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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
itpt ' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALlttL OUKflOK. FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1007. ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE HOFER BROS., Puw an Proprietors TIIK JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD THE QUADRUPJJD QUEEN. " - i (Solon L. Goodo in Amorlcnn Farmor.) Tho faithful old cow, behold nor Just now With hor mildness of oyo nnd tho yrhlte on hoc' brow. Sho wnndors nil day whoro the buttorcupa gleam, And wndos In tho odgo of tho cool crystal Btream; Sho munches tho grnas that grows down In tho doll To tho rythmical sound of her musical bdll. O, faithful old cow, shea tho pot of tho farm, 80 gontlo hor path that hor Hfo boars a charm. Hor ways nro as pcacoful as a aummor night's dream 'Neath tho domo of tho sky whon tho stars aro aglcatn. ' Sho Is choorcd all tho day by wron tind by lark As their molody floats from tho dawn until dark. At ovo sho comes homo with an uddor of milk Which Is bettor than gold and is finer than silk. Sho nskH no reward but to do what oho can To bestow all her werilth on euro troubled man. Lot us mnko our best bow to tho faithful old cow As wo deck hor broad head with a bright laurol bough. Of all beasts of tho Held olio's tho best ovor soon . And wo hall hor and crown hor tho Quadruped Qucon, 0 U'ANTH THE MACHINE NAMED. Editor Occr Insists Tho Capital Journal nlinll nnnio tho machtno that dominated tho last legislature That la easy to do, but Is unnecessary. IT IS NOT INDIVIDUALS WE COMHAT, RUT AN INIQUITOUS SYSTEM. Geer knows, na ovorybody knows, that machlno politics Is oxponslvo. It cohIs twlco ns much as a business administration. That tho 'cglalaturo was dominated by n machlno is provon by tho re sults, INDISCRIMINATE APPROPRIATIONS. It la proven by tho passngo of such monstroBltlos as tho ofllclnl paBS bill, on which tho referendum will bo taken. Tho Htatomont of noprcauntatlvo Sottlumlor that tho legislature was de void of leadership, PROVES THAT RRAINLESS MACHINE RULE CON TROLLED. Tho machlno tins but otio purpose placos and pelf. Tho machlno In tho legislature croatod places, raised snlarlos nnd grabbed monoy. Hro. door, print n Hat of tho benoilclnrlos Included In tho Inst para graph nnd you huvo got your mnchlno. With tho dlroct primary tho pooplo can WEED OUT THE RENE FICIAREH THE NEXT TIME, CAN TRIM OFF THE REPRESENTA TIVES OF THE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES, CALLED HIGHER EDUCA T10.N. With tho roforondum tho pooplo can kill off a fow of tho worst grain jnndo by tho legislative machlno. Hro. Qeor lias not yet said that ho -would help tho pooplo do that. Of nl tho nuwspnpors in tho Ktnto, IiIh most stoutly defends nnd npol oglzos for 'the muohlua-rlddon loglnlaturo. HE TAKES IT TO HEART THAT ANY ONE SHOULD SPEAK DISRESPECTFULLY OF ITS WORK. Hut with tho growing powor of the graugo, with tho Increasing Intelli gence of tho pooplo In tho use of dlroct nomination and direct legislation, tho taxpayers will bo able to curb machlno legislatures. Tho pooplo understand long bofnro this WHO THE .MACHINE MEM RERS OK THE LEGISLATURE ARE. Thoy, nro also learning to know tho newspapers that defend organized oillolallsm and Its oucrouohmonts on tho ooniiiionwualtlt. o IUHHF FACTS ON TKIf RUSSIAN FAMINE. It ximU ovtr twtiity-ono provinces, omlmiolntr an ami of about a million and a half animr hiIIm or half the territorial extent of the Unl toil States. Within this nren la a population of 30,000,000, practically all of whom nro dopondent upon utiUldu nmlstauco TO MAINTAIN LIFE UNTIL THE NEXT HARVEST. Tho