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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1916)
ditorial Page of "The Capita FiMliAY LYLNIN- .1 CHARLES H FI.SUtB, Editor and Manager. 1 Journal" If PUBLISHED EVEI.-Y KVKMNti EX Kt'T SUXDAV, S.W.l'.M. ol:F.!O.V. BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BAfi.N KS. I'rc.-iJ.Tit ir. vism:i:. mi;A ' ami:i:skv. 'ice l"i ir-uU nt See. and Tr I'lISi. Ull'TIuN' KATE. Diily by carrier, for year tily by niaU, (t-r year lVr month IVr month t'LLFj I.K.YsKD WIRE TF.LECR.U'H bl'.I'lHiT KAsTKKX TJEPI.'ESEXTATI VIS New York, War.M.ewis-W'illiains Special Agency, Tribune itailding Chicago. W. II. St.,ckcl I. ( Utnl.liiiir. Tbe Capital Journal carrier bo.v s. are instructed to put tin1 paper on the porch. If the carrier does Dot do this, misses you. or neglects genilng t tie paper to you on t i'iw. kin-l !y phone the oiiculatiun manager, as this is the only way we tan determine whether or not tin- curriers arc toilowiiig instructions. I'honi Main si before 7 :'' o'clock utnl a paper will In' sent you by .special messenger if the carrier ha.- missed y..u. iltte THE MEXICAN SITUATION round :i00,000,000 bushels. At the same time estimates of the world's crop show a falling off from 1915 of 20 per cent. This would place the total yield for the world lor the year at ::,:!7 1,000,000. At the same time the? T'ysitr.l frifr.c nnf (' o ,- r A. , r, 1..-. n , . A I 4- , . A ...!-U ..,1 C . ouucu aim xiiaua cue Uieuilt'U Willi cl slUIJlUa Oi j , , . 100.000.000 hlishfls. Wen with this rWpnco A enontina I . "r '""1"""'i India and Australia increase this to 700,000,000; and be-;.u i:e,i s.,!:t!, .wari, u ,.ini siues tnere is still a big surplus remaining from last year. On top of this still, is the unknown quantity in Prussia where there is undoubtedly a large surplus from last year owing to her inability to reach the markets. With the ending of the war or the beating of the Turks, this sur plus whatever it may be, would be thrown on the world's market and would have a material effect in regulating prices. From the present outlook, with a 20 per cent fall ing off in production it looks as though prices would not be as high as at present. li it ixTCTin a irv i n i ihtpt rimnrir rr i nfWr iiAW inmmA Lr. aiiAiim.i .iimriM lira m ctatc urnc UlnlL ULnj For .tifforrrs Frnm R,k hp Rhpiirnnlkm and Kidnov TrnnMo v. v..v.v. . ... Uw.Uva.v, ....vMiiiu..oi.f uiu muiivr IIOUUJl. endowed with other properties, preserves the Kidneys in a l:.t.i hu ay j were i opened nt pe:e! n'ni, llllll.-r the supi-i visll.ll f Kiigil.o-r c arM.e. i,r :,, 'er,. wa.I-. I.i.t the r..- have l.een siiiilnitteil to 'hi, II. .en:- f,,i- hi, uinl tiwanls ,v ii! . 1 1 : 1 1 : i i . . 1 1 . Til.' wj.fritii elearinir. iii ei i-iilvi-rts (,n the ljmi!.' from T'mi: .1 . which, vhe u ill cost apprnxi'iiatefy : '1,,0! D.'pille S",t,. 'i'. Nm auar.l ii. iie'ii. lai ini!- t a r ,lach. I,v Mrs. John Jacob Astor was married yesterday to Karl Dick, a multi-millionaire. Her first husband John Jacob Astor IV, who went down with the Titanic, had Only tli rep nn t"Wn of liiih.n Albany. iv;! l,e western (Ir.-'on. -I' bil e ilays aiel the little til. I" niilfs v.cst r.t the bu-iest place in It is verv l'its' in lii-iirame rt'iiioaiiv will ale of a on! -Stake i risU on ymir lite the examin- tor it preseres the i.i v iwn n-i nil- e'l'i Tirnuiv COII'llllon MV I Moron yll 1 V Cleail' repoit uhi'th'-r ynu are a uoml risk, i them. Itein se many times raor When you. ki.lin-ys (jet sloauish a ml act i ve than litliia. "Aniirie" clears f!"it. y-o-i suffer fioin ba.kaclie. iek- the bloo, ami titters out those ilenos. tipv -pei!. or the twinges its of lime-salts which cause so- much if hiinba'jn. rli-iiinati.-in ami pain, ami prevents iliopsical eoiiilitioni uiine is often i, full such as swollen hands or feet and tha t: cli.innels often yet sore hn-like appearance under the eyes, is iii-iui l.eil two or throe "Aniiiic" js a reijulir insurance ami . is the time you lifc saer tor all ng meat eaters ami phy-iciaii of wide tho-e who deposit liiue salts in their Dr. I'ierce of the joints. A.