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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 1916. SEVEN i .1 I- i ni.n i .unii i i i-t V JL. . IF . ,Vi T ,4 . x uu uui cmim 10 suit L j the man who prefers a strong cigar. M. UlAlijLiiilMAAk yju (Continued from Page Th:oe.) sat anil stood on every two feet and: ' " . : -J gate.i as tney walked or roite past. Io- body as buttonholed nor were there nay speeches en route it was just simp-, ly a mile or more of feminine eye's' !:i"!;.'!'.u! i Vb- .1 l i i,,,- mo;;. in- cnost- iu ic-.a sou ot parnotie caonret perioral gard the glance. mice. Tli,;; the stunt was effective was ap- Colonel Kobert Ewing set the style parent from the impression which it by pooling off his coat, rolling up his made on the delegates, sleeves and sitting back with a sigh Hal? no hour before the convention of relief, was called to order, n quorum of dele-! In the box directlv in front of the gates easily could be counted outside platform, Secretary" of the 'nvy lio liull. I .losephus Daniels and Mrs. Dnaiels held "Jim Ham" Was There. a regular reception while the crowds It was growing sultry inside, and w ef coining, many who came in early turned around ; 0Uie James Welcomed, and went out again. All the tun was Kn t noo of huge Ollie James evoked .uts,de-a band across the street from tll, roum, of apnlnusP. the ( oliseum played popular airs, wlnlei Vp,m t,,lnlp ,mf was 110 si (lf mi lage workers , their white andtlu, (,ove,,tion being called to order, yellow uniforms, edged through the At 12:lg tl cof.ven.iou began to crowds distributing literature, buttons st(,a, v,ptilllt is!, .thp- nir flni dp,0. A Beauty Secret To have clear skin, bright eyes and a healthy appearance, your digestion must be good your bowels and liver kept active and regular. Assist nature-take PILLS Lartot Si. of A.r Medicine b th. WorM, oU nruTwhwa. In bona, 10c. 25c $42.30 from Salem TO Los Angeles and Return. Tickets Good for Two Months. See the Pageants of the Grand Conclave of the Knights Templar Ticket Sale June 12 to .19th Conclave from June 17 to 23rd. This is one of the most delight ful trips on the West Coast, via Oregon Electric, North Bank Road and S. S. Great Northern," Northern Pacific Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Low Rates for Summer Tours East by Direct Lines or via California. J. W. RITCHIE. Agent, Salem. Oregon i i)tl)tl STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Vi Columbi QUALITY Carboni7 Hade la Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed froti Each Pheet. Oolntnhls Carbon Parer Mfg. Co. 33rd k DrosJway, Portland, Ore. 4 l tmt1 7 4- 1 j. A. GUNST CSk CO. a 1- INCORPORATED (-.. .yh ... .. v3 F l ST and'ribbons. Senitor .lames Hamilton Lewis, look ing -'ike a Turner sunset svmphonv in brown frock suit, brown tie. gray soft hat with the sort of a dent in it that only the Illinois beau bruminel can lmt there in. and tan shoes held n regular I"1"" " iivvi. At 11:. iU the hall was not more than thre; -nuarters filled. The sun went be- hind a cloud and the bluish lights were turned en. At the same time the " I'","". i..-.i s iii.Mus iiuiuMiiiig gateJ. . The atmosphere fairly sizzled and the democrats on the 'floor and in I the galleries sweated and fanned and jbega'i talking about what an outrage it was t hold three or four more sessions. "f's the most stupid thing I ever kuev of." remarked Senator Kern, sit ting and mopping with the Indiana dele gation, "to keep us here until Satur day'. It niay be that the convention will take things into its own hands and decid ' to double up a little." "Shucks." added Senator Hughes, of j Xcn' Jersey, "there wasn't any real I need of a convention this year to pick a cnudidate. and this whole thing will ho W a f . no hut air mftnufueluriiipr i plant About this time the crowds were shotting signs of restiveness at the de lay, r il, t the managers of the show nian ipulared their first bit of George Cohan stuff, signalling the band to play "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." and finally "Dixie." Xaturully the'nntil 11 o'clock Thursday