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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1916)
j 5 IK AN INSURANCE AGAINST SUDDEN DEATH For Sufferers from Backache. Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble Before an Insurance company will take A risk on your life tlie, examin ing physician will Test the urine and report whother you are a good risk.' Qvtien your kidney, ge't -sluggish and dg! you suffer from backache, sick-i headache, (iipy1 -tcpells, or the twinges1 and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; ' channels 'often get sore and jsleep is' disturbed two or three' times a night. This is the time you should consult some physician of wide' experience such, is Dr", Pierce- of the Invaclids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,' Buffalo,' X. i". Send 10e for large trial, package of "Anuric." Write, your, symptoms and send n sample of I urine for. itest. ., Experience has .taught. Dr. Pierce that "Anuric" is a most powcjrful agent in, dissolving uric acid,i GET Rational Commission Meets and Picks From Available Material vim-imiati. unio. Sept. 1.). Major league clubs drafted the following piny- ers at today's meeting of the National commission: . Athletics: Johns. Columbus; Bass- MM NEW GOOD Vernon: Noyes. Portland: HilU Waco;:.f 1"s P""10" the eight hour legislu Smith, -Oklahoma City; Naylor, McAl-i1'011 'u settling the railroad controversy lister, Oklahoma 'City: Bntchi. Muske- will feature President Wilson's enrlv rron: Horn, Wellsville,' X. Y.; Anderson. I speeches, it was learned today. South Bend. . - I Democratic lenders believe' Hughes is Cleveland: . Choice.''. Iudiniinpolis; determined to make these issues para Harris,. Chattanooga: Miller, ' Omaha; mount questions of the campaign and Petty, San Aiitoiiio; Yerkes, Atlanta;! the president has indicated his willing rhoico of Baltimore team; Dickerson, ' ness to accept them both. Dothnm, Alabama. ; ' ' , Democrats have told the president Chicago Americans: ' Mulligan, Kan- j that Hughes is "misinterpreting tin sas City; Kopp, Buffalo; choice of Adamion eight hour law as a wngn Richmond team; Henry, Petersburg, 'law. " Vn.; Ray and Lake.. Newport . News; The president, therefore, will eutel UTay, Wichita: Teague, Rocky . Motin-j into an imeiudiate discussion of this Kirkhnm, St. Joseph: choice of Mon- phase of the campaign debate bv ei trenl team; Breen and Carlson, Rock-: deavoring to show that what he' con-tort- tended for. and what he believes he Detroit Americans: Kenworthy, Onk- got in settling the threatened strike bt land; Bigler. Gettysburg. Pa.; Penning-; the Adnmson law. was the principle or ton. Lawrence, Mass.; Flitt, Portland, the eight honr dav -with what he bo Mnino. lieves "attendant Washington Americans: Choice of St. Paul and Rochester clubs. Cincinnati: Ellok. Moline. III.: Oer-' ner, Reading, Pa.; O'Rourke and Ring, ists ore said to have aroused President Utifn. I Wilson to the point where ho will ninkt New York Nationals: Witferstautter,! an early and spirited rejjy. This de Newark; Cansey, Waco. cision was renched when" administra- Chieago Nationals: MeTigue, Toron- tion leaders advised him that conten to; Dilhoefer, Milwaukee; Muesel, Bir- tion by the republicans in Maine wns minghnm; Flannignn, Muscatine; O'- one of the reasons for the democratic Farrell, Peoria; Reuther, Spokane; defeat there:- . ... woir, uuiutli Boston Nationals: Mnssev. New Or- leans; Hammond, Springfield, Mass.;lint" minute bits. The card was that MeCandless, Dallas. j of a San Francisco distillyer, aad the St. Louis Nationals: Deace, Topekn; name erased was that of William Mas Gardiner, Newport News. ' ey. Brooklyn Nationals: Farbrigue, Prov-' "My name is William Morgan, and idence; Ouerning, Portland, Me.; Fitz-'1" -- years old." said the prisoner, simnions, Butte; Snyder, Macon; (sub . " Massev is another fellow altogeth ject to iuvestigntioa). icr." Philadelphia Nationals: Fitterv, Salt j Lake City; Carmicuael, Paris, Texas. Pittsburg