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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
SB OFFER -- Save 25 Pet Cent on Subscriptions. SlLYOAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OHEGOX, Tl'KSDAY, M AltCtI 20, 11)07. XO. 71. ALEM'S PAVING EMBARGO BROKEN ty Council Holding Daily Sessions to Push. Street Improvements LL POOL FORMED Hill-Morgan Interests to Save Market York, March 26. The benr tt t taken by surprise tins r Further dccllno In tno 'of copper lir London wnB usod rating In the Amalgamated to tad concerted drive nt Btool 5B HOCK. Willi" o "''" blocks at the opening nt Bur attacks were noticed In ill ar'ive Issues. One story font that nt $23,000,000 bull w fvmed of operators nflUI- lth R Hii Morgan Interest?. o laiurrwtlon In Iliilgnrin. kirtit, March 20 Four thou- paunti situated In tho rural ', ire marching on this city. A Idiltte Is proclaimed, tho nrmy I prepared to prevent tho Invn- Thf artillery hns boon or- Itonsoihrapnell l( the ponsnnts to disperse, Sunday tho i killed 200 peasants nt Gulntz. French landed in Morocco. London, Mnrch 2G.-A dotach niont of French troops under com mand of General Llnntry today occu plod tho city of Oujda. on tho Al-g"orlan-Morocco frontier. This solz uro is tho result of the nssnsisnntlon of Dr. Mnuchnmp. It la believed the Fronch will hold tho city until rep n rntlon Is made, nnd nlso while there will probnbly demand satisfac tion for other abuses of French citi zens in Morocco, and forco guaran tccssfor execution of nEreements of 1901 -nnd 1902, which Morocco has ignored. To Prosecute Lnnd Thieves. Denver, Mnrch 26. It was learned todty thnt Oliver Pngln, assistant at-tornoy-genoral of tho United Stntos, who Is us3lstlns In tho prosecution of the boof trust, Is lioro with n force of soorot service mon and detective of tho Intorlor depnrttuont, to proso cute nilcgod lnnd frnuds. o Standard Iluixcs Prices. Cincinnati, March 2C. The Stand nrd Oil Compnny today advanced tho prlco on nil gradcB of gnBoltno nnd unpthn rcfluod oil in bnrrcls n quar tor of a cent n bnrrel, f. o. b. Clove-land. Chicago MnrkctK. Chicago, Mnrch 2C. ."Whont 7C 75, corn 40 -10, oats 41 84lT. PROGRESSIVE ELEMENTS VICTORIOUS Five Streets in Noth Salem and South Thirteenth. Street Ordered Initiative and Referendum Ordinance to Be Made Immediately Operative in City Affairs IIICAGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE OUR EASTER DISPLAY Of IJBeautiful !EW GOODS ! lot be surpassed by any house in Willamette valley. Choice goods correct styles stand out promi- tly in everv deoartm nt of this rcssive, always busy store. ron months pst oun nrvKits iiavb iiebx hisv away RfitV, RK,-1-(11 THK CHOICKST AXD NKWKST GOODS "WK IIUI. Mini? ir........ ,.... , . ,.... .,., to. , S W,N 1-N THK HISTQItY OP OUU 1101SK. THK 'totirvIIUF !OK VOU TO SKI'HCT 1'HOM IS GItlwVT AXD i lnv.! 01 THI ,U(J VOM'MK OK IIUS1XKSM VK DO. WK KSriv ... " 1UU II.UMKU PJCICliS Til A.N AM UT1IKI. h 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i n i n n mi i-h 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ii iter On Display ! ' ' 1 VH-M-H-M-4-H I1IIIII1IIIII1HIHI Silks, Fine Millinery, Spring Dress s Ladies Cnafx: Snrinor .Suite. -""-"7 wr,,M' w . 7 ces. Embroideries, Silk Waists. Pet ite. Fancy Neckwear, Fancy Belts, J!s, Dress Trimmines. THE MAKERS rF t nw PRTr.F U KASTHST GKOWIXG STOKE. Tho progressive olomonts In tho city council won n compluto vlotory Monday night, nnd opposition to improvements dwludlod down to about two mombors who still pursued obstruction tactics, but wore overruled by tho majority, nnd by tho mnyor, on points of ordor rnlsod. Flvo streets In N'orth Snlem woro ordered Improvod and gnidos nro to bo established with the co-operntlon of tho street committee. TIIKKK IS TO IIK AX KX1) OP IA)XO-WIXDKD PKOCKSSUS OP KVHHIiAST IXGIiY DKAGGKD-OUT KSTAIIMSIIIXO OP GHADKS. Aldormnn Itndcllff got n resolution through for tho Improvement of South Thirteenth street. Tho ordlnnnco to apply tho Initlntlvo nnd reforondum was put to Bccond reading nnd when passed will extend to tho people the light to have a volco on every bill, ordlnnnco or 'resolution pnsHed by tho council within ten days after nnssnKe. t Mayor Rodgors Immediately sorvod tonight, when the Stnto Btrect pnvlng ISIiATIOX OIMilXAXCB WILIi UK PUT TILKOUGH. Tho only way progrcsslvo policies and street Improvements enn bo de feated now Is by broaklug n quorum, but It is not bollovcd enough al dormen enn bo persuaded to romnln nwny to dofont action. Tho city council has also agreed to nso at least onc-hnlf tho city street tnxes for pormuuont Improvomonts. This fund amounts to nbout $14. 