out of re audi. nee jumped lo its feet and yelled approval. Biyan Warmly Greeted. Hrvnn's entrance into the press stand at this juncture touched off an-1 "nn r.'i,i?.iuii ,L lltosi". I lie .tllll- nion-r had wandered in, his press ticket in on in th hand ami a lug Japanese fan other and was looking uncer- tainlv about tor Ins seat which the or state tor advice in the delivery of crowd glimpsed him. lie smiled, a bit '. soeech. given by Bryan this niorn at nation, shook hands with some of!'11!?. his vewspaper colleagues and then sat down. Placing of a gorgeous yellow, black mil white Tammany tiger of cotton and ool on the speaker's stand at this i moner's presence on the platform, juncture failed to caue any hpplause. I Ny this time the shower had ceased Th- California contingeut then;"111' ''e sun was out again, much to the lni I tneir ins; 1 1 1 1 o I hi ii ii i-r "for Woodrow Wilson and Preparedness. Peace and Prosperity' 'over the speak er's slMid. but it evoked no applause. It eas exactly 12:.'UI. when Chair man MeCumbs stoid up ami waited a j inoinei.t befole banging his gavel. At i the si me moment Secretary of War I Raker slipped into his scat with the Hiio delegation. Oiiler was restored nt once. "Amer ica" was then sung, the entire audi eiii " rising while those on the platform wave 1 their i'laijs ia unison. The "Mar spangled Haulier" eame next. Hie audience sain' the last mimed son..; and most of them (rave it up. It 1 It was the omen .suffragists and ' Bananas, pound 6 ! was plain the crowd, sticking to the! 'I"' t'hig trnt furnished the color toiAPf1'08 ,..$2.00: no.wv varnished scats, was anxious toithe gntlieriiii; todav. Kemocrats sci. ' California grape fruit $3.00 . go ehrad. The Opening Prayer. 1!ov. .Tames Lee of the M. L. church, Souln. of St, Louis, then invoked divine blessing, beseeching Almighty guidance. "ilelp us to leeogitie our govern ment i s a iio'iins ordained of heaven," he pi:. veil, "that we may inccras' as a people ,,ii .4 power:" llcv. Lee's prayer continued for 7 12 iniiut'cs, winding up with the Lord 's prayer, in which the audience joined. (li'.irniaii MeCumbs beean his opening r 1 M.eei li at 12:t.'l. beiii.r accorded com I plete attention by the crowd, which now filled every scat. Applause was scat'erii-u and sporadic throughout. Tli 1 call fur the convention was then 4 j rend, v, bile the audience sat and fanned i and m.ipped their brows. ! Cii'ii inaM Mel'uiiibs h:i'l read the list 4 j ef temporary officials. fliel:d.-' ef each officer aecldilie; tn the read-eg ot Tiis name, a ', :. ,' of hand ciapj ie(j. Delegate George M. Greene of Rhode Island, pot into the limelight by recog nition of the chair to make the usual perfunctory motion to adopt the tempo rary officers a.s permanent officers of the convention. By this time it was apptuent the steaming atmosphere of the liull was rapidly taking the pep out of the audience ami only a politely round I. it of applause greeted introduc tion r,f former Governor Martin Glynn, of Xi'-w York, temporary chairman. Glynn first thought that struck the KtKl'em-e and brought 1'orth a spark of cMht'siasni was his defence of the Wilson Americanism and his charaeter izati tri of the Americanism of others as "pet per pot" politicians. A Great Demonstration. At I'nis time a summer rain had set in ou'side, and the skylight was fully neede.1 to lighten things up. The 1 eat was sticky and enervating nnd was shown in. the absence of any spontaneity in the applause until vol unteer cheer leaders on the platform got busy and literally pulled it out with waving of flugs. A demonstration greeted Glynn's prediction of victory at the polls in November. He did not mention Presi dent Wilson by name, but inieiudiately the president's name was taken up with the cheering and flag waving. Enthus iastic ,-oung men on the stage urged the deleg'.tes to rise to their feet waving flags vigorously until thev had the eu dionco started off. The band added to the din. Back of the press Bryan aided in tile cheering by vigorous hand clap ping. Sergeant at Arms Martin finally stepped forward as