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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1916)
A flUte 8 mini Sli4iimid fc FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES " CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . 1' . THIRTY-EIGHTII YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS JSfTS MEXICAN 1 ARQ lUATIThlll TO 1 n V J KAISER'S ILLNESS IS IT SERIOUS I REPt T United Press Correspondent Ackennan Gives Authorized . . Statement (GERMAN EMPEROR IS ATTENDING TO HIS WORK Report From Rome Says Italy Will Aid Montenegrin Troops By Carl W. Ackerman. Berlin, dun. 13. The XTiiitod Press is officially authorized to deny rumors that the kaiser is seriously ill." His ill ness has never been serious, officials de clare. It was neoessnry for him to re innin indoors nt the imperial palace on ly a few days. He is now improved to such nn extent that he is conferring daily with members of the general otnff. The above exclusive report obtained by the United Tress Berlin correspond- out is tho first official word regarding the kaiser's condition the first bulletin of several weeks ago saying mat tno Kaiser was Buttering from "cellular inflammation" and unable ti visit the western front. It is the first direct Berlin report since then to pass tho censor. Other utories, originating outside of Germany, persisted in claiming that tho kaiser was dying. Italy Will Send Troops. Rome, Jan. 13.' Italian soldiers may 1)0 ordered to relieve the hard pressed Montenegrins within two days, in mi effort to save Cettiiije from almost cer tain capture bytho Austrians, The subject, it is believed, was con sidered today in tt conference to which King Victor Kinmanuel summoned mili tary chiefs nnd cabinet officers. It is inown that Montenegrin affairs were discussed. Tho Montenegrin crown prince and bis wife reached Fomo from Cettinje just before King Kinmanuel arrived from tho front after an eight monhs' Absence from Rome. Tho prince visited J'oroign Minister Sonnino nnd then King Victor Emmanuel nnd presented the appeal to tho Montenegrin king Nicholas, for help, It is rumored that Queen Helena, 'daughter of King Nicholas, participated in tho conferenco and that this may cause n startling chnngo in Balkan af fairs. It was reported that she tele graphed tho king alarming reports con cerning tho Austrian invasion of Mon tenegro which resulted in bringing him Homo from Ins own battle lines. Allies Land at Solonika. iiondon, Jan. ;). lho nines who viilhdrew from the Gallipot! peninsula completely, nre landing nt hnlonika. nc wording to Sofia dispatches today. Tu Bulgarians estimate that 223,000 nllied troops arc now in Greece and that over BOO.000 will be concentrated between .Salonika nnd the Greek border before ue end of another week. Sofia mes ages fniled to confirm the Athens re port that tho Itulgars nro bombarding 1ho lines near the frontier preliminary to nn attack on Salonika. .Moreover. tlio war office does not confirm this report. Miners Will Not Strike. London, Jan. 13. The South Wales National Federation of Miners voted to dav to postpone action on their pro posed striko against conscription until the bill providing this system is passeu lMstrict reports showed overwhelming majorities agninat compulsory service. The bill passed to second rcadlug last night, 431 to 34 and later passed without division upon rrcmier AS' qijith'i suggestion. Greece rile Protest. Alliens, Jan., 13. Greece today ad dressed a Drotest to the allies ngninst their occupation of the Grecian island Corfu, ' . Aeroplaue shot Down, T1...I:,, I,., In UnrvHIit. T. T. Jan. l.'l.