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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1915- Special Sale Prices On Women's Nevest Fall Suits i If i I Attractive Offering Women's Raincoats Prices Reduced Seventy-five High Grade Raincoats at one-third less than regular prices. These are all of superior quality in the popular and wanted styles and fabrics. They would sell regularly from $7.50 to $25.00. Special prices range $4.95 to $16.65. Women's $7.50 Raincoats Sale price $4.95 Women's $10.00 Raincoats Sale price : . . $6.65 Women's $15.00 Raincoats Sale price $9.95 Women's $20.00 Raincoats Sale price $13.30 Women's $25.00 Raincoats Sale price $16.65 Just Received The new "Bobby Boots' New York's latest and most popular footwear for Women. Tan lace model English last rubber heel waterproof sole. See this newest arrival in the Shoe Section. mu rtrmmjMm of Furniture I Remember The Greatest Reduction in the history of Salem. Half Oar Stock Must Go at HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICE. All of Furniture is plainly marked. Come today and see the great values in our store. J JLyilbOjDI&GiDjOjS.K MHHBmHWBnBaBnMMBail Salem's Style Store BUMWI PHYSICIAN FACES PRISON. Tlio Pulles, Or., Oct. 15. Conviclod if DIED (in tho cliiiiKo of nttiichMig ii 15 ymiri did ti'i'li K Kcu Morris, u well known 'I'!''!''!''!''!! ltliVui..inii (if Itim.l flm.,..., f ii sentence of nun to throe venrs in thn penitentiary. .Tim jury duliliernted hours. I ;s. u. i.oiij,', nt the n)i(! nl I .I1".: T,;;i::' iViS ; Airlie-Dallas and Salem-Falls I Certainly We take Into coiuddorivtlon the shape of your nose; Tim distance your oven nro opart; whether your eyes nro deep set or tlio op posite; whether Iho lushes uro long or short, when wo make a piiir of glosses for you. ThaTs pint of our norvli'0 thn service Hint makes glasses good to look at nil well hh good to look through. Miss A. McCulIoch OPTOMETRIST 208-200 lluliluiril nidg. I'll one 109 At Iht Imino 21th mill Oiik1 street, (Snlcin, Ore., Octolicr, J5, l!lf),l I'enrl Aluliel I.iiiil'. dnughloi of Air. i mill Mis. S. O. Lung, lit the lino oi l .Is years. mother, anil Kemp, of I'oiiiIiiikI, Helen, l.eviim; f;i T fj, f anil Jlelei, Long, ,7 three luo.lieis, Uty 1 FilllS Uiailge IlfilC Karl, .luliii nail ClioNtcr Long, i A i L Ort l'uneial services will lie held Nut- UClODCr ZU unlay from the liuine at 2 o'clock, the Hcv. It. K. AviHon ot fieintiug. llurinli - will lie in the Oil. I fellows eenietery. KITective October 'JO tho following SUTTON At llouil Hiver, Ore., Octo-1 changes will lie made in train service lier 15, HUB, J. ('. Sutton. Surviv- lietvvccn Airlie and Dallas, nnJl between iug him are three sons ami one ttimjjli-; Sh (.u aill Tall City tor. Thev mo i". A. .Mutton, of Sa-1 loin, 11. V. Sutton of Zion City, III., I Airli-Dnllas Service. Daisy Hndgcrs, of Hood liiver. audi Tinins 1151 and II;"- are cancelled bo il. C). Sutton ot Asloiia. Kuiieriil tween Dallas ami Airlie. There will H II 11 u El CI 11 0 n si a ii 13 ti a ti II El El U a RI El EJ a ti El ti El ti ftl El ri El El El 11 El H H n El El El M Library Tables, Etc. 1-2 