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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1907)
J-i '' DAILY CAPITAL JOUILVAL, 8ALKM, OBBGOX, ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EWTORIAL PAQ wKiixiamr. rKiiui'Aitvo, too? 8MftMMHMMIHMttl 3 . H-2 1 I I t HOFER BROS., Puw nd Pfpgtet0s . . .- ...... ....., tiittiirniiiirvT THK JOUIt.VAL STANDS FOIl VWUlKlMti, inni'.iiuiv..-.j, OOVKIIN3IKNT. AM) NO DKGItADKI) LAIiOU. GOOD IJALLADB OV PAIK WOMEN. Helen's faino Is an olden story , Far outlasting tho Trojan toworu Olvlc's volco from centurion hoary Float) across lior Island bowori. And Oloopntru, through languid hour Thnt over tho sands of Nllus pncu Still with rnro boauly tits world ondowors, For nil shall (ado lint u woman's fnoo. Scotland's Mary of exit gory Out from lior prison proudly Blowers, Onlnvoru In hor shanio and glory Bad nt tho rout of Arthur oowora. nut Tlino that rost of the onrt,h devour, Shall novur destroy their Having tfrtico In bygono ages, nor y-t In ours, For nil shall fado but nwdmnn's face. Bnpplio'A song In mamonlo morl Writ on tho shore that tho salt wnva scours; I'nmo nt its host Is trurmltnry. Cotuo and gone with tho April rIiuwoth; ' Fato llko n storm cloud darkly lowors On King and ponsuut, on gront and huso; And tho fruit of n world's hope falls and soure For nil shall fado but it woman's fnco. Death ruluM tho high and mlKthy powuni, And vnln nfo tho dteds or tho human rfioe; Tboso bloom nnd die Mice tho frail flold Unworn, For nil shnll fado but it womnu's faco. Woman's Home Companion. , ... o FHI1K M)OKS UY STATU AND NATION. Tho Jonas bill that Is up for- pnsflnge Hi tills Ingtatnlure Is an effort to unlto the atnto mid, tho fadaral government to glre the pnople of wasUrn Oregon n froo wutorwny to the marksu of Hit world. The first bill that was lulroduBOd mat with obpeetlous lWt'8H IT PLAOHO TDK ICVTIIIK IIIMMIX ON THK BIIOULIHIIIS !' THK 8TATK. Congrosmunn Hnwlny at the teat of government whs Interviewed In the l'ortlnnd Jouriinl nnd took Hie position that the fmltrnl government should be called upon to hear part of the expense. Mr. Iliiwl) is hii onlhnaluallo friend of th frea looks add oans.1 at Oregon d'lty. Ifc has spoken far the Improvement on wrnml oeuAatons nnd CAN HK IIHLIKO PPON TO DO IN HIS I'OWKIl T6 PASS H WOll A llll.l. TIIHOFOII COXmtKSN. If tllnro lii n speolul sennltm he ma linre nn opportunity and will doubtless do nil In bin-power to secure such an Hpproprlntioil. The Albany Herald bns this review of the whole situation up to date nnd It Is tin uble 11 ml fair review of the mutter: The Portland Journal lUut has been putting In some good llaks for open locks nt Oipuoii City for a faw mouth Imek. think there should have been nu oompruinls 011 the original Jones' bill which provided for the mate to proofed In the matter alone. Tht) compromise nr substitute bill provides that THK STATU SIIAI.I. AI'IMUH'UIATH tyllMMMIO, CONTINOHNT ON TIIK OILVIIItAL (JOVKHX MHXT OPPIlOPIIIATINO A I. IKK SUM. Il will ite three yearn, says the Jonrnnl, before anything ran actually be done ujmUi the bill now