Glynn, smiling, stepped back to await the end' of the nois and waved his flag, demanding new- and redoubled applause from the debgatos. Tho Texas delegates produced a "lon star" flag. But the greatest appli' started when some extraord inarily husky New Jersey delegate in some i nexplicable' manner, managed to wrench one of the big standards up from the floor ami started parading around with it. Illinois and Maryjand followed suit and there was a general lining up, the strong men of all the delegations attempting to root up the inira ui signs, Pennsylvania's huskies finalh- not theirs up and Missouri and Alaska also. ! Meanwhile motion picture operators in I the galleries ground awav franticallv ' nii . .. hpinrr sWltl-herl on fn rrii-n H,. the Cost possible pictures GU-nn s ood, arms folded' and grin tied at the noise gunned fli bnind' wis thee. iit;, 1 until 'lohii Brown's Bodv the audi ence jelled out the words of the song, (laW -. r;n.. i ... iVr was finallv restored at l:.U and Clynn began anew. Tin cheering and sintriiiL' had lnnfe,! 17 minutes though it had died out! steadily during the last 'five. .Tast as Glynn approached his perora - tion a small dunkev named "Suffrage lini. i i ,, '; -un'-ige llaiiA which the suffragettes had pla-e.l in the alley hack of the Colweum let h ose a uninistakable hrnv of defi - ance. Even Glynn recognized" the sound and pased while the audience shook with laughter. Applause Greets Name. Chun's speech was concluded at 1 -.'f0 o'clo'K and his final "words " Wood row Wilson" the first time the nr.i,l,.,,t '. name had been said evoked .-. t..r, ,.p cheers and applause. Delegate Smith of New- York, then obtained unanimous consent to have read President Wilson's proclamation annoi neing today as "Flag dav." Representative Fitzgerald's resolu tion making the rules of the house of representatives the rules of the conven tion, adopted. (Senator Pomerene of Ohio, obtained consent of the adop tion of a resolution requiring reference of resolutions without reading, to the resolutions committee and Senator New land.! o'f Nevada, got passed a motion nipmK'rsliip of tlio various Poinniittoca i... w-iiinu in ine ron to ascertain as elided by state delegations. This was approved and the roll call begun, stat.i chairmen rising to announce their ehoic" (if convention officials as prev iously elected at caucuses. On motion of Senator Walsh of foii. tana, the convention recessed nt P-n j speet to the mcmorv of Thomas H Pen'e.' On the platform after ndioimiment i Bryan came up to of for his coiiimitnl.i. ttons to Glynn, who was holding a rami- Inr reception. .My boy," said tho Xebraskan, "I'm happy ns you are." ''.vim thanked the former seerefnrv When I saw voti aimlaiulimr " l, added "I felt riiiht Tl3 filvnn reception was turned into a (.lyen-Bryan love feast by tho C - nti-d'action of the convention croud. Early Morning Outlook By Perry Arnold 'nited Press staff correspondent "i st. Louis. Mo.. .Iiinc 1 ts ,.t),i over two thousand persons assembled here at noon today to waste time uud speak and listen to .speeches for three days before they do the one thinu for which they have been chosen. In oth - or words, the democratic national con - ventinu was called to order by Vi - tional Chainiian AieCnnilet and started' on its oratorical wnv toward the r,.. : 1 nomination of Wilson vol Marshall eu upnii jiujj onv, winch is todav arouse the crowd to a hiirh freuzv 1. ... patriotism. ,cntly I.'i.iiihi flavs were listribiiti'd to delegates, alternates ami spectators. At a given signal, two' big flags will I ifnrled in the coli-j seimi and with the band plaviag the! Star Spangled Banner, toe great hall; will be transformed into a sea of way. ' ing links. ! Silent Women a Feature j The women staged n silent demon-! stiation of their plea for the bn.'lot. Per two li.Jiirs the suffrage woikeis,. .Ircss,., in the white an. I gold of the! suffragists lieed Lncn-t stri'et for thei dlstllllce between t lie .1 ef fel-on hotel and tl oliseum. They didn't say 11 word the idea was simply to bore in oil tile coisrioiivne.