Price Dining Room Tables E B mi i B B I Ik B I K B B I B B B I B 1-2 Price $21 Quarter Sawed Oak Table with cane end $30 Mission Wax Table, size top 29x48 $35 Colonial Table, size top 28x45 $55 Genuine Leather Couch, size 31 int by 6 ft. 9 in $42.50 Genuine Leather slon loose cushion effect $15.00 $17.50 $27.50 Mis- Nervices will lie ducted hi the city toniorriivv under the iiuxpicc of the (Irand Army of the Hepublic. Mr. Hut 1 on wan u funnel' resident of this city. All SSI. Kit la tho city, October It, J!H5,Adiim Misslor, iit this n(re, of 8a years. Funeral services will lie held at .1:110 o'clock Stitiirdny afternoon nl the twin Ook cemetery. On nc- count of nickucsN, th services tit tlio house. be no chiiiiL'o in trains -II and -12. Alotor car between above points will bo established on the following sched ule: Motor. Leave Dallas .'1 p.m., nrrive 4:50 p.m. Leave .Superior 3:10 p.m., arrive 4:10 p.m. Leave Aiulkey 3:1. p.m.; nrrive 4:38 p.m. will be no! Leave I 4:30 p. in Leave Lnclviiiniute home tilniut 1 11! 4: 13 p.m. .Monmouth 9:-0 p.m., nrrive :31 p.m., nrrive Attention! Gentlemen! .1 UN. SON' -At hi nines vest , Kroauacres ctoher Lllllv(( Mnng p , -( nT)-yp ,.m) ' " ' ' "' "l "K" '.III. of 50 venrs. i . u. , , .Mr. .lens,.., as in Hubbard yesler-l , l'"V" S,,,,l'""" ',:"' tl.iy, upiiireiitly in pond licaltii, but j this nuirni.ii; was found dead in his! Leave Airlio 3:511 p.m., arrive 3:55 cabin, where he had been living alone ' I'1"- for the ml two yenrs. He was un-1 Salem-Falls City Service, married. Ilurial will take place to There will be no ilinnRP in the sched '"y 1,1 Wooilbiirn. ;ule of regular tiniiis except as shown ' below: TRY A JOUK'JAL OLASSlTrED All 17,1 I,,.,...,.. .,n ,:. ,1 in TIIEY ARE BUSINESS GETTEK8 N 1,1 ' Vr 'e I ' ' , "M l''"M ONE CENT A WORD J7, ,,,,,!,;; Sr laimmimm anwnMBaB "Li No. I (.7 II .'I i VOS 3 :5.) p.m. " I No. ITO leaves HridL-eooit ll:l!l n n, No. Hi" nrrives 5:51 p.m. o. ho leaves terns tl:'' n.m.: X.i We don't tell you how cheap we can sell but we do say we give you the value of your money. We have all late Fall suits. Every suit an exceptional bargain. You will find all the latest weaves and styles for men of conservative dross ideas or the young man of college life. Suits and Overcoats at, from $10.00 to S30.00 p.m. '3 p.m.; No. n 11 a u El u ti N El U a ti u El 11 n ri in ti w n n a H El 11 ti U R n n u n El $25 Monarch Bed Couch upholstered, brown denim.. Couch, . $21.25 $12.50 $56 Table, 54-inch, 8-ft. ev tension, plank top $28.00 S30 Table, 48-inch, 6-ft. ex tension, square base $25 Table, 45-inch, 6-ft. ex tension $24 Table, 42-inch, 6-ft. ex tension, quarter sawed oak.... S60 Genuine Leather Daven port, dufold style $35 Chase Leather Daven port, unifold style ; $12.50 Chairs and Rockers 1-2 Price $20 Bent Back Oak Eocker with leather seat $19 Kingcraft Chair, goat skin auto seat $9.50 $30.00 $17.50 E3E $18 O Rocker, reinforced back with leather scat I E I' 1 1 m B I fl 0 n $17 Quarter sawed Oak Rocker with padded back. $14 Quarter cawed Oak Rocker with leather seat ... $8.50 Leather Seat Rocker with auto cushion $8.50 $7.00 $4.25 . Bed Room