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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1908)
V s I'S SUBSTANTIAL GROWTH IIO.WN BY FIGURES COMPILED AFTER A CAREFUL INVESTIGATION Jot a Boom but Simply Solid Investment Represent- jveial Hundred Thousand Dollars, Nearly Every i Is Occupied by the Owner and His Family, The Number of New Houses Reaches Nearly 400, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DKOKMIIKK 23, 1008. past threo wenltn ti. has hnd Mr. A. W. Long . morougn canvnsa of Sa cortnln ovory now tmit.n,, rbcen put tip in Salem dur- ycar luus. Mr. Long lms rcat deal of exporlneco in or wont nnti linn mmin ., froport. Thoro has beon n hi of work Hunt, na .,. lof sldownlks, pluclng 0f i nun luiopuono polos, grnd tthat could not bo ostiinatou uiuru nau to uo oft out r is tho list of tho n,.., : houses and tho vni,m , rovemont. Albiocllt. Mnrlnn (,.. 3hurch and Cottage stroots;' lAniolcr. South High stroot; Aclurmnn. Mvm-u ,,..... Ek, cottage, $G00. ' ; iidcrson, 753. xurn. lAII.Irp Markot stroot; cot- Mr corner North Eluiiin.,.i. lanr i nvoniiit' ., ,.. I . '.jiiiiig, UDIwtt, IJonham Hond; col- Alderman, 2350 Mm,i.. .,.. pl mmciits to dwelling, Buren. C.mirt -. . Pottage and Winter: trw. in1";,! 'n&W v"r -Vowh ,, ,Vrn"UKCin; :lliloii m, Ilros. Court no.,r r0,,. tbreo-storv, ... '" I, J3C.000. Ploro rlnv. IJast Asylum avenue; Brown, South L'horty and dwelling (eight room"). oFoHauerl..37oool.ovue; r IJinii. 1308 Waller; new iSXrilkoo!" 8u,,th ""- i iihi), South Uommeralni ni,rttlHK dwelling .mil1 ;rclu.mon, Knlrmount.-dS ' IJonnlghofr, icon qnii. .dwolllnir. tinn " Hou,, inrown. state 'and CI,,,,,..,. W,u00. Unbcock. Rnntl. n . Rtidlomr. Ninnnn,i. ... . cottage, 11206. ""U - Hudlonir, 197 Oak; cot- j Boyd, 44c Turn,),-; cottnKO, irownlng, South Twenty first rue; Btoro, bakery and ovon, frowning, South Twentieth couago, 800, Brownlnc. 804 RmiMi Tuv.n- Iwclllng. $1200. HllBlck. Twnnlv-lltm ,,.. welling, 1800 Budloug, South Flfteonth cottneo. $G00. Ph Bleczynko, Mill nnd If if- couag ?900. Rruhn. 90S N,iiti cnvnn. dwelling. Sicoo. bor Carnontor. nimmnirnu. jrth Twentloth; bungalow, h Harbor, 1258 Chomoketa; pk siou. O nnllou, Court, near Slx- oungalow, $2500. Davno. 414 nniiav,..,. ,i...ti coo, ' to Hymo. Ferrv Htroiit. nnr U cottago, 11000. u Howerman, 10C9 Leslie; s, zuu. ncrnnrdl. -mh T.ii.nrtw olvuo street; dwelling $1800.' . UUSeV. 'inSK Pnlr rirntiiwl c tago, f 600. Husoy. '035 Pair nmniwl 'trn. $4u0 HUOll. .N'oith Cottnuo an-! ' reets. h.irn tun U rnard. Sumii .'i '' vT I'liurt Blet ; oo tnr A. J. Cook. North Twentloth nud Kansas; barn, $150. A. J. Cook, North Twontloth nnd Kansas; dwelling, $1000. A. E. Chenoweth, North Third and Pine stroots; dwelling, $1000. J. H. Currier, 22C9 Uonham road; J. N. Cothran, Fair Ground road; barn, $300. Ooorgo DttnBford, 533 South Com mercial; i.ew cottago, $1800. W . II. Darby, North Liberty stroot, hotwoon Marion nnd Union; dwolllng, $3000. T. II. D'Arcy, Llborty stroot, bet ween State nnd Court; thoatcr build ing, $0000. A. Datto, Hush nnd South Com- murciui; waronouBo, $500. W. H. Demars. lass w,iiinl.. ...... ,. ArtrtA f.IU, ilU t." 'V n,0,8 Sotitli Second and "U"; dwelling. $1800. 0. M. Douglas, U20 Chomokotn; dwelling, $1800. A. M. DunlHp. Sorontocnth. notr Mill; oottage, $760. n. ,u B;11D"y,n. Center, near CtinlUl; dwelling, $3000. V. II. Dayton. Center, uenr North Summer; Hutu, $3500. Mm. 8. C Dyer. Summer, nmr Chemeketa; dwelling, $8500. Willi S. Uunlwiiy, Court street, between Summer and Capital, dwelling, $1500. I. D. Driver and wlfo, 525 North Uipltol Htl'Hl; cnltnvu tienn Qoore Dunsford, South Llborty, ?lrnn ,,ollovuo stroot; dwelling. $ 1 out) m,A,4 A'., Kngolbart, 115C South Thlrtoonth; dwelling, $1000. U. 12. Edwards, Court and Sovon toonth; dwolllng, $3000. H. It. Edmundson, Highland avo nuo; addition to dwelling, $200. E. It. Edmundson, Highland nvo-, nuo; barn, $500. I J. C Flnko, South Slxtoonth nnd Hollovuo; cottago, $750. ' Fennoll and Darr, Stnto nenr High; ofllco building, $1000. I Feoblo Mludoil iiiHtitm,. iir ' 000. T ' I). II. Forroll, Asylum nvonuo nnd Twonty-llrst; cottago, $1000. Chas. Forroll, North Fourteenth, nonr Marlon; now dwolllng, $900. It. L. Farillnr. rnrni.r,,,. and Summer; dwolllng, $4000. Wllllnm Frost, 22CC; Currant av enuo; cottago, $400. II. N. Ooodo. NnrMi Vlnntnnnll, bot Marlon and Contor; cottago. tago, $1500. Mrs. E. Ollllnehniii. l3o p.nV stroot; 10-room flat, $3500. It. IL Goodln, lo80 Court; dwoll lng, $2500. $700 ''" r0tr' li72 Ml": oottUB0' Ed. Gllllngham, Court and Sovon toonth; bungalow, $2000. John Ornbor, 13CC Forry; cot tago, $1400. A. C. GiloB. Twnntv.MDnniul nml Marlon; dwolllng, $1500. J. F. Goodo, coruor Norway nnd North Summer streets; cottago, $300. C. II. Garvor, 1540 North Front; coiinge ,$uuo. Iloinor Goulot, Chomoketa Sta tion; dwolllng, $2000. Lnfe F. Hill. 4-1 G Unien: .lu-rdllni' $2000. Wnltor HoiiBley, Wilson stroot, near Hook; cottago, $300. I'otor Harmon, Fir, noar Myers, cottage, $700. Jolllin Honke. Silvertnn rnnd- ... ' -- .wf uweiung, $1200. Johnn Henko, Sllverton road, uarn, $000. Julius Hopt, South Salem; carpon tor Hhoi). $250. Roy Huffman, Slxteonth and Mis sion; now cottage, jyuu. S. A. Hughes, Chemokota and Kigutoonm street; uarn $200. a. A. liugnes, Chometak and Elghteonth; dwelling, $2000 H.F . Hatch, 1679 Court; cottage, $1200. Chas. II. Illncos. Chamakatn lm. tween Summer and Winter, dwell ing, $3000. F. M. Howe. 10C4 North Slx toonth; cottage. $S00 II. S. Jory, Bush, nenr South Commercial; butchorshop, $300. E. W. James, South Llborty and uudu, uwuiung, JSOUO. John M. Johnson, 1499 Court; dwelling, $3500. Rev. F. w. Jonos, comer Nine teenth nnd Kansas nvonue; dwoll- l"S. $uu. Abner Johns, Currant nvonuo; cottage. $400. D. W. Kelater, Twonty-llrst nnd D': addition, $500. 1..F,vKrl. VD" stroot nn North Mlghtonth; barn, $200. r,1p,'.Knp!' "D" street nnd North eighteenth; now cottage, $1200. C. t Kune.v. 1251 Contor stroot; bungalow. $3000. AdRlll lvnrli TnlTufu,!., ...... ..., North Fifth; dwolllng, $1800. Ernest Kenmilv. v.n-ti. and I'lne street; cottage. $200. "Walter D. Kozar, 1790 North jCommorclnl; bungnlow, $1200. I Romeo ICnlnni- Inrr.iro.... ...... nenr Broadway; cottago, $750. AupU8t Kaup, Uonham road; unvilillK, OUOU. I August Kaup, Uonham road; barn, $300. E. Y. Lansing, Garden rond; of- lltu HIT UllUKor Nllrsnn- Rnn i h. L. Lommon, North Commorcinl, nonr Division; cottage, $1500. P. M. Lafforty, Thirteenth nnd 'Cross; dwolllng, $1200. i Felix La Branch, Stnto street, be tween Llborty and Commercial; I two-story brick, $10,000. , C. E. Lobold, 15 It Chomoketa; dwelling, $1800. I Geo. Lnboroo, Elghtoonth nnd Ceurt: $2000 dwolllng. W. II. Lutz, Slxtoonth and Trade; cottage. $500. J. M. LOIllf. Klntll. niimr Willi-. teenth; store and olllce building, $1800. Abner Lewis, 1 1 9 State; now dwelling, $1800. Sidney Lninb. Twentieth nnd Trade, new cottago. $800. Sidney Lamb, 2010 Trade-; cot tage. $700. ! Iwiho Lynch, South Flftoonth nud Trade; cottage, $1200. Isaac Lynch. 216 South Fifteenth; dwelling, $2000. Inane Lynch, Ferry and South Fifteenth; cottage, $1000. " Lindsay. W. II.. Asvlum nvnmm nnd Twontlath; dwelling, $1800. Claud Llghtfoot, North Eight eenth and Nobrnaku nvonuo; re modollng dwolllng, $500. T. J. Loulsunont. lino Mill- dwolllng, $2600. Liberty school, south of city; $7000. Adolph Lolsy, Brooks road; blacksmith shop, $200. , U. J. Miles, south of comotory; dwelling, $3000. , Wm. McGIIchrlst, South Coinmor- ciai; tinrn, $800. 1 E. P. McCoriiack, Llborty nud Court; annex, $15,000. Wm. McUllohrlst. Smith Pninmnr. 'clal; dwelling. $7000. Fred F. .Marcus, 255 Boilovuo; dwolllng, $2000. I Will R, Molr, corner Front nnd Division; cottago, $1500. f Madison McBrlde, 1311 Hlnos; 'dwelling, $1500. I F. Morrison, South Llborty nnd iLerfello; dwolllng, $2000. I J. A. MrP.lnln. nniltll nt rntmlnrv -- .,;. --.... w. w...vkwt, VUllUgU, OUU. F. Meokor, South Commorclal; cottage, $400. Chas. Mclntyro. South Cominer clal and Lincoln; $1800. W. N. Munsoy, 1612 Trndo; cot tago, $1050. Mrs. Hattlo McQInnis, North Seventeenth, near Nebraska avouuo; now cottage, $1000. Harry McKay, North Fourtoonth noar "H"j now dwolllng, $1000 C . Mtirnhv. 19T.0 rUinmnlrnln dwolllng, $2500. O. J, Meyers, Thirteenth betwoon Center nnd Chomoketa; nix room dwelling, $2200. II. R. McWhorter, Market Ktroot, nonr Thlrtoonth; cottago, $800. h. R. McWhortor, Markot street, noar Thirteenth; cottago, $800. John W. Martin, 1935 Currant, cottnge, $250. J. C. McFnrlaao, 1148 North Com mercial; cottago, $1200. Madison McBrlde, North Cottago nnd Markot streots; dwolllng, $2000. S. E. Mnnnlng, Stnto nnd Front; Implement house, $8000. W. F. Michnolis, North Commer cial nnd Acadomy; cottngo, $1200. W. K. McDonnld, Elm nvonuo; dwelling. $1600. Jnmos Nell. 54 i North Elghteonth stroot; cottngo, $2250. I. C. Nocdhnm. 841 North DntlnPrt stroot, addition to dwolllng. $1800. John Noedhnm, 1705 North Com morcinl; cottago, $500. Chas. W. Nlst, oxtonslon of "D" street; cottngo, $750. Julius Nelson, Thlrtoonth, nonr Loc. J1S00. I A. Ollngor, South Slxtoonth nnd nunc, iiu, l-uilllgu, OUU. W. H. Owon, Elm nvonuo; dwoll lng. $750. Jaa N. Olmsted, Trndo street, nonr unlvorslty stroot; cottngo, $800. R. P. Oroy, Currnnt nvonuo; cot tngo, $300. Oregon Electric Railway, Mill and South High; depot. $3000. Colono 1 J. Olmstond, North Union barn nnd automobile garage, $600 Asa Oglosbeo, North High, nenr Unien: barn! $300. J. E. Prunk, Church street, be tween Marlon nnd Union; $200. J. C. Perry, 776 North Commor cinl; cottngo, $1,700. W. D, Pugh, Thlrtoonth nnd Wal ler; now bungnlow, $1,700. W. D. Pngh,, Wnllor, nenr Thir teenth: now bungnlow, $1,700. L. D Proctor, 1056 Court; dwol llng, $2 250 mYhT. C.' Patchlnn, 3C5 Slxtoonth street: cottage. $760. M1-11. J. C. Putchlna. 363. Six teenth South; cottage, $600. Ulins rntils. South Twenty-second street; cottage, $600. Alex Potter, 110 Twentieth, cor ner Mill; dwolllng. $3800; wind mill and tank, $600. Percy Pugh. Wintor stroot, nonr ""; new dwelling, $2200. 1C. W. Purvlno. 90,1 Oak; cottago, $1200. Samuel Peck, Madison nvonuo nnd North Fifth; cottago, $700. Rev. K, 11. Pomborton, 1215 High land nvonuo; addition nnd Improve liumtM to cottnuo. $500. W. II. Poarco, Bouhnm road; cot tage, $1000. N. Rosoubaum, Rook nonr Wil son; cottngo, $150. Goo. F. RodgoiH. Cottngo stroot, between Court nnd Chomekotu; dwelling, $4000. O. J. Runcorn, 8011th Twelfth, No. 1100; dwolllng, $1800. Will Robins, Borry street; cot tago, $250. J. E. Rosa, smith of rnmntnrv? mt. - V.iiwi --.. v.f , w. ' Chas. Roth, 395 Nineteenth; ! dwolllng. $2500. , Mrs. A. M. Rotation, 1040 Leslie; dwelllu.;, $3000. II. L. Rookhlll, Nineteenth, near Trndo; dwolllng, $1800. F. II. Reeves, 905 Union; dwell ing; $1600. F. II. Hooves, 907 Union; cottngo, $1250. Jack Ryan, Mill Btrcot, nenr South Winter; cottngo, $1500. U. S. Rider, corner Mnrket and North Fifth Htreutn: hum. $300. R. R. Rynn, North Front street; dwolllng, $700, .ndoc J. Rlggs, Court street ho twoon Wintor mid Cottago; dwell ing, $3600. R. It. Rynn, North Liberty and River Htreots; dwolllng, $600. Clifford Ross; Currnut uvenuo! cottage, $400. John Rltchlo, Uioiist ntreot; lm piovomontH to cottngo, $350. Dr. E. F. RouiirH. HrookH rnnil: improvements to house, $300. W. F. R. Smith. Fir stroot bo tween Bush nnd Owens; windmill tower and tank, $300. E. L. Stiff, South Liberty street; dwelling, $1000. Aug. Sohrlmor, south of cemetery; dwelling, $2500. K. J. Hunter. Twelfth nenr Lee: seven-room dwelling, $2500. E. J. Soutor, Lcslio and Universi ty; now dwolllng, $4000. W. II. Snook, 1090 South Com morcinl; dwolllng, $2500. Salem Heights Storo, South Com merclnl; $500. Snlom Heights, school; $2500. J. E. Stnuton. Rlxtnmith nn.1 Trndo; barn, $200. J. E. Stanton, Slxtoonth and Trndo; dwelling, $2000; barn, $200. J. II. Stnuton. Slxtoonth. nonr Trnde: cottnee. $G00. A. W. Sutton, Slxtoonth, nenr Trndo; cottago, $800. J. C. Schultz, Eighteenth nnd Boi lovuo; cottnge, $800. High Smith, 1143 Stnto; romodol Ing dwolllng, $1500. 1 D. A. Slowort, Twonty-llrst nnd Forry. dwolllng, $1700. Frank Shcdeck, Sr., 707 South Twonty-nifth; additions nnd nltora tlons, $700. Frank Shcdeck, Jr., 70S South Twenty-flfth; cottngo. $1200. I. C. Smnllmnn, 1480 Boilovuo; cottngo, $650. Mrs. Lvmon Snvncn. (Innlnr mini- Summer; dwolllng, $2500. Sacrod Heart, Cottago and Con tor; improvements, $1000. Jncob Strus8, South Twenty-flfth; additions nnd alterations, $400. M. D. Swnbb, North Sovontoonth, nenr Nebraska nvonuo; now cottngo, $500. E. H. Stcgo. North Twolfth nnd "D"; now cottago, $1000. , Southern Pacific compnuy; slook ynrds, $750. I Mnrk S. Skiff, Court street be twoon Llborty nnd High; brick store (two stories), $3500. , Salem Browory, Trado and South Commercial; addition to plant, t'lUUll. W. N. Savano. 1333 Stnte: dwell. Ing, $5500. Win. Short, noar South Onpltol street; dwolllng, $3500. Win. Scott, Sidney rond; cottngo, $1500. Andrew A. Stovor, 1945Currnnt; cottnge. $860. Chas. Slaiitou, till N. Commer cial; addition to Cottnge, $500. A. M. 8holtou, North Third, nonr Pine; cottnge, $400. G. II. Smith, North Liberty nnd G rover streets; cottngo, $300. L. A. Skools, North Front stroot; cottnge, $600. Joseph N. Smith, 2361 North Highland nvonuo; nddltlon nnd Im provements to dwelling, $500. F. D. ThlolHon and Joseph Myers, Stnto hotwoon Ltliorlv nml lltirli. store nnd ofllco building, $10,000, Paul Trngho, North Front, nonr DIvIbIoii; dwelling, $2200, B. J. Tnnton. Sunorlor stroet: cot tage, $500. D. P. Tnhlor, cornor Jefferson nvonuo nud North Summer stroot; cottngo, $300. Oflcar Victor, corner Myers nud Fir; cottage, $600. VoL'ot L. & F. Co.. HlnoH. nonr! Fourtoonth; cottngo, $1500. Voget L. & F, Co., Hlnes nonr Thlrtoonth; cottago, $1800. Vogot L. & F. Co., Thlrtoonth, near Hlnes; cottngo, $000. John nnd George Van Lunan, 827 North Liberty; remodeling cottnge, $000. Julius Vogot, Fourtoonth and Waller; now dwolllng, $2200. Vogot L. & F. Co., South Bocond nnd "B"; now cottago, $1000. Vnirnt I.. & V. Cn.. Smith flnrmifl nnd "A"; cottngo, $1000. Geo. Vlosko, Flrflt and "C"; cot tage, $1200. Vogot L. & F. Co., Chomekotn nnd Elghtoonth; dwelling, $1700 (seven roooms). I). A. Whlto & Bons, Front street , between stnto nnd Court; brick wnrehouse, $5500. I Lutelliis Wood. North Wintor nonr tlnlniii ilwoilliiir. 120(1(1. I J. I). Williams, Fourtoonth and Wnllor; cottnge, $350. W. P. Weiss, South Commercial and Myers; cottnge, $2000. Fred R. Wators, South Commor cinl; dwelling, $1500. G. A. Wilson, south of cemetery; cottnge, $600. Wntors 'Bros. Inv. Co., south of qom.; windmill, towor nnd tank. ouu. I Wntors Bros. Inv. C, south of com; remodollng dwolllng, $2000. J. B. WIshor, South Twonty-thlrd nnd Hydo; cottngo, $400. Arthur Williamson; South Twon tloth nml Hydo; bungalow, $1200. W. W. Walker, Twonty-fourth be tween Contor nnd Chomokota; cot tage, $900. G. S. Welch, North Slxtoonth, noar "D"; dwelling, $1400. Mrs. M. Woltor, 929 North Flf toonth, cornor "C"; dwolllng, $1700. Wnllaco Farm Paoklng House; $1000. Wallace Farm; cottago. $1000. Wallace Farm: cottngo, $1000. Jnmos II. Wilson, 1565 North Wintor stroot; cottngo. $900. James II. Wilson, 1587 North Wintor; cottngo, $900. Jnmos II. Wilson. Norwny atreot, nonr North Summer; cottngo, $900. Claud Whlto, corner South Cot- tago nnd Boilovuo; cottngo, $1000. Ennls Wnlt, Front street hotwoon Contor nud Marlon streets; bungn low, $2500. Jacob Wolgol, cornor Norwny nnd Sixth Btrots; dwelling, $1500. Edward Wnrd, 1200 N. Fourth cottnge, $750. Chas. Watt, North Breadway: now hnrns, $300. N. S. Wood. 1755 North Commor clal. cottngo, $300. F. II. Wostbrook, cornor North Broadway and Mndlsou nvonuo; Oflt tngo, $700. O. E. Whitney, 2279 Elm nvonuo; bnrn, $350. Ilorhort Yonnor North Third nnd Pine; cottngo, $600. Geo. W. Zwlckor, 037 South Twonty-flfth: dwolllng, $1400. Vv It. Hwlokor, 646 8outh Twenty-fifth; nddltlono nnd nltorntlons, $500. . Goo. .wicker. South Twonty-flfth, nonr Loo; cottngo, $1200. Chas. W. Znonkor, North Llborty, nenr Unien: cottngo, $1300. .Yew Park STORE I donlro, through Tho Cnpltnl Jour nnl, to express my nppreclntlon to nil my patroim for fnvora nhown mo in tho pnnt, and to nlso statu Hint In the future I will bo nbl'j and in n posi tion to gtvo them still bottor service I must say I nm greatly pleased with tho class of customers I have, nud will make all efforts possible to give tho host goods and at tho low oat prices. A MKUIIV CHRISTMAS. F. G. Bowcrsox 1 202 Leslie St. Salem, Ore. DEPOT HOTEL Tim Irnvnllnir inililln will flml thla ! a pleasant and convenient plnco to stop. Rooms, or rooms nnd hoard, by day or wook. Ronsonubln. O. J. LOVE, Prop. Near Hulein Depot. THE GEM BARBER SHOP Kindly thnnklng my patrons for pant favors, and promising to serve them In tho future in tho iniiiio old way. wo wish mom nil a morry I Christmas. LAMB H. flEIUCNH. J. M. LONG HEAL ESTATE DEALER. Fiimi or City Properly for Halo or Rent. UorrcNMiidciin Solicited, 1KI1 E. State Street, Hulein, Oregon n II Tlntiatrtn Qinf It fVttti ttmrtlal I Browi in.,., a-. ..r. Inear Mission, dwelling. $3600.' 4-) 'grading. $800. ar'holomy, Hlchland- barn I n' M- IIotr' SoU Commercial h ' u' UMn,',nwir Mlasien: bunualow. $3000. ! "'ingardnor. Lnnnat str-r Ira Hamilton. Ilelevue street, near ei 'Its to pnllni'n trinn FJ t Ivet. Union stroot. neai r ' 'rni'o i nnn The Willamette Valley Co Water, Electric and Gas Plants, and Street Car Lines. Operates in Principal Cities of Western Oregon. Smith rViiuriarlal: (wittaeo t1?Kf, Romeo Hunter, South Libert. a 1 var van, unfiling, i.uu f alem. Thirteenth and " ABB, " So,,, , s'-it- - uurn 2oo teenth. near Rural avenue, dwell l ' k, B" "street nnr 'B' ''' "Vh new dwolllnc $000 Hwbert W. 1I1, Jefferson ave- ' Ulne South Seventeenth lt -r.11.. . annn 'IZUU. 1(v cottniro. tnn 5'Jlfman, NInetonth nnd -ou IP $12nn 1 . i Fred Hltttmuk, 10 North Coin merclsl: remadellug dwelliog. $6uu y.vr8,, Br MJ: J-Sifi ;jii.K"' t"""'-" r p, D,, ., J. Hull. N'ortll CotUge. ue.r D ' ' rWdtc-r SUtniH and Ja - """' No:,B 9umto,r ' m $500 i.wo. duelling. $ I sue f, Hark. Twenty-fourU , -J Curr"n " U.T aml 0h'"ki tfiUl Sprue f ... nod ELEaRICITY POWER LIGHTS HEATING Tm 388 North Ttun- auditions and altera " ISO North Tvstut. duelling $3000 h.... Jaj. 1 '- $'" F f. Irfn Wanh'iiuivu nrn )' $ ' Clean and Dependable A. WELCH, President Fenton Bu'lding, PORTLAND, OREGON KM aWaWRI 1J r i 1) I