famine Is tho grerltttt nnd moat dreadful In the history of Ituasln. In tho (amino of 180 12, 00,000 poMons porlahod In a alngto provluou. Tills year, unless speedy aaatstaiioo U rendered, tho death list In that ono province WILL ItlMCII AT LEAST TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND. In the fauilno district agrlouUuiu Is tho only ooeupntlou; whon the crops (nil tliuro In nothing to which tho luhnhlntunta can turn to gala n llvolthood. In many province there was no harvest whatever last year: even Uw seed put Into the mound was lost The peasants have sold their horsed nnd cows and have used the pruoeeda to buy bread. TIIHV HAVE CON HPMHD THE GltAIN HELD FOR SHHI). Thuathoy have mortgaged thnlr 'uluro by snerllloliiK tho moanti of future tillage in order to main tain life Rt prosont, nnd now tliuy have, exhausted ovun theoo sleader rottoureM. Deonyod grain and even the seeds of noxious we&dB have been used li the attempt to preaervo life, t-eaultlug In disease from these poisonous priuuats. llvon, whore help Is now being given, the iMasanttt are Ft)HCM TO LIVE ON ONE-1 11THH.VTH OF Till! AVERAGE HA TIOX. Famlllua have been brought to uch sufferings that parents have sold their daughters Into lavr) and dsgradatlou in the harems and brothels of Turk)' in order to maintain life in tho remaining moiubera of the fam ily . In many place laok of fuel has added dancer of death from cold to that of death from hunger. In tunny vintage part. of. the HOUSHS HAVE I11CIBN TORN DOWN TO PROVIDE FUEL FOR TUB INHAU 1TANTS HUDDLHD TOOIfTHHU INTER HOMHS STILL STANDING. Outside aanUtnnee is absolutely needed. It la the one ihmhi of relllet left. It la dictated hy the demand of humanity. To be effective It ttuutt ha Immediately forthcoming. Five dollars will maintain the lite of h HMldent of the fuMtltie dletrlet until the next barveiL The Huaelaa Fle Iteilef Mwutlttee ha been organised, with head uunrtcre at 1X1 Meet Fifteenth street. New York. Dtahop 1 1 wry 0. Pet ten W president ef the oowmlttee. Samuel J. Harrows Is the secretary All eaHtrlUuUetu, targe or small, text to the secretary will he aelraowl odged a ad receipted for by the Morton Traet comumiy. whlah la aetiK aa treasurer of the fund. All eotttrlbutluas received hy the committee will he applied ami ex- "No ovor-wet seasons or periods occur, such ns, in humid areas, either DESTROY CROPS OUTRIGHT OR RUIN THEIR QUALITY. Harvest weoka aro sunny enough for the workr "Farming loses Its gambling aspect aB much ns ma nufncturlng. "This fcaturo will enablo rural pursuits to commnnd and retain first class talent TO A GREATER EXTENT THAN IS NOW THE CASE. "Mllllona of acres will bo added to our effective agrcultural domain, whereupon will bo sotUed in perpetual a thrifty, happy, prosperous and s'trong population. "This prospect la one to nrouso patriotic enthusiasm. "ITS WELL TO DO FARMERS ARE A REPURLIC'S MOST RELIA RLE RULWARK. "More than other classes they think sanely, see things steadily and sco them whole. "THEY LOVE PEACE AND PURSUE IT, AT CRISES OF NATIONAL PERIL, tho farmor boya aro tho brave, and can always bo counted on to man tho Hiring lino." o- THE DUAL MONARCHY OR EUROPE. Dodd, Mend & Company, of Now York, havo printed "Tho Whirlpool of Europo, Austria, Hungary arid tho Habsburgs," by Archibald R. and E. M. Colquhoun, author of "The Mastery of tho Pacific," "China In Trans formation," etc. Tho nuthors of this book woro first attracted to tho subject by tho dif ficulty In getting olthor in English, French, or Gorman Indeed In any lnuguago a succinct and comprohonalvo account OF THE DUAL-MONARCHY. Unliko any other European country Austria Is mado up of races and territories