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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1907)
DAILY OAIMTAIi JOUllXAIj. SAIiKM. OREGON, SATUH1UY, APRIL ttt, 1007. STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner ..e cr iniV THAT finftn "u QUALITY DOESN'T GO WITH IT rtn we sell on a closo margin In and expect to build up a big 1K through selling you often. But the lowost price nt which you bcs!n rthini: In this store carries with it merchandise of ' merit, wo bar,fDu any other kind, no matter how great tho financial gain "I1' And you get actunl valuo for your monoy If you buy tho ot eSnslve cos In our. house. A RARE OF Skirts ' $3 to $20 Now York's best val ues in nontly-styled skirts, voiles, Pan amas, - serges, broad .'loths, strlpcd.chcckcd and plaid novelties. It is a raro collection thnt cvory lady should sec. Tho Shirt W"al3t Store. Waists como nnd go horo Uko chaff before wis Nearly every uay a iew uozen new ones arrive, aomo beau- UMHngcrio waists S2-25 to SG-50. Beautiful Lawn Suits S100 to S3 00- SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFER Reduction of 25 Per Cent Up to May 1, 1907 Up to, but not including May 1st, bargain rato in ndvanco for Tho Dally Capital Journal, per yoar by mall or special delivery, $3.00. Bargain rato on Weekly Capital Journal, por yenr, 75 conts, in nd vanco. All arrearages on Weekly must be paid up nt $1.00 per yoar. HOOD UP TO, HUT NOT INCLUDING MAY 1ST. Dnlly, by cnrrlor, $5.00 por year, In advance. Regular ratos by car riers J 6.00 por yoar. Hnto for nli arrears In subscription to Dnlly Jour nal $4.00 a yoar by mall or spoclnl dollvory. $1.00 Snvc n Ulg Dollar $1.00 B JKLINGER GRAND! NEXT WEEK I XCCCCCOOCOOCCCCCOOOOC. The Julia Romaine Co. lathe inwuful four-act comedy Ifcisa, "RFU'IVfJ TIIK HAUVEST" A:d tbo giat four-act mountain SM. im: putsovs daughthii" T- l and 25c. nun im ii mm mi iiin- i TRANSFERS IN H REAL ESTATE i! HUM) OPKRA HOUSK. "", April 17: "Original 1 1 'is. .. singers." v.'J, April 20 Florenoe Gale. "' i'Mii iii SB: Raymond E k, (n The Yankee Touriit." Mlnger-Graml. " i k Majestic Vaudeville f- irv VR Julia Romaln Stook Coming Attractions. JBT"!ln Jury." by the Salem fl'd Is ur.d," by High Sohool "i dais I"iiy Show. -" N "!"rl & Rowe's Dee V-l r ay bauw. -o- CASTOR I A Tr Infant &nA nMidrn i Kisd You Have Always Bought (ZifEt tiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiii The following deeds hnvo been recordod In the ofllco of the Marlon county rocerdor: Jnno Adnms to M. R. Skinner, lots 20, 21 and 22, Friends Colony, Marlon county, v d . 1 W. F. Schullor ot ux to P. M. Hnm, lot G ami 13 Mi ft ot n onds of lots 7 and S, bloak 3, Jefferson, w d 700 Otto Shultz ot u to P. M. Ham, 34.03 ncros, t 10 s, r 3 w, w d 2600 Otto Schultz et u to P. M. Ham, 12 acre, t 10 s, r 3 v,.v d. 900 Alllnnco Trust Co, Ltd. to Mason Kollog, t ux, 123.37 ncrs, t 9 8, r 3 w, deed. . . . S0C C. nnd P. .geeger to J. and G. Vhlenkatt, 20 acres In see. SB, t 5 g, r 1 w, w d 1100 R. P. and IC. A. Holse to Oregon Klectrlc Ry. Co., right of way, q o d BOO O' Don't Put Oir For tomorrow what you con do to day. If you put off buying a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, whon that pain oomes you won't hnvo any, buy a bottle today. A positive our for Rheumatism, Rums, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Musclee, etc. T. S. Graham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment. It positively cured me of Rheumatism after others had failed." Sold by D. J. Fry. o HOTKL ARRIVALS. A Voice From live Asylum. 12d. Jeurnal: We notlcod an ar ticle In yostordny morning's Stntos man, In regnrd to tho capturo of the two runaway convicts by that dar ing ofllcor, Mr. Duslck, which sounds very nmuslng to an oyo wltnoss. If It wasn't for tho prosonco of mini and flootnost of foot ot Assistant Cnrpontor Mooro, of tho asylum forco. thoso convicts would undoubtedly hnvo boen going yot. Mr. Uuslok did not capturo them, nor had ho any thing to do with It. Arthur Moore captured thorn without gun, knlfo or club, nnd Officer Uuslck helped bring them bnck. Wo would tnko It, from the actions ot Officer Uuslok nt tho time, thnt tho state doesn't allow him to carry a gun. While wo don't blnmo Mr. Ruslok for protecting his own Interests nnd holding his Job, wo do think thnt Mr Moore deserves, all tho praise, and Justly deaorves a reward for his quloit action in capturing those desperate mon, who, If they had beon suocosa ful in tholr oscnpo, would probably hnvo murderud two or throo good men before being reenpturod, he Hides terrorizing tho wholo state o! Oregon for two or throo woeks. AN EYB WITNESS. NAMED GRANT SCHOOL Arbor Day Exercises a Great Success in North Salem Why Havo a torpid liver whon Horblno, tho only liver regulator will help you? Thero Is no reason why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, Con stlpatlon, Chills and Fovor or nny liver complaints, whon Herbtno will cure you. F. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fin., writes. "I was sick for a month with chills and fever, and after tak ing two bottles of Herblne am well and healthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. an The Practical ! Question i L ' '3 f 8ttUg their mon- A 1 Ut u U all right. EFp!ey's Perfection - pure aad best brand oay " bT. and it Is t M. EPPLEY WHlfactUTf Wllhunotto. Geo. Butterworth, SL Paul. M. W. LUlard, Portland. R. H. Morgan, Portland. H. J. Clark. OranU Paw. Chae. K. Wolvorton. PorUml. 12. G. Hughe. Portland. K. II. Foedlek, Portland. G. L. Raretow, Now York. A. Welch ami wlfo, PorUnnd. W. B. Lawior, OerraU. Geo. A. Pell. Portland. M. J. Stoma. UocbeeUr. K. V. O. J. Newton, Itooton. W. D. McNary, Portland. J. II. Ilftwlnger, MeCtond. CL A. Plalay, San FranetM. , Saluin. Qo. II. Illmoi, PorUnnd. H. R. Noble, Portland. M. A Sbireley, Portland. J. SL Jtthm, PorUand. A. Mnoilor. Bnreka. CM. F. W. Reed, ProvWonoO. II. II. Hayee, Orogon Ctty. , II. N. Coekorilno. AUtaajr. Saluiu. W. R. Taylor, PorUnnd. H. F. Waa, Snatthb J. Dowor. J. Winkle. Miss Laura SImbmb, Peadleton. Mrs. Bleasor Slwpeon, Pendleton Daisy A. Patterson, Sllrertoa. ,Alr. WkIIut WliltcNlih. Walker Whiteside, one of the beet actors this country has produced, and one who hat fitted himself for the Important poult Ion he now holds by II years experience In claeele drama at the head ot hit own companies, will make hit appearance at tlw Grand opera house In a new modern play, "The Magic Melody." of which great thing are promised. Mr. Whlteeltle it quite well known la this vlclnty, chiefly for hit Shakeapearlau portrayals, and It will therefore come oiaewhat at a novelty to toe him In another elate of drama. In the new vehicle the young aetor portrays a ViollHlat who It struggling to And th way to tho tipper musical circlet, ! by those who have soea the play, hH portrayal It said to be one of th most satisfying bits of acting thnt It known to the American stage. Mi. Whiteside Is supuprted by an admir able company of players, and h' managers, Llebler & Co., have up- plied the ususl adequate production j o The Tuxns Wouflnr. Guret all kidney, bladder aod rheumatic trouble; told by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for II. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2928 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo. Bead for testimonials. Sold by Itone'i drug store. dw-lyr Gymnastics alone can never give that elasticity, case and graceful figure which comes by taking Hollis tra Rocky Mountain Tea, a 5 cents. Te or Tablets. For sale at Dr. sHejnestor. There was a largo and thorough ly devoted gathering ot people nnd children nt tho North Salem school Frldny, whon Arbbr day exorcises wore conducted undor tho direction ot the teachers and Principal Poeblci Tho children's program Is pub lished elsewhere. S pooches Wore Mmlc. Aftor singing "America," Prof. Peebles introduced Col. E. Hotor, who highly complimented tho teach ers on tholr excellent work, as shown by tho children's program. Ho also spoke of tho high grndo ot work done by tho Snlom hoard ot education, nnd this was honrtlly applauded. Col. Hofor mado nn npponl for bettor sup port for tho public school. Ho an 1.1 more money was bolng demanded ot the people of Marlon county for so cnllod Institutions ot higher educa tion than tho people wore spending on tho higher grndos ot tho public, schools, and yet hundreds ot children never reeolvod nny education but whnt they received In tho public schools for ovory ono thnt wont to n stato coHogo. Ti'tliuto to Judge HoIm;. The speaker paid n high trlbuto to the character nnd puhllo servlc ot Judge R. P. Rolte, whose funeral services were being conducted nt tho same, tltuo not far away. He hold him up at a model cltlzon, who could with safety be patterned nfter In ov ory detail of his private life nnd nub ile career. He compared him to one of the grand oaks that stand on tho hillsides, weathering tho stnrmtf of m century, nnd standing when nil the other monnrcht of tho forest havo been cleared away. The (.rant School. Col, Hofor closod with an eulogy ot General Grant, a man who had beon showered with tho wealth and honors of tho whole world, but by misfortune had died poor, so poor that ho had not ovan an olllcor's suit in which to be clothur for his burin), or n sword to lay upon his coffin. As tho school In South Salem had boen named Lincoln school he suggested thnt the North school be from tlil.i day on nam ml the Grunt school. This met with hearty approval from all present, and a petition will he pre sented to the sehool hoard by the patrons of the North sehiHd. Rev. lOrrett elnsori with an enter taining address that delighted the ehtldren and grown-ups equally. It was very suitable to the ooeailon, and ahowed him to be a felicitous speaker. Principal Peebles closed the exor cises with some very appropriate ru marks, saying that It was the good, the true and the leantlfHl In life and nature that It was their object to bring before the tnlnds ot ths young, ami he thanked all the children and the lmrents and the teacher not overlooking the eHlolenl Janitor, Mr. Unruh, for the parts they had taken In making the gathering- great and splendid success. After visiting and Inspecting all tho rooms and ths grounds the crowd departed. b Tho I'rlro of Health. "The prlee of health In a malar lout district Is Just 2t WHtj; the oott of a box ot Dr. King's New Life Plllt," writes Ella Slayton, ot No land, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and Impart new life and vigor to the system. 25c. Satisfaction guarantee! at J. C. I'errys' druggltt. Summit Shifts Stand the Test tjujuj.sauaiuasuaaii n IT WILL STAND THC TEST If IT IS A OUR NEW SPRING SHIRTS are now on display Wcrre showing the nobbiest line j of the popalar SOFT NEGLIGEE SHIKTS In the city. In Plain White and Cream Soft Shirts which are the favorites this season, wc have a great variety of Sabrlcs ranging In price from 50c to $2.00 Summit Shlrta are nil mndo In full, llbornl dimensions, cut to fit porfectly nnd thor oughly finished. Our prlcos nro figured on tho spot cash bnBts and economical bust noBs management Thnt monnB tho host posslhlo values for our customers. mm f? ,'.". Wm SUM SHIR i We undersell "regular stows." l'lno HofthUtui'o for Halo. R. It. Rynu, tho roal estate man, lias a fine suburban residence for sale. It is n $3500 place, nnd can ho had for $8600 onsh. Over an ucre ot ground, all modern Improvements. House cost more than price of place. Call early. o Dr. J. H. llrewer has returned from a buslnees trip to Portland. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a nasi, up-to-date wns for near and far-seeing. It U ewally as good as tho expensive kind, and half ths eoet. Don't tnrow away year broken glasses. Bring them to us. We can duplicate any part, with little ex- Chas. H. Hinges OrtsVuto OptkUa. Vm Coweectst sHwst, nest tsww to Csetnl XsosssmI t)Matstn4stsos;ocss)? Selling Out Dishes II. M. Brsinion. at his new grocery store, -I J J Stat street. It selling oat all his dishes, crockery wo re and glassware at less than cost. Going fast Better hurry If you want some. f H. M. BRANSON j I Pfcl31. 432 Stat St WllllllllllllllllllHUli mriLDiNo a iinuHK. We eau supply you with the lum ber you need at a price that will ma Mr Illy economize in the eostj Just owe and see ut and look over our yards. GOODALK LUMItltlt CO., Vartln Nuur Depot. ijLsn li EC 'FT ' ' L4av rrTT"r ' DANfilCR IS LURKING IX IT. When your bathroom or laratory isa't fitted n with modern sanitary plumbing. Sewer gat U wore dan gerout In winter than in summer, be cause ventilation It not to free. You will ward oft disease by having your closets, bathroom, kitchen, tinka, and water pipes overhauled. Wo make a specialty ot sanitary plumb ing and do It scientifically and at reasonable prices. A. L. FRASER iNDKl'KNDKNCi: HTAtJK. Dally except Sunday, Loaves Wil lamette Hotel, Snlom nt 3 p, m., con mots with motor for Monmouth nnd Dallas nt 0:16 p. in. Leaves Inde pendence nt 8 a. m. Phono Main 170. RALPH 11UDLONO, Manager pi 4T MFtWCHT TIIIC t'HILDRK.V Ol' TODAY ARH TIIK MK.V AND WOMHN Ol' TOMORROW. Do not Injure their physical and uittutal well' being with ladlHOslible bread. Remember, they grow best when fed best. Select a quality of bread that you know Is msde right in every way- Under sanitary audi tions, of good Hour, properly mixed and baked, so as to be whulesomo and nutritious, ULLOM'fl bread on trial will be found to fulfill every requirement. ( AIMTAL 1IAKKIIY, C. ULLOM, Prop. jTpMMSO XSh i! Garden Seeds ! We have a large ttoek of Garden Seeds In bulk. Our seeds are all 1906 orop; no earry-ovor. ONION KlfTH. Ask for small onion sets. You get throe timet at many to the pound. I'liILD rSIIHDS. Fancy IIIUMtam Wheat, Chevelln Hurley, Oats, Corn, Clover, Alfalfa, Field Peat, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agents for CouUon's Egg Foods, Coulson't Chick Foodt, CouUon's Condition Powders. The largest wholesale and retail dealers In tho city. TILLSON & CO. 1S1 Hit St,