-l; the drujicist for " Anuric ' ' Smaieal Institute, put up by Dr. Pien-e, iu ."fl-cent pack d o,- tor lame ayes, or 'send to Dr. i'ierce for 'Anuric." Write full treatment by mail, send a sample of . has taiiuht Or. I'ierce's l'hnsaiit Pellets for th is a most liver and bowels have been favorably (Online., siderario the s!at Ml, h s ami pains !; Ti, f ( tl' sC.i,C Ui.H.'l sleep is ,. ' t'mes n niht ..should Tbi dt ist r iu-f lull ot trctih south con, , let.-,!. , Ii i'l Y. Invadids- I Buffalo. trial ja.-ka-e of your svm otoius ami unio' tor I'r. Pier. ti-t. Kxpenene 1 that "Anuric .owertul aeut in diss., him; uric acid, known for nearlv ..u vears. "ts at prcs.-nt genius; readv for the; . ...... i. .1 ,. .. 1 ... : 1.1 . 1 1 1 ' Tr- i ; i . .1 .1 . ..i. .L . n- r 1 . I -r , . , , . , ... .. ,. . . , ., M. wnieit. nisiory is niaKing raiiuuy down auoiu uie kio uianue . jacoo Astor IV, wno went down with the titanic, had'peus h, tin, Ti.niv.iav. rimuy,-. and the Muse in charge of the making of it is running on; settled $8,000,000 on her before marriage, and in his will ! "Vh .f ' 'vr '.'." i " . ' ! -Vi ,,'T,;,,!p-!,ir-"' high, with the brakes swinging loose. The situation has; left her the income from $5,000,000 so long as she re-j there i..y tt'i,,.'up'u's ,iZ-s!".m.r'i gone from bad to worse, until the worst is at hand. Justmained his widow. Evidently she did not consider the! 7'''Vi,e7!vtraVHMr ' j what it will be will be known probably within forty-eight; honor worth the cost, and so she forfeited an income of! " '"" '"" j hours, possibly much less than that. j about $1,000 a day. The new couple, however, can man-! ,si"!aiv ,AI.' ",at ,V, ',, , "' I WUr. l.,f,.:.f ,i;,..,fl1(. loc.f ;,vl,f cl,,..,..! fl 1,.,1,.,J i.,. ,...: Tt ... il il' it i. ti ithe steamer 1'iro'hi is a red blot.-h ofj inc iuiwi inui. -nuuiu ills; in. i , Ufti LU SCI 11I1J UiUIlg. 1 1 V US Ui SUCH II1U1 I lageS LIUIL d OI1I1 ' splint, rel woo.ilyi,..' on the beach tlotibt res.oml to such a call ablaze with excitement, and the wires between Washing- j G. Saxe in describing marriages generally, wrote: "I waive the case, the barren case of those Who have no hearts to barter, or to lose. Whose wedded state is but a bargain made In due accordance with the laws of trade, When the prim parson joins their willing hands To marry city lots to western lands, Or in connubial ecstacy to mix Cash and collateral ten per cents, with six: Or in the holy bonds of Hymen, locks Impassioned dollars with enamored stocks ' Hearts such as these can play the queerest pranks But never break except with breaking banks." ton and General Funston's headquarters working over time. Up to that time the only reports concerning the battle, if it can be called that, between the American! detachment and the Carranza forces in which there were! a number of deaths on each side, were from Mexican! sources, and therefore utterly unreliable, though one of them was to the effect that the attack was made on the j Americans-because they had not obeyed orders not tf; travel in any direction except toward home, and that it! was made by order of General Obregon, the Mexican j secretary of war. The other reports deny this and lay j the blame for the trouble on the Americans. j Of course no one believes this latter story, for it does! not square with the Mexican's statement that the troop-. The Oregonian discussing the interest other nations ers were lured into an ambuscade where machine guns, might have in an American-Mexican war suggests that were concealed, and where the fight took place. It is not; the Central allies might be benefitted some by the fact reasonable to suppose the troopers would get into such; that we would use a part of the munitions now going to a place for the purpose of making an attack. j the allies and thus deprive them of a portion of the sup- At Washington, word from General Pershing, or some plies of this kind they have been receiving from this other reliable American source is awaited, for on this' country. That sounds plausible at first glance, but with depends what action will be taken. If. as seems probable, i the situation analyzed there is nothing to it. The amount the Mexicans deliberately attacked the American troops 0f munitions used in the whole war with Mexico, if the but one result