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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALII, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1007. 6 BARGAINS In Real Estate Fame and city property for Balo by Radcliff Co. G-room modern cottago, on car Ino. This proporty la offered nt a sacrifice. Prlco $1CG0. EaBy tornis Modern cottago of flvo rooms, all plumbed and wired, good woodshed lot 75 by ICO foot, septic tank. Prlco $1G00. Nino room house, plastered, clos ets, pnntiy, bnBotnent, septic tank, barn 2Cx34, woodshod 18x22. This placo Is th r co blocks from court houso. Prlco $2025. 3 ncros In city limits, nil In Logan berries, Prlco $1200. Easy terms. 2 acres, now C-room houso, now barn, two blocks from cnrllno, good fruit. Prlco $1CG0. 10 ncros all In cultivation, good G room houso, barn, woodshed, mixed fruit, woll fonoed, 2 V miles from Salem. Prlco $1800. 8Vi acres, 1 In fruit good house, woodshed nnd chlckon houso, 114 miles from Snlom, Prlco $1200 Ono-hnlf cash bnlanco at 0 per cent Interest. 80 acres, C7 In cultivation, bnlanco pact lire, C-room houso, bnrn nnd other out-bulldlngs, good young fruit all crop, Implements and stock goos with placo, 4 mllcB from Snlom. Prlco $8000. This 80 ncros hns as good laud as any In Marlon county nnd purchasers can got good torms. 73 acres all In cultivation, largo I monts, stock nnd crops goos with wovon wire, good woll and windmill, wntor forced through houso and, barn, ono nillo from Shnw, all Imple ments, ntnlk and crop goos with plnco. Prlco $5000. 55 acres, 35 In cultivation, bnl nnco pnsturo, now 7-rooiu houso, largo bnrn, 18 noros of hops, 7 mllo? from Snlom. This l one of Howoll Prnlrlos bout farm. Price $110 par ncro, roiiHonnlilo tonus. Bovernl housos for ront. Call If you want anything In Insurnnco or notnry work. JsxFJi JtPV? Thousands Have Kitfncy Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water nnd let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment orsct tlingindicntesnn unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if itttains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. wiiat to do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every jrnrt of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scnldinir twin in passing it, or bad effects following urc of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, nnd to get up many times during the night. The mild and the oxtraordliinryefiect of Swnmp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have n sample bottle and a Dook mat tells ail about i t, both scut free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., lling- hamtou. N. Y. When nomoef Bwmp-ivt writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the uddrcss, Hinghuntton, N. Y. RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Mnoros block, Snlom, Oro. Itoforonco, nny bank or buslnosn houso In tho city of Snlom. UUlLIUXfl A 1IOUHK. Wu OKU supply you with the lu la bor you need Mt a prlco thxt will ma turnllly economise In thw cost Junt come mm! ne us and look over OHr ynnla. l.r.MlMIt CO., VhtiIm Near Depot. IMPORTANT DECISIONS OF COURTS JB i I f :'- T Mil . ..-..,., -., R EM .. "- ! i. u. I . I I io'rf in hm by Dr. S. C. Stone Insurance Kvldonco of Declara tions Made Prior to Application. lu Nophsker v. Hoyal Arcanum, G4 Atlantic Reporter, 788, tho supreme court of Pennsylvania holds Unit whero an notion on a policy is do fuuded on thu ground of falso repre sentation by tho Insured as to liU health, it Is compotont to show dec larations mitdo by him prior to tho dntu of the policy, whoro ho denied In his application evor having suf fered from the disease In question. Religious Societies Communistic Ownership of Property. Tho right of tho Ainnnti society of Iowa, a ro HgloiiH communistic association In corporated ns a religious association, to engage In agricultural pursuit and lu business and manufacturing enterprises, Is upheld lu Statu v. Annum Society, 100 Northwestern, SOI. The Iowa court notes that In uiHiiy Instance members of rellKtour associations have held property In common, as, for example, thu Mora vlans, the Shakers, the Oneida Com munity, nnd more recently the Xlon Ists, and quotes portions of thu Holy Hcrlpt tires to show that the first Christians held their property In common. Discrimination Against Trade Unions The set of congress of 1S0S mak ing it a criminal offense for common carriers engaged In lulerstHte cow inert to require any employe to agree, aa a condition ot Uls employ went, not to become or remain a member of any labor organisation, or to threaten bis removal, or other wise discriminate against him he rn use of such membership, or to con llrw to prevent any such employe Hho has boon discharged or left the n.-rvUe from obtaining future em plwmntt Is held to bo unconstitu tional by the I'nlted SUtee district mint for the wastt-ru district of Ken- 'tmk, In Tutted States v. Scott, 14S IV.Iomi Heporter. 131. The court lioUN (hut tho enactment relates not to the .-if u of iniiloa whlli actu iI'n li ti,n kiiik .liitle pertaining to lnii k.i nniiiin'ii.'. but to the matter A SQUARE DEAL AM) A FAIR TRIAL OV Ol R I'ARM 1MPI.1CMKNTS AND MAClllNUltY OK ALL KINDS. IV YOl' ARK NOT SATlSllliD WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU SMMU NOT IUY. I HULL TILUH'ION ANI OT.VTIONKKY UXCUNHS, NICIIOL'S AMI NRKPARD'S HHI HIYKIt KKPARATORS, HAY RALRRS, hTMKIJT AM) ROAI) (IIIADIXO MACIUNURY. Wli 1IAMU.K THU IIYIII1 WAtiONS, 1LN01CU IIVGCIIKS, HAt US AND tAimiAnits. VK AHK AdKNTS IX)R THIC ADKIANTK, IllTKUYM MOW KHK, LIl'PUU PIXJWS AND ItLVK RIHIION CULTIVATORS, AliJO 8051K 8KCOND HAND FARM LMPLItMHNTS AND WAOONS VKHY Cllll. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHRH AT WHOLKSALK .VXD Hit r.UH (JMHS AND BTAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTKRS SUPPI.lltS, iiigoy tops, D.VHimoARDS, Willi's, uoitiis, irra fORRRSI'ONDHNCR BOLIC1TRD, CIIICl'I.ltS AND DUSCR1P. TIVIJ CATALGOIKS FURN1SHKD ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB Pop. PHO.VK 4l MAIN COR. FKONT AND PINK STKKinTS of making and enforcing contracts for hiring thorn. It is Bald that tho essential purpose of th enactment la not to regulate commercial inter course among tho states. Tho court states that aside from what tho sev eral states through their own leglB latures may do In such cases the con stitution of tho United States does not confor upon congress by any fair Implication tho power to "enact such legislation. Stntuto Prohibiting Forfeiture of Insurance. Tho supremo court of tho United Statos In NortheweBtern National LIfo Ins. Co. v. ItlggB, 27 Supreme Court Reporter, 126, holds thnt a Btato Btatuto cutting oft any dofonso by a llfo Insurnnco company based on fnlao and fraudulent Htato monts In tho application unless the mattor misrepresented actually con tributed to the doath of tho Insured Is constitutional, bolng applicable alike to all Insurance companies do ing btiBlnoss In the Btato, and doc-i not deprive a foreign corporation of Its proporty or liberty without dud procoss of law, Tho court furthor BtatoB that tho llborty roferrcd to In tho fourteenth nmondment is the lib erty of a natural and not an artificial person. Rogulntlon of Commorce. Tho lo Rnllty of a stato railroad commit) Blon's rogulntlon requiring a railroad company to stop Its interstate mall trains nt specified county seats whoro proper and adoquato railway pasaen ger fncllitlOB aro otherwise afforded Is questioned In Mississippi Rnilroad Commlsfllon v. Illinois Cont. R. Co., 27 Supromo Court Roportor, 90. Tho court holds that this Is virtually u rogulntlon of Interstate comorce, nnd that thu rifling of tho commission Is unconstitutional. Rights of Minority Stockholders. Thu supromo court of Illinois in Dun bar v. American Tel. & Tol Co., 70 Northern Reporter, 423, passes upon several quostlons relating to monopo lies and tho rights of minority stock holders. It Is held thnt u company ennnot purchase lu Its own nnmo th-2 majority of the capital stock of an other company for tho purpose of controlling thu lntter and preventing competition, and furthur thut the purchnsu In tho nnmo of othors as agents or trustees will nut rollovo thu transaction of Its Illegal aspect. The court furthor upholds the right of minority stockholders to tost the validity ot such transactions, stilting thnt tho minority stockholders of the purchased corporation might come Into equity to restrain thu purchasing company from voting tho stock which It lllognlly held. Tho court nddb that aside from the fact that the pur chase was beyond the powor of the purchasing corporation, the com plainants would bo entitled to eqult able relief, for the reason that the purchasing company would malntnlu a hoard of directors for the purchased corporation, which would act lu the real Interests of the purchaser, there by Injuring and tlmUly destroying the Interests of the purchased corpora tion. This Is held to be fraud against the stockholders ot the lat ter. Computation of Per Diem Compen sation. The question of what eon- stltutes a day's work fur such com pensation should he allowed under statutes providing tbnt state and county oWeera shall receive no stated salary but be allowed a per diem com penaatlon for their services, Is passed upon by the North Dakota supreme court In State v. Klrhardaou, 10U Northwestern Reporter, 1Q3. Thw county commissioners were allowed a stated sum for tho time they were necessarily employed In the dalle i of tbelr omce, nnd mileage for the distance actually trawled. The com- mlealonen bad boen accustomed to charge the county for overtime when tbey were out on tbelr otMctal dutlee at night, nnd also to charge mlleae for one day coming to .meeting and one day going from meeting. As the roeult of thin practice one com missioner had collected for not lens than l days' service In one month. This practice the court says cannot be upheld under the law, as there la no provision that lees than SI Hour shnVI constitute a day's work. 1 ' o T fairJ hoc Kja.ta'Ln. m aviofAv,. long time so has indigestion Human nature Is hard to solve. People refined vegetable oil and choice be f who are most particular about adapting the everything about it is riiVn0:ui ? SUet" ..,... - n--i i . u ...,..1.1. u ana condn. It is a product of Nature. It will make pure, palatable, healthM food, and food which anyone cWS enjoy without the after-pangs of a disord, stomach. ca Every good grocer sells Cottokne, It comes only in sealed white paUswith a red label and band. In the center of the label is our trade mark-a steer's head in cotton plant wreath. Try Cottolenc once and you'll never more be a friend to lard. weicht of their wearinj? annarel to the season and its conditions, who never think of going out in a storm without an umbrella and rubbers, who would not sit in a draft for a farm, will calmly sit at the table and stuff themselves with lard-soaked food and not realize for an instant that it is likely to give them a full-fledged case of indiges tion and clog their whole inner machinery. Lard is produced from hog-fats, some times impure, always indigestible, and there's a good day coming when no one will think of using it for cooking. Cottolenc is the only rational frying and shortening medium in the world. It is made from COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest possible award) over all other cooking fats at the recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRA?iL PRIZE. i "Home Help" a book of 300 choice raripci, edited by Mr. Rover, i your for a 2 cent atamp, if yon addret The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago, A NEW FEATURE The patent alr-Usht top on this pall la for the purpose of keeping COTTOLENE clean, fresh and wholesome j it also prevents it from absorbing all dlsagroeablo odors of the grocery, such as fish, oil, etc Nature's Gift from the Sunny South MARKET QUOTATIONS "Muko Snlciu n Good Home Market." SALKM MAUKKT. Stolner's Market. Donlors In llsh, uamo nnd poultry. Hlghost ensh prlco paid for eggs, Prompt dollvory. Stnte street. Local Wholesale Market. Ebbs is k c. lions lSc; young chlckons, 13c Ducks 10c; gceso, 8c; turkoys, neicc. Ilutter 32 c; butter fat, 304c Wheat GGJGSc. Local whoat GSc Oats 3S40c. Dnrley $22J23. Klour 13.26. Mill feed Dran, 1900; shorts, Vi 1.00. Uny Cheat and clover, $7?S per ton; timothy, $10 per ton. Onions 00c $1.60 per owt; po tatoes, 06o per bu. Hops Choice, 10Mlc; prime to choice, S0Sc; medium to prime. SttJ. Chlttlm bark 6 V4 ace. Tropica! HrultM. Ilananas 6 Ho per lb. Oranges $s. 76 0 S.00. Lemons -1.000 $6.00. Itotnll Market. Oata $1.16 per ewt; wheat, SOc: rolled barley, $17,600 ?S per ton. IBgga foe dot. Apple $6.00. lltttter Country, Ite; oream ry, -I0. Flow- $1 per seek. Bran Tt per sack; $l.60 per tan. Hay Tiatotajr. 7 tee mr ennnt ami clover, tin nor shorts, 6e nor ewt. Llvtfcitogk. Hops 9(8)10 &c lb, according to j dent has reappointed B .j- & lunllty. eral Chnrtes P Hiimpir.TutJ.-; Wool Vnlloy, conrso to medium, 29 23c; onstorn Orogon, 13lSc o Tho clock ticks and ticks tho tlmo nway, Shortening up our Hvos ench day, ISnt, drink nnd bo merry, For somo dny you will bo whoro, You can't Rocky Mountnln Ten. (Free snmplos nt Dr. Stono's store.! o New ih'rscy Legislature Tnkcs Itccoss Trenton, April 12. Tho Now Jor- soy leglslnturo took n rocoss today. It will roconvono on Juno IS, for the consideration of monsuros which may bo vetoed by tho govornor during the recess. The senate passed n concur rent resolution Providian for blen nlal Instead of annual sessions, o (luutlo nnd KITcctlvc. A well known Manitoba odltor writes: "As an Inside worker I find Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Llvo Tablets Invaluable for the touchoa ol biliousness natural to sedentary life, their action being gentle and effec tive, clearing the digestive trnct and the head." Price 26 cents. Samples free. For sale nt Dr. Stono's drug store, o lliiinplitvy Succeeds Himself. Washington. April 12. The war depart mnt nnnnures thnt tho Prcsl- master general uf tho t'c? u r. coed himself, bis old f"ac'cl. expiring today Cyton i L.-' luuinni, mn cava'ry win I on the ISth Int toBrlgadl"Ca1 Alfred C. Maklojr. the li't -r fj on account of nge Hit (en by n Spider. Through blood polsoalor mi by a spider bite, John WiiUI of Bosque vllle, Tex., would hit 'J his log, which became a EUi&rr nlng sores, had be not be rn cd to try Bucklen'i Arnla Si Ho writes: "The first ippllctl rolleved, and four bows ItHti the sores." Heals tJirj Kit, I nt J. C. Perry's, drugslit. grWW9a9238M Gold Dast Flow! Made by TUB 87DKET Kj ER COMPANY, Sldc7. l Msdo for fandl.T . . n. .. erji trioctr lor ii on - alwiiTs ob baaJ. P. B. Wallace AGENT toc0sae4 i ewt.: i FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE Uhmimntlc l'alus. I have been a very groat snfferer from tho ilroadfnl disease, rhowwa turn, for a Number of yvart. 1 have tried man)- medlclnee but neror got much relief from any of them until two vears ago, when I bought a bot tle of Chamherlaln's Pain Ualm. I found relief before I had usod all ot one bottle, but kept apply lag it and soon felt like a different wom an. Thronjfh my ad rice man) ot ray friends have tried It and eaa tell you how wonderfully it has worked. Mrs. Sarah A. Cole. 140 SL New St, Dover, Del. Chamberlain's Pain Halm Is a Itultnent. The rvllet from pain which it attrds U alone worth many times its cost It makes rest and slwp potslble For sale at Dr. Slouo's drug store- Hog Drsnesrt, Oe. OatUn 1 10 01JO rt steers,! V4I49. Ujhter steora S14q. Co awl holfnrs 901000 lb, XM04. Stoek hogs c. Hogs j,t, vie. itrnlM 6e. Veal Dreeeed. Jo. l'OUTUUfli MAIIKHT. Wheat Club, TlTle; wltey, 70 Tie; blue atom, 767Tc Ooata Choice whito, $9.60. MltletnK Hrnn. $17. I !a- Timothy, 16 0$16; alfalfa $11.60. Votoh $7.6O0$S.OO. Potatoes $1.00 $i.60 per ewt Poultry lions, 16016c; mixed chlckons, HYi15c; dressed chlck ons, 16017c; turkeys, live. 13 15c; ducks, ICtbISc; pigeons, $1.00 ff $1.50. Pork Dressed, 66c Beet Dressed, 50Cc Mutton 607c. a.i ...... r ..,,. r-l.,!,., nnr! I 3CCS. $ Dr.css Goods, Gents' and Ladies' f u,s.,!m.g,Sl lows, ranis ana anoes; an kihus ui y- n. Blankets, Comforts, Hose; all kinds of UJ J Matting, Trunks. We make up a new nm. "-j, Waists. Kimonas and White Undcnvcar, brik o i Silk and Lawn Kimonos from 60c up to $18.00. Calico Wrapper $1.00 up to $1.7 Lawn Wrappers $8.00 up to $6.60 Just received a big lot buliea' long black and white Glove. 65c up. Men's and Lad lee's Fancy Ho. 10c up to $1.76. Ladle' Silk Hmbroldered Wahrti $3.26 up to $3.60. Ladles Lawn Bmbrolderod Waists. $1 15 up to $3.60. Ladies' Japaneso Crepe Kimonos, $100 up to $3.75. HUIE WING Chinese and Jpan ato twomrt cscrtwi Bi lot ot La4 I'ndrnmew. s Children s ana -- Tery lew art Comforts, ,"',if ntenket. , ifc g Um'i worts" e" ,.,fc ft Me.-'- St!iH Men's tronH Men'i a Vr. ' .... ir1 Enbrohls'ifc Zy. Trnnk..T.J,H SiJe conw. SANG Br Tfi