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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1907)
mM-'Jm .juiMiMi(rnrrWTrw-T-'' UAlhY CAPITAL JOUUNAI., HALKM, OREGON. SATUKDAY, AI'lllL 18, 1007. EMU Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. ROYAL BAKINO POW D En CO., HEW YORK. MUUMMaMUWIIII IMIIiSM II IIIWlllliM HIGH SCHOOL VICTORS In the First Baseball Game of Season m 1 1 u t i 1 1 1 i i i mn n 1 1 DON'T WAIT TOO LOXO. The Little Salem Tigers De feat the Great Big Farmers SCHOOL NEWS OF CITY What Is Being Done in the Different Grades High Hchool. Tho Bonlor debates which wore montlonad InHt waok aro nohoduloJ to como ofT tlio 20th nml 2lHt of this month. Tlio dittos aro to ho hold In tho asBotnbly hull of tho hlh Hchool, to whloh tho public nro cordially In vltod to ntteml. Tho II rat delmte will bo for tho kIiMb mid tho second for tho boy. Cointiiunleutlon was Miit to several of tho eastern Oregon IiIkIi school roquestliiK Jlelintcw with thoiu, but nriBWor cnine buolc Hint thoy worn iinnblo to do anything for thin year, but thnt perhnp wwet yqnr thoy would ho ublo to inulco diilus. Tho 'junior ohuw l now preparing to Klva tho Honlor oIiihh n bnmpiut, whloh will bu hold about tho inlddlo of May. Thin affair Ih ono of the inoHt linportaul of tho grad nation ox orciuo. Postern aro now out for "Trial by Jury," whloh U to bo given by tho IiIkIi nobool student noxt Friday nlKht, April 19th. Tho Kloo club l worldifK dlllKently to mulct) thin entertainment ouo of tho vory bout. Tho high school orchestra which linn heretofore been an Independent organisation wna taken Into tho Htu grado class nt tho woolon mills one driy this wook. Principal Grnhain, of tho Ens'. Hchool, hoB n vory nont and sya tomatlc way of arrnnglng nrtlclos, which ho clips from magazines. He tnkoa tho different articles and botindfl thorn soparatoly and uumbors onoh book. Ho thon makos an lndox book nnd arrange, tho tltloa alpha botlcally. This onnbloa tho pupil to rofor quickly to which ovor nrtlclo ho wishes to road, nnd thua holpi with tho loHsona. North School. A program wna arranged by the dlffuront rooiiin In tho North achool and school was lot out oarly at tho noon hour, tho program boglnlng nt 1:30 p. m. Tho programs rondorod woro iih follewa: Mlstf Chappie room Song, "Llttlo Birdies"; concert racltatlon, "My Shadow"; clioruu; concort recitation, "Tho Duol." Mlmt Itobnh OatiB room Hoclta llon, "The Secret," Ml Murphy; gong, "Four Llttlo Woo lllrds," llrst grade pupllH; rocltatlon, "Brown's 15x nmplo," Mark Wilbur; oxorclBe, "Why We Plant Tros," olght pupllH. Mr. Iflva Henl'B room hlxorclso, "Spring Flower," four glrl; roclta tlon, "Four Loaf Clovor," Annlo Olb moii; "Favorlto Trees," aovoral boys. Mliw Ada Dayton' room Song, "IJuy My Klowor," mta Floiahor and ninncho Drake; rocltatlon, "Tho Troo'B Choice," (Jludy Scott. MIh Laura Bonn's room "A Sen sible Fir Troo," Goorgono llutchlns; exercise, "Our Favorlto Trees," llvo girls. MImm Muble Mickey' room "Tho TreoM," lloloii Hurrmuu; "Woodman, Spare That Troo," Joaoph Mliitou. Mlaa Fletcher'a room "Tho bios Isoiiis on the Treea," 1 Intel Todhunt- dent body In K recent meeting. Ther; recitation, "lMaut Treea," lflrnes orcbeHtrH eompiiaea aome of the beet . tine ltoberta; song, "Four Lent young musicians In the city. It will now be under the aupervlalou of the atudenl botly, mid receive a portion of the atudtuit body funda. The or ohestra la composed of eeverRl pieces which Mr wa followa Ward Flahor, cornet; Phil Keller, clarinet; Ualbert Uurlou. trouilMiue; Joy Turner, first violin; Harold Smith, wound violin ; Host Mclatyre, snare drum; IBra lister plana. IPnol School. Miss Fleming, of Chicago, h teaob or of music lu public schools, lave the teachers a very latereatlag treatise of her subject this week She akowe4l the practicability of giv ing children blla of classic mualo aa well hh the beat Ih literature. Her plHii of presentation In primary Cllover." Sylvia Miller, Helen Carr. ICdltli Warner, llaael Tmlhuuter ICrueellne Holierls ami Amanda Spi'HUger. Mr. Peebles' room Heading, se lected, Udaa Tate; song, "We Love the Grand Old Treea," pupils of the fifth, sixth, aoveiith and eight grade; ad drew, IS. Hoftr; addreaa, He v. Davla Urrsjtt. The rooms wers nice ly decorated with tenia awl wild spring llowera. Quite a few vlaltora were present and all appreciated the children's work very much. Park School, lfiula Kay. late of Walla Walla, en tered achool Wednesday. Arbor day waa celebrated by pro grams lit the different rooms and by a general cleaning up of the vara (trades will Prove helpful to every Ur(g tk th, pmw worK tetmh who had the good fortune to was displayed to the patrons and parent of the eenool. her her. on pp... .rw .. ,, t u u Trtvw.f txomtu sHperin Angeles, N0 wl WMWiwmu lmmima ot Msrion eownty. vlalte.1 the have Istely tu reeelvea. ortwary rooma of the achool Wodnee- Aruor day exerrtsss were glren In 4, th several roowa frlday afternoon. I l.liieohi School. The DHptia ewgageil In a general Atbor ,jw WM WttriUt4 t the yard clean-up Friday morning. (Lincoln school In gonsrsj assembly Mr, Thoe Kay explained the pro at wkirh seventeen numbers were ress of cloth manufacture to a fourth jroadered. There was no tree plant- ' ., . . , .1 11 - Ink as the yard Is full of beautiful , trees already. The program was ex MMent nnd quite a number of the nsrettU ad thoe who were Interest eel were visitors. Better Than v Your Memory A riiwkiug ttceeuut will kottp your luiMlutsM traiiMtcUoiu iilMolutoly Mnrwt. You mil r'lj' on the it'conl of your clu'cklug ncvouut. When you tlolrt to rvfer to vwt traiiKaiiKmi., n I'hocUIng nccouut furnUbM rolhtble itntn easily found ant) coiuptolo In nil dctuiU. I'ny by check lu every trauiuictton. Wo invito your clitvklng nccouut. Wo Iter kUkrior advuntagos. Salem State Bank tMewBMnBBMasntnwaas L. K. PAGE, Ptmhitt E.W. HAZARD, Ct 'SuiulHy School Suporlntitndmitm mid PHitonj of (JHty School:?, You are roq nested to met nesn Friday ovealog. April llth. at the j First Christian ehureh. In thla etiy. to consider matters of Importance In 'connection with the County Sunday School AaaoftlutloH work. An assess ment hag been levied upon the Sun day school workers of this county laud city, with or without your oon sut. This Rsseasmont remains uu , paid, except lu part. Within CO days 'doubtless another asvesauieut will be levied. Wo need anC must lmvo the , oo-operatiou of tho Suuday Bohool workers. Signed. I 12. II. ANDERSON. ,4-lS-St Proa. Marlou Co. 8. 8. A. IMIMVwliisa CorvalllB, Or., April 12. (Specla. to Capital Journal) Tho Salem high school basoball team opened its sea son today In a vory favorublo man ner. To lpavo homo exporting to hi defontod by n tonm much oldor In oxporlonco and groator In size, nnd thon como out with tho largo ond of a four to nothing scoro Is enough to put gladness nnd concolt into the honrts of any aggregation. Dut the Salem boys, wbllo the arc, exceed ingly proud of tholr nchiovomont, nrn not "awollod up" In tho least. Tho Agrlcs hnd tho advuntago all around homo grounds, homo crowd, more oxperloncod, or rather oldor players, and larger mon, but tholr advantages woro of no uso whon pitted against tho tonm work and alround fast playing of tho high school lads. It Is tho opinion horo that Salem .has tho faRtoot high school tonm In the stato thla year. Thoy play with a sunp and vim that Is truly wondorful for n tonm of tholr hIzo. Tho men, with tho oxcoptlon of Koonos nnd Joitos, nro all small, and hnndlo them selvoa In truly profosslonnl stylo. Tho fnct that thoy hnvo good coach ing is ovldont, nnd Curtla Colotunu aiiroly has dono well with his tonm for so oarly In tho souson. 1 Kooiio'b pitching wns tho roal fea- turo of tho gamo, ulthough ho was backed up in a flno mannor. After tho first ball was pltchod, which Todd turned Into n two-baggor, ho hnd the farmors alwayB on tho gtioss. Ho wa& only found for four hits nftor that, all of which woro wrfl scattored sin- glos. Ho only allowed ouo baso on liallB, and struck out llvo mon. When ho was hit tho ball hardly ovcY went out of tho inllold, and was qulokly takou care of hy tho Inlloldors, Koonos got llvo ntwlBts nud ouo put out to his credit. Jouos also did oxcellout work. Ho gavo ICoonoB line Htipport, which lidd ed to tho confidence of tho wliolo team. He threw well to buses, and nearly always got his man. The farm ers are fast on bases, and were hard to keep from pilfering. Roberts, Farmer, Kay and Gubrlelson all played a very fast game on the In Held, as Is shown In the tabulated score. They all accepted a large number ot dllllcult chances, ami made but one error, a wide throw to first. Kay tilled his position at the dllllcult comer to perfection, and nailed everything that came his way. aptnln Roberts made some beautiful stops. The outtield was well cared for, aud It. Moores captured a long Hy af ter a race through a mud marsh. Harrison's hitting was also a feature. Carey had no chance In his left field. Por Clio llu-mor. Todd was their beet man. Ills good pitching was all that kept the score as low as it Is. He has a wicked, quick out -drop that the Sa lem boys could not connect with, and IS went to the bench via the osone route as a consequence. Wo4K, of football fame, caught a steady game. Swann, the pole vaulter. is a fast man at second and runs bates well. Chas. L. Moore, son of ex Stale Treasurer C. 8. Moore, played a good gams In renter Held, and Is credited with a base hit. The rt of the inaeld la fast, and nearly all are heavy hitters, snd they say thajr wtll return the lemons which tber borrowed today when they come to Salem next Friday. O. A. C. plays Ohemawa Saturday. HowSttlmn Seoivtl. There was nothing doing until the third Inning, with the exception of a hit by Roberta and Moores. la tho ttrst half of the third Inning Carey struck out. Farmer was passed to drat oa balls, aud Immediately stole ssooad. ICeeaes fanned. Huberts was also presented wtiu a pass, and he and Farmer scored when Joaes plant ed the sphere out over the right. Haider's head, and before PaUersQu could pry the ball out ot the mud Joaes was safely perched on second Keoitw went out oa an easy one to tlrat. and the side retired. In th sixth Joues waa Irst up and waited until Todd had let slip four wide oaos, whoa he took hU baw. Ha went to second on an error hy neatly, to third on a p&saetl ball, aud scored on T At the first sign of Backache I or pain in the region of the T Kidneys, or weakness and Urinary trouble, the following simplo prescription should be used: Fluid Extract Dandollon, one-half ounco; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllln, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bed time. Any good proscription phar macy will supply those threa ' Ingredients at small cost, which '. . can oaslly be mixed by shaking J ; ; well lu a bottle. This Is salt! ;; to force tho Kidneys to flltc- tho sour acids and poison ! ! from tho blood, overcoming ; ; tho worst cases of Rheumatism t..44-H..H.'M. i I I t I I i I I I I I I I ' ' ended In tho eighth. Gabrlolson was out on an easy ono from third to first. Roberts singled, Jones got first on nn orror by Swann, and Koones again struck out. Harrison singled, scoring Roberts and tho side was out whon Mooroa poltod tho air for throe Btrlkos. In tho ninth tho farmors woro scarod stiff by Salem lllllng the bases. Kay hit safely, wo'nt to sec ond on a wild throw by Patterson. Carey struck out, and Farmer was again given first on balls. Gabrlol son got first on an error by Murray, filling tlio bnsos. Rut Roberts flow out to loft Hold, and Todd worked himself out of dangor by strlkng out Jonoa. Tho Agrlcs' only chnnco to Bcoro was In tho olgth. Farmor was slow lu Holding a groundor by Todd, who wont to second whon Wolff hit to Farmor. Ho managed to got to third and trlod to scoro on a paBSod ball by Jonoa, but the latter was too quick, and Todd wns caught at tho plato by a closo doclslon. In tho tulxup .lottos rocoived a sprain in his right nnklo, but It is not sorioiiB, nnd probably will not koop him from tho coming gnmoB. Harold Loonoy, formerly of Colum bia Unvorslty, umpired. He wna hoard to say boforo tho gamo that ho did not want to pitch against such a sinnll tonm. Hla work waa good, alwaya glvng hla decisions promptly nnd In a Hrm mannor. Tho crowd wa8 good, and tho oc casloji was mndo llvoly by tho pros unco of tho cadet band. O. A. C. cortninly has a strong ton m, nnd othor collagoa will hoar from thorn ilator In tho Benson. Their Holding Is fast, and nil are heavy stickers, and In about a weok will prove a hard bunch to boat by any team. At the ond of the gamo Manager C. Moores presented Manager Mc Calllster with n large, luscious yol low lemon, which the Agrte manager accepted with a graceful bow and n sickly smile but he declares he wlli forue the compliment back lu next Friday's game. Following Is the tabulated score; Salem. All H nil PO A Gabrleleon. lb. . Roberts, si (cap) Jones, 0 ...... Keeuee, p .... Harrison, of . . . H. Moores, rf . . Kay,, 3b Carey, If Farmer, Sb 1 e s 0 t I a- 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 0 1 0 t 1 0 1 Tetals: ...... t 4 7 20 16 1 O. A. 0. AB It nil PO A see Todd, p Wolff, e Swan a, tb Ueatty, 1 b.... Murray, s s llllyeu. If 4 Joaes, tb (apt) t Moore, ef .... I 'Patterson, rf . . Psndergrass, rf I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 19 s ft 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 s 0 0 1 0 0 0 Totals .. . Summary: Roberts ..11 I ft S7 7 4 Stolen bases, Harri et), Farmer, Swann, ataore it), Patterson. Struck out hy Keenes ft. by Todd IS. Two i: hits. Joaes, Todd. Passed l.tlK-. Joaes, Wotflf. Bases on balls, if, Keenes 1, oa Todd 4. Earned run0, Salem, I, O. A. C. 0. Time of gam I hour and 35 minutes. Umpire. l,oouey. Scorer, Croniee. ; '- i llallartls Horohouml Syrup, immediately relieves hoarse, croupy ;cough; oppressed, rattling rasping and dlttloult breathing. Henry C Btorns, druggist, Shullsburg, Wis., kwrlt03. May 30, 1903: "I have been soiling Ballard's Horohound Syrup for two years, and have never bad a preparation that has given bettor satisfaction. 1 notice that when I sail a bottle they como back for raore Fire Alarm lloxes. Tho new Are alarm boxes, which were recently Installed will be given a 30-day trial, and, if satisfactory to tho city, they will become tho prop erty of Salem. In tho tests tho boxes worked with accuracy, and doubtless will prove a great protection to tht, property owners. In the recent Are on North Fourteenth street the rea son that the box did not give tho alarm was that tho glass was not broken property. Tho glass door must be brokon so that It will fall from its position, and the operation will thon hear the box in action. Tho seventoon alarm boxes are lo cated as follews: No. 11 At Intersection of Com mercial and Trade Streets. No. 12 At Intersection of Com mercial and State. No. 13 At intersection of Com mercial and Chomoketn. No. It At Intersection of Com mercial and Divisou. No. 15. At intersection ot Liber ty and Ferry. No. 1G At intersection of Liber ty and Court. No. 21 At Intersection of Liber' ty nnd Center. No. 22 At Intersection of High and Trndo. j No. 23 At intersection of High and State. No. 24 At Intersection of High and Marion. No. 25 At intersection of Church and Ferry. No. 2G At Intersection of Sum mor and Chomoketn. No. 31 At Intersection of Four teenth and Chemekcta. No. 32 At Intersection of Twolfth and Mission. No. ,3 3 At intersection of Wintor nnd Mill. No. 34 -At Intersection ot Bush nnd Commercial. No. 35 At lntdrsoction of Moyor nnd Llborty. o Gentle ami KlTcctlvc. A woll known Manitoba editor writes: "As nn lnsldo workor I find Chnmberlnln's Stomach and Llvor Tablots invaluablo for tbo touches ol biliousness natural to sedentary life, tholr notion bolng gentlo and otfec tlvo, clcarlngUbo dlgcstivo tract and tho head." Prlco 25 conts. Samples free. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug storo. o New York Kxcliuuge Opens. Now York,Aprll 12. Tho produco oxohango oponod Its now stock ox chango today for boglunlng trading In industrial nud mining stocks. Tho 41st Includes ns many as 75 Indus trials and 115 mining stocks. . 0 liltton by n Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a aplder bite, John Washington of nosquovlllo, Tex., would lmvo lost his leg, which bocamo a mass or run ning soros, had ho not boea persuad ed to try nucklon'a Arnica Salve Ho writes: "Tho Hr8t application rolleved, and four boxes hoalod all the sores." Hoals every sore. 25c at J. C. Porry'a, druggist. n IjoImiioii Huh a Hand. A band has been reorganized in tilth place, with a good number of members. They aro meeting fre quently Tor practice, and are making good progress. Lebanon Express. o Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought I was about to take loave of this world, on ncopunt of Indigestion, nervousness nnd Enornl debility," writes A. A. Chrlsholm, Treadwoll, N. Y., "and .when It looked as If there was no hope left, I wns persuaded to try Klectrlc Blttors, and I rojolco to say that they aro curing mo. I am now doing business again as ot old, and am stilt gaining dally." Beat tonic medicine on enrth. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist. 50o. People Who Arc "Meat Wise." 9 .. Vmms1m --. ... . J li 4 bbbbbbbV ask i- -" mC laW4vK Will appreciate at once the fine grada of meat we sell Choice cuts of Beof, Lamb. Veal. Mutton and Pork for roasting. Delicious, Juicy, tender Steaks, oxcellent Cutlets and Chops, etc.. and our prices aro always very reasonable. F. A. Kurtz rtMM305 Cam. at Begin Right Rnv nil t - Nervinn. xrLA' simple nerrZ: l ii - "MfcMia tnoso nerve destroSi and nnmtt1: WJ8E. tonic foiMveaknorr erg)', and give the entire system. m or jtven long wlS ' O fcT 225 5L At UTS" "U Bpumg WOVlId follni V""t' r"'.loe "two of our h2 ,' t: ..or mum no noihm TJrawh tlmta it would MmmJL A hoW hr In bed. A tS lieea Parked in )oT !?"!?. fcl icreu wbi so ef v.rT It " ft the dnwrtrt . LdSSftfc 4 Ine. I got ft boiti. ?V i1 X n twispoonful ever tmi S? C about trn Uavs X. il I T'lM?u'il it up in bi ViJ "."i"uyu irom that tin. irT Riven her about twtarT Ei Norvlne nlonc 4lth rtiV"' Liver Pills and tdlrt"!? h were L Zl .to Nervlno ourwlres. Sialof ' oet or reiidt"" """"i Miles Medical Co., Elihit,& Brother Says He Is Ibjim, Borne, Aprfl 13. A. B!lj?J Harry's lialf-brothfr, Hjuthjj ways ueen ms opinion nu U wns Insane. Just Ilmnta Your cough Is only In th tiwt i docs not trouble you now. dosl til thnt It needs no attention, mi has not had much of a itirt b j time to check It. The ilijk'.Ktal oaslly leads to Fneumoalt, Brc: tis and Consumption. A bott Ballard's Horehound Sjrc? its: that cough. The price patittTtJ reach of all. Sold by D. J IV FOR SAL! The only full lot left that eo town on Winter street betwees ( tei and Marlon. A bargain, 50 acres 24 ralM f'jnSl good house and bars J" fruit. 7 arres of Straw' " othr fruit of all klnii FtfJ see DERBY & W LL50.1 OREGON STATE BANK Jefferson, Otegon Capital $25,000 BesHacilltiesfcflOwaj fellatfe baoklflg cfi patrons. Jeffefsca&j good town, & stores, good 0111s, i fjanfc. and gooi F Come and see Oregoc Stat1 J. A. AUPPERtt M. J. CAMPBSfc ' -fjsrsi fxmil - . beeM'T i" - . wnz . .- .& J" ' Pork- T1?t fastldioui. 'V11 ouslity tM J . fastldloui. v' eia --sir - placiB" jlbco tftc ' (&& ..... .. . M,.,i;,7ii:.r