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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1918)
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1918. AGI . EIGHT r j ii n The Government requests that you SHOP EARLY In preparation for Christmas, and that your shopping be confined to useful articles. You will find us prepared with useful gifts, and will find them priced the J. C. Penny Way, that is the lowest price possible. , 4, llrflVVlUUitf .. ... ,n I FljinrTOe Rags ... - .... . vh , . j ! Washington. 29-fcfir- ! ; ' A Sfov ' .VBfe U SOL II ; wation of reports that German ; ! f A JSS i 'l?0!V0' i ; U-boats with white flags hoist- ;,' f f rQ- tfvv W I "XVp i It ; ed had been seen heading for J ; 1 U j - So YCTHP V r ' JPT ' : ! Kiel came to the state depart- ; ! HV I! dp ., U V V"kw t$fU ' ; nient in Danish advices thu ; 1 Ull .- 1 ' J OJV 0 IF j ! afternoon. i 1 lb'vll IV - ' Asxi.' f C. ' ' j ; ; j Pi I ; i k it it i 3 3 .3 HANDKERCHIEFS Per Box of 3 to 4 , 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c, and 89cBox LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR Silk Bloomers, $2.49 ' Silk Vests, $1.98 Silk Union Suits, $3.98 ' KRIONAS AND BATH ROBES Serpentine Crepe Kimonas $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.98 Flannelette Kimonas $1.98, $2.49, $2.98 and $3.98 ,'. Fine Beacon Bath Robes $3.49, $3.98 and $4.98 . I i All Annind Town : a:GEYEiTrs f i v-.. , Nor. 5. Election flay. yr , "TM (oneral oantiful."WlH ft fRoagli Co. tf "Th U ail ; on eu do whsa CU Webb donga Co. rth comes. H-tiOM 120. Word was reoeived this morning Of the di'Rth in Portland of Clarence Corey. He was the on of It. H. Cony f the Public Service Coiumissiou. - o Will ship all khida of livestock next Wednesday, October 80. See me before too sell vour Thanksirivina turkeys. 0. W. Eyre. . 2206M. 10-S8 o Dr. O. Hartley, dentist, Moor build Jug, 407 Court 8t. Painless filling and Two boys by the names of Watkins end Conners were out yesterday in the south part of the city with air rifles and as man on a truck passed by, the boys shot at him, striking him on I the head. The police hate the air rifles and will probably take action against the boys. . -, . : " o ,. Doe to shortage of labor, beginning November 1, Vlck Bros, garage will tose at T p. m. and open at a, m. This will do away with the night shift nd savo several men for day work, which i most essential, as all business nd commercial cars ere usually thru with their day's work by that time. 11 ' ; 0 . A tniMTiage license yae issued yester day to Bernard Goldsmith age 21 of Woodburn s farmer, and Lorotta Bert ram!, 2, a housekeeper, of Woodburn. They will be married Nov. 4, at the some of the groom. o Dr. fichenk has now returned from his vacation end he extends a cordial IsviUtion to his patrons and friends to visit hi institution. tf Vote fof Percy M. Varney, candidate inr citv marshall. - tf Highest cash price paid for fresh Midirftt Market. tf -M" 0 Too rim ros over a foot last night duo to some of the heavy nuns last Sunday around Albany and Corvalhs. . . , , i Qi....-, . Tho hop marJaet continue active and according to reports, 0 eeuts i boing freelv offered. The market ramer inai Cfttcs that some English buyers think t5 war "will t ' mon a"a ttMe -sn t-hinoinv facilities before the next ep i harvested. V-t 4CX aaric K. Xb for connty independent. Eevere tires; Clark's tire house, 319 North Commer cial street,' Saleim (PM ) ; ll ' WAISTS Nice line of wash and silk waists that please. ' - Lawn And Voile Waists 98c, $1.49, $1.98 Each Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists $2.98, $4.98 and $5.90 BOUDOIR CAPS. In very neat Colors and trimmings 25c, 35c, 49c and 79c PETTICOATS Satin and of Heatherbloom at 98c, $1.69 and $1.98 Silk Petticoats at - ! $3.98, $4.98 and $5.90 wav? -iforh- cy j cs y$jr oa ty. i Incorporated Thersi Is no change In tho creamery! being paid but in Salem it ia only tho top price. 68 jCentg for creamery but ter and 7 for butterfat. i o The tounty is now doing a lot of work on the road between Salem and Tumor using both the Austin and the new nine room sramier. im m-xv work to be done by the county will be on tho Inberty road soutn of eniem, I .... . - . .l said to be at present one of the worst roads in the eounty. o ' The women folks of Marion county have just two more days in which to biidIv to C. M. Lockwood, "county food administrator. ' for the limit of 10 pounds of sugar to finish the canning m" cn.Kir-n. vl 1 V...... V..Lm . fc ihninni.,iloff in tho census is also thought to November 1. The city made good busiueM deal " u . Zrt - i!.7r -o,,tv its paving plant, at the rate of 1V, "'any boys and girls just under cents a superficial square yard. The the ego of 21 who are working else plant originally cost the city . $1500 where than in Salem this year and in"f " tho ,180 ( tho plant this ....1 auoit .- tk. v;u in , hv ttm fall after the city was through with its summer paving. The county paved Vo r r,u (i .,- 1 r i IV, " ' F l" r 7. ton road, going as far as Tud- river, the county paved 30,000 ,, m !...' 