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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1907)
nnn. TI1PMPAV, VEmVmmmmsl VMhX OAVTt Ah JOVKHAL, gAUMC, CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG HOFER BROS., P and Proprietors ! "' ' --' , MtMJtiBlWBBBMBBiM THK JOUItXAfc STANDS FOIt I'KOOItllSH, DEVELOPMENT, GOVKHNMHXT. AM) NO DKOItADEI) LAUOIt. GOOD IfOll liAUOKIt LIVES. In hoavon, thoy say, Is unilUlurbotl and porfcct peace, and yet Along our heartstrings, ovon tlicro a tremor or regret Must BoniPtlmcfl wander into plain, H memory survives A grief that In thin good, groat world wo lived no largo lives. Ood move our planet gloriously among tho starry spheres, And nobler movements for our souls through thoso our mortal yonrs In widening orbits toward himself eternity ho planned. Wo creop nnd rust In t road mill grooves wo will not bo. made grand. Yet souls that win Immortal heights uncloggcd with solf must raovol Tho only thing that wo can take from oarth to heaven 1b lovol To mnko us groat llko thee, O Ood, thy spirit with us strives! Enlargo our lives to tako thco In! Oh, give us nobler lives! Lucy Larcom. o SUXDAV CLOSING AT SEATTLE. Last Bunday was tho first exporlmont In Sonttlo undor tho now Sunday rloslng law, and tho effect Is noted with gront Interest. Tho following "Journal of tho first Closed Sunday In Sonttlo" nppeorod In tho Tuesday Morning Tlmos, and Is said to bo a fair Iruulmont of tho case: Unprecedented Balo of "cano goods" and nilod flasks between 11 o'clock nnd midnight, Saturdny. Tho mayor's orders closing saloons gonornlly obscrvod. ONLV ONE AHIIEST FOIl VIOLATION OF TDK OIUIKIW. Ballard, aeorgetown nnd other "wot" suburbs filled with visitors for twonty-four hours. Jlounos of prostitution In Sonttlo crowded from midnight to midnight. Forty por conl Incronso In business of tho Chlneso noodlo "Joints." Moro arrests for drunkonnoM THAN ON AXV SUNDAY PltECEDIXQ TOH SIX MONTHS. Action of tho mayor Indorsed by a fow church congregations; tho ma jority paying no nttontlon to It, Dologatlon of liquor men wait upon tho mayor and request that gonornl flumlny closing law ho onforcod by him. TIIKV AHE HEKEHUED TO l'JIOHKCUTINO ATTOItNEV. Trolloy cars to "wot" suburbs so crowded with mon that women nnd vhlldron find dlflluulty In riding at all. Unusually largo attundnnco all day at tho clubs of tho city. o lllltlCJATIOX, DECLAMATION', ETC. SZ U-FOLGERfi smgt$ Satisfaction offe Ho Prize No Cowjkmw Ho Crockery Never Sold in Bu! 1, 2, 2V2 and 5 Pound Tins Only J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco After n wholo afternoon of dobato the houso by an almost unnntmous voto defeated tho Irrigation bill or wator codo proposed by tho Portland chamber of commerce committee. Then tho sumo bit! was pinked up and put through tho sonato, with a provision THAT IT APPLY TO EAHTEHX OHEflOX ONLY. It Is thin nmondod boforo thu houso. Tho objection to tho bill Is that It Is part of a system for oxtondlng a nolwork of Intensive officialism over the statu. Tho reclamation servlco nnd tho forestry, sorvlco nro alroady connected up with thu Irrigation sorvlco, nnd this bill, llko tho ono enacted two years ago creating ofllco of stato onglnuor. HITCH UP THU STATE llllll. C1ATION HVHTKM with all tho fodornl machinery ulroudy evolved. Water commissioners, wator masters, printing, photographing, and other expenses are created. In passing such lawn tho state Is shackling Itself to a system whero IT JA1SEH ALL CONTIIOI, AND Jt'ltlHDICTlOX OVHIl IIUtKlATlOX. Its officials nnd laws nnd property aro merged with u network of rulos and rogulutlon. olllclnllsm