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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1916)
TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JAN, 21. 1916. SOCIETY i ALINE THOMPSON Six of tho Ladies Aiil Circles of the Methodist ohnri'h met on Wednesday afternoon Rt tho homes of the follow ing ladies, who were tho hostesses for tho various circles: Houth Ontnil, Mrs. J. C. 'Brown, on Hcllevuo; Yew I'ark Circle, Mrs. James Lisle, on Thirteenth street; Lucyanna Mrs. A. A. Lee, on State street; Kast Central, Mrs, F. B. Southwick, Marion street; West Central, Mrs. L. A. (,'ompton, Union street; Knglowood, Mrs. William Borrell, on Nineteenth. Mrs. Curtis Cross and Mrs. Clyde flrtham returned Wednesday from a brief visit in rortlnnd. mum Mrs. William MeOilohrist, Jr., enter tained the Westminister (Juild of tho l'rosbyterinn church recently at a de lightful afternoon. The study hour was followed by a hat and dainty refreshments. Mrs. MeOilchrist was assisted by Mrs, Mer lin Harding. The Woman's Auxilnry of the Epla- church held a missionary meet ing tbiM afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Joseph iHiumgnrtner. The businesa aesaion was followed by a social arternoon and tel. The members of the T. P. club were nosts Saturday evening for a jolly gath ering at their club house on Cjeuiekcta tstrect. Followiij a eotsK the (guests re turned to the club for refreshments and a bit of music. Those present were: Miss liar burn Steiner, Misa Mildred Wiggins, Miss "Violet Caclean, Miss IKabia liosche, Misa Anna Davenport, Miss Olive Jlosehe, Miss Nellie Heaver, Miss Eve lyn Cathey, Miss Helen (loltra, Krrol Oilkcy, Harry Howers, Earl Flcgel, JJently Stim, Arlio Walker, Don Flet cher, Rred Otto, Paul Miller and Frank JJnglcy. m m m The Yeoman lodge will hold a meet ing tonight in the Moose hall at eight thirty o'clock. Installation of officers will bo fol lowed by a delightful programme, a feature of which will be the "National Fairy Dinee" Riven by a number of Mrs. Halph White's dancing class in cluding Margaret White, Macylo Hunt er, liuth Koss, Dorothy Esch, Mono Behnmi, Lctha Wilson, Gladys Dimeter anil ltita Claggett. Other numbers on the programme will be i Spanish dance by Margaret White, Mona Schnun, Macyle Hunter anil rlorenee Valentine; snug ana dunce, Jeanetto Myites; violin solo, Del bert Moore; vocal solo, Frances Ward; rending, Marcclln Itvuou; Yamn Yami chorus, Macyle Hunter, Let ha Wilson, Kite Claggett, Margaret White, Doro thy Esch and Mona Schauu. An informal dance and refreshments will close the evening. mm The Li Area club dance will bo a feature of next week's dancing af fairs and will tnko place on Wednesday evening January the twenty-sixth in the Moose hall, at nine-fifteen o'clock. m m m Mr. and Mis. Charles Fisher went to Fortlnnd Thursday for a brief visit. Much interest is being minifesteil by tho high school contingent as well as a large number of Salem folks over the drama "The Servant in the Houso'.' which will be given under the auspices of tho high school at the U rand theatre tonight. m m m fijitnrdfiv thi) Wilnlulfltte miiversitl ftmirti'tte will lc.ivn nn -l wpnk 'a innr and the schedule of dates for tho ap pearance of the cardinal and gold will nclude the various Oregon and wasi- ington towns. From tho request for dates, it is evident that much interest is being taken in the qunrtotto which is composed of the following men: Hirry Mills, Gus Anderson, ,Roy Medcalf and Harry Powers. Mr. Mills, who is nlso tho pianist, will leave tonight, in order to ston over in Portland for the Ossip Cabrilowitsch concert. j 1 1 ill. i Hi Iff if 3 "J :'. -Ik i ' t -S it Sia CLARA KIMBALL .HB WILTON YOUNG LACK AY t TRILBY Scene From a Big Feature Production at Ye Liberty Today and Saturday. 4c PERSONALS 0. K. Kpaulding was in Portland yes terday. H. F. Bwope, nf Independence, is In the city. J. J. Ktangel, of Woodburn, waa lu iJalcm yestenlay. Clyde Kelty, of Mncleay, waa in tho city yesterday. l-.nul Aufrane, the orchardist, was in the city yesterday. William Moore of West Halem, is transacting business in the city. Dr. Eva MurpKy hat ret ly tied p the city after an extended visit. Joe Pony, manager of a clothing tore in Htnyton, is in the city. W. J, Brown, a prominent farmer of the Havcsvillo neighborhood, is in tho city. I, 8. Goer, manager of the Calif Fur niture store, was in Portland yester day. Mark Ravage, former fire chief of Ha lem, now traveling for a fire apparatus is in the city. John Brigham, of tho Lincoln neigh Itorhoodf was here yesterday transact ing business. Judge William (lalloway is able to be out today after reuiuiniug indoors sev-i rni uuyu with the grip. John Hteelhammer, mayor of Wood linrn, U in the city. He is