Bending. The fart W iioealbly overlooked that under the substitute bill, the money la to w raised by aoetlal Ins, one-tblrd of the total amount tn ! raised in IIU7. une third In !. and the remaining third In Ito. PUIS STATU WILL ritOtfltUD TO ItAIHK Tlllt MOXKV IN TllltlCli Insullwent. under the assumption that the government will do Its ngrt. TIIK OOVKIIN.MUNT KND OF TIIK IINTKltl'IIISII IS TO lilt liKPT UVltOUI.V TO CMNOItlCSH.MAN 1 1. V, who seems to he willing to uadartahe the task with cuoelderahlv aasHraner. One third of tht- Mate's uart will be available Immediately after the levy tor neit ai It hi ui tn Mr llawley tu smo that h like amount shall he ready nt the hand if ihc general gowrngteni . Mr IInhi) may not make giwd. It's a mmi.-r (if hlg luiereat vo the Willamette valley, and therefore l rloaeb lll.d u. the uew iongreasmn's ttnnre of oW The Mm Mingrewilanal dtstrlo) WA.Vl AS ITS mtl'ltlltyi'ATIVIt IX CONUUIMK THK MAN WHO CAN Al't'Oail'MSU ilQST. There arc civic Improve- What shall bo done for their resurrection? inwe nut societies HIT iwv.x i "' ll""v"J " . . .....fTii."VlXR mbllratlons with departments devotee w -" , u m,inn thni makes the village a specials mis iiu , -.. - -- olees the growth, IIKMK OF meat societies There are pu Tlli:SK HLOIS. The Villas." I- a Journal dovotod to villa gs illfe- " vJt! the prosperity, the power nna piaoe i. CIVILIZATION, of the vlllago community. happily, It Is nrmllcted on tl.e proposition that to live Is to Hit full), happi.j, wholenomely. . ,.,,, , umaMj COM H.r is a niBKMlM dedicated to the "IIMWIi MM WIALii cu. w tf iTi im It will advocate formation of vlllafee Improvement 80cl,0B; . H advoenlea public comfort In nil ways, rest rooms for women, and clvlo Improvement Ksnernlly. wniifwrioWI. It Is full of beautiful ploturos, KVKItV OMv OF lMlUCATIOXAi. VAIiUK. LonB may It nourish, this noble journal of Amw;oan,1v,Unf"ncffo1 Itatdw. o'f The Capita. Journal who are moved with .to .spirit II J larliiK vlllago conditions should solid for a copy to 3U Nassau street, Xew York. O' PASSIM Fplt OI'FICIALS. Whan tho iwoplo voted for antl-pass law tho legislature resopnds with a law rmiitlrlnB railroads to furnish ubhm for otCMnt. uv. Why not refiulre tho railroads TO ALSO I'Ai 'lllhllt OTHLll ika VHIiIiI.VH KXPKNSHS when thoy nre boIhk about on duty or for pleas on tholr salaries If thoy nre ore? Will iiiibllt: ollltinlH throw off auythlng furnlshel with pnssos by the railroads? Will not tho $8500 put In the appropriation bill for travelling expenses (JO FOIt SO.MKTIIIXfJ KLSK If the railroads do carry thorn free? Do not tho railroads carry oniclals freo now, and In what respect will 11 law requiring Ilium to do that change tho mattor? Tim sliitii will slmnly loKnllzo 11 relation that Is now gonornlly condomn- Ml. Just as much as would bo a banker IF III FfltNISKKD AN ASSF.SS Oil WITH FltKK I.IVKUV IOCS. o IIPSINKSS MKN IX TIIK (MTV COFXCIL. The iHsoplf generally do not renllxe the value of the service performed by hualuetM iiihi In the city coiincy. Tlie self-sustaining, self-rospectlnK busliuss iiibii is .