and rcdtapeUm, that grows moro oompllontod -UN time proceeds. Tho federal employe In thoso departments are under civil service regu lations and nut subject to public opinion, poll lion I Intluonoe, OH HVlt.V AMICXADLHTO NMWHPAPKIt ClllTIClAM. Whatever money thu state furnish under suoh n system Is nhftorbetl nnd tho nmnntit demand! will ntinstnully luoreas. The state merge Us power, funotlnns and nil control over public wnter with Ike untloHHl mnehlnery owr whteh IT CAN IIXHHOIHK NO lXPl.l'HNCH WIIATItVlllt. Its laws have no Jurisdiction In thla Uuiglo of federal oompllontlon. Us otflolnli nro mure subordinate. It revotnlo tire merely ndvnnood to bo switHowtHt up. Tho stato should tint further suoh a program of political onslnvemont of a sovereign commonwealth. Tho ndvoonttw or tho bill attar finding tho houso consisting of repre sentative from nil part of tho statelHI) NOT WAXTTOSWALI.OWTIIE 1H)HH IT CONTAIN HI). eirurk nut all western Oregon and are willing to lake It for tho irnt In It mutilated form. Onfg Mtuhllkd for eastern Oregon they will onme haek two years bono and extend It over the rtwt of tho state. Ono established It wilt never be reoHllod. Uke louKfllow' turnip will grow. - o ' TA.Y COMMISIOX XOT WAXTIID. This iQKtfllaturo has enacted h volume of upw tax-ntton law taxing er wrythlng under tho sun. Boforo these laws aro In effect some way will he found to tako some of tutu tho oourla and HOLD UP THU .ItltVllXUUS 01-' Tlllf.'HTATK 1X)U A I'lttY YHAIIM, while tho mon -Unit r nt InttriMt on wnrrnnt. ami th banks doing bustuo with Ut money. Hut on lop of all that hat bxn done by lk iHonoy-piww nf th stU. whlgh always w to It 0at it U nut hurt, a bill Has pwl tho houso to oroalo an all-poworful tax ooiuihImIou This ramiHbMlon. on top of tho taxing power of lh Bw)rs and all tho powor and machinery vt,Hl In tho etiHuty court to dig up valu and inako asiieuU. AHK TO ILVYH POWHIl TO A8SHSS OVMH AOAIX HtANCHINHH AND HO-aVLLMH INTANUIIU.H VALUHS THAT 1IAVK KHaVPKD, Tho rommlsslbn will bo n grrot olub In tho bands of hmho eno who car to wtld It lo knook tho corporations right and loft. U has far-roaehlng powont to mako wirporatlons show thlr IwHik Rd dUolOKO thlr oarnlugs. and TO TA.Y THHIU TAXOIULH VALl'ltS OX TDK ItAKlrt OK iailM.V(JS. Home oily hat a llttlo banking corporation and a lumbor corporation both of which mado showing on tholr books of what out tax owhiIsIqu exports WOULD COXKIDKIt HNOHMOUS KAHNINtiS. Hufth ourporatlous that ay dividends to tho small oaplUtlUU that ar Mplag build up pow lad Im. AHK TO IIC CIXCHt'H IXHt THH1H AHII.ITYTO SHOW H.IIN1N!. All lb conwratlons that employ labor aro already taxod on thr rprty, gn tholr share of stock, and now ttay AHK TO HK TAXHD OX THHIU MMWLLHD I'lUXCHlSK A1UI.1TY TO IUUX DMDI3NDS. Too slat nHHls wnro capital Investtsl In wrparatlons. 11 neods moro prfi(abl tranchl4, or ratkor worthlNu francklso mado profltabl and U vldftndMO lt. W ar trying to iwllato oWr statos that havo got railroad and capl tl Ihvo4 In traitelilMM that tny realty hcmsI. Tk uutlon oimlilon wtlj net glvo this stato another dollar In vsUhl In fjpaUlNL ITS CKKATIOX WILL KILL MANY rilOJKOTS t will. t IH njlant aro carried out, Jrlva out capital already hrc, and 1i6p other capital ffom coming la. Capital will not opornto In n stato whero too mnny obstacles aro thrown In Its wny. OHKflOX SHOULD IlKMOVK OUSTACLKS TO IXVKST MKXTH. Tho stato will dovelop fnstor where capital can oporato with least fric tion. Oregon should rollovo nctunl capital Invested In Industries from tax ation Instead of taxing It to death. Oregon noeds development