Nationals: Ellis, Fargo; Gleason, Lynn; King, Wheeling. New Y'ork Americans: Rnwlings, To ledo; Munroe, Memphis; Kniiiipp, Shreveport. La.; Manda, Fort Worth; Schnw, Macon. Shipped Liquor In Cans f lUTli 1 D .al J 01 llllIK 10 I OrtlanQ i in or near this city, lie would not Portland. Or., Sept. -I.". l'ortv gal-' tell her address. Ions of fiery liquor came into Portland;"''" tell anything bnt that," he said on the steamer F. A. Kilburn, which ! nml lapsed into silence until the tnik tied up at Columbia dock late Sntur-! took another turn; day night, says the Oregoniaa. Never' Morgan will probably be tried in was a shipment of illicit whiskey eon- municipal court today, lie is charged eealed more cleverly. Four 10 gallon j with a violation of the prohibition' law milk cans stood on the steamer's deck, by shipping aa excessive amount of They were consigned from "1. Imr- j ry, of San Franeist-o. to the "Davis ('ream Company'' of Portland. Hecnuse of those milk cans and t!iO misadventures that befell in reinov- ing them from the dock, William Mas-! spy, alias William Morgan, entered the," city jail at 10 o clock yesterday moru- Chicago. Sept. 15. Heavy selling on ing. bis eont collar firm in the grip the bulge was responsible for a drop of Patrolman A. F. Gordon, of the llar-i i wheat prices today. Early gains were bor Police Patrol. Massey, or Morgan, ;mcde on light offerings ami the dis "ils he prefers to bp. known, is held nn-j crediting of reports that' Argentine der $2"!0 nil. I wheat had been offered at American M Patrolman Gordon played a lone ! .seaports at lower prices. September WJnnd in the detection of the smug- wns ,lwn 1 below a high opening at L gled whiskey and the capture of the Us n- December down S-H, at 1.4S i 5-8. consignee. Morgan. The shipment of: andu- Mnv unchanged at i1.40 1-4. 4(1 gallons of milk from San Kraneiseoj Continued reports of frost in the corn to Portland, ringed round by the fin-. licit, sent corn prices down. September est dairy farms on the Pacific coast, WBg (iW,.r ar 85 5-S; December 1-4 struck Patrolman Gordon as absurd. I nt ;o nluj jfav nr 75 5 s His suspicions were further confirmed' Oats averaged higher oa first tradts by the milk and whiskey aura that ator declined on the weakness in hovered around the four galvanized' ptl,er grains. September wns down 3-8 milk cans, lie kept close watch on the at 44 December down 1-S at 47 1-4, consignment." ':' ' ': and May unchanged at 50 ,1-R. The four cans each contained less Provisions were slow and lower de tlmn. a gallon of milk. They had been spitp a strong hog market. glin: of liquor into prohibition terri-', m torv; The bottoms of the regular milk M T cans had' been removed, and a tightly HlfiXlCan iTOODS ftlUSt rilling popper can inserted, imp uuuiu. being then replmed. . The use of cop--, per was imperative, otherwise t'.ie ship-, meat of liquor would have turned black , from the galvanized can. The inner enn which was filled to the brim with whisKev, was closed by a screw-top, such as is used for bathroom traps. nrBwn from Mexico, Mexican troops 0er it "reposed an inc h of seemingly : must be sent to replace them, Geii;ral innocent milk, which hnd been treated Xasker II. Bliss, assistant United States to prevent spoiling. jarmy chief of staff, told the Mexican The combined effluvia of the ff'r oomniisionorH here today, inns, when opened, was remindful of. General Bliss put this - proposition egguogs, milkshakes and other cups of squarely before the commissioners at to jleer that have retired to privacy in' day session, held aboard the presi Are province of prohibition.- dentin! yacht Sylph, tossing in 1 n "Hey! Where can we get a cow !' heavy rainstorm in the sound, thatf" a jocular city detective culled Louis Cabrera, heading the Mexican to the prisoner. The information was delegation, replied that personally he withheld in a stubborn silence. 