an argu ment for a durable federation of peace by John Spencer Bassett. . "A Traveller in War Time," pie-' tures of travel in France and in Eng land in 1917, by the novelist, Winstoa Churchill. "Everyday Foods in War Time." help for tho housewife in the economi- had gone somewhere; and it was a place' c,al ana Patriotic use of foods, by Mary about which he did not want her to'owanz question him. "Food in War Time," a handy vol- Brmn seemed to forget that he had,unle in aiot calories, and coats of tool replied impation tly to Buth, and in prepared by trraham Lusk, I.:- 1 1 a-ii; -J! "Home TTln in Mucin About the only grievance we have against the repub lican party for the way they voted in the recent elections dinner with "her employe is that they re-elected Fall of New Mexico to the senate. BRIAN REMAINS OUT JUST AS LATE A3 BEFOBE. CHAPTER LXXX. Brian tip toed into the room, and a very audiblo sigh of relief escapod him as he saw Buth asleep a8 he supposed. Uo had not meant to be so late; he had meant to come directly home when his lesson was finished, about half past eight. But some of the old crowd had dropped into Mollie's little studio, and they had sat smoking and talking until late. Keally, ho felt terribly conscience stricken. If only he could get to bed without waking Buth, perhaps he could say ho didn't know the time he got in if she asked him in the morning. Ho was ashamed to think he had been so thoughtless. "Slie s a dear girl! ' he whispered to himself as ho quietly placed one shoe on the floor, then the other, instecd of kicking them off with the racket no usually mMie. "I ought to be ashamed. I am!" he added with a rather sheop ish grin, as he crawled into bed, stay ing on the very edge so fearful was he of waking her. There they both lay wide awake, each trying to conviuce the other they were asleep, and each guiltily awaNe. Fortunately neither was awaro of the ludicrous situation; and when finally, they slept it wax in blissful ignorance that either had lain awake. "What time did you got in, Brian t" Ruth asked in the morning. ' "I didn't look at the clock," he said. "You were fast asleep, so I crawl ed in without disturbing you." "lou must have been later than vou expected to be. Yon recall you prom" ist'd to be home by nine, or a little af- t er,if you ilum t come-home to dinner. I didn't ge to bed until after nine, aud I" Oh, don't nag a fellow just because' he couldn't get homo on the raiuuto! I had to wait for a- car," he interrupted. Buth had been about to sv that she had been very tired, and had had a big r aud it had his usual egotistical way was tolling of a now client ho had secured, whom he thought was going to be a" good one," as ho expressed it, because he was sup posedly wealthy. "That '8 fine I" Buth replied, encour Home Help in Music Studv." 1t Harrictte Moore. "Dramatization of Bible Stories," discussed by Elizabeth Miller. "A Course for Beginners in .Relig ious Education" suited to five-vcar nidi ueimr him as was hnr. habit. Ri.v hud Alnry Bankin. Brian not been s0 wrapped up in him , 'Tho Unseen Tost and Other Plays, n self as t0 not notice the shade iu her by Pcrcival Wilde, voice, ho would havo seen that the en 'The Door of Dreams," pocmg by com-ugement waa not so hearty, nor s0 Jcssle Kittenhouse. spontaneous as usual. "The Melody of Earth," a book oi "Yes, I hope through him to meet nature poems collected by Mrs. Bick. others like him," the reply was rather! . ihe Beal Man," a novel by Fran- pomnously eiven. and Buth" smiled in i cls. Lynde. a sad sort of way at what she had al- ,Pere Mable Love letters ways considered his boyishness; - but rooKK, dv itreeter. which sue occasionally feared he would L Cneful by Bequost," by Edna not overcome only occasionally, howjCl'')e tver. 01 S "Don't mind about the money, dear, just lit first. Try to do what the givo you to do botter than any 6n3 else could do it. We can live easily with what we both earn" (a8 alwavs ko had put him on an equal plane as le garded earning capacity) and it will give you all the time you need to do good work. Tako pains with what ha gives you to do. Don't hurry it,"-she knew that he was apt to rush a piece ef work if he cither needed or thought he needed the money, "I guess I know how to manage my own business," Brian retorted, yet not unkindly. "I can work as fast as any one and do it well too. You see, Buth, you think that because you earn a few dollars you know it all. After you have been working longer you won't think yourself so wise." Brian had meant no slur, he had even smiled as he spoke. But Buih was hurt "Earn a few dollars," ho had said hi his careless, patronizing way! She earned twice what he did, yet he took such a tone with her. Her business amour propre was offended. . She sever allowed herself to brag; even scarcely entioned the fact, save (ynsualiy, when she had accomplished a piece of work for which the firm gave her un stinted praise. She never even nad hinted that she was "wise" and that she "knew it all." Tomorrow Mrs. Clayborne at last decides to visit Kuth. New Bocks Received At Public Library ui vuipiurrr auu 11 uau or active service with t made her very sleepy. Sho had n faint-' destroy eta and their allie; 'The Fighting Fleets" five months active service with tho American SINCE YOUR RETTJBN Sequel to "Since Y'ou Have, Gone." by request. Since youi1 return . The days again are glowing, All nature is exalted, Gleam gladness and content; I, no longer look in vain, The air is full of fragrance sweet As- happy days go by. No more dull and dreary; Sublime hope fills the heart, , Gathers grace from all That live and move. All is light and cheery. J i Since your return The clcuds show silver lines, Balmy winds now fan the brow; Kind affection brings lifo blessmg, Make us content to watch and love. : The morning star its mission 'tends, It onward leads the rising sun. We walk on hill and mountain side And view the temples of our God. Time swiftly flies when joy returns, , Honrs ra but minutes sun a flash- i Till 'gain comes happy eventide, a Since your return . The summer eve is Glorified by beautious scenes Of setting sun; , The winter's risp and bracing air, The snow flakes falling pure and whit All combine, with glad acclaim The coming home of one we love. To the living voice the heart respond 'Tig music to the soul; Deeply does our heart repoice In your return our treasure trove. ' H. E. BELL. v Trofessor Camillo Schneider, a Har vard scientist, is under arrest at Boa- I ton, charged with violation of the trai- s in the war ing with the enemy act.