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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1909)
UMhV VAVti Ah .lOUIINAIi, HALICM, OIIKtiON, TlltltNim, M'.ltlH IN . ' PWWIIWWjaiiajaWBBBawaBBMa W" - COOS BAY WINS GREAT fir. VICTORY IN LE lJriL JL JTiLt TAAC RAV ... t - - - "" "' ' '' -" - '" - tei.- fcai tlfti"' iS.. I; Jft'v 1: I VW3 Uttl IS NOW ON THE BIG MAP PflMfWO of Gonoml foil iVm million Act Montis (inui Dsvotopmonl for All Wo-.ioni Dragon I'lnrbori s.tmr Plnn for Rnllrond r.onsiiut Hon. I'fttoniiO liy On Hnnlo uf 1.1 1 1 mn rrnl pull ociliiinlnnlim not In n (trout vlutury foi' Onus liny, mitt tho ilnvt'i Htliieiil of nil woNlortt tint hot n In AuptL lnl tin Ornu mid lilnl UimttopMHiit Uonmtttw wnn oi'Kniiltoil nt Mnrnliltnhl, nmt ntilliurlitPil tfnwi ur OlmniliHiliilu in Kppolitl n com IuImIuii tt (I ill (l kiipIi tv lilll. yiinlfr Wilton Htiph hnrbur mm nrnniiWn m; )unt mtmmUl(iu. umtwr Hie Inltlntlvp law. ' Thill mtmititn!un m (linn imnxHxl to rnt n tlUtilot IiipIihIIur tliut HOrl nmt li ptiAmittla, ntttt pnuwid tu iiimrovn it a nnv imi on mm ntnn IwrlMltm tonllHI, build Ht duake nail iKwwnUH without wnltlug fur ot itroM ( npt. Th OragwM and Idaho Dtmttoit mnill CmtprM linn t It rooant eJ dim. hhl nt fnlun. nnVist Tor iMb MlMlun of in nnuMtdtnetU to vol of tho peooH umlw which dlMrU m formal tit ih ureal md Ytrtopisl Iwtwlor U amUI mUroml rtinMntttHnit of rnllniAt In nxnotlv Uw im miumr vrt romiuic lon form dUtrltsl and autol m ImimnlUK the wntiMwayiv Thl ntnondmoot t the tHinstlutitoH. nw Mil to rM commMoh vf OlHOH lOM ltI.AnttAl UM Arlhwr, m will bo rtkumahmwl y UM ffMtttoninH nH (he tkM of ti amitv TjpU "Tho Vimm Mn. ! A KUlMS M KHMktHHt oft fl aMt, M TIM UaH. mmI n t w-4)MMr)M4 ft kIm t taxr r mm- Hr & MM, MlM kkMIH fc '' OOttOt)tlM 4 Wlm itrtlMMM MWr M tit M4r lM MM f to frM M(MMI! to) )r IMtl4 V Wl Www tVMMMNd. t f M 0Ht CM IV W- KV M ftW IHtH ii t Iwt to wf .-. -. itoNi tor d ttoj MM4Mftfe WI INI Iff JWHI ! 9M MAI r Mfl tr tll ' VMI D W 1 BKFKif VB$KBf&m' wRP lHP' v rMwKBF c ' s ' j 71- . . i2. HP- iM'SmJMm JTarirPWBMBBWtiKB4 " -, ,lWWaWBM ' sBBBvaBBBHBir Sytoii. 1 gyp,) .i,! 1 , '"BBttwRNMjiK'fnHBjlL?' " WPfcStL fnLwLVwAVBSBBMHHHiltflH riMHBK BhBBHIBBHHBhIBIHBbBHIk& vMillUtrflf' , BBBHHHHBHBBBHBHHBHB -HHBIHHHHHBHBHHHBBmlflBHHHHHH. hhhhhVhhhhhhhhhhhhhshHhhhhbhhhhhSSbWMhhhTbhhI k. r iijflty.fstfocdfciftii. ' Jt BBBBHLBBBHDbVBLILbVJLLBBHBBB .j'. 1' ,. .ft, I , 11JBjrtl & I-IDU1HU.HW -g J, S mul iJlirL. .jri! I v$t L fl&'w n " I '& 1. vMt 'v y I ' r U iaaw. i--fc-KL-L-jfaM.,.. , .TfTiiin. Imii?.f ! IS ' 1 irm tt 1 -- '-,..,, I. At rn 1 NORTH BEND-A COOS BAY MANUFACTURING CREATK3T HARBOR OtN W L-K 1. I ' ftW A IS LfeV.ii r WEST COAST OF OREGON TOWN r.' RECALLS EMMANUEL MURDERS Parson Gibson, Who Came In to Public Notice During the Durant Trial, Forced to Re sign Charge of His Church, It Has Never Recovered From Scandal, United l'roF Longed Wire. San Frnnclsco, Fob. 4. Hey. J. Gcorgo Gibson, for years pastor o! tfininnnuol Baptist church, has re signed. Tho roslgnnt'on of tlie pi. tor rocalls tho turbulent finanolit tlmos of tho church ever since th. body of llttlo Minnie William was found In tho church library, haclttd to nlocos, nnd Inter thr corpse o( Hlnnoho Lnmont wns discovered .o tho bolfry of tho edifice. Theodoie Durrnnt pnld tho ponnlty of tho mur dors on tho gallows at San Quentb ono year and a hnlf later. Pnstor Olbson had a hard row to hoo, following tho murders. Not withstanding tho confidence that wh reposed In tho pnetor, thoro wu somothlng of tho mystery of the mu" dors that tins hnuntcd Emmanut) Baptist church. The horrors of th bruUiI talcing of the lives of two lh nocent young glrlB seemed to thrjf a shadow over tho congregation. It struggled hard for existence, and no man struggled with It harder than in loyal minister. Ho wna assailed b? scandal, notwithstanding his chart:' tor had been cleared of stain. The flro camo, nnd the church was wIpM out; 'it was rebuilt, but not without much sacrifice-" to money lenden Funds becamo low and Rov. Glluoa found that ho could not live wlthou' a snlary, which was far In arrears. COMMERCIAL WAR IS NATIONAL PEACE United I'reu Lmi1 WlrH Nw York, Fob. !. Adrefcli, mtmbers of the Chmn) .r uf Con- mr) an reception iiin b uVoi UhIhj', Count Johftnn H-mrlch Vo 1 nrslorff. GorniMH aml.i'.sador " Uht United SUIee. dHhu.d that tfte frlwdly feeling of thf tinted Sutw ire heartily reciprocated i; the emr jeror of the Geriimn in-i ! i "When the pttec of I'miTM "' UwttRg open pence reign he Hid dwrlSK tho oours of hU ;. murks. H rerrt to the BBbrok-;. niendlii extaUng between thU GeroiARj'. He titeo spokt aaereWM rtrntry Wtwt-i ooatrie, deetarUK ih.f .mr t theCoBt- the two ' jndtemted j Ask Yourself the Question. Why not nee Chamberlain's LU 'mNt whoa y have r!.eumtHm We feel mt that the result will , prompt asd sUfctory It b" , cured others, why not i u ' Try K It oMts Urn a trte. Pr. r :s cew. ktrfo a. & (mil F .- r:e by Dr Stooe Drag Store. SHOOT THEMIRStT",, TRY THEM AFTERWARDS t UorettA. Mex . Feb. 4 Rjl,to' ' daj- MMrMl a hand ! . i di i hare toMo torrocteiBtT 'he ecunmnaW A tim-. A ru.r t '0 H A Pr: its The ; r .mers UI b stoat. Whlngton' PlAgue Spo" U ta iik mnt arb attorns f the Potiae. the hreedmi; srousd or Materia gr& The ger e,M eWUs. fover aa4 ague- Wloaw fettMttoa, HsHBe. waka Saoral ibUKy. aa4 brtrf uffK'" or deAt te taosaas yearly KHatrta Bitters mw -1 d,JJJ tJeia a4 saahuia treafiw 'They are ttoo hs all-.-' uBd "Mil toMw nii Hi t)trw WW HM toM1 ! 9MM1! t.feiart tw m .v. l nMmM. wtW to Hf. 4MWN to Wfnl ?ll1Wlto KIM .. m ftr-- V f '! XL tJiBHBtaHBmiBMflHBTVCSHVl9BHBHB BPSfe BIBMm,KJHbkP bVbTbHBBBHBHBHBHBbTBHBBHBBBHBHBBBHUBHBHBhVKiII WBBBBBHBHBbTbbv: 'BHBHBtBV HBHBMlVjtBPIVBHrL?BHBHBHBl latoSHMMtBbJhBKk. 'wlBHBBBHBMBHlHBHBBBBBtnBBlBBHBHB BVHBHBBBaBHBHBHBHBHBHBBBBHBHl BBHBlVAhBBbHHbV' -3HPaaHBB?BaHr J&JoSBBBHBHBhIIbW Jb"bHB& ?lPPBaHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHB9BBmHBHBHBHBBHVBaVr ?BT HVlhP JT BlBHBHBBRtoHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBRaHBHBHBl fffm, i, HbHM. JPBir ShHL: V JBYflBBBafflflBBfcfflfKir .jdBHBfsHBmtBHMB 77 MILTBHBHBHBfHSBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBfkV. tBHb HBKHWKtfk, Sn'VBfaBBfflBHBBBBBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBlBHBHBHBl BHBfiVBVMBlBBtBBBBBBrCaHBJHBBBHBBflBHBHBtBHBH HBHBfBHBBHrXBHBBKBHBHBHBHBHBHBtoMJB'W 'VfBHBfiBHBHBHBHBHBBBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBB HBHBHBHBHBHBfflHBHBfflBRJIadBBBffflfMHBBWa MBBBffflBBHBBBHBfflHJL. i Jl " MtMTWatMfMfMfMftll', nflwfWP' S'NMIk laHBTflHBfflHrBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMiHBBBBrLBfjyBBTBBBBBff -3BMBBBBHBBBBBlBBBBMtoMMBBBBBBBBBfc BBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBW W . JBW" 'L JitMfc V . 'ClLBBHBaHBRBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBHBHBml HBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHiHBHySSftSi&HBKK flBHBBBBBBBBHilPVlF'SBBBiBHBBZlHL Ttr "! BHBHBhWHLIhBHBHBHBHBHBhHBHBhI BHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBBHHBBBWnHfeBBHBBBl IbHUBBbBbBBbIHE W'flHMaBHBlBBMMHlflBBHiBnlaB "W AMHBBHBfTBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBHBHH HBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBBHBHBBBk1 l&HBHHBBBBHBBBHBHBv'CHIB&tfBBMBHBt 1 BBMSwWBnJnBBmWBHBHflvB9BBBBHBHH KSlMBBBHBBBBBHBHBflBflBaBHBHBHBBHBBBHBHBHBl BBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHHBLHbhBBBhLBHHBHBBBHBBhHP Ssrf 'BBiBttBBHBHBHBHHHBBlE ! M ShMkhV. JbBB'BBBBHBHBHHBBBHBhHBHBHEBHBHBHBHBHbT NHkJHDHbBBHBHBHBB BHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHBBBnBBBBBBHBHBHBHBnBHBBBHBBr kBHaBHBHBHBHBBHBBHBMBHBHBBBBaHBBMBBHBMGj u t HyHBKlBHBBBHBHBHBBBBBtoma XKbIbHBBHBHBBBHBBhIbSbHBHBBBBiBbHBHBHBHbI BHBHBHBHBk2r'BBfBHBBBBBBBf' ilBBBBHBBBWBfBwflBHMHHBBiklHVBH BHBHBHBHBBtUMBVBHBBBHBHK---'t'"'ifiHlBBBVflBlB BHBHBHBBBu9Bk CHBr iMHBiBBV-BHBHB BBHBHBHKBBBHBBBBBHBBBHBVflF HBHBHBHB9mPOKfaDNBHBHHiBHBB H9nkHHHHr MSaWL.,sPPPrSSWlBBBBT 'b'b'KHbbbbbb"bbb1 aa4 core tar aaalarta 1 rrltoi R. M. ot - T1iy ere Staeaach l-k Kd 4 Wa Ttwaktee. aoi p1 ' t4 h J C. !Sm mm m.MKnwMi FV O MARSHF!FLT THF METROKLl?. or i OOs A 'StoHl'H ' - rf .ASfJeUcAW Kmm i iti li m f (JlA