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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1907)
Ki-V9Fmmxexvmtwt tt'V ! v DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKH, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1007. pwiyM--1 " mtr say CLEVELAND'S Ask a GOOD cook the kind of baking "IKI h powaer 10 use ana sne wm suy vuuvi-urvi wy, It is the baking powder of experts the baking powder used H by those who have tried them all. ' ,1 I Cooks who have used CLEVELAND'S and tried others Hi idi alumV4 rnmp narlr r I HI I CLEVELAND'S 1 I SUPEESOE 1; , . i. H ) DA iriiki lrAnisEi E UAiinii yweiLii & B Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. mjh J i S3 SALEM'S CHERRY FAIR Display Will Be Made in the Audito rium Beginning Wednesday CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INIST UPON HAVING IT Sold and Recommended by the Following Grecens: WKLLKK IIHOS., COMMKUCIATj STREET. I). It. OILIIIOIIT CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. itOTii a oraiier. commercial street. DAMON Ai FOSTER, COMMERCIAL STREET. J. M. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL MTREI7T. W. A. IUVIN CO., COMMICllOIAL STREET. A. AUK, COMMERCIAL STREET. II. II. 1CAOAN, OOUUT STREET. A. L. HARVEY, COURT? STREET'. J. L. MOORE & HON, CAPITAL STREET. HUTIIERl'OEl) AI DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH Ai OHAREE, STATE STREET . J. W. IIARKITT, STATE STREET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. IT. M. IIR ANSON, STATE STREET. JOHN HUG Hi:8 CO., STATE STREET. A. A. ENGLEIIART, STATE STREET. 1 G. IJOWERSOX, YEW PARK. j H. L. SOHULTZ, ASYLUM AVENUE. W. 1). WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. OIIEN'OWETH, NORTH SALEM. I ARHINOTON Ai VAN 1'ATTON, STATE STREET. ,1 t 1 Sold in Neighboring Towns by the Following Grocers PETER COOK, HICKHEAL. JL. AIIRAMH CO., LINCOLN. K. W. SMITH, LlllERTY. CI. L. I'ARHONH, I'HUITLANR. HANSOM Ai HON, TURNER. V, T. Oil', UHATUM. II. G. HENDEUHON, CIIEMAWA. MHLER Ai NATIIMAN, GERVAIH. KAMI At RAMP, IIROOKH. JIAHKKLIi A COLVIN, WOOIHIURN J. A. AUSTIN, WOOIMURN. lUCKIIi: .V WHITMAN, WOOIHIURN URICVOST CO., wooiniuitx. A. II. SMITH, WOOIHIURN. KNIGHT A HlSIt li;it. IHIIHAItl) A. .1ICTTK, CIIAMUOKG. AVAL'IV. At GOODING, ST. PAUL. OIIAH. I. ItAV, ST. I'Al L. It K. KIRK, NT. I'Al'l,, CIIA8. I). HEIN, AUMSVILLE. T. II. DRAKE, MACLEAY. JOS. 8CHOMUS, SHAW. M. A. 1IARHER, MARION. I'ORD Ai CO., MARION. I'. M. REED, JEFFERSON. SMITH Ai FONTAINE, JEFFERSON. J. W. EIINEIt, MT. ANGEL. J. WOLFARH Ai CO., HILVICRTON. GEO. (TSITEH, SMAEItTON. JULIUS MM, SILVEHTON. J. C, MAIUJUAM, MAROUAM. I J. RIDINGS, MAItQUAM. M M. AI.DRK'II, SCO'ITS MILLS. A. L. IIROl'GHTER SCO'ITS MILUS EIINEIt IIROS., MT. ANGEL. It. II. UENSTON, SILVEHTON. Tho second annual cherry fair to bo held In this county will bo held by tho Marlon County Horticultural Society, under the auspices of tho Orogon State Horticultural Society, In tho Auditorium rink on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week, and as tho fair Is to bo hold at tho samo tlmo ns tho meeting of itho Pacific CoaBt Nurserymen's As sociation, it will doubtless bo of deep Interest, not only from an educa tional standpoint, to tho many fruit growers, but also as an advertise ment for the productions, of Marlon county. Tliero will bo nurserymen from nil pnrt3 of tho coast, and somo from tho East prosont, and It Is fortunate thot thoy soo tho fruit this soctlon can produce. Tho coming fair is attracting wldo spread nttontlon. Secretary Arm r.irong hnH rocolvod sevornl lettors fiom points In California, asking In formation rognrdlng the fnlr, with n view to sending exhibits. E. I). , Paul, or Uklnh, California, is mak ing arrangements to place on ox- ,hlbU a new variety of cherry which lie ban devoloped, and which ho has named "i'nulhoim." Tho oxhlblt will nrrlvo today. Tho fair Is open to all growers, thore being no foo charged whatovor for ontorlng ex hibits, and all growers aro oamestly roquosted to take pnrt in tho show. Tho local oxhlbltora, where it Is possible, aro asked to bring In tholr displays of berries, chorrios nntl nil kinds of fruit on Wodnosdny morn lug, an tho building will not bo In condition to rocelvo tho irult until that tlmo. Flowers or anything to bo used as decorations should bo brought in tomorrow. Tho nommltteo ,nlBo asks that any Krowors who have attractive chorry boughs loadod with fruit bring thorn for decorating purposos. Tho prizes will bo awarded Thurs day, tho second dny of tho fnlr, and tho judges will bo Mnrk Lovy, of Portland; Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood Rlvor, and Prof. C. I. Lewis, of Corv&llls; roprosonting throe phnsos of tho fruit industry, nnmoly, the commliwlou buslnoss, the prnc Ileal growor and tho sciontldo sldo ol horticulture, rospectlvely, Progriiiii. Tho three days program will be an follows Wednesday, July 10 Afternoon Session, 1:30 p. in. Addross of wolcome, Geo. F. iRodgers, mayor of Salem. Welcome on behalf of Salem Board of Trade, H. B. Thielsen. Response on behalf of fruitgrow ers and nurserymen, H. C. Atvcll. Address, F. W. Power. "Commercial Bulb Growing," A. LIngham. Evening Session, 8:00 p. in. "Marked Line Botweon Inferior nnd Superior Nursery Stock," J. A. Stewart. (( "Tho Necessity of United Effort, W. D. Ingalls. "Tho Cherry In Eastern Oregon, Judd Deer. "European Methods," J. B. Pllk- ington. . o WOODBURN LOSES TO FRAKES GRAND JURY CALLED At the Request of District AltorJ uuiiu ii. muidiy at W. Following grand jury wa3 choA 1 p. m.: Allen Harold, N. mi., Burkhardt, Jr., Chaa n' Hartman, J. H. Smith, John W it, ' rltt and John Scott. Scott was i 1IU1IIICU 1UII111. Geo. P. Litchfield and A. W. Dr wore appolntol bailiffs. The Woodburn election tiu. John Patterson for assault witt, . knife, nlso cases for selling liquor a: Mennma ana iwo cases or statutort rape near Monitor aro to bo Innt tlgateu. ei Woodburn lost to the Frakos yes- tordny at Woodburn by tho scoro of 13 to C. This puts tho Frakos in tho load In tho Tri-Clty Lenguo, and 33 per cent ahoad of Woodburn, which is next. The Frakes bnttod two pitchers out of the box yester day, and It was only when Jny King cmno to the rescue that they could hold them down. This wns ono of the most Important games so far, as the Wootlburns and the Frakos have been tied for some time. A large crowd was out to the game, and a number of Sa'em people went down. o WILL RUN ONE MONTH. River Tnillle I'rom Portland Here Will Continue for Few Weeks. Tho stage of the Willamette river at tills point Is now two foot above low wntor mark, nnd the Orogonln Is yot making regular runs from Portland, and It is tho oxpoctnllon to koop tho boat on tho rlvor for at least a month yet. The Orogona draws two foot of wntor whon loadod with 75 tons of froight. It Is said that tho business of tho rlvor Is con stantly increasing and by next win- tor additional boats will llkoly bo onoratod from Portlnnd through the valloy ns far as Corvallls. Albany Hornld. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs. L. M. Reedor Is visiting htil parents in Aumsvina. Mrs. J. E. Prunk went to Auqj-I vlllo on business today. Attorney u. u. uiovcr went tgl Lebanon on business todny. Mr. and rMs. J. Q. Bamc3 and T. N. Bnmos went to Nowpor ttodar Mr. and rMs. Del DInsniore left I today for a two weeks' outing tj Newport. .uisb uiiiujH iviuiiu-b rciuincd til hor homo in Turner this luornlnjl after a visit in tins city. Miss Mary Aicrruioia, who bu been visiting Salem rtlnMv s, la returned to hor homo In Aumsrlllj Mr. and Mrs. George Mctcalf asi daughter, Miss Florence, went u Newport today to spend the summer Mr. anu iirs. .i. ai. uritcr as' daughter, of Portland, wcro gueiti of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Hinges owl Sunday. Miss Sablno Dent returned to hsJ homo in Portland this morning, all ter a several days visit with Mn. E Hofor. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bishop a:il Alcno Thompson wcro nmong tltl Salem fans who saw tho ball gamer.1 Woodburn yestordny. Charlos Jones loft this mornli( for Ashland, whoro ho will attecil tho Jackson county teachers' lui'A tutc. PATRONIZE THESE GROCERS Cutting Eelio Wheat. Elt Splko Is finishing heading SOO ncros of wlieat Ave milos west of Echo, which it is thought will yield from 25 to 30 bushels per acre. This Is the Unit crop on nv land, and Is considered a good yield for that sec ilon V.nsi Ort'goninn. Judge Lnndis has established i procodont by putting "Oreaw John" on tho witness stand to fit! out how much money the compit; had in Indiana, so ns to know hot much to flno him. Horcnfter lit haughty pollco judgo lnctcad ot say- ing "?10!" will humbly nfk tt( hobe: "How much of n fine cu you tnnd?" Run a .Stub Train. Tho floutluun Pacldc. without no tice. Saturday utartud to run No 11 eotith from Portland in two sections, to rollevo tho dhururttdng Hltuatlou that has oaud uomplalntH. Tlio ilrst HQotloii will douhlo back from Albany on No. 13' tlmo and pJck up tht heavy oxpriH HhlpuuMits of 1 1 ult, otr. '4ctt "3rr awnM.r..j. MUhus Julia and Ouoll McCullock. J. P. Condor and wife, Mrs. L. 8. Rowland . Rov. and Mm. Davis Hr rolt will Iwtv tomorrow for Seattlo, whuro the will altond the C. E. con-ontlon. CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Cheoklntr naoounta ouublo folks to dupoalt tholr inouoy nud ro oolve u passbook, ngalust these sccouuU they are permitted to draw checks. Oheokd may be Klvon to partly for luoh sums ao desired, thus aroldlng frequent trips to the bank. It Interested call and see us. Salem State Bank X. W. KAXARI), CWr. The Grand and Glorious Fourth U now a thing of tho past Now for Your Vacation You wish to have the bent time powtnle. A few artlcie that will hmUU you to eajny yourit',w. '1 RIIM.IftS FOR TAIUr lUA(1TI(Mt. HAMMOtMiS YOU (X PIT IX YOUR I'OCKItTS. SWKATEIUS AMI JICRSKYS IN ALI, UOI.ORS A.l STY I.ICS. welt as malty o(h r arlloltm iu nuiuerous to mention in Fiching Tackle, Guns, Ammunition, Etc. BISHOPS READY TAILORED CLOTHES - VVi m?& .'a Call nnd sec us. Our stock is complete uMLJ l Regular Prices $1 0 to $25 On Sale-Sale Prices $6.50 to $18 This is indeed a rare opportunity for you to pur chase one of these celebrated Suits at a saving of from $3.50 to $7.00. Salem Woolen Mill Stote Tfmt V TiJ1.l fsKl 1 asjBBBk, &&ZJM''W'i GET VAV .NJ1 vjiij naiL -j vo. i.i ..ts VUTi 'V.N Wachnrttnn trl&h. X T'fasWorad Apparel t 'Tf I 'Mr. " ' ys-