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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
f v "Vv v. y 0 fcft M N DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, nnvan. TUESDAY, MAItCH SO. 1007. AGAINST PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Views of a Prominent ChleQtsn . Through Observation In Europe, I "I hnvo heard nil over Europe that municipal ownership of street cars was Hasntlsfnctory. ntld that hns been ray xpcrcncc," snld Dr. Emll O. HIrscu f ChlcnRO nftcr n three months trip through England, France, Germany and Switzerland. "Tho municipal sys tem In Frankfurt seems woefully slow and cumbersome to on American, but in Germany tlio employees nro careful ly trained for their positions. It would bo dlfllcult to Imntfno the result If their places woro tilled by men of the aroraKo American political heuchman's type." The eminent clergyman also came homo with a distinctly unfavorable opinion of Gormnny'fl stnto railroad eystcms, which ho declares far Inferior to those found in Kiwlund and tlio United States under prlvato control. "Tlio connections between tho BtatQ lines nro not good, and through trains do not often run," Hald ho. "Tho Bleeping car arrangements nro nbout as much like ours ns an old stagecoach la like nn automobile. The fores nro excessively high. Tlio rolling stock la almost primitive, nud accommoda tions for passenger aro scanty. They nro operated on n bureaucratic basis, as If tho public existed for tho roll-roadV'-Publlc Bcrvlco. THE LIGHTS STAY OUT. But as tin City Owns and Operates Them No One Can be Puhlshed. Tho electric light plant -of James town, N. Y.. has been frequently re ferred to ns an example of n success fill municipal plant, nnd It Is certainly rim nioro nearly on a commercial basis than almost any other municipal light plant In tho world. It Is thereforo dls heartening to read In the Jamestown I'ost that its service Is far from satis factory. This pnper states that "It has beon quite common for tlio lights to go out soon nftcr they am lighted, leaving tho streets In darkness," a condition that continues nil night, as not only Is no oiiu employed to innko the rounds to see that tho lights nro In service, but there Is not even a trouble man available to attend to the frequent out Ages rejMirted by and tho po Men, Tho Post holds this to be poor econ my, "as street lights that burn nro About ns essentia! for tlio safety of tho community as nro policemen." Prt vato companies nro usually heavily pennlltod for such outages, but no way has boon discovered for n city to ponnl 1m Itself. Bosses Versus tho People, A dispatch from Kan Krniiclsco states that when Abraham ltuef, the Kan Francisco hots, wns threatened with tho Indictments which Inter wero found against hltu his supporters In tho city government called upon -MXKi ulty em ployees to assemble to form nn organ isation for his defunso. As each em ployee wns Instructed to bring live friends, It waa hoped that this force of 24,000 voters could be imcd to co erco and Intimidate the prosecutors nnd Jury. It Is Mutual examples like this which show tho possibilities of boa.1 rule under municipal ownership, when tho number uf city employees would bo far larger than under pres ent conditions, it will always bo found to bo the boss and not the people who controls tho ''people's employees." Tho public pny their wages, tint they work for the bosses, who get them thrlr Jobs. t&QWQWQ&b&to Convalescents need a largo amount of nourish mtnt in -Muily digorted form. Scott's Emzitsfon is powerful nourish ment highly concentrated. & It make bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. ALL DRUOQIST8I BOo. AND Sl.OO. 'Oh0"Q)'$M$M)'$$00'O,6' JEL aTaTV SPRING MODES IN N. Y. Tho HSitroh for novolllea is nlmoat hopoloBH In any dopartmont of fash ion nnd BllRht dlfforoncoa In cut or trimmings constitute tho solo va riety now In sight. Walking skirts will bo somewhat longor, ns tho nhort skirt has boon cnrrlod to such nn oxtromo that n reaction must diihuo. KlrsKdnss droBBinnkorB ln Hlat Hint plnltn nround tho hips mtiHt bo nttod with exceeding nicety which Is nn nrgumont ngnltiBt rondy inado HklrtH. Somo promlnont mo dlatos nro using tho centor plnltu nt back and front, which Improves "tho hung" nnd glvaB additional swoon to tho lowor odgo. Tlio Incom ing of Blclrt braid Is quite probablo, with tho advent of tho longer skirt. Trimming. Simple tucks nru soon on tho largor proportion of now voiles, with nurhnpB n narrow fancy braid on tho uppor ono, or nn ombroldorod band In Kolf- colors. Silk ruffles, bo Hcimt that thoy Boom to bo folds, ,most. A Bmart Spring Jacket has military frogs acrosB tho front, nn j ornamentation which always Im parts a cortnln dnBhlng nlr. A pret- ty bolero Jncket Is cut all In one, tho sleovos vory full nnd falling to tho elbow In grncoful rlpploa. "All ovor" lnco, or braldod material Is Btiltablo for this Jacket n style es pecially bocomlng to Blonder flg uros. Anothor smart Jnckot Is trimmod with doublo loops of large cord covorcd with Bilk, four loops bolng plncod togethor, two on onch side of a doublo cord, pnsslng ovor tho Bhouldors nnd ondlng nbovo tho belt lino nt buck nnd front. Straps hold tho fullnoBS In position Just bolow tho cord trimming giving n tight-fitting offect. Ivongcr Coats. Among these Is ono called nn Em plro cont of medium length, qulto Ioobo, nnd with n brond lnco collnr, nnd throo-quarter longth bIoovos, It proents n very dressy npponrnnce. Tho long tourlBt coat cannot bo dis placed, It 1b too UBOful. Long pon goo or llnon coats will alBO bo large ly uBod for trnvolllng, nnd whon n stylish top cont Is desired, the 'Prlnco Chnp" mny bo highly roc ommondod. Drooping llt-lms Popular In .Spring Consoquontly tho m unliroo m shnpo Is foromost, 'and trimmed Individual Vereus Publlo enterprise. ludlvldmil enterprise will always en ablo private enterprise to work with greater economy Humbly govenuuunt or municipality, while the Interference of tlio latter utmost always teuds to cheek the progret. of discovery and lu vontlou. llou. Churlctt N. Lawrence )'rrlir "lr Smut. For pruning tho seams of n sleeve procure n throe-imnrter rouud, short length of luuitKir. Pud It and cover with n piece of white Ironing cloth. This furnlihce firm base for the pressing, which Is utterly Uvcklug lu tho customary broom luiudle. Tho best sofa pillow are covered Kith waxed cotton. This Is dono by IroulHii the Inside of the cover with a hot nntlron rubUnt ou a cloth well sat urated with beeswax When treated lu this way It U lmpollle for small, elusive downs to work throng m Kurnllur ISitt.a. This Is nn oxcvllont furniture jvollsfe where h bright surface U deilml. Hall pint of alcohol, half an ounce each of renin and shellac powderrd. Mix these Vfllli tho alcohol, then add halt a plot evf lluseod oil. Shake thoroughly be tot Usllltf. Oue should never tamper with mole. It U unsafe and sometimes Is followed by serious coueo,ueucve, If an)' treat meat Is nceresary go to a reliable phy alctan for It Municipal Parcels fervlee. The irst year's working of tbe Man fceater (KngUud) tramways parcels a-rnrtc liaa rwultcd In a dortclt of farly 130,000, acconltfic to the report f (ha manager. He also admits that Hm wrrlee cannot bt made to pay a lesM there la a larje lucrve la eBl eieky (this svowMbi fsmlWar) audi tt Bm watieeyete h much lomyer hm Hmm (m jtt4ISKl, WW 1 -sff .aaarlrSf1 3l BML 'v awi8iMI- f ffili rj XMf I "Jala rv Bit i F lll sei dfjLM i iviviSY aHjBBWBBaBBiBBBBHBBBTl I ?' jl3(nfl HHBm f f Mvll Mir I 'Ml m'mSMjyilh Si 'I 'Wrtl'W aar IfaavB J, J II i X'.it aHuliASk aim lr IhlBk ftmmfk I ' II t v-;lk MlmmMmi 13 m 11 I Vi;lafc S KM mi wL YM& TPTafsWtBaW ffl II rIlkBPSi 500 TKHisfcrs.of Kcnl Estate. Tho following deeds have been niA for record in tho offlce of the Marlon county recerder: Urower Drug Co. to J. ew er, land In lot 5. block 22, Salem, wd ..... B. J. and M. C. Henry to Jcan ctte Poters, 40 acres, In sec. 23, t 9 8, r 3 e, q c d J M. Kltchon, ot ux., to W. M. Malone, land in block 7, Thomas' ndd to Stnyton, w d 1000 Felix Dunce to B. M". Croisan, enst half of lot 17. Sunny aide Fruit Farm No. 1, Sa?ah K- Murphy to Emma M. Drown, land In ulocK J. Salem, w il ;; Sarah B. Murphy to Prank M. Brown, land in block 39, Salem, w d Frank M. Drown, ot ux., to Sarah K. Murphy, land In block 30, Snlom C. J. Korlnek to Frank M. Drown, land In block 39, Sn- Intn. W d A. A. Moore, ot nl., to Murshall- town Etato Dank, lot S, Sun nvBlde Xo. 13, q c d 1000 Mnrshalltovn Stnto Dank to J. L. Knight, ot nl., lot 8, Sunnysldo Fruit Farm No. 13, w d Mnrtln Glosy, ot ux., to Louis Wlbort, lnnd In block 4, Aurora, w d Will Soamnn, ct ux., to F. C. Wlltsoy, lots 1 nnd 2. block 2, Highland ndd. to Salem, w d W. L. Knight, ot nl., to A. L. West, lot No. 8, Sunnysldo Fruit Farm No. 13. w d... T. K. Ford, ot ux., to Hannah 13. Purvlno, lot C, block 10, In Unlvorslty ndd to Salem, w d BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store Prices Absolutely Lowest J 300 1200 50 500 780 DON'T 1ILAMI3 THE CHEF If your Chops or Steak or Cutlets nro tough nnd tnsteloHS. Ho enn cook ' good meat nil right, but it is mighty hard to cook poor meat so it will glvd satisfaction to tho cater. Dc sldas the best prlvnto families, wc supply the loading hotels nnd rostnu rants, whore tho Doef, Vcnl, Mutton Lamb or Pork hns to bo of tho best qunllty or patronB would bo driven nwny. Buy hore onco you'll Btny. Tried to Kicnpc. George Taylor, who Is serving n Phone 205 three-year torm in tho ponitentlnry, vary nenrly escaped from thnt lnstl- ' tutlon yeitordny aftornoon. Taylor procured n ploco of steol and -on-struoted a anw, cut ono of tho Iron bnrB of tho grating to tho water llumo nnd crnwlod through tho hole, gottlng ns far nB 50 yards from tho wnll on tho outaide. Ho wub dis covered by tho gunrdB nnd captured. o Tho Beorot of fashlonablo beauty 1 1 asked tho question of n noted beau ty specialist. "In order to bo rounu, rosy, plump, vory pretty and stylish tnko Holllstor's Rocky Mountain Ton. 35 cents. Dr. Stone's Drug Store F. A. Kurtz Com. st. 1333-1310 Tho mImv ilr-slipi U by tho McCwll Co., of New York, l'nshlou Publlhh era nnd Mnmifnctorvr m of U-Cull Ptttlerns, aro effective In pale hued wools, tho silk exactly umtchluu tho strlpo In color. A belt and slcvu facings In unison nro a matter of coureo. Uraldlng (not Hat) appears on any und all garments nnd a special ad vantage of thta garniture Is, thnt It can bo douo At homo. Altoruato bauds of braiding on tho dress ma terial nnd uny heavy lnco, preferably Irish point or Its Imltutlou, U an elegant trimming for a vollo suit Jacket. Flat band ot lerlan em broidery In varied widths nro In high esteem, giving character to ptilo hued costumoe or to white cash tuero or broadcloth evening wraps. Tho lace nppllquc. with or without tho addition ot colored silk .lowers, howu by Jme McCrwry & Co., aro revelation and ran go from narrow band to thoso at least a foot wide. KptiHg 3rl.s, The H4i)Mdent jacket sbowsno 4Kl4l ovRy, VarMIe ot tko .wlth profusion ot whlto or purpW lilacs, with n alnglo largo crimson rose and abundant foliage by way ot contrast; tho result Is fascinating. Whlto ohlp Is most In domaud for theso tloworcovorod hats, tho under brim lined with black tatfets., a stitched fold finishing the edgo Small toques nnd turbans aro less uxpenslvo and more practical, and aro trimmed with roses and ribbon Shot taffeta ribbon In upright loops around a crown, or In a cluster at the left side, glvu a chic effect to both largo or small hats. Cherries or red ouarrnts combined with crim son velvet evince tbe favor shown to erltusou. LUCY CAUTGR. -o Tetter, Salt llheum and Kcieuw. Theso aro diseases lor which Cham berlaln'a Salvo la especially valu. able. It quickly allay the Itching at soon effects a euro. Price 55 cejua, For sale by Or Stoae'a Drue . .?Cir,-v;'-V- 8Pillil -- - c Better Than the Best Wild Rose Flour Made From Selected Valley Wheat At All Grocers $1.00 a Sack BARGAII in Real Estatt Real estate m .,. Wo are offering TH PoutoInvM Thrpfufm,..,,- it .,,u, BCTt, i, land, a new 7 room " . m cm; good frnii .. ... ,ul well, chicken v,m:'U I Salem. See Itadrtw h 1 See this l.Pfn,....Icra houso on Court, 128 t Jj5 1G0 feet depn . '. Radcllff Co. ' Modern cottage o! a , ij nlumhnrt n,t ., lot 75 by 150 fectSJ Prico SiRnn "WtmJ Nino room house, pia(ttfl ets, pantty, basement, Jf, barn 2(lT3i .j.v.. "ra nlnrn la tl.. . . V " ",w' u,oc hcrj house. Price J262E Sovon acres all In !.. houso and barn. DlcntT i i.1"! This placo is on a goodtrawS uuu o-a mues irom Stija pJ Ten acres all In miiin-u. - - i auL flvo room house, bam m .i good mixed fruit, veil (shi urt-a m urns, zh mUei tta lorn. I'rico S1900. Eighty acres: 67 In rniiiv. in paBturo and timber; 19 um wneat and cneat; 7 acres b ti 5 room house, eood him aryj 4 horses, 6 head of cattle, chlckons; 2 wagons, Zietotk nil lmplem"nt8, hay, grain, tit $8000. Sovoral houses for reiL UM you want nnyimng in mirn notary worK. RADCLIFF CM Reliable Agenb Room 11, Moorcs block, Silo,) Rofcrence, any bank orVa houso In tho city ol Silea. .HiflMf From rafts to mill the same euro Is used In the hnndllng und selection ot our lumber, nnd also eaves you many. Come and sue us nbout prlcos. GOODALK IA'MIIKII CO., Yards Near Depot. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR Till treat you with Oriental a&rbe and eure any disease without operatic or pain. Dr. Kum is known everywhere is Balsm, and has cured many prominent i people here. lie has lived in 8alem for 20 yerss, and caa be trusted. He oses jenny medicines unknown to white doctors, and with them can ears catarrh, asthma, lang trouble, rhe mttlsm, stamseh, Uver, and kidney db easea. Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. HU remedlM eure private dieesaes when everything wbi iwu, ii9 bta hundreds ot twii aoalals, and gives eoasaltsUon free. Price for medidnes very moderate. Pereone In the country can write for blank. 8ad atamp. It yon want some extra In ! mi U from ua. D. XTJM BOW WO OO 167 South High etreet, Salesa, Oreo. 8pent wisely Is the source ot xnucb aatlsfactlon. 'Why not spend a little ot It wisely now buying groceries of ua? Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harriet Xjmrraaee. 1 Gold Dost Flour j CASTOR I A r-r lafeaU aai CkiUra. Tin KM Yh Ktn Akrtys mfr Bee Um tot &48E& S "Lk&A h tith srrnmnr iow.l iXE COMPAKT, M4aey, Ore. I Made for family oae, Ask yonri trrocer for It. Uraa and shorts uwaya on aasu. P. B. Wallace agtt tiiimttimiiiiti Salem Fence Wire Heaiarter far Wevcm WnB Hop Wire, Bark Wire, Poultry KetUns, Pickets, GaAea, Rhlaflaa aai P. ft B. Reaiy Bootac AU t lowea yriaaa. Walter Mo rfey 25Q Court St Sm, Oft. House Cleaning Time i ni. mfiinn it litre f" ' k-... .ml whon It It dl1 your plumblne put la JJ1! tnero is anjiui" j . ...v uiif. rnngo or waier "';, - ..m niitat mez.ii -" pipos or 6 v- - h , . experienced men to pit 1 asB A L. 2M State 8SN Phone l H. S. Gtle Wholesale GtMctsi mission '- . ..v.. .t in ! In the mar "" .j dried fruit and timV" kinds. ,. .,.. fflr'saJ1 ing nna suu j for a large drjw, price, r A t-fasa vMlm 3eiIU lirv-- - j WasWJ'n . -aim and you'll never .. j..- hose when every rH t0 Bend the " v.te t ... iimM sire have the pttiods " y0u can better family vasklB " Ask about oar " ins. rooKB iT? TheS, Stea OovrtMMit ! jlxHst when H sk imMJmnm Jwt, lijr ("Mi 4 th HUt are UMkte oor I G