can follow, and that is war. Indeed, the accounts from Europe are anywhere near correct, will dispatches yesterday indicated that the officials at not equal one day's supply at Verdun. It would be a Washington had little hope of any other termination of j negligible quantity. With our trouble with Mexico, if it the incident. ! comes to an open break, there will1 be but little artillery The preparations going on are further proof that this ' fighting. Most of it will be infantry and cavalry, and the is expected. The militia is being rushed to the border as munitions used will be rifle size. rapidly as possible and thousands of horses ami mules are being purchased for use by the army. The militia is to Mexican Ambassador Arredondo called upon Secretary be used ostensibly along the border to prevent further, Lansing yesterday, to inform him that Carranza had no raiding, but it will be "handy" in case of need. i intention of going to war with the United States on ac- From the orders given yesterday to move the national count of either the American note or the Carrizal fight, guard of Missouri. Kansas and California, it may be ex-. Now if he could persuade Uncle Sam to feel the same way pected that the Oregon contingent, being ready, will be about it, his side whiskers might feel much easier in his among the next to follow to the front. While we are, mind over the outlook. ' He is in much the same position preparing the Mexicans are equally busy. Yesterday's as the man who owned a dog that without provocation reports were to the etlect that 2.),()00 had enlisted in one sent his teeth into a man's leg and received a mighty kick j w here she went asho I imagine the i,.. er of have soliiitc . It is hard to In- waves which 1 ,i, I.,... . f;,,.. 1 hint; wood, which is s.-attercd from the jetty clear to Xew Lake. In miles down the coast. All the small boards lyino on the bcadi are beino picked up by people for souvenirs, ns are also the bolts and screws from the wreck. The nuichinerv has all been removed. Soon there will be nothino left to remind one of the foundered ship. would no uuty. There are quit., a number of others u'io have had military trainine. and would vrith a little reviewing be able to helj. in teaching army tactics. A company could be recruited in n few days. l',,r there are dozens: of men who believe in preparedness, and are willing to join such an organization. A Believer in Preparedness. Phone Si for lack of service. SMALL TRAIN WRECK 'e.v Castle. Pa., June 2'-',. Two per sons were killed and six probably fa tally injured when a freight car on ths Harmony Klectric line struck a passen ger car crowded with workmen during a heavy fojj at North Sewickly, near here today. Two of the six seriously injured have both legs cut off and little hope is hell out for their recovery. Portland's Live Stock Show held each year in November, ranking next in consequence to the International Live Stock Show in ( hicugo. but which has struggled for scleral wars for ex istence is now on its teet financially as the bankers of the state of Oregon have shown that they are coiu-erne.l in keeping it iu existence by contributing lo,0lin to make it a success this vear. P.end llulletiii with the Iieschutcs , man's paradise is f slik, of t hippewa who has b. law. .1. H. nplete satisfaction nntr as n sports It bv i'. V. flail Palls. Wisconsin. n visiting his tirotheriu tanlev. for the past few If 1 Beautiful l'ust and Shoulders n r Pp'sihl" if I'.iu villi wear a si icntillcally constructed Bien Jolie Iira.vsieie. J The drairsiiiK wciuM of nr. unennflnrd bust so stretcher the E upportiint muscles that Ua contour of the llsurc is spoiled, m put the bust buck where It lie- fS? . -. -v... ...v. i.oi uu.LiMim g" harms the appearance of llab- H fHr.A.v .fn.irt , blllCsS. I'l UllUlil ti! til ilfinrcr nr , Hcsh ot this shoulder giving a g graceful line to the entire upper boilj-. " Thpy are ttie daintiest and most serviceable earmetits Imasi- ii.ojic come 01 it 1 1 iiMUT.ais anil Sljles; Cross Back, ttootc -a Front, Surplice. Uaiulcau. etc. Boned with " Walohn," the H rustless limine-permitting washing without removal. p Hare your dealer show you Bien Jolie Brassieres, if not stock- & ed, we will gladly send him, prepaid, .simples to show you. a BENJAMIN & JOHSES, 51 Warren Street, Newark. N. J. H In three ilavs hist week Mr. Ilanslik caught all the fish he wanted, of which the smallest weighed six pounds and Sunday morning he wound up by killing a big brown Pear. V Poos your table hoard cost you more than .cj.nn a week? If it floes, you arej living too high, for the Commons Co operative club of Willamette university ( has shown by a three month's trial that! .."