()!' .a it- h.hih A POI.ITKMAX IF HK HAS HKKV AT ALL SUC(MSFUL. Profenlonnl meu who dignify public service by their ability are nlo very vfcluable men In the local city government. The buslnees iuhu employs labor and Is adding to the wealth of the ouiiitnuiilly. He Is In favor of any AND ALL I.MPltOVICMKNTS IN' .MHTIIODS OF DOIXO PLMILIO OK PKIVATK 111'SIXF.SS. Theae men In the city council handle the public business of tin- clt government amounting to nearly fifty thousand dollars a year. For this the ootiuoll. Including the, mayor recelvo no compensation whatever AND TO SAV THK LIUST Wit OWIt SITMI (JKNTI.IOIKN SOSIK (JKATITL'DK. 0 , .Mm'Olt CAll PKOOKKSS. During the last HUtomoblle show tn New York, continuing only a wi-ok, order for cars ware booked to u Uttal value of $$,100,000. IHITWWKX .l.titm AXD 0,000 OAKS WKItK SOLI)., . The great majority of these ears were of American umnufnotitrn. A decade ago the entire enpltiil Invested In Huloupiblle mniiiifaoturiug In Oils county was lees than the sum Involved In the sales of curs 011 this slugle occasion. The durability, speed, ftulah and bwuty of the Atnerlcan machine hnve Inrreaseti aa greatly aa has the capital Inveetmont or tkeuumber of onra turned out. TIIK CO.MINO OF IMIKK ALCOHOL IS KXPItrntD TO INOItltitSF TMU ISK OF MOI'OUS TO A OKKAT i:TICT. and the same remit will follow Improwiiifnl In roadmaklng It l (' to say that If the automobb U not w, II known now In any section of the t'nlted States, It Is a section lirv the roads are a dU giare to the ciinnuunliy, obatruoting trausportatlon and burdening agil culture as murh as they stand In the way of utotorlug. WIIKX TIIK TWO NKUDS OF (MUMP FFKL AND (i()OI KOADS AltK MltT, with every farmer able tn wmke his own denatured alcohol, tin Amerlmu agrlmlturallst will run his wagon with power geuerstetl from his surplus products, and pleasure cars will take the place of tin- old fashioned family rarr-all TIIKX TIIK FOOLISH KIM'OKT TO FIXIC Oil TAX OWXKIIS t'SIXO TIIK IIIOIIWAYS WITH TIIHIK APTO.MOIIILI4S WILL VllltY FI(KLV AltAXDOXKD. "AFTO.MATIC DIYgitCltS.M FOP. Ill' .. .... ,.. ,, ,mn . ,.,, ,Bia tiw7 m parsirniar w raoaiag ror. while the American peoole nre earaesOy ronelderlng the vll of i.k Mr Ha l.- is glared on trial 4vorc wbjctt u nmmt universally belelved to hare caused great The Will-men taller has rearmed a point In deretoawtttt wheg Its B)Ur, t the family and to social morality. France continues to rwluce -., ...,.- ,-. p.,.-,, w,, kBV puM.iti iuriN 01 nr mm- mnrrlage more and more to a mere formality ut.lnul .. ,,,"',, IT IS IIAIIII KXOt (HI TO .MAHKV IX THAT IdlVIIIV, oHlug to th It i lltaslaai. -- - la A.iurlu d ui .a . ... .-. J ..0 . u . .. u.. .. .. .. .. iu .a . . &s. .. ,, .,...., ..vwv .ia aiu mi inv Hum wi nmirtn, 10 rni rvquirvu 01 me imrenis 01 me consiraillng parties Kttd to othoi corrasjHMW wna maw am eaaiwaaiaieg hy the Mil now iMfare t ete- legal rei tape: but Hhen It come to a question of breaking the uiatrl Muro -rn mm u 11.11 nu 4viiaiiiiiiitit'.