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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
' . MOLLVT NE.W , ' ' '- . ' J "Tee he Calls on l . - -p i p 27 -till p-wo .m Cap'J ThalU MfTAim SPAT? . SHlf HT , jfv-vi ffT TT" til ' M' & ' 1 I I y"" 1 ' UP AGlN I Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wod for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion! CHIROPRACTOR CONSl'LT DH. MAY, experienced mid successful Chiropractor, for unite 11111! chronic, disorders. Has pruel iced six years in Oregon, Free consultation. Hours, 0 to 12, I to 11. 305 0-7 llub rd Ulil)?. Lady nttondnnt. l'lione, office 572; n'niiN'iici', !KL' -U. CHIROPRACTICSPINOIiOiTIST DR. 0. F.. HCOTT Criiiluiitc of ( Hiiro-r!U-tic. ' Vminliiin Hcml, Uiivi;iiiit, loH'ti. ( you linvt trii'il ovoryt Hiiif ii ml lmvii nnt no rrlii'f, try l'liirniiiu' lic spinnl ml iusl iiiciilH mill (jet well. Offii-p 1011-7-8 V. S. Nntiimiil Hunk Jtuililiiif;. I'lionc iliiin i7. Jicsicleni'i' TV1 :ii n s-JS-U. DRY CLEANING PRESSING CJ.OTJIKri CI.KAXKRS nvswrs, re jmiri'i'S iiiui dyers. Due Iriul will ('(in vince ynu tlint our work nml clinres nre rilit. Cleiiniiij; liiirlnr open to S j). m. (Inod.s eiilleil for mid delivered free, l'lione 7L'S. Anmrel (Service Co., l.'tS S. Hiirh street. DENTISTS DH. O. A. OI.SOX, DKNP1ST Adiiiiui.ster Citrous Oxid and Oxv;;Pii Una Unmn 21 . l'lione 110. Miisoiiic Temple. Siileni, Ore. LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. V. V I'rotection Lodge No. 2. Jleels every Monday evening at. i in Hie .lc('ornnclc hall, corner Court mul Liberty streets. A. K. Aul'iauce, lit. ; S. A. AlcFadilen, recorder; A. L. Brown, 1'. CLNTHAL LOIXiK No. IS, K. of F. McCorunck liuilding. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:3(1. F. F. Sclnum, C. C: W. B. Cilson, K. of 11. and S. fcALK.M I.OIM1K N,i. 4, A. F. & A. .M Staled communications first Friday in eiuli mouth at 7:3(1 . in. in the Masonic Temple. ,1. C. Welch, W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretarv. FACIFIC I.ODIIK No. On, A. !'. & A. M. Stated communications "third Fridns in each month at 7:3(1 p. in. in the Masonic Temple. Ciena C. Niles, W. M.J Mrnest II. Choate, secretary. Jt. N. of A. "Oregon (irape Ciunp," No. 13ii(l. meets every Thursday even ing in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Miss Syl via Slinupp, 1 7 ! 1 Market, oracle; Hazel Frice, Imperial Furniture Co., Tocorder. i I TlODSOX COUNCIL, No. .1, H. & M. il.j Stated assembly first -Monday in! each month. Mnfouie Temple. James! I'laat. Thrice Illustrious .Master; (ileal C. Nib's, recorder. I DK.MOLAY COM.M ANDKHV, No. ivl K. T. Regular conclave fourlli Iri day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic, Temple. Sojourning Sir ' Kniyhts are courteously invited to meet with us. Geo, 11. Burnett, K, C, Frank A. Turner, recorder. CIIAbWll'K CHAI'TKH, Xo. 37. O. R S. Hi'gular meeting every first mid third Tuesday at S p. in. ill the Ma Funic Temple. I'lizabeth Read, V. M.j Ida M. Babcock, secretary. VOOD.MEN' OF THE Wt.lfl.l) .Meet overy Friday night at . o'clmdi in McCornack ldock. Oscar Doaald.' on. C. C; L. S. (leer, clerk. 007 Court street, l'lione 5113. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH (.'1IAI' TKU, No. 1, li. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each mouth at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly, No. 8t, meets every Wednesday, nt 8 p. in. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. A.; C. '.. Randall, secretary, Hnlein Biuik of Commerce. BALKM II I'M AN E SOCIETY D. 1). Keeler, president; Airs. Lou Tillson. feeretary. All eases of cruelty ur neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for iavestl gntfon. MODERN WOODMEN" OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. fi21fi, meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock in "McCornack hall corner I Court and Liberty streets. Flevntorl service. W. W. hill, V. C; Hex. A. j Turner, clerk, j At the rate that Germany lias been Inking Russian prisoners, we fancy two-, thirds of the Russian old soldiers' renii-i niscences in future vears will begin! with: "When 1 was in Geriiiuny " I MAUSOLEUM MOI'NT CKKST AliliKY MAUiSO J.KIJM Thu lietter wny. Dry mid fnuilnry. Buildiiif; ulwiiya open to visitors .Sunday 1 to i l. in. J. V. (Inskill, ninnner. 82S Muutli lUlh. l'lione i:u;m. MISCELLANEOUS ro.M M AliOXd IJow-n with the butch ers. Yon can eat at Cherry (Jity Cafe for loc now. KiS .S. High slreet. Novlfl COLLKdK til Mr Has afternoon va cant. Wishes to tench and interest children. Kxpericiu-ed. References, l'lione 'ISIW, uflernooiia. (1001) I1SKI) I'L'Ii.N'lTlKK Boufjlit, also taken in exchange for new. Full line of new furniture, ranges, heat ers, and other house furnishings, l'eetz Furniture, Co., 233 North Com mercial street. OSTEOPATH DliS. B. II. WHITE and K. W. WAL TON Osteopatliic physicians and nerve spe.ciali.sjs. (j rail nates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksvillo, Jlo. Fost graduate and specialised in nervo diseases at Los Angeles college. Trent acute, and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lndv attendant. Office 5(J5-!iO; U. S. National Hank Building, l'houo 8.W. Residence alO North Capital street, l'lione .'iii'J. SCAVENGER SALKM SCAVKNOKR Charles Soos. proprietor. Oarbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reiisonnlilo rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phono Main 2217. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS i.KKMAN & CLOUGU C. B. Webb, A M. Clnugh morticians and funeral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 41,) Court slreet. .Main 12(1; Main !'SH. KIliOON-IUCllAKDsON CO. Funer al directors and undertakers, 2."2 Nnrlh High street. Day and night phone TO. WATER COKPANiT SALEM W ATE It COMPANY Office coiner Conmiercbil and Trade streets. For water Forvi-e apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. t. Journal New Today Ads do- ;: livor the goods. i'fi :,'! Y. !: MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS E. B. FLEMING, Prop. De??at American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wlr. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks. 40 Years Making Stoves Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and Bold. 250 Court Street. Plions 121 t Back of Chicago Store, nm L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will, cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. 15, 1915. "' 10R RENT. FOR RKNT Clieap, niodern furnished 5 room house. 1'liono ll."iO,I. -llto S. 17th. Novlfl FOR SALE SMALL general stock of merchandise for sale. Inquire 11!)0 North Cap itol street. if FOK SAL V. Olirh'AlHi By owner, 5 room niodern bungalow within walk ing distance, on car line, large lot. Fruit and berries. 22 Caro Journal. (10 ACKF.S (lood pasture for rent, or will take sheep on shares. Phone 8F23 after 7 p. in., or address R. F. Schnctt, Salem, Route 2, Box 170. Novl5 WANTED WANTED TO LEASE Small dairy ranch with stock and toolB, might buw Address W. C., euro Journal. Nov in WANTED To correspond with some woman, also party wishes to corres pond with some respectable man. Won't you write? Please send self addressed envelop. E. M. L., Box 2!il, Corvnllis, Oregon. Nov23 LEGAL NOTICES ; ; ; !; e NOTICE. The following is an itemized estimate of the amounts of money proposed to be raised, by the levying of uu addi tional tax for road purposes, in Road District No. 35. in -Marion County, Ore gon, as provided by the regularly called meeting of the tax payers of said district, held on the 1st day of No vember, 1!H5. Budget. For the improvement of the following county roiiils: The road from flutes to Niagara, Ma rion County. Oregon, by widening out the road le d to lii feet at nil dangerous ports of Hie road by grading and grav eling other parts of loud that reipiire it, if- i;i3.").ii!i, The road from dates to Elkloon by reducing curves and heavy grades, par ticularly a 32 per cent grade, by gen eral repair on the upper pait of said road. I.jU.'UI. The road from Gates to Mill City by cutting down two of the heaviest grades, io -ir " pc'e'er " creek, by grubbing and grading, about nine hun dred feet of the road bed to meet (lie Mill City load at west terminus of Dis trict 3.".' ifL'oli.liO. The above estimate may be discussed at a regularly called tax payors' meet ing, to bo held on November 27. at two o'clock p. m. at Anderson pool hall. Gates, Ore., in said district. HKXKY JOO.'-T, Chairman 0. A. SI'ENCEH, Secretarv NOTICE. The following i of the amounts ( nil itemized estimate f money proposed to be raised, bv the lowing of aii addi tional tax for road purposes, in lload District Xo. 11. in Marion County, Ore gon, as provided by the regularly called meeting of the tax payors of said district, held on the 1st day of .No vember, 1!)I5. Budget. Fijr the improvement of tho follow ing county roads: The road from Power House to Hindi's corner known as A. Quail l'oad by general repairing, $5ii0,l(l. Tile rend from Davis school house to North boundary of district known us .1. Gordon road by general repairing, i5ll(l.ri(l. The road from Silverton and Silver Creek Fulls road to A. Oeder corner known as Power Creek loud by general repairing, ifol'tl.iMl. The road from A. oeuer s corner to Cedar Camp by general repairing, ."iin.oo. The mail from end of present per manent road to ('has. King's by mueiid iimizing. 1,51111.011. The above estimate may be discussed tit a regularly called tax payers' meet ing, to be held on November 27, lit two o'clock p. in. at Porter school house, in said district, L. O, II ADLEY, Chairman. . GEO. MAIS, Secreta ry. NOTICE. The following Is nil itemized estimate of tho amounts of money proposed to be raised, by the levying of an addi tional tax for road purposes, in Road District No. 12, in Marion County, Ore gon, aa provided by the regulurly called meeting of the tax payers of said district, held uu the 1st day of Novem ber, 1U13. Budget. For the improvement of the following county roads: The Crooked Finger road from John Semolkie's gate to Crooked Finger school house by grading and niucadami. ing, if 3,757.35. The above estiniato may be discussed at a regularly called tax payers' meet ing, to be held on November 27, at two o'clock n. m. ut Noble school house, in I ...i.i ,t;t,;..t W. T. HO(iO, Chairman. ALLAN BF.Ll.INCKR, Sec retarv. NOTICE. The following is an itemized estimate of the amounts of money proposed to be raised, by the levying of an addi tional tax for road purposes, in Itoad District No. 53, in Marion County, Ore gon, as provided by the regulurly called meeting of the tux payers of said district, held on the 1st day of No vember, ll15. Budget. For the improvement of the following roads; . The road from Cr. C. Gillian's four coiners running east to end of rock at Hunt's hill by uincadam, $MI).G,'I. The above estimate may be discussed nt u regularly called tax payers' meet ing, to be held on November 27, at two o'clock p. in., at W. (). W. hall, Victor Point, in said district. CLAlf ENC'K C. JONES, Chairman. JAMES O. DAUBY. Secretarv. NOTICE. The following; is lOi ateniized estimate of the ainount.s of money proposed to be raised, by tin1 levying of nn addi tional tux for read purposes, ill Wold! District Xo. 2, in Marion County, Ore gon, as provided by the regularly called meeting of the tux payers of said dis- Diet, held on the 1st. day of No ember, 111! a. Budget. For the improvement of the follow ing county roads: The road from Free Methodist Church to lluch Wolfer's place by Kobt. Frances and .1. C. Moonoiw places .3!i5.()ll by draiiiiaa' and graveling. The road from I'udding river roiol at Earl Koeher place to Stall's place on I'aeitic Highway by Saiigiiiiopith place IPn.iHI by draining and graveling. The road from Nuth lino of Dodiicl to the North line on the Boon l-'eriy road bv (ion. Iloiiiugden and C. Ii. Iiv- iue ,;i!)5.(lil by draining and graveling. 1 lie above e;;(ima!e may lie discus.'-ei at u regularly culled tax payeis' meet ing. to be held n November 27, at fwi o'clo said dl p. III. IHtriet. lit E, S. .Miller's place, ii S. F, DANIELS, Cliniriuan. C. MOO.MAW, Secretary. NOTICE. The following is nn itemized estimate of the amounts of money proposed to be raised, by the levying of an addi tional tax for road purposes, in lload District Xo. .01, in Marion County, Ore gon, us provided by . the regularly called meeting of the tax payers of said district, held oil the 1st day of Novem ber, JU1 5. Budget. For the improvement of the following county roads: Tho hill at the east entrance to Para dise alley by cutting down and gravel ing. 2(10.00. The road from Pudding Hiver bridge to the top of the Noot nons hill by grav eling, 100,110. The road from O. S. Ifaage's gate on Silvertoii-Salem rond going west, by graveling, $203.00, more or less. The above budget wns estimated on n proposed levy of .'t mills, on nn esti mated district valuation of 1 H7.7 10.00. The above estimate may be discussed nt, a regularly called tax pavers' meet ing. to bo held on November 27, nt two o'clock p. m., at Brush Creek school house, in said district. i jr. MT;y eh, Chairman. M. TINOEI.STAD, See retnrv. NOTICE, The following Is an itemized estimate of the amount of money proposed to be raised, by the levying of nn addi tional tax for re'e' Vu.-j,uw.H ; Rond WGODBURN NEWS Dr. If. O. Hickman mid .1. 1L Ben- lninin, of (jervais, spent Tuesday 1U Woodhurn. Misses Nel nnd Cludys Biukley vis-1 iteil friends in Portland Wednesday. Mrs. J. If. Norris und niece, Mrs. Itulpli Norris, who havo been visiting nt the home of the former's brother, Mr. F. M. Drake, left Wednesday for their home in Portland. Miss Frances Kemp left Mondny for a visit with friends and relatives in Helton, Michigan, and other eastern points. Fred Dose relumed from California where he has been on business for tho pnst three weeks. Mrs. B. Claiuan, who was operated on Saturday is improving rapidly. Mr. nml Mrs. Claude Diiini, of Dallas, wero visiting friends here Tuesday. Mr. J. Kennedy spent Wednesday in Portland on business. Mrs. E. N. Hall returned Tuesday from King's Valley, Beaton county, whero she has been visiting her daugh ter. . Mrs. Klnia Jones, of Oakland, Cali fornia, and niece, .Mrs. Corn Willard, of I'orlluml, are guests at the homo of the former cousin, h. ('. Mills. Miss Lola .Massov, of Broadaeres, has taken tho place of Miss Frances Kemp District Xo. -17, in Million County, Ore j goii, as provided by - the regulurly! called meeting of the tax payors nf j said district, held on the 1st day of No j veinber, liHS. . i Budgot. For the improvement of the following, county roads: The road from Beaver creek north loj beginning of lane at end of gravel soil by draining, grading and graveling, j $2(111.0(1. The road from f'ulhorf at Lewis bam I running east by draining, grading and j grnvelini!, $.:HI0. The toad from the town of Shaw running north by draining, guiding and graveling, if;;illl.illl. The road from end of gravel running west from Sim v by draining, grading and graveling, $200. 0(1. The above estimate mr.v be discussed j lit a legiilnrly called tax payers moot ing, t" be held on November 27, at two o'clock p. in., at Miaw school house, in said district. JOHN DAI.T.Y, ' Chairman. W.M-. II. IIOWI), Secretary. i NOTICE. The following is aa itemized estiniato of the nnioiints of money proposed to be raised, bv the levying of an addi tional tax tor road purposes, in Uond District No. I. g'.n, as provid culled meeting district, held oi i M ;m ioa Count v. ( )ri d by the regularly t lie ta payers of i-nid I he 1st dav of Novein- bir, IIH5. Budget. For the improvement of the following county road-: The road fioni Cliampoeg to Ynn dnle's corner by .Mrs. M. L. Eld 1 idge 's if! 10 HO. The loiol from Yninlale's to St, Paul IflStliet line b.V lid, I'illelt 's, if I 10.00. The read from V laic's to Cochin school house by Mrs. Knapps, :f I 10,00. The road from Fred dearie's corner to (he bridge, if I IP. nil. The above estimate may be diicussed lit a regolailv called tax payers' meet ing, to be held on November 27, nt two o'clock p. in. at Chiimpocg school house, in said distiiet. HAHI1Y K, FAWKKS, Chairman. J. E. SMITH, Secretary. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids will be received by tho county court of .Mjirion county, for the improvement of certain roads in Komi Itislriels en. ait'ii and No. 31, by clear ing, oinining lino ginning uie same, ii" more tally appears liy tlic plans aioi h i-ei I lent Minn nt. tliu Mi nn', now on nie in this nt lice, All bids must, be accompanied by a certified check uf five per cent of the amount of the bid, and must bo filed in this office on or bolore Friday, No vember 20, 1015, at one o'clock p. in. MAX GEII LII A It, Count.v Clerk. CHICHESTER S PILLS - - in: ni vunsn iiiiAM,, a Ak DnmgUt A .'Jl M . lim-l.-r llla.x.Mi.l Tlrn,.ilyX I'lll. In II,. I ami (.,,1,1 in.i.inAV t, Jj f,,,,,, ,,j, i hii in,,. mi,ib. vy fcY. J Tnli in, oltinr. Itur nf Tm v jjf btoteM. A" Wi lli. 1(1 Ti ll A J 11 V,IM IIII VM) I'll 1. 1 U. Jfj ye.lfk" mini II. .1.1.1 li(. Atntrrl i'l r SOLD EY D!i WIS LVLKYWhLUE jp.7; in the law office of E. P. Morcom, as stenographer and typewriter. N. W. Mnhoaey and dnughter, of Fairfield, were visitors in Woodburn i Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John from Me Kinney re ft two weeks ' turned Tuesday visit at Newport, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELEOTUICAIi 1 Salem Electric Co., Masonia Temple, 127 North High , Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 23 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. SI. Burr, 161 South Commercial Street Main 193 UNDERTAKERS Rigdon-Dichardson Co., 251 North High street Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner Stnto and Front Btreots Main 74 JOB PRINTING Beaver State Printers, Pulton Block 1512 A Doctor's That is what you get when you buy Dry t Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin troubles and Moist Zensal if there is a watery erup tion. These white, odorless ointments for the two distinct types of Eczema will give you relief and comfort. Only 00 cents the jar. Poole's Drug- Store. t SOUTHERN PACIFIC North Bound No. .10 Oregon Express ... 