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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1907)
:"xmrtryig!i'&r,&'wA' IjJ'f fSW!-Ti4,'5(,lrgP''" T"' DAILY OAMTAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH , 1007. IcohoL Since May, 1906, Ayers Sarsaparllla has been n,ln1v frflft ffOITI fllcohnl- If Vflll ar In nnnr TOTTl health, wcak Pa,e nervous, ask your doctor '" hnn taktnp this non-alcoholic tonic and nltora. about taking this non-alcoholic tonic and altera tive. If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. This is our advlco W hTd no secret! i we publlia J. O. Art r Co, wu. the formula ofllourpraprtlon. Lo , Mm. JREAT AMERICAN STORIES l0,joi--"Wake Up England!" and with a third open side on Duke street. The front Is to bo decorated with graceful Corinthian pilasters, and tho whole effect 1b likely to add to tho Imposing appearance of this Important thoroughfare. Tho com structlon will bo of Portland stone and steel throughout, and as fire proof as modern Ingenuity enn make a building on which tho brightest en orgies of both English and Amorlcnn architects have been concentrated. As wa3 explained In yesterday's Daily Telegraph, tho Inventiveness of the Wf Telegraph Feb , i , American genius has already bceu a v:' f mikn street. 1 displayed In the proposal that tho j15 to tn n.,i 0f rent .now storo should bo directly connect- atiheaoruinotiu .-----1 - i !. rxiiiiwi unnrn :-u .. tfiiMine are u"b ..... rersarelnastatoof decrepl- uhlch heralds speeuy uibuw.-u. . ii is evident that something rmnst tako their place, and a rop- jliUve of Tho Dally Teiegrnpu, , m been visiting various sites kite changed their aspect late- rD1de Inquiries yesterday morn " . . .....uic .Mi which it tne new uujiujut," . mm Waring and Glllow havo rifled Oxford street. Ho was re- Ud direct to Mr. Selfrldge, whoso Bporarr offlces are just opposuo L 401, w that ho can Keep ma vyu , th9 iite that will shortly bo ited out of nil knowledgo by tho Lmoni ichemo which ho Is begin- -todeTClop. when It Is unuor- thit Mr Selfrldgo Is tho man practically created Marshall tit hoge storo In Chlcngo, It will . reamed that he knows his busl- Oor representative discovered at be ru qulto ablo to explain It, ,io fir as It was advisable at pros it for the public to get somo Idea of I fataro as ho plans It, Tou must understand, to begin "Vald Mr Selfrldge, "that I do '.want to poao as an 'American ln- Under no circumstances Hon.' th though occurred to mo of b you anything. That would possible. I havo como hero bo- I am attracted, as many an American has been boforo me, ts opportunities afforded for a t. and dignified business In your and wealthy metropolis, a bust tht will not Intorforo with ox- English concerns, but thnt Is s4td to introduco something now lwe to learn all I can boforo wo !, la order to begin on linos that be not only prosperous, but tip- to and lively. The motto of n, Selfrldgo and Warlng's storo integrity of business prlucl- the hlghpgt qualities of mor gue an accuracy In all our fuwati W i shall atock only the A purchaser remembers the M of goods long after ho for- KitWr price" fc the table was a pile of archl- Jrawinga in white Hue on bluo f by 2u0 ft , stretchlnc back Oxford feet to Somerset street ! with tho Bend street Btatlon of the Tube railway, so that passengers could pass from tho train through an underground pnssago Into tho shop without having to go out of doors nt all. Whether tho local authorities will admit a prfnciplo so novel In un derground metropolitan traffic is yet to bo seen, but Mr. H. O. Wells would havo little doubt about its benefits, and it might well bo thnt a subway, which would servo othor public uses ns well as that of bringing custom ers to a particular shop, would obtain careful consideration. Whether this detail In tho schomo goes through or not, It is typical of tho energetic spirit that anlmntes tho wholo of this now undertaking; but our rcpresont- utlvo did not touch upon It yesterdny, and' only asked for moro information concerning tho big storo thnt was shortly to bo set up. "Shopping In London," said Mr Solfrldgo, "presents