'believed General Carranza was nrepnr- The prisoner did all that he could ,.,1 t0 send in enough troops to relieve to conceal his identity, and of the 1 Pershing's force but he did not desire source of the shipment. Before he wasU0 commit the Mexican government, he fearched, he hastily erased the depos- j said, without consulting with officials lor's name from the bank book which jut Mexico City, and is endowed with other properties, for it -preserves the kidneys in a heilthy condition by thoroughly cleans ing them, being se many times more active than lithia, "Anuric" clears the blood and filters out. those depos its of lime-salts which cause so much pain, and .prevents dropsical conditions such as swollen hands or feet and the bag-like appearance under the eyes. "Anuric" is a regular insurance and life-saver for all big meat eaters aad those who deposit lime-salts in their joints. Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent pack ages, or send $1.00 to Dr. Pierce for full treatment by mail. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels have been favorably known for nearly 50 vcars. THE ElfM HOUR LAW His Attacks Arouse President Who Will Make Spirited Reply Soon By Robert J. Bender. (United Press staff correspondent.) Asbury Park, X. J., Sept, 15. Vig- ornus .attacks upon the republican charges of sectionalism under the demo- and satisfaction." on the part of till' men. 1 .The renuLlicnn nttnelc np carried, and tore a business card lll tout Detectives Cahill and Hill who questioned him, that the shiii ment was intended for a "fellow nuin ed Davis," who lives in Saleai. It was his business, he said, to see that the masquerading milk cans were transfer red from the boat and reshipped to Sa lem. The story is not credited by the police. Morgan would 2ive ho iaformatiou jpnmerning hiiiiscll, save that he had blH'" employed as a railroad man for several years, and that his mother lives liquor into the state. Wheat Shades Off In Chicago Markets Take Place of Ours By Carl D. Groat. (United Press staff correspondent.) New London. Conn.. Sept. 15. If (Vncral Pershing's troops nre with- THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 15, 1916. I NEW -TODAY J . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES : Bate per word New Today: Each, insertion, per word.. lc One week (6 insertions), per word 5c One month (26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertismenta. Read your advertisements the first day it appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE 937 Foi wood saw. GET PRICKS On farm, sale bills at The Journal office. - , RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Coml tf HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 768. .. oct7 TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour nal office. tl FOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tl FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gato line engine. Phone 451. tl FURNISHED Apartments, also barn suitable for garage, 491 N. Cottage. 2 MEN' WANTED To do odd jobs and milking on farm. Phone 84F2. sept 14 FOR SALE 14 milk cows, V miles enst of Fairfield. Phone 4SF22. selO FOR RENT Furnished front room private family, 624 N. Capitol, septlfl FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable close in, 160 Court. tl FOR RENT Xew 5 room modern cot tage. Inquire inf" N. 21st St. Price iPM'ti per month. sept21 FOB BENT ADS under this heading lc a word Bead for profit; use for results. FOR SALE House and lot with eight bearing fruit trees. Inquire Ben Per lieh at Steusloff market. septlS FOR SALE We have choice grain hay, snn cured and baled for salo. George Swegle. sept 15 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, new modern house. Phone 745J or call after 5:30 p. m. 910 N. Church. tf FOR RENT Furnish house, 7 room, 642 N. High; also 7 room unfurnish ed house at 475 N. High. Inquire at 660 N. High or phone 1690. tf MODERN 5 room house for rent, very reasonable, near school, church and treet car line. Enquire 14U1 South Coiu'l. tf WANTED A man of experience to manage