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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1907)
' u t:i DAILX OAP10PAL JOURNAL, SALHnl, OREGON SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1007. 3 ti S7 m mrnair 'eds Care A little time devoted to the care of the hair works wonders. Just use Aycr's Hair Vigor, tho new kind, systematically and conscientiously, and sec the result. Stops falling hair, cures dandruff, makes the hair grow. Ask your doctor about this. we publlilitna formulas J. 0. AyerCo ii or a: on our preparation!. MMHnmMMamraTmvm 7e 1.3 Lowell, Mm I WHAT'S IX TUB MAGAZINES. IE CHURCHES ii i m 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 "Irst Congregational. and Liberty streets. F. B. Btor. The pnstor win occupy lt at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. snerament of tho Lord'3 irlll be commemorated at the IHho morning sermon. Sun- jl nt 12 m. Young People's Eat 7 p. m. Prayer meeting ovenlng at 8 o'clock. Sun- kol teacher's meeting Immo- iftor prayer meeting. Tho iost cordially invited to all held In tho church. CFIrRt Presbyterian. street near Chemeketa. It. Babcock, pastor. Morn- co by pastor at 10:30 a. m. "Tho Blessedness of GIv- lundny school at 12 m. C. E. fm. Evening service by the 8 p. in. Theme: "Knowl- I'tTnaiiet P.hrlnt." Pronnrntorv Ffnr pnmmimlon Thursday at H . Public cordially mviteu to meetings. 1st. Paul'9 Episcopal. iota and Church streets. irr U. U2Q, rector. oixwi nfter Trinity. Sunday It 10 a. m. Holy communion hnon at 11 a. m. No oven flces until September. Sub- IX sermen: "True Liberty nil It Bo Preserved?" All First Methodist. H. Selleck will preach at m. Mr. Morton ij. noyi ler a selection from Mendol- ("Elljah." At 8 p. m. tho fif tho sermon will bo "Shoop TlUiln cnlinnl nt 1? ni. nn;l Lcnguo at 7 p. m. All cor- Invltod. Central Congregational. lay school at 10 a. m. tm- ' meeting nt 7 p, m. Service tor at 11 a. m. In tho even 's o'clock thoro will bo a 11 Flag" sorvico In which sov- j tho Sunday Bchool classes wll rt. Short address by tho pns- speclal music. Cordial In- L'to all. ' United Evangelical. ttngo street between Center irlon Btreots. Sunday school I a 1 la. m. preacmng services at and 8 p. m. K. L. of O. E. tod by Dan Bartruft at 7 p. m. Dock, pastor. Gospel Chapel. tcenth and Mill BtrectB. Sun- tool at 10 a. m. Preaching nt and 8 p. m. Testimony Use service at 7 p. m. Pray- tlng Frldny evening. T. U., corner Court and treets: Rev. A. Walker, lato llnois, will preach at tho temperance mooting at 4 p. lay. Pleaso corrio and hear Tho Outing Magazine. This Is a big and tempting issue, nllvo with high-class fiction and with special articles of present-day importance. "The Tales of a Col lector of Whiskers" has In it a sec ond eplsodp, entitled "Tho Boarded Peasant's Revenge." These tales aro delightfully absurd and full of quaint humor. A second Install ment of Mr. Emerson Hough's story, entitled "Tho Way of a Man," also appears. It deepens tho Impression mndo by the first Installment that this Btory will bo one to bo romom- borcd. Tho special nrticlcs nro Ideal for midsummer rending. "Hunting tho Muskrat with a Camera" Is by Bonnycastlo Dale; "Tho Real Boys' Camp" is by Robert Dunn, describes tho rise of an Institution that is help Ing tho boys to a more enjoyable boyhood and a more healthful man hood. "Mansvolt, tho Bluffer," is tho brief summary of a man In whose bucennneer mind first flourished tho Idea of an American Republic. In tho Bamo way, Mr. Lynn Tow Spra guo's article, entitled "Tho Planting of n Nation," brings tho past to tho prcsont with a commanding Interest. It Ib the story of tho founding of tho Jamestown Colony, now thrco cen turies gone, an event which today occasions an exposition. "A Rido to Fez" is the nccount of a journoy into thnt old but littlo known city of Morocco. Mrs. Eddy's strange belief In Malici ous Animal Magnetism. Yonr Liver order. You go to bod In a jor and get up with a bad your mouth. You want lag to stimulate your llvor. Herbino, tho liver rogular- posltlvo euro for Constlpa- lyspepsln and all llvor corn- Mrs. F , Ft. Worth, Tex- Ites: "Have used Herbino in illy for years. Words can't what I think about It, ly in my household are hap well, aud wo owo It to Her ald by D. J. Fry. iGON lTE BANK rson, Oregon Capital $25,000 facilities known to liable banking offered i irons. Jefferson is a )od town, has good )res, good mills, a good ink, and good people. me and see as. Oregon State Bank A. AUPPERLE, Precedent C J. CAMPBELL, Kvwybody'H. No more vltnlly Interesting article has appeared in a long timo than "Brain and Body." Tho author, Dr. William Hanna Thomson, a recog nized authority, presents what to most of us will bo an entirely now conception of tho brnin, facts of tho greatest practical importance In mental training, and ho puts It In a simple, easily comprehended form unusual In a scientific writer. It is a notablo contribution. Fiction occupies a suitably prom- Inotnt plnco in tho July number with bucIi wrltors as Mary R. S. Andrews, Stowart Edward White, O. Henry, and Lloyd Osbourno, but tho editor finds spneo, besides for a number of interesting articles. One of tho most entertaining of those Is: "Tho Ar istocracy of tho Circus," by Hartley Davis, an historical account of cer tain famouB circus families. It 1b Illustrated with a numbor of unus ual circus photographs. Tho Bohemian. A cheerful piece of tomfoolery is "Low Sherlock Holmes Caught Raf fles." It Is a story of tho greatest of dotectlvos and tho smartest of criminals In fiction. Owen Klldaro, who has boon called "tho litorary prodigy of tho timos," haB a strong story entitled "Tho Mollycoddle," a tale of Now York's seamy side. "Tho North Polo at Last" Ib full of ab surd humor. "Tho Lady of Fancy land" Is a charming bit of fiction daring. Four Btorlottes will help whllo away a aumroor day. Tho special articles are: "Tho Diplomat at Washington." This is tho Inside story of Bovoral resigna tions from, the ambassadorial staff at tho national capital; "My Yesterdays," by Eleanor Robson, a charming llfo story of a distinguish ed actress; "When Now York Dines a la Bohemo," a feature full of per sonality, doscrlblng tho men who, and tho places which, havo made Manhattan a delight to tho epjeure. The Atlantic Monthly. Journalistic timeliness and well considered variety characterize tho July Issuo though stress Is laid par ticularly on government and poll tics. There aro three literary essays of note. Edward Dowden's "Cowpor and William Hayley" Is a brilliant study of tho poet's friond and biog rapher. Prof. Edwin Mims of Trin ity College, Durham, N. C, summar izes tho life and writings of that ver- satilo and charming Southern man of letters, Thomas Nelson Page. Of Bomewhnt lighter character, C. M. Harvey's article on "Tho Dlmo Novel In Amerlcnn Llfo" justifies tho existence of this downtrodden off shoot of fiction. Of tho serials, May Sinclair's "Tho Helpmate" approaches its conclu sion, as also Gen. Morris Schaff's "Tho Spirit of Old West Point" wnr-timo papers which have met with great popularity all over tho country. Tnko the Postmaster's Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmnstor at Chorrycalo, Ind., keeps also a stock of genoral merchandise aud patent modiclneo. Ho nays: "Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Romedy is standard hero In Its lino. It nover falls to givo satisfac tion and wp could hardly afford to bo without It." For salo by Dr. Stono'a Drug Storo. Oregon Buckskin Products. If all tho buskskin gloves worn in Oregon wore mado hero It would keep several largo factories busy. But they aro coming into tho idea of using Orcgon-mado products pretty fast, if wo can judgo by, tho growing trade of George W. Fisher, manager of tho Brownsville glovo factory. Ho has an exhibit each year at tho pion eer's reunion, and tho editor of this pnper acknowledges receipt of a flno pair of smoko-tnnncd, fringed and ornamented buskskin riding gaunt lets. They nro tho kind tho cow boys wear whon they put, on stylo and go to shoot up tho town, nnd it makes a man fcol llko ho wna al most a second Teddy to put them on. Theso buckskin goods nro sold nt the Salem Woolen Mil storo nnd nt J. L. Stockton's Btore, nnd tho mn torlal and prices aro vory satisfactory. McCIure's Magazine. This number Is uniquo in features. Thoro aro six of them and a more in teresting issuo of any magazine would bo hard to find. "Will tho 'America' Fly to the Polo?" by Wal ter ,Wellman is a fairy story of real ity and graphically describes his airship "America" and tho dash ho will mako to tho Polo next month. Ellen Torry in "When I was Mar ried" tolls of her romantic marrlago to the painter, Watts, when Bhe was not qulto sixteen. Sho also tells of several years of her early llfo on tho stage. Anecdote after anecdote make her memories charming. Carl Schurz dramatically paints "The Battlo of Gettysburg." "Tho Confes sion and Autobiography of Harry Orchard," who now figures so largely in Idaho, are most astounding, and glvo ono a key to tho man's char acter In tho story of his first deadly errors. 0. P. Connolly brings out most amazing and melodramatic Montana, history In "The Fight for the MIanl Healy," In -which contest "almost every crime In the calendar was committed." Georgine Mil- Dad Burn Quickly Healed. "I am so dollghtod with what Chamborlaln'a Salvd has dono for mo that I f eol bound to write and toll you so," says Mrs. Robert Mytton, 457 John St., Hamilton, Ontario. "My littlo daughtor had a bad burn on hor kneo. I appliod Chambor- lain'fl Salro and It healed beautiful ly." This salvo allays tho pain of a burn almost Inotuntly. It Is for Balo by Dr. Stono'e Drug Storo. o Last night tho Portland Tolc- gram, In nn editorial paragraph, said: "As wo naturally expected, tho yellows will havo to back up on that statoment respecting tho trans fer of tho American navy to Pacific waters, in contemplation of troublo with Japnn. It is a hard Jolt for these victims of a poronnlal Billy sen" son." In a head lino over Us dlB- patchos, in tho samo Issuo, it said: "Fleet Coming to Pacific After All." It would seem from this that If ono wants tho news tho "Yollowa" aro tho boys to furnish It. a Ho Fired tlio SUck. "I have fired tho walking-stick I've carried over 40 years, on account of a soro that reslstod ovory kind of treatment, until I trlod Bucklon's Arnica Salvo; that has healed tho sore and mado mo a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North Mills, N. 0. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns etc., by J. C. Perry druggist. 26c. filiHsjs)gs)HisjS)iaitisims)s)iasjiisj CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT a-hBii nnn iitmiiiifiiiiii)iS''i(Mii)fJB Free for All I havo about -100 yards of cholco dirt, closo In. Any ono wanting dirt for filling call on J. D. Bohannon, corner of Lincoln nn South Commercial street. 7-1-Ct FOR BALE For Sale Soven-room, hard finished house, two lots, barn, fruit, flno water and gool cellar. Also ono slnglo top carriage, and ono spring wagon. Enquiro of Joo Howltt, corner North 17ti and "A" streets, Salem, Or. 7-3-lw For Sale Logan berries 10c per gallon or 50c por crate. Pick thorn yourself. J. M. Howoll, one mile south of doprit. 7-3-3t Fluuioineiml Berries Bettor than Logan borrics, fresh from tho vino. Phono your order In for prompt delivery. Geo. W. WookB, phono Farm 41. 7-2-2w Yogct Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum ber .shingles, building material, wood and coal. Low prlcea and prompt deliveries. Ono block oast of S. P. passengtC depot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf For Sale 90 acres of bottom land, threo miles southeast of Browns ville All cleared except 1 acres of ash timber, good fonccs; $2400, or will sell 44 acrou for $1200. Enquiro of J. A. Shrunk, Brownsville, Or. 7-1-lwk For Sale Now and second-hand fur- nlturo, kltchon utonslls, bicycles, tonts nnd camping outfits. We aro money-savors for our custom ers. Conrad Dlllman. 6-26-lm For Sale Registered Berkshire hogs, Biro by Western Star 3d, 88,040, bred up closo to grand abampion of St. Louis exposition, and n fow young sows In pig, cross brod. II. A. Clark, corner B and Sixth Btroots, Pl'Hisant Home ad dition to Salem, Orogon. 8-20-lm For Sale One twenty-ton Champion balor, quick rollof, ono wator tank, ono onglno tondor on wheels, a paclty 400 gallons. Phone 164 Su burban, or address box 285 Salem, Or. T. F. Walker. 6-1 2-1 m Throe First-Class Farms for Sale. -Tot particulars inquire of Dr. W. a. Ouslck, ovor Fry's drag store. fl-4-lmo Several Dairy Ranches for sale at onto Prices low, all equlped ready for business. Baker Land Co., Tumor, Oregon. 6-30-lm FOR RENT For Rent Threo furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with bnth and phono, 48C North Liberty or phono 1043. 7-5-3t For Rent. Four room house, near storo and car lino; flno woll water, and plonty of fruit on plnco. Call at 597 North 21st street, or ad dress J. T. Adams, Salem, Routo No. 1. 7-2-3t For Rent FurnlBhcd and unfur nished rooms. Inqulro at 790 N Commercial street. M. A. Dice. 6-15-lwtf For Rent Soven-room house, hot and cold wator, electric light, bath room. Inqttlro of Aug. Bchrolb or, 5 GO North High Btroot. 3-26-tt DRAYMEN. Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done Furniture and pianos boxed ready for shipmont. Prompt Borvloe la our motto. Stand and office at 258 South Commercial street. Phone 210. Residence Phono 908 LODGES. "WNN Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No. ,19. Meeti Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street Leo Abble, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p m. Oscar Johnson, G. C; E. H. Andornon, K. of R. and 8. bbbbV. 4ssss HI I T I I l L&iiHilBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLv For Sale Old papers, 10 eents per hundred. Inquire Journal oSee. Why Pay Ret When yo can buy a ate home at 580 N. Liberty St., oa terms to suit the purchaser. Address C. II. Durggraf, Albany, Ore. 6-17-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Taner L. L. Woods, piano el pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave orders at Geo. O Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moet overy Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall J. A. Dickey, O. 8.; P. L. Frar.ier, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity UhIoh. 81ck, acci dent and pension Insurance; 2, 000,000 plodged; every claim paid Good agents wasted. J. H. O Montgomery, supreme organlter, Box 432 Salem, Oregou. R. R Ryan, seeroctary, 546 State street JBsnlSBSMBMWSMMBWMsnBBWgWiJ'WtBssswwensss"- J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly Bnker, Lnwrenco t Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the Old Stand Bt8iiaintMinmiiin MEALS 15c AT TUB Salem Restaurant 830 COURT STREET. Call and try thorn. Meals 15c. Board por weok $2.76, also furnished rooms very reasonable. Gold Dust Flout ; i i Made by THB BYDNBY FOW j ! IK COMPANY, Sidney, OregeR, i Uade for family ute. Ask year ! grocer for it. Bran and shorts i always on hand. ' i j ! P. B. Wallace i j AGENT wifiMsuwiaai i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 m 1 1 1- j Strawberry I Shortcake 10c ; : The Finest You Ever Ate 1 j j White House Restaurant I n me hsmi Miimimui' Concrete Work. Get my prices en sidewalks, curbs, septle tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 56 6-11-tf Butte & Weadcrolh Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated ' Kellogg and Castle whiikles. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salera Iron Works. Founders, ma J ohlnlsts and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit dryJm stoves, etc. Manufacturers of th Salem Iroa Works Hop Press. WANTED. Wanted To borrow $1000 on the best of real estate security. Ap ply to "J. P.," care Journal ofice. 4-20-tf Highest Cash Price Paid for chick ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf Wanted Fivo extra waitresses for June 20th to July 4th, nt Willam ette hotel. C-19-tf Superior Restaurant 158 Illgh Street, Upstairs. Flrst-elaes In all appointments. A place for kdles nnd gontlomon to get all kinds of Chinese dishes and the. famous Li Hung Chung Chop Sue and Yakama. R. H. Baker Successor to Whey Sen Yow Co., Prop PLTJMBHX8. Theo. M. Barr Plumbing, hot watei and steam heating and tlnnlai 164 Commercial street. Phoai Main 192. 9-1-ly Baleai Box A Lumber Co. Removed frem South Sales to 14th street, near the S. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit TrayB and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO EPPLEY'S PERFECTION RAKING POWDER. IT IS A BRAND THAT IS FAR ABOVE THE AVERAGE AT A POPULAR PRICE. PUT UP IN GLASS JARS. HANDLED AND SOLD BY ALL LEADING GROCERS AND DEALERS. MANUFACTURED BY O. H. EP- KuUrged Oar meat market on East State street has been doubled la size and we are better prepared tbaa ever te serve easterners. Prompt service and the best of meats our motto. Call or phone 199. B. B. Edwards, Pros We Are Cash Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce. Berry crates made up in anlimlted quantities. Capital Commission Co., 287 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phone Main 179. A. J. Andersoa Contractor and allder, 416 Court street. Psoas S44. f-l-tf Tke ITiftiUa Lwwdcy U stall ki the mm for stroa. Ho white aMttm 0t collars. T, B. WaUe; 2149 Cusreat ve. PfcosM M. J. Petzel -Plumbing, steam aa' gm fitting. Successor to Knox I Murphy, 22S Commercial itre 'Phone Main 17. LOST. NSNSWi LoNt In Salem July 4th, snmll brown leather purBO containing $25 In gold and small gold Eng lish coin. Roturn to Mrs. A. M. Berry, caro Oregon Nursery Co., nnd recolvo roward. 7-5-3t Lost- Coming ovor big brldgo and up Court streot, July 1st, a gent's cano, with alligator carved on samo. Finder leave at Journal ofllco for roward. 7-3-3t Salem Pence Wire Headquarters for Woven v7lre Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Bhlnglei, P. & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlblo Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other broad, yet the price Is no higher. For Bale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA DAKEIIY. ThoraaB & Cooloy, Props. BASH AND DOOK PAOTORTJUB. rowB. Manufacture t cash, doors, mouldings. AH klade J bouse fl&lrt and hard wood week Frost street, bet. State and Court Make all oBlaiat at the eJlee. MUSICAL. Artfeur Ve-R Jesses Teacher of pi ano; touch, technics, interprets tiofe Thorough preparatory eeurse Advanced students prepared for public appearance. ReeMeaoe III Oeator WL TeL Mala ii. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE OITY HALL. For water service tpply ut olle. Bills payable monthly in 1yhm WILLAMETTE FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Wholesale dealers and commission merchants. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, otc. W. E. Cummlugs and) O. A. Witcraft, Cottle block, Sa lem, Or.; J, C. Stnpleton, 80 Union Avenuo, Portland HOlXI8TEn'4 Rocky Mountain Ten Nuggets. A Daiy Mediclno for Duty Ftoplt. Brtazi OeUia Health and BuwtI Vigor. X rwciflo for Origination, Imllgwtion. I.lrfcS ad Kidney Trouble, l'imple, Kcuuna. Iiupurs Wood. M4 Urea tli, 81 .(cUli UoweU, HejuUctm and BMkaclto. It'a Koclcy Mountain Ten In Ul Ifct form, M cent a box. (Jemilue nad b Uoumtm Dkco Commht, MhIIoii, Wte. KN.BEN NUtSETS FOR SiLLOH PEW-a' CHICHMSP'LLS m .i- lUr xmMw f L A. IV if IB IKtl