1 " ' o ' ' "' JJd ding n.n. n affl from Oreeon . t...i th. -FimArnl irvice of his friend John L. Busn, tne car wiucu Krn S Pf kta. was .iriving wa, run' into by a Southern Vacifie train, in- ' ' i.Tii: u:... iri.. h.. c Mr sianuy k.uu.js ...m. ... .vv. . I'erk ns was a tue city ettenaing ira, Bush funeral services when she was lu- formed of her son's sudden death. The csr in which Mr. Perkin ws driving at the time of hie death had belonged to John U Busn, wnose tunerai no coming to attend. , o ' On account of the delay in the send ing of labels by the soldiers aeioss tlio sea, the date for the sending of pres ents to soldiers has been extended from Nov. 15 until Nov. 20. The mails are rather alow even when coming this way from France and for this reason very few people in the city who have soldiers in France have received the label that entitles the soldier to re ceive the regulation Christmas lox. Without the label, no'present may be sent. When the label is received it must be taken to Bed Cross headquart ers in Salem as evidence that the sol dier is entitled to receive enough Christ mas presents to fill one of the small cartons, 3 by hy inches. OoL George S. Young of Portland has beeu assigned a eommanaaiw oy mo war department at Willamette univer sity. He succeeds Captain O. N. Tyler who has been ordered to report at las adena, Calif. Colonel Young had been assigned to Forest Grove but as th college there had sot made arrange ments for the training of soldiers, he was ordered to Willamette university. Col. Young is a, West Point graduate and has seen active service for the past 30 years. A few years ago after tor in,., illness, he had been retired from the service but went again into active work at the beginumg or tne present war. . .. N . The Salem Indian school at Chemawa has been having a pretty serious time with the Spanish influenza. With an at tendance of 600 or more, there has been reported during the pasi two weeks, 250 cases of which 16 were fatal. How ever, today things are roported greatly improved as only two are in tho hos- Pital 8nf 1,0 now eases. For the past hold the regular school sessions- Every one of the 55 employed at tho school has been giving attention to thoso yho have been ill. Superintendent Hall re ports that all have had the best of care and that with no new cases developing today he feols the worst is over. There are In Salem today 3,306 chil dren of school age, according to the school census compiettd lust week. One year k r.wuaus Biiuwru iimv oji ,? , . . -.. I xv v .1 . 1 i o n o low of 601! is Attributed largely to the fact that so many families have moved to Portland or Astoria to en gage in the ship yard works and it is these families that had Jthe largest be due to the fact that many did not understand that a report must be made of every one in the family between the axes of four and 21 years. There are ii tn iiy laiiLiiirn mcao vnv nui, iiwicii) although their actual home was in i?a- "-m. , . . 0 On account of the Spanish influenza, n " 1 3-Ti!. T of Salem have decided to close their school until further notice. A hen it is deemod advisable to open tho the directors of the Liberty school school, duo notice will be given in the Capttal Journal, M - , The funerai serCes of taance E. Mi es, who d ed Oct 21 at Port Sill, Oklahoma, will be held at the Webb & tnmnn mnPi The -k- - --- services will be conducted by he Eev H. N. Aldrich and burial will be in the Ctv Viewcemcterv. the proper thina te camn out within the city limits durinj this colli sap. Last night an Australian by the came of Jackson wes caught in trio act ot building s little camp fire out towards the Southern Pacific depot, lhe- can opy of heaven is not considered by the Salem police as a sufficient covering these chilly anil rainy evenings and tne Australian was taken to the city jail to continue his slumbers. . Tim automobile blue book to be pub lished this winter in Chicago will eon tain the information that Salem is a citv of IS.dOO and that it is 19d feet above the sea level. Also that it was founded in 1842 and was fbrinerty known as Chemeketa Mills. Also that in Salem is located an imposing state canital bnildine. Regarding the far famed civic center of the city the book will says "It has a splendid civic center one of the best in the west and an interestinir feature is the rare col lection of trees and shrubs which draw many visitors to the city annually. O. B. Gingrich reported to the po lice yesterdav the loss of new Oool rich automobile tire. He thinks it was taken Oct, 25 although he did not take notice of his loss until Oct. 2S. Posters of the 'Victory Boy" and also the "Victory Girl" will -soon be on display in everv school house in the county. A "Victory boy or girl is, one who signs pledj to earn and R. H. Barer left this morning for Taconia over the Oregon ilectnc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nessner left this mornine for Seattle. A. G. Howard or