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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
t "9ffl!f "!? nf. jrrrxt-yft. ' 1 daiijT OAriTAii jpunxAii, 8A1.KM. oitKcoy, yiunAY, AiMtiij 5,,ieo7. rr n Blood Is the rn Medical Science Returns to the Ancient scriptural I ruth BLOOD MEANS NEW LIFE Life LAUGHS AT FOREIGN INVASION HieSak How the Militia of the Differ ent States Is Growing Strong laugh at forolgn Invnslon, at lenst Williams' Pink Pills. Ho says: "I so far ns tho manning ot Us coast Buffered from general debility and fortlflcnttons In concerned. General lndgostlon. My sleop was rostloss on Murray chief of artillery, Is nstound- nccount of terriblo pains In tho cd at tho onthuslhsm with which his small of my back. I couldn't con- invitation, extended to tho mllltla e.ontrnto my mind on my work, ana f tho Bonboard state, to learn tho tho attempt to do so completely ex- secrets of the big guns, has boon ac- haustcd mo. After trying several coptod. Tho govornor of Callfornln medicines without help, I rend of Dr. 1"8 Just notlllcd tho war dopnrt- Wllllams' Pink Pills and gavo them niont that tho mllltla will Join hcart- a trial. They mado mo fool much l" in Joint drills with tho regulars, bettor and I havo novor had a re- nnd 1ms asked that provision bo turn of my formor sickness and mado for tho participation ot all of cheerfully recommend Dr. Williams tho B2 mllltla Infantry companion Pink Pills as an excellent nervo and ' in tho stnte. This has been both on blood tonic." Pink Pills Unlit Her Up. Mrs. Jonnle Cowan, of 718 N. Henry street, West Bay City, Mich., says: "I was completely run down Joynblo and embarrassing mirprlso to tho department, for It had boon proposed to ontortnln only 37 com-' panics nt tho outside, disposing ot them among Fort Rosccrnns, Fort Lc Season of the Year the Blood Needs Revitalizing to1 Washington, April g. oivon n ni ., ... c u i n ii r UnlUd States will bo In n nosltion to Tnnp uo tic oiuuiuui uuu uedr uic Dram i, ,. . , . ... . .. fmc-honored customs !Xof taking a tonic In tho Se i, based upon good, hard i sense u. the long months of winter HiaI limn In Btcplo spenu ". "- L Vps less than their ?woantofcrclSeandeatbut fresb vegetates nan "" itt of cav-,n"bi vuu fooJ. Perhaps grip has u ttubborn after-effects. u .alts Ii that tho warm days Zm which awakens all nature Ed life, And them sluggish . -.. .! tint w jugdld, unauio 10 .".-.. UsU With Vigor, souiuwiuua iddaches and disturbances of Match and bowels. Tho rem br tbii condition is a tonic that titilliQ tno blood and Impart cithtnd vigor to every weakened WjOI WO uuuj. ..Cite Own to tlie Mood. It Williams' Pink Pills nro tho ! toalc becauso thoy act directly rtUe blood. They supply to tho ii Its life-giving qualltos by ns ritr il to absorb oxygen, tho grout forter of all organic life. In this itfc blood becomes rich, red ana a, aoarlshes the vurlous organ? iiUmulates them to nctlvlty In Arming their duties In n iiormnl i-ind this means health. Wwtbe tonic effect ot thoso pills Sdjr color and energy and nmbl la',ilurper, tho pale cheoks tnko n mW colo rand energy and nmbl : aro restored. Unless this Is the languor of tho springtime tree a threatening decllno in r lumnior, dlslncllnutlon to nc ftr becorats moro marked, nnno i oftsa develops and tho coming Mother winter finds tho )ntlcnt k equipped physically to moot ftm. f Judged ly Itraults. to beet way to Judge tho vnluo urrtoedy Ii by results nnd overy Slhtd tatemant nf n rum liv rtr Sim' Pink Pill, may be rollod M ibtoluti 1 ag though you M with the person giving it gWi the facts at first hand. NiMat Ja paid for, directly or pMr. Gratitude for relief ob Uk the tale motive that pN the following authentlo ,&re Strength Hud Health. U.O. Havey. of 