-, of the delegates the fact tout worni"! desire e-iial suf frage. Because of the vcv f;,ct that the woik of the eon cut ion is so porl'niic- ltory, thcie was u j, -yeiinient today among delegates that its work will be hurried ubmg. There may be aji attempt made to advance the date of the nomination. The delegates know there is only one candidate for the presidential nomination. They are perfect!' willing to adopt any sort of a platform -pleasing to him. So why tuss and- speechify and bake in tiie heat and pay big hotel rates for several perfectly unnecessary days? The plan to consolidate several of the purely speeching se:-sinns grew ia fav or todav with knowlnlge that I'lei dent Wilson regards unlucky Friday as! one of his lucky days and would be perfectly happy to. le renominated on that day. The original plan was to wait until after midnight Friday to put through the national ticket. Just Routine Work The program for today's session was purely routine. First of all, (. hairman MeCombs sang his swan song as na tional chairman. Then he introduced the temporary chairman, former gov eruur. (iily nn of New Vork, the "key noter." U is speech concluded, there were a few. details of organisation to be attended to before adjournment un til Thursday. The democrats would like very much to have some sort of a row ust fo furnish a little excitement and make the convention seem more like a demo cratic gathering. But there ilida 't seem to be anything belligerent anywhere or 'any issue where there was a chance for belligerency even a desperately inflated series of boonilets for Roger Sullivan and Governor Major as vice presidential nominees having failed to attain a size sufficient to insure a real contest against -Marshall. National committeeman Edward F. Goltra of Missouri has been the one real peppery, belligerent democrat in St. Louis and he was sat down upon hard by the national committee, so nothing remained. Goltra tried to hold up the whole convention until he was given what he considered his share of tickets, but the committee simply sick ed Charley White, of prize ring fame on himWhite being official door keeper of the convention and Goltra faded away. TUP MAPIfFT " " lllEi lllnUlVHJ The following price for fruits and vegetable! are those asked by the wholesaler of the. retailer, and not what ifl paid to the producer. All other prices ' are those paid the producer. Correction! are made daily - ' . ' The summer weather .seems to have a summer effect on the markets as no . . , i i . . changes are noted in todays nnota- I . . , ! tl0"' t'!"'tl'l"ltr that hens are now i1"'"' - "1" 12 l'''"ts l'r"ll,M's l,'c"t.s- r .. , ... rlui 1 ,,rtll,II(l market is sagging i which means that the present price of l'K's wM1 h"''1 for f,l'vt'ri'1 ,ia.vs- , ! Tho watermelon days are not here, I b,lt tllc'y Bre 111 the lmPl'"al vull,'v "' southern California right next to tho Mexican line and this means that sni nients will arrive in Salenr early next week. Omuns. Whoat Oats .......... Rolled barley - Corn - Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton Alfalfa, California, ton h'Xn 9,'e 40c ... $35.00 ... $35.50 ... $37.00 .. $27.00 .. $29.50 ,..$20.00 Batter. Butterfat Ji C 29c Creamer butteri Per V"n& I Country butter 20c c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, onso count, cash Kggs, trade 2u. 21c. 12c 8c 17c Hens, pound 1 Roosters, old. ner nound ... liioileis, under 2 pounds Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 8($9c Pork, dressed 10c fork, on foot I ta i i--c "!(" 7 l-2c 01 -2c 4(a5 l-2c Mr.', l-2c (a i I -2e : 6c spring lambs, 1!Hu" steers Cows ! Dulls Kwes Wethers Vegetable!. Tom.itoes, California Cabbage Cucumbers String garlic Potatoes, cwt Potatoes, new Beets ;:.23 90c I 15c I ..$1.2DTal.50 ! 4c, $1.00 . 40c Asparagus Radishes 40c ! Green onions 40c Green peppers 25c Green pens ' Egg plant lc I j Carrots, sack, new $1.75' j Carrots, dozen 40c,' i Onions, Bermuda 2.00 . K'nions, Oregon $2.50 ' 1 Rhubarb - 40c i Florida celery tl'iO Fruits, Oranoes, Valencies .'!.".' 1 Lemons, per box $4.0O(a4.5O toir,orlua Krape iruii nf ! Plnoapples . . 