n problem that will bo Interesting to solve. I con fess It fascinntcs mo. I had prac tically retired after tho Marshal Field store had been sot going on a successful basis; but tho business holds mo still. Tho direction of a lnrgo number of mon and women to wards ono honornblo ond of logltl mato bucccss In which nil liurmon lously co-operate, seems to mo an ambition that Is worth while. If a big storo In London is run on lines that nro clastic nnd ndnptablo; It It starts without any old world preju dices and mothods oxcept the osspn tlal virtues of hnrd work nnd hon esty; If it dollberntoly trios to plonso tho womon, llrst, last nnd nil tho tlmo; If It Is never afraid of a now dovolopmont moroly because it Is a chango; if it rsallzoa that n woman' i shopping can bo made more plonsur able to hor than ovor wns tho case beforo then I vonturo to think n real want will liuvo been supplied. It Is not only London ladles who would patronize an organization of this kind. Country wives will be oven moro appreciative of its possibilities. Thoy will get all that any household needs under tho snmo roof. Thoy will hoo tho best of ovorythlng, ami thoy. will seo It under tho best pos sible) conditions. I bollevo wo shall havo mothods of showing off ladles' WiMaitminr VMSlMra AfatUtiVPrraifMlU. . A - i..Id r "B,,,J" sBssssssi WfctKeWlkw, r r. .t grotLCOfllainsiMdlher tNjtscn' MMrlfmorAl narcotic. Sssasfififeae SZS5KSi "wioss of Sleep. ' Suture of vSZT bSyodk. CASTORIA Far Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m (y iu4 y am m MM Ai ttC5r vaAPpta, In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA dresses, and details of costumo of every kind, which will be both novel and attractive. If wo do not appeal to every kind of .tnsto that asks for tho best things, it will not bo for want of trying every way wo know. Qlvo us a suggestion, and wo'll thank you for it; and wo'll carry out any thing that's practicable. Thero'a nothing reasonable Loudon can ask for which Selfrldgo and Waring- will not bo ready to supply, and to sup ply ns well as It can bo dono anywhere." Our representative wont nway full of eorlouB thoughts. Ho knew what the big American stores can do, and he had been wondering how long It would bo beforo London would wako up to tholr advantages. Thcro has, of course, been a great chango in a f w conspicuous and woll known Instances. Dut even tho best of theso Is very different from such places as Wanamaker's, or Marshall Field's, or Slegel nnd Coopor'a in the States. However politely Mr. Self rldge mny phrnso his nttltudo to Lou don, tho mennlng of his coming Is very clear. It Is n definlto challougo. It Involves a very dollborato compe tition. It will , no doubt, tench us n drastic lesson. For years tho English producer and vendor has had tho best artlclo on tho market in many trades. But ho will novor take tho troublo to change his methods of salo, or to alter his pattern, toBUlt any of his customers. If thoy don't llko whnt ho offers them they can go to woll, as n matter of fact thoy havo gono to Germany; not for tho best nrtlclo, which England still possesses, but for tho nrtlclo they want, which Knglnud will not sell them. Not content with losing tho mnrketB of tho world, Eng land's merchants nro now to seo tho actual trado of London Itsolf chal lenged beforo their very eyes. What nro wo going to do about It? Thoro was a tlmo when wo woro ablo to Imposo our own conditions on buyors who could not get tholr goods olsowhere. Hut our position is totnl ly dlfforont now. Wo Bufogunrd trado upon tho ocean, but wo no longer domlnnto trndo ovorywhoro. Tho reports of consuls gonornl In ovcry quarter of tho world pour in from week to week to provo how much ground wo havo lost thnt Is now past recovery. It will apparent ly bo necoBsnry to loso yet mord be foro wo evon awako to tho Importance of weighing and measuring In sym bols which nro convenient to tho cus tomors wo want. Nothing short of boggnry seems llkoly to convlnco tho English trader of tho commercial no cosslty of tho inotrlc Bystom. Hnthor than use it, ho doliburntoly' profors to disgust four hundred and fifty mil lion possible foreign customers ovory year. Abroad, his punishment is coming upon him, with more nnd more severity every month. At home a similar vengeance will follow hard on hidebound convontlons which rofuso to recognize that a buyer Is u human holng. It has boon moro slow iu coming bocnuso the London trader has been dealing with mon and wom en of his own race. Hut such n now dovolopmont In tho immodlnto futuro ns Mossrs. Solrldgo and Warlng's big storo in Oxford street Is a symbol of what wo may oxpect. Tho writing has long boon upon tho wall, and few who ran havo road. Thosa few havo profited accordingly. Hut the ma jority, who will loso tholr trado bo cnuso thoy will not chango tholr old habits, will suffer; nnd It will serve thorn rJght. nut his words wero ut tered to oars alroady scaled in ster torous slumber. Now It Is tho Bloop er's pockets that will suffer, and the appoal may provo moro Intolllgblo. Tho competition Is close at homo; tho gago of battlo Is thrown down on his front door-step. o . Curzoii'H Advice to LortW. London, March 9. Lord Curzon of KcddleBton ox-viceroy of India, was Installed Chancellor of Oxford university today, in succession to tho lato Viscount Goshen. In tho courso of an address after tho Installation ceremony ho urged that tho Union ist party itself should 'undortake to reform tho houso of lords on tho lines laid down in Lord Newton's bill, which proposes the reconstruc tion of tho house on a party elective basis. Ho considered that the peers themsolvos should take tho Initia tive, and that by suirondorlng some of tholr existing privileges thoy would attain by that sacrifice a sec ond chamber entitled to tho trust of reasonablo mon of all parties. Con tinuing, Lord Curzon declared that the peers would thus bo playing tlw part enacted by tho great hereditary nobles of Japan at tho time of the Japanese revolution, which started Japan upon the advance that has had such astonishing results. Of Intttrasf Te Women. To such women as are not seriously bnl el hcalttubut who have exacting duties to porfornV either in tho way of houso hi Id carcsW In social duties and func tlo2Vhlchscrloiisly tax their strength, as wctritSurslnR mothers. Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrVA-rlptlon has proved a most valuable supYftrtlng tonic and Invigorat ing nervine. Hy It, timely use, much fcrlou sickness nnd siiiferlng mnvT? iyoldl. Tho oncratlnvr table and tlio sUTKroni'knlje. would, jf hollc-vT: Sfldom have to lo orrployfd If this mon vii uianiP wtiuii'? wi-m ronrt,vt inpooutiyp. ThCFavorltoPrcscrlp- QUE tlonTii las nrovon a Brent boon to cxhrctant mothers by proparlne tho system for tho coming of baby, thereby rendering child birth safo, oasy, and almost palntcs. Hear In mind, plonso thnt Dr. Piorco' Favorite Prescription Is not n secret or patent medlclno, against which tho most intelligent pcoplo aro qutto naturally averse, bocaupo of tho uncertainty as to tholr composition and harmless character, but Is a MKDictxK or ksown comtosi tion a full Uu of nil Its Ingredients beltifr printed. In plain English, on ovcry bottle wrapper. An oxamlnntlon of this list of IngrMler.ti will dUcloso tho fact that It is non-nleoliolle Iu Its comimsltlon, chemic ally pure, trlnlo-roflm'U glycorlno taking tho placo of tho commonly used alcohol, In iu mako-up. In this connoctlon It may not bo out of placo to statu that the Favorite Prescription" of Dr. PIcrco Is tho only medicine put tin for tho cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ail ments, and sold through druggists, all tho Ingredients of which havo tho un animous endorsement of all tho lending medical writers and toachcrs of all tho several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for tho aliments for which "I-nvorlto Proscription " Is rocommonded. A little liookof Uip.o endorcoments will be sent to nnv addrc. twat-tmld. and absolutoly free if youjrequest samo by postal card, or lottor, of Dr. It. V. Pierce, llulTnlo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Ploasnnt Pellets euro con stipation. Constipation Is the causo of many dlinnnqs. Cum the. cuuso and you euro tho dUease. Easy to take as cauuy. ywiittfiifti9ttiiiititaoiiia i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ninm8itnnnnmiitHannimntminnnj Salem Iroa Work. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. M&bh facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylag stoves, etc Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Frees. rOK KALX l-or Sale.-A five and a six-room houso, with from one to six lots with each!1 woll located In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schoneflold, 21at and Marlon Sts Salem.- 1-28-tf For Saks A comnloto box manufnc- turlng and planing mill plnnt. Ad dross E. Durkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf For Sale Eight year old horse, har ness, top buggy with rubber tires. Call nt 373 Stnto stroot. 3-8-3t Vov Sale. 34-acro farm north of Gardon Road, ono mllo from city limits. Woll Improved, 10 acres of hops, good houso, all kinds of small fruit Inquire of C. W. Yannko, Fashion stables. 3-l-2w Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll novor bothor with having It dono nt homo again. Tlmo was whon every family could not afford to send tho washing to a laundry, but tlmos havo changed so, too, havo tho methods and prices. Todny you can bettor afford to sond tho family washing hero than not to. Ask about our prices on' family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 113. 130-1(10 S. Liberty St. For Salo. Four-horao powor steam onglno and drill pross, lino shaft, with pulloya and belting, nlso four-horeo powor locomotlvo with tank. Sold cheap If taken now. Prlpo nltoKothor $75. Inqulro of Herbert Gamblo, cornor of 17th and Forry atrcot, Salem, Or. 3-5-lw LODGES. ForcaU-ra of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato street Loo Abblo. O. II.; A. L. Drown, F. S. Contractor and Builder-A. J. Aa derson, contractor and hulldor, es timates furnished froo, It will pay you to seo mo befcro yo build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court stroot, or pUoas 544. 3-16-U SjTC ffl?? BKOONR-IIAND GOODS. New and 8ccmd-Haad Good. . Bought and sold, also range, stovea and cooking utensils, d Mi es, granite and tinware of all Mat Give ua a call. O. L. McFeek, IU South Commercial St, 8-11-lr P""MsiwwafttJMaMaaeMaamaBMWMB JlVjBICIANjimitBURGTON Dr. D. U. Grlftn, Uie BKliM ea MorpHineAll drug and llquec habits, which he cures la 3 days. No raonoy until cured, 314 Tra41a St., Salem, Ore. Phone 668, Joka Doyens, DuatneM Manager. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holmau block, cor nor Stato and Llborty stroots. Tuosday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. B. W. Hazard, C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. C24G. Moots ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.J F. A. Turner, Clork. OSTEOPATHS, Dr. B. II. White Graduate of Kirk villa. Mo., under founder ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Sreymaa building, Commercial street. Phouo 87. Rosidonoo corner Mill and Twonty-flrot Sts. Phone 580. Treats nouto and chroalo disease. Examination free. 11-17-tf 35 plumbum. 1 Theo. SI. lUrr Plumbing, hot watec f and Btoam boating and tlaalag, 104 Commercial street. Fke Main 193. l-l-ly"' Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P.' L. Fraslor, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union, Btck, accl dont nnd ponslon Insuranco; ?2, 000,000 plcdgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted, J. II. O. Montgomery, supremo orgnnitor, Uox 432 Salem, Orogon. II. R. Ryan, Bocrectnry, 540 Stnto stroot. P Garden Seeds ! lnrgo stock of In bulk. Our 190G crop; no Wo havo a Gardon Seeds poods nro all carry-over. ONION 818. Ask for small onion sots. You got thrco times as many to tho pound. FIELD SEEDS. Fancy Hluostem Wheat, Chovelln Hnrloy, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa, Field Peas, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agents for Coulson's Egg Foods, Coulson's Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powdors. Tho largest wholcsalo and rotall dealers in the city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. I MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jniicn Toacior of pi ano; touch, technlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough propnrntory uourso Advanced students prepnrod for public appearance Itonldenou 068 Center 8t. Tel. Main 520. 2-28-tf. M. J. J?etwl Plumbing, steam sb4 gas fitting. Successor to Kaor M Murphy, 228 Corakerolal street. 'Phono Mala 17. DftAYMKN. It. O. CtuunifHH Successor to White Gjimmlns, expross, delivery aad transfer llnw. Prompt serylee Is our motto. Furniture and piano moving a specialty,. Stand at IS! South Commercial street. Phoae 175. Rosldouco phono 908. 8-4-tt MISCELLANEOUS. I'Jano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox pert tuning, repairing nnd polish ing. Leave orders at Ooo. C. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr immimnjwim mm ! Gold Dust Float cZtte& Made by TBS SYDXBT POW-I Bft OOHPAXr, t4ay, Oreea. Mad for family um, Ask your groctr for It. Bran and aborts alwfcys oa hand, P. B. Wallace AGENT tBaiiaitaiBajlr O. C T. CO -STEAMERS- POMONA AND ORKGONA LI1WK POKTLAND MONDAY, WKDNK0. DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M 1VWtAr, THUROAY AND SATUBBAYg AT 0;M A. M. FOK COitVAIM TfJUBDAY, THURAOAY AX9 f ATWaWAY AHOCT F, M. P. M. MAUmm, Aft Concreto Work. Got my prlcoa on sidewalks, curbs, soptlo tanks nnd cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 569. 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA RAKKUY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Hulto Wnulercth Fine wlnei. liquors and cigars. Wo handle the colebratod Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr SASH AND DOOR rAOTORIRfl. Frank M. XJrown,Manufaoturer ot uuli, d.wrs. moulding. All klmla el house flnlilt and hard wood work. Front streot, hot. State and Court. .WANTED, Mm WuiiIimI To work .for Orogon Nursory Company. liiqulro'at of llco on Twelfth stroot 3.4-flt Wnuti-il to Huy Hoavy draft horses, wolght 1400 pouuda and upward. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotel, 1-28-tf Help Wasted. doxon good men for work In nursery. C. F, Lans ing, Quaker Nurseries, on Gardoa road. Phono 000. 2-22-f KulurKed- Our moat tnarkot on Bast State streot has beeu doublod in else and we aro better propared than ever to servo customers. Prompt servlco and tho best of meats our motto. Call or phono lj9. II. H. Kd wards, Prop SALEM WATER COMPANY ornca oity xall. For water sarvlce tpply at oMu Bills payable moatldy in advsac Make all eoaoplslcU at the otfes. WaHtiMl. si nogrnphlc position by young woman winning to mako change th first of April, Blx years' oxperlonce. Kxcollout ref er on cos. Address "Stenographer," care Capital Journal. 2-19-lm Vo thty rtiT If ihtr're not KX ACTLY risht. let us uuka them to. When w nt you, w flt you AC CUItATJCLY Unn sprUne. ry necary intlrla arparntu nd the rtqulrt-J kuowtnigm n sMins u to corrtKily un the im, Our own compute woriitbop, with erery facility -even to the grinding of upeclal It pj-re all at your dlipQwtl here, aeeurlng a aervtce not poMlble with others lees fortu nately equipped, Actta-do your Klaaees KIT, or nearly fit? Munsdl Optical Q. Ml i'mMMkrmim l Want to JIuy 20 head of heavy draft borsee In tho next two week Will pay good prices. I also want a flrstrolass saddle horse, weight not less sthan 1100 pounds, must bo high-grade and slnglo-footor. J. Connor, Wlllamotto Hotol. 3-4-tf Wanted Gontloiiiau or lady to travol for mercantile houso of largo cap ital. Territory at home or abroad to suit. If desirable the homo muy be used as hoadquartors. Wcokly salary of $1000 per year and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Ore. 2-1 9-1 m HouiSTcrv Rcky Mfiwiafn Tm HftH 1 Buy Moilfiu fur Buj Pwple. Srlifi OoUes Htldt e4 KtaewtJ Vigor. . JTrlfl0 (i Cjjp.Hiiattwn. IB.lli(.itlW). Ue n.t XUMy TroubW hmpJe. Komoui, Impure WloO.) lifclUftMth. KUHII IOt4, IIellMtU fcnatuktelm. !i'KoeVyJHatlu1YfutaW t forrn. t ceuie u, Omiuiii tu4e 1 ueT m Dae? Ortr"v, .V.lloo. WU. WN.KM IMWICtl m MLUNT fMf Jl 'HRS h-nAmmmmmimMnmi in i S'A'J MJ-- i '-L .UatJUbtih, taL4Li.4uw f,A,- .'.liaL , , , , .j-Lt