-Four K.nglish jeroplanes were b t .lnvi-n VMtir,lar. .f.nrilinir in the vnr office statement today nnnouaciog r.'puise or ine iiiuisn nnrinpant vi nr Mcnticres an.i the IFreneh la the Cham 1 ngnc. Six F.nrflish airmen were killed mi.. I IvA -minilrtil patrols ejected the Hussians fmni advanced trenches nt many joints between Olwuanko and Beresf- na, ... - German Are Strong. Berlin, Jan. 13. Giving assurances OFFICII COLD WEATHER OVER VAST AREA TODAY Mercury Below Zero Reported Over All Middle Western States KANSAS AND NEBRASKA IN GRIP OF WINTER KING West of Rockies Also Snow and Cold Is General Report Chicago, Jan. 13. Below zero weath er gripped the country today from the Kocky Mmmt.iin8 to tho Great Lakes and beyond. From nil points came re ports of tho lowest January tempera tures in years. Trains crept in hero from six to 12 hours late, due to storms. The weather prophets held out no hope for relief before Saturday in the cold belt, nnd while tho thermometer hero was six below Inst night, they forecasted it might go ns low as IS below tonight. ' Kansas felt the bito of n winter storm, tho worst in several years, with tho mercury down below tho zero point. Nebraska, too, had similar con ditions, while in South Iakotu, the thermometer mercury nearly got lost in registering low figures. West of tho Kockios, a cold snap in some parts mado the middle west cold wive seem like summer weather. In Montana, 35 below zero was hailed as renl warm (comparatively speak- "IS). .From Canada came reports of OS be low. Tho storm and cold weather played havoc with telephone nnd telegriip.i servieo ns well as with tram sched ules. A seoro of trains were stalled in Iowa. Dumngo to stock was feared in many sections, while fruit growers anticipat ed the extreme cold would be particu larly detrimental to their trees. Snow Blan'ie in Portland. Portland, Ore.. Jan. 13. The biggest snowlali since '931 That s what old timers exclaimed to one another ns they shoveled oft1 thoir walks this morning. Tweiity-ronr hours, almost to the minute, tho snow fell without cessa tion, driven most of tho time bv a 20 to 30 milo gnlo. Tho coldest wenth er for seven ye.irs yesterday had mod ernted today, and tho weatherman said tlio mercury would continue to crawl upwn rds. Ion inches of snow covers the "round in l'ortlnnd. and in idaces out side tiie city, it reached n depth of more than n foot. The wind struck the suburbs viciously, piling lip drifts five teet deep in many places. Tr.iffic on the upper Columbia river is practically paralyzed because of tionting ice. Not Very Warm, Either. Great Falls. Mont.. Jan. 13 Thirty five degrees below zero stunds as tiie record todny not tho coldest but the wnrmoffc spot in northern Moimma. This was .t Great Falls. Malta reported fiS below zero nnd Ulnsgow !ili below. At Omaha it was 23 below this morn ing and nt Topekn 20 below, while in northern iScurnskn it was 32 below. In Kansas, there -was. considerable traffic demoralization, nnd the roaJs refused, because of tiie blockade, to accept, perisitRuie ireignr. that Gormany is strong enough econ omically ana financially to witnstand nuieu pressure, t hane.ellor llethmnnn liollweg today reiterated in the reich- stag that the allies alone were resnon sible for the war and lor its continu ance. He indicated that measures for con stitutional and suffrage reform would ue welcome. SOCIALIST IS EXPELLED. Berlin, by wireless to Rayville, L. T., Jan. 13.t Ilcrr Liebnecbt was today ex pelled from the socialist party "for continuous gross infractions against the pnrty discipline." Tho caucus vote was 00 to 25. socialists in the reichstag and one of Ilia most prominent members of the party in Germany . for a number of years. . KAISEB ATTENDS SESSION Kv Crl W. ArJremuui. Berlin, bv wireles to fiayvllle, L. I., Jan. 1.1. Kaiser Wilhelm today at- tin.lp.l tlm nnAnintf sefliilAn af thJt Pmc sian Land tag. He apparently wi muoh improved from hij illness. INFURIATED STRIKERS PLAY HAVOC IN EAST YOUNGSTOWN to;&S itrir . . jy Looking west from bridge on Wilson street. East Youngstown. as sirike riot was dyiruiJown. This picture was taken in Fast Toungstown, Ohio, Saturday morning, while tho steel strike riot, which Inid an i.,i,,f T,of t tin. in uahes. wHa still iii nroirruss. Crowds of rioters were seen in tho streets. Ruins of busi ness buildings nro seen scattered about. fighting started. The strike has been wages. HEART THKOBS IN Ti SANTA YSABEli MASWiAUllJti "WhiskerB," nn Airedale terrier, belonging to Manager Watson of the Cusi mine, was