moro than It does moro FHKAK COMMIS SIONS OH FHKAK LKOISLATION. Wo would rnthor havo ono now steam or electric railroad built through tho stato than all tho tax commissions In existence o POLITICS IN OKKGOX. A morchnnt of this city has registered a kick with this paper nt tho Marlon county dologatlon for favoring so many appropriations. Ho moans principally tho appropriations for tho normal Bchools nnd Institutions of higher educntlon THAT WKKK PHOMISKI) TO HK HKLD DOWN. This snmo merchant probably foil In with tho progrnm In tho last spring primaries and helped nominate mnchlno candidates throughout. Thon ho could not bear tho thought of supporting mon of Indopond ont Ideas nnd mon who stood for programs of tholr own, and DID NOT SKKK FAYOHS OF TDK MACIIINK. Tho progrnmloss, conscloncoloBS mnchlno, that simply wants plncos and plundqr, Is tho most oxponBlvo luxury the tnxpayor hos to deal with. Ho should not ovon blnmo tho Marlon county roprosontntlvoe. Whon tho mnchlno is In tho saddle, to got all tho appropriations this county nsks for thoy must vote for bills thoy do not want to support moroly TO OCT WHAT TIIKIIt OWN COUNTY SKKMS TO HK CALL INO FOIL Hut It In not tho county that Ih calUng. It Is tho mnchIn,o. Tho mn- ohlno can only ask for monoy nnd plncos, and whon that cry domlnutos tho domlnnnt party tho rosult Is two dollars tnxos Instead of ono. In Now York, Iown, Wisconsin nnd othor stntos tho people havo mado progross simply by smnahlng tho mnchlno. All tho reductions mndo In tho stnte printing this year AHK lU'CAUKK THK MACHINK WAS OUBTKD. If this atato had oloctcd a mnchlno Ilopuhllcnn gnvornor tho last two tlmofl It would havo paid millions of tribute to tho mnchlno. Hut an nntlMunohluo govornor, elected by Democrats nnd nntl-machlno Hopubllcnns, HAS HKLD DO'nTHK APPHOPHIATIONS. If tho Htato bad hnd a mnchlno Hopublloan govornor TKN T1MKS AS MANY .lOH GHAI'TS would havo gone through ns havo boon attempted. Tho mnchlno has boon strong enough In this loglslaturo to pass many of thoso machine Jobs over tho bond of tho govornor. Hut thnt Is not tho fault or tho governor. It Is bocauso TOO MANY MACHINK MKMHKHS WKKK KLKCTKD IN HOTII HOUSKH. Uit us not kick tho members Lot us not oven kick tho Republican party, nor tho Marlon county members. Hut lot us kick ourselves for having made the mnchlno so strong THAT THK PKOPLK AHK ALMOST HKNDKHKD IIKLPLKSS. Til Oregon machine Is powtfful nnd fnr-reachlng. It extandt from tho road supervisor to tho highwit oltlclals. It U prodatory nnd dan Kvrous. It should be kicked out of oxlstence. o HKLPTHK FHKK LOCKS MOVKMKXT. It would bo simply foolish nnd sulcldnl for this legislature to adjourn without putting through tho samite the Jon fro looks bill. Tho bill has tho support of THK SHIPPKItS AND PAKMHHS OF WHSTIIItX OHKGOX AUMOST TO A MAN. It Is n moHHiiro ot almost dlroct rollof that will touch tha pockotbooks of tho morohnnta and the producer In tho right way. Thero Is not n big transportation corporation la tho stato that doaa not SHCHKTLY OPPOSK THIS MXSUHK AS A HATH HKGULATOH. Whon tho stato enn got such nblo mon kb Sonator Fulton nnd Con groMtuan Hawloy to go down to Washington and labor for fro lockngo bill, It should hold up tholr bunds at homo. As suro ns this stato falls to do for tho WlllamelU what It has don for tho Columbia, so surely wlllUt prevent action by oougroes. Undor tho most favorable clroumsBtancos tho appropriations In con grow nro dimoult to obtain. It will tnx the ability of Fulton and Haw loy to tho utmost to got the bill through In two years. If they can point to what tho state has done to back up