! is enough for anyone to pav for three sipiaie meals every day in the week. In fact, the club now lias plans under way by which it will be able to- reduce this cost to .?J a week. Port rnii'.'iua Courier: It is the con sensus of opinion which we gather! fi i business men in Douglas county I outside of Koseburg that when the time! comes for the building of a railroad from the interior of Ihiuglus county, it will be built on a water grade .low n ! the I'mpipia river to this haibor and' open up and improve Douglas county, besides heing the most practical route.; HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT state alone, and that at all points in the country recruit-; therefor. "What did you kick my dog for? he isn't mad! ing was being carried on. said the owner. "Of course he isn't mad," was the answer: Of course, there can lie hut one ending to the war, and "He had nothing to get mad about, but I'm mad." that is the speedy defeat of the Mexicans. The first real1 ' battle will change the Mexican opinion that the gringos Four companies of Idaho troops passing through! a simple, sate, reliable way! will not fight. There should be but one or two real bat- Pendleton on the way to the concentration camp at Boise,: People who ire over burdened with; ties, and the rest will be a guerilla war, a chasing of small secured twenty recruits in less than an hour, in the i "J" 11 hands through the mountains and a starving of these into buckaroo citv. Before they were sworn in Herbert Mc-ipe'i' ' tmt ' ' " j submission. This will take time, but if we start in the Cinn, an Oregon National Guard officer, told them he was;. ",;;'u ,ai ;:":U-T? . . ., ... . . ... , ' . , ' ten pounds ot iinnealthv tat on are job will be done thoroughly, so that it will leave a lasting organizing a troop ot cavalry, and the twenty jumped i unnecessarily weakening your vital or-; impression and will not have to W done over again. j the IdaluVcompany in a minute to join it. Anything that ""he'beautv'o: urlgme"''101'! vairauza nas oecn imng 10 ennsi me ;ouui Anier- ins :i horse connected with it. is cuaranteed to eaten thei There is no.d of anyone suttenng lnni i.,,,Mill;r... U ! oi.l.. l.i,f If o, !,... ,,,, ,).,.,.-, 1 n . 11 . j. n i r .1 , i. i i.u i i t' rum superfluous fat. It' iipuoui;. on m.s juu, uui ii .si viiis uu-y lliiueiMdIUI 1 eiUlieiOIl IvOUIHl-lip lailis. iU UUUgll UO. S 10r Llieill U lieil reduce oiir weight film better than this COUtltrv dH . lor thev Obiected to his tho tnri'itvino dirk of nn Oroon rnvnse is :i nnssihi hrv. -'"i'l reliable way, without starsation Innng recognized in the first place, and have but little1 , The Nation's r avorite Butter Not Tkere Is No Better RipplingRhqme -fy walt.Mason , sympathy for him now. At the same time it is liable to! diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test ' worth trying. Spend as much time as That was a kind and thoughtful act the taking of a , 0,1 iM th" "i'l'n "' ''"T11" .KH'i" cause a cooling of the friendship being formed with our hundred pairs of blankets to the boys of Company M at box ... 0V1 of ko'rcin capsules' talTone southern neighbors, but the settlement of the affair and Clackamas Wednesday night and one the boys will not :;'n "H'al aiul "e l"'t'ure rotiri"s the handing back of the country, cleaned ami repaired,; forget when they are down on the border and recalling ' Weigh yourself once a week so as to to a substantial government, vill perhaps remove inhe pleasant things in far off webfoot, where the milk-,,-', -tv'-f X great part this feeling. Whether it will or not. it is ton . is produced from a cow instead of a can and the water t or even skip single does until late now to take into consideration any extraneous mat-! is not so hard that it has to be "broken" before it can be;-ZXrV" l!L, i i, tei's, lor the tirst job is Mexico. to clean out ami then clean up ; used. The first nieht out will be one lone to be remem bered, and the memory of it will be the more pleasant as . I (l,....., Kl.,,lV..f .s OI,, ,,,!