faithful to his master evea unto death. , . ' Rescuers found him prowling in a pitch, whitn in tho moon light ne nr the: heap of Amer ican bodies, that tho Mexican marauders had pilod tip. Out in tho patch of whito lay tho grnesomo head of "Whisk ers' " master blown off with Mexican soft nosed bullets. Tho rescuo party had d'f- ficulty in identifying the head, but later when they learned that Whiskers was Watson s dog they were certain from his whining solicitude that the head was that of tho murdered mine mm. Several other vic tims' faces were partly shot off; ono bodv was literally filled with lead; and the feat ures of all wero horribly dis figured by tlio shots nt close range. Tho father of Maurice And erson was a member of the res cuo party. Others ahead of him found tho torn .nd shattered body of young Anderson atop tho heap of dead. On a pre tense, tho party tried to send the elder Anderson nwny. "I know,'., km id the father calmly. "You've found my boy." ilo chokod back a sob, but he refused to leave, and instead helped to carry tho boy's body to the funeral cir. At Cliihuniiua, all the bodies wero placed in rough wooden boxes, each tngegd with a slip of paper bearing tho iiamo of the victim inside. Bishop Sumner, who told Chicago that Vortland is "a good city but not especially a religious city", probably hud in mind what the good book says: "He that dooth rightoousness is right eous". Abe Martin Tell BinMey asked Xf rs. Tilford Moots what kind of a auto het uncle bought, an' she said, "It's a Fob, made in Detroit." Marriage reforms some fellers an' othen try it two or three times. . ..3.-.--:. ... , Haiiiiiiil This photo was taken from the north bridge at East Youngstown, virtually settled by the accoptance of the company's offer of an i LEWIS RESOLUTION WOULD FORCE ARMED INTER VENTIONA TONCE Washington, Jan. 13 Congress was asked today to clothe Trcsident Wil son with authorities to intervene for cibly in Mexico. Senator James Hamilton Lewis of Il linois, majority whip, introduced a resolution thus to authorize the chief executive to use n free hand with tho army and navy forces, to tho oxtont that they nro now used in policing Nicaragua and Haitil'He proposed, too, that this power be given so that, in case of necessity America might punish violation of United States rights and protect United States property. This move, the direct outgrowth of tho bloody slaughter of 18 Americans at Snnta' Ysabel, it was followod by a speech, however, In which the Illinois legislator defended tho administra tion's policy of patient watchful wait ing. On the other Bide of tho capital, there were fiery words from Kopresen tutivo Slnyden," Texan, anont tho Mex ican situation. l'rcsidont Wilson, however, refused to bo swerved for the present from his Mexican policy, lie uphold his premier in the latter 's announcement that tnc Snnta Isabel victims went into Mexico in tlio face of a warning that they would do so at their own peril. From Mexicna Ambassador Elisco Arrcdondo came word to Secretary Lansing deploring tho nssnssinations, pledging action to revenge thorn, and to protect Americans in tho future. The Lewis resolution read: Resolved, by the senate, the house concurring, that the president be anil hereby is authorized and empowered to order tiie army and nnvy or any neces sary pnrt thereof to Mexico, and there cooperate with any forco existing, which to the president shall seem ap propriate, for the object of protecting American citizens, the property of the United States and to punish those vio lating the securities of its citizens; and to authorise l lie president to use tho military and naval forces of the United Stntes in Mexico to the same extent as is now by law permitted to the navy in Nicaragua and Haiti for the protection of American rights." l.uder the resolution, intervention in Mexico could be complete. Tho senator did not iudicute whether 1'resident Wilson had requested him to introduce this measure, but, at any rate it caused the widest speculation or any move since the massacre occurred. Administration officials, in