Ita claims for roller rrom congress. HALF THK HATTLK IS WOX. Lot us put our shoulder to tho wheel and paes this measure purely upon Its media. Tko shippers do not ask thu as a favor. IT IS A sFF AND SANK lll'HIXHSH PHOPOSITIOX. In return the stato will recwlvo two dollar for each dollar put into tne project. Tho shipper will get his monoy back for all future time Tho stato will havo tho froo locks aud canal maintained for all time by tho Pass the fro clocks bill and DO OXK THING TO KKDKKM THIS LKG ISLATl'HK from tho charge ol having done nothing but pas wasteful appropriation SENATE SPENT AFTERNOON Hearing Reports of all Sorts of Committees Deferred Action to Friday at Two P. M. On Normal Schools Favorablo roports woro made In tho sonato yesterday afternoon on tho follewing: II. B. 410, Jewell, a bill for an net authorizing Ash warden to blast out reefs In Illinois nnd Itoguo rivers. H. B. IOC, Coftoy, a bill for nn net to amend Bcctlon 2000, B. and C. codo, making unlawful tho using without authority of badges or Inslg na of military and fraternal ordors. II. B. 84, Frcoman, n bill for nn net to nmend section 1182, B. nnd C. codes, relating to provisions In testa tors will for sale or disposition of his ostato. II. B. 392, rolating to porpotunl franchises wnB Indefinitely postponed. II. B. 107, rolating to Imprison ment for felony for tho second timo wns Indefinitely postponed. Tho following woro also Indefinite ly postpened: II. B. 318, Mooro, to annox part of Grant to Balcor county. II. B. 288, Plko, to croato tho coun ty of Nosmlth nnd fix tho salaries of tho ofllcors thereof. II. B. 42, Bnrrott of Washington, to rogulato traction engines for pur poso of drawing loaded wngons on county ronds. II. B. 415, Bnrrott of Wellington, to nmond section 4237, tltlo 37, B. & C. codo, restricting tho running of Bwlno nt lnrgo. II. B. 94, Medio, portnlnlng to ilshorlos. II. B. 373, providing for tho Intor ost on claims, was re-roforrcd to tho committee II. B. 2t2, to pay vetorans of In dian wnrs for horses, was advorsely roportod by tho commlttoo on clnlms. Smith of Umntlfln, moved to recon sider tho voto on sustaining tho gov ernor's voto on S. B. 134. Tho son ato rofused to roconsldor by n voto of 1G to 14. Tho sonnto roconsldored its voto on final ndjournmont nnd nskod for tho recall from tho houso of II. G. R No. 20. H. B. 249, Jiyo, providing for tho establishing of high school districts was placed on Its third rending. En noted. II. B. 43, Bovorago, rolating to tho betterment of tho common schools. II. II. Bavorngo, providing for'freo text books nnd uuppllos. Failed to pas. The normal school matter wnB con tinued nnd mndo snoclnl ordor for Thursday at 2 o'clook. The question of when tho legisla ture shall adjourn came up. Speaker Dnvey oamo boforo tho sonato and ex plained tho understanding of that body about working on houso bills up to adjournment. The sonato after a motion to roconsldor Us former ac tion again fixed tho timo for ndjourn mont at Saturday at noon. II. B. 279, Barrett, to oporato tho portago and oreato a portago com mission. Cnrrles appropriation of $10,000. Enacted. SUPHHYISOUS ADJOUUX; Hold Valuable Ssion Pnvor Im proving mid KuUrglnjj Court HOUM'. The Marlon oaunty road supervis or flnUbod the bustnee of tho an nual oonvoatlan Wednesday aftor hooh and havo adjourned. Many new and valuable. Ideas tn road making woro dUeuwed and the various super visor oxproM tneuwelv as having the tot vain WW and Interesting Meeting tkat teas ben u. Id hero (or year. Among the Important actions taken was to pau resolutions favor ing the Improvement of tho court house. A