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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1917)
m PI mm laoftOiHlllui '411 THE DAILY CAPtTXL JOTTRNAI SALEM. PRRfiON. FRIDAY, NOV. 23, 1917. mm wow is imi mi to . prepare rwrr' BUY FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORE? YOU CAN BUY AS CHEAPLY AT ALL TIMES AND IN SOME IN STANCES MUCH CHEAPER.- ANYWAY YOU WOULD NOT WANT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORE TO MOVE. LETS TALK ABOUT THANKSGIVING. WE HAVE MANY GOOD THINGS TO EAT FOR LITTLE MONEY. Marion Apartment Grocery 600 N. Commercial Phone 1601 A. J. LEMMON, Prop. We invite you to call and see us. Everything is new, no old stock and our prices are lowest. Remember Us on your Thanksgiving Order Pumpkin and Mince Meat for Pies The Kind Mother Used to Make. Cranberry Sauce and Sweet Potatoes ---all the Fixins to go with that THANKSGIVING DINNER . Can be bought at The Highland Grocery 746 Highland Ave. Phone 496 We thank you for your . trade in the past PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORE If s the Faithful and Depend able Friend That Always "Comes Through" You never miss the wator until the eompany repair the mains. You don 't realize what a. great convenience it is in the house until you turn the faucet and the only result is a glugt glug!' as the water bids you good bye and set tles back in the pipes. It is the same with your neighborhood store. You don't realize what a convenience it is until it is no longor available. You go or Bend to it for any littlo thing you need in a hurry especially in the morning, when you have overlooked something need ed for breakfast. In order to keep it handy you must patronize it. Else somo morning when you want bread, butter, eggs, coffee, something iu a hurry for breakfast, you will "turn the faucet" and all you will get it glug! glugl for the convenient little neighborhood store will not be there. We carry only the Best; so you are perfectly safe in buying your Thanks giving Fixing from us. Libby'sand Heiriz's . MINCE MEAT' Folger and Schilling's lines of Spices, Extracts, Teas and Coffee. This store serves this neighborhood; let it serve you. H. Doe & Son The Faireround Store Phone 343 You will find Everything for that THANKSGIVING DINNER at Our Store We want ot thank you for past patronage F. P. Harlen 12th and Leslie Phone 9 Eppley's Neighborhood Store supplies conven iently most anything the family needs EPPLETS PURE PHOSPHATE Baking Powder and SUPERIOR STOVE POLISH Made In Salem A" Are supplied by all Salem neighbor hood stores We will prepare your meat special for THANKSGIVING Special for 4 Days Choice Picnic Hams 20c per Pound. We will take and fill your order for Turkeys, Chickens or Geese. We thank you for past patronage and will endeavor to please in the future as the past. B. E. Edwards 19th and State Phone 1926 Two Thanksgiving Dinners For War Times Menu Cream of Celery Soup Crisp Crackers Currant Jelly Celery Roast Buck with Meat Balls or Stuffed Leg of Mutton Mashed Potatoes Scalloped Onions Savory Dumplingi 'Lettuce Salad, Holiday Dressing Hunter's Pudding Coffee Mints Menu Cream Onion Soup Baked Oysters on the Half Shell . Ripe Olives Celery Cranberry Sauee English Chicken Pie Southern Candied Sauce Potatoes New Orleans Sphae;etti Lettuce and Grapefruit Salad Butter-scotch Pie Coffoe We will have everything in the line of Choice Meats, Chickens, Turkeys, etc. For that Thanksgiving Dinner. We Thank you for past patronage. Hunt's Market 12th and Leslie. - Phone 252 A Full Line of Staple Groceries And Good Things for . THANKSGIVING DINNER Chas. Kreft 16lh and Center Phone 269 A Dinner Without Our Pure Apple Cider Is Incomplete. So by all means you should have Cider for your Thanksgiving Dinner. Your guest will enjoy it Oregon state law will permit it Order from your grocer, or The Commercial Cider Works Phone 2194 The House of Quality Juicy Mellow APPLES Buy them for Thanksgiving 9 varieties 3 BOXES FOR $2.00 Fine Celery, homegrown, 3 bunches for 25c Homemade Sauerkraut, 35c per gallon Cranberries, Oranges, Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage Onions, good for immediate use, 8 Ibc. 25c WARD K. RICHARDSON, 2393 Front Street Phone 494 SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR Holsum Bread MADE HERE AT HOME IN SALEM; EAT IT THANKSGIVING, AND EVERY OTHER DAY IN THE YEAR. PUMPKIN PIES AND ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE, MADE TO ORDER ONLY; TWO, THREE AND FIVE POUND SIZES. Cherry City Baking Co. We carry a full line of Staple Groceries And Fresh Vegetables in seasonSpecial Items for Thanksgiving: Raisins, Mince Meat, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Sweet Potatoes, All Kinds of Cookies, Home Made Sauerkraut, Jcllo and Preserved Fruits. Ask about our profit sharing plan get a $5.00 ticket and see how soon you can fill it. We thank you. Jos. Domogalla . 605 N. Capital Phone 1220 F1W, mm. i - I lFT.IV.Il!1 ran li Utl!!liiit.ii Hj'r.TSHiinn ?: 5 r - -iz 4.."