walking with eane, having suffered injury from nn explosion of a stove at his home. Mrs, L. V, Griffith has gone to Port land where she will be a guest for sev eral duyn. He, T. H. Ford, district superinten dent of the Methodist church, went to l'ortlnnd this morning, Clyde McMillan returned this morn ing from a short visit at Independence. Rev. Robert S. Gail Indorses the Play Renliziug that ftilcm is having an excellent opportunity tonight when William Owen and company, snmo of the most famous of modem players, present "ino Servant in the House" under the auspices of tho local high school student body. Hev. Hobert 8. Oill, of Ht. Paul's church, has sdbmit tel tho following article us his opinion of the production: Charles Hann Kennedy's "Servant in tho House" is ono of a small irroun of the dramatic productions of recent years that may be said to bo of per manent value. J n tup comparatively few years sinco its nppenrnnce it has won its place as a classic of tho Eng lish language. The influence brought to benr by Mason, the "servant in the house" of the piny, is faintly sugges tive of the mystery iilayaj and indeed the text is tinged all along with alle gory, so that sometimes it is difficult to see where literal fact leaves off and al legory begins. There is also strong sdg gestion that Mason is the reincarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, tho suggestion be ing given first by tho name (Mason Hon of Man) and more directly by the opening lines of tho first net. Even though one may not agree with Mr. Kennedy's implication that the onlv "man's jub" is a dirty job, and that society's disreputables are invariably the sole possessor of virtue, it is a stim ulating tdny, and should by all means be seen by the thodghtful theatre-goer. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE I1R0M0 QU1XINKI Tablets. Druggists refund money if it: fails to cure. K. W. flROYE'8 signa-l tnro is on each box. 2,"c. However, when letter writing week; ends, letter writing need not also end. SALEM LETTERS HAVE "THEIR PICTURES TOOK" High School Pupils, CLerrians . and Common Folks All Go On the Film Fully 000 students of the high school and u fair represent ution of the C'her rinns appeared on tho scene this morn ing at IX o'clock with hundreds of Sa lem citizens, all willing and anxious to appear in the moving picture Bcene, of taking the Oregon boosting letterB from the office of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company's office and carrying them to tho postoffice. Despite the unfavorable weather, they were not disappointed, as the Pathe moving picture man was on hand and industriously turned iilye (movie nimoia crank as tho pupils dropped in their letters. Another view was taken near High street as the procession led by the Cher rian band and C'liei i iuns marched to wards the postoffice. Many Cherrinna as well as high school I students may now truthfully sny that tM-y have appeared in tho ,movis. Tho scenes taken today will bo shown next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Although there were signs of rain, the pictares were nil taken with umbrel las down. Tho scenes will show the thousands of letters mailed at the of fice of tho Portland Rnilway, Light & Power company's office, as the students and Cherrinna wore pressed into serv ice, carrying tho baskets filled with letters. Although today's scone was the cli max of letter writing week, yet tho management of the Commercial club urges that the good work go on, and that if any eastern friends have been overlooked, there Is another day this weoK nnu several in tno weeks to conic, when a letter may bo the means of i bringing eastern folks to the Willam ette valley. i WHEAT BREAKS RECORD rortlnnd, Ore., Jan. 21. Whent prices established anoth er season 's record today when 1.13 1-2 was bid for Bluestem and none of it was offered at less thnn $1.11. Heavy Euro pean demand is said to be tho cause. l l raEcaassanancaisssnnsiffla m m li M Tomorrow Will Be the Last jj Day of Our General Reduction C 1 oaie Everything Excepting Rubber Footwear at m !! Ill 1 . Keduct w n it li 11 ions of 10 to II ii M li li fl ta a !1 II II II li 20j Warned Hadfifflcre ww'"wfPwiiBiiBiPfwisj ist f m smi ip im w i mm 1119 ms ifiq mm mff mi mumt juiywMMMMiuttiajMiMMiintoahiNl li km imm mm mm mm iwA iiii 'HMtMMiawi . GARRISON MAY RESIGN Washington, Jan. 21. Rumors were thick today that Secretary of War Garrison is preparing to resign because of ill health and the apparent failure of his con- ticntal army proposal. His inti- mate friends, however, ridicule the story. Garrison lias been suffering with grippe and stom- nch trouble, which have left him in a weakened condition. L wL J. JK hfat mi mJLj vU ml 1 ml ml ml Forestry