95 Willow St.. h.Xim. u on.. m knows tho 1 ef the tunii t nYet of Dr. xiFoAi and was so weak I could hardly Wlnflold Scott and Fort Dnkor. Tho stand, my cheoks had no color and I 'mllltla of tho other Pnclflo stntos folt fnlnt. My honrt would flutter UftV0 nccoptod with oqual alacrity tho and It wns difficult for mo to brcntho opportunity to lonrn tho operation of nt times. Neuralgia settled In tho tl, b'B BnB whllo on tho Atlantic back of my head and stomach and I ' const tho samo spirit Is shown. Even Buffered from rheumatism in my Uttlo Rhodo Island will turn out lta shouldor. I boenmo no bottor until "! fighting forco to learn tho in n frlond told mo how 3I10 had been trlcncloH of tho coast dofonso. In cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills nct tno wr dopnrtmont sooms to and I decided to try them. I soon uo thriving In this ago of commor folt bottor nnd continued using thorn clnllsm, for tho war dopnrtmont Is until I was ontlroly cured. Thov built ! ndvlsed of tho formation of rlilo clubs Women arc creatures of habit. They form the habit of doing a certain thin? and often continue it after improvements have been made. Take shortening for instance. Tho old time way was to purchase bulk lard, in a barrel or tub, which tho grocer uncovered as soon as received, leaving it open to dirt, dust and flics, exposing it in some cases to tho sun with tho possibility of its becoming rancid, and permit ting it to bo placed where it would bo likely to absorb tho odor of cod-fish, soap or kerosene oil. This is an old-fashioned, out-of-dato method of buying shortening, but many people still continue it. Wo wonder why? Probably, -just a matter of habit. There is a better way. CoUolene is not only superior to lard as a shortening, from the fact that it i9 a vegetable, and cleanly product, whilo lard I9 made from greasy, indigestible hog-fat, but Cottoltnc reaches tho consumer in tho samo condition it was on the day we manufactured it. If cleanliness, hcnlthfulncss, economy and superiority count for anything there is no excuse for any housewife in the land using other than Catiolettc for shortening and frying. You owe it to yourself and family, as a careful housewife, to give CoUolene a. test, and verify tho claims wo make for it. Any one who expects to livo his allotted three score years and ten cannot afford to exper iment with lard cooked food. It is n foo to good digestion and a healthful condition of tho stomnch CoUolene is tho only satisfactory and perfect shortening. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest possible award) over all other cooking fata at the recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. "Horn Htlpt" a book of 300 choice nciptt, eJHtd by Mr, Rarer, it your for a 2 cent ttamp, if you eddniM 77ie N. K, Fairbanh Company, Chicago, A NEW FEATURE Tho pMent air-tight tep en this pull Is for the purpose of keeping COTTOLENE clean, fresh and wholesome it alio prevents it from absorbing all disagreeable odors of the grocery, such as fish, oil, etc. nLwVlKJrLeH Nature9 s Gift from the Sunny South mo up ngaln to perfect health." Gained Weight niul Strength. Mrs. Sarah Ramsoy, of 1008 St. John Btroet, Lltchflold, 111., Bays. "My blood scorned to bo In n vory poor condition and my hands and throughout tho country. The spirit ovon Una sproad to tho gentler box. nnd tho high Bchools girls ot thin city hnv formod nn organization for rlilo practice. It Is probnblo that bofore the summer Is ovor they will foot woro llko Ico. I Boomed to bo l, nl1 lo nro l" URt 22 cnllbru growing wonkor nnd wenkcr and .Houort without shutting both oyos. could not get nround to do my work I Word of tho unusual nctlvlty In tho house. I wns oxtromoly ner- among fltenmbont mon on tho