7 l-2c lr.,.. e ;a .Fnn:,Ann Honey ... $3.50 1 ' Strawberries $ l.OOfi 1.25 Cherries, box $1.50 1 ! Eetall Prices. ! EK', Ver dozen, fresh ranch 2."e j .Sugar, cano ..$8.75. Sugar, beet $8.55 ; Creamery batter 33c j I'lour. hard wheat $1. Mir,) l.-'o I flour, valley $1.15(ol25 PORTLAND MARKET Pnrtlaiid, dr., June It. Wheal ( lnb, M.; lilucstem pr.i fr; O'.ic : l-'ortyfiihl '.tiicfi !'fc; ted Itnssian M'-fo' '.). Oats No. I white feed $2.Vi 2. Hogs, lo st live .HCi .is. In. Prime Steers .SJor ss,;;.",; fancy cow s $7.2-": calves $s. S.'ing lambs i'J. Classified Advertising Page Butter City Creamery !'c; Country butter 2Tc. EEKggs selected local extras 2-roi 2Iie. " ' Hens lb-rtilt 1-lic; broilers Kcftlsc. Geese lOcfVi 1 1c. 1'rivate Simon Wolf on arriving a' Kl 3'aso to join Seventh infantry, marched on through Juarez, thinking Mexico was overrun by I'ncle Sam's tiooos, and was arrested by Mexican policeman. TOR SALE FOR SALE 2 cash registers, 1 single: and 1 double drawers, 1 set of bil-; .. Hard balls; 2 sets of pool balls; 1 sis j foot cigar case; oae roll top desk; one fire proof safe; one 5 roura bun-! galow. fill or write 1353 Ferry St. I tfj FUIi SALE 40 acres, good land well! improved, 8 room house, large barn;1 good road, 3-1 mile to good town; price $10110 will accept $l.",oo 'in-! come property; give time on iMooO if desired. Square- leal Kealty Co.. j 202 l S. Hunk bldg. I FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. 50 to 200 acres each, good buildings, goon bom, .".11 under cultivation, close to scrool, prices reasonable, half cash, balance timo at 6 per cent or modern income bearing city property. . P. O. Box 240, Salem. tf MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc." Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for 1'aeitic toast Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street, l'hone Main 933. LIVESTOCK DEALERS' NOTICE The undersigned, il. W. Eyre, here by informs tho public that the busi nest, relations heretofore! existing between Mr. I.. C. C'avanaugh and himself have been dissolved and set tled and henceforth he will continue in business on his own account and pay tho highest market price for all livestock offered to him. G. W. Evre. Address 1973 Mill street. V'none 2206 M. tf NOTICE To the people of Salem, that I have installed a completo oxy actylcne welding and cutting appar atus in ray shop. For welding steelo, cast iron, aluminum, brass and bronzo. We make a specialty of automobile frame welding, scored cylinders blocks, broken crank cases, farm and harvesting machinery. Wo are also equipped for extra heavy weld ing and and can go to your job. I have employed an expert welder to es pecially look after your wants, Your .patronage .is respectfully 'solicited. All work fully guaranteed from de fects. ' C. K. Grigg, general black smith and wood working shop, 1SSI5 State street. July 3 FOB BENT r FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 833 North Commercial street. tf FOR RENT By month or week, strict ly modern 5 room house furnished or unfurnished. Phone 1737 VV. tf CLEANERS AND DYERS APPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean press, repair, remodel and reline clothing and. furs. Careful attention given ill work, We call and deliver. Phone- 728. SOAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds remoyed on monthly contractB at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 8247. Residence M tin 2272. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets, For water service apply at office. Rills pavable m'.i.thly in advance. WANTED WA..TKI Competent woinjin for housework in country. II. (.'uiiniiiK hnni. Plume 21 K2. jiincl.'i OSTEOPATH iUn.S. II. II. WlllTK and It. W. W'AL- TON Osteopathic physicians jr.d nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ica,! school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized i: nerve ilist,se .it Los Alleles cillee. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office oO.'i-.'iOli I'. H. National Hank iildiiit. Phone S.")'