-,. ill, 1.1 : liiuM' nun ii mi in ii iuuirviic- air ivvuiivu, i WHEAT CHOP ESTIMATE ; One difference between the fighting probable in Mex- The government crop sharps estimate the wheat crop ieo, and that going on in Europe is that across the pond in the United States this year will be 2;H;.r0(UHK) bushels: the contesting armies dig in, while it is pretty certain lighter than the crop of 11)15. This shows pretty close that the Mexicans at least after the first fight or two. figuring, or they would have lumped the decrease at a! will "dig out." is pleasant to tai;e, an.) iieips digestion. Ke i few ,iays treatment has been reported to show a noticeable reduction iu weight, footsteps become lighter, yjur work seem easier and a lighter and more buoyant feeling takes possession your wu.ile lieing PREPAREDNESS "Some night," I said, "I'll bet a W. a vetTo-m u-;n Vv:mpfents,i: fome, hei'euto yegg. The papers daily spring a tale of unifciuio miu muc suiijfu mens Kaie. i cion t propose to be despoiled of coin for which I've slaved and toiled, and I shall buy myself a gun, and ammunition by the ton." I bought the weapon, and each night, while I was sleep ing, snug and tight, it lay beneath my pil low slip, in easy reach for instant grip. One night I heard a cautious tread some where adjacent to my bed. "At last," I thought, "a burglar's come, and he will find his luck is bum." Then dimly I beheld a shape. "My friend," I mused, "there's no escape. ' That shape I drew a bead upon, ana nreci, ana tnen my Lncle John sent up a. veil that if-'. y nWZZ the shack, for I had plugged him in the back. a trial. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established ISf.S CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General P.anking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT War Order Buyer Shot In Chicago why no had not pro whom wo have rob- 'T !; -y that New York broker. ter asked Stone tected this man bed of $ lnO.Ot'ii." b'ebbe lecoverel convlousness for a few moments early today and said he as shot by two men whom lie did not know. Police were at first inclin ed to believe he had shot himself, but discovery in his pockets of duplicate contracts for horses for the French govi anient, prompted the war plot 'oiv. liebbe said lie lie.l iu New j Around his bed the nurses sit, and say he's better now, a :d on, tne aoctor s exercised his skill and I will have to OPEN FORUM i hi. ago. June William b'chbe. who was found shot early today tn I. uke Snore Orive. was a war order buver for the French government add ed :i war plot angle to the mysteiy suriouiiding the ease. liebbe was found with n bullet th wound Over his heart. King on the Y pavement on the diive. In his pocket m was a tumbling letter, addressed to Let the Capital Journal New ToJty! b'ev. .loli it Timothy Stone, pastor of a Column nut vour dolhir. nn Ov rivkt fashionable I'hi, ago chinch. This let-tlek. why not organize a salem citizen company tor preparedness: To the Editor: Now that our sol dier boys have left us. Salem is with out military protection, and iu case the militia is called for duty iu the field more men will be needed. A citien company could be organized and driiled, snd then if needed eould join a volunteer regiment and save much time lost iu getting roe rait and teaching; tUetu. There are several men iu Salem who ' eould captain and drill such a company. Mea who have seen actual service aiid foot the bill. Now I appeal to everyone, "Sav don't vou want a first rate gun?" Always Watch This Ad Changes Often Str'.etlr correct weight, qur deal nd highest price for til kiBdj of junk, metal, rubber, hidea and furs. I Py 2Vic per pound for old rgi. 1 Big itock of all iizes evond hand incubatora. Ail kind corrugate t iron for both roofi and buildings. Boofing paper and aeconj hand lkolenm. - H. Steinback Junk Co. J The Hon of Hilf a Million Bargmlni. J 302 North Commercial St Plona III J MMMMMM