sym pathy with the Wilson Mexican policy ueld that, in the following mesago from Arrcdondo, there was the prospect of a satisfactory solution of the Mexi can proniems without the drastic step of intervention. "I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your eicollency'i noto re grading the murder of 10 Amorican gvntlrmen near Chihuahua and of tho situation In the state of Duraugo. Your excellency may feel assured that my government aud myself deeply deplore the dastardly action of 'the Villa forces, that efficient action will be taken to bring tho murderers to justice aud that niy government will also take the necessary, steps , to remedy the sit uation In Durahgo. - This latter hat al ready been brought to the attention ot Mr. Carranza, and while I feel certnin that he will omit no effort to bring the murderers to justice ot his own initia tive, I have communicated with him en the subject,..' V m where the ncrease in ;That the temper of tho houso is sym pathetic with those who attack, the massacre and suggest forceful actioa to safeguard American rights was evi denced from heavy applauso with whic Representative Slnyden 'a speech was greeted. in l'iory fashion, ho announced that his patience is exhausted in the Mex ican situation, and that he felt con strained now to discuss it from the floor. "I have been silent even when I thought that a serious mistake was be ing mado in leaving tho whole matter iu tho hnnds of the president and the socrctary of state," he shouted. "Am ericans hnvo been murdered singly aud in squads, and Mexicans hnve even in vaded our territory under military command and have lulled nnd stolen. "Tho border peoplo do not want war with Mexico, but they vlo want security for their Uvcb nnd property." In response to the senato resolu tion passed last wock, asking the presi dent to give congress full facts in the Mexican situation, particularly tho cir cumstances surrounding recognition oi Carranza, tho state department has re cided to present its information nt any early date. Tlio department has prac tically decided upon the form that the messages will take. The first draft thereof is very long, but it may be completed within u week, nnd then President Wilson is expected to have the last say as to its final form. I'iueon holding will probably be the fate of tho resolutiou Representative Dyer of Missouri, introduced yester day, nskinir President Wilson whether watchful wiiiting ought not now to be ronlaccd by armed intervention. Dyer himself does not intend to press the subject. In tho- matter of the Lewis resolu lion, tho senator himself requested that, it lio on tho tablo temporarily. Wheth er later ho will seek committeo netion and subsenunet congressional action was not indicated. Representative Moss of Indains, in troduced a resolution authorihing the president to send troops to punish the murderers nnd to use tho navy in ob taining assurances of protection for Americana. Step Are Satisfactory. Washington. Jim. LI. Hteps so fur taken by Oenerul Carranza for punish ment of murderers in tho Honta Vtabel raid on Americans, and for protection (Continued on I'aga Eight.) THE WEATHER Oreaoni To tilth t and Fri day unsettled, Probably snow west: snow east portion; winds mostly crly, aorth - (i oor a1 SILENT CROWD GREETS FUNERAL TRAIN TODAY At Early Dawn Eighteen American Victims of Mexican Murderers Are Brought to El Paso, Where Feeling . Runs High-Mexican Employe of Mining Company Tells Story of Brutal, Cold-Blooded Killing hy Villista Troops -Unarmed Men Given No Chance For Life-American Consul Mobbed by Angry Crowds Revised List of Mexico Massacre Victims Official claims today were that all the 18 victims of the massacre at Santa Ysabel Monday were Americans. ' The revised, correct list follows: C. R. Watson, E. L. Robinson, R..P. McHatton, George Newman, Thomas Anderson, Tom Johnson, - all of El Paso; R. H. Simmons, Danville, Iowa; Alex Hall, Douglas, Ariz.; Charles A. Pringle, San Francisco; William Wallace, Tombstone, Ariz.; II. C. Hase of Rolla, Mo., and Kansas- City, Mo.; J. P. Coy, Los