.i. ilesiileui'C iil'j North ' aoilal street. Phone -lh!l. CHIROPRACTIC SPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. HCOTT-arndnnto of Chiro practic's Fountain Ho id, Davenport, Iowa. Jf you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400 7-8 U. H. National Hank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main S2H H. CHINESE DOCTORS J. C. VL'EN- Well known Chinese doc tor has successfully treated all dis eases in the past ycir. See testimon ials on file at. the Oriental Herb Co., CIO State St., Salem. Out of town patients treated by Symptomatic Di agnosis. Send for diagnosis blanks. .1 til -1 UNDERTAKERS WEBB I Cl.Ol'GU CO C. B. Webb, A. M., Clough mortici ins and funeral directors. Latest modern met.ioib known to the profession employed 4!iD Court .St. Main 120, Main IHS8 RIGDON-RICIIAIiHsON CO. Kiinernl directors and undertakers, 2"2 North High street. Lav and night phoni 183. ,TTfTtTT'"flITTTTTTTTTT?ffTT' 1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TelephffM EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electrit Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High VUln ltO PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING V. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mala 191 TRANSFER AND DRATAGE Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front streotj Hail T4 Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE t SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NOKTH BOUND 16 Oreffou Express ... -4 Hiikcub Limited . . . JS Wlllnmette Limited 1-' Shasta I.lmiteU ... IS Portland PaswuKer 30 Portland I'aiwenxer 14 Portland KxorwH . 5 :0O a. m . .3 :0L' p. m. . 9:2a a.m. .11:5.5 a. m. . 1 :-T p. ni. . 5:00 li. m. . .8 :04 p. in No. 21!i: PorMund fast Knight 10 :U0 p. m, No. 'SM Local way KrclKht. . . .10 :35 a. at. souxu BOUND No. IS California Kxpresa.... 3:32a.m. No. 17 Koseburg Passenger . .lt:'JOa. m. No. 2:i Kuaene Limited 10:01a.m. No. 10 Collage Grove Pass. . .4:10 p.m. Makes connection with No. 74 (jeer branch. No. 1 1 Shasta Limited 5:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. . . :1H p. in. No. 1.1 Han Francisco Impress 10 :30 p. m. No. Sau i ranclsco rast Freight No. 2-j Local way Freight. y.M.BM Gkhu 1,1 nio No. 73 Arrives at stalem... lo. 7ti Leaves Salem No. 7Ci Ar. Salem (mlied).. 12 :01 a. m. .11 : lu a. ai. . .0 :15 a. m. . .tl :30 a. m. . .2 :(I0 n, m. No. 74 Leave Salem No connection south mt (leer. .4 :'M p. ol, Falls Cm and WnsTrns. No. 1(11 Lv. Mnlem. motor 7:00 a. m No. HI3 Lv Salem, motor 9:45 a.m. No. 100 Lt. Salem for Monmouth and Airlle Jl :10 a. m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor .... 4:OOp.m. No. 1(111 l.v. Salem, motor 6:18 p.m. No. 230 Wav Fr't lv. Salem. . . . 5 lOO a. iu. No. 111'.' Ar. Salem 8:40 a.m. No. 1114 Ar. Sulern 11:10a. m. No. Ut Ar. Salem 3:15 p.m. No. HIS Ar. Salein O :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:35p.m. OBEGON EI.ECTIUC RAILWAY CO. MOUTH BOUND Train No. 2 Owl . . . 0 , . . 10 Limited . Lv. Salem 4 :35 a, m. 7 :1" a. m. 0 :45 a. m. 11 :L'0 a. m. Ar. Portland . . 6 :." a. m. , , 0 :2o a. m. . . 11 :3" a. m. . 11 :.'I5 p. ni. . . 4 :00 p. m. . , 5 :50 p. ni. . , 7 :50 p. m. ..10 :00p. ui. 1 :4.', p. m 14 4 :O0 p. m 10 Limited f, :37 p. m 29 7 :D5 p. 111 22 SOUTH IHIli.-iU Portland to Salem Lv. Portland. Ar. Salem li t;, u. m 8:55 (Salem only) 8 20 a. ni. ... C Limited 10:11 a. m. THaaEAPajUTICS VVKI.TMKR SYSTEM Of snggestivo Therapeutics practiced by JJr. W. T.mon council deem it expedient so to Tompiuns, s. T. Most powerful. nat-,0) an,i hereliy declaro its purpose ami urjl and successful treatment known; inteution to improve South Church to science for the relief and cure of stroct from tho south line of Statu headache, stomach, liver and kidney j streot to the north line of Mission trouble; rheumatism, constipation,! street, except that portion there occu infantile paralysis and all ttiiiiale: picj by what is commonly known a complaints, heart, lung and throat! the Bush or Church street bridge es troubles; all diseases of the eye;, ean-j tending from the north line of Oak cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv-1 treet to tho