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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1907)
e DAILY OAPlTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 20, t007. LL STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER. JEWSPRING STYLES IN Ladies' Suits and Jackets mwhf j zset Exclustvo Btylos that every woman who intends purchasing a new spring suit should Bee. Every now mate rlal checks, plaids, stripe effects nnd the favorite panajnas in black, tan, blue, grey, etc. Though you may not wish to buy just now you will find our geno roslty extending to offer you the courtesy of closely Inspecting any nnd every garment In our stock. Como In and try thorn on. You aro always welcome. RETTY WASH GOODS fur showing for spring '07 comprises wash weaves for ovory pos- Iv purpose, and aro of such excollent styles as to command your nd- k-t'lon, and at prices so reasonaoie as 10 prompt uuerai purcnasing. firtcutarly desirable aro the dotted bastistes and Swisses in white L-ds Ph largo and small polka dots, fancy silk organdies In hn.13 stripes, mercerized checks and tho embroidered dotted Sw Isses. aieteteie-t'e 4nwmtt lamtna-ntte tateiaiaieiaiesi 1 STAGElAND ATTRACTIONS I :and: it " ii Amusements at the Capital City ;; e-fa ia leieieiaiaieieiaiaieieieieieieieieieteiaieieie'l ITEMPERANCE LEADER DEAD Tenderfoot (Xo Corns) Tonight, That dashing operatic comedy "Tho Tondorfoot," with Oscar L. Figman and Ruth White- as the stars will bo at tho Grand opera house this Tuesday ovonlng. The music of this ploce hns nindo it a gonornl favorite, aa thcro la a swing about it that sots tho foot tapping and tho blood moving fnstor. H. L. Hoartz who Is rosponslblo for tho scoro or more of tunes, caught tho spirit of Richard Carle's boel: when ho wrote tho music. It Is char- "Tho Tendorroot" Is under tho snmo mangomont, nnd it is tho lnrg est production of tho opera thnt has been soon on tho road, bolng an ex act replica of that in Chicago during tho throo runs thore. Mr. Figman is said to havo sur prised von hla warmest admirers by his work as Profossor Pottlbono, nnd ho Is being hailed as tho coming low comedian of tho dny. Miss Ruth White- brings to tho rolo of Marlon a flno soprano volco and much per sonal charm Tho remainder of tho lenst is well known. In tho company 5c to 75c yard. rand Opera House J.VO. F. COItim VY, Manager. 5DAY, MARCH 26. IEMKMIY 3IISICAL X1GI1T. ia T Cullon pnHents tho fnvor IR Flf.MXX and RUTH WIIITK. ; t ha-d Carlo a operatic Corne ll !CCS3 fle Tenderfoot" : s' mi- al tilumph In years. k :al larp company of ovir : i i"a popit ' s'cuin' musical gams, real : rnt In ait ylnugha than V tr thuwH loinblned. m ? r raiun. original pro ps mt hinK dolly chorus. $i ' - $l oo. 75c and 50c. , " s offlt , Tuesday at 9 ST METHODIST CHURCH MaU 17 enmg ivBui Ul wi )B aiM'iil Cantata lose laiden MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Make Sjilcin Good Home Market." SALEM MARKET. '3 1 - "g, I Hill and First ' t Hirllrtilf. Dlroifni- "W ton J,,. iiinilL, ,Uh nut THE CHOIR. ( nt ItMarv 1 E"cn ,i c-i.. -. . . '- ic i t-miona . GRAND THEATRE nP'qo- Stock Co. xw iVteentlng " Wicklow Mine. " ! Western Play. oi-era rouse. Stclncr's Market. Dealors in fish, gnmo aud poultry Highest cash prlco paid for eggs. Prompt dellvory. Stato street. Ii)cul Wholesale Market. Whout OGsflGSo. Loiml whont CSc. Oata 3Stp40o. Dnrloy $22 $23. Flour $3.25. Mill food Uran, $19.00; shorts, $21,00. Hay Chflat and olovor, $7ff$S por ton; timothy, $10 por ton. lSggs lCc. Hens 12ftc; young chickens, lie Duoks lOo; goose, 8c; turkeys, 13CPlGo. Butter 87 Vic; buttr fat, 35 Ko. Onlona 65 076c per cwt; pota tow, SI l-SOS6o par cwt. Hopa Choice, 10 Uc; prima to ohnlo, S0)9o; medium to prima. SV4o. Chlttlm bark 5iOCu. Tropical Frulta. Bananas 5o par lb. Ornngoa $2.75 $3.00. Lemons 1.00 $.00. Retail Market. Flour $1 por sack.. Urnn 70o per seek; $S1.I0 per ton. Hay Timothy, 70oo per owU; cheat and clover, lOo per owt.; short, 9le par owt. Qate $1.11 per ewt: wheat. SO a: rolled barley, $S6J0 9$28 par ton. Hgg 8O0 doz. Apples $8.00. UuU r Country, 30e; HaWaVH'CWMkftMflHHBHIMHKflBBHHBSBBI fBHBffiBBaDr9IHHIHBfHfHHiBBBBBBBBBfl iBLB&LHtiviak.'VV JLWLBiBBBBBHBlBBBr V rJU' ViBBBIbVBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbBi ItBBBMBBHBUMQBBmMlk.BV 9tVIBBWIHBXSKr iTBBBBEaBBBBHBBIBBBBBBBBBBBHl (fcJKSttf 5t 4X 3BPM-.aJt 7qgV XaBiHHBBBBBBBBHI IbbHbbbVbBbBbWj i? ji' HHI I BBBBbIBSBbVU' WitY HHtaHHBBBBBBBBBBBHIi BffiRfifjV "'OeIHbHbBBI BBJnBBBjP7BranABp&) wJaBBB! I BBBBuHBBBBBHMaKtlkSuByflBi&f't t BBBV "S XL? JgjajBjjjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJj IPBBBBrDBDlvfVjiaBBBBPVlaBlMhL . HvaBBlUMBBBHBlBWal BiBBBMBMBBJWBjrSvCXBBKBKBJKk SV pBJplWWHBBBBBBBBBf HH3aiBDwf 'bHHBHI' ikVi&uHiiBBBBH iJjVBHnP ' ajlBBBjKlBKu. fJBUJTlWeHBHaB B BbO .'s J&MKtfft S MMUbKHbbbbH BBaBaBaBnaBBiRiBK dBBaKBaBaMvr.wj v jaavflaiiariaBBflBBaBaBaBaBaB IHHHBjwS flaEHKHLt i'"' tjibjiijibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj )7BBBHBBrlHH& ' .BBBhBBRB' rvf?Z2HBBBlBBBV8 b HLBIio xiBBbbbH f aBBBBLflBHHSjLlBEfiBlBBHBBBulBiBMQBBBBBaiM JaJRH LBBBBLBiiH&L tV 5 mKi2jmximSmaKmt BBBBBBBBBBaaBBBHBflflBBBBHRBSfl ' rXBBVsiBwCwisSr'CBMUBaaaJlBBBBHaB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBLBBBGLflHHHHBWiBB Daaiel Bowerman of East Salem Has Passed On Died at tho family homo In tiast Salem, Monday, March 25, 1907, at G p. in., Daniel Rowormnn, aged 71 years, of honrt dtsonso, aftor a briot illness. DccunBcd was ono of Marlon coun ty's well known nnd houored citi zens. Ho enmo to Oregon from Iowa in 1S93, boing a natlvo of Mnlno. Uesldoa a wlfo, Mr. Rowormnn loaves two dnughtors, Mlaa Martha Uowormnn, a teacher In tho public schools of this city nnd Dr. Mary Rowormnn, of Condon, Oregon, and ono boh, Senator Jay Uowormnn, nl bo of Condon. Ono son, Ralph, pro coded hla father to tho gravo aovoral years ago. Dr. Mary Howorman, having boon summoned homo by tho Illness of her father, arrived from Condon yester day, and' Senator Rowormnn la c pvoctcd today. Tho funeral will probnbly taks plnco Wodncsday, and burial will bo In Leo Mission cemetery Dcccaatd. will bo given a'lnrgo funeral, na h wna ono of tho lendora of tho tompcr nnco workers In this atnte, bolng an actlvo Good Templar, and lending spirit of the Prohibition party. Ho wna prosout nt tho recent colobrAtlon of tho 25th nnnlvor3nry of tho W. C. T. U. of this city, and nindo an ad dress. Ho was a vory conaclontloua man, and a model of good cltUon Bhlp. Hla death wna vory auddon. A few minutes boforo G o'clock ho wont out of tho houso nnd ant on tho porch, watching tho aim go down, nnd hrenthlnc tho frosh air with groat enjoyment. Ho wna holpod buck into tho houso with ono of hla daughtora at each side, conversing about tho closing dny, nnd saying, aa they ontored, "I bollovo it ia all over." Ry tho tlmo thoy got him ou to tho bed ho wna dead, It haa boen decided to hold tho fu noral Wodnosdny nt 11 o'clock from tho residence. P. S. Knight Will conduct tho funeral. Mrs. J, M, Runes, of Tumor, wbh visiting In tho city this morning. Oscar J j. 1 Ikiiiuii. iin "Prof. PcUlltoni'," In -'Tin '1 nilcrftiot." orwm 'VJUrAM "Tke Tender JiMUT: "PUkeJu. (!? AUracilons. Oweok i mu. ,. n lan- L -11 OHM. n, e rvv Vt high Rosa Livestock. Cattlo 1100 1200 lb atoera, Lighter ateers 34 c. Cows and heifers 900 1000 lb, Stook hoga 6c. Hdga $2.00 Q $3.00 tb, fat, $S. $6.25. Lambs 5 c, Veal Dressed, 8c. Hoga Dressed, 8a HCterlattcall) western In its frej swing and easy rhythm. Carle's book la not only witty, but t lit re la a well denned plot that carrlea tbit story to a definite conclusion. Mr. Figman will be generally re membered aa the itnr of the big re vival of "Tho Hurognmster," whloh waB seen hero two seasons ago, and whloh 111 Rile Biioh a hit on aocount of tho oxcollenoe of the onat. are I.awrenre Coerer, 11 tonor of achlevomeula, Fred Rnlley, A. W. Hutchlna, J. F. Ronney, Harry It. Williams, one of the beat dancers on the stage; Louise Urnakett, Oniw Sloan audMMythe Kherna. Home of the beet remehered aonga In "The Tenderfoot" are "My Alamo Love," "The Thonma Cat," "Adloa," "I'm a Soldier of Fortune," nnd "Only a Idea." CURRKXT KVEXTS. Tke Portlgnd wliool board haa en dorMil tke eetabltoHment of a trade echool and maaHal tralHlNg deimrt ment. ' At Oaent, Uelgluin, women are to be appointed on the police force. For aoute yeara dogs have Weea tteed aa thlef-takera. Frenc4i troona have been teat to ooonpy a town in Morooco, where a Dr. Mauahamp was murdered. George H. WIUiamB, of Portland. once a member of General Granta cabinet, waa 84 years old today. Tho Slmpllllod Spoiling Roard of tho United Statoa, will moot at New 1 York April 3 nnd I. to coaalder pelllng reform. The Iflrle railroad ia uatng ateel poetai cnnla. I. A. ManHiitK. of Salem, baa paaaod a riret-clnaa conauiar exaiHttia tlou. and will probably be appointed to a owtk American consulate. i' ' o Iter Father A. Moore returned to day from a visit in Rrooka. o C UZL. n i CJ XC5. wCk. . Grand ...Millinery Display... Better, Brighter, Bigger Than Ever. Oar Millinery Department has Grown This season we are carrying the largest and best assorted stock in the city. We have more experienced trimmers and help to wait on you. All the new crea tions are being shown here. Beautiful flowers and trimmed hats. Our usual low prices will be the rule. ROSTEIN & GREEINBAUM DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY STORE v- n Cans rSiuH Vfwyj - Snread them on lour old floors u lih a Hood truth, and ' hale in urHodie reception room, iHnlnc-room, lull or nirlor, y Nitural wood finish, tough, clastic and dunblc, Varno-Lac exactly Imitate all (me uoodi, no matter how old the surface be ttalncd. Te only article tnado that requires no skill to' produce 1500U results, Avo'u ulsappolntment by rememterlng to ask far Varno-Lac. Mm if Acme "Mu LciJ At Celgr Woiki, is 4&L ?M J Ml If fMfM-MW GEO. B. DetroIrJWI;!b, JACOB PIIO.VP AND I'lXM HTIlKlflH. .NORTH HAMUI, 1'hono 101 t-' the JUrtfc ,7. K U r. . fa.. - cnurch. trtr .. . " J Mt. PORTIiAKD MARKET. Wheat Club, 72c; valley, 70c: bluo 8tom, 74c Onta Cholcovwhlte, 29. MtllBtuff Bran. 17. Hay Timothy, 13H; alfalfa 911.50. Vetch 17.60 18.00. Potatoea Jl.00Jl.50 per cwt Poultry Hens, 15c; mixed chick ens, 14c; dressed chickens, ICO 17c; turkeya, live, IS 0 15c; ducks, 160 ISc; pigeons, 1.00$1.50. Pork Dressed, 66c Beet Dressed, 506c. Mutton CO 7c Hopa 9O10&C tb, according to quality. WmI Valley, con to saailuas, Going Up That Is one of tho character istic results of good baklue pow der. When you uao Eppley's Perfection you aro always auro that your blsoutt, cako and pastry will properly rlso, and that they will have that aweet palatable flavor that U so essential and desirable Try It all the time. E ASTERl Are your fet ready for East? It's high tirna to W ihinkimm asWut H. It matters not how good a Mit a raaa may wear, cm: how laadome tlMt wocaan' gown, if the shoM areaot rlght-t's all mil Chit spekmg footwaar im uw on dres parade, ami we are ready to show yo the easo's Wai. High or Low Cut Shoes, Oxfords, Ties, etc., etc. $J.50, $2.00, $2.50, Up Tke Wat lookkig feet that walk the street o Easter wearing or mew priaig shoes. to $4.00. fliorftijig will ae :.l-r" , ftm mm ra ii St. (,) rand. 'jew wi C. M. EPPLEY Ltanufaft aiTM shm stJ Oregon 5noe LiO, iJa. Tb!dS' aay erea- Tfc r RUUc 2y(6d reaIS THKSHOERS 2?lc; r Ofo, U18c MM