000 this yonr, nnd TIIU $7000 WIFjIj UK PSKD TO PAY THK CITY'S SHAHK OP PAVIXG STATU AXD C'Ol'HT STHKirrS AIX)XG WII.SO,N AVKXPK. It Is understood the consont of the county nnd stnto have boon soaurud to pnvo thoso streets as fast as thopropor ordinances can bo put through, nnd this year will probably seu at leant two streets Improved, from Commercial to Twolfth street with tlrst-cluwi paving. notice of another special mooting ordinance, and THK DIKKCT L1CG- THAW GETS A LUNACY COMMISSION This Means Indefinite Post ponement of Tri.l K (Continued on pnt'o three.) '0Y RftHQ Coriwr of Commer- NICHOLS VERSUS CITY Was Argued Before Supreme Court it Tillamook Toll Road Suit Up --Decisions Rendered It. H. Nteiiali vs. City of Snlem whs argued oh amh1 from Judge OftUowny. A. O. OoHdlt aptrMl for city b4 Weiteter Ilolmee Cor pp- Unt. ThU U the ult In wkleii Cliy Recorder Mooree lined Nichols $?'. on a cnarge oi sHoraini pronim-tlon. The ault of TllUaioofc County Wileob Elver Toll UmA Co. i ar gued and a wealed from Juda li'ir- aett. 1. H. UtSmry and W. H. Cool er lor appeuani ana iianaiey rrhayor for defendant. I Preman vs. R. O. Preston, ap peal from iwlaad, Mult noma!. county, aBrraed against d-(''tiiarn optalo by Moor, Jntlc. Butt ' pnrcnaae of OMk MftlBt. j. K. Wrlgnt. iraste. as apil- Uat, vs. Consenmttvo dold Mluiuir Company; appeal from Hamilton. Doaglna eonniy; opinion modified b Slater, eommiaalonon LoHle Chung v. U. and O K. Stephenson, partner; appeal from Cleland, Multnomah county; re versed. Opinion by Ealcln, JuMIc. George E. Haztor ts.. Slate of Ore gon; appeal from Durnett; af firmed; rehearing donltAl. This the Coos county local option onae. V. K. Hnlnes vs. Cons liny, Hoso burg & KnHtorn It. It. Co., appellant ; appeal from Judge Hamilton; uf (lrmod by Moore, justice. Suit over promissory notes. Dnnlol Wnrnor vs. B. C. DuAr inond & Sons, appellants; , reversed nnd now trial ordered. Opinion by Ilenn, C. J.: dnmngos for personal Injury. O' TO LOOK OUT FOR IMMIGRANTS Washington. March !. Th- Pceaident today appointed luwlgrn tlun comni Uetontre to Utvettlgate the cundltkins aeroad thla iunmr and prepare n Mil to IntroducA In ron grees nest wiMnr. The appolnltwi are Charles H. Nelll, eomralwloner of labor; ProNvaor Jenks. of CtirneH. and William R. Wheel-r. at Oak land.' Cnl. ' a- AHOHw Tl'0CVHt Stair. HarriabMrg. MarctZ -The IVnu fttlvaota senate today passt-d m rai bill making th maximyin nu..-rs'i fuie to cqt a mile The Iihuk will ronenr, nnd U U .x;ji.cud tb aovernor will sign. Pioiiiliiout Dhortfc. Malwauken, March St. Mm Car rail M. AJIIk. wife of I.Hto Allia, bead of the AllU-ChaJmers Co.. wm granted a divorce this morning on charge of cruelty. They have one son, aged IS. Tbey were married 1? years. Now York, Mnrch 20. Tho court this nftornonu droldotl to appoint n lunacy commission to examine into Thaw's mental condition. Tho appointment of this commis sion monus u postponement of tho trial Indefinitely. When tho Jury ro convenes tomorrow It will bo ox oiiHfd, subject to a further call. The lunacy commission will IHo n report If tho Jury Is called together again. Justloo Fitzgerald has nnmod as a commission to Inquire Into Thnw's lnsnnlty linn. Morgan J. O'Hrlon, Or Leopold I'litsol nnd 1'utor H. Olney Tlmw IwnvycrM Dlsrouingiil. If this commlsRlon Ilnds Thaw In snno nt presont (here will bo noth ing further for tho Jury to do. If thoy llnd him snno tho jury will bo reassembled nnd tho trial reaumcu whoro It wns Interrupted Wodnos- day. Tho decision was rendered chambers. Only nttornoys of bo sides nnd Kvolyn were present. All the nttornoys rofuso to discuss what transpired, saying from tho mnnner in which tho decision was rendered tho Justice wnntod itny n'nnynnco mout to come from himself, lOvelyn was advorsely affected by tho de rision and needed assistance when .leaving. Thaw wns greatly disap pointed, his lnwyors' faces showed marks of dofont. Kvolyn reoovored and hastened to tho Tombs to en courage her husband. Tlmw In Confident. Kvolyn carried the news of tho de cision to her husband, who took It more calmly than wns expected. Ho ! devoted himself to cheering up hU wife. The nttornoys followed Kvolyn to the Tombs, nnd a conference fol lowed. Through Hnrlrldgo Thaw gavu out an Interview, saying: "I am satisfied with tho decision. 1 do not fear n commission, as I am con fident Hint I can prove thnt I am perfectly snno todny." money" I TURNED LOOSE Will Swell the Volume of Ready Bank Currency ! WnshlngloiT, larck it.-Cortel-you todny. directed the deposit of customs reoatpia In the national ;- poaltory banks of Now York city. This la an enlargement of n recni order by hint. Another statement wns Issued anticipating ldterttst on two per cent consuls of 10I nod four per cent loan of Iko?, due April 1st. so as u make It psaUle I iu medi ately. The amount un d iil( by rumnlntod custom rurefpt $15, 000,600 daily. wMi aidition lui..f tr of a mil I loo. TAFT WILL BE CANDIDATE Opposition (From Hie Organ1 ized Labor Yote Cincinnati, March 20. Charles, a brother of Secretnry Tnft, says: "I bollevo tho sentiment of Ohio favor nblo to the secretary's candidacy for tho presidency. Kfforttt will bo mndo to give this sontjmont concerted ac tion so it 'will bo expressed emphat ically nt tho proper time." Tuffs en emies nro trying to discredit him with tho labor vote by citing hla de cision In the I'helnu case In 1884, while Judge Pholnn en me from. Ore gon to speak In .regard to a rallrond strike. Tuft rnjotnod him from In terforrlng with tho Ptillmnn r om ployes, und sent I'helun to Jail for six months for contempt when ho violated his order. Tho labor men cnll Tuft "Injunction Tuft." H0ME FROM EGYPT The Detweilers Find An dictment Hanging OverlThem In- Toledo. March 20. -Mrs. A. IC. iJotweller said: Mr. Dftwallor und myself arrived In Toledo Friday. Mr. Delwoller left 'or Shu Prnnolsoo Friday night. I am noJ- nc(iunlnte.l with Mr. Detweller's business con nections, und cannot throw any light on tho muttor for you." Tho wife centinued: "Wo have received no report of tho Indictment, except through the newspapers. I can statu thai neither Mr Detwollor nor myself wro In llolglum or Cubit during thu trip. Wo wore In Egypt. Mr. Dstwellor returned with mo." k. Hurt (iulw m San KfMncUu. Mauli z lln f a trial fr .xtoiilon 'hi utorning potpontt .i " k Ibe court denkd the requ !r an order for Dlggy 6 permit any one to se lleef nt nny ronsonable hour Honey declared this morning that the pruesontlc nnd trac4 Iron hand to hand 1100. OiyD of a corruption fwod angt by tho Home Telephone Company from Im Angvles. The dlapotal of Hie money will be traced through wltnoeeee al ready summoned, and ordered to have fs.Il details on record. Hnu Pruiiolsoo, Maroli 2C Tho In creasing mystery surrounding tho whereabouts of Detwollor Is begin nlng to onuso Hunoy and llurns riix luty. Couflletlng report from Tole do nre the principal rautw i.f this rent lug. whloli Is added to iy the ralltim to receive replies to ineaeagee sent to Ifigypt, where, aeeordlng to au tHorllNtlve Information, the ObloaH la located. o ItHflrond Labor SltHntfuu. Chiengo, March is Ppoa ad journment this aflrnMn of th- non ferunce of rallrnaj RimutaefH and repr smtatlren of tin- t inployca H was announced that no di-flnlle de cision waa reached In regard to strike or settlement. It Is under stood the railroad union have In formed tlw mmiHR'ii of the r suits of the strlk" (-. ulitilt In Maid t he 35 per nut In r.ivor t quitting work. Tli" ioufi't in aaaln UiiwHtu', moniiu MMUlllt'd-i -. Hi tl lii ! in uoii (lat i i -en i f . i h.iil c: iK-m.iail-. .ii.' creeao on eveiy !h.- a. . to I In- u4t. und fr-i'ii i Voit Witltama. Thw rallrundj have quadrupled their tarrying capacity within ten yenre, and Jtave granted us only 1& per cent Increase " will meet Varloua iM.. uficr- " if' U'll'-ff, (l Mil lu- of 'tilt ego D:l ain to Dr. J. F. COOK THH HOTAMCAIi DOOTOIt, MOVIJIC TO 3 10 XIIIUIlTir BTRBliT POIt ANV DIHKAHK CAM, OX UK. COOK. COXSUJTATION FllKE. .S'iiAiiiaLisiSiaiiiira. ui..Ji M-iltiJi:f BfcU. l( um,tmdL !. . UJ&i& Mi a.