Vancouver tiarracKB is reiristered at the Blieh- Col. W. C. North of Portland was in the eity yesterday just on friendly visit. He is commander of the first regiment Oregon Guard' of which the Salem regiment is a part. give money to aid the county in rais ing its $42,000 qnota for the coming United War Fund, drive, to Degin inov 11. The quota for the boys and girls of the county is $2,10O. Posters will soon be issued to be given to the home where a boy or girl has signed the 'Victory' card. The payments that the Victory boy or girl pledges are to be made before March 1, lvl). Ernest Baker, who has been ill of pneumonia for the past ten days at Camn Lewis is reported today to De im proving. He has been moved into the convalescent ward. Just before his ill ness he had been advanced to the rank of sergeant. Word was received in the city this morning of the death of Mrs. George Steele of Portland. She was the tiaugh ter-in-law of Mrs. N. Steele and the sister in law of Mrs. C. C. Kays and Mrs. E. J. Younji of Salem, ' -- "O- - Cecil frist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Nist of 1432 North 10th stTect, Ha lem, has received the appointment to the (IT. 8. nulitary school at West Point, The aDDointment was mado direct by Senator McIMary.. Accompanied Dy nis father vouna Nist will leave in a few days for the east.: Ho is a graduate or tho Salem high school class of 1918 and a member el the Student's Army Training -corps of Willamette Univer sity. The appointment moans that tho young man will' receive his military education at the expense of the Unite Mates and after' four years of etudy will be given a commission as second lieutenant. " ' '''i ,-Ui The telephone rang and the man at the other end of the line from the Capital Journal ;''6ff ice excitedly ex claimed. "Take out my advertisement and do not under, any circumstances run it HBaim" The man wasn't mad His only trouble Was that for a couple of 'days he had advertised for a Bel gian hare doe and after one issue of the paper business picked up to such an extent that the next day most of his time wa3 taken in -answering his advertisement. Moral If you want any thing, advertise in tho Capital Journal The Sproed family has been espec ially -unfortunate during the past two weeks. The 18 year old eon Johm died of influenza Oet 21. and a lew dayi later. tlu"Th other, -Mrs. Louis Sproed died at the hospital last Friday from an operation. Othmer members of the family were sick, at tne tune or tnc mother's death. v o- A complete baby's outfit is wanted bv the Home Service Section of the Red Cross. Tho call lfl urgent, mere is a war baby that, is in need of the. proper woolen clothing and as tho case is most urgent, the Home Service Sta tion is sending out this call tor neip. Those who feci interested enough to help this war baby are asked to call or telephone to the Home Service Sec tion of the Bed Cross. ' ' o Eggs are retailing for eight and one- third cents each in San rrancisco ana hn nnnnlo dnwn there when they ap pear on the streets are obliged? to wear flu masks All of which goes to show ther are some compensations in liv ing in -the Willamette" valley where eggs are now selling at about 70 cents s dozen and so one but Wilsamotte sol diers wear the -masks. The armory will be absolutely closed on orders of Col. A. T. Woolpert, cus todian. The orders are as follows: "In compliance with psragraptt 2, general v WALTER PIERCE FOR Governor NO. 21 ON THE BALLOT Election Not 6, 1918 (Paid Adv) L ArJS rl V I aJUbtijIiT ! fa LADIES' WAISTS- A New Shipment Direct from New York, Showing AH the LatesOIodels Prices $3.69 $4.45 $5.75 Our Prices Always the Lowest, GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Store 8 Vote for Percy M. Varney - . Candidate for City Marshal (Paid, Adv.) orders 52,. the Salem state armory is hereby closed and will remain so until f nrthef orders and nil congregating for assemblies "or meetings for any purpose whotsocver, either' official or other wise are in the meantime prohibited." -f o Business at the office of the county recorder continues to show that releases of mortgages are coming in fast. Last Saturday five releases were filed, two mortgages and four deeds. Yesterday was a busy day as six mortgage re leases were filed, four mortgages placed on record and seven deeds ottered for filing. . o After a canvass) of one day the so- HVHors working for Commercial club memberships reported pledges t an. Today about ten teams are continuing their worn ana it is tnougnt wirn iair success the necessary number of mem bers should be secured by thi even ing. No return of today's work had been made to the Commercial club at a late hour this afternoon. o , , Word was received this afternoon of the death of Mat Smith at Woodburn, at the home of his mother, Mrs. T. T. Souls. Burial will be in the Odd Fel low's cemetery of Salem. Wednesday afternoon. Court House Notes Two divorces were granted yester day in Judge Bingham's court. Edith M. Franklin was given a divorce from her husband Lee Franklin. She claimed he -as a bootlegger. Edward Furrer was given a divorce from his wife who lives in Switzerland. The di vorce case of Mamie Blanchard against C. H. Blanchard was taken by Judge Bingham under advisement.. She ment. . ..... Ordinarily it is the womaft wh0 sues for a divorce. In the case of Downer Halferty ngainst Axie , Halferty, 'the situation is reversed as it is the hus band who is asking fof a legal separa tion. In his complaint he stntes they were married May 3, 1918, and. that within a week after their marriage she WANTED Household goods, harness, wag ons, tools, ranges, heaters, cook stoves, farm machinery, etc I pay cask or will sell on eommis . 