thorough Investigation of tho court homo was made Wednes day morning by tho member and they were convinced that tho build ing not only needed repairs but that It was entirely too small to take caro Of thrt tllllAa au. ... ..., VIDII ni present In a manuor that Is commensurate with tha dignity and security of Marlon oounty. Many vnluablo books must bo kept In the attic owing to the suiallne of the vault, and the pros ont structure was found to be, in many place la such condition as to require Immediate attention. The enure convention went to SotUh Salem tn the afternoon whoro II. W. Ireland, the road oxpert of Portland, gave an Instructive oxhlbl Hon in grading and rod Uulldlug. o . . TO CUUK A COLD IN OXK DAT. Take LAXATIVH UROMO Quinine T8lt. DruggUt refund money If It fall to cure, B. W, OROVaVfi signature on tch box. ate. TRANSFERs! REAL EsTi ced on reenrrt .. Marlon county Who Is the Poor Man? Xot the man who is getting small Brtlnry nnd regularly patting a part of it in tho savings bank ho Is setting richer every day, nnd it in only a question of a short timo wlw ho can "bay and eeir his mom unfortunate neigh bor who is now drawing a largo salary ami spending it all. Degln now to save part of yonr comings and deposit with ns. Wo pay interna on deposits of ono dollar or moro. Savings Dtpartatat Captod Natkmal Bmak "TnCT.'S :oT?:.,.e!.,.4,tl Bruno Boedlgheimcf,"! a.;?:'. -. - -i . , i ana j ijj 19, also lots 2 i t . Wock20,lnSubllBt """ u"u . toD.Bi 7andwl0ftofin,T 18, ,Yow Park annex 'sS w d W. II. Smead etnxiftp3 T l!l"?tGs'r2,r' Oulro, lot 4 and j m 3 in jonnson Add. la ton, w d BrunoBocdighelcrm(h(in)J Marion county, q c i ltJ M. and T. Matti to S. atdj Bcnmiut, block 1, j0fca 1 nor-s addition to ML Aa w d O. B. Dlmlck ct al to a uimicic, lots C, 8 ui! block 21, nnd lots t b I block 23, Knob Hill ilM to Salem, w d . . William Lovcrldgo to til Mooro, land in WooRbJ w d , John Wolfnrd to Sllnnm Lumber Co., land la Mi-i county, w d Jonnlo Coldrcn to Q, W Wile bury, 80 acres In sec IS, tt b, r 1 w, w d .... A. R. Frntt ct ux to S. CwsJ blocks, 8, 9, 10 an! 11) Scotts Mills, wd.. Lewis Britdo to Frutl Burch, lot 7 block I.Brarii addition to Silvcrton, ii.. Q. W. JohnBon ct ux to I. Cil Stnploton, blocks ( isi 11 nlso lots 1, 2, 3, 1,5, ,t , nnd 8, block 7, also lots I nnd G, block 3, CotapfcM nddltlon Snlom, w & Q. E. and L. LawrcneotoT N ,Dunagnn, Jr , lots 13. H. nnd 10, block li, MlUn w d .. ... . "" W. II. Harrison ct lutoM L. Russell, n block I, 1. 2-7 and 8 and n H ! 3and C, block B Intbit of Mnrlon, w d 'A. N. Gilbert ct al to M Knox. lot 4. block l'.1 Claln's nddltlon Salem. J. H. Albert ct ux to D .... o l.ll, 1 1 ft lOL d, IMUin !,'! ... .1 . . ... J &mom, w u i A. nnd L. Propp to T R. ' otux, land inMarloaees w d ... -"Jl T.'rPil Loose to Auguit ' ... , i.IaV l.ftS oi ux, ioi . "'v- j addition Salem, I A UVSTIXC YSTSVJ ..,- .. .!.,..... KIuibW AIIW ...- "-., Claim jibmo ,j Pills hi S l TJolInf from the P i . j t..i, u alwM" or u oau uav. - vji ovory backache .- g a lamo. weaK or " wanua;!!. .w' it can ow uuuw. - , ovldonco to prov ' Jacob E. McCoy. Capital St . beyoa- lorn, unio, - v..rtl reason for me tafj opinion of Doansrw'-' j t.mnfh01 r x oxproSS,u r.:-; years ago. ' " i Dr. Stono'a drug itj J . i.. r n uww w g ana tccbitw . . suits iruw - kidney comi --. . atnndlng. The prtoJ, woro In connect- ( socrotlons and w nxertlon often " ...;.i,Mwrt Xow-; ol u. '. r,lr In tho way oi , satisfactory ' W , Ktdnoyl'ius '"YK lasting benofit i , ed them ver slnf slon baa ari ForaaUW-CH,! cents. FWier--- -g Now York, sola f."- State. v , ' Reacmbertn1 take so other.