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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916, TTTt'T? "IT" Willamette Valley News 773 T 7 T? r r rI r M r 1 LM am . -M Fruitland News (Capital Journal Special Service) Fruitland, Or., June -22. At tlie an nual school met' tin); Monday, M. M. Ransom was plecteil director, 1. J. F.g ln retiring. N. J. Iluwers was elected district clerk for one year. The pres ent hoard is as follows: A. 11. Kiin iier, 1 year; Win. Donaldson, 2 years; Jl. M. Kansom, 3 years. Our district is number 11.1. J. M. 'Nichols' big dairy barn is neaiinj; completion. It is 172 by 40 feet with 20 toot walls. The estimated tost is $1200. It is the largest anil most complete structure of the kind in this communi ty. A. i' Feustinnu of Salem is living the mechanical work. J. M. Hobiuson of Yeoman station hits begun the addition to his dwell ing house. It is 2S feet frontage with 20 feet of depth, h. Schultz did tho concrete work of the foundation. Tho Smith family iiave moved to Marion. The father John V. Smith is in poor health having a cancer on his breast, also having kidney trouble, lie is at the home of his married daughter where he is being cared for. Walter Kansom has returned from Hill City where iie has been working. Otto lleinke did some cement work at tho new cheese factory on the Gar den road north of here Wednesday. Asher Kansom who was with the Lebold grocery at Salem for several years has resigned his position there and is now with State Knginecr Lew is at Medford where work is being done on the Pacific highway, lie is timekeeper for those employed at tiiis point. Mrs. Nina Rrossler returned a few days aifo from a pleasant two weeks tri'u through Miuthern Oregon. The trip was made by auto, tho party con sisting of her father and mother Mr. nnd Mjh. Frank Munson of Hollywood nud Mr. and Mis. Walter Davis also of Hollywood, but who are employed at the asylum farm. Mrs. Davis is a sister of ' Mrs. Uressler. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Munson during tho trip. They went ns far south as Ashland. They iiad intended going to Crater Lake but could not on account of deep snow. Hayesville Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., June 23. Mrs. S. P. Barton, who has been ill for some time with diabetes, has been taken to Portland, to tho home of her sister, and will receive treatment. Some of the Hayesville people attend ed tho Nebraska picnic, held at the fair grounds on Thursday. Ixo Gronke is at home for the sum mer vacation after upending the past year in school at Portland. Kev. Denny and family of Salem, spent Sunday at the home of his broth er, Jacob Denny. Miss Ida I.. Denny spent the week-end at home. The Tennis club met at the home of the president, Miss Lottie McAfee, on Saturday evening. A short business ses sion was held, after which buns and hot weines and loganberry juice was served. Marguerite Bailey is recovering from an attack of the measles. John Stettler expects to leave this week for eastern Oregon to be gone gome time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler attended the German Baptist convention held at .Dallas, on Sunday. There will be no Sunday school here next Sunday, as the district Sunday school convention will meet at Qtiinaby on June 2!. There is to be an auto truck secured for those who wish to go, that way, it will leave the church at ! a. m. The fare for the round trip will be 20 cents. The Ladies' Missionary society will meet on Wednesday, the gtth. All ladies are welcome. Mrs. J. Peterson 's brother from Iowa is here on a visit. Mrs. Pruitt is reported as improv ing but still under the doctor's care. Bethel News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Bethel, Ore., June 23. The annual school meeting this year had a better attendance than usual. There were 10 legal voters present by actual count. Mr. (i. L. Johnston was elected direc tor to succeed Mr. K. K. Matten, whose term had expired. Mr. Swales was elect ed clerk to succeed himself. The school board have elected Mrs. A. L. Schultz ns teacher for the coming year. Mrs. Schultz taught a very successful school for us the past year and before that she taught several years in Mill City. She has a life certificate. Mrs. Ira Smith anil little son of As toria, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kauteuburg last week . The young folks of the neighborhood will dedicate Mr. Nichols' new barn to night. Mr. and Mrs. Kautenburg went ti Portlaud Saturday to visit Mr. Kautcn burg's sister. They returned Sunday. The bull gam.' Sunday resulted in a seore of 7 to 0 in favor of the West Salem team. The Geor team has been strengthened by securing two new play ers. They are (r. O. Swales and