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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1907)
! - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAJTj, 8ALH4, OKBGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1007. ' 3 XI ISE GRINDS AWAY some Fun Over Used Bird Laws Makes Fight For ecail Amendment to Constitution ly my watch that It Is time ... i.n,..i to order, sniu ..- .hnm the house had rtntcd with a gold watch iln. iouie laughed, nnd then con- i In a lot or semuu ....- int. Smith of Umntllln, to : licenses for embalming dead .kndl-S APPHCaniB Hiuoi imv L war's experlenco as embalm- iir Reynolds pointed out that it could practice witnoui nn i .. .-.I no Mint' rnnlrl iaersiiCCDSl """ "a ' It the practice without a llconso. a'd not cet a llcenso wunoui Idaf. It legalized those now In kaess and no one couiu got in. l-ji of Lane, said no ono could Mont a llcenso In tho foothills. abalmlnc bill was omunlmoa motion to inueiinitoiy posi- 8. 113. Smith of Umntllln, to lnh county and municipal health and defines dutlos. Passed. B. 216, Marlon county dologn- to Increase salary county ciur DOS Passed. B. 419, King, to npproprlnto 90 for a brldgo across the Snnkc In committee of whole It was ltd favorably, Mr. KIng'suId ectlon of tho stnto had been representatives hero for thlr- m and had got nothing back. ill was lost by 23 ayes, 20 noes. B. 28G, Hums, approplatcs to Import EngllRh nlghtln- mockingbirds, etc. Favorably :td by Chairman Reynolds of 'committee on horticulture with Iraents. Mr Barrett said It useless to bring In birds for tho (rowers to kill ns n bill Intro- Mr Davey said If wo could are these birds, warbling tho k only to bo found In paradise Uoie who bad heard theso birds t In their native haunts In tho ih Islands could appreclato those frs. If this country could havo birds and hear their songs they M not nart with thorn for 50,- Ur Dims also spoko for theso i hlch ho had seen In Ireland Mr Perkins or Jnckson, said birds were not always living on t. He wanted tho rlcht to nro- Uoself agalnBt tho depredations Ws. Tho birds would nut Bomo im out of business. Mr. Purdy wis house would havo to answer vltkout throwing any money to bW. He lovid ft Rkvlnrlr no u 8peaker Davey, but he was to the appropriation. Mr P said these birds dostrovod ty aphis and codling moth, of mey were deadly nnnmioa Mr lr said no birds no fruit. ar t ono time killed off tho d nearly lost all her' fruit. iB9 birds wen mninrnrf Ihov kd fruit Germany today had : birds than any countrv in orld and more fruit. Tho bill w farther aloac as thoro were tUn avt s 'Coffey stated that tho senate "'MlnC tO rW(vn ,, Kill. . - ...v uuj uiiib iruui i lnce last Monday nlghd , , i'cmji a 'Wore the gm o.i i.. . ' . reasons for such action J-mef clerk Instructed to ' tey appeared w..n . "ud maje a .atamo, n. .... FJJ the house and was given L. " Newel! moro stHnnf 'o? act Indeflnltolyjost. aitteeonromtlon8'ro. r..:.p-- .1.::::""' "" iaia Dili. . toniniu.. "nee also nnnrij SBdmfrit i i. . .. 'Wotldw,""'..1"? w"- Po"00'- iTta oa opUon was de- fHt',7m obJwted to 25 r. 3aw..: ton or re i. Mr ftail.i. " VumvT Of a-vKii! UH.ri rif;::vuo.p : I o. K "UCft oppoltle u. twlered onnoAiHn- opposltloa to iZT1- Mr-Newell t iuI7"r,onW vi ik "l. v. --'" petitioned to recall an ofllclnl nnd If ho did not want to resign ho could face nn election. It was a power tho peoplo would be slow to abuse. Mr. Jnckson said It would destroy major ity rulo and substitute rulo by n slight minority. Mr. King said It was ptiro solclallsm and It was Indefinite ly postponed. Same committee killed printing 2000 copies fish laws and 4000 copies of game laws. Concurrent resolution for printing copies of laws of this legislature nnd laws passed by tho people proceed ings of legislature and to bo distrib