Mlssls vous nnd tho least oxcltomont would ' slppl, Missouri nnd Ohio rlvors hnH bring on a dUry spell. My hond ' reached horo. It would nppoar ns a nchod a gront dcnl nnd sometime "tmir ot tho pnBsngo of tho big rlv- tho pain wont nil through my body. I soomed to got no bottor until I be gan taking Dr. Williams! Pink Pills. Thou I soon folt bottor nnd gnlnod In wolght and strongth. Now I nm n woll womnn in ovory wny." Write for Further Proof. All who consider trying Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills nre Invitod to write. Htatlnjj tholr trouble, and be furnish 8.1 with proof of what the remedy has accomplished ' In similar cases. It Is not necessary to enclose stamp for reply. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nre sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of price, BO cents per box, six boxes for $1.60, by the Dr. Wllllnms Medicine Co., Schenectady, X Y. :aj"jrtt?THi A SQUARE DEAL linn 'V r"11" T,,IAL or ol" TAItM I.MPMiMRNTS AND nJ,, UY OI' Mth KIMW. n,i YOU AUK NOT SATISFIED I sni 1UU TI"AIj YOU NKKn NOT ,lUY- lebLI, TIIACriON AM) STATIOXKUY KXGIXKS, NICIIOL'S Tii.. ,AU,)'S UEn KIVHIl SRPARAT0H8, HAY IIALHIIS, Iv h ANI H0AU ollA,"NO 3IAOIIINEIIY. o ,,LK TUK VI WAGOXS, KNGHIl IJUGGirCS, vS AM) CAUItlAGKS. jvT pV,lK AfJKXTS VOJl THE ADHIAXCE, IIUCKHYK MOW- io b IMWS AXI i'"R innnox cuiivatoiw. wi S'-fOXD HAXI) PARS! ISU'LIOIKNTS AND JCO.NS VKItY CHEAP. UL mt 0,,"S AXI VAf KilBS AT WHOIiKSALK AXI) UI5- nruis AN1 STA1XS ov Ah1t K's, paixtkhs Sp Tois' I,ASnoAnDs, whips, itonits, m E r ,,ON,,I;X('E SOLICITED, CIHCUIiAItS AND DKSCTtlP--ATAIXi(,UiS 1-URXISHEI) OX APPLICATION'. GEO. B. JACOB, Ptop. E 101 5LUX COH. FRONT AND PINE STREETS jcrs nnd harboru bill nnd tho appoint niont by Prosidont Iloosovolt of tho nland waterways commission, that the prosporous ago of rlvor tralllc Is to be revived. Not alone will tho Btrenms or tho Ulterior feol this change, but tho big nnvlgabla rivers of the coBHt also win he bouefitod. The great decline In steamhoatlng Is outlined In figures submitted by thJ Merchant's IOxclmnge of St. Louis. In 1-887 It appears that 881 boats and 1272 barges arrived there, whll last year only 1000 boats, the ma jority of which were small steamers, touched at that city. The freight, shipped from St. Louis was In 18S7 totaled 017.000 tons, while in 1808 the amount of freight shipped was only 89.000 tons. According to stu dents of the question, this falling off waa not due any more to the Here competition of the railroads than It waa to the failure of the government to take proiwr care of the streams laud see to the navigability. Just at I the prosent time, when all transport tntion unes are paralysed with a great congestion of freight, the gov- tJRNITURE IORSE Several Good Second Hand sets, Low Prices All r otmd family driving norse for sole reasonable. TVES AND RANGES WeWLot of Second Hand Stoves and Ranges Tkey Are All Bargains J. N. SHANTZ. Cort t, Sateen. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Ti.-re is a disease prsvailiuK in thin country mt dang erous bacaitte so decep- live. Many uuuira (ksaths are caused by it heart dis eHe, pnentjioiiia, heart failure or anopleay arr "ftest the rc.nlt of kut- IMry d)M.-M-. If kidney UuuIjIc la alUwrl toad vanea the ki'liic -jHtiMHi- Ml MfMMi Hill 1- tack the vital organ, ratumu t jrrh of the Madder, or the ktdiHrya tlirnwcivea brrak down and.'aste away r-!l l cell. Bladder UtullM alimt'ult- uaolt from a deraitgewesit of the kiliie and a cure is ubuinesl miicheat by a proper treatment of the khlneys. If you are feci ing badly you can make no mistake by takuig Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Iioot, Um Xreat kulney, liver and bladder retoedy. It rorrecta luahsUty to hold unite and Kl.Iinir pam iw MsUlu it. aud ovar- rointu that uHpleaaaut Hece$ity of tjcittg ( rraupelleil to go often through the day, 1 a'ul t K up many tunes during tm niht The mild and the cxtraordiuarv effect of &MmMip-!toot is jom realuetf. I It stands the highest for its wonderful J 1 urcs of the most ditreing caaea Swaiap-Koot U pleasant to take and i ! tftUl by all dregiU in fifty -cot and one-ooiiar ate ixxttes. ) ou way have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dia . -.c.-,v and a book that tell all about it, o ! sut free by mail. Address, Dr. KU er Se Cn . WnghamtoH, Si. Y. non wnusir mention rceuiinif this Keneroua offer in this paper. Don't make any : 4Le . but reiueuilx-r the name S wain ' Koot, I. Kilmer's Sivawo- addrrM Iliughimton, Y., on mtrry -Hoot, ami nip-the ornmont has taken up vigorously tho dovolopmont of watorwaya. That this policy may not die nbornliiR. the National ltlvors nnd HnrborH con grass Is seeking to Rtlmulnto tutor ost throughout tho Unltod Stntos In tho ontlro subjoct. it wub duo large ly to tho orfurtn of thU organization that the rocord-hrenklng bill wna pitHHod at tho last sosnlou for tho hottorment of rlvors and hnrbors. A nntjonnl unlvorslty ns tho agency through which bottor commercial nnd diplomacy rotations may .bo es tablished with South Amorlcnn coun tries, Is tho plon of Hon. John llnr rett, dlroctor of tho btironu of Amor lcnn ropubllcs, who urgos tho ostnh- llHhmont of such nn Institution liorc. In a public statemout this wank he declnred It wns essential that such n university lie established, for the reason that every South American republic maintains ii national Instl. tut Ion of such character, aud could not understand why the United States should be so far behind In educational matters. The effect ou LatlnAinerirftH thinkers, men of af fairs, and leaders In the business world, Mr. Usrrett aays. Is decidedly prejudical to doe. relatlounla with this country. He eudorued heartily the movement of George Washington university to 1111 Ibis niche, to whlnu It was pledged in tho last will of tho first president of the United States Mr. Ilitrret adraaced a unique piau for making suoh a university thor oughly national In character; ho would have the different states sub scribe, olther through their leglsla turns or by the popular subscription, to a general endowment fund. In this way every state In the union would have n direct Interest r a uni versity, to which the graduates oft their nuts universities eould como j for graduate work or to puraue studies la stsMlal branches of scl enoe or the arts. For the same rem-! sum scholars front LcUa-Amerlca and I throughout the world would bo ' attracted here, with the ultimate re- suit that both polities! and trad.' r-; latlons would be betterud In ' w r j way. , Consul Qeueral Rodgers at Shanic ' tusl has Just eahled the state depart ment hat In hie pinion the food supplies now on tlselr way to relieve Chinese famine sufferers will be suf j fleleat to meet the needs of the peo ple. Ho says, however, that about ' SSO.0Q0 In gold will be required to relieve furlher suffering oace the food stuffs are distributed. The Unitad States these days Is showing, to tho world that It Is a nation of I opea-bandsd goiteroeUy. -and now ! that It has relieved the aufferlng of tho rtarving CelesUaU It Is probable i that money and supplies will ho pour-' wl out on behalf of the 30,000,000 ! peasnnts who nro facing death In IU most awful form jn tho famine-swept provinces ot Russia. The Russian famlno relief committee .which Is organized at 13S East 15tb. New York. Is taking chargo of tho funds contributed by generous Americana and is swing to It that these funds reach the suffering peasants without passing ovor tho Itching pnlmn of any of tho IJiihIbiui petty officials. Prosidont Iloosovolt tins subsortbod to tho fund nnd In a letter has urgtd the Amorlcnn pooplo to bo ganorous Wlrun It is known that K will navo n human llfo until tho not hnrvost, State News The Dalloo will bo dolnR hmUnoFi) wlbh hUHlnomi mon from nil ovor tho country this sunimor. Following I .,l,tAlti 8li.. iiiirtniiniii(ttl ttlrt 1Vlf. thoso Is Uttlo ronBon lo doubt that ",u." ." """""m "'"". V ... lanu niui nniom roprooii(niivu com morclal mon will visit that city tho rosponao from tho country will be all that eould ho donlrod. Filipino students in this country, ocoordlnr to word rocolvod by the war dopnrtmont, nro oxcoodlng nil oxpoctntlona. Tho dopnrtmont has boon advlsod that Mtguol Nlcdao, n Htudout at tho stato normal Hohool at Normal, -III., has won tho right to roprosoiit tho stato or Illinois In nn IntnrHtntii oratorical dobato to be hold soon nt hlmporln, ICus. He do fonlod nil coutestnnta for the honor to bo the Illinois representative. these contestants representing the leading debaters from all the normal schools In Illinois. He now has won the right to contest with the debaters of Wisconsin, Iowa. Kansas and Missouri. At the normal school In comoH tho naws thnt n delegation ot Ouiaha'H projnlnont ulllzona will spond n short ttmo In our city on tho evening of Juno 8th. Thoy nro com ing In tholr special train 20 strong, and tholr Itlnornry Innliulos llnkor City, Lu Gramle, Pondlotnn, Umntll In, Tho Valles, Hood Hlvur nnd Porllnnd. , HnrrlihurK llifllelln: U. S. (llou son, of Hubburd, wnu Jioro Sundnx last on a short business visit. Wltfle here he arranged to enter Into part nership with It. C. Huberts III the Jewelry business, and It Is their In tention to establish a nlori In Junc tion City In tho nnr f .it nre Mr. Roberts eoHteniplatea some very ". a. . vhv nui turn Rvnuiii in t . DelCalb, III., the young Ftliplno ro- d roi-wnite In th.. nrraHge- eeutly organlswl a football team, which defeated the faculty team. There's J ftl Filipino students attend ing school In AlnerlcH as the wnrd.i of the Philippine government, a ma jority nf them being scatter d among state Institutions In the middle west o J C Dlrkover has opened a whole l powder hoiiHe at Albany. MOMMHMMII ill I meat of his store, and we have uo hesitancy In saying that th.. new firm will meet With splendid mirr -sh. Gymnastics alone can ner glvo that Plnstlclly, onse nnd graeeful figure wbleh comes by taking Ilollla. ler's Itocky Mountain Ton. 36 oenta, Ten or Tablets. For sale nt Dr. Htono store. G ST06K FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE 9 All kinds of Silks, Embroidery nnd Laces, all kinds of Dress Goods, Gents' and Ladies rurnisliing Goods, Suits, Coats, Pants and Shoes; all kinds of Underwear, Skirts, blankets, Comlorls, Hose; all kinds of Overalls, Shirts, Malting, Trunks. Wc make up n new line of Wrappers, Waists, Kimonas and White Underwear, bilk Garments. 3 Kimonas, 60c. 76c, 8Gc, S1.00, 1. II, 11(0, J3.S0. !M0 to I (5. Wrappers, 75c. $1.00, 1.2f, $1.60 11.71. IS.3I, $3.00, $3.10 to $4.10. Lneo, yard, le up to 3c ami tie. Htabrohlerr, yrA, 7 up to 60s. -Jose. lte. lie, 2 fie. 2C, 30c, 31.0. and 66s a pair. Silks, yard, 2c, 3fto, (00, 6o, 71 c, 85o to $1.50. Fancy Dress Goods, yard, 10c, ISo, 18c, 20o, 25c to COc. Stlk nnd Fancy W.vlats, 60., 71c, $1.00. $1.25, $1 60, I1.7C $2.00, $2.60, $3 00, $3.60, H.I0. HklrU 11.00, $1.21, $1.60. $1.76, IX. 00, $2.S0 to $l.&0. Xlght gowns 6O0, 76c. $1.00, $1. 8f, $1.50 to $2. SO. Drawers, pair, See. 3ftr. lOe, 78c, $1.00, $1.25 to $2.00. lllankats COo, 7to, $1.00, $1.25 to $0.00. Matting, yard, ISc, 20c, 22c 25o. HUIE WING SANG CO. Chinese And Japanese Baaar 346 Cowt S4wt Sk, Oftgost 0 -i- -tL