Angeles; J. W. Woon, Houston; W. D. Pearce, San Francisco (worked for Union Iron Works, but family resides in Los Angeles) ; Maurice Anderson, El Paso' Avery Couch, Texas; M. B. Romero, Las Vegas, N. M.; Charles Wadleigh, Bisbee, Ariz. El Paso, Texas, Jan. 13. Carrying its death cargo of 18 plain black Mexican caskets, the funeral special on the Mexican Northwestern railroad, arrived here today with the eighteen American victims of Monday's Santa Ysabel massacre. It had pulled into Juarez under the cover of early morning darkness, and then at dawn puffed across the river into the old Santa Fe station here. A silent crowd of several hundred friends and rela tives of the victims of the gruesome bandit holdup were gathered in the station. Sorrowfully they watched the transfer of the corpses to auto trucks piled two and three high they were covered with a tarpaulin and drag ged away to the morgue. 1 , - With the arrival of the bodies, there came the full shock of the tragedy. Gruesome stories of the massacre were told by a Mexican witness of it, and by American members of the rescue party who accompanied the bodies to the border. . - , , These said that American friends of the murdered men risked their own lives when they boldly rode into the view of the marauders, and recovered the bodies. The bandits still lurked in the vicinity of their ghastly execu tions, as the half dozen bold American rescuers, armed, tenderly picked up the blood soaked nude bodies and placed them aboard the rescue special. , . Soft nosed bullets had been used when the Mexicans gave the Americans the "mercy shot." These tore great, ragged holes in the men's heads, and shot a-way the skulls of three of the party, leaving their brains oozing on the ErEach body had been riddled with from two to five shots and American blood soaked the dirt and cinders along the railroad tracks. Americans in the rescue party wero escorted bv a small detachment of I'liiratiiilns, who lisitled on stopping I he ! i cial every few miles nnd recoil- iinitoing for tno iiumlils. wncn me scene of inn massaero win r "-'. monnUd Villista forces stood gimrj less than a half mile away, but tho unmounted (Jarranzlstas mado no At tempt to pursno the suspected men. As soon as tho bodies were loaded Into n box ear aboard tho train, it was bi.cked into Chihuahua City, where h. uihfile tinnulncn turned out to 'tare st tie bloody results of tho VUbsU executions. V her. tho death train pulled into Ju ares noss the border dt was met by a committee of HI 1'sso officials, citizens nnd Ccneral (ifibrlul (lavlra, Cnrran iilstii cr.mmundant. A troop of Mexi can cuvnlry standing at attention, dip pet! their guidons in salute. Story of a Eyewitness. Jouc Maria Banchez, a' Mexican min er employed by the murdered Amer icans, was an eye witness of the mas :ure. Ueturninir with the funeral spe cial, he told a araphle story of tho slaving. '"'We were in two coaches," he nld "One was occupied by the Americans, and the other Dp W or us .Mexican enr- p'oyes. . "No aooner hod the train been, brought to a standstill by the wrelc ot a troop train ahead, caused by the, bandits, than they began to boird ttio coaches. They swarmed into our ear. and poked Mausers into our sides, anil . ti.ld ua to throw up our hands or they'd, kill us. v ' ' "Then they rifled our pockets, too; our blaakots and baggage, and va our lunches. ' , "Then Colonel Pablo Lope, in chargo of the looting in our ear, said; , 'If you want to see some fua, jus , watch us kill these gringoes.' After- , ward he shouted to his followers, 'com , on, hojys.' " ''Tbey ran out of our coach orymjr . 'viva Villa' and 'death to the grin-, gooa. Then I heard a volley of nfh shots and looked out of the window. "Manager Watson was running to ward the Ha'nta Vsnbol river a short distance nway. Four other Americana ( were running in other direotiomH, with the Villistaa shooting-at them, - Boin of the soldiers dropped to their to get a hotter aim. " ' " ' rfWatoii fell after running about ft . hundred yards. Ho got up limping but (CoatiaasJ tsi I'm Tart) , 'J-