a large restaurant at the fair grounds. Address 1U South Com mercial St. sept 1 8 FOB SALE 3V half truck Studabak. er wagon. Will trade for heaviei wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2780 Lee. Phone 1322J. ti SECOND HAND Mens', clothing, jew elry, bought, sold and' traded, music al instruments, tools, guns, etc. Cap ital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 4H3. octll FOR SALE Or rent, modern five room bungalow near Grant school, in good repair. Will sell on terms or rent. B. H. Mills, at Spauldtng Logging Co. office. . -, tf FOB BENT Furnished 'or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable ratet W. H. Norris, Reo. Hubbard bldg Boom 304. tl FOR SALE Canning peaches. Imlah Fruit Farm, half mile north of weal end of steel bridge on Wallace road, bring your boxes. Phone 52F11. Jas. Imlah. sept20 POTATO SOHTEK-rAsplnwnll patents does tne work 111 good, shape) cost (32,50, fifteen dollars cash buys it at Woodry's auction house, Wm. Kantelberg. . ... . sept 18 FOR RENT One of the. best 250 acre farms in the vallejy.bver 200 acres plow land, known as Isaac Durbin farm on Howell Prairie. Louis Been tel, 347 State. tf FOR SALE Oliver chilled" plow 12 in. triple trees all in good shape for 3 horse team, (i;t.."(i cash buys 'em. May be seen at Woodry's auction house. Win. Kantelberg. sept 18. ORECOX SCHOOL OR NECROLOGY Inc., 42S Hubbard I.I.Ik., Salem. All driigless methods taught. , Flora A. Brewster. Mi D., deaa. private pa tients 1 to 5 p. 111. Phone 2I24U. tf DID The gentleman with auto who asked a lady to ride 611 the Turner road about It o'clock Fri.lav morn ing, find a hand bug in seat ' If so' please leave at v.i Turner St. septlo FOR SALE A good team harness, 2 cows, 3 heifer calves, a springtooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, Daia mower, wagon, plow and hack. W. A. Springer. R. 7, box W7, 2 miles east fairgrounds. sept 16 VETCH SEED Have a large quanti ty of No. 2 vetch seed, just the thing for seeding to-hay, (2.50 per hundred. Can be seen or purchased at Arc-hard Implement & Cleaning Establishment. C. C. Russell, R. fl, Phone 3iF4. septlu CITY AND FARM LOANS A ny a mount ; low rates; promptly closed attractive pre-paying privileges, i have "'2 per cent insurance money to loan on Salem business and resi dence property. Thos. A. Roberts, 2l5 U. S. Nat 'l Bank bldg. Victims of Wreck WiU . Pass Here During Night .. .... ,- ... Marsh field, Or., St't'15. Refugees front " the burned liner Congress w ere loaded aboard a special train -this afternoon and started -fo Eugene, Ore gon, where they wiH fee- transferred to Pullmans for tho trip to Seattle via Portland. " Tha special, carrying officials of the, P. (.'. 8. S. Company arrived here at 12:30 p. m. Captain Cousins met the! train and immediately went into con cultation with Assistant Manager Bulin of the company, Sailors of the .Congress remained be hind. They are scheduled to follow in another special late this afternoon. Captain Cousins and the company of ficers did not start with the rescued passengers. It is understood they plan to board the blackened skeleton of the Congress when it is sufficiently cooled and ascertain the extent of the dam age. Boatmen who., approached the wreck this afternoon reported there was nothing left but a steel shell. . President's Sister Is Sinking Rapidly Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 15. Presi dent Wilson received word shortly be fore noon today that his sister, Mrs. Annie E. Howe, who is gravely ill at New London, Conn., is sinking rapid ly. . The news was brought to him just after he had finihsed a morning round of golf at Long Beach. 11c immediate ly cancelled other engagements and made tentative arrangement; to go to New London later in the day. If Mrs. Howe dies, president Wilson probably will accompany the body to South Carolina for the funeral services NEW TODAY WANTED A cook helper at Depot Hotel; septlS FOR SALE Ash wood for sale. Phone 21F4. septlli FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished suites. .365 N. High. ' ' . tf Wanted 6 or 7 men ' to huild ' silo. Phone 2.T.09J1., . ... . septlli WANTED Small gasoline engine, not over 3 horse. Phone 76F11. " septl5 OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, ti' WANTED Man to help in prune drv er. Phone 12F21 after 6 p. m. sepie LIGHT HOUSE WORK Waated by young lady. Address L 2 care Journal. ' sept 10 WANTED Houseke per or man and wife, give address. X 12 care Journal. ' septlO SIX CHIROPRACTIC1 Adjustments (5, worth more. Dr. Mav, Hubbard ' bldg. - 1 octl3 GOOD BOARD And room for four in private familv. 1342 North Capitol St. - scptHt WANTED Girl for general housework temporary. Phone 666J after 5:30 p. m. today. . sept 16 ROOMS FOR RENT Two nicely fur lushed rooms with furnace beat Phone 1273.1. sept 16 WANTFD At nni'o fncir or f'.VA onn. tintno rMitiva I ntini ftn.l ti-nn.l fn.n ished. Phone 13 F2. septlS WANTED Cook for restaurant at fair grounds, man preferred. Phone 152UI or call at 1234 Court. septlli TOR SALE Modern seven room house, 1 east Salem, -bargain. Inquire Ben Per lich at Steusloffs market, sept 21 FOR SALE Or trude a snrry and har ness, will trade for wood or live stock Call at Farmers Feed Barn, S. High sept 15 DWELLING In business district, not modern, four rooms, for rent reason able. Phone Carey F. Martin, 41!. sept 16 FOR SALE Xew modern 7 room bun galow complete in eery. detail, cheap for cash, terms if desired. Phone 1273.T. sept 16 WANTED Elderly woman s take care of child one year old. Call or phone Mrs. Cutti.n, care Pinkney Bros.i Dniry. ' . sept 16 j FOR SALE One ton Federal truck inj .good condition. Interesting price fori cash buvor. Salem Fruit Co., 267 S. Coiu'l St. tf 1 WANTED Two studonls to board and room together. ?fiue blocks from school, home priteges, rates reas-i ouitble. Call 12m X. 4th St. .sept 16; FOR SALE t'p to date shooting gal- .. ler.w .complete with organ and, mo tor, cheap if taken tit once. Call or address The Maples 447 Court, scp20 EIGHT ROOM DWELLING For rent on paved street within wnlking dis tance. Desirable locality. Cheap rent. Phone Carey F. Martin," 419. sept!6 CHEAP RENT I have several small j dwellings, not modern, for rent veryj cheap to responsible tenants for the; winter. Phone Carey K. Martin, 4l.j " sept!6; TWELVE ACRES-r-Gardcn land, form erly leased tor irucK gardening. Near city limits. Wilt lease to re sponsible parties for a term of years. Phone Carey F. Martin, 41tf. sepf!6 Try the Journal Classified Ads. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of AWES SCORE VICIil (Oontihned from page one.) lies' left wing is growing more violent every day. Capture of a salient heia by the Bulgars iu the Vardar valley southwest of Doiran, was the most im portant victory won by the British on this sector of the front since the pres ent offensive began. Greece's intervention in the war is still being delayed by diplomatic agents at Athens. Dispatches from the Greek capital today said that King Constan tine: has summoned- a-ctmferrtice of aW political leaders iu pew effort to find a prime minister who will guide Greece into; war and-at the ame time unite opposing factions iu Greece. , " ' British Gain, on Sonime. London, Sept. 15. British, troops re sumed their great offensive this,morn ing.with a ppwerful blow against the German lines north of the Somme'. General Haig announce! this after noon thnt the British advanced 2,000 yards on the wide front from Bonlaux wood, northwest of Combles, to a point north o? .the Albert Bnpnume road. The attack is-continuing and many prisoners already have been taken. Southeast of Thiepval, the British last night captured German trenches on a front of 1,000 yards, including the strong Wunderwerk position. The Britis'h used a new type of heavy armored car 'for the first time in this morning's great smash and with remark able success, General Haig reported. Four German aeroplanes were shot down in flumes and four others damaged. On no single day on any front since the beginning of the war have so many aeroplanes been put out of commission. British: air forces co-operated splen didly with the infantry in the attack, flying-.low and turning machine guns on Geimnn infantry. British airmen attacked German head quarters at Bapaume and the enemy railway station, bombarding rolling stock and damaging one traiu. Two hostile kite balloous were destroyed. Flew Across Bulgaria.' Paris, -Wept. 15. A French war plane. 0110 of our air raiders that bombarded the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, flew clear across Bulgaria from the allied lines in Greece, landing in Bucharest, capital of Rumania, it was officially an nounced today. Serbians Chase Bulgars. Salonika, Sept. 15. Bulgarian troops are falling back. upon the Greek toyvu of Fiorina, hotly pursued by the Ser bians who have captured the. principal heights vf. Miilkanidje." The Serbians have captured 20 guns. Sweden Holds Up Coffee. Berlin, Sept. 15. (Via wireless to Sayville, X. I.) Presumably in retalia tion for- tho .stoppage of coffee ship ments to Sweden by the British gov ernment. Sweden has detained 10,000 tons of coffee destined for Finland, said a Stockholm dispatch today. There is a great scarcity of coffee in Fin land. French Take Trenches. Taris, Sept. 15. French troops last night captured . series of German trenches south of Runcourt by a spirit ed attack; advancing; their lines to the edge of tho village, two miles Past by southeast of Combles, it was officially announced this afternoon. All German counter attacks both north aud south of the Somme were re pulsed. All Attacks Repulsed. Berlin, via wireless to Savville. L. I.. j Sept. 15. British troops made unsuc- ' cesstui attempts to capture a German d salient south of Thiepval by encircling attacks last nignt, it was olticialiy an- nouneed this afternoon. TWICE JROVEN ,If you suffer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull day's and distressing urinary disorders. don't experiment, Read this twice-told testimony. It's Salem evideucc doubly proven. J. H. Penton, 1405 Lee St., Salem, says: "On several occasions a cold settled in my back, across my kidneys, causing pain that extended into my loins. I knew from other disorders that iny kidneys were to blame and started using Dunn's Kidney Pills. 1 found them just the thing to rid me of the pain and disorders." (State ment given December 11, 1912.) On April 12, 1016, Mr. Penton said: "1 have never found a more reliable medicine for backache and kidney dis orders than Doan's Kidney Pills. Whenever my kidneys get out of fix, they soon put them rigJt." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doau's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Penton has twice publicly recom mended. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. Murderer Jumps From Train, Is Recaptured New York, Sept. 15. Arthur Walton- eu, self confessed accomplice iu the murder of Airs. Nichols, ugeU widow who was killed and robbed of jewelry valued at (16,000 about a yeur ago, hurled himself from the New York Central Flyer as it passed through Montrose, N. Y., ealy today, either in an attempt at suicide or to escape from detectives who were bringing him here from I ron wood, Mich. It was at Iron wood that Waltonen was arrested aud made his confession. : Eluding his guards for a moment, Waltonen threw open the door of the car and deliberately leaped out. He was 'found to be severely injuied when picked up by detectives who recaptured him after the train had been stoped. A fourth man was brought into the Nichols murder case today when New York detectives arrested Harry Res nick, a restaurant proprietor of Dover, N. J., on a charge of receiving stolen goods and being an accessory after the fact. Two valuable stones, stolen from Mrs. Nichols were recovered the police announced and officers were sent to search in places in which Resuick said other jewels were hidden. Joseph A. Mulholland, one of the men now under arrest for tho murder, sold a part of the jewelry stolen from the aged wo man to Resuick for (500, the police l THE MARKETS $ . The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by rthe wholesaler of the retailer, atd not what is paid to the producer. All other p.-ices are those paid the -producer. Correotlcni are made daily. Flour is trying to keen up with the higher level of wheat and today anoth-J er tiveceuts a sack was tacked on bringing' the range of har'l wheat flour from $1.70 to $2.05 and the soft wheat flour at 1.65. : The nog market is weak, although the markets are paying nine cents for tops.- - Eggs'" -ar gradually advancing and, the retail price, today is 35 cents. Grrsana wheat si.oog i.ia Oats, ne 38i40c Rolled barlev , $38.50 Bran : '. - $26.00 Shorts, per ton $29.00 Hay, clover . $9$10 Hay, cheat $10.0011.00 Hay, vetch $11$12 Hay, timothy, , $15($16 Butter. Butterfat 31e Creamery butter, per pound .".34c Country butter 25(5i27c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 26c Eggs, trade 27c Hens, pound .. 12;-i13Vic Roosters, old, per pound 8c Broilers, under 2 pounds 14e Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed , 9llc Pork, dressed 1112 l-2c Pork, on foot 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 1916 7(57 l-4o Steers S6 Cows 3 l-24e Bulls 33 1-4 Ewes . 44 l-2e Wethers 5 1-2 Vesetahlal. Tomatoes, Oregon Cabbage Cucumbers ' i . . . . v 65c 40c 40c Me String garlic Potatoes, sweet 3 l-2c Potatoes Kg'l'i Beet 40c Green onions . 40 Grpen nennnm fin Carrots, dozen 40e Onions $1.78 Beans, green and waxed .... 4e Onions, Walla Walla $1.75 x runs. Watermelons ..., 1(3 Hie Miiskmelonci sl.25 Peaches, Oregon 25(5 60c ftrnnen .... . 1 OllfTj't fill Apples .. 50e(S1.00 Oranges, Valencies .......... $4,25 T.Amnna nt lucv 7 hfc7i.7 RO Cantaloupes, per box $L50(u l.75 Bananas, pouna ... Df California grape fruit . $3.00 Tl, . I- ' . All An r loriun grupe iruifc M. .. 90.UU Pineapples ,.4.. 8e Honey $3.50 . BataU fries. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 3."e Sugar, cane ; $7.55 Sugar, beet $7.3.i Creamery butter 40 Flour, hard wheat $l.70(?t2.05 Flour, valley ., $1.65 MJCKENIIAM ft CO, 160 SOUTH HIGH FARMERS' FEED SHED ' Will pay 27c pr dozen for strictly fresh Ranch Eggs ' PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Sept. 15. Wheat: Club, $1.2S. Bluestem, sl..'U. Fortyfold, $1,110. Red Russian, $1.25. Oats: No. 1 white feed, 2S.25. Barley: Feed, $o2. Hogs: Bet' live. $9.75. Prime steers, $7.15, Fancy cows. $5.75. Calves, $7.50. Spring lambs, $S..'!5. Butter: City creamery, 31c. Eggs: Selected local ex., IMc. Hens, 15c. Broilers, 16(5 17c. Geese, 8(5 He! A DAGGER IN THE BACK That's the woman's dread when she gets up in the morning to start the day's work. "Oh! how my back aches." GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules taken today eases tho back ache of tomorrow taken every day ends the backache for all time. Don't delay. What's the use of suffering! Begin taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules today and be relieved to morrow. Take three or four every day and he permanently free from wrench- ling, distressing bacK pain. But be sure to get wn.u Atr.UAI.. JSince KiOU 001. u MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been the National Remedy of Holland, the Gov ernment of tho Netherlands having granted a special charter authorizing its preparation and sale. Tho housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without bread as she would without her "Real Dutch Drops" as she qunintlv calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules. This is the one reason why you will find the women and children of Holland so sturdy and robust. GOLD MEDAL arc the pure, original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem, Hol land. But be sure to get GOLD; MEDAL. Look 'for the name on every I box. Sold by reliable druggists in scaled packages at 25c, 50c ami $1.00. 