Department Cancels Big Contract Portland, Or.. Jan. 21. The forester has just cancelled a timber sale eon tract between the Forest Service and the Krickson Construction company, ot Seattle, for approximately 80 million leet of timber on the Dosewnllips riv er, Olympic National Forest, Washing ton. This contract was approved in M.irch 1914, the company ' agreeing to begin construction by January 1, 1915. This time was Inter extended to June 30, lfcli). About that time, the company purchased the equipment, improve nrnts and timber of the Izett Logging company on the soutn side ot the Dose wullips River. The Cnrlsborg Mill & Timber com I pany, subsidiary of the Krickson Con stiuctioii company, has .ijust purchased minion leet or timber from the .Na tional Forest, which will be logged in connection with tli.Tett timber. On account of the fact that the Krickson ( enstruction company did not comply with the terms of their contract In re gard to the beginning of loccinL' and could not do so for some years, the conn net lias Dcen cancelled. Thursday. January 7. i - -' Jewish Relief Day Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 21. Governor Johnson today issued this statement relative to Jewish relief day: "At tho suggestion of those active in providing nid for the. destitute in Europe, I hereby direct the attention of the peoplo of California to the pro clamation of the president of the United Slntes designating Thursday, January 27, 191(1, as Jewish Relief Day, when concerted effort will be made throughout tho country to obtain ftiuds for food nnd clothing for the five mil lions of Jews whose homes and re sources have been laid waste in the eastern war "1 trust that California's response will bo hearty and generous nnd that citizens everywhere will lend active co operation to the conimitees in charge," California Assessor Commits Suicide Redwood, City, Cal., Jan. 21. CL D ITnyward, aged 55, assessor of Pan Ma teo county, committed suicide in the bnsement of his home here tniinv ) blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun, Haywnrd 'a father, B. Uaywnrd, a pioneer of San Mntro county, is critical ly ill In the hospital, and may die n any time. He lias been sick for two weeks with pneumonia. It is believed llayward suffered from a nervous breakdown. He was nssessor for 25 years. HAS TIME TO WRITE Onkland, Cal., Jan. 21. "I'll hove time to write a great play in prison this time." said Fred Ulan., "poet hurRlnrt" who confessed o hoviiw a dual personality, as he wna sentenced to two and a half years in San Quen tin today. WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AOO TODAY Germany sent out special en- voyi to Rome and Bucharest to I keep Italy and Rumania out of I the war. Austria waa concen- trating troops in BuVowina. Kussian troops were within 24 miles of Thorn, southern East Poland. OF A Some Move Out and Others More In On Account of New Locations Several changes of location will be nude by well known business firms of! the city within the next tow weeks. I As soon as tho McGilchrist building! is completed, Stato and Liberty streets, it will bo occupied by tile Capital Drugj store, Z. J. Kiggs, owner; by the Wool- worth store and by P. E. Fullerton. Ii miter Bros, will move from their i location on Commercial street to whut! is known as the W. Thompson jewel-: ry store building, now occupied by the I Poole drug store. The Poolo drug store wju mow iiiiu. larger (juaricrs, espe cially remodeled, in the Salem Bank of Commerce building, formerly occu pied by the Roth grocery company. Kifouiy Bros, will move from "tlietr location on Liberty street to tho Hurst bnilding on Stato street, formerly oc cupied by tho Roth grocery company. Tiiis store room and display windows have been rebuilt and remodeled. .Mrs. O. C. Locke will move her jnil linery store from tho Meyers depart ment store to the room formerly oc cupied by Kafoury Bros. Westacott and Thielsen have just closed a lease for the business room on State street, now occupied by the Wnlk er Fish and llniltry Mirket. Mr. Walker will retire from business lor the present. A few weeks ago Seamster Bios., grocers, moved into tlio location on South Commercial street, formerly oc cupied by the Hugging Grocery Co. Sperling & Son sold tiioir grocery store on Commercial street to ilr. Oliver, of -uicuicii, nouiu uagota. Tho Roth Grocery company is now established in their new building on Liberty street and tho Y. W. C. A. with their rooms over tho Roth grocery, has about the finest quarters in the" st ite for young women. The Net Draws Tight AroundMrs. Mohr Providence, R. I., Jan. 21. With his testimoiiyunsliaken in material points, George Healis, negro chauffeur, left the stand today shortly before noon in the trial of