-uut(jHiMivijuiMivliou, gionlal Ilea, there Is lees dtlHcuHy about the proceaa. ..i nlassvk eeiaasa t-e a tats a 1 kin n.i. j a.i.aa.......LK.K....A. .. .. . .. ...... iv... ..... ... ... ...,. . ...., u i'ihlh 1 nit uii.Miu.iii iiuviiu.. it matte mia sun taster me rrennu rnamtter has adopted a bill favor- 1' lag WHAT HAS 11KKN CVLLUD AtTOJIATH DIVOUCK," Willi II inwrm Hi-, nnTr. nMi ie irNHni PWB ol UMIle. IWO ngntS to JllhlA HlVUItllS WITllOri' THK I.VIMSItYICXTlOX OF A COl'IrT make. one. In the state lewlatna and oa In toaxreaa, to get relief from TIIIAL AS to ANY FACTS SIIOWIXO MAKTIAI. IXFltl.H ITY oit ill th loakage ioe. Hhitrmia nndar the original bill there was one battle CO.MPATIUILITY. onnriHed U the. Oremm Klwtnra. The only serious preliminary to divan under ihhj atnute will be the Thh papar not pretHtrad W say. iaaWrtng the tntaraaln the Wll requirements that lha person aeaklKt to break thv baada of wedliJ lamette vullej flwt. that the pteawat bill before the tatolMHra is pre- ahall Kerala In seeking It for thra years. fumble to the original Janas' tdll. but it da state that It Is the beet ' That, of canme, wonld seem a long tioje to Amerkaaa who bar 1 that nonM he done under astatine CondlOoa. laale. altar a raaideac of a few Months la South rmkoia or QkunZ- TIIK Mt)ST At'llVlfr iXMIIlV THAT IIAR IX1MISTHD Til II MltllSUl. to tree themselves from the njatrtManlal ohajns QKlnhoma. VUIIII THIS 8HSSION WAS AIU1AVHI) AOAINST Villi (HtlOINAlJ Dul ttt lVanee. WIIIIIIK CUVIWS AltK IM)lSI"Omil to m mu" , -f f jTHIFLlll) WITH, nam real ., tl 0mt Wthmo hwn reaul ed 11 good werk on th iwrl i Jaaas to Ksap na kind ol an onea. M a raHnoa for dUarca. -eeorenuireii ttvnr Mil hafara the lectdatura. ( Tka new law wanld aeam to dmaaana with thm nerasaltr am n,.k .. Wlthoui . tbtllMr 1.. tutrV- blui .. v- ....k.i i.a I . ....... ...- ...-. . . v ' m . d make it ....,. ,.. . .f., ,. wp .. wwv ranii , iiiiiihbiv iu wmi uecsne oy mareir waiun for tim . a tu ...u tu v.i nw. .. .. ... ... .... . . .l 1 . wr urea years after ., , , , n , .nn vnm nrM urm m mm iwjnmib in tae I eevry im n iuthmi nail. trmntmdoae drain on WHUmetl valley ronathw am aaraaat ol the locks. I KmnmlU , the hill has arouad togahlernble oaooaftton f- .u. JtinM.' aiMttrt Mill im BinkirdMiiiaJ 1- ...... .l..... . .... . -"""" 'nss ina Tlllt JOMfci HILL WILL TAKU A PKOJIIXltVr PUVCKln the cam worclal hhnan of the Vlllawet( valley, ami it will b. trwtty rafar. red to b THltSIUPPIIIbi AND PltOIHTCHKS AS TIIIIV CONTlNUU HAM.MIUU.N() AWAY AT Tlllt OltltffOS CITY LOCKS THAT MUST IIVH.vrVAKI. OIVK WAY to ihv nwalllns WMtuaaHi f pnhlic praleat ngalHet the ocraMUtritliHg omlmrllfl. the W 'THUIWM- -a- (mr THIS lti;iOUMATU)N Ol VILIOHS. U tlilrt ttWtMRjr tue.e dlstrateliu than a await atauiry tawg, with Nltxl nuvoGo, MnUKltiiy public itinceM auatt eUr aUimoj 4f wr. riat Oil OF AW KI'IIUT MV I.MPltOVtlMUXT WUATUVIKt Thf) nre UiouwiHtfs f urb fdarw In r WfiHtry. almoit withnut a ladMWlPH 'fMUira rH"tL hk4 Matartllly Ol MA.NV SSI llll,IHIJ OF 4)VKI.IIIKK. In acb uek villas nrj1! Uteut ud atepeg Muutns of lite and bM. eervntlva elamenu of Frenrh society. ww otwi numj Hji portnauinir IM otSSOLlTIOX OF it.v .wii rurs il(t(UlAUAULK 1XJUHY OF TIIK U0.MII. Tar w much ta juntlfy such aa nrgnmnat. Tk nnmber ut pareons in evrj- euumry who eoatuet marrU.. ui.k tot lUUa eaneideratton of its saneHy Is nlraajy m targe, hnt ifV.L danhladly smallar than It ould W It "trtal marrtagaa- , xl ."