with a distinct aenso of national independence. Hungary Is a homogeneous and anclont kingdom, but within nro alien races oqually TENACIOUS OF NATIONAL RIGHTS. Tho conflicting curronta of racial politics seethe round tho conter form ed .by tho Ilnbsburg dynasty; to trcco thoso currents, oven on tho sur faco Involved tho study of tho pnst s well as tho present. Tho result la a sorlcs of pictures, first of tho historical evolution and then of modern conditions of Hfo, of tho AiiBtrlnn Magyars, Czechs, Polos, Slovaks, Croats and other southern Slavs, all tho varied pcopl.s WHO OWE ALLEGIANCE TO THE HAHSRURG DYNASTY. Such n comprohonBlvo picture, carrying tha story of ,thcso peoples up to tho ovonts of a fow wooks ago does not exist. Without It tho gonornl reader cannot hopo to understand tho dcoply Interesting racial and political problems which nro agitating a great part of Europo and which may at any momont REVOLUTIONIZE THAT CONTINENT AND ALTER THE COURSE OF MODERN HISTORY. Tho volumo has 100 reproductions of original drawings In black and whlto of characteristic types, stroot scones, soclnl life, scenery nnd old cltlos. Also 30 to 40 original diagrams, maps, etc. It Is a book worthy tho Btudy of any porson doslrlng to bo well Inform ed upon tho underlying dynamic political forco that Ib bound to as sort itself In n forceful manner within tho present de'eado. o GREAT THEATRE EVENTS. Tho prosontntlon at Salem April 10th of "Tho Froo Lanco" 1b a gront event In tho ovolutlnn of tho drama in this city. For tho llrBt tlmo n full-fledged Now York opora Is to bo brought to this city, with the enst EXACTLY AS PLAYED ON RHOADWAY. Tho Bconery, costumes, plnyors, orchostra and Btngo manngcr nro car rind In full from Ilroadwny to tho Grand Opera Houso In Salem. Tho opora company that porforms this font stops at Portland and at Salem and at Saeramonto, and no othor placos botwoon. Tho Ilroadwny effects will bo reproduced, and WHOEVER HAS AT TENDED THEATRES IN NEW YORK KNOWS WHAT THAT .MEANS. Another groat ovent In tho history of Salem drnmatlp performances I tho placing of this city on tho thontro map by Mrs. Losllo Cartor. Mrs. Cartor, In tho gront playa of "Du Harry" and "Znza," makos a tour of 40 Amtrlcan cltlos, beginning with Now York nnd ondlng at Norfolk, Va. Sho playH at Salem Juno 3d, and Btopa next at Sacramento. Tho bIjw of the opera house, tho size of the atage. and THE SIZE OF THE TOWN P HUM ITS THIS. Shall Salem remain In this clasa of cities? It depends upon tho Hfo and Intelligence of tho publlo whothor tho great playa and operas dlroct from Now York can be put on tho stago hore or not. Salem pooplo a fow would go to Portland and PAY FIVE TIMES AS .MUCH TO SEE THESE PLAYS AS IT WILL COST Til AM TO SEE TIII3M AT HOME. They would pay moro to soe thorn In any other city than thoy will pay to sou thorn at homo. Those nro ovanta In the dramatic history of the town thnt should bo borne In mind, as thuy aro a recognition of the fact thnt Salem Is be owning a city. ( o SALEM PEOPLE SHOULD AWAKEN. The great possibilities of the Capltnl City were never so groat aa at Uls particular time. A modern eleotrlcnl system is bolng built to connect Salem HOURLY WITH A GREAT METROPOLITAN CENTER. Hofore the present year la ovor hourly electrical oars will bring peo ple arriving nt Portland on transcontinental tralua to Salem. Now Btato Institutions, new bdlldings, new car linos, new enterprises will throw new life Into Salem. Whether Siilem hiiBlneea men who are now here hasten thoso develop ment, or WHETHER THEY WILL DO THEIR PART IS ALL 1MPOR TANT. Thoy oonnot.loava all public dutlos to a few persons. They cannot lot the burden roat on halt a dozen public-spirited