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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1912)
ALL the news that's fit to print honest ed itorials, influenced by neither clique nor corpora tion---The Capital Journal stands for the people. oil (1 jtth THE largest circulation in Salem and it is steadily increasing The Capital Journal affords the very best medium for all advertisers. PRICE TWO CENTS ui.ii. ; i t a irine Ancient A LoinfonJWoman Decended j from the Byzantine Em perors Thinks She Has . a Right to the Balkan Crown UNITKD rilHHH LEASED WISE. Loudon, Nov, 30. With the great powers and the victorious rtalkan stiiles snarling over who Is going to liavo Constantinople, a London woman offered today a solution ,of the diffi culty. PrlnceBS Eugenie Chrlstofor oiib PnleologuB suggests that she be allowed to take over the city, whoro Iter ancestors, the nyzantlne emperors, ruled before the Turks entered Eu rope. Living quietly In the fashionable KcnnliiHgton district of London, the princess, who Is of English birth, Is undoubtedly the direct descendant of the ancient Greek emperors. Her ped igree litis been authenticated by the Maltese- chancery. .lust after the war broke a number of well-known English and American wnmn, living In London, Interested themselves In her case, and formed a committee to press her claims. They nvo now raising funds to send the "empress'' to Constlnople, where she will be ready, should the situation war rant It, "to appear before the people and demand her restoration to the throne of her ancestors." Would Like to Vote on It Again Asking for a newspaper vote on the question of capital punishment, num erous letters are being received at the office of Governor West. Many of the writers are persona who say they were misled by the anti-capital punishment measure as stated on tho ballot, and that when, they voted that murders should hang for their crimes In Oregon they thought they voted agalnBt capi tal punishment Aside from the letters In which a newspaper voters asked for, many other epistles are being received In which the writers say they voted Just the opposite from what they believed they were voting. Those who advocate a newspaper vote would have the question to be placed plainly whether the seven doomed men now at the state prison are to hang for their crimes. There is no indication that a news paper vote will be made of that pn3- cedure will take any other course than that already outlined by Governor Vest, namely the execution of the mur lerers on Friday, December 13, with the possible exception of the Humph rey brothers whose appealed case will 1 argued In the supreme court on Wednesday of next week. KW SKK1KS OF STAMPS FOR THE PARCELS POST UNITED MESS LEASED WIIHS. Washington, Nov. ISO. For the ex clusive use of the new parcels post, a few series of 12 stamps will be ready fr distribution on Monday, according to announcement today. These stamps are larger than the regular variety, and are distinctive In fnJr and design. Three designs ere used ti,e frgt lllustrntes modern "'"thuds of transportation; the soc 1I"1 the four great classes of postal employes at work, and the third rep resents four industrial scenes showing 'he principal sources of the products that will be transported extensively by the parcels post FIglit Mas n Fake. fONITJtD PRESS LEASED WIIlE.l Cleveland, 0 Nov. 30. Johnny KII hane, featherweight champion, admlt ''il here today that his fight with Tommy McGinnlty, at Johnstown, Pa., October 28, was a fake. Kllbane de clared that before the fight he urged hi. - .ug0r, Jimmy iunn, lU - uUl mat Dunn decimeo, ana n - hen went ahead with the bout. t u . .... , ii.tiniiM nduce nlm VMT On t v tin o ou. mi o. ljiiiian Davidson manager of the Wo man's Exchango in Evanston, proposes to transform the bach elors and spinsters of tho suburb Into staid married couples. She Is to erect a new women's ex change building with a comhln.i. tlon apartment building and res- tuurant, half for unmarried men nnd the other half for unmarried women. Tim Hmt n. .m equipped with plnnos, cosy cor ners, soft lights, etc. A Uniform System of Taxation OREfiOX PROPERTY VERY INF.. QUA ELY ASSESSED HECAISE EACH ASSESSOR FOLLOWS HIS OWX IDEAS IXSTEAD OF A SYS TEM, That there Bhould be a law providing for a uniform system of taxation, at least In each county If not In the state as a whole, Is the opinion of members of the state land board. It Is the as sertion of members of tho board that legislation along the line of uniform assessments will be the most Import ant question to be considered by the next legislature. A statement was made today that while the assessment on land through out the state should be from 50 to 60 per cent of its value, the actual as sessments, except In a few instances, do not go higher than from 20 to 35 per cent. There Is an absolute lack of system In assessing land In the Oregon coun ties," said one member of the board, "The trouble is that the county as sessors take the values from the rec ords In the court houses Instead of making actual trips Into the rural districts and making an examination of the lands. In many cases where land has been sold the new owner of the property Is assessed according to the new valuation of the land, while theseller Is Btlll assessed on his re maining property, according 1o the old valuatlo n. "As a rule farm property Is not as sessed at more than 50 or 60 per cent of the assesment ot city property. In Salem, for example, property Is as sessed from 40 to 50 per cent higher In proportion to Its value than Is property outside tho city limits." Asked If he believed that the scheme of appointing deputies In each precinct of the county would mend this diffi culty, the member of the land board said that it might help to some extent, but that It presented a difficulty, in that all of the deputies would not pro ceed according to a fixed system. Showing the lack of system, cases in different counties now on recrod In the state land office were cited. In Clackamas county 85 acres appialsed at 11200 was shown to have been as sessed at $1370. A track of 157 acres in Crook county, wmcu i - for $500 cash In 1910, and which Is ap praised at the same amount, has been assessed at $1020. A 40-ncre tract In Hood River county, a county which has a record for high nssesments, was purchased In 1910 for $7200 nnd Is as sessed at $2251. In Malheur ominty an SO-acre tract, purchased In 1910 for $2250, and appraised at the same amount, Is assessed at ... rmatilla county makes a better showing A tract of 290 acres pur chased seven years ago for $. n. ow appraised a. $7500. is as! at r',350 A different kind of case, shott ing the high assessment on homestead property, Is cited from DaW com, . where a homestead appraised .it V 000 is assessed at $15,75. To Step n Dud I''llk UNITED rM W";r 1 M'ashington- NOV. .HI U'-i"' Ing several reforms that will en". M' ,iuhr,nest Importer and correct uic u . ... 11. r. trellS- loose me thods In appraising. .... urv commission which Invesiigiu-. appraising Imirtation .... i rnltel Stntea, ' at every will report according to nnnoun - ., ,1 .i,t the government los s esuimu"' - , the .,,.. f Hollars annually b) tne mini""' present loose apprising me thods. . , her If a unman Is anxious . " 1- him she r husband as other peop'" -- , for ow. 1'"; - - tne oppoeition papers. ea reaa 10 vl n v l IWLill Ij III r .111111 1 1 X I w Newsboy's Thanksgiving Dinner Herewith Tho in i . . . Pictures o 1 s g, es " T T'?, St"Ke f the Tlw f;il'"8 f giving dinner at ,1 ar ion ' v """ nmW a,ld ,h' showing the 8 r ? ,'. V " U"' ma' ,,ot m " ready to real t an h bUt 9 Ul""' " '"""""B "u mince "Just Before Cameron Girl Has Skipped DNITIP FUSS Ulllll WIRI.J Chicago, Nov. 30. Lucille Cameron, the 19-year-old white girl of Minneap olis, for whose alleged abduction Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist, was first arrested here, has disappeared. John son admits he knew she nad left her mother, but Bays he does not know where she is. The big black fighter Is being closely watched by government detectives. Mrs. F. Cameron Falconet, mother of the girl, told District Attorney Wll- kerson today that she knows nothing 1 of the whereabouts 0f her daughter. Johnson, when questioned as to the disappearance, said he had received letters from the girl expressing her love and stating that she was willing to accept a proposal of marriage from him. Ho said he was ready to ninrry her If It could be arranged. Johnson assorted that the girl wrote him she had disowned her mother and planned to return to him. Johnson de clared ho would usk a Socialist news paper here to publish her letters, "be cause it is the only Chicago paper to give me a square deal." Miss Cameron left the hotel where After the First - . ,- .. i ' "' "" ' "y , i i I : - L...H,. , ,,......,..., , - .. . 1 V , . -. . , . ... , .... ... r " ' ' ' AI.IOM. ll-'. P.. I. .,': ; j,. ... J 1 ;. , , h 1 1 I I ll 111 S IIOKIHN III ...v,,,,.,,, j,.., ,i ; III ! I' vi. III . ' jriii : : . i J 1! '. LP J I ! I J L. . ' 'I Mill, Cl' II .s:l, f. ,t . ;,Vll h. f L ' f-,.. . " l- Vn :, 'Ji" -iL v. . . w 's Tmu. i-.. m ... n-.. h iWf;Mv6vt ,V n: t:, - C:J ' - i - - - " WiW'ri- "; , ' , ' ' ''" - ,.. ii... . I !. I ':i. ! .11 ' ' ' i '"'"i , . 1 1 . 1 I ' ' .. ' -'"' ; i,' i "," ,",'.!',:'!;.'' :', ' - 1,1 ' . ; ', ' ' . ' t'- UliiMI Hdli'i III i 1 .' '"' '" ' i ; .i " 1 v 11 tiiiiiuiM. : ' '" 1 ' ,;" ' ' "" ' " i. V ' . . J '. I 1 1 1 . ' I .' , ; V : "., . ' ;. - mm.. .- .. .... i "' ; ' '" "r- . - j : . T l..,.;, i 1 . c. ' i..'-. b ' " '' "'!' ' ' 1 '" , JO ' . .,: - , .... s... i, "';-', r . :.- vi. , v . , ,v., --..... ,,f ' ,", r ;V.;::; : . ,. Cf - !:,r"M... I..,, oi-,, ..,f.....".i f . - ., . -V ; '. -4 I 1 , ., ,,,, I " . ," A . I i as Its the Rattle, Mother" The Hojh Read) she and her mother were staying, saying "he was going to a dressmak er's. Shortly afterwards somo one tel ephoned Mrs. Falconet that the girl had left the city. , Governmeut officials think the girl Is hiding somewhere near Johnson's Cafe de Champion, which was recently closed by the police. Dig One ill ltoslifn. UNITED I'RISS UARED Will. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 30. Major-Gen-eral Otter will resign his position as inspector-general of the province to morrow, according to reort here to day. He will be succeeded by Major General W. H. Cotton, who, since 190S, has been In command at Toronto. Strong and convincing arguments are made In favor of a minimum wage law far women and children. Jlls ck In Hunger. 30.-A Walthall, Miss., Nov. strong guard was thrown around tho Jail here today for the pro tection of Hev. A. Nix, charged with having attempted to assault a nine-year-old girl, a member of bis Sunday school class. Nix, who posed as "sanctified preacle r," asserts that he mere- ly spanked the child. Feeling runs IiIkIi against the primmer. and threats f lynching are frec- ly Made. Att", t'''' nave had the bright little fellows a; -.- Ill III.- -,iieiil . oeei : - ,, . , . . X4.x 4' "ian for some ironilis pa-t. j TTTT ' I I H- ! 1. 1 1 .... i'M III, le k llurse Fdltur and Manager, guests, iiml hopes to have ihem and mere when Thanksgiving mils actum! again. Anyway keep your ,.,. on The Journal newsboys, and tu a few years you will .,. them occupying high places, for they me sure all gritty young hustlers, and The Journal is proud of them, for the Eruy. The Pitiful Results of Their Acts UNITED l'HI)SH IJtAHCI) Win! London, Nov. 30.A distressing case came to the attention of the post- office department today In connection with Its Investigation of attempts by militant suffragettes to destroy letters in publlo mull boxes here. One box was partly tilled with car bolic Bcld and Its contents practically destroyed. Among tho letters was one from a hardworking young mini to bis mother, enclosing money t:r tho pur chase of medicine und proper nourish ment for his little sister, who was seriously 111. Its imn-iu rival Is said to have been responsible for the chllds death, the mother, 11 deslltuto widow, having failed In eff nts to procure the necessary funds elsewhere. To Celebrate Itlrthdn). Ixmdoii, Nov. I!" - Siirr.uinileil by the Immediate members of lb" royal family. Dowager (Jiieen Alexandra will celebrate her CM ti birthday tomorrow. 'J be queen has show II lut'e I in linal i"ll to make Hi" cen! a festive occasion since Hi" death of Kilig Mdw aid. Ib-r allh. It Is said, Is 11,111 li I,' ll' i now "inn for some iromlis pa 1. I 1 Is said, Is inn, li letter now ..... ,, ,. , , 1 '" " '" Must Hit) Oh riant. Washington. ov itoSan rrauels,-,. representat'eM :it tlio Ui't.-ll - llrli lty i,,,r proj.vt liearliu; here t.nlay r,. t,l, l,y S.vr.tary ,.f tlu, lutortor Klsb.-r mm ne w.uil.l rcinlro t. ,., , take over H. pi,,,,, f ,,. S;il'lni. A alley Water uiiiipuny i.r,,, ,,, 4 would allow tlio us,-of the li,,,-, f llelehy water s.ipply. ivfnMim 1,. grant San Krun.lseo ,,. t, a g" ill ion r,ir lu water supply as n Hiil.siimt, fr one thai already evInH 4 Cook Will Get After Mr. Peary m: him, iiiiiiN iMiiM i:i:iim;s imist II Ml THY id m:. i.ii vi: nni oi' tiu: homih hi' imsiovi iiim; iiii: miiiih roi i:. Ii'mtmv i-hkhh irtm-11 w nit: ) I'ollhlll.l On. Ve !,. .... c eriel- I',.,, I- l.-wi". I ', " J bill alone being lefl ner fur Hie nioro enik 1 mil,, Aiclie e dorer an, I ills-1 , . , II,,. , ,, , , . , , 1 erenioiilous Initiation tmlav. The ( us llieil alter claiming In have kicalivl lli .,,,,. 1, ,,,.1 , ,, 1, 1 1 . , I'loilauiallons were Issued luiliiedlal.' nie noon pole, who Ik here Imlay, uinie.i ii,,.i 1, . 1. , i, .,. . . "l,l'r ""iil'h'Hoii or the ramas sullen unit ,. ,, 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 proceed- iu , ,. , "I Hie "l,w by he olllce of Hi,. Hecre- nii'.s against 1 lloliert I-' , , ,, , , , ' tut v of slale. leaiy In the federal courts al Ihe earliest possible dale, In ,,n:,Vl. K1 1 ,lillM '"l1 auieml nts which I'eai y defamed bis character, and also ""' "1,'hl l,iml' 1,111 that he was as uear the north pole as ' w"l'll', ""' fl'"l,;hl 1,MI' IVaiy. 1 1 1n- Malarltey public lilllllles bill, llni Dr. Cook declared. In an Interview, I householders' ev.-nipilon bill. reHal that be Is In the Northwest primarily "f l'""",y llu """"il """ . banking to gather evidence against Kdwan'l "" I""'"1' Hl"1'' H iiillatlnn. Ilnrrlll. of Tucoiim, who was his guide ''""nl' mxtl ,U'M ""'hatbui slate .011 011 the Mount McKlnley nip. He makes ,ll't r"ml 1,111 1,11,1 prisoner rood the p.slllve slatemeiit Hint Ilnrrlll was brIU'd to the extent of lo.oiM) to discredit hlin, and clntini to know the Tacoiua bank, and the inline of the banker negotiating the alleged bribe. He slates that when la a position to do so, m will give mimes and evidence that will Btnrtle some of the I'nnry ad herents, lie declare h spent I boll sands of dollars In the quest of evi dence against I'eiiry, and will now make him prove how near be up preached the north s)l, lu the fed eral courts, and will also attempt, If possible, t have the government re scind I tin honors It bus showered upon him . SVMK OM) STOKY OK Ml'ltDKH AMI SI'ICIIIK (CNITrU I'SBHN Ije.tNKII W1IIK ) San Friinclsco, N'iv. 30- llecsuse of Insane Jealousy. Hllvlo Nlcroll, a con- tractor, Is believed to have sohl nnd killed bis bride of three months nnd Is blmsi'lf In the himpllal here to- day. hovering between life and ib' from a self Inflicted bullet wmiiuiI :ilh In bis bead. Hill ing a peiic d of coiiseliiusness Sic coll Inbl (be detect U'ch that be and bis wife quarreled, and thai she shut her self, b" said This story Ik not cn illt i-d. us II Is known that Nlecull often made threats against men wlih whom be Imagined bis w Ife w as m loo Mend ly icriuN Mrs I.' oil Mi. cull, the ib ad was IS '. e 11 H old, ; nil one (if I he belb s of Hie IVill.'ni colony bi I , r. . on..; - .. ' I;, , t,, n i b- .e.l m on v, ,-i:i-s.i.' ;, rr.. -,fi I p 'o i.. on "b... us oli.eri bail !.. M !)-s,i d Suffrage in Oregon Is "Equal" Proclamation in Mrs. Duni-waysllanii-Writins Signed Today by Governor West Women Are Legal Voters In roilUud loday (!iernor Went will slnn tho- piorlaiuallnn declaring equal stiffrugii In Oregon. The pro 1 Inanition bus been written (r copied by Mrs. Abigail Soil liuniwiiy. for years I'liiiuipion of equal nufTrage In the hi. He. and all.T being signed by Hie governor will be llliM imay In th iwvlilws oi in,- sint,, Ihhish as a trlb. lite lei Mrs. Imnlwny, whoso lite woi k 's Hiiis reall.ed. All oilier anieiiilineiits and bllU I'.itsod In the recent election wern eslelil.iv fl..ri,,.., I,.,. ..I . .' , I .o..e,, ,.,.,, ,,, ,. bill. The Elks Memorial Services The a 11 1111 it I memorial services of llui Klks will be held toluol sow nfteriiiKiii ul 'J o'clock at llni (limn! era bouse, and a splendid program bus been ar ranged. It Is a beautiful and tender trlbulH to (host) who have cnmnetl ovnr Into 1 tin great hereufler, and mioi 1 f thorn, gatherings Hint milks us all better for inti I li liiiil IriK In. The public) , lw,lv, W1.,lll(, , ,(. .lxU;-n. Mll, ,,,,, ,v, .t r tomorrow, If ,1.. v ,.,,.,. ,,1.1.i i-11, ,,. imorliil servbe. will have a kindlier feeling lowairl all oiib iH. and perhup 11 tenderer regaid for bumaiiliy In gen eral. The program Is us follows I'll 111-1 ti I Match Chopin IIIIih' (ln heira. Kltnallsilc 1 ereuioni.s' l.i "Nean-r .My Iiml 'o 'I bee Mrs. II. I' 11 ll.- I, ,1 whom h- llebl.'H 'o )olH the pi ,1. wl.l be tri..i lien liuili'h. J l.dce M.-ini,, 1 m :!- 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 c hivo. ;iin.n 11. 1 : ! I