uted. Adopted. Mr. McCuo moved to reconsider voto by which house refused to order publication of 2000 copies of fish laws. Mr. Coffey asked whnt It would cost? Mr. McCuo plead for tho publication of theso pnmphlets. Mr. Newell said If they printed tho fish laws they would have to print for nil departments. Tho resolution was defeated. Resolution requiring publication of 5000 copIeB of Chnpln law wns dis cussed. Mr. Chnpln moved that a prlco bo put on the pamphlets. Mr. Perkins said, the pnmphlel should bo free. Newell said tho railroad com mission could havo all tho printing done thoy wanted. Mr. Rodgers said tho legislature nlono could order copies or law printed. Chnpln mo tion to ro-rofor whb carried. Senato concurrent resolution to ap point threo representatives to act with tho board of education to con sider courses of study at Btnte uni versity and agricultural college, de feated. For Joint commlttoo to confer with committee from Washington to Inves tigate t fisheries of Columbia, to bo nllowod no por diem or expenses, adopted. Sonnto Joint memorial relating to votornns of tho Dannock war being reimbursed for losses at bnttlo of "Willlow spring, ndopted. Sonnto concurred resolution relat ing to reciprocal domurrago adopted. Houso concurrent resolution relat ing to water powers belonging to stnto bo leased, ndopted. Sonnto returned houso resolution for adjournment Saturday at noon without receding from its position. Rodgors moved to adjourn to 10 a. m. Thursday. Campbell objectod as thoro wero ovor n hundred bills to act on Rodgors motion lost. S. B. 222, Bingham and Coshow, to regulnto corrupt practices, lndltl nltoly postponed, Roport of committco to viBlt state prison, rond and ndopted. Roport on Boys' and Girls' Aid society, rend and adopted. o KUnKcr-Grniul Theatre. On Friday evening, February 22, tho Mnrgnritn Flschor company will present tho rural comedy drama "Down on tho Farm." Tho play re volves around a tragedy In tho life of Ruth Walton, nn Innocent country girl, who Is Involgled Into n mock mnrrlago by an unscrupulous man of tho world. Sho believes him her law ful husband until after tho birth of a child, when Bho learns of his vil lainy. Tho child dies and is follow ed by Ruth's mother. Alono and broken hearted sho starts out with tho purpose of beginning life nnew In a place whero hor pnst history is unknown.- Sho goes to tho country and is taken into the homo of Martin Shaw, a Nebraska farmor, who bo llovos in living up to a literal' inter pretation of tho scriptures. For sev eral months all goes woll, when the roappoaranco of hor villainous lover and tho -chattering of neighborhood gossip expose, to her friends the bid don chaptor of hor llfo. Exciting cli maxes follow this Incident. Allen Shaw, tho son of tho farmer, who bus fallen in lovo with Ruth, and Mabel Halstoad, his cousin, prove strong champions' of the girl, wbllo thero is arrayed strong against them tho father and several noighbors and friends. All ends well la the last act, when the truth Is finally understood and tho curtain falls with others happy besides Ruth and Allen. MIbs Fischer as Ruth Walton protraylng tho conflicting emotions which the part calls for, those of hatred for the causo of her downfall, remorse for her own Innocent sin, nnd lovo for Allen, glvo her an, excellent oppor tunity to show her versatility. Thero is a strong vein of comedy through out the entiro play that will keep tho adutence In good humor and is sure to pleoso. Tonight is the last performance of "La Belle Marie,"' Jf you have not been to see It go, you won't regret your time and money. . Cwm til klfoir. Ma'iiar asa HuwirtU trMM; Mrii 7 att arse , r tw mimtiu'tfUmmX fry MM tor 1. Dr. M. W. Malt, Slf WPw Mt M XtMM JB6 WMWl WORLD DEMANDS "WATERWAYS Up to State and Nation to Do Part in Solving