!!" or -automatle dirorras" ware ganorU) paselhle. THK FHK1.1NO THAT MAHIUAOK IS A SAClllItt .VXD uUlKvnr ULll STKP undoabtedly tntMn .lu, M " "UU.n 0CA . -.- ..... .:; -. . - 7mm m wmwt 1 -.w. miTii uviiuwraiK do Otttr m to make that state an UIOS IT IIHSTS THK WKI A wholi:. Mt stat IU tarefui dltlMMtUu. nui .m. 11,-- "" -... .v. ,v :.: .-TLTr.i.rTT.r.r'r wtiag. u. 1 n nnmmt h mwiaatur halpfnl .FAIIK OF rillMiltlfcV AND SOCIU SOC1UTV AS Whatavor nndrMtaaf the hame wnV th utta Yat th Fronoh m advr vty 0! tojlnjc wit fe vskle l IdRWa. 'orsoc"VW l MV WrI"fBU ;,IU "i " fawliuSr nov r,.nr xilll VPWVfU, IT m. m 1 M Im laO MtfllHIA I .1 a m i J 9c Outing Flannel, yard , -y Z to nniinc li'innnel. yard ' f Child's 25c Knit Waists, each "" 9 Missos 25c Hose, pair g S Children's Heavy Cotton Hose, 3 pairs for J ,,.. . AA ,wnnnnrn nnoh. ..... J . ... . nn TTnlnn Sulfa Inrpn fll7rn nnnti . . . " J Ladlos' 75c Union Suits, ench 51,00 BedBprcads each 'gj' Toweling, yard 4 Corset Cover Embroideries, yard Wido Embroideries and. Insertions yard " See our goods nt lc, ao anu oc, 015 nssorimeni. j. . I Rostein & 1 Greenhaum I COMMERCIAL STREET tMiMaiwwWMMtiag(laMi Always Remember the Full Name laxative romc niiiiiie Cure a Cold in One Day .Cure Grip in Two Days &?& on every YT'crVcy box, 25c , 1 . nsnsnsnsalnV'iynBnsnsnsnstnB) nsnBnBnBnsMnBnBnBnBnBnBnBH ' iiiiiiininnsnnBnBnBnBH ' ahltflgeiH ' 1 1"8 S L WHISKY DR. STONE'S DRUG 8TORE Doj a. strictly caib business, owes no eae. sad do one owes it; carries teres I tuck; shelves, oeunters and show- ea ars loaded with drugs, tneilieinos, aetios.s toilet ortlelos, wines and tinuora of all kinds for medical Pomi. Dr. Stone Is a regular graihiotejV , vHi TibHl.V it. medleias Bd ha. had .t vears off. TW lxpW NMo8 Porous property eN An Stf nre aith -roof bam. or'b'li'ard, etc . for olTf? xnrieac la tae prastlee. Consulta turn ai tree. Prsptlons are free, tad ealy regular prises for medicine, Dr. Steae can be found at bis drug iter. Salem, Oregon, from 6 in tho worsla- until 0 at night 8 3 The Aristocrat a moot till hlskles of tho Old School "Without a peer. For salt by A. S( llltnillEll. Bargai: Got yottrsflt a new bo"' We hnve some cUiap, on W ments; good house, (orner 22nd'8troots, 5on Ono C-rooin houi and hi' street, 5500. Good 4 -room huu- streot for St 00. Good 4-room house aad ..' ami Sllll streets. H50. Good C-room house ad ! aud'Mill streets. i "Good 8-room h"tise andl Wj .11 ,. and hit1 n and IsiV Find ChomeketH streeti", TTT- Tvvcnty-f ivc ' ; Cents Per Day S1MSXT FOOLISHLY WHJ. AMOUNT ix TK.V YIUHS TO XOTHIXO OKPOSITKI) LN OtJH SAV 1XCSS I)HPAUT.MP.XT IT AVILT. AMOUNT TO ALMOST A THOU. SAM) DOM-UtS. OPH.V A SAVINGS with us and i.irr YOU SAVlt ACCOUNT l"S 11HLP IXTKKliST tO.MPOUNIKI) SKMUVNXIALLY. Savings Departmtat Capital NatiofialBamfc ifdf 35 aorfes fine bottom ul Mnrlