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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1915)
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" CHAELE3 H. FISHfT" Vi:ONi:sl)AY KVKMM! S.-.t.'inlT H, 19 1. Editor and Manager ' PUBLISHED EVKBY EVEXINO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OEE00X, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. t. ft RARVKft. PHAS. H. FISHER. DORA C. AXDRESEtf. L. 8. BABXEK. President ("HAS. H. FISHER. Vice-l'rosidont DORA c. axdrf;sen. Bee. and Treas. SUBSCRIITIOX BATES Daily by carrier, per year ,5 00 Per month 45c Daily by trail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c YOUR OWN EIGHT HOURS FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGBAPH BEPOBT LANTERN' I( K P R ES E XT A T r V ES New York Chiniiro " Ward Lewis Willii.uis .xpei i:il Agency Hurry K. Fi.'htT Co. Tritium- Huililinjj 30 X. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or negtectB getting the piper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only wiy we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. "ione Muin 81. You work faithfully in the hours sold to an employer. What do you do with the hours belonging to you? If1 1 i-l-i Vi i n.- n (iir i- tvi msi rt v rrv n 1 ni -o I And be it said to the glory of humanity, not many men v CaoJ ft Pllfl f for the other man. . ! newTTITue. Every man has approximately eight hours a day in The value of a bit of news depends which to work for himself. Of this time how prodigious ewp ?,n t cm": is the Waste ! cago, and Chicago news is not impor-; Most careers are made or marred in the hours after: cZV's AIA0 supper. Among the burners of oil at the shrine of led Hawkins has bought a new hat. knowledge you will find about every man whose life has !WWbt1tatar ' been rich in the joy of achievement. ; it is Arabella Simkins or Sarah Probably success has been the theme for more dis-.M Zcd DrisCoii has put uP a courses, written and spoken, than any other subject, un- new fence is thrilling, because no Ipss ir hp fnilnvp Tn inrlo-o hv the linllorvnlrw-. nM ,rn,,M one thought Zed had enough crops .v.., - y je,- "j nuiiauuiuu ""v "vuiu.w ue WOrtli tenemg; and besides biiiiirw oiatioo aim lanuic icaiiuuj lUYSlcl 1UUO Liiiiio. l,,v"- 13 a "rc i"ii wic uuuunii; w The simple matter of fact is that they are plain and pal-; h'j1m nlP-hap" ?? pable efifFects of plain and palpable causes. '5l,'t. or bot- We have seen lists of reasons for failure running all is,Sr the way from seven to seventy times seven. Most of the bc ,nore or Iess affected, according lists ignore entirely the one reason that stands out like a 1" mountain above ant hills. ' turn t to be older and homelier People fail because they are not in earnest about ho;.Xea"n .urto'bc wanting to succeed. A determined spirit overcomes all :0""- and Pretty- In dircct propnr the difficulties that may confront it. , tSSny. Among a hundred or a thousand young men there are :K;' ,a,,d ethically a few who study the game. They decide upon a line of; , 41iiB?n" caVin8 hra"i? i mil- sirtys away me aiicnuance will the pres affect the parlor as collar store rvoW "I rl.. nt f V,! 1 i, T v i01 ll " 01 K IOr ngnC I01" ll 1Ve l0r a et and the photo gallery. If the girl be cjtlo I do not need to hide my head," it They get it-not sometimes-but nearly always. h,nf rVxi 4histi.l says, "so help me. Michae ." Some nr of I i? i , "i .'