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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1907)
r ' r R. FAIR TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, WAXUIER. '$ M AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1007. NO. 118. DAY SALEM WILL REMEM Bun lK ery Witness Called Denies Orchard's Stories ft E BALL IS OVER HAS A CROWD 'arade and Interesting Ex and Sporls-A Magnificent of Fireworks Winds Up a Day big colcbratloh of the Know a matter of local hls- twas well planned, well Jnnd thoroughly enjoyed. icr was Ideal, in splto of nr bureau, which ordered 10 of the- largest crowds iblcd in tho Capital City enjoy tho day. Hu'ti from surrounding towns the most remote districts icfore, and tho early hours irnlng saw tho ifmds lead lem lined with, thousands, take part In tho colebra- popping of firecrackers night of tho second, and grew steadily until tho morning of tho Fourth there wa3 a continuous roar. Indeed, so far as noise was concerned, it would bo hard to tell when tho celebration commenced, for it broko out like an attack of meuBl'os, and then Just spread. The Parade. The sidewalks ndong tho route of the pnrado were Jammed an hour boforo tho strains of martial music proclaimed tho comlns of tho big show. Too much cannot bo Bald of this featuro for it it was ono that would have been n credit to a city many times larg'er than Salem. Fol lowing tho first band camo tho flro department, preceded by tho chief in a buggy drawn by tho famous votor- an of the department, "Maggie." Sho was round and plump, showing she 1p enjoying her pension, and she soomed to bo as proud of tho flro do partmont as wore th firemen them boIvcs. Tho department with tho now chemical engine, ndded, Mado a splendid showing. Tho Liberty car with its pretty "goddess" and at tendants received many flattering comments, and tho car of states, with its load of Salem's pretty little girls was given an ovation that showed that Orogonlans appreciat ed their best, biggest, most attrac tive, and novor failing crop. There were many beautiful floats, too many for Individual description, That of tho Stockton store, how ever, wao beautiful enough, to do- sorvo especial mention. It's crown ing featuro was tho Goddess of Jus (Continued on page tour.) 1CAC0SIM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE The Wonderful Slaughter Sale Continued Until July 4th BEST PRICE YOU GET ON ANY ARTICLE COME TO CAGO STORE AND WE WILL HEAT 1T THE VOLUME IINESS WE ARE DOING IS SO GREAT THAT WE CAN AF- SELL CERTAIN LINES OF GOODS AT LESS THAN COST. LND LOOK THROUGH OUR STORE AND SEE THE MER- SLAUGHTER OF PRICES. STANDARD CALICO, YD, 3 l-2c. WEST SUN BONNETS 5c. ISo SHIRT WAISTS 15c. BOY'S 35c SHIRTS, NOW 23c. :85c SUSPENDERS, NOW 15c MEN'S REST OVERALLS EN'S $1.25 FELT HATS, NOW 15c. MEN'S, ROY'S AND 25c MEXICAN HATS NOW 13c. LADIES' $2.25 DRESS )RDS NOW $1.40. WONDERFUL VALUES IN BLACK )LORED DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SUITS AND MILLIN- )ING AT THE SAME SLAUGHTER PRICES. REMNANTS ICTES AND EMBRIODERIES AT ANY" OLD PRICE. 50c CIHF- ILING, YD 23c. 23c FANCY VEILING NOW 15c. PRICES . m -w rAY - nw m w-vwnaw-vnVn wtr inn r w - vr-r rrn ...- T r.iiusuiiS bii.vuuiixi'Jit.i'. ouu uuc vi.inivir.Ck, i THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF TABLE LINENS IN COLORS, CREAM AND WIIITE, YD NOW 25c AND 35c. HUNDREDS rilER BARGAINS ON SALE ALL-OVER THE STORE. SALEM'S FASTEST . GROWING STORE. M?EVOY BROS. HM3WHL MJfB COURT ttMWHTf. 1ALMH. OK. MAKING A PERFECT DEFENSE IT IS ALL ONE WAV Scarcely a Thing That Orchard Has Testified to Dut That Is Now Proved Absolutely False-Can the Prosecution Overcome This? BEATEN TO DEATH. San Francisco Thugs Murder George McGuire. San Francisco, July, G. Caught riding on tho Btreot cars, Qoorgo Mc Gulre, Western manngor of Brnd str.eet'g mercnntll" agency, and n member of tho Bachelor's club, was attacked and beaten to death by eight thugs In tho heart of tho best residence section of tho city. Tho iriurdor. Is supposed by tho police to havo been done by strlko sympathiz ers. Tho assault occurred early this morning. McQulro died nt tho re ceiving hospital. Ntf arrestB have been mado yet. o LOOKS LIKE A SCHEME Dolsc, July 5. Court reconvened lato to glvo tho dofense an opportu nity to get Eomo minor witnesses and inspect tho depositions taken in San Frnnclaco in connection with the ex plosion at Bradloy's houso. Tho stato will opposo tho Introduction of tho matter set up In tho doposltlonn, on tho ground that' It Is lmpropor and not evidence. Tho dofonso ex pects tho subject matter of tho depo sitions to bo a strong card with tho Jury, to. convince It that Orchard lied, when ho said, ho blow up tho Bradley house with: giant powderA Moyer may bo called as, a witness by tho dofonso Saturday afternoon, un less it is decided to put him on tho stand bofore the depositions aro read, whon ho will testify lato to day. A lively legal, light Is coming tho first of next wcok, when both sldo will move that tho groator part of tho ovldenco bo strlckon out ns In competent. Miss Myra Fallon, of Butte, whoso first huBband was "Kid" Waters, a Cripple Crook gun. man, tostmcd that wators was a ue tcctlvo In tho employ of the Mine Owners' Association. Sho sworo Lyto Gregory took Wators to Trinidad at tho tlmo of tho coal minors strike thoro, to act ob a guard with him. Waters, sho swore, always carrlod throe rovolvors. Orchard camo to their houso twlco during tho Cripple Crook strlko and consultod with Wators. Owney Burnos, accused by Orchard of teaching him to manu facture bombs, donled that story. HoJ nevor talked with Orchard about bomb-mnklng. J. Wolff, a formor clerk -for Pottlbono, sworo that thoy did not occupy the collar In. tho Stout streot storo; that it was rented to another. Orchard had testified that Pottlbono and ho mado bombs thoro. Ho could not romombor that Orchard ever camo to tho Stout street. That was tho headquarters for tho minors from ovorywhoro. Marion Moore, of tho oxecutlvo board, and a mombor for Arizona, knew Orchard slightly. Met him tho first tlmo In May, 1904, In Denver. Met him again In 1905 In Donvor. Orchard asked him to tako a letter to Alaska to mall for him. Told him ho was sending a lotter a long way from homo, and ho replied that ho wanted to get rid of tho woman. WILL NOT STAND IT Brnssells, Belgium, July G. Bel gians of all classes aro aroused over tho prospect of tho plebolan son of King Loopold and Baroness Vaughn, tho widow of a coal heaver, becom ing heir to tho Belgium throne. This will becomo a fact if Leopold carries out his determination to Bolemnlzo his "marrlago with tho baroness un der tho religious ceremony. If Leo pold has tho. coremony performed tho BolgInrt people will force his ab " Headers 'confer. Probably h General Strike of Teleg raphers Will Occur. Sent to tho Pen. Pittsburg, July G. Judgo Ewlng today refused a now trial and Im posed sentences on Teller Thomas Harvey, Bookkeeper George Ralston, Assistant Teller Charles Monzemer, all officers of tho wrecked Enterprise National Dank of Alloghanoy, and L. S. Cook, a real estate dealer for aid ing T. Loo Clark, tho cashier, who committed suicide, to misapply tho bank's funds, to sntences of from five to eight years. Won Cliamptonshlp, London, July 5. Tho United States triumphed and lost today In tho tennis championship. Miss Sut ton regained her laurels as woman champion. Karl Bohr and Beals Wriht, Americans, lost their chanco to win the doubles championship. MIm 8hUo'b victory was decisive, sh deftfUInjC her conquerer of lawt year, Mrs, Chamber, 2-0, The score by uti 1-1, 6-4. Chicago, July G. Tho arrival this afternoon of Kononkamp, and tho presonco of M. J.' Rcldy, of South Boston, nnd J. M. Sullivan, of Brook lyn, will glvo tho oxecutlvo conmlt- teo of tho tclogrnphors' union a ma jority hore. It Is expected tho meet ing of these men will mean Btrlko ordors for Chicago. Neill Is confer ring with both sides In tho hopo of preventing a strike. Action is ex pected boforo tho mass meeting Sun day. o Nnturo Fakirs Again. Oyster Bay, July G. Politics and nature fakirs aro tho departmental problems today claiming Roosovolt's nttentlon. Among tho callers wero Frank Hitchcock, assistant postmas- ter-goneral Slobo Clark, who wroto tho famous interview which started the controversy with Doctor Long over tho habits of wild animals. Ad miral Dronson, chief of tho bureau of navigation; General Aloshlro, quartermaster-general of tho army, and George Woodruff, acting secre tary of tho Interior. 0 ' Hungarian Killed Two. East St. Louis, 111., July G. Igna tius Kurvllla dead with a bullet through Ms heart, Peter Stublnskl, fatally shot, wero this morning found on a Btreot corner. A Hungarian ac cused of shooting them as tho result of a quarrel, was nrrosted after a long chase, in which Policeman Mc Cleary ran Into tho fonco and was rendered unconscious. Draw tho Color Line. London, July G. Tho British ad mlrallty and war offlco havo bqth drawn tho color lino against a youth born in London of a negro father and English mother. On tho death of his parents tho appointed guar dians took charge of tho boy, who has grown up and desires to servo his country, !ut tho authorities re fuse to permit him to enlist in tho army or tho navy. This banning of a British subject becauso of his col or promises to lead to a. lively dis cussion In parliament, whore the matter probably will bo brought up. ' o WaHts o Try Pierce. Austin, TexaB, July 5. Governor Campbell, la a peh, declared (h$ Waters-Pierc Oil Company was a Umtay of the trust. He declare hV will compel H. Clay Pearce to face a Travis county jury, If possible. AN IMMUNITY BATH Tho Claim Is Now Mado That If Rock efeller Testifies It Will Prevent His Prosecution On Any Charge Whatever In Any Court Washington, July G. By ordering Rockofollor to Chicago to testify Judgo Lnndls upsots tho plans pf tho department of Justice It Is sntd that as Boon ns Rockofollor openB his mouth ns a witness ho secures Im munity from nil poBslblo prosecution. Bonnparto realizes that Lnndls muBt lenrn tho oxtont of tho trust's prop erty boforo Imposing any part of tho $20,000,000 fine. Tho depnrtmont of Justice's trust-buster Is not in sympathy with tho prosont pursuit of Rockefollor, but ennnot dlctato to Lnndls. Ho had hoped tho search for Rockefollor would bo fruitless, o .SQUIRES BURNS HGHti WIFE GOT THE MONEY. Husband .Had Invented it for .llfs Typewriter. Seattle, Wash., July ri.-Twonty-flvo thousand dollars was awarded In tho superior court hero Wednesday in a suit brought by Mrs. Ann ZocU against Mildred Tlmm. A dozon years ago Illromlnus Zcclt was a prosperous lumberman lit Mnrlnctto, Wis. Ills fnmlly consist ed nt that tlmo of hl wlfo nnd nlno children. Ho ndvortlsed for a Btonog rnphor and Mildred Tlmm answered" tho ndvortlsomont, nnd was em ployed. Sho was nbout 20 years? old at that tlmo, nnd ho was twlco hor age. Zech wont through his for tune, turned hlo proporty over to a bank nnd camo West. Tho woman left about tho samo tlmo. This wnir four years ngo, and Zech had been hero a year boforo. Mrs. Zoclt lonrnod that tho young wclnan was hero with him. Tho husband ox plnincd that Mies Tlmm wbb looking nftor his business. Mrs. Zech had somo monoy of her own, and sent different sums to hor huBbond to In vest In Sonttlo. It was shown lit court that tho monoy was Invested t ronl ostato In tho nnmo of MIbs Tlmm: Whon Mrs. Zach, a plain Commit woman, arrlvod in 8entt!o last Do combor, bIio found Zach living In tho snmo houso witlt MIbs Timm. Tho- husbnud offered her (100 per month to cook for tho family, but when Bho saw how matters Btood sho or dered Mildred Tlmm from tho house. An Investigation convinced Mrs. Zoclt thaL the-monoy sua. sent hro. hacT boon Invested in proporty that 1 now, worth nioro than $00,000, and sho 'brought suit to recover. t FORGOT THE KlI). ! I Tho much-tnlkedof" fight betwoonM ' - tho Canadian, Burns, hlmsolf a .TlwT H' Also .Forgot tlio , Way. ond-rntor, and Squires, tho Austra lian champion did not last long enough for tho audience to really know Hint It had begun. Back. Now York, July K. Henrlclf Van It wasn't Sleek, of Pnoll. la., and hla wlfn al. a fight, and did not oven present tho most loft for Europo In tho Btcam. fonturcs of a footrnco. Squires Bhlp Nlb-uf AniBtordnm wit hput thoYr walkod up to tho center of tho ring, bnby Wednesday. Thoy had forgot and Burns hit him on tho right Jaw, ton tho Infnnt nnd loft It at tho hotel knocking him down. Squires took whoro thoy had utoppod over night, tho count for four, boforo ho got up, Tho bnby was not mlssod until JtiBt nnd tho two camo to n clinch, .but 8 tho cniiKnlank was ahaut n i.o woro quickly Boparntod In tho" center hauled In. Luclkly tho hotol waff of tho ring by big Jim Joffrles, tho c0so by, nnd tho officers" of tho ship- rOfCrOO. ncrood in ilnlnv Rnlllncr tnr Ihn Inn Burns lost no tlmo In following up njlnutos It took to fetch tho infant. tho ndvantngo ho had gained so oar- Whlch had boon nsloon. ly. Out shot the dangerous right . Q L ngaln, nnd a Bccond time tho chain- n?nn nt Aitatrnlln wnii nn thn nnnvnu ", "QrMC UUCkt'd. ,...,.. W. ......V....... ,...w V... ...V V.. IW, with tho undefeated chnmplon of tho Ono of tho stunts not down on Hut world standing ovor him slowly call- program camo off at the cornor of Ing off tho seconds. But tho end Llborty nnd Stnto streets. Jack was not yet. Squires ovldontly had Cooper hnd purchased a small bunch somo staying powers In tho face of of cayuses, among them a chunky tho punishment administered to him llttlo hluo roan. It was saddled and. and ho roso up weakly and slowly, brought to tho cornor and a rownrd whllo Jeffries hold back Burns until of $3 was offorcd to any ono who his adversary waB in position to de-( would rldo It. Finally ono young fend himself. But Squires had lit- fellow peeled his coat, and, ro tlo dofonso loft. Tho terrific rights moving his watch and vnluablos,. to tho Jaw had accomplished their tackled tho Job. At tho rt attempt result, and tho men wero bnrely In to mount him tho cnyuso won tho position again whon tho Canadian first fall, ditching tho would-bo rldr resumed his telling, effoctlvo nggros-jAt tho third attempt, though, the slvo campaign. Burns landed whoro mount was made, nnd onco on tho and whon ho pleased and In a few young .fellow stuck to him like n seconds, under tho rain of blowB, tho ( leech. Aftor u fow JumpB tho ouyuso arms of tho Australian droppod In a quit, but it looked llko "onst of tho helpless fashion by his side. Then tho finish to tho fight camo. Burns dollborntoly selected his mark, and with all tho power that was lodged In his shoulders ho. Bent his right to tho point of tho Jaw. It soomed almost a needless task for Joffrles to go through thof formality of counting tho man out. Thoro was not a spectator In tho arena that did not reallzo tho fight was over, and a rush was mado to tho ring to congratulato tho victor. Tho fight lasted oxactly two minutes and eight seconds. Tho fight proved nothing more than that Squires was a much over rated man. Burns, whllo demon strating his itamcasureablo superior ity over tho Australian, did not havo an opportunity to demoattrate whet1 or or sot he Is actually eatltled to tho high pugllistta titl that baa beM betsowed upon him. mountnlns" for a few minute. -o- WoodniHi'H Dnnve Ono of tho lnrgost crowds that tho spacious Auditorium rink ever contained attonded tho Woodmen of tho World ball in that building last flight. Excellent music was furnished by tho Evans orchestra, nnd a moat pleasant ovonlngwns enjoyed. c Chicago Markets. Chicago, July 0 Wheat 9CS 04, corn 64ft 664tt, onto 42K 42. Dr. J. P. COOK rmn SOTAXI-OAL BOCBQR HOVHD TO 4 LlRMtTT fITfUMrY FOK AXT DM HASH CALL ON DR. COOK. OOttltfLTAWOH ViUML ,1 4 ,,-w-f-"?! Vfc-wn . ;-? r