Bert Bressler. Next Sunday the team will go in u motor truck to West Stayton to play a return game with the team at that place. Chris Battalion has been working on the fill on the Garden road for some time. Other Bethelites on the job are John Zak, Bill Kunciter and C. F. Johnston. . Christine Bahnsen passed the eighth (Trade examinations held here recently. Walter Hain passed in all but one nib-jert. NEWPORT-NYE BEACH ! Automobile Passenger and Bag- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages.... Correspondence Promptly Answered la. D. PICKENS, Box 271 Donald Co-Operative Cheese Factory Succeeds Tho Donald co-operative cheese fac tory, which opened for business on June 1, has been running in full oper ation since that date, and the business has been going along as smoothly as in an old established institution, thus showing the carefulness with which the details of organization were per fected in advance. Twenty-six hundred pounds of milk came t0 the factory the first dnv, and this amount has been increased to over 3.200 pounds. Because of the excellent grade of milk, containing a high per centage of butterfat, that is coining to the facto.-v, as high ns 11.!) pounds of cheese per 100 pounds of milk has been produc ed, the average being about II.). W. A. Gray, who has had sixteen years' experience in Tillamook ami Woodland factories, is cheesemakcr in charge at the factory, and he was also here to direct the installation of the plant. Quite a number of the fanners trib utary to Donald expect to increase the number of cows in ieir herds, and in this connection also a number of silos will be built and more corn and en silage crops will be raised. Jt is ap parent that with the building of this cheese factory the farmers in this vicinity will go in much stronger for dairying than has been the case in the past. The farmers themselves will own tho factory, as it is a co-operative in stitution. The officers of fhe company are: President, Henry Zorn; vice president, M. D. Leabo; secretary, O. O. Freeman; treasurer. C. A. Adams; directors, Henry Zorli, M. D. Leabo, G. A. Cone, .las. P. Keller S. P. Moberg. The factory building is a well built and commodious structure, and it is equipped with the most modern ma chinery for the manufacture of cheese. Donald is located in the center of a rich farming community, where the need for such nil institution has long been felt, and everything points to a successful career for the plant. Only two milk routes are in opera tion as yet, but a third route is to be established, and in addition consider able milk will be shipped in over the Oregon Electric railway as soon as the tributary territory has been canvassed. Cheesemakcr W. A. Grav states that the milk is coining in in first-class con dition, nnd cheese of the very highest quality is being manufactured by the factory. The factory is turning out triplets and Young .Americas. The establishment of this cheese factory at Donald not only means a great ileal to tho fanners in this vicin ity, but to the town as well, for any thing that helps the one also helps the other. It means that the farmers who go into dairying will have a ready mid reliable market for their milk at the best price that it is possible to pay, and the benefits even reach to the land, which will be improved by the increased acreage of forage crops that will be raised. It is one more step in the develop ment of a rich locality which has al most unlimited possibilities for future growth and which is sure to come when full advantage is taken of the oppor tunities which exist. Donald Hccord. DALLAS LOCAL NEWS Tho Dallas baseball team defeated the Sheridan team Sunday on the col lege campus by a score of 2-1 to 0. A suit has been filed with the coun ty clerk by T. K. Ford to quiet title tii Polk county property. F. K. Davis the future man returned the first of the week from a short business visit to Portland. Miss Norma. Holman has gone to Newport where she wiU spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Dalton returned Sunday from Lebanon. Mrs. Pulton has been visiting with relatives in that citv for the past couple of weeks. Miss Gertrude Irwin has returned from a short, visit with relatives in Portland. Mrs. M. V. Smith and Miss Huth Campbell arc guests at the home of Mrs. M. M. Kllis at Newport. F. W. Teuton, a McMiiinville attor ney, was an over-Sunday visitor at the hoiiic of his brother, II. L. Fenton on Jefferson street. Carl Graves of Pallston accom panied bv his family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Campbell. Misses Florence Kopan returned Monday from a visit in Portland. Mr. ami Mrs. Conrad Stafrin and family were Capital City visitors Sunday. Miss Sadie Lvnn. a Portland school I teacher, is spending the summer at the j home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I John Lvnn in West Dallas. ii i-' ut....liiust local manager of 'the Oregon Power company, was a Cor- vallis visitor Monday. Miss Vivian Hargrove of Salem is visiting her sister, Miss Winnie Har grove this week. J. Baglcv of Monmouth was a Dallas visitor the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Voth and familv have left this city for their future home at I'uid. Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder of Salem were Sunday visitors ill Dallas. MARRIED AT STAYTON This morning at the Catholic church in Sublimity, occurred the marriage of Miss Maty Boediglieimer to Win. Kor ber, Rev. Father I.ninck officiating. The bride is a popular and charm ing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bnrdigheimer and the groom is the old est S"n of Mr. and Mrs. Kdw. Kerber. and is an energetic and enterprising young man. The young people have many friends in Stayton and vicinity who will join the Standard in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. They will make their home in the Ileiderer house, near Mrs. Allie Blow er's. fctuvtoii Standard. Monmouth News Monmouth, Or., June 21. The sum mer course at the Oregon State Nor mal school started Monday. The whole day was occupied with the reg istration of students and many more were obliged to register today on ac count of the rush. Cp to date, the to tal number of students registered for the summer work is seven hundred and forty. Actual work of each class be gan today at the regular scheduled time and all of the students met in chapel this morning for the first ses sion during this summer school, livery seat in tho chapel is taken, including too ones in tho gallery. In order to accommodate all of tiie students with scuts, chaiis have been arranged to occupy every bit of stage space where the members of the faculty and the chorus students sit. The regular chap el exercises will be held every morn ing anil every student is required to be present. Tomorrow, bsides tho reg ular morning chapel exercises, there will be a special assembly of all the students immediately after luncheon at which time the Normal school will be visited by the state beard of regents. Miss Hoham, the music instructor of the Normal school, met the summer glee club students today in the as sembly hall in the training school. Ov er one hundred students have register ed lor glee club work and us nearly all of this number have hau glee club work before, Miss Hoham expects some very fine music from this large class. Siie outlined the work to be done by the glee dub during the summer ses sion and made everyone feel intensely interested to get busy. The glee club will present the cantata "Joan of Arc" the Thursday during the last week of the summer school which ends A special peninansiup teaciier, jnss Ambrosene Murphy has been secured by the State Normal school to teach tiie Palmer method of business writ ing during the summer course. A large number of students have regis tered for this course. i Due to the very large number of girls ami women in Monmouth for the, summer normal the dormitory could accommodate only a very small peri cent uf them. However, previous ar rangements were made by the matron of the dormitory for accommodating more students by furnishing the train-; ing school with one hundred beds. The larger per cent of the students are, boarding with private families. Sumner ''. Ostrom of the Pacific Auto and Gas F.ngine school in Port land came down last Sunday in a Palmer-Singer car and spent the day with his folks'. He came down in two hours and fiften minutes. Silver Creek News f Capital Journal Special Service.) Silver Creek, Ore., June 23. Little Arthur Mtilkey, who was accidentally shot through the leg by playmates is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Charpillnz are the proud parents of a nine pound girl born June 17, llllii. Elder Shippey is holding a series of meetings at the Silver Creek school house. Mrs. Kex Burnett and children of the Silverton hills has been visiting at the J. M. Burnett home this week. The I'liion Sunday schools of several districts will hold a Sunday school pic nic at Victor Point June 25, lilKi. Mr. Yost, of Victor Point, will give a barn dance Saturday, June 21. Arthur Scriber, who has been working at Fisher's mill, has taken a job of shingling a barn for Mr. Ktezel, of Fern Kidge. Jake Haf fner is taking his place at the mill. CLARENCE HILL PASSES Tuesday morning, at the family home in this city, occurred the death of Clar ence Hill, from hemorrhage due to tu berculosis. Mr. Hill had been ailing for some time, and went to Arizona with the hope of being benefited, but not secur ing the desired results, returned home, lie had not been confined to his bed at all, and Friday last was down town. Tuesday he arose and dressed himself, but was soon taken with the hemor rhage that quickly resulted in death. Clarence K son of Mr. und Mrs. A. Hill, was born in Phillips county, Kan sas, November 27, 17S, coming with lib parents to Oregon in 1KS3. where he has since resided. He was of a quiet dis position, and well liked by those who knew him. Besides his parents he leaves to mourn his death two sisters, Miss Gladys Hill and Mrs. .1. F. Potter, of Mill City, and four brothers, l.a'fe, Kl lis and Clyde, of Salem, and D. B., of Mill City, all of whom were present at the funeral. Stavton Standard. iy Western Vaudeville Ass'n Vaudeville n i In The Army of Thrifty Buyers at Our rnUTin'li .KMX Suits for $1 1 Never Such Values Here's the Sizes: 1 Suit, size 31 1 Suit size 32 1 Suit, size 33 3 Suits, size 31 3 Suits, size 35 3 Suits, size 36 5 Suits, size 37 9 Suits, size 38 1 Suit, size 40 2 Suits, size 42 1 Suit, size 44 30 Suits One Suit only of each lot. Every Suit MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ! 75 Pairs Florsheim Shoes Formerly $3.00-$6.00. One or two pairs only of each lot. For Saturday $3 85 P Cut to the Bone $1.25 Shirts 78c Vi Suit Cases and Grips NINE SUIT CASES 2 Suit Caces were . . .$12.50 2 Suit Cases were . . .$15.00 3 Suit Cases were . . .$18.00 1 Suit Case was $21.50 1 Suit Case was $22.50 For Saturday $9.75 FIVE GRIPS All $8.00 Black Grips, 18-in. For Saturday $3.98 $1.25 Night Shirts.. 95c 50c Onyx Hose, blue, tan 29c 50c Wash Ties 29c 15c Black Hose 7c $1.50 Cooper's Mesh Union Suits 98c $1.50 Pajamas 95c 50c Porosknit Underwear 35c $2.50 Cooper's Union Suits $1.65 Saf "w Evening Dress Clothes 1 Suit, size 38 . . . $12.50 1 Coat, size 40, full silk lined; price of Suit, $40; price of Coat $12.50 1 $30.00 Tuxedo Suit, size 40 $17.50 1 $10 Tuxedo Coat and Vest, size 42 long $16.50 3 $22.50 Tuxedo Coats, sizes 35, 36, 39, $10.00 vSatuaday Will Be the Big Be On Hand ay of This Genuine Going Out of Business Sale HAMM ONO-BI "The Toggery SH OP CO. T"ff 50c Fancy Soft Col lars 15c $5.00 Silk Shirts .. $3.85 $3.00 Silk Shirts ..$2.29 10c Handkerchiefs. . 4c $3.00 and $3.50 Stiff Hats, a small lot $1.00 $1.50 Caps $1.15 $1.00 and $1.25 Silk Caps 83c All Straw Hats 1-2 Price DEATH Of J. W. BLANTON (Capital Journal Special Service) Tirook.t, Or, June 'J'J. - .lohu W . niantou was horn April Is.'lii, at list. Louis, Mo. )icd .lun.' M, Mlltl, at J I Brooks, Or. lie left Missouri when ho ?wiih nliout IH years of fi)'0 and rroswl i the plains, hy ox team, in lx."3 and for V j one year traveled nl-out in Oregon and j in Is.Vl settled in southern Oregon elose to Kueue, and in 1H7I eam to Today-Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Wallace In a Comedy Riot 'A FAIH EXCHANGE' - -i Ethyl Grazier A Whistling Novelty "True Nobility" Mutuai Master-picture In 5 Acts j Mutual Weekly I Ik I ."rjk'k --,m . TODAY And Tomorrow DANIEL FROHMAN Preterits "The Innocent Lie" By Lot Zellner A Stirring Dnuiia of Ad venture, with VALENTINE GRANT Pathe Weekly Miss Cooder in Song YE LIBERTY Brooks at. whi. h plaee he remained un- years ao under te pastorate of Kev. I'uneral was in Tnited Kvan-elieal til his death. ; l.ainier ami he heing a until ehmvh in Brooks in i'hare of his ims Me was married in IS.,., to f ather- ls ,ea.h l,t in his afflietion for tor liev. (1v I;. Stover and sermon l,y sl"TI;nl t" Hi's union nan t U.r past lew years he has lieen unalilf 1 Itev (i. f, 'l.ovell of Salem, ( r. In horn twe ve e, I, , en of whiel, four t attend any ehuivh services. i i' Pi,,, r eemetew. pre, e, led hnn to the other world. I 1 The wife, three sons and five ln nli Tm'mmmmm'mmmmm'm'mmm'Tlmm???m' ters, twentvt'our rniideliililren audi. two (treat crand, hildien remain mourn his toss. The three sons und five daughters still liviii)" are as follows: Win. lilan ton, Kuceno, Or.; Marion Blanlon, rtland, Or.: Raymond lllanton. Broold, Or.; Mrs. Ilaiina Veateh, Sa leni, Or.; Mis. Mary Ifennie, Thurston,' Or.; Mrs. Ida Van Osdol, lieiilriee, Neb.; Mrs. Alien Wait, Salem, Or., and Mrs. I', 'ail Harris, Brooks, Or. He was converted aid .joined the Cuited Kvati(,'elicnl church about Bij jT TTIPPODROMETp asaw, Formerly Empress m ii ii Vaudeville U Bligh Theatre Sunday K m u3 US Z Z4 jZS HI IS El M M II M II tJ id mM tm kM mi Mai a mk ;! is M TODAY OREGON TOMORROW Wm. S, Hart and Bessie Love in "THE ARYAN" ONE OF TIIE BIG PICTURES OF THE YEAR LITTLE MISS FOSNOT IN SONG VAUDEVILLE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Kent Musical Trio. SAME. PRICES n n M M 11 II M II II M ti U 1MI "fB 9 (flf WW W W "Wfl rW "flf HI Klf TWAJ WCWT"-!"1