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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1915)
SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, NOV. 15. 1955. Bishop s MEN AND YOUNG MEN Will want to "dress up" in the clothes of the "bet ter kind" the kind that are up to the Bishop high standard. They are correct in style, fabric, fit and workmanship. The prices are the lowest at which similar qualities are sold for anywhere. There is that additional satis faction of knowing they are guaranteed because "we make right anything that goes wrong. Bishop AH Woo! Clothes $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes $20, $25, $30 Are sure to meet with your approval. There arc no better clothes made at the price or that will give you better satisfac tion. Oregon Freshmen Defeat 0. A. C. Rookies University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., Nov. 15. Eight, and fight alone, en ables four regular freshmen football players and seven freshmen picked off the eiinipns to win from the O. A. C. rookies by n score of 12 lo 0 Saturday afternoon. The Aggie freshmen protested against seven of the Oregon "Eresh," who entered the Willamette name, in mi HERBAL BALM i ACTS THREE TIMES I ON SKIN DISEASE Tt ilftpi nil Itdiinff nml pnln tlie ttntant it Id Aiiioutlicil over the diai-ancd tlenli. i It ucln liko a ponlticr, drawing our all pm frm, healing ami dtansiiig aorei, icalvs, ertip tiuiifl, I The rich lierbat r nienco In D'EXMA sink itIph) Into the tirnmri unit start law, soumt Dt'sh Kiowiiirf from iindoriinith, ' D'hXMA ji rrrtmiii hunilmU fioiu llc)i jtntiiifT dinensoft. Why not you? it it nature's wuy. We nfe the only driitninH In thN town from yum D'KXiWA, the K-ut herbal ikiu Jj;ilin,um be LCiiri-d. Ask u today, Crwn Drug pompany, 332 8luti t. The Big Game of the Year at Eugene Saturday November 20 1 (tf iijs-ii A C vLOMj'ii J O j ill 20 The football game this ye;ir between U. of O. and O. A. C. will he but oily contested. Oregon won from tho strong U. of S. Cal. team 31 to 0, while tho Oregon Asslos defeated the MIchtgiM Aj.c.tes :H t 0. These two teams rank with the best in tho United SUtej, The win Hlii!,' of this frame at F.tmeno on Nov. uotli, by either team, means more than ft (hnmvdons'iUi, It will be worth your while lo see It. Tiki; libys, forward pmmi will krep the oiieetaters tense from tho start of the name to the final Mew of the whistle, Low Roimd-Trip Pares Will bo en sale at nil Soitlhern r.Ulfic stations Nov. 111-20, Returning limit of Nov. 22. 1015. Further j h foi m:i I inn lis to I'uKels, ol,'., from local ngeuK SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General rasscuger Asent, Portland, Oregon. All Wool Fall and Winter CuiiyiijU Hurt Scluf fu.T Si Mart SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE tlin Inst tli ico in i nut oh nf pluv. Hair innh'Ht fiiiiio iiiiiiiodintolv holore the initio, nl'tor I lio moil hiiil wurlu'd for throo wooliH without tho lout inkling ol' nit iiNpomlintf irotost. ( oin-li '"rick" .Miilnrlioy sn'nl ''No," liit t'om'h lioilok ssiiil 'Yos" Hint the Aggies had aliard game coming to ' fresh 'from the VI lo 0 defeat adniinis them. So Mularkey went out on the tered to them liv tho IJniversitv of i-ampus and got together a team, I've j Washington team at llerUeley, upset all of wnom hud not lieen out for football the eritii's' ire,lietions Saturduv, by lliis year. Signals were hurriedly irae-1 holding Washington to n 1.1 to 7 victory tieed while the Aggies were doaningiu the return game played on Denny llieir togs. Uielil. Washington's victory was hurl The Oregon men against whom the w0 au,i although Coach Dobie'n eleven Aggies protested are: Alorfitt, Must, Unstained Washington 'r record of more lloisingtoa, Williunis, Cook and Mad- than seven years without a defeat )lny- neii anil miner. Throughout the gnmo the Aggiej had it over the Oregon freshmen on the offensive, but. costly fumbles were priceletH for Mularkey 's parvenus who relied solelv on fight, spurred on by IIOII rooters who were keyed lip to the tensitv of n. varsity game. In spirit it was the epitome of the big Oregon-O. A. C. ganie. PULLMAN 19 WINNER. l'ullman, Wash., Nov. 1,". The Wash ington slate college football team de feated the Whitman college team ia a " :fio Northwest collfgiato gaino here Saturday, bv a score of 17 to 0. The game wns plnyed in a temperature near zero and the field in some places in the last, half was covered with ice. norih of Ashland. Clothes RAINCOATS" We have taken great pains and have looked over a great many lines of Raincoats to select the very best values we could secure in the market. For our trade this season, we have the best lines made in this country besides an imported rubberzed gar ment, which has a written guarantee that it will re main rainproof for 12 months. The coats have good style, are cut long and with the raglan shoulders, roomy and ventilated. PnCPS $5 00 i) $15 QD i A Itco yJ.Vl IU yi'J.JV I A special Raincoat for Hoys, full length, raglan shoulders, in sizes 10 to 18 years. Extra value for nf!..V For Belter Showing Seattle, Wash., Nov. 1.". The Uni versity of Calilornia football eleven. ers and spectators alike were loud in their praise of the remarkable snow ing ninde by the visiting team. I'roiu the moment the whistle blew for the first kick-off it was evident that the Herkeley men had learned much since their defeat a week ago. Timo and again Washington's heavy bucks drove the bull within a few yards of the goal line, only to be hel l by the California lino. Idaho Scores 6 and Goiizaga 3 ia Game Spokane, Wash., Nov. II). Idaho took the advance in the first quarter of an evenly matched contest with (lon ?uga at I'atoriuin pnrk here Saturday atteruoou when Might Knd Dinglo in tercepted n forward pass in the center of the field, Dodging Oou.ugti tacklers, Dingle ran fill yards for n touchdown, securing the initial advantage for Ida ho that held through the game, the fin al score being Idaho 11, llonzuga It. LoOENE AND CORVALLIS TIE. ! Corvallis, Or., Nov. 1o. The football game here Saturday between Kugene and Corvallis high schools resulted in a scoreless game, neither team carrying the ball into the other's territory far enougli to endanger the goal. Kugene had the better of the bargain in the first two iiuarters, but nl'ter the rest between halves the Corvallis lads came back strong and outplayed the visit ors in tae second half. The field was 'muddy and slippery and fumble were ' i'i c,ueiit. DALLAS AND LEBANON TIE. Dallas. Or., Nov. lo. The Dallas High School football team met the lad, anon lliyli School eleven on a local i;ii,liroa Saturday al'teriioou and a scoreless game was played. In the last part of ilie last ipiarler, in a punting duel. Dallas made considerable gain. The game ended on a punt with the ball in Lebanon 's possession on their own ihree aid line. rOLK PKOrERTY SOLD. Dallas, Or., Nov. 1-V -Two real estate tiansaetieiis of iuierest locally were ,'tiu-iimuiato, lasl week. 1.. S. Complon has tom !ia:-ol a farm of L'Od acres near Drain, Douglas connlv, of W. C. l?,h,'tN, hading in his 112 a, i t'r'iit farm, near Independence, n part pay mei.r me lotai consi.ierai mu was,,,,,,,, ,,., m,u,,. ,,,, ineM ' , .,-, ' II. ,1. i.owe ol I lluepelniOlh'e pur ,11m -I'd the 10 acre fruit trad, Known a the "Plaster place just west ol Dallas, of .1. Iloepes of Heuerliiii. ! BEKGF.R 13 HELD Seattle. Wash.. Nov. 15 - Sam Iterger, held by federal ligenls here with a suit ease containing $1,000 worth of mor phiue. heroine and cocaine, is said to have furnished information today Ilia will lead to Ihe nnvt of the