men. There should he a hearty reeponseto ovory publlo undertaking, wueth or It be a horse show, a bualueea men's excursion or a fair. The time la past when this community oau onoe a year hold an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration AND HE CONSIDRRHD ALIVH. PrveldeHt Thlelsen a ad his atllelal board should not be left to do all the HHihiHK. or the eart will be going up hill and oomlRg down ompty. Let tie change all this hy awakening to the fact that we oan all do ten time the business we are doing in every line It we will say so. Musical Drama Saturday Night. It U fair to presume that all of Frenk HeaMteh'a friends will bo jled to give him a hearty recep- itoH when he appears here next Sat- iwwded In the uiot direct and effective way. THUY WILL XOT HK ,,Hl nl lB 0r V lTKNItl) OVIIIt TO THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT. f jMMiee as the bright, nertlewlar star PremldeRl Howtevalt ha endorsed this movement and has paraoRHlly J? ,larO" W. Untoa's, "A Stranger In contributed to It. So havo Qorenor lUtsheiL of New York, and Govara-! Tw" the latent farce comedy with or Chamberlain, of Orogon, and many publlo eptrlted cltUena, Hut to M A r'ully selected company wake the relief tractive, nubile support must bo widespread. K8ed to 8ptwrt the star " 0 TYPICAL AGRICULTURE, E, Roiijamlu Andrews, chnueoljor Untveralty ot Nebraska, la aa ad dicia before tha Social Kducatlounl cougrosa at Uoaton, aaldt "Irrlgutlou and dry agriculture In kouiq day to bo tho typical and the Kost successful ot all agriculture. and Includes such well known play era as Edward Allor, Arthur Fitzger ald. Herbert War. Albert Homtmrg, nita. Knight, Jesslo Harrington, Louise Frailer, Edna Ward, Annett Peters, Mable Gordon and many others, H is oau ot tho cleverest written musical fareea of the year. Mr. Heamlsh and the pretty girls aad tal ented oemimHy will, no doubt, be greeted with a large awl fashloaahlo audience. Mr. Deamlah to one of the best knows eawedlaiM In the country and a8 a star of musloal farco ho has boon rooelved ororywhere with unboundod enthusiasm. o Tho clock ticks and ticks tho tlmo away, Shortening up our Uvea each day, Eat, drink and bo merry, For some day you will bo whore. You can't Rocky Mountain Tea. (Free aamplea at Dr. Stone'e storo.l llllilllllllll llllillllH WORTH SAVING. Hiro Is a slmplo prescrip tion by nn ominent authority on Kidney disearo and Rheu matism: Fluid Extract Dandollon, one half ounce; Compound Kar gon, ono ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, threo ounces. Tako a tcaspoonful after each meal end at bed time A w611 know local druggist, is authority that thoso lngro dlonts aro harmless and easily mixed at homo by shaking well in a bottle. Ho also Btato? that ho hoi been advised by many of his patrons thnt this prescription has a peculiar hoaling and soothing effect up on tho entlro Kldnoy nnd Urin ary structuro, often overcoming tho worst formB of Backache and Bladder weakness in just n llttlo while. This mixture is Bald to romovo all blood dis orders and relievo Rhouma-tiom. April Carnival nt Flnlmvoll. Plainwoll, Mich., April 5. For tho purposo of advertising Plainwoll n "spring opening" Is being hold to day, and will bo continued tomorrow It Is ono of tho most unlquo ovonts In the business lino ovor given In the atntc. Uniformed guides nro provid ed, who nro conducting visitors to vnrlous points ot lntorcst nnd through tho manufacturing plants. Visitors nro seeing pnpor mado in tho now (2,000,000 mill ot tho Mich igan Papor company, shoes mndo in tho recently opened plant of - the Plainwoll Shoo company, and a modol electric plant In thnt of the Ecsloy Light & Powor