! from "the city," u Cer- .m f.lrlm-'cnfflafnl!nH,Ha c f 7" ..C ' rt . CS"' inuilierence iailUre., tan, that her stay will be momen TL A ' . J w.."",",v OC11" JU U1 earnestness studies the eame and wins. Ind fference airs and loses. The eight hours a day which are a man's own offer him the best opportunity for good fortune. RipplingRhumo m -1 Walt Mason I'd 4 THE OSTRICH "The ostrich hides, in sand or shale, its head, when men pursue it." There's just one trouble with this tale the Imum uuiMi v nu it. tut ostnen nas a That Hiram Scraggs went to Breu nerstown last week is an item worthy of a scare-head, especially in the eyes of the llobbs family, where there are -ix uiiinarried girls, one of whom has heen keeping company with Hiram. I hat Sadie Bmlkins is trniii" to nave a party IS verv imnnrtant tn 7 mi,.., utllV AJL.ll that roorback on its way, that stale, be whiskered fable. The ostrich is a bird of sense, with wit and prudence gifted, and noni uie mists 01 lame, dense, its fame i.nnti hi cin Iwi i iw If f !,.,,.,. ..1 i 1 will stiok when nnw vm o-iin if. ol,'f , " """""i 1 tie Capital Journal gives all the Eastern ball scores 'v1" a r-arty very important t win suck wnin once jou gain it, jou can t excuse or live 0f tne dav in its remilar 'V!0 Prlitinn TJip Pm-Hnnri ll'03C wl' l,ave ,)Cl" ,r"'g to coi iti nwn. d su nstdn m-nvnU nit i -t.,,,',, iu f :iui U1L . 111 n-a i tguiar . eaition. ine i oitiand ,t various tin i,;iu (,, .1 ... . ...x. ivv vi ,n liuill L. 11 DLWI V A (lllll III I till IM I 1.11 1 i il l .1 I. " m. "tci vniiMiBnm,, eMn ii r,.A,i p..i... u i . r.-'f papeih som nere uo noc give tnese Decause-thev are::ani"ias.- as cii as to those wi,c t ,,f . .,,! .he tall, Ut have no backing; gS . S e Th Iwf 2. .SK ftC-"" "". fa,ra' 1IIS y wund. some heart we may be! t,,!1 i ! "L , "?j ...i?.1. .'1 ..Ca?.lU L I.."'.' A h PT'lfkinC uwuinui no icaocu wiic, aiiu Wlictl lb IU IJIL'SS UL " v "",l- Know mat tney v Kl'IKInm if is fi-.O in Mow VnvL- on,l ,W;.,t 5 '? t!1,l?e! "'?'. and perhaps ass . , ' 1 mi " '""""b"1' m luc sin.itc.1. by those who are not O nv tit t.1 ai TMvn ap r European war zone. Thus it covers the entire news field1 c",;rso; ,tllcr? in i,e steps take. ON MIL MAMM, 01 LAWS completely and this fact explains why the Capital 'Th?, Uai;:rr S n,wl 4i i. . n x. , , Journal contains news so much later than the fake after-1 "p an a'iJ't'on to his house give' One of our exchanges notes the fact that somebody noon editions of the Portland naners snlH on thp .po . r,;p.10, ll,c l",,ivors:', ')i,lio '!'"' has gone to the trouble of counting the laws passed h y ! of; Snlem l01tlaml Papeis sold on the sheets, .us have robbed somebody lately VMIK,V i-uv: rttiLi; KiMiUUH'S UU1 LI1C KlSC 11VCJ i i . , . . East Through California You can travel to any city in the East or Smith through California at little additionel expense. You can visit Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco and Pan-California Exposition San Diego You are allowed 10 days stopover at San Francisco, 10 days stopover at Los Angeles and 10 days stopover at El Paso-without charge. You will see grand mountains, fertile valleys, thriving cities and strange people. 4 Trains a Day lu each direction provide comfortable ac commodations and connect with through trains at San Francisco for Eastern and South ern points. Let our nearest Agent outline your trip. Our folders "Wayside Xotes" and "Cali fornia Expositions" will be of interest. Thev are free. . .. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 300C ici men Hotel CT DTiOIP 4th St., Junction I'l iiiini C...I.1.. c. Q A V CDUiPiern f i i? 4VIIVlOvV 1 1 irVOM; WHEN VISITINC. THF. FYmsinnM m a vc lt?SSt YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT THE R tJMCJtr ST. REGIS y 1 1) M J I Centrally located within half block of everything on a I f f I if I f direct csr une ,0 ,h Expoation. S im H I I?J ,50outsiIeroom,.ho:co!drunnuigwterineveryo) II:!" ',5 " I'll 41 1 IMMi, 2 m KaJt t-'-'' Uihr tr m r 1 St. car ifrt of send tike tn DATE-0 liifn J n .. .. $l.00 double K..S'do,IHB , -iiimM., Heiun i Mission. -0. ...... ..v.... ..iuiviuo mil nifi 1 1 iv. lilL L 1 IT j . I cUM Tn ths co mlrv inTlntvi,ne y"tWH """ ,aW8i r nNa.turally !t iS a BStn I)aper which Pirates the! 's , ! 1 . . I nS-c c. .I. T,,;1...! "living: "Speaking of academic elegance of diction, it p. V. I,' Vuuul n iI,u ls noted that David Starr Jordan says that the ideal col- jim f l. u y i-niu i' 1 1 t -1 ill i'imivi ii mi litii'ii lonramian 1 . i i l i , ,1 . . ... Mr. Wilson's Expression Absurd and Puerile. Lawver Tells Bankers' Assembly; Had Lung Trouble ana txpected to Die ...... . ...vv , ...... wlt Limi iwi iiuuiv; ii yiLill H laws had been enacted in the five years as triven here, not , " ' ,l u "U1K UUL, V lo say anything of the numerous court decisions which in' 1 ' "'"" m. ; !, ; euect iK'coine aws With laws enacted at the rate of lllOl'O th;in : limns A Rhode Tslnnd inilo-o wnu Krint nn.l Lill.jrl Kvr r.J - .... j u i. . i . ujr ovitic vmv; :u.d a month the average man may well winder h k a Z k ? ami more Xlhu- f atfTld aPPeaf, going to keep within the law and without the nemtentiarvJ i tt ! n! l1 disposing of The Oregon City I'.nterprise notes the impress tif tlu! c r u , . , . ' age in the following editor al paragrai fh hvn o V r, 1 of, hose4f aJ,er8tlhlch soei" to think since th tournament now i,t progress he,; mi! - bo o, o o X ' I L"?: l ."ottnB. Jood Ciin. :?ome of. HOW in the state. The coming of the automobile equip- ignorance ot lyras L'obis ment, which can be maintained at a small cost, has done1 0IU"l)lau- much toward eliminating the old time volunteer don-n t-.1 ti t i ! ' .went and many a valley town, which we , id of ,J ? has Praonalcomman,l of the Russian its unpaid department; now has one p ei " J,"" itus' U li?Ufbt' .h8Weyfr' lf h wiU make a bctter ami two or three paid firemen. The t.lilrname.U w'kh aa a s,nnter than the grand u?itQuTn nml friendly rivalry, stim- ,. , ,,,,,,, , ulates healthy ctunpetition in any community blessed with "" ''' , a volunteer denartm.'nt. Tin. ni;n.r ..f ti, ..-. .1. NFWS . i .. . ' : ...v. ,,..v-..,. VIl vllv , v l IVM. I III" WIIIIU 11VIMU J. .... . . i i , . . . i . t ni mi. n . .. i:tu..;... i ! N'littlc Wash., 8. Henrv 1). ; tusthrm.k. New Vurk lawyer. lirinVi.,,,1 sin'aker liefon- the American Hanker ' uss. H,ti,. t.Klay. eharaeteried lTcsi j tli-iit Wiltmi's mlnioiiitiuii to new viti ; zens that "there is such a thii-Ar ns 1,.. ni too l.rc.u.l to tiht," u, Ihmul' "ui,. I i surd titt.t oioril,.." h i , The attorney was spi-aki tiy on the' !m'. ;",;',.0 'i"S,'lf He l-i 'M-vd the Kiiroieun war uo concern ; ot America except as sonic of the Ijcl , iK-'irnts have tir.mplcd ou Ameiica.t , 't.'ht!'. mce this country is the best i yt. iiu.uanuy. lie said, if we fail I loicfathers. : ul t reasurv Tender-hearted Sportswoman foi ecoiid tlHH,sht).-l'UOr little bird. 11 "re m the air and let them go wiiriiinu; " I'nl liivcr n n. I Win! ' careful in t ln-ii I lie open season on N. railway 1. .. . . . ii c i an .t r, jinai j n we are traitor, t r.very dollar in the nation. : oinniil t. .1.1.1 . . I I.,,-.... ,- , , ocuyeil 10 its I ' . . '"Vieelnred, and continued: ! ! -V. nano,, threatens us in so many! ; s hat ho ,s oldivioun to hi,lls audi ... a ,o,,s that speak louder ,l,n Hotels.' Ue l,,,.t . .i. . I IH'I uttinkwheiiweViiow lun dlal,-u,,r. NVhik, every t er t mil has been preparing for ,e,,' , d, tense. Is t!s state f inihecility , " endure I Shall we continue , to a ..ring vo,,.. iinhcei le a v. i ''r-v with Isaiah - have ,ee with child, we ho Pir.uT hroneht IA: ... A .Z1""' "i J were. a. c... w . . ,,j. lias .Mr. Tlve .-IIt Mr l,n. IMIIVi'il Inniu.Jt' .. . . -niii people of ood nt i "l ' nne man: ont . Rooil a prophet in the : - Salinon ,.r ri. " ' , t. that .land io, ; 'S' '' "fford' to' ,n, i,i of the 0,W. K. & , ; Sa'5 he lik:s iv - 'ViW'. 1Vr""'"v I hove D .. . ,... .hoekin, tn.'.W.feS .w "sed to be . ' '!' Mr- wisdom .1, ! -- ,IVc, llp .0 ,h . . sincerity only lie o .1.. TtlA man,, , . ... v.I. . . ' L'uveriea DrouKiu about by Eekman'a Alterative are fhr,f,ct..nsr wlda ttentlon. Head about this cane: 3JI II 8t Keyner,' W. Va. "i.fntlfmrn t I nnt ttiktn nick la Jovraiber. 1908. I rrew Mrailllr Had two nulUtlon. The "rtllet was the fn-er had nctrd "y un. r,i that mj cane nan i I. me iwo montlm . Mr PhHlelan had tried iiioM II kliKla ot treatment find none did ' S" f n7. Kona- " "akeil my hu- hand If he objected to him trjlK I proprietary niedlelne. I lirunn jour AlteratlTe. I waa In bed from Ji S. " ,0OH' "" February is. liMMt, nnd wn thoiiKht dylna- ev rnl tlmea. Today I am healthier ? . ;,'oner than eyer." (Abbre viated.! iMIarned) MRS, H. K. BRII.EV. Eekman'a Alterative ls moat eilk-u-oious In bronchial catarrh and se vere throat and luna; arTectlons and up-bulldina: the system. Contains no harmful or habit-forming- druits. Accept no substitutes. Small size, "ulr le, $2. Sold by lead ing drufrifists. Writ for booklet or recoveries. Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia this AWFUL. Mrs. r.lase.-Who was .IshliiL'ton. anvivn.) Mrs. JliKliupP. Some horridly un. Vmeriean pers.m, I Kcss. The e actually advised aKainst our mak n any lot eitfii alliances. Real Relief from Buffering means true hap piness. The trouble duo to indi gestion nnd biliousness, is removed quickly, certainly and safely by PILLS 77i farvrtf Sifr of Any MtJMn in th World Sold .Terywh.r.. la boiM, 10., 25e. , ....... ...v. j,.,...., wl rl ll-l) ua. m water light ami other contest dear to the heart of the1 ft i-ifiiv!riii Io t.A .......(...) i ... v .iiuv i, io iu in- i i i;i i-u II. , Medford M I Mil I' 1 1 (VI 'Hi . I 1 1 1 M I', 1 ii ,i ii I ........... 1 . :r....L' ., A r "lid dolt's I, can S,'iileinli..i. I.I I , , - .. iuili m Mllilivi )V .1111 ill lllt'tl lt:ltlllf:ltltlll IV I V1..1V: . ''i ""' "inn is oane t, i.iaitll A m.t . nits IID TO that . -mriuv onv- ico at once, without further delays, immediately,; to. It , Zr' rTJ tlunks that the f,Khtini alonjr th border calls for dnst cir.Vtt.rr " " Mven ' " Iftmn. II hv c in . ..i, I n' ... : '"' ' Hour. . , ,:""uo. rn,her than a mdicv of to ,ts effeetivene.. .:,k .n th er Ibe next day." i l ,, ,0 "Kht 'n self-defense is - , o ! "essarv easily to owro.t th mn- -rcvvitl, thev M. n... tv to the estim.,l,l i' , t. V , ehinerv ?rW.t .'h' Saloin Street Lailway" painted on the street cars is practical boosting and especially since the cars have been treated to a coat of paint. It's just one war scare after another. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1S68 CaPltal $o00,000.00 Transact a general banking: business Safety Deposit Hoxcs SAVINGS DEPARTMENT tinner: .Scpleinber . lUbel's builder mouriitni!: "T . onu t care, t u ,. un. itateii tin m.irii. erieii prcpainiu to see Unit thev arc observed. ' " with advertisements draper the next dav. i tie .loves have n roostmj; place on the ., . ' viciiot,! estatilishments in 't.erewith they . II. Lore place, and here thev are ne is a three inch ad architect couldn the thickest. ' i '"r ' crean, house and the other! W. ..av TitneTTa, f .!.!'- ZT, THERE BE, north ot I river a,., I .,,.- v n.. . ' ' ' "'r " " evident that Medford were on 1 PPoie yoi m.v that the i.olato .t.u, ... "f Moud ones' need inn. inn? ..- . . , nt ..... ,.. r. - mere last year, lias been badh IdiiihtiM 11ns siniinier, and thev will not have many uai for the inatket. Thi II'IITI. l-tllll I II vr rr.nii niHiie ........... the county, leads to the belief that no Itit...,. ,1... i.. II . , . . I dav." ;n . " 1 ln "elf defense is in, ! "eeessnrv ensil i 'el, that moder, ! n bu ' AT t iy as much. tnieHle ? ,C ,ttl,",lr'' ' in? i"n'mUh 1 r so of " "1? "'!' mil-! " "ipli I.incola i is sanio' .i,, I, ,, .v Leader: It it said ,' "ot brmht. and es In '""'vim's prospective nioth- brlRh 1 " not earli- I , T III law i.lii.vle.l . .:... v , 1'ectHi, suitor fr . .Unehter'. - . t... . ' , on th.. cr i .u... -. -- TulNQ. . ', V "'" "i.i prooaoiy nave ,i , ? r.e was in an over- tity Xci'hcw. Tbi. .i.. . ... oe snippci ,u lice from outside , "'"' , il ! he would - toy hank. Vou ee when . y I""""' . , "Tl-rt a wife, declare, dollar, i,,,idr V.iL." " KosCor, K u v .ZrU: our banK. is-M, of the AZ '........, all of No.,:, V T. ... !. Ts" '"T'i "f ! ' iii.mci ' nine item to ihe eftecf that ecrtiim land. ? r newspapers in the in il, l lute.) Ml. ... 1 ... .... ii.iiiiiv ot i.ien.iaio hail been " ew ones are at il...... Ili'Sriin. .1...1 , .. ' 1'1'vn in eiurv. I tie item should , 1 mot Her ef th aS niOHt tit tha til il nil i nori eomplicoted au'd aeientifie. it rs anil men of brains nml lininff. Rn iXim mnrt nf -r'ni'llUTV, T in ma L Im,,!'Uti - ' r",n"? IC, TV II IV II IHfl. Rouniltthmif W . 1 ti,;! n "Hiatioim a.rin.- Ulft the unvornm- ,,.. mj t.n up briBht and cart- 1,1 am nnVrl. I iul.J "ra'nean".!,.'-' .m"m!," .for .""viees. rsurnnee W'rtf. " 1 - r' but u is wor,h ,"" Took also disrnusd n mer- ninrine as an ntirlliurv in the "fe even from th. ,U'nl w" ",id ,t" Fo"','-: Pr- tn,k. n,,.lm..,.,,,.mHation of .,.:-" i the aermirement of . merel ant I am -nfe ev ' , Vi' that y tn-k. n, . ': . " ."'"M-tutinn of at- " "V " tue e v. .1 i . 1 "'r -""i future h,..,i murine. k.i .l.u v.. l. i" "!"'. miyi Washing.,,. w'l'ome the linn.lre.i. kb Vh. ui.nn mi. ot, o i. , i.... it nrmeu an.l ,l;...:..i- . " f . .nnm i-i m I f !hu' 4 -?nl'ca tLouiand in , I."!?'.0 .J ... ' " ZT'1 tod r" W"M0" of h' '''n "a Uiey bust too, " i l."""' 'honld say that tl . ! . dations in the I '"nmnien. "u flrt lastanun .i , tin v e future Mrs, KmnUli. ... ,v;,.e,lv . VKB TEST. "Plin.i.t aor a prophet. " TO . i ',;.!'.; '" h" ' '" wit. , - j vM . v'li i ii rirri- ', . ' --.ii-iiin 'il t II,. I Ik,. ..1... lauds im.dvisl t,a.( l( ii filed, and (lint ' ,"'i,h,'r ...1- i.iu.i n,i ui uie reserve, per suns who kave In,., I m n,j l.,. i , . . .. 1 1 , IH11H1. - w u . j n r A 1 j -n el si'ice Anil .''. l..'t. a ,.i l,..;i v THET ARE UtTSTurron nrnn.. i i.' V -fsM 7 miiitn,;rt;h;';;'J ! ihe Want pages eo to the -rl tZ rP0 h and are con wi.ho.,t 7ck didiateir'V,!';;.;', suited often and frequently "X 'ttr w"'clijpped and filed for ready snot,, ' J ' to KP ,,,, , rpf0 ' ONBCEJfT A WORD. i contultitif nitl would like without d fie, Tn I ' ''" ''"fetise. Tl i 1 r i 1 M JOUITiai "I tdJZ; X 5ants are valuable-that'a 1 u m,'a ob-.'the reason. Si ill Wei K IT r MM4 l Mfli n Haft....l ,h