Mrs. C. Franklin Mohr, charged, together with two negroes, with tho killing of her doctor husband. Healis clung to his statement that sho had offered 45,0n0 for the murder. Healis, probably will not be sentenced under his nolo contendere plea for man slaughter until the maiu murder trial is ended. Mrs. Mohr appeared nervous again today, though she evidently wns less concerned over Healis' statements than she had been previously. Occasionally she eved him sevi relv but for the mot part she talked withr ner attorneys. Baptist Minister Dies Worth Nearly Million Portland, Or., Jan. 21. Knute Nel son, a retired Baptist preacher said to be worth nearly 1,000,000 was found dead in his bed at tho Portland Com mons this morning. So humble was he in appearance and habits that none suspected his wealth until nn examina tion of his effects at tho morgne at noon today disclosed deeds to Aran couver, B, C., property, and great quan tities of mining stocks, some of which are valuable. Nelson came to Portland recently from Vancouver and had engaged in work at tho Portland Commons. Little is known of him here. Letters among his effects spoke of numerous relatives in llinuesota nud nt Norman, Wash. Unless all signs fail, this year will be a record breaker in tho making of world history. jGoing to j Bake? 1 You need Merit Vanilla if you are. It's the greatest aid to Good baking you can have. A 25c bottle goes further than any other. Eay at Your Grocers Today Shipley9 s January Clearance Sale Extraordinary Week End Special Women's Knitted Underwear Every odd Garment in our stock included in this sale. Women's Fleeced Vests and Pants, all sizes in the lot. Regular Prices 59c to 75c, Special 35c or 3 for Havard Mills Vests and Pants, Medium and Heavy Weight Wool, Silk and Wool, Wool and Cotton. Regular Prices $1.00 to $1.75, Special at 6)c Children's Ecru Fleeced Vests and Pants sizes 18 - 31 . Regular Prices 25c to 35c, Special at J7c Women's Fleeced Union Suits, Medium and Winter Weights, 1 . . Refeular$1.50 to $1.75, Special at 89c Women's Harvard Mills Unions, Wool, Silk and Wool, Wool and, Cotton Regular Prices $2.50 to $3.00, Special at Women's Wool Hosiery, assorted into two lots, Lot 1 Regular 25c and 35c, Special J9C . Lot 2 Regular 50c, Special at 35c, or 3 for J)0 Greatly Reduced Prices on Sweaters, Knitted Caps, Golf Gloves, Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets, Comfortables, Coats, Suits Dresses. January Clearance Prices Throughout the Store THIS MEANS A BIG SAVING TO YOU Pictorial Review Patterns U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty St. Salem, Oregon BTOKY HOUR AT THE i PUBLIC library! The children who heard the beciu- niiir of "Kleino Muck" last Saturday innrnimr are clad thlt Miss frviinn is gointf to continue the story this week. It was nnioriunate xiuii weumer aim iikneRu nrevented so lame an ntteud- unce as tho story deserved, but those who missed tno lirst part may yet en joy tho end, for Miss Khinn will re view it sufficiently that all will find it interesting. A happy hilf hour is promised to all who come, whether, or not thtv wcrrt here last week. It is rsnecinliv important that all are prompt in coming Rt i';3fl, to be ready ior tne iirsi woius. To Overcome Eczema Never mind how often yon have tried and failed, you ran stop burning, itching reiema quickly by applying a little acroo furnished by uny drueijist for 25c. Extra largo bottle, Si.OO. Iiealing begins the moment zenio is applied, In a short time usually every trace of pimples, black heads, rash, eczema, tetter and tiuiilur. kin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making: It vigorously healthy, zenio Is nn exceptional remedy, it is not greasy, sticky or watery and it docs not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable treat nicut for all t-kln troubles. Zcmo, Cleveland. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap mbttitutM cost YOU mm t&M. Imperial Beauty Parlors DR. W. E. STANTON. Skiu and Bcalp Spocird'nt WINIFRED W. DUSENBURY, Manicurist and Hair Diess ir. Latest electrical appliances and methods of treating all erup tions and blemishes of tho skin and scalp, removing corns, warts, moles, scars, and superfluous hair. , Shampooing, Massage, dyciug and bleaching. Ladle Manicures 26 Cents Gentlemen 35 Cents To introduce our methods, wo will allow one dollar on a rourae of faeo or scalp treatments, to any ono bringing in this ad. S01 Bank of Commerce Building, Fhons 303 TONIGHT, at 8.45 WILLIAM OWEN AND COMPANY Present (lie "SERVANT IN THE HOUSE By CHAS. RANN KENNEDY Under the auspiccsoC, the Student Body of the Salem High School, To night at 8:45. Scat sale now on. ' " Prices: Lower Floor $1.50, $1.00 Balcony $1.00, 75c Gallery 50c. Grand Theatre