lueiubers ot a ring of naieotie smugglers op,rul lug between Seattle and I'oluni 1 1 bill. I bport News WILLAMATTE WINS 13 TO 7 GAME FROM Three W. U. Quarterbacks ' Taken Out of Game On Account of Injuries Willamette university won Sntur- day's game from Pacific university 13 j Mo 7 in spite of the fai t that the school football team landed the football i .Methodists lost three quarterbacks j ,.),., mpionship f ,, vn,.v Saturday af hrotigli injuries, Inviii who started fernoon l.v drubbing Albany 7 to II. , he game lor ., T . was taken out in Salem made n touchdown in the middle (tne middle ol the first ipiarler. Small , ()f (he fi,,st ,..,,,,,,. nj iwtrn- kicked ,.-,. ..., . ,,,, was miu ' I . , lii!ic- Miiiiiues ol piay. i. ;rrnniiiiil I ,.u i n il " i iiun, to ipinricr, our re- . .. ,.. ,. .i.iii luii onnutos when lie was ret n red bv in- iuries. CaMrml Fleet u-iw ,l,e J,5ff- I'd iVum fullback to quarter and held:1'",1 "'"I""."1?', ,, , , down this position until the end of the; ' Ou'rinif the first quarter Willamette! f,,,,.,,!..,! two punts, whi. h Pacific r0. ;;t(11p covered, so that WillnnieUe only scored one loitchduwii ami kicked t lie goal. ; Lucas, trie and Wilcox were doing 'some creat defense playing, while h'ex ! lord and Hendricks were getting Pa e.ilic university ineii behind tho line on severs occasions. Het'oie I rwin was : taken out he made two sensational runs,m"'it company. Salem's backfield was i ... t' -ii i .... i it i . ..... i . i t i i Mm . aim i.i nius. wm n s iieaoiii in- terleieuce from punt formation. The se.-ond quarter was an evenly lilimt-.-heil game because Of the absence! of the two Willamette quailers, but at I ceiauiiui of the second half Wil- . lai'iene eia.iw steni v okcjicss am crossed the coal line. I'liva! missed I ""' - 111 1110 "llU'cIl 'lown tlie tie!, I! rli;huld and Hendricks tduiiL'ed i tliiough I'.u ifie 's line and .Soilcr skirt (ed her ends for yardage almost every mown. Aiier Arcainaoi retired tlie Willauietle team weakened and I'acific made a stcadv march for the goal line :vA Stanley kicked the goal. The ball ihen seesawed up and down the field until Willamette made another costly I'umlilo, and I'acific. had the ball oil fourth oowu on uie six yard line with the goal line to go. Call of time pre- cnieu a loucniiown. Tlie lineup was: I'acilic. Willamette. P Archibald Tobie Jlann .... Hendricks Peterson Miller RcNt'orf! Hoe Stanley l.ivesly liastnussen Donaldson Tavlor Wilcox ....C .... T. ....K T. ....LO. ...K (i. ....I. Iv ....R 10. Coodnuiu (J I He LIT l-ucns 1 II c, Abrahams (O) ....PH Irvine Shisler Archibald Flegel (C) Keferee, Schtuitt; umpire, I'imekoef er; timekeepers, West and lord. The principal substitutions were: Willamette Small for Irvine, Randall lor Small, 1'roctor for Rexford. dates for C. Archibald. For I'acific Fowler tor Stanley. Championship Race Still Muddled In East New York-, Nov. lo.The muddled up situation in the race for the eastern football championship is hardly cleared up iiy iKiuirctuy s results, though Cor nell was generally favored today by the critics for the title, despito Pitts burg's unsullied record. Cornell s narrow escape during the cany miuuies or the Washington and Lee game forced the Duncans to un cork a brand of football they had not (iispiayou previously turn season. Cor nell showed it has an nlmost perfect attack ami defense. Vale's victory over tho best team Princeton has turned out in years was tho biggest surprise of the sea'son. With a team practically new two weeks ngn, KM literally swept the Tigers off their feet. Although Princeton did not show the strength which has .characterized its play (his season, the fact cannot be denied th:U Vale made a wonderful im provement. Interest is paramount in the Yule llarvard game .although both teams are out of the championship race. Foot ball critics do not anticipate an ex ceptionally good game bid ween Cornell ami I'ittsbiirg. while the Vale-Harvard should be a "bummer, " as a result of Ihe rejuvenation of the blue. Learned About Football In One Week's Practice . , ... , . l l o, Wash.. Nov. I.v-Tlio iwu-th. west i still wondering what nianaer of ' .,,r. the outcome, men I a 1 1 torn ia produce. The world j Vw of the close followers of the ".'! t"!lilv l,,!' Washington beat Mine in Winnipeg conceded O'l.earv i :i 1 1 1 ii i , 1 1 ,'i to 0 at llerkelev, Xovem-1 ,,1,1,11 chance in the short bout, unless 0 and that the same team waii, , i i.,.i ,f 1,; i,vici.. in, v in win ,,i to , at home a week ial.T. WhaMhe woil, I does no! Know is how Ihe (. alii oi niaus were able to nuiKe the mag lit nl stand thev did Saturday. I The CillileU liens then, selves n,,l llh.'y had never met any real compcti-j noil i'iiiii too week lielore ami that lli'V I, ll lie, I nil 1 1. . . ....,. I I ! I a tew da.ii. ' ' .-,"',:i ,it l each iuilh said hi;; coming! '" ""'"i head first behind inteiferen, .,,.1 1 1 - t lliev ,h.l l 1,,.,.. to Id,,, k, eh: ige, t.ol.lo or form interfer-i cace until thev saw how did it. Was lington Tlie sound left for llerkelev Sunday. Two games for next season already !:.ivo I'eea arrauu'ed. EAT HONEY WITH TURKEY. Dallas, Or. Nov. 15. t'loyd E. Siuiih, secretary of the Oregon Hoc keepers' association, Is sending out not i.oi that November 25 has been de sigiu'l as National Honey day. Every body is ui god to eat honey wilh their 'i'liituk.,;;iviiijj dinner. IN FAST GAME BY I SCORE OFSEVEN TO 0 Best High School Game Ever flayed In This City Won By Local Lads - In the best high school game ever played in this city the Salem high the goal. Then for two nunr goal. 1 hen tor two quarters the game was about even with both teams f- ,, . last ditch and neither ,,! t0 111:,is,. anv consistent gains ox- . . . i , ., , . , . t'lt 11 Sl"'tS "Ih1 ,inth '"'"'R f'''''ed to " " ''". ' teams were ";' .mil iirr .Uli.lli; 7. n 1 1 1 1 n ,,i"" .w7'' J"'0"'.' to he P"i' hunk when their huskies lr.iod np on the field. The Albany center was j for what she has done f.r the city and only a few sizes smaller than Dr. Eploy for the cause of women and protection and the visitors had a pair of ends in of the home. Miller and Th.-ickcr that will class v.ithj Mi,s West was organizer of this so nny in the state in the high school j ciety and celebrated its tweiily-lliird idass. The visitors' line held well and j anniversary by breaking the ground their baektiel.l was good enougli in ...... ..I,, 1... .1..,, ih im i. Proctor, firovesnor and Hageilorn idoue-hed throueh the line for short cmins. but tile micetnenlnr tilnvc wore the forward l.asses. .((dinnv 'Clebind. id., llitn. r : .,1. i lmlf f.,- a'il.,,,,- .....o most successful in receiving the togskin pv way of the aerial route but the Sn - lorn I,,,,.!, riebl men !,il eon, ,, I, ,.,! c ,t, ,,0 ,.r n, t,. passes of the game. the first quarter Albany kicked off to Hill, who returned it Id yards and then received a forward pass for 21) yards, ltadcliffe made eight yards on a line mnnsh and Hagedorn added three more. Albany then caught n Salem forward pass and Salem was penalized five yards for off sides. Albany punted to (Irovesnnr who returned eight yards. Hagedorn made five yards and then firovesnor received a forward pass for 25 yards when the ball was lost on n fumble. Albany punted and Orovesnor returned 25 yards. Roby Radcliffe then received a forward pass and raced through for a touchdown after eight minutes of play, and Troctor kicked the goal. The remainder of th game was a see-saw up to the last quarter when Salem's physical eondition appeared to be better and the ball was carried to Albany's five yard line by Radcliffe when the whistlo blew to end the great est high school gnmo of season. Albany was accompanied by a huge band of rooters but the best of feeling was displayed and the good sportsman ship of tho teams left no room for a post-game contest. This will bo Sa lem's last game until the contest with Columbia university which is to be plnyed here Thanksgiving day. The line-ups: Salem Position. Albany Snrff O Davis Bontwright I,. O Allen White... , ,k. o Olldow Williams Taylor dill R. Radcliffe.... Hagedorn C. Radcliffe.... Proctor (Copt.). . .L. T Roils . ,R. T. .. Peter Miller . .1,. E Thackcr ..R. K Paul Miller ,.R, II Schult!'. . .L. H Clelnnd . ,F Trncey (irovesnor O MeChesnoy Time of ounrters. 12 minutes. Offic ials: Anderson, O. A. C, umpire; F.inil Htutser, C'hemnwa, referee; Abraham, O. A. C, head linesman. Johnny O'Leary Meets Welch In Ring Tonight Winnipeg, Man., Nov. -15. When Johnny O'Lonry, of Seattle, steps in to the ring tonight to meet Freddie Welsh, world's lightweight champion, ho will have tho best chalice of his young life to earn the coveted crown. He will be given the opportunity that few boxers get that of meeting Welsh when the champion is not in his best form. That is the opinion here today, of fight fans, after seeing Welsh work out. The title holder, although as clever and fast as ever, perspired very quick ly and freely? lie looked a little fat, but claims that ho was feeling fine nml is in fair shape., lie promised to give 'his friends the best performance pus- j :i ii.. .i: i ... i u.l.l.. II,, ,11,1 I., I,., u,,.,.v!ll right punches to a vulnerable spot. AS WE GFf if OLDER our minds arc quite as active as in foimcr years but our strength docs not I respond when wc need it most; perhaps j the kidneys are wenk.thc liver torpid, rheumatic pulllS or StlltOIK'il limits l,Csct us, and wc cannot easily throw oil the couls winter brings. What we need is the rich cod liver oil . in Scott's Emulsion to renew the blood anclcarrystreni'ihtoeveryorciinofthe l.ody,vhiteitSgiyce.ine.soothes the res- . . , p ; , ., , , , .. piratoty trad, and Its hypophosplutCS strengthen the excitable nerves. Scott's Emulsion is a scientific oil- food, of unusual benefit to those past j '"uuber of Ilucua Visla residents nnd lifly years particularly during the I :,!'"u'" 'Ing south of Independence, . ' ... ? . i this week, and in behalf of the corn- colder seasons, it imparts warmth and , ,mv Mr. Martin agreed to extend the creates strength. One bott.e will prove ! ,v,l(.m if .-, ,,. ,.0iil.l be scccred. its worth. No akohul or harmful drugs. I f he compnnv already operates plants in tkoU&rwWuc,UoDmuild,.N,;. Ij-W'thU city, Monmouth and Dallas. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Cul; rrh is as much a blood disease as serufflu or rheumatism. Jt mav be re lieved, but c en mot be removed by simply local t nvtmoiit. Jt causes headache and dizziness, impairs the taste, smell and eearing, affects the voice, deranges the digestion, and brei.k.i down the general health, jt weakens I he delicate lung tissues and leads to consumption. Hood's .Sarsaparilin goes to the seat o; the I rouble, purifies tho blood, and is so successful that it is known as the best remedy for e;ti:rrh. Hood's Sarsap.irilla strengthens and tones the whole syitom. It builds up. Ask your ilrutgist for Hood's and in sist, on having it. There is no real substitute. The Woman's Benefit Association of Maccabees The state1 of Michigan had an event of importance on October 22, when the corner stone of the Home Office build in;,' of the Woman's Honef it associa tion of the Maccabees was laiil at l'ort Huron. .Mich. The mayor declared n por tion of. the day a holiday and l'ort Huron citizens opened their (lours to visitors from all over the state, Had many from other parts of the country. ine lucai m.sniess men na.l all arrange- I 111 ''' " assure,! Mvm "' ; .i , , , l ; l , (111 11 , 1 ' 1 1 1 C t: 1)111 III II MM I: I Of IMC j association, that this day was theirs to show her the appreciation they feel I for this line new building which, when I completed, will be the only woman' i I .... I . I l . ,f : . . i. .. i ; .. . i li f . building of its kind in the world. .In it will be concentrated the work of fin states ami provinces and of l-SiiJHIO members. The society is the largest ia the world exrlii.'ively for women anil is growing rapidly. This year, State Hospital Service . benefits have been given needy bers throughout the entire teritory of the assoi iiitinn, and last illness and burial benefits ami sick benefits for wage earners were added to the al ready fine classes of protection offered to insurable women. Kvery member in the jurisdiction is rejoicing over the progress of this work and local Maccabees hope to be able to take advantage of u prize offer next year which will give them n trip to the mecen of Maccabecism Port Huron. Queen Review located here will have a special meeting in honor of the event. Coast Players Have Their Salaries Cut Lower San Francisco, Nov. lo. There was weeping and wailing today among the Coast league players, for under the magnates ruling, they must get along, generally speaking, on lower figures than last season. The salary roll was sbced from $.1,000 to $t,"iUo' and regu lations were adopted whereby all teams will be on an even basis as to expendi tures. Umpires, too, will feel tho pressure of economy, but the stuff was not sliced. At that, the Coast players are in better shape than other teams in the A class. The Coust league season will open April 4 and continue to October 2D. The opening gnnies will be Portlnnd at San Francisco, Vernon at Los Angeles and Oakland at Nilt Lake. NEBRASKA IS CHAMPION. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 15. Football experts today were unanimous in con ceding the football championship ol the Missouri valley to Nebraska, following its smashing defeats of Kansas Satur day. No other team in tho conference can show u record equul to Nebraska s. SIMONS FOR PRESIDENT. New York, Nov. 15. Seward A. Sim ons, of Los Angeles, today was tho most'proniinent candidate tor tho presi dency of the Amateur Athletic. Union, which opened its annual meeting here today. Simons actively in amateur athletics makes him a favorite with most of the delegates. GAME WAS SCORELESS. San Francisco, Nov. 15. Tho Mult nomah Athletic club eleven of Portland and the Olympic club team of San Francisco staged an exceptionally un interesting scoreless game nt the ex position yesterday. Fumbling, inabil ity to'ixccnte forward passes and ab solute lack of kickers characterized both teams. BEZDEK IS PRAISED. Kugene. Or., Nov. 15. Admirers of Hugo llezdek. coach of the I'aivorsity of Oregon, were sure today that lie had something to do with the remarkable showing California made against Wash ington last Saturday when it was learn ed I hat he spent one day last week tutoring the Herkeley boys. Hc.dek admitted that ho stopped off at lleikelev while en route home from the :;inn between the 1'niversity of Oregon and l uiversilv of Southern Car ifotnia. Kos Angele. ami nt Hie rcipiest ;or ici Sehaet ler, instructed the I al iton. tuns ill the deteiise end of the EXTENDING LIGHT SYSTEM. Independence, nr., Nov. 1,1. The i (,r'K" '' company phins to ex- j " 'h "f ' 'ity .to I Huenu istti nnd give electric, service ( ,,, village and to (he farmers wdio reside between the two places. Mutineer -. Ti. Martin held n meeting w ith a NEW TODAY He CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. Kate per word New Today:. Each insertion, per word ltt One week (li insertions), per word.... 5a One mouth (20 insertions), per word 17o All ads must be ordered for a stated length of time, no ad to count less tnan 10 words. The Capital Journal will not bo re sponsible for more than 0110 insertion fur errors in Classified Advertise ments. Road your advertisement tha first day it appears and notify uji iui medialeiy it is contains an error. Minimum charge, Inc. PHONE 937 For wood saw. RKMKM DKK Fred 's Night Lunch. Nov 10 FIB WOOD $:i.50 per cord. I'hone 22-1!). tf CITY WINDOW CI.KANER Phone 708. Dee 11 DU ESSJI AK 1 NO By day or taken in. 1'hoao 2174.1. NovlS MONEY TO LOAN On farms. No agents. Wills, ill N. Coin. Novlu WILL Tit ADK Acreage for city Iota or city property. I'hoae 'X17. Novllj FOR SALK Cheap, or trade good sound horse. I'hone 2.10.",. 1 1. Novl7 111(1 Fill WOOD-ROD per cord, 2nd growth ..'!."u, I'hone II0F2. Wov2IJ IIKIIIKST CASH l'IMCK Paid for poultry, lilt S. 12th street. N'ovU PUKSH COW FOl! SAl.K W. F. Proc tor, 278ii Lee street. Phono UI22J. Nov 15 J HUSKY COWS And heifers for sale, 9 cheap. (.'. S. Powae, Aumsville, Ore gon ' tf WANT TO UK NT -Ten to fifty acres good land, must be near Salem. I'hone. 20117.1. Nov HI F lit Tit A DK A modern lighling plant t,ir ., I.V...I l.Urg V".". I..,,., nf Journal. Nov20 FOR UK NT Modern furnished house keeping rooms at OiHl North Cottage. Phone lo;i2i, Novlll CLOSINI! OUT Fruit trees and shrubs at low prices. Roy V. Ohmart, Phone ouFlo. Novlf WANTKD Farm hand, small wages, and board. Call at Hubbard farm, Harden Hoad. .Nov 15 CHOICK (iOAT M HAT For sale at Capital Soap Works, 1230 Ferry St. Phono 083. tf (JOAT MKA'f 4 and 5c per pound. Independent Market. 157 South Commercial stret. tt NOTICK I will not bo responsible for bills contracted by Mrs. A. M. Lott. W. Franiis Lott. ' Novl7 RUMMAGE SALK Now on at 200 State, by tho Court street Christian church. tf FOR RENT Three or four room mod ern apartment. Furnished. 325 8. 14th street. NovlH FOR SALE Bargain, 33 acres, near Salem, part tiude. Address Luther Stout, Stayton. Nov 18 CORD WOOD Stumpngo wanted, must bo very close to Sulem. Near street car preferred. Phone 71. Novl7 FOR SALE Oak and fir wood sawed in desirublo lengths, full measure ment guaranteed. Phono 70F11. Novl7 FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Shoes fixed while you wait, all work guaranteed. Jacob Vogt, 979 Bouth Commercial. Novl7 SPLIT BODY OAK $5.00; grub oakr $5.51); ash, $5.00; second growth, $4.00; old fir, $5.00. J. II. Eaton, Phono 1054. tf WOOD FOR SALE Ash, oak and fir. For particulars address Wnj. H. Egan, llorvais, Route No. 2. I'hone 3F11. NovU LOST A bunch of keys botween Com mercial and State, and Winter and Union. Return to this office. Ro wnrd. Novl3 FOR SALE 1015 three speed Hurley Davidson motorcycle, excellent con dition. Cheap for ensh or will giv terms. Phone 15 or NovIS FOR SALK Krood sow, registered Po land China, in fine condition; cost $50 last, spring; $20 takes her if sold this week. Phone 2500J5. FOR SALE Driving horse, harness and rubber tired buggy, nearly new; nlso practically new heater, might trada for machine or wood. Phone 002. Novlll 20 Al ii KS Nearly nil under cultiva tion, miles l'miii Salem, to trada for vacant lots or houie. Price .'r2500 Will take trade up to $1500. R. P. , Schuctt, Salem, Oregon, Koute 2. Ilox 170. Novld NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing des, ribcd does have been em poumled and will be killed nt the city dog pound oa Saturday, November 20th, unless personally redeemed by owner as provided by ordinance: Ono Fox Terrier dog. white with black spots, weight. 17 pounds. One black dug. white on breast nml on tip of tail, Jlrced, Sheppard, weight 10 pounds. Ono black dog with brown spots on eyes. Dreed, Siieppnrd, weight li3 pounds. One Fox Terrier, color, while nml black, weight HI pounds. One white Spitz dog, weight,, 20 pounds. V.. S. T.l'DLONfl, Street Commissioner. Nov. 10.