Furnishings 1-2 Price $35 Rirdseye Maple French bevel plate mirror Dresser, 24x40 517.50 BRASS BEDS 1-2 Price $27 Birdseye Maple -0 French bovel plate mirror 16x Chiffonier, $13.50 $27 Mahogany Dresser, 22x28 French bevel plate CIO Crt mirror pl J.OU $24 Solid Oak Dressor, 22x28 French oevci plate mirror $35 Brass Bed, heavy con tinuous post and fillers : $17.50 B B Buffets, China Closets g 1-2 Price $26 Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet $30 Bed, extra heavy fillers and husks $13.00 $34Quartor Sawed Oak Buffet :.: $18 Solid Oak Chiffonier, 16x20 French uevoi ulnte mirrot $20 Dull Ash Dresser, 22x28 French S,'"" $10.09 1 0. W. Johnson & Company J 111 N. (Wl, Salem, Ore. j llu nirives .":5l n.m. ! No. 17(1 r.rrives lillllnms ti No. Mi" Knives fiioti i.tu. No. ITU leaves Teats (i:'2"i p.m. I r nrrives 5: Is p.m. Nos. I ill n'v; Mis Iraves liiilliis (1:40 p.m. and ."i p.m.; o. ii;; nrrives 5:311. Nos. l;o and Mis l,.,ics Mowersvillc H: Hi p.m. ami ,":ii7 p.m.; No. Mi7 arries I: l! p.m. Nos. 170 nnd Mis leaves Kiskrenll ti:l!' p.m. mill .j:l(l p.m.; .No. 107 ar i i 5: Mi p.m. Nos. Ko and Mis leaves (ierliii;er 7 p.m. and ,"i:l,'i p.m.; No, 107 leaves j:l,"i, innves 4:3S p.m. Nns. 170 u ii. I his leaves lerry Or chord 7:02 p.m. nnd .:17 p.m.; No. Mi" nrrives 4 :3ii p.m. .os. i,o ami li. s leave (ire-uwood M Tmi p,m and ."i:''l p.m.; .No. 107 nrrives K ,1:32 p.m. II Nos. 170 and Mis leaves McNarv 7:11 El p. in. mid 5:25 p.m.; No. 107 nrrives 4:2S U p.m. , Nos. 170 nnd 10S leaves Uosford 7:11 i. " 1 i'"1-. . ii nrrives m I :'.'(! p.m. M Nos. 170 a ad Ills leu von lliophv 7:l"i U p.m. nnd j:2s p.m.; N',i. 107 arrives 4: 25 tJ P.m. j Nos. 170 and 10S leaves :ln 7:17 p. f j m. mid 5:30 p.m.; No. 107 nrrives 4 23 p.m. P .sos. 1,0 ami los leaves J,,ng lm 7:22 p.m. nnd 5:35 p.m.; No. 107 ar- pi V .i J H ... Nos. ?7o ami Ids lmvcs Kinnwood U Aftirlp? tKt arp 1'aik 7-N p.m. nnd .VIO . . v7. UUt llldl CilC arrive 4: Ml p.m. Nos. 170 and tOS leaves West Salem 7:20 I'm. an. I 5:41 i, m liir ... lives 4:15 p.m. . t Nos. 170 mot M'W K av .'s timm,rcml j M street 7:35 p.m. mid 5:17 p.m.; No. 107M .urive 4:10 p.m. ; JJ Nos. 170 nnd UN leaves Saloin 7:45 p.'" m. Hiid tl p.m.; No. 107 arrive 4 p.m. I ti UerUUKor Indf nendrnea 8rvlc H No. arrives Ocibnuer 5:10 n.m.s'tl S24 Bed, Acorn top and post, several heavy fillers $45 Colonial Quarter Sawed Oak Buffet $18 Bed, two-inch continu ous post, five heavy fillers.. $15 Bed, two-inch post, six heavy fillers $9.00 $7.50 $42 Quarter Sawed Oak China Closet $12 Eed, two-inch post" with "medium fillers $30 Colonial Quartered Oak China Closet $21.00 $19.50 $30 Solid Oak China Closet . $15.00 B One-half of Our Stock Must Go at Once ! One-half Price ! H a M B EJ 6 P B B B H B B R E) 0 B m R B B h B B B Our Loss Is Your Gain g ti n We have listed but a few u included in this uKLAl SALE Come Early Come Early j & HOME mi. i.ii leaves -i p.m. No, 13S leaves In.l. i cii.l.'n..., i 3 We have what sj you want g It is yours for w HALF PRICE g for a short time g only g li y . yj1, U u Oft. COURT & HIGH STS. All New Stock In This Sale Im.J .No. 137 urrive 4:02 p.m. ,o p.