north line of the westerly ousness or any chronic disease. Sag-1 ,.xtention of Bellovuo street, at the ex geative therapeutics properly applied )0,19o 0f the abutting and adjacent to a diseased body is positive, sure - property by bringing said portion of nail permanent iu' its results. Hours South Church street to the official U to 12 u. in, 1 to 5 p. in., phone 1 gruA, constructing cement concrct iiltl. Office rooms I, 2 and II H ivno j cmba and paving said portion of said Bldg 341 Sute St., Suiein, Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis - ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Room 214. Masonic Temple. 1'lioao 440. Saicin, Oregon. INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. Kuntz Room 309, Bank of Commerce. General Feed n4 a 11 t hi. hi. Tho common council hereby ilcciaret Small Livery Stable !.(s JUrrioat) UIlll intention to maTve said inbove described improvement by an.l C. W. TRAIN I through tho Street Improvement De oo. I partment of the city. 854 Ferry. Fhon Wt , (jv orit.r ot the common council. LM. HUM Care of YICKSOTOaNG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 ttMtM',MMHMM 10:40 a. m. 2:05 p. m. 4 :4il p. m. :05 p. m. 0 :20 p. m. , 11 :43 p. m. 7 ..... 9 , . 13 Limited . , . . . 17 Local . 10 . . . . . 21 Owl ... NOKTH BOUND 20 .12.B5 p.m. . 4 :2$ p. m. . a:40p.Ob . 8:10 a n, .11:25 p.m. , 1 :C5 p. , L. Cervallls 4 :10 p. in. . Lv. Eugene. 7 .'35 u. m. . 1 :rn p. m. , 5 :'.'5 p. m. . 12 :05 p. m. Ar. Salem , 6 :37p. a. Ar. Wlem , 8:45 Sim, , 8 :55 p. to. , 7;D5J. m. , SilOKia. . 10 Limited . ..10 Limited . il'i ..... . . . . 2 Owl . . . Bourn bound Lt. Salem 8 :00 a. ni. . 7 :10 a. oi. . 10 :13 a. m. . Lr. Salem 12 .50 p. m Lr. Salem. 4:U'o p. ai. Ar. wngent . 8:50 a: to. . 9 :30 a. ov ,12:25 p.m. 21 Owl . . . 65 S Limited Ar. Ainuxf ....... 1 :60 p. m. Htopi at CorralH Ar. AlDulf & :20 p. m. Ar. Attliaf 9 8 .45 p. a Ar. Kngesi 13 8:50 p.m. Ly. Snlem 0 :40 p. m, WOODBUKN IxiCAI, DA1LI EXCBPT BUNDAH No. 84 Leaves Salem 8 AO p. tft. No. 03 Arrives In Sa'm t .ii p. m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION NOKTH DOUN'J Lv. Corvallfa 8 :25 a. m. . 12:12 p. in. . 2 :32 p. 111. . . 4 :l p. m. . 0:18 p. m. . Lv. Salem 10 ,15 a. m. . 4 :25 p. m. . . 12:55 p. m. ., 6 :40 p. ni. . , Ar. SajMi 10 14 .... 18 20 .... 22 SOUTH BOUND 5 0 7 ; 13 ... 9 :4o a, m. ... 1 :45 p. av ... 4 .00 p. n. . . . 5 :3T p. Ok . .. 1 :53 p. m. Ar. Cbrrallla ...11 :33 a. m. ...5 :47p. m. ... 2:20 p. ml ... 8 :00 p. m. WII.I.AMETTB RIVER ROCTH Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Huttnvllla, Newberg. Mliwlon (St. Paul), WhoaOand, Sulciu (dally except Sunday) . . :40 a. m. Leave Portland for Independence! Albany-Corvaills, (Tues., Ihurs., Hst.) 8:43 a. oa. Iteturnlng , . 8 a. m. Mob., Wed., FrL ...7 a. in. Moo., Wed., Frt. , . 0 a., m Moo., Wd'1, FrL 10 a. m. Mon Wed.. Fri. Leaver Corvallfs Alliany ladepeudeuce. . saleni aaiem 0 a. m. Tua., Thura., SU. Notice of Improvement of South Church Street Notice is hereby given that the com- street with a, twoeoursa .Bituminous Concrete pavement, consisting of a one and one-half Inch Ititiiminous Concrete wearing sur- : fa,.0 .yv oa a four and one half inch I Kitnminus Concrete base in accordaaca . wili. tn0 lans. siiecitications and esti- mates for the improvement of said por tion of South Church street, adopted by the common council on the 5th day of June, KUO, now on file in the of- - fico of the city recorder which fr moro detailed 'description tnereof are hereby referred to ami mde a part of this notice; being that character or kind of improvement known and desig nated in said plans, specifications and estimates as "Bituminous Coucret Pavement No. 5." :Chas. P. Elgin, City Recorder. m I Dated this li dav of .luii' I'.Hfl. ine17 MONEY TO LOAN ON Oood Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over ladd ft Bush Bank Salem. Oregon MONEY TO LOAN' I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer 11. Smith, room ." Mctornaok Bldg. Salem, Ore. Phone '.Hi. Let the Capita Journal New Today Column put your dollars on the night track.