8ka from stocks sales conducted anywhere. Phone 510 or ' 611 Woodry, the Auctioneer. accused him of running arouwi oo much and ehasing evory woman he saw. He also alleges that she would not cook or wash the dishes and that-het conduct towards him was prettj- frigid. L. M. Travis has entered suit against Bobcrt Murphy for $231.30. Of this amount $163.00 fs for professional serv ices of Dis. Barth and Ncal of Eugene. The account had been assigned to Mr. Travis. The admiuistracios of the estate of JoTin L; Stocton will be discharged from their duties as soon as Mrs. Ame lia E. -Stockton files a receipt showing sho has "received her share of each of the Stockton partnerships, according to an order issued by Judge Bushey. Mrs. Bertha Schricbcr has been ap pointed Euardian of Mildred Rose Gar- ber, a minor. Appriscrs appointed by Judge Bushey wcre Harry Hawkins, B. W Potter.and C. Bi Webb. .. , Florian Von Eschen, administrator of the estate of Abbit B. Von Eschen filed his, final papers as administrator and was exhonoratcd from all further liability bythe county court, i The ' final account of Josephine Parker, administratrix of the estate of Eliza Parker was allowed by eho coun ty court and the administratrix, cxhorr orated from further liability and dis charged by the county court. George F. Gucrne was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Charles Guerne. The estate is valued at about $2,700.00. The court appointed John Gerandin, J. N. Robertson and E. 0 Coates as appraisers. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends, neighbors for their kindness and beau tiful floral offerings during our re cent bereavement in tho death of our loved one. Mrs. R. P. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bradford, F. W. Ams pokcr, Mr. and Mrs. DcHarpport. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends, neighbors for their kindness and beau tiful floral offerings during our recent bereavement in the death of our loved one. J. F. Purvinc, Mr. and Mrs! L. E.' Bradford and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. DcHarpport, "Mrs. R. P. Bradford. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciation and thanks for the loving kindness shown and the ninny beautiful flow ers given, during the illness and death of our son and brother, John, and wife and mother, Mrs. Sproed. Father, chil dren. . HEMSTITCHING Hemstitching and Picot edge work. We do this work in 'he bes tanner. All work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Macbiss Co Phone 441 337 State Street Bsleu tteeeeet 4 L.M.HUM ! ears of . J Tick So ToEg : Chinese Medicine and Te Os. ' Has medicine which will ears ny knows disease. Open Bunders from 10 a, a. mntS 8 p. bl . 153 Boutk High Bt. Bslesi, Oregon. Phcs 181 t ! ! 1 In the matter of the estate of Mary Pratt Parmenter, the county court or dered that Nellie M. and Anna B. Par mentor should have share and 'share alike of the real and personal property and that tho final report of the admin istratrix should be approved. DOCTOR STANTON Dermatologist ' Toot Specialist CORNS,' BUNIONS, INGROWING TOE NAILS REMOVED - i Without Blood or Pain or Causing Soreness or Other Inconvenience. Chilblains and All Diseases of the Feet Cured. Special Attention to Antiseptics there by Preventing Infection, '- , ' ' Appointments by Phono. Lady Assistant. " .' i 518 U. S. Sfat. Bank Bldg. . Plionc 118. . , . Balcin, Ore. WANTED, JUNX I And All Kinds of 2nd Hui iroods. Fall Market Prices Special , Prices paid for Sacks. Get car prices before yon sell. TUB rEOPLE'8 TUNE ft 2KB HAND STOKE 871 H. Com'l St Phone 734 WtIi in BAUina, vtUMva 4t ' tft-op at BLIGH HOTEL "A Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 j?er Day 100 Rooms of Solid Coffort Only Hotel in Business District WANTED. Portland Furniture Dealer want all kinds of second hund furniture, stoves, gas ranges, ete. Best price paid. Phone 851. . " " ? I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give yotf a square business deal, I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my Prices Before you sell. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. Phone 398 The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa Street - When yon nse Journal elassifi- ed ads get what yon want thsm to-they work fast. : . JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY.