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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1907)
A.'j AILYOAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL t.1, 1007. NO. 00. MADE QUICK DELMAS TO DEFEND THAW iHD GOOD HOWARD NESBITT RELENTS HONORS JUDGE BOISE JURY RESTS After Los Angeles FIRE READER laires Next wee ,ftlci5C0, Ami - not aaie thcc wm oe an, tHu. , this afternoon sosslons of 3i jorv, as It win pomi.u. the Los Angeie inu-v. -telephone until noxtwook. ,fUranf8 will be Issued at . the indictca men. iuu i- Investigation was rtsumcu mi.- .nnnnnfnra lit ian8 !s D ""-:;- that ne nns '""- oacmpiu,"-u iv ..- t ttatements from tnlesmen , idea of disqualifying them ItftbjasJu""'3' kit noon nothing nnu uecn nun... Toledo regarding tho expected (cJDctwiler. WHO IE SEHVES A DIVORCE 13. Used Kerosene and Eight Dead Tells the Suecess of the Scheme Gunter, Texas, April 13. Eight dead Is tho rosult of an attempt to start a fire with korosene this morning.-Tho dead are: J. C. Price and five of his children, Jennie Ryors his step-daughter and Allno Upchurch, his niece. Price aroso late and want ed breakfast quickly. Ho started tho fire with coal oil and received fa tat Injuries trying to savo tho others from tho burning house. Same Lot of Attorneys Will Manage Second Trial .-. Ieddy Knows People Will Clamor for What They Can't Get -o- SAN FRANCISCO FIRE. Ilnnillu Hotel Has a Pretty Close Call Rut Is Not Much Damaged. ,. - - 4 ..,.11 kfon liiy. "' M' to the floor uy a urunnon d ad a boiled potato forced U'rlhroat, ho all tho timo call- Tiie, filthy and degrading L li cne of tho chnrgos in the tcmp'.alnt of Catherine hooko tEJwa-d IUckc, ;j v Karri' u m vmi:niuim .r.Scr m'jcr t, ls90. For tho a rears, the wife nlleges In hor if, ho has bt-en repoatodly ,tmt'-t dal j intoxicated and M K llit to cruel and inhu- Er l 'rnii imu n, uiuriiiuiuv t;l Tin - Jged 7. x Mrs m f " Ji".. re and custody t'D i K' II San Francisco, April 13. A flru which threatened tho now eight-story Hamlin hotel this morning dostroyed tho building adjoining It on Leaven worth find Eddy strcots. It is be lieved to hnvo boon tho work of nn Incondlnry. Two hundred guosts wore nsloop In tho hotol nt tho time, but all wcro nwakonod by tho night clork. Tho hotol was only slightly dnmagod. o Xaino Tree In Honor of Governor. Oregon City, April 13. Arbor day wns observed in the city schools yes terduy aftornoon with appropriate progrnms. Silver birch, silver mnplo and elm troea wero planted, and n ail ver birch troe, on the Unrclny school grounds was named for Governor George IC. Chamberlain, in recog nition of his action In vetoing thu bird law at the recent session of the state legislature ffi W0 - ,41A iHifSS PkOPi'K.&lZ:J?ZA OUR LOW PRICES ARE WHAT MAKE BUSINESS JIBE III S0 A K RE ATA AYS lll'SV IS ON ACCOUNT OF OUR Mr rim is on iiyk merchandise old goods find no ifKlVTHI tHU AGO STORE. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR IS THIS SEASON'S LATEST AND STACKS OF Til KM TO T FltOSI. REM) ON. Washington, April 13. Charles A. Towne fears not the buzz saw. Ho says' there never was a tliuo when Roosevelt did not hope to got as many terms as possible. Iloosovolt is a good psychologist. Ho realizes that If tho pcoplo think they cannot got him they will want hhn nil tho moro. o . HOLD RAD RUHGLARS. G. Frner nml C. Cnpp Take Suit anil Several Knlvif From Room nt AVhito House Last Night. New York, April 13. Thaw says he Is hopeful of being admitted to ball. Dolmns visited tho Tombs ear ly this morning, being tho only nt tornoy cnlllng on Thaw, Ho said ho was still Thaw's counsel. Ho wns closctod with tho prlsonor for thrco qunrtors of an hour, and looked llko ho had had a stronuo'uB time, but ro fusod to talk about his posslblo re tention. Thnw Is restloss; ho was up early and read tho papers, but ro-, fused to talk. Evelyn Is almost a wreck this morning. Tho other wo men of tho family hnvo recovered from tho shook, it is said Thaw's attorneys will go Into another coun-1 ty to seek a writ of hnbeas corpus, a, Frasler. alias Gcorgo Pctrlo nnl ordering his rcloaso on bnll. Pea-'B0Vcrn, othor noniB do plnin wlth body, saying ho spoko with Thnw'u tno ni,j or hl9 ,,nrtnor, Chnrlos Cupp, authority, says thoro will bo no lt ,B charged, took from a room nt chango in tho attorneys. tho Whlt0 llo,1(,0 r0HtIU,rnnt last It is reportod lato this afternoon iKht a $30 suit of clothoB and sov that Thaw has decided to dlschargo 'ornU knvo8 belonging to Horman nil his counsel, excopt Dolmns. lt U Watorkamp, a Gormnn. who rocontlj reportod tho prlsonor this morning 'nrrivtid from Europe, said to tho Cnllfernlan: "Go and . Mr Wnterknmp had a room ovor make good, and get mo out on ball " tlio'roMnurant, nnd doubtless Krnsor Thnw and all his rolntlvos In thib nnd Cui,p thought the Gorman an city declare they don't bellovo Illnlr w- mrk, nn,j on0 Who had tho ma- zumn. Night before lust tho Gorman hoard aomo one'trylng to unlock his door, nnd, when asked what they wnnlod, the Intruders mild they thought it was their room. Last ev ening a milt of clothes nnd Hevern! kulYM were iiiImIiik from the room of Wmrrkntup, nnd a uetirch whh b KUi for th1 property. It Ik prob able that Fraser and his pnl wu on of the ri'itmrkft concornlng the inlitfliiK Knoll, fur thy took tholr de purl ure last nlKht for the telephone cninp eonth of town. The Knit of clofiiea wns fouiitl in MoPoet's aoc on 'h nnd store, Whure IJ. hnd boon pawned for 2. Tho mon wore dt Bcrlboil, and hnswrfrod to tho de- stjrlptlqn of tho two mon who wore Chief of Polion Thaw nmde the statomont attributed to him in u recent speech, to tho ef fect that Thaw was insane. WISH OLD POLYGAMIST. Drives Two Sisters Tandem for Flftj Years. Salt Lake, April 13. Absalom ' Wolf, of Hyde Park, has turned invi tntlptis to a moat unusual function the celebration of tho golden wed ding of hlmsolf and two wives. The affair Is to ho hold in Hyde Park on April 19. Mr. Wolf is a Utali plonoor, havln come here with the first company of ItlfttlAAISfl III 1 CJ7 11a lllnNMliul Ilia two women. Harriet nnd Lucy AlArKH? 7 nl?!. Wolf, In Salt Lake 0110', on April 19, 1S57, and line reared large fmnlllen by them. Doth women still live in Hjnle Park and still maintain the sums har monious relations with each other that hare cattried their neighbor to marvel for nmay years, o GltHMin and Deputy lfaeh left thta TO AID STARVING RUSSIANS. PHiltaiituiit Asked to A.smIM Starving; PetiMtiitN. lies' New Spring Suits (',l i'l vuu will find a !J -f the latest tall- '" h vl und handsome- -"J i Hime In brown, ' V;. . kn and blaok, if 1" l y ' ially KOOil val- 5l-ui ' garments. t' ' ' ' partweaU It '"" i ir poeket. See -w pWO, $10.50, $12.50, Ji.J.50 and $15. lPJiJa-- Bui bin R r"s yfi2 St. PeUrsiturg, April 12. Tlie pre mler UHiay askeil purllameiit to mi DroprlMte $11,900,000 to relieve lb fainine In Southern Ituseln. The American ambassador ami give a $5000 collected by the Amerloan Red Cross, the unly other Amerloan con tribution beiag ?60 from oae Hlyas kl, of Davenport, luwa.a antlvs of Russia. A FAST HALF Ml Lit morning for the camp, which Ih about eight miles south, and on ar riving there soon located their men The ohlcere waited until the dinner hour, aad, concealing themselves In a tent, had the bow or the gang eall Prascr and Oupp In, and soon had their arms enelrolwl with Iron brace let. The twe men were brought "back to Salem aad pined In the olty Jail early this afternoon. Articles wery found upon the men, suoh as keys and written notes, thnt would shovt them to be crooks. It to said that Krasor has a former partner iu Jail at Rosehurg, and flas heH hi troilble before this affair. The penally for their orlwie, If con victed, will ihshii from oae to seven years In the penitentiary. They will probably be arraigned Monday. Now Turns to Thaw With a Pathetic Appeal for Cash Salem Grange Adopts Resolu tions of Respect to His Memory Now York, April 13. In a letter thnt It Is Bnld thnt Thaw received yostordny from Howard Nosblt, mndo public today, It asks a loan of $100, and promlaos faithful alloglnnco In futuro. Tho wrltor wroto nt groat length to explain how his "childish" gratitude hnd been aroused to favor tho momory ot Whlto; how ho Hod In "childlBh thoughtlessness to Je rome, but now hnd, from tho mo ment Evelyn told her story on tho stand, boon hor "adoring, apprecia tive brothor," nnd much moro ot tho I snmo kind. Ho dually approached tho climax in n "pnthotlo" appeal for cnsli. o HARRIAUN IN POLICE COURT Now York, April 13. R. II. Harrl- nian appeared iu thu polico court this morning and tostlfled against Stonog- raphor Hill, accused of stealing the Hnrrlimin-Webster letter anil selling it to the newspapers. HurrliiiHit was on tho stand for halt an hour. Ho refused to answer the questions of Hill's lawyers. The court ordored him to answer. The magnate sharp ly replied that he did not propose to answer. Tho attorney for the atate camu to Harrlman's relief with an objection, which the court sustained, llnrrliunn refused to tell the name of tho friend to whom he had road tho letter n month before It was writ ten. Ho Identified the luttor thu: onussd tho sensation, and wns cusstl on noQouut of an luiptirtnnt on- gngsment. Jt iies' Dress Skirts t la all the new new materials. y check, plain Prlcs. $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and $5.90 Muslin Underwear A grand aasortmeai la skirts, ea lees, gowns, corset caver aad draw ers. Corsat Covers, tie, Sc aad 4Se. Skirts, 65c. 98c. $1.J5 aad 11.15. Qowas. 19c. 76c. 9Sc aad fl.Si. U.M"b 1ASTBST GROWING STORE. Shu PrtiiicUco Man Hnruk tlicCiuut Rtwonl. Palo Alto CaJ.. April IS. In the OlMpio Stanford track NMat hare this moral as, Andrew Qiaraar, of the San Francisco Olymptai, beat the eeaat cecord for Sit yards. Tiiae l:f:3. i L McEVOY BROS. -iI2iLAXD COURT STREETS. SALEM, OR. Another I'nuaiiui .Man Rotiro.s. New York, April II. John P. Staveas arrlTed thii moraing from Panama. Ha will go to Washington and report, aad than attend to pri vate boataaaa. He thinks he will take a trip to Bnrope for rest. He would add nothing t what he has al ready made publle about his retire ment. o CliarguN DNnikd. Waahlagton, April 1 3. Searetary Qaraald today dnwahwed the altargM apilaat Douglas Rasa aad K. O. Horn, of Uta redaataUtta sarrloa. O n i i Yorkon RrlKii. Waahtoalaa, April 13 Jehn W Yerkas, earamlaslaaar af Intaraal rav en ne, resigned today, and will prac tice law la this eKy. Chicago Market. CMaaie. AprH 13 What 79 V TH. aara 1S47, oats 41 Millionaires Iudicteil. Mobile. Ala., April 13. The fedsr al grand Jury today Indicted Albert Baldwin, aenlor presldfnt of the New Orlaaas National Uaak; ChapmnrJ Hnwa. Frank T. Howard, Darld Morris aad Alfred WorrU. all Now Orleans capitalists, on a charge of violating the anti-lottery law. a Hliinston Uus a Quako. Kingston. Jawatea. April II. There wm tha worst earthqoake here today since taa oa that do uroyed tha alty. llat little datnsge waA desa. Sunt to A hi Socioty. Flva of tha children of tha with fawlly war tadajp eoMmittad to tho Hoys' and OlrhV Aid Society In Port land. The family resided naar Sllvartoa, and has bean In varv naar olrauni- tineas. Tha testimony shawad that tha father was able to work, bnt ne glected to prorlde. Tha child ran range In age fram two years to 13 years of ana, and are bright and fair ly wall draasnd. Ths sent to tha Aid Society are: Joseph aged 13, OHle 9, An gnat 7, Willi 1 and Beanie 2 years. Joseph was eomtnlttsd with tha in straetlan authorizing the snparla tendaat to put hint In the reform school. If accessary. J. Taascher, traveling sgeat for the saeJety took oharge of Ihe obll dren this aftornoon, and as the fam ily is scattered tho children will bo , put in catholic Institutions, llugi'Mf Slrvt Oil' Lluo to ltd llullt. Ifiiigene Register,. April IS; A Welch, head manager of the Willam ette Valley Conipaiiy'tt Oregon plants, is In Ifiugane from Portland on busi ness connected with tha loeal plant and tha street uar system. When saen yesterday by n Register reportar Mr. Welch stated that his' company had signed up with tha Warren Construction Company for their part or the Willamette street paving eon tract. The steal rails for i ue isiigene lectric system are an route, and ura duo to arrive today, aspordlng to advices from the east ern linn that shipped them, but. ow ing to general paralysis of tmnlc westward bound, they may not reach here for some time yet. However, til company have arrangement with a Portland company whereby they can gat sulllelent amount of rails to lay Wtlllainetle street as the rails must go down as the paving Is laid. Another matter of Interest was se lection of rock to be need In lajlna fonndatloH for street paving. Mr. wuicn examine tae lornumoM on tha north side of the butte on tha company property, and found plasty of ston soluble for tha purpose, aad arnutgewsnt will ba marie with tin Warren GonatrttaUon Company to famish all tha ernshsd rock naeae sary for their paring on n tract la thU city. A ernsher will ba pnt to work. awl ba operated hy an electric mo tar. Other matters af equal ImporUaea ware looked Into thai have Import ant bearing on sleetrle railroad eon- atruatlon (u and ((round Itiigeiie, but which arc not ready for pMbllaatlon. ' Mr. Wifloi said work is being rnshed on tha Halam-Portlaud line, wljiah wlj be completed Js time for the stat fair. Tha next step will ba to build from Malam to ifugene. -o Snlom Ornngo today adopted tho following resolutions iu memory o( tho Into Judgo R. P. Dolse. At tho foronoon rossIou i spoolnl commltton wns appointed, ,nnd, upon tholr ro porting, sovernl members mndo lt tho occasion of paying high trlbutca ot rcspoct to tho momory of tho depart ed, who stood very high iu tho coun cils of tho order. Report of Commit too. Whereas, On Wcdnosdny, April JL0, 1907, death removed from nmong u our revorcd brothor nnd follow Pat ron of Husbandry Judgo R. P. Dolse, nnd Whorena, This order has sustained on Irropnrnblo loss ot ono who win n momber ot Salem Grange, No. 17, Blnco Its organization lu 1873, there fore, bo It Rosolvcd, Hy Snlom Grunge. I'nt rona of Husbandry, that wo sprea.l upon our records this tribute of our appreciation of tho chnrnutor nnd oiu luQiit servtaes of our lutu brothor, nnd thnt coploa bo furnished tho fnm My of deconHod nnd to tho proa of tho state, as follews: Judge llolse was a member ot tho ' ardor who hud held nil tho positions from tho humblest oitlaes to thu high est positions In the Stnte Grnuge throughout its Jurisdiction. He was live times chosen state mauler, nnd by his faithful attendance upon tli4 eeslons of the order at home anil abroad ftltecled tha highest oredtt upon the organization, lu his attend ance upon the National Grunge he ranked with tho nblsst inemborH In the dfllherallovjS of thnt body. Hi oilier Holse al .a sorvod Hid commuiiwoHlth with ability and dis tinction lu tho vnrlous cnimolUon ot lnwyor, 'proseoutor, mombor ot tin aonstltutlount convention nt Oregon, and us h Judge, serving longer than any other aoetipwit of tha henol.illl Ing all Hi use stations In lira with honor ami distinction, and novar jotp promising the highest Ideals fu.' which he ever stood before the world In his political vision Judge Ilolao was a far-elghiad counsellor or th people at all tline. alHiffllng for those conservative ntillrles that strengthen the masses of the peoplu innd protect tha rig! 1 1 of the prod us ing ClHlHHai, In prlvntu-llft, as In piihlle, ho was u model ot good citizenship, faithful In all bis relations to Ills family and bit friends, and your rruumlttee is but fnehly voicing tho pproelAtlon of this order and or tha entire community wtvn it planes up on record this estimate or our re vered member, our true rrlond. a wiae councillor anil fear lew leader. Resolved. That our tender regard and sympathy be extended to the be reaved wife and family. In the full nee of lima and a harvest ot neb deeds ha haa itd into that paee which pa-th undcnitandlfiK. and where thr uwuit tho trne and the triad il of ih- departed that it- feet ret nlb be has so wu ear Bad. K IIOPKII. C U. WBAVlft, XILI.A R lfLirrOIIRR. Commit (tw) mm ipiiii ii H iii ii ii-im i i mm Notice. All owing ma on asoount or over due note ara notified to pay up by May 1st, without fall, at the Capital MaUonal Dank, a after that data aaiao will be planed with my atior nay with Instruction to sua. I have permanently removed from galam, and will positively grant no further oxtaasteas. V. A. WIOQINi. 4-13-1 Ot ToppeaUh, Wash. o i.i. Will LwtHro Hro. Or. C. O. Kimball, of Upokaai will deliver a series of lecture at the Kimball theological college, whish will no ileu at bo of much iuirt to tha Inlaw pablls. Tha first of the series will ba glvoa next Tuesday ev anlng, and all tha addressee wM. tw fraa, and a sordini Invitation to at tend hi axlandad to all, Illshop W. P. Hail, of Chicago, will speak at tha college next I neaday alternoon at 3 o'olook. Tliaa-j gantlemen have tha reputation of be ing foroibla and entartalnlng so ink er, and tha IsatHres will d0Hb'ii In or great value to tha students ami all theme who attend. -O ' .mi. W. W. Culver, or St. Johns, is vl Ulag Salem relatives. Dr. J. F. COOK THU ROTANIOAL DOOI-'U. MOVlll) TO 10 LIIII.'RTY KTRHMT J. W. Raker has returned from a FOR A.Vk RIMKAStJ GAU, ON MIL short visit In Portland. ICOOK. CONSULTATION FREK fi ?i