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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1907)
USA DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALHM, OREGON MONDAY, JULY 8, 1007. ""Knasjn Un-fflcoholic Sarsaparilla gu . . -iii Power f Man. T1P " . -- .w. iior.1 nn nf- rt. mui Wo can u '""---- 1 win work during ino uuy !'IL c hom?, banish his cares, '"v. hi ease, Is a mnn to uu Jd, file is "11 too scarce. Witness ntKa. . ninn ono meets A.f-L.T r ?".... ,n,i without a " i:Z lias mastered the Si of working without worrying. r l .... chancellor Runyqn of ,1 Jersey, one of the hardest work .i. . itin Itntinll hnt over sai uu m. ...... 1,1 men ....... u-n noted for the num- P' '..nnnrlnnt cases ho tried and lo -' .".. ,, ,,,, ,,, ; trong and permanent character '". . j-j.innB ho rendered. Lato 1 , afternoon ho went homo and nee exchanged shoos for a pair LicomfortBD.0 .--- wing to his iiauiw, -'" ucuomcaw. :.".':, "When I come noma mm iuiw ... Tiloes I at the same time take off i my care3 and worries, wncn i ' t nil.. nr nlar n ,( on my Slippers i i' t ..,.rmt T linn loll eeUns f easo U,1U LUH"U" " ,m mv mind tho cases that nbsorb ae all day at tho offlco or in tho onrtroom. I am rcnuy io unjuy ,r library, to play a gamo oi wuui r to entertain company, as tho caso atfbft" ., .. That is wliero an uio .wu.- nrdencd men would liko to got. It .1.. ..nxunttnl mntfor. Tho s purei i1"-"""' lmmt come in to assist tno urain. 'nless a man has nbuocd his dlges- Ire functions and upset Ills nervous rjtem, he can, in most instances, cqulrcwhat 1ms been caneu uio wm iML When ho has loarneu to go o ileep and wants to go to sloop, o get a rest a sound Bleep affords, a hit von half tho battle. WUU a (isonablo amount of exorcise to add o the Bleep, tho problem of working ho brain and banishing tho worry is been very largely solved. Not inr Tlslts from tho physicians, not inwh medlclno will be required. Tho an will havo becomo his own Bpcl- llit. Lawrence S. Mott In Llppin- otfi. o Your Liver i out or ordor. You go to bed In a bid humor and got up with a bad la your mouth. You want anything to stlmulato your liver. 'tut try Herbino, tho llvor rogular- or. A poeltlvo euro for conBiipa- llon, Dyspopela and all llvor com blilati. Mrs. F . Ft. Worth, Tex- i, wrltes: "Havo UBod Herbino In ay funlly for years. Words can't tore what I think about It. 'woody ia my household aro hap- T nd well, and wo owo It- to Her- ilne, Sold by D. J. Fry. o Keen Wearing Apparel. Ah wants to rent ono of deso yore pain' suits oh cloa' foil ro cullud '-stlra! tonight." ''Want a complote outfit, oh?" "No. Ah kin furnish ma own laior "-Kansas City Star. " ' n Doctor Awny from ITomo When Most Needed. Peoplo aro vory much dlsappolnt- And that tbolr family physician ay from homo whoa thov most ed hlj services. Diseases llko cramp c and cholera morbus roqulro foopt treatment, and have in many Proven fatal boforo medl- e could bo Dl'OClirod from or a Melan summoneJ. Tho Hphf wnv 0 keen on hnml n hnltln of 'Jamberlcln'a Colic, Cholora and arrhoea Romedv Kn nnvjiMnn 0 Prescribe a bettor medlcino for diseases. By havinc it in tho 650 yOU MKinn mnnh nnln nnrl Bering and all risk. Buy It now; Qay Cave llfo. Vnv nnln hv Tin I one's Drug Store. Hetweeu Friends. "Jut think the painter un stairs "to to paint me as Diana." Because you're always hunting fQ. I suppose "Transatlantic ales. All the Wnrl.1 that Ballard's Snow Liniment superior for Rheumatism. ii?J ',, Cut8' Spra,n3' Lum" ?r 5 M1 Bit, try It X wLT alwaya us lt- An 7 who haa used Ballard's Snow !a a llrlng proof of what ,t 5.. Prlco "c. B0o and " "" y D. J. Fry. Yoa can.t Alwnys Tcl, "I -.. V r"""8 1C"- near-sighted lint --- "UO gfcorr, ... torn. ... a Ptty good- burn almoet Iae4otly. If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you thlnkyou need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Aycr's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla, ask your doctor. UDUnntbo formulas J. CArorCo..! our preparations. T Y - TW uowau, maea.i Reception to Dr. Comer. Tho members of tho First Baptist church will hold a reception on Tuesday evening, July 9th, nt which timo Dr. Comer, tho newly settled pastor will bo presented. Dr. Comer is a Virginian by birth and has received tho advantages of tho host southern, ns well, as north ern, colleges In his education and equipment for lifo service He comes to Salem from Atchison, Knn sas, where he has boon pastor of tho First Baptist church for nenrly twolvo years. All tiio members of tho church and congregation nro expected .to bo pr sent and it is desired that each church in tho city send n delegation together with all tho pastors of tho city. Tho reception will bo held at the church at 8 o'clock p. m. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nutmw Gives Timely Warnings That No Salem Citizen Cnn Afford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from tho kidney secretions. They will warn you when tho kidneys nro sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kldnoys send out a thin, palo and foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling urine, full of Bcdl mont and irregular of passage DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from tho back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or shnrp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of tho nppronch of dropsy, diabetes and Brlght's dlsenco. Doan's Kidney Pills euro sick kldnoys and euro thorn permanently. Hero's Salem proef: A. J. Wood of 2B0 Cottago St., Salem, Or., says: "Kidney and bladder trouble became so bad with mo about two months ago that I was obliged to do something to caso tho suffering. It bothered mo most In tho morning and porhnps for two or thrco hours after getting up. Too I frequent action of tho kldnoy secre tions wns very annoying and embar rassing. I had known peoplo who hnd received tho bcBt of results from Doan's Kidney Pills and I procured n box of them at Dr. Stono'a drug storo. Boforo I had used ono box, I was completely froo from every Bymptom of, tho troublo. Tho kid neys were regulated and my gonernl health bocamo bettor. I can hardly express In words the good opinion I havo of Doan's Kidney Pills fot casos of kldnoy complaint or bnck acho." ' For salo by all dealers. Prlco BO cents. Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, boIo agontB for tho Uni ted States. Romombor tho name Doans and tnko no other. o Discharged With a Caution. A labprer was charged with a potty offonso. "Havo you any ono in court who will vouch for your good character?" queried tho Judgo. "Yes slro, thoro Is tho chlof con stable yondor," was the reply. Tho chlof constablo was amazed. "Why, your honor, I don't ovwn know tho man," ho protested. "Now, sir," broke In tho accused, "I havo lived in tho borough for nearly twenty years, and If tho chlof constable doecn't know mo yot, Isn't that a character for Tit-Bits. you?" Tnko tho Postmaster's Word for It. Mr. F. M, Hamilton, po3tmastor at Chorrycalo, Ind., keops also a stock of genoral merchandise and patont mcdlclneo. Ho Bays: "Cham borlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy la standard hero In Ita lino. lb never fails to glvo satisfac tion and wp could Wrdly afford to be without it." For Balo by Dr. Stone's Drug Store. A Nervo Cure. Invalid Is this a good place for tho nerve3? Proprietor of Health Resort Is it? Why, when I opened up hero I only charged $2 a day; now I'vo got tho nervo to charge ?10. Town Topics. . o Bad nam Qidckly nealed. "I am so delighted with what Chamberlain's Salva has done for mo that I feel bound to WTlt and tell you so," says Mrs. Robert Mytton, 457 John St., Hamilton, Ontario. '3fy Httlo, daughtor had a bad burn on her kneo. I applied Caamber- ... 'rv. .inat Si" with glasses lala'a Salre and it healed beautliul- lly." Thia salve allays tha pain of a It Is for ! VOICE OF TUB FKOPLH. By Etta S. Logan. (Following the baby show on tho Fourth was a short literary program at which several recitations were given by Httlo girls, Miss Frances Goodenough being given tho first prizo for her rendition of tho poem follewing: Swing Inward, 0 gates of the future: Swing outward, yo doors v of tho past, For tho soul of tho peoplo is moving And rising from slumber at last. Tho block forms of night are re treating, Tho white poaks havo signaled tho day, And froodom her long roll is boat ing, And, calling her sons to tho fray. Swing Inward, O gates! till tho morning Shnll pnlnt tho brown mountain in gold, Till tho llfo and tho lovo of the Now Timo Shall conquer tho hate of tho Old. Let tho face and tho hands of tho mn3ter No longer ho hidden from vlow, Nor tho lnnds ho prepared for tho mnny, Bw trampled and robbed by 'tho few. Tho soil tells tho samo fruitful story, Tho seasons their bounties dis play, And tho flowers lift their faces in glor To catch tho warm kisses of day. Whilo our follows nro treated as cattlo That aro muzzled whon treading tho corn, And millions sink down in life's Battlo With a sigh for tho day they woro born. Swing inward, O gates of tho future: Swing outward, yo doors of tho past, A giant is waking from slumber And rending his fetters at Inst. From tho duBt whero his proud tyrant found him, Uuhonorcd and scorned and be tray od, Ho shall rlso with tho sunlight around him, And rulo In tho realm ho has mado. O ' ' DTo Fired tho Stick. "I havo fired the walking-stick I'vo carried ovor 40 years, on account of a soro that resisted ovory kind of troatmont, until I tried Bucklea's Arnica Salvo; that haa hoaled the writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. 0. Guaranteed for FIlos, Burns etc., by J. 0. Perry druggist. 35c. Ills Fatal Mistake. Fred So sho turned you down, oh? Joo Yes. I mado tho mistake of confessing that my heart was in my mouth whon I proposed. Fred What had that to do with lt? Joo Oh, Bho said sho couldn't think of marrying a man whoso heart wasn't In tho right place. Chicago Nows. o A Broad Statement. This announcement is mado with out any qualification. Hem-Rold is tho ono preparation In tho world that guarantees It. Dr. Leonhardt'a Hem-Rold will euro Piles. It is in tho form of a tablet. It is tho only Pilo remedy used In ternally. It is Impossible to euro nn ostab lished caso of Piles with ointments, Bupporltorlos, lnjoctions or outward appliances. A guaranteo Is Issued with ovory packago of Dr. Leonhardt'a Hora Rold. Go and talk to your druggist about lt. Dr. Leonharflt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S. C Stono. Salem. o Country Hoarding House. r nnif linrol" AYflntmojl tho rtla- gusted boarder from tho city, "tho roof leaks." "Woll," laughed tho crafty old farmer, "you know you expected shower baths." "But tho holo Is so big I can see tho Btars." "Very good. That is tho 'celestial scenery' I told you about." Chicago Nows. . o Abraliam Lincoln was a man who, against all oJds, attained tho highest honor a man can get in tho United States. Bal lard's Horehound Syrup has attained a Jdace, nevnr equalled by any other like romody. It la a euro cure for Coughs, Colds, BroachltlB, .Influen za and all Pulmonary diseases. Kvary mother should keep supplld with thU wonderful oough medicine. wiiiiiitiitiniKiiiaaj.(B.tiiii CLASSIFIED Bofc-frg-re-fsigisflefiaitiais FOR SALS I' or bale Seven-room, hard finished house, two lots, barn, fruit, flno water and gool collar. Also ono . single top carriage, and ono spring wagon. Enqulro of Joo Hewitt, comer North 17tn and "A" streets, Salem, Or. 7-3-lw Phenomenal Berries Better than Logan borrlcq, frosh from tho vine. Phono your order In for prompt delivery. Geo. W. Wooks, phono Farm 41. 7-2 -2 w Voget Lumber mid Fuel Co. Lum bar ;shinglos, building material, wood and coal. Low prlcca and prompt dollvcrlos. Ono block east of S. P. passonge dopot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf For Sale Eight acres of land, 1 mllo Bouth of city limits, on Jeffcr boii road, 5 acres in liny, 1 ncro In strawberries, bnlanco In pasture, good house and barn, good woll water, 2 wagons, all kinds of tools also 3 cows, -1 hogs, BO chickens, 1 cream separator. F. A. Sutton, Salem, Routo No. -i. Phouo Farm ers 93. 7-6-3t For Sale at a Bargain A 9-room houso and barn, fruit. Located two blocks from tho court house, for a few dnys only. Address "A. 0." Journal. 7-G-3t Fruit Lam!. In tracts" of B, 10, 20 and 10-acres, all In cultivation, ready to plant. Prlcos right, near Monmouth and Independence. Soo J. II. Moran. 7-C-Ct For Side Now and Bocond-hand fur- nituro, kitchen utonsils, bicycles, tonta and camping outfit). Wo aro monoy-savors for our cuotom ors. Conrad Dlllman. 6-26-lm For Sole Roglotorod Borkahlro hogs, slro by Weatorn Star 3d, 88,040, brod up closo to grand champion of St. Louis oxpoaltlon, good plnno blndor. II. A. Clark, corner B and Sixth Btroots, Pleas ant Home addition to Salem, Ore gon. C-20-lm For Sale Ono twenty-ton Ckampio baler, quick rcllof, one water Uak, one engine tender on wheel, e paeity 400 gallons. Phone 1C4 Su burban, or addreea box 285 Saleaa, Or. T. P. Walker. fl-lX-lm Tor Bale Old papers, 10 eents per hwndred. Inquire Journal oftee. Wby Pay Real Whii yoa buy a nice home at 580 N. liberty St, om terms to suit the purchaser. Address C. II. Burggraf, Albany, Ore. 5-lT-tf. ' "UL'I MISCELLANEOUS. to XHMr Li. Li. woods, piano pert tuning, repairing and polish lag. Leave orders at Geo. O Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Get my prices ew sidewalks, curbs, septle tanks as4 eeatent work of any kind. Al) work guaranteed first-class. U Ward, Highland add. Phone S 6-11-tf tie & Wenderolh Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle tkt elebrated Kellogg and Oastlt whiskies. Cool aad refreshing beer eoastastly on drough. South Comaaerelal street 9-S-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ohlnists and blacksmiths. Manu faetvrers of all kinds of sawmill Machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of th Saleaa Irea Works Hop Press. gaissa Box & Lumber Co. Removes frena South Saleaa to 14tk street, aear the S. P. dopet. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit TrayB and Pecfeotloo Fruit Evaporators. Phone 261. Urged Oar meat warket on Bast State street has been doubled ia slse and we are better prepared than ever ts serve euBtomers. Prompt servlee and the best of meats our motto. Call or phone 199. B. B. Edwards, Prop We Ar Cash Purcliasers Of peul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm prodsee. Berry eratea made up la snlimlted .quantities. Capital Commission Co., 267 South Cos mereial street, Salenu Phone Mala 179. A. 3. Anderses Coatraetor aid hailder, 41fi Court street. Phoae 644. -l-tf SAJSf AXD DOOX FAOTOBIM. Fraafc X. Jkewa. ilasiiiilefa'r 9f sua, dow, mewlalsge. Al Wads el kease Aaisk aa4 hard weed work Freat sireet, Ui. S4U aad Oea4 Uake all eestylalato at Mm eaUe. DEPARTMENT Hh-t- I lSHml !! FOR RENT For Rent Thrco furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with bath and phono, 480 North Liberty or phono 1403. 7-S-3t For Rent Furnlehed and unfur nished rooms. Inqulro at 790 N Commercial Btreet M. A. Dlco. C.-15-lwnf For Rent Soven-room houso, hot nnd cold wntor, elcctrlo light, bath room. Inqttiro of Aug. Schrolb er, 560 North High streot. 3-25-tf DRAYMER. Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company- All kinds of' transfor work done Furnlturo and pianos boxed roady for shipment. Prompt Borvlco is our motto. Stand and ofllco al 253 South Commercial stroet. Phone 210. Rosldonco Phono 068 LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No. 19. MeeU Tuosday In Hurst hall, State street Leo Abbio, O. R.; A. L. Brown. F. S. Central Lodgo Ne. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holman blook, cor nor State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:36 p m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; E. H. Andorson, K. of R. and 8. Modern Woodmen ef America Ore con Cedar Camp No. B246. Meet overy Thursday evening at t o'clock in Holman hall. W. W Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of Worlcl Meet overy Fri day night at 7:30, in Holmaa hall J. A. Dickey, O. 8.; P. L. 'Jrazler, Clerk. Liucolu Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension insurance; 2, 000,000 plodgcd; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O Montgomery, supremo organiser Box 482 Salem, Oregon. R. R Ryan, secroctary, 546 State street WANTED. Wanted To borrow $1000 on the best of real estate security. A ply to "J. P.," caro Journal office. 4-30-tf Highest Cash Price Paid for ohlok ess at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf PLUMBERS. rm Tueo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot wate and steam heating and tlnnlss 164 Commercial street. Phoa Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J, Fetsfrl Plumbing, steam av g8 fitting. 8uccfier to Knox I Murphy, 26 CommoTcW itr 'Phone Maia 17. LOST1. Lost In Salem July 1th, small brown leathor purso containing $2B In gold and Btuall gold Eng lish coin. Roturn to Mrs. A. M. Berry, caro Oregon NurBory Co., nnd recolvo roward. 7-B-3t MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jessen -Teacher of pi ano; touch, technich, interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced studonts prepared for public appearance Rosldonco 658 Conter St. Tel. Main 526. 2-28-tf. ktk. For Sale. At a bargain, tho Candolaria Fruit Farm, altiintod thrco-fourtha of a mllo from tho eouthorn limlta of tho city. One-half mllo from olectrlo iitrcot car lino. Ono of tho finest locations In Marlon county. A nplendld vlow of tho beau tiful Wlllamotto rlvor, Polk county, hills, cltv of Dallas, Monmouth, In dopondonco and city of Salem, etato fair grounds, capltol building, asy lum, ponltontlary, asylum farm, muto Bchool, roform nchool, Mta. Jefforeon, Hood, Adams, Rainier and St. Holons. A good crop now In tho orchard, of cherries, Bartlett pears, peaches and Italian prunos. If sold in tho next ton daya tho crop will go with tho salo. Thin year's crop will more than pay tho Interest on tho In vestment two years In advanco. J. G. WRIOHT, 7-2-lm Agent. - rrrjMit&HHatiXiltHUmti mmtommnmH?m imwmuum PILL&. Atir friTim Kxn fof Bvrriuv, ut-Tt fHWX TB I All. P-"! l Ut-wif I il :'''.V,!J',',W, T KMlM. ikm-vttfiU Uu m4 $ w4,n I ht ywiTtoMiatctcB..T4.uwcTit. r. 'Sorf tu Sihm by Dr. 5, (? 5fwn ,Jtell J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Bnker, Lnwrenco & Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the. Old Stand IVfflVlMllllflfwWItBllllU i MEALS i5c ! AT TUB I Salem ; Restaurant I 80 COURT STREKT. Call and try thorn. MoalN X 15c. Board por week J2.75, also furnished roomB very reasonable ) Gold Deist Flout i Made by THE SYDNEY POW XS COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon, Had for family use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran aad eaorte always on hand. P. B. Wallace ! AGENT n iWIMMIIiWIIMtlHHIKUH millHIMIMIllllllHH :; Strawberry Shortcake 10c ; : The Finest You Ever Ate X White House Restaurant 1 m 1 1 ii nnmoi n ntt-n Superior Restaurant. 109 High Street, Upstalnr. Flrst-elass In all appointments. A place for ladles and gentlemen to get all kinds of Chlncso dishes and the famous LI Hung Chung Chop Suoyy and Yakama. R. II. Baker Succeeaor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shlrgles, P. & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlble Window Scrooua All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other broad, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your grocor's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFIOB OITY HALL. For water service tpply at oMea Bills payable monthly is advaass WILLAMHTTK FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. WholoBalo dealorB and commlsslsn merchants. Cash paid for Butter, Bggs, Poultry, etc. W. E. Cummlnes and O. A. Wltcrnft, Cottlo block, 8 lom, Or.; J. C. Stapleton, 86 Union Avenue, Portland HOLLISTCn'! Flocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Ooiy Hedlolnt for Dciy Ftopl. Brlofi Ooldia Health and Renewed Vigor. X "jvcMo for Conn tiiintloi), Io'IIkmHoii, IJtA and Kidney Trouble. 1'iniplf $, Kcmihh. Impura flood Jlatf IJfeaili. Hlurclbh liowuls, IleadacUi and IUekaebe. 't'a Itocky MounUIn Tea In tat let form, S3 ceuU a box. flenulun made by UOLUSTMI PaVO COMI'ANV, ItAdlltOII, Win. S0L0EN WUMET8 FOB SALLOW PEOP' C-iCHEHEirSPILLS m ..wmIIik, VMUa ffP fii M i eV rauaaeiphla Presn. by Dr. fKouoTi Drug Store. Sold fcy D. J. Fry. fcfcrWJj",-( " .! i. ". sm vtmumn mmm ma BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaMaaaaaaaatatia--a----- .J -. . .. T . ." ... : T ' V -" tSSa7'jr?,g 7? ". TISStZlsz "Z, -ja -. t f l, MYntmmT.iSrmlBfPSWiJf11 r I t m aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalMa -dAI .tf.,, . , ..- ..UilWt.Csft. aJ, 4 ixtj Wv