1 Money refunded if thev do not help you. I Accept only the OOLD MEDAL. Alii others are imitations. The world is filled with people who dou't cure a hang what happens as Ion. it dccesii 't to them. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A NINE PRICES INCREASE 36 FEB CENT New York, Sept. 15. Com- modify prices in the United States . have increased 36 per cent since the start of the Euro- pcan war, according, to figures issued by Bradstreots today ;. A new high record for Brad- ; streets index figure formed- by adding the totals of prices per ; pound of ninety-six articles was - established in September. The . record is $1 1.7873.- The July ....1!U4 index was 8.G36. , ; Children Cry. - FOR FLETCHER'S -C A S TO R IA FOB 8 ALB FOR SALE 45 acrfcs. V ,ml5 fron B. B. station, 1!L' niilos frbm, two good little towns; 15 acres clear, 20 acre -creek bottom, ' fair ouil'dings. Pries ' 2500.00, half cah," no trade. Squar Deal Realty Co., 203 U. S. Bank bldg. WE J;IAVE Cash buyer for 10 to 2 acres good garden land, well located. Must be bargain. Call Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. S. Bank bldg. WATER COMPAMT SALEM WATER COMPANY Otf ica corner Commercial and Trade street For water service apply at office. BilUnsabbmonthJyndanre APARTMENTS THE NEW MARION APARTMENTS" Nelson Q. Freemon, proprietor, os . eillating wall beds, hot water heat,, Dutch kitchens. Beautifully locatr ed, opp. Marion park. 610 N. Con meicial St., Salem, Oregon. Paone 209. Janitor service. B5 S I . J CHmOPaACTIO-8PINOLOGiaT DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything jnd got no relief, try Chiroprao tic spinal adjustments and get welL Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence. Main 828-R. HOP BASKETS MORLEY'S PAT. BRACED STYLE. Depot American fence. Screen for Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Btoves repaired and Bold. R. B Fleming. 259 Court. Phone 124. MISCELLAJTEOUS OBEGON SCHOOL OF NEUROLOGY Incorporated, drugless methods," opens Sept. 5tb, 1916. Private pa tients and clinics, lto 5 p. m. Flora A. Brewster, M. D. Dean, 428 Hubbard ' bldg., Salem. Or. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and ' from all points, east, on all houaholJ - ?;oods, pianos, etc. Consolidated ear- oad service. Capital City Transfer , Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Cook -mercial street. Phoae Main 933 - . Money to Loan ! OK Good Beal Estate Security. THOS. K FORD Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem, Orego $500,00 Eastern money to loan, loir rates, quick service. Repayment priv ilege. Thos. A. Boberts, 205 U. S. ' Bank bldg, Salem, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastera money, will make very low rate of Interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 96. OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkaville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized ia nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 005-506 V. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Aesidence 3td North Capital street. Phone 469. SOAVANGEB SALEM SCAVENGER Caarles 8oo . proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Maia 2247. Residence Main 2272 UNDERTAKERS WEBB Si CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. dough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern metaods known to the profession employed. 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9383. EIGDON-RICIIARDSOIS Co. Funeral directors aud undertakers, 252 North, High street. Day and night phone 183. WOODSAW CHERRY CITY WOOD 8AW We lira and pay taxes in Salem. Let Salem people saw your wood. Phone 269. 1198 N. 21st. F. L. Keister, Wm. Frost. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A L. M. HUM CARE OF Yick So Ton? CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY ... , Has medicine which will enre Any knowa Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m. until 8:00 p. m. , 163 South High StrHt. Zi.'.itn, Oregon- Phone C83