Transportation Washington, Feb. 21. Notifica tion from Russia that tho Eleventh Internntlonlnl Nnvlgntlon congress Is to bo hold thero In May, 1908, has brought forcibly to tho nttcntlon of the government tho fact that wator wny navigation Is commanding the attention of tho wholo world. Tho forthcoming meeting, which Is to bo, hold In St, Petersburg, will bo at tended by delegates, from evory clv-lUzod-nation and will load to the most comprehensive discussion of wntor transportation that tho ques tion hns ever received abroad. In forwarding tho notification, Consul General Wntts reperts: "Tho'purposo of tho congress is to creato nn increnso of genornl Interest In matters of navigation, nnvnl con struction rind tho Importance of wa terways; tho study of theoretic nnd practical questions relating to hydro technical construction (sen and river) ; tho industrial commercial and technical exploitation of rivers nnd sonports. Reports on theso subjects will bo publicly discussed nnd scien tific excursions orgnnlzed in ordor to study hydrotcchnicnl works, Bea portB nnd waterways in Russln." This ovldonco that Russia Is awak ening to tho necessity for dovolOpIng Its great navlgnblo rivers Is of espe cial Interest nt a time, when tho houso has approved and tho Bonnto Is considering tho grentost appropria tion bill ovor framed for develop ment work on tho rivers nnd hnrbors or tho United States. It goes to prove that tho great commorclnl nntIonn reallzo that thoy must undortnko such development work It thoy nro to bo considered factors In tho trndc of tho world. England1, Oormany nnd Franco long havo recognized that thorough and steady dovolpmont nf fordu certain nssuranco of command ing positions in the foreign trndc, nnd ns n result theso threo nations havo captured nnd nro holding mar kets thnt rightfully belong to tho United States. Asldo from tho advantage gained by theso foreign rlvnls In lower trans portation charges, tho fact that the railroads of this country are unable to handlo promptly tho onormouB traffic of tho United Statos is nn add ed reason why world-markets nro bo ing wrested from Amorlcnn manu facturers. Tho nntlonal govornmont has not been devoting funds sufficient to Insuro dovolopment of waterway transportation and, in his recont speech In tho houso, CongreBsmnn Jospoh E. Kandsdell of Louisiana president or tho National Rlvors nnd Hnrbors congress, pointed out that In tho pnst less than threo por cont of tho total appropriations of tho gov ernment havo beon devoted to Inter nal improvements. In nn appeal for fair recognition of this Important work, ho said: j "I earnestly Imploro you to study this great Bubject Of watorway Im provement, to my mind tho most Im portant ono today beforo tho Ameri can peoplo, and uso your great in fluence In nnd out of congress In fa vor of a broad and liberal, and truly national policy toward our water ways, in favor of an annual rivers and harbors bill carrying f50.000.000 every year." Mr. Ransdoll'a appeal was greeted with loud applause, disclosing the new and favoring nttltudo taken by congress In respect to tho question It Ib not known yet whethor tho na tlcraal government or- tlje National Rivers and Harbors congress will ap point dolegates to tho Russlon meet ing, but it Is altogether probable that some such action will bo taken. a We offer Omo Hundred Dollar Re ward for a ay case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Onra. P. J. CHENEY ft CO, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, aad bollera alia perfectly honorable la all bttetaeM trasmcUoaB and flnan dally able ts carry "eat any obliga Uom sia4 by bta Irra. Waidla, KIbmb ft Marvin, Waoleeale DmMts, Toledo, O. Hall's Gttarrk Cro la taken la twaally, afblac IreUy oa the btood aad'aHMSHM awrfacM of tat apetwa. TeMtweatoto swat free, Prim It Mats r feottfe. M f all inmlili Tate Malt's Ftty Mlta for - MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Make Snlcm a Good Home Market." 