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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOUItN'AL, SALEM, PRECOX, WEBSEBDAY. MAliqil 37, 1007. INTEREST SON STATE MONEY Run-down People Hew Law Compelling Banks to Pay 2 Per Cent on Deposits Section 1. It ahnll bo tho duty of tho stnto tronsuror on tho first Mon day In June of oncli yonr, to doslg nnto Btich banks nnd trust companlos within this atnlo as ho may, undor tho provisions of this net. doom oll glblo to ho mndo stato depositories for tho purpose of rocolvlng on do poult funds of this Htnto, nnd paying out tho snmo on ordor or ohockH of tho stnto tronsuror. Section 2. All bunks nnd trust companies npplylnK to bo mndo Blnlo dopoHltorles undor tho provisions of this net, shall, on or boforo tho first Monday In Juno of oaoh yonr, lllo tholr application In writing with tho utnto tronsuror, said nppllcntlon to bo accompanied with n sworn stnto incut of tho financial condition of dnld bank or trust company nt tlmo nppllcntlon Is mndo. Tho stnto treas urer Bhnlt pnHH upon nil applications mndo lu campllnuco with this not, nnd sliall stnmp upon tho nppllcntlon "approved" or "rojoctod," nnd tho flnino Hhnll bo duly signed by him. Any and nil implications stamped "npprovod" and Blguod by tho stato trcaBUror, as horoln provldod, shall bo doomod ollglblo to bo mndo stnto depositories undor tho provisions of this not. Section 3. Tho stnto tronsuror shall dopoBlt and nt nil timet) keep on do pop It In national hnnkH doing lumi nous In tho stnto of Orogon or otlior linuks nnd trust eompanlou doing business within this statu, ns Hhnll hnvo boon uprovod undor tho provi sions of this net ns horoln provldod, the amount or money In his hand belonging to thesevornl f inula In tho stnto treasury, nnd any such bank or tniHt compnny may Hie with the stnto treasurer Its applli'iitlon for tho privilege of kuoplug on deposit niioh funds or some part thereof. All such depoNltH mIihII lit subject to pay mout when dumuudtd by tho statu tronsuror on IiIh ehok. and any j bank ruoelvl P 4 sneieBUUUum IV x P s Venenenuuuenuuuw Need VINOL the modern strength creator and body builder Many pooplo right horo In this vicinity nro nil run down nnd hardly nblo to drug nbout, don't know what nils thorn. Innlnoty-nlno ensea out of n hun dred this Is caused by overwork, too cIoho cnnllnomont or continued strain and worry. A membor of tho 0. W. I'utmnn Co. says: "Such people nood Vlnol, our cod llvor propnrnUon without oil, which contnlns In n hlshly con contrntod form all of tho nudlclnul nnd strongth-crontlng ulomonts or cod liver oil nclunlly taken from fresh cods' livers, but from which tho useless oil hns hoen ollmlnntad nnd tonto Iron nddod." Vlnol euros conditions Ilka this bocauB,o In n natural mnnnor It lu croasos tho appotlto, tones up tho ill gontlvo organs, mnkos rich, rod blood nnd Btrougthous ovory organ In the body. Wo nsk ovory man, woman and child lu this vicinity who Is run down, tired nnd dobllltutod to try Vlnol on our offer to return monuy If It fnlls. 0. V. Putiiiuu Co.. druggists. Nolo. While wo nro solo ugonti ror Vlnol In Snlum It Is now for snlo at tho loading drug store In nonrly ovory town nnd city lu tlu country Look ror tho Vlnol nifoury In your town. Now, therefore, If said of each and stato treasurer a Btntemont In duplicate, showing tho dnlly balance of the stnto moneys hold by it during tho mouth next bank 'treasurer, out of any money In tho lioloncinK to mo Section IS. For tho purpose of carrying out the provisions of this .. at U !'," SHSidJTK . e ..7c 7,i ".. b tor .PP-apnateYaT- ... !... I, nM tUn rnmnvnl or otnerwise uhiub m " "- . by the state treasurer or by his con sent, of such monoys, or n part there- preceding, nnd tho Interest thoreon. of, out oi me uu.l . - - and Bhall well nnd truly keep all said treasurer's department or -out .of any - .. ,i .u.,1 .,.. n iienoeiiory ui um, -11. ., ' .. ...,. n ti,nM thorlsed by law to be paid, or for o the purpose of depositing the same, under the provisions of this act, in treasury, not other wlso appropri ated, tho sum of $1200. Section 19. All acts nnd parts of acts in conflict herewith nro hereby repealed. Filed In the office of the secrctnry interest thoreon, subject at all times to tho check and ordor of tho Btate treasurer as aforesaid, and ahnll pny over tho same, and any part theroor, upon tho chock or wrltton demand of the stato treasurer, anu to nis successor In offlco ns shnll bo by Tetter, Salt Ilhcuin nnd Eczcmn. These aro diseases for which Cham banks which shall have qualified ns berlnin'B Salve is especially vnlu deposltorles, shall constitute a felony, able. It quickly nllnys tho Itching and on conviction thereof, shall sub-, and soon effects a euro. Price 25 Ject the treasurer to Imprisonment in cents. For sale by Dr. Stone'B Drug him demanded, and shall calculate, the state penitentiary for a term not Store. .... . .....,lln lu'n vsnn nr n Ann tint I ..iif .i n0V'0ni,i !ntflrRtnsnfore-:execeedlng two yenrs or a fine not said, and shall In nil respects, save .exceeding $5000, or both such flnj and keop the Btnte of Oregon nnd and Imprisonment, nnd the treasurer said stato tronsuror harmless nnd In- j shall be liable upon his official bond domnlflod for any by reason of the for all profits realized from such mnklng of snld doposlt or doposlts, thon this obligation shnll bo void and of no offocb, othorwlso to be nnd to remain In full force nnd vlrtuo. Witness our hands and sonls the day and yenr first nbovo wrltten: (Senl) (Sonl) (Seal) (Sanb (Ssnl) (Soal) unlawful use of such funds. Section 12. If the treasurer wlll fntiv full or raftiM at nnv time to do or perform any net roqulrod of him by Signature of this act. he shall be guilty of n mis- demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine nut exceeding $6000. Section 13. The offering, or giv ing, directly or Indirectly, by any CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho & slTs, . ' &z&jff&dui.l FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider l'axtlno Toilet Antiseptic a necessity In the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As n wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities nro extraordinary. For sale nt Drugdhts. Sample free. Address The K I'axton Co., Hot ton. Mass. All bonds nnd socurltlis, nftor ap fproval, shall be doposltod with and bank or depository, or by any ofllcor hold by the tronsuror. It shall bo the or stockholder thereof, or by any duty or tho nttomoy gonornl to ontor other porson or persons In Its or nnd prosecute to Ilnnl determination ' their behalf, or by Its or tholr knowl nll suits for tho recovery of any pen-'edge, acqulesconse, or authority, or alty arising undor tho conditions of In Its or their Interest to tho state any bond roqulred to bo glvon by the treasuror, of any gift, compensation, provisions of this net. reward, or Inducement with tho In- Soctlon, G. Tho stnto tronsuror tent or for the purpose- of Inducing muy designate" n bnnk or trust com- said tronsuror to doposlt funds of pnny In tho city of Salem or n bnnk the state In nny bnnk, contrnry to or trust company In tho city of Port- any law of this stnto, shnll constitute intwi n u mi iiptlvn ilniinnltrirv for the n felony and shnll, upon conviction rzssffl -S-T ifiNr :?r:- 'wv -- ClIOT From rnfts to mill tho snmo caro collection of any drnfts, checks, cor- thoreor. subject tho party or parties ' " ' tho handling nnd selection tlllcatos or deposit nnd coupons that offondlng to Imprisonment in tho of our lumber, nnd also saves you mny bo received by him on nccount state ponltentlniy for n poriod not monoy. of nny claim due tho stnto. Suction 7. The bank or trust com pnny designated as such active de pository shnll be requlrod tq give exceeding two yenrs or by n flno not exceeding $5000, or by both such line and Imprisonment. Section 14. The state tronsuror Is Cotno nnd sec us nbout prlcos. CSOODALE LUMHKIt CO., l'nrdft Xcnr Depot. security to the state, to bo approved hereby uutlmrlxed and empowered to by tho state treasurer, for the prompt sell nny nnd nil or the bonds, collodion or all drarts, chocks, cor- warrants, and other securities that tlllcntos or deposit, or coupons that may bo doposltod ns security ror tho may bo dollvored to such actlvo de- deposit of any state funds In nny de pository by tho state trengurar for posltory under this act, nt public collection; aUo for the r keeping or private sale, wherever thoro shall and prompt puymont on tho state be a failure or refusal upon tho part treasurer's ordtr or the prooeeda of or any such bank, as a depository, all such collections; also ror th pny- to iwy over the mild funds or any inent of all drafta that may lie It- part thereof upon the check or de sued to said state treuanrer by such maud of the treasurer made, upon u g and holding any such'H,'cU lMotlta and the Interest there- active depository. such bank. Notice or the sale of nforosuld. ahnll bo r-'ou- H,,,l ,,0,H,H( w,le" ,vo"' t,,1",,' Suctions. The state treasurer, on "uc, l',,1' warrants, or other se- recelpt of any draft. owk, or ccrtlll. curiHw, umim- iou au. snnn ne rate of depiult, on account of state lTn for "rlw 'f ""'. iiiiiiiBii. ii iiiiii iinii ! niiiiii iru m -w nulr.d in i..y and h1.mI1 nny to th. , ' ,)f Oregon, nnd to tntu hi rtho privilege if lioldliig rt,,r wlth t,H eMrUIi orfored, tho Miiim. Interest at the rate pr- ,' "PKroved as to the legal Horlbml by the slaU treaauw a torm ,,,w oriiy general. Snld horolimftfr provided, which rate of , lifl shnll lw cnnilltloiitxl that the Intoreat itliall not be lee than per l1Mllorir shall, at the belnHlHK or coat per annum, and subject al to " r' oulh. render to the audi regulations as ar IiuhmiI by treasurer and secretary nr state a Inw nnd the rule, adopted by the Slnteinent. lu dupllcnte. showing tho ntnte treasurer for receiving nnd ,' balance and tho nmouut of holding such depuelta; provldod. thai ,' ,r t,ltt HI held by It during tho stnto treasurer may retain on :'' preceding, nnd the nmount hand lit the vault or lu his control iw ' t,l l"trmt thoreon nnd ror the .nt. ir,.urr n miiiu nut tu iixceoil puymont or said deposit and the In- .... ..-,. .--. .- ...... ..... -. --I 9100,000 as u reaervo ror the pur pose or paying therefrom the current obligations and appropriations of the etnti. The slate tretteitrer eliull an nually on the last day of June, or when mttd dav shall fall ou Sunday tervet thereon, us horolnbufnre pro vlded, when demuiulud by tho state trenaurer ou hU chock at any time, and generally to do and perforin whatever mny bo required by the provisions of the not nnd a faithful n.... m. n.u ..uxi dav ii x dlarkarge of tho trust remised lu tho rnto of lutert to be paid on "' deiioeltory; provided, that no Mich depoelta. whleahaU not be ' lrtoMal bonds shall be accepted loss than the rate hereinbefore In J" ,,u" lrovlM for under this this act e-tnUUIml. and which rnti mmy company bond when so tMUbllehnl JinU nt hhiI shall be Ih Bitbetauee ns follews: cluugxl for eurk iterlotl of oae year- Know all men by theee presents: Hectluu 4. The nmouMt to be paid THnt as irtuelal, and by nny and nit depnxltortee wader the Surety eompmty, surety, are held and provision or tats act, for the prlvt- llriHlr UoumJ unto the state of Ore lego or kieptHg aurh pubUe funds oh jow In the shim of dollare. for deposit, shall be computed on the (tie payment of which well nad truly average dnlly balance of tee public-, to be made we hereby Wind aunselve monee kept on depoett therewith. Jour weeeeioni and uaetgMs tor as tke nnd shall be credited ami lld to the ee may be) Rrmly by Uieee pte etnte quaHfrly ee tke Mret ilw ef(et. Jauuury. April. July, wwl Oetober of i Diel tke day of -, A. D. ouch year, and wck ileptattory ehall, , qunrterly. uh tke .days aioreeeW. j Wkeree. tke acid prtaelpal, tke romlor a ateteweut I UupHrale u kX of bus applied for a (he trvwMLrt r end serreury of (Hle part of tke eerretu funds ta the state showing Ike nstouti rrslU-U j trcMery of tke slMle of Orvuo to be Tke leaeurer shell requirv. end It leMeltel In mW ntuik, tke asaoeat t lierevr MMde ike del) f ry 'tii Man e euojevi io wiu duee. may plane the eaine In such Mtwipor published in the city of active deiwaltory for collection, and S,,B- Oregon, and when the sale It shall be the duty of suck active tkwnot is made by the atate trene- depoeltory to collect tke same with- Mrr f,thr Public- or private sale, out delay, without charge ror Its ser- Mnder th,B "rt- ,,,, m'h bonds, war- vlcea ror such collection, or for ex- r"nU' or olhwr "'Htlw. haw leen chnngt. and to notify tke state treae- transferreil by the state treasuror, urer when collected. The coinpen- th olte nwiierehin of such witlon to be mtd by suoh active de- bonds, warrant, and other eeciirl- poaltory shall be llxed by the state lli re,u ' "e purchaser or pur- tronsurer upon the best terms obtain- . "lion me payment of the able for tho state. Section 9. The word "bonds" wherever used lu this act shall be held to Include bonds furnished by surety oomiwnlea authorised and qunlllled to do biiilneets In this slate. Tha weird "aaanrilv" nr "&intl. ties" shall be construed to Include lt,t United State bonds, bonds of the! S1'"" 15. In the event all the stato of Oregon, nnd thoee for whleh ' tmul r tH 8tt m ot applied for It Is ultimately liable, bonds of tke "J" llroveU depositories under tho purchase monoy to the stato treas urer a.ul upon Illllug a duplicate ro oelp therefor with the secretary of state. Should there be any surplus after paying the nmouut due to the state, and expenses or snle, It shall be paid over to tke bnnk wuklng tho Better Than the Best Wild Rose Flour Made From Selected Valley Wheat At All Grocers $1.00 a Sack several countlee, cities, village, towns, and sehool districts of this provision or this act. the state treaa- urer Is authorised In his discretion ' state, warrant of the state or Ore- '" dtWMit the rand not so applied gon and or the eeverai counties tkere- 8r ""d rilHJC In hi hands. In i of on the current expenee rnad. No j0,M lvnt bank or banks, tru j eecnrltlee ska II be approved nnlee ,oHpny or trust compaaJeti. upon, their market wine shall equal tkelr lh 1 ,rm" obtainable. i par or face value. Upon puyinent to Section 1. The words funds" tke state of the depoett and accrued need In this act shall apply to all Intereet for wkiek security was '! In tke state treasury except given. It skall We returned to tke tke com woo sckool. arlcultural col kejik turnlsklni tke seme, and wken toff, ud nnlveralty fund. Nothing ' auek eeturltle cun be conveniently J U tkU act skull be construed to de Spent wisely Is the source ot much satisfaction. Why not spend a little of it wisely now buying groceries of us7 Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to lUrrltt Iwrencs. .,.....! .1 .. . !.. .. rap.rH, t tnuuii leereot uuj' phti me state laan board ot the be. In tke discretion of tke state J power to Inveet or dtioM or tho treasurer, reduced in proportion as n4 derived from tke sale of pnb nek deposit hH b reduced or re- W tonfo I uow or may be pro paid to the stele. vlded by Inw Section 10. Tke state treasurer Section 17. Whenever may cane an inveetlnatlon state the unit.- to D4 treasurer. In (urnUhlaa tkm twm.1 , m.m.7.11 -uch money, d. l r.r a. ,k. r,mraee. of tkeatate .el ol iuy ban. . T 11 . Z 5"' " "" ! with . b,iu. the euioeat .1.-, ,..t- .h.lUeiuaud. and wklck amount mav !' , ""n "l """H ml a b"d " surety J dor a. tke tn.lM.ln. of ck and - d ne. and. wU,lWr , h- Ju J fcWeka. J . , Lt tki ! .very .non.k ... .. i.n nJ .. tke aald kauk. in ... u or .., au yl bUl, t.riUir. u MJl J j r?"' :' "S "'IT?' '4,,,uUn af 7 " -, M retre. U. and .c. ! tor bund no to c I dupllrate. ekouleg tin d-il balance the i.iltlfne of keetnan tke eeuir '.i.,(l.w.. .k.ii i ..h.. I w,. . " lo xc 1 l?W?eM91 Gold Dust Float Made by TUB SYDNEY POW-1 BR OOMTANY, Sidney, Oregon. Made tor family use. Mk yeur J grectr tor tt. Bran and shorti always oa hand. of the Uel moaeys keM b It during kaa a.v J to pay Ike state of Or .1111.11 MM.l 1. .v.ak.. . .. . .. ... . .. "-- . 'w w.wuiamu UBIAAt VBIFIIira UI nn.. 1... j.b. -. ktl.'h uu nr a.titllt.,...! L . u... . .w. ItlM lUlltlttl Ull HMIUhJUlltlHt. Jliul tit I any ll..i.l M iuill uu at m l-Mlw -. ... ..... I. ' HMIHVU IO VIM """ , 7 ' " . "" Amr "Pwn int-uii.a niOon4 so ex.vuud and aaurnv.! tnlrtrAMt Ikarau akut tttl aMUta aaill Lu I ih.i Iwn I k hm avtut , I "u "MirOXeU ,.,,... , .,-, .. .... ... ,-, ,. . , Miii uui iae proMlon of tuU a am n a mw m mmww albb ' uutt a ru u am u .k ak k r in tm . .!.. eald money ou dopoelt a nfuresuld. eball be credited by tho treasurer to (bo general fund. Section 5. For tho security of fund o deposited uuder tho provt hi of this not, tho state treaeuror !! riUlro all aurh depositor! to fepoelt securUlw of tho kind nad viMriKr0r krl.(twp drlbl. wr P. B. Wallace AGENT , natej BARGAII In Real Estat. Real estnio n. . . M Wo are olterIBV,T! payyoutn.nJLr0abati - rni iirnta w Three-fourths acre n, . 5 -" kuuq iruit ...- IU chicken yard; TocaS cm. Seati-i.-- hai well Salem. SeenSi Sco this w. ' .',0fK,l - -wl(J j0aI)nT.. nouso on Court. 128 f. . " itndclift Co. '! Modern cottage of flT9 reflr Plumbed and wired, BOo lot 75 by 160 feet, Jh?7$ Price U5 00. " Nino room house, p ets, pantiy, basement, uif A bnrn 20x34, woodshed Z t Plnco is three blocks frJ" S house. Prlco $2625. Soven acres all in cnltir&tlea J house and nn. .. .''5 This plnco is on a good cxiiterf U200. Vj Ten ncres ail In cnlUnthiS flvn rtr limine t . JS good mixed fruit, well l0. ncres In nnq ou ,, . lfni. Pflnn tlOrtft a Eighty acres; 67 In cultlnikif, In pnsturo nnd timber; It lotj'i. whont and cheat; 7 acres la tltn G room houso, good barn ul p nry; 4 horses, 6 head ot catUt, chlckons; 2 wagons, 3 set cl bn nil lmplemnnts, hay, grain, ettiS $8000. j Sovcrnl houses for rent &s you want anything la Insarua' notnry work. 4 RADCLIFF CO! Reliable Agents; Room 11, Moorcs block, Silta,(r Rofcrcnce, any bank or Vwhf house in tho city ot Silta i House Cleaning Time i I 1 &i lU H-&! Mtm mi. ..,n u i,re for ... nml uhon It It dOM JCt W your plumbing put In erf thoro la anything wrcaj W 1$ range or water tank, wr, J Plpos or gas pipes tend wcrf experienced men to pat lt? A. L. FRAN M. A. -J 3 MB ni oww I'hone 135. H. S. Gile & (J fUMCl&idC" mission Mttci- Wholesale not ie than two 12) r mh per wrllic ou, lh pro,UklIl. o , wk.never a peon empTovi In annum on tke amount of nid de- 'actbail he udul b, lh. reutry tke oee of tkeT3. treosur rl tke nm to be oreillted and , mu .d paid out o, tke eneru'. nurel by klm ,o tnrnS a LIT IM14 quarterly upon tko dally aver- fund of tke state. Tke etat. treas Uhnll lurntek a bond exeVuted by i ag of such amount a tko said tank ttNr shall not be liable ...u. rtv M.u..v -..-!!.,J. ? uror shall not be Itante personalty nhull hava mi deooalt for the ausr'. mum t.i ..m-i.i . . . .. , -,.., , , arvu ni WMHi tHNIU Itr na' tor. or any fraction thereof, neat money that may be kt by reason precodlnK tbo crediting or payment J0f the failure or Insolvency of any of said Interest, which Interest shall be computed nnd accredited to tko nreouat of tke Ute and akall kecomn m slf oond for the mmi of Jthcttcerorth a rt ftt iuck depoelt; jdlwtly or ludlmtly. by the tte Wad to executed and approved bnnk which become a depository unuer tait act Section 11 The making of prott, surety company legally autkorlred to transaet business in this tte, and uch bond shall bo approved by tho state treasurer, tho state shall pay the premium for such bond, not to exetN4 one-third of one per cent per annum of the penalty named In the Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Picket, Gate, Shingles and P. Jk B. Beady Roofln All at lowest prtee. Waiter Morfey 2X0CortSt Sato Of, ... -. .11 tiU' In the oarxei ,j. dried fruit and faro P " kinds. SPKCUIi ... Mlillt VO OHO . for n large dryer; " ;pnH the family . . .i Washing iQt aad youll never sou Tie It done at home when every fa"y f1 to se " t but times have - - .hiiadP0 bave te w- . , you can better " family wlas Ask about oar F"" ing, rough dry. The Sate e MtanMr' Qf-Oelftt U'