5:00 11.111. No. 01 Sound Special .... (i; 12 a. m. No. 2S Willamette Limited 0:2L' No. 12-Shasta Limited ... J 1 :55 No. 1S--I'orlland Passenger 2:00 p.m. .No. 20 I'oitland Passenger 5:00 p.m. No. I I Portland Express ..MiOOp.ia. No. 222 - I'oillund fast Fi 't. 10:3s p.m. Xo. 220 Local way Fr't, ...10:35 p.m. South Bound No. 15-Culifoinin E.-.pross. .3:32 ii.m. No. 17 lloseburg Passenger .1 1 :20 a.m. No. 53 -Exposition S nil. ,2:12 p.m. No. 10 - Cotlnge Grove Pas. -1:2(1 p.m. No. II Shasta, Limited ... 5:13 p.m. No. 2T-Willainctle Limited 0:1(1 p.m. No. 13 Sua Francisco Ex. 10:3.S p.m. No. 221 - San Francisco Fast Freight l-:''';" a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't ... 8: 10 a.m. Balom-Geor Lino No, 73 Arrives nt Salem . .0:1." u.tii. No. 70- Leaves Sulem !i;50a.iu. No, 75 -A r. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 71 Leave Salem 4:15 p.m. "No connection south of (leer. Salom, Falls City nnd Wostorn, Xo. Ji'il--Lv. Sulem, motor ..7:00 a. in. No, 103 Lv. Salem, motor , .11:15 a.m. No. 105 Lv, Sal , motor ...1:10 p.m. No. 107 Lv. Sulem, motor .. .3:25 p.m. No. JCi'.t I. v. Salem, motor ... 0:15p.m. No. 23!l Way Fr't lv. Sulem 5:00 a. in. - ,h job Ar, Salem xmdu.iii. No. 101 Ar. Salem 11:25 a.m. No. 100 Ar. Salem ,'1:15 p.m. No, IDS Ar. Salem 5:30 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:15 p.m No. 210 Wuy Fr't ar. Salem 1:35, OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY COv North Bound t.v. Sulem 4 :35 ii.m., 7: 15 a.m. , 11:15 a.m. , 11:20 a.m. 1 : 15 p.m, 1 :00 p.m. , 5:37 p.m. 7:55 p.m. Train No, ,. 2 Owl . .... (I ... . JO Limited ... 12 .,, , .. J1 ... Ar, Portland .... 0:55 a.m. .... 11:25 a. in. . . . J 1 :35 a.m. . . J :35 p.m. .. 1:00 p.m. . .. 5:50 p.m. 10 .imilcd 20 ... ,. 7:50 p, in. ,. 10:00 p.m. SEVEN PsPij ' Misses Jennio nnd Esther Winell left t Wednesday for California whero they J will visit "friends and take in the ex position. Mr. and. Mrs. E. II. Hammock, of Spokane, en route to Sun Diego, stop ped off hero Tuesday to visit at tii8 iliomo of their nephew, Henry PcHoest. Prescription t 1 South Bound Lv. 7: Lv. -ulem, I a. in Portland. Ar. Eugene. . C5 .., :55 a.m. Limited . .. 0:30 a.m. Ar. Salem. (Sulem only) ... 10:11 a.m. . . . 1 2:55 p.m. . . , 1 :25 p.m. .. 0:10 p.m. ... K: Hi p.m. ... 11:25 p.m. . , . .1 ;55 u.m. (i: 15 a. in. S:25a.m. 10:10 2:05 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 0:05 p.m. 0:20 p.m. 1 1': 15 p.m. 1., . !i Limited .13 . . .17 Local .. 10 .... ...21 Owl .. North Bound Lv. Corvnllis, -1:10p.m. .., Lv. Eugene. 7:35 p. in, . . Ar. Salem. , Ar. Sulem. . 0:15.ii.m. . . 1:110 p.m. , 7:55 p.m. . 3:10 p.m. 20 .... 10 Limited .10 Limited . 1 :5o ;i. in 5:25 p.m 12:05 Mil . . . 2 Ov.l . . , South Bound I.v, Salem. 1:25 p.m. Ar. Albany. 5:20 p.m. Ar. Eugene. 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugene, . 0:50 a. m. . 12:25 p.m. Ar, Albany. I.v. Salem, 2:00 a.m. . 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 1:00 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 0:10 p.m. . 21 Owl ) Limited J 2:55 p.m. Stops at Corvnllis. Ar, Migene. . 8:50 p.m. 13 Woodhurn Local Daily Except Sundays. No. 01 Leaves Salem 3:10 p.m. No. (ill Arrives in Salem 3:25 p.m. CORVALLI3 CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvnllis, H:25 ii.n 12:12 p.m. .. 2:32 p.m. .. Ar. Sulem. . 0:15 a.m. . 1:45 p.m. . 4:00 ii.m. . 5:37 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. 10 .... 11 .... 10 .... 20 22 4:10 p.m. , 0:18 p.m, , Lv. Salem, in:15a.m. . 4:25 p.m, 12:55 p.m. , 6:40 p.m. , South Bound. Ar. Corvnllis. 5 10:11 a.m. 0 11:17 p.m. , 7 2:20 p.m. 13 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company. Steuiners Pomona and Orcgv-na leave Salem for Portland' nad way lnndings daily except Suinlay, at 0 a. m,