8VLKM MARKET. Stctncr's J.Iarket. Dealers In fish, gamo and poultry. Highest cash prlco paid tor eggs. Prompt delivery. State stroot. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat 65c. OatB 35c. Barley $24. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Bran, 18.50; shorts, $20.50. Hny Cheat and clovor, $7.00 per ton; timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 20c. Hens lie; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; gceso, 8c; turkeys, 13GlGc. Buttor 35c; butter fat, 35 He . Onions 55 (0157c por ewt; pota toes, 83 85c por cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prime to cholco, 13 13 Ms c; medium to prlmo, 10812Wc. Chlttlm bark 5 Cc. Tropicnl Fruits. , Bananas 5 He por lb. Ornngcs $2.75 $3.00. Lemons $4.00 $5,000. Hotntl Market. Flour $1 por sack. Bran C5o pox Back; $21 por ton; shorts, 90c pcrxsack; $22 $24 per ton. Hay Timothy, C5o per cwt.; cheat and clovor, 50c por cwt; $0.50 per tou. Oats $1.35 por cwt; wheat, 75c; rolled barley, $2G$28 por ton. Eggs 25c Applos $1.00 to $1.50, nccordlng to nuallty. Buttor Country, 25 30c; crenm ory, 40 c. LlvcstoVk. ' Cattle 1100 1200 Ib staors, 3Kc Lighter steers 23 23 He. ' Cows and heifers 000 1000 lb, SH4c. Stock hogs CCUc. Hogs 175 250 lb,' fat, $6.00 $6,25. Shoop 5c. Lambs 5c. Voal Dressed, C8c. Hogs Djessod, 8c PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club, 09 70c; valley, 70cr.bluo stem, 71 72c. Oats Cholco whlto, $29. MillBtuff Bran, $17. Hny Timothy, $14 $15; alfalfa, 14. Votch $7.50 $8.00. Potatoes $1.00 $1.25 por cwt. Poultry Hons, 13H14c; mixed chlckons, 11 12c; drescd checkons, rooBtors, 12 13c; dressed chlckons, 14 16c; turkeys, live, 17 18c; turkoys, dressed, 20 22c; goose, llvo, 1012c; ducks, 1018c; pigeons, $1,00. Pork Dressed, 66c Boor DrcsBod, 5 H 0 6 He. Mutton 07c. Hops 11 14c lb, according to quality. Wool Valloy, coarse to modlum, 2021c; oastern Oregon, 13 18c. Butter Fancy croamory, 32 HO 35c; store buttor, 18 20c. Mohair 20 28c. o A tlssuo builder, rcconstructor, builds up waste forco, makes strong nerves and muscles. Bomo people do not realize what a great remedy Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea Is; 35 conts, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Stono's store. For sale at LOCAL TIME TABLK. Tlm Card o Southern Pacific Trains fat Kffect at Salem February 8, 1907. Toward Portlaad. No. 165:23 a. m., Orogon Ex preaa. No. 18 8:30 a. zn.; Cottage Grove PasaoBgor. No. 12 2:45 p. m., Shasta Ex preaa. No. 14 9:28 p. m., Portland Ex pre. No. 222 Arrive 11:03 a. m de part 11:38, Portland fast freight No. 22S Arrlce 10:40, depart 11:28, wy freight. Toward Baa Fraaclaco. No. il 11:18 a. ., Shasta Ex prea. , Ha. 17 8:32 p. pa.,Cottace Qrove I WIHIIWIHIIMIIIIIIIimilllHilllHHIMIlllliW W 9 !i Bargain Week Sale II III H 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 C I H I 1 1 1 1 1 18 H I H III 1 1 1 I III 1 II 1 1 HI- jfc REMAINDER OF THIS WEEK H H Ml M I II I III I H II I II I H III It I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I I III I' It LINOLEUMS I Any pattern 1 6-4 goods, bar- 2 fp j ; gain this week, price yard " "l j Any pattern 8-4 Linoleum, E Atr ! I grade, bargain this week J j Glassware and dishwnrc, everything in the storc j j bargain week price 20 per cent discount. ! All other goods sold at a bargain during this week ! We want to observe bargain week i j properly, and we also want to raise i i a big sMm of money at once so buy- !i ers this week will save much money i i i mm m mi in mi hum iimim n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I J. A. PATTERSON. I ( i IVIVIVHIPlVlVBVHVRVHiaVflVHVVntlVVHVslVllknHBlaTinVilVRYVWT JACOB MILEY DIES An Old Pioneer of Aurora Passes Away Suddenly Aurora, Ore, Fob. 21. Jacob Mtloy, rosldlng near this 'city, (Ued Sunday, Fobruary 17, of heart fail ure Ho wnu Hitting in a ' rocking chair talking to his wlfo nnd brother, William, and had Just lighted a clgnr when ho suddenly pitched for wnrd, nnd (oil from his chnlr dead. Tho funornl wns hold from tho fam ily rcsldonca Ttiosdny, and tho re mains woro lutorrod in tho Atirorn comotory. Tho funeral procession, which was headed by tho Aurora band, was ono of tho inrgost ovor known In this section. Jncob Mlloy wns born near Colum bus, Ohio, Septombor 25, 1838. Ho omigratod to Missouri in 1847, and Joined tho Bethel colony nt Bethel, Mo. After living a few yonrs thoro ho loft and wont to Nlnovo, Mo., whero ho was mnrrlod to Ellznhoth Mlllor, Nov. 15, 1863. Thoro woro sovon children born to them, flvo boys nnd two girls, of which number two boys woro tnkon from thorn by death. In 1865 ho enmo to Oregon nnd locntod on tho homo placo whero ho resided until his death. In 1876 ho lost his wlfo through death, and nftor romnlnlng single for about sovon years ho mnrrlod Mrs. Woy man, which union was childless. At tho time of his death Mr. Mlloy was 68 yonrs, 4 months and 22 dayu old Ho leaves a widow, threo sans, two daughters, and threo grand children nnd many friends to mourn his loss. Four brothers nnd two nIhIIcm sur vive, him, John Mlley, who lives at Fegloy, Mo., William Mlloy of Au rora, Honry Mlloy or Sullfvnn county, Co., Mrs. Knto Stolnbnch or Aurora,, Mrs. Kninm Erich or Bethel, Mo. Mr. Jncob Mlloy wns nn cxotuplnry cltlzou, n good neighbor, a staunch nnd true frlnnd, n faithful husband nnd affoctlnnnto fathor and this com munity surfers n groat Iohs by hfsi domino. A Blngulnr thing In connection with Mr. Mlley's denth is whnt his brother, Wllllnm, told your corre spondent. Ho had not been to hls brother Jacob's houso for ovor four -years, but Saturday night Homothlng-. soomud to sny to' him thnt hu shouldr go nnd hco him, nnd tho presentiment wns so ntrong nnd vivid thnt ho wont out to tho farm Sunday forenoon, nnd It was nt 3 o'clock In tho afternoon whllo talking to lilm thnt Mr. Mlloy suddouly died. Kd. 16 9:6 p. m., California Sx- Ke. It 1:31 a. ., Baa Praaclaeo M. J11 J:J1 a. ., rIa4 Mev m Xiitvt ll: a. m, DfTiTOXS'S DRUa TOK Dom a atiletly cask boats, owes sd eae, and so one owwjtj esrtlc Urg stock; tbelves, eoaaiiri asd stow mm are loaded wltk'Kraf, Meli, otJon. toilet mIIcIms, wb awl Wqsors of all kUda for w4Ua) jr. paaea. Dr. 4oo0 is a regular frawt lm atedleloa aad ks kadaaasyyeata f aH-lfaes ia tae practice. Ceaavlta tieM sue fro. PreacriptleM ae fraa, aad ealy ifwkr jhtIsm twr atedMae. Dr. Meae a 4 feaad at kh dnag Seed Potatoes Wo hnvo a largo stock of cholco need potatoes, Including Early Ho&o, Enrly Ohio, Early Surprlso, Beauty or Hobron, Whlto Prlco Taker, Amurlcnn Wonder, Cholco BurbnnkB, etc, You will nnd our stock select nnd our price low. HELD PEAS Wo hnvo soma cholco stock that wo arc making u low prlco on. Fiold peas hnvo udvanned, but wo hnvo not raised our price, so or der now. SPRING VETCH Wo havo a small stock of good, clean, votch seed, Blue Stem Seed Wheat That car lot that wo shipped In from tho Pnloiun noun try Is about go no. Better plnjio your ordor and secure a chuugo' of sood. Phoenix Liquid Spray This great spray la certainly making friends everywhere. All that havo tried It nrp moro than pleased, and Bend all their friends hero. ' Our Pboonhc Spray Is strongor, bettor nnd cheaper than you can mako it. All that wo ask Is to try it. Wo know that you Will bo well pleased with tho re sults, i D. A. WHITE &SON a) W ejPaWaw twf aa MmmMI. for HiHwimnH. M4 fer MNHrt m . l7r -- HIam eftdaaUaUaa MMMjm tf la CLdi Rt Of tk. pMpl I 4rt ai 1I:M, wy mM t !.