compnny. Be sides thoso, hundreds of dollars worth of valunblo prizes, Including buggies, harness, plows, cultivators, morclmndlso of various knds, nro given nwny by tho merchants. Var ious amusement nttrnctiona nro nlso provided. o Whooping Cough. I havo used Chamberlain Cough Uomody In my family In ensea of whooping cough, and want to toll you that It Is tho best medlclno I have ovor used. W. F. Gaston, PaBCo, Ga. This remedy Is snfo and sure. .For salo at Dr. Stono's drug store. o Riislucss Men's Longup Howicra. Grand Rapids, Mich., April 5. Bowlers in the Business Men's league will gather tonight around the hoard at tho Pantllnd, nt tho first nnuual banquet ot the now organiza tion. Fifty members will participate. Tho toasts wero admirable, nnd the reapons'os full of wit nnd humor. O ' PURE FOOD LAW How manv n-... you who tanrirJ an artlole is nnm ,v U ! are more than wTH the labels .Jr?410 Iti advertising 1. ..fcwa,as4Ui ated. thfiv .in "e7 tn Hi forced to bv iw .. .notU5Sw ors wlUort., ,! "f?',nX because hey ca; ST on them than i..?..B8 wholesomo. " ?m got nuro fnn, ,... . .'H) r,- 5 TO "" uuaier or tnt u "" lor your inmiT ALLEN'S Rcr.v.n.n HKOWN BREAD m Si ALLEN'S SELF.1USIX0 8.B J w0 1-mjuii is rci For sale hv nil n . ... ! II your. doc not h, ,,, ALLEN'S B.B.B Pacific Const Factory, Saa J(ue, uaiur r.aciory, Little Wotl r Manawa, WU, I Why Havo a torpid llvor whon Horblno, tho only llvor regulator will help you? Thoro is no ronson why you should suffer from Dyspepsia, Con stipation, Chills and Fovor or any liver complaints, whon Horblno will euro you. F. C. Walto, Wostvltle, Fla., wrltoa. "I was atck for a month with chills nnd fovor, nnd ntter tak ing two bottles of Horblno nm well and hoalthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. Count Yout Money And sco how much moro you havo today tlum you had a year ngo. Many of our depositor's pass books show n bnlnuco of ecvcrul himdml dollars, all accumulated In tho past year. You can sav, too. Oprn a savings account with us and try It. Savings Department Capital National Bank Garden Seeds! Wo havo a large itock el Gnrdon Seeds la bulk. 0u seeds aro all 1906 crop; bo carry-over. ONION SETS. Ask for small onion ku, You got threo times u euj to tho pound. FIELD SEEDS. Fancy Bluestcm WLtat, Chovolln Barley, 0ti, Con. Clover, Alfalfa, Field Pen Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agenti for Coulson's Egg Foods, Coulson'a Chicle Foods, Coulson's Condition Fortta Tho largest vrholeult ul rotall dealers In the tit;. TILLSON & CO. 151 High a Spring Clcam House. 2 lots, 2 blocks fresi v onrllna f!rt(1 VM. ....v, T - - - j House. 4 lots. ! blocu iroa ii car lino. SS.50. Good C room house ana wm blocks from carllne. 1!50 nood 7 room house and lSlots.1 blocks from cnrllne, itW- Rnmi s room House a - --- Into In frllllt. COOd Dm. H " Improvements, on carllne. UW FIno block ot ground la tleff nnd Loganberrlea ixtnss. " $1S00. av House and lot on SOla Houso and lot on od " ' view, 1500. , House and lot on . House and 3 lots oaintB' 1.-1- tienn nieKtiia, "--. ;, Good bouse ana s Ave.. 11500. i.B,.nfni home on su with lota ot fruit, gool'' horse and buggy. "" o nn nrchanl la u' L . oa tn a Hd SOacr' iSr-S rent or trade for "-VL-Fire. lit. aldent !- i.. i loues. -pays PNw' '-J- toi,,,, Notary wy". ,.,rfiss. any and all business la R. R. Ryan & - 546 Stale st HOixisTtrn-a Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bm Ueikii Ut But Fwsl. Srftft 0Wa Rtlia ul RciToJ Vlfor. xixi lUduclMt. li Ju-xtky Mountain Tea to UU let form- S cat k Ikuc Qmuuba md bt ilcusre IIM Oour x-nr, Itxllton, wit. iOlD K'JSGETS F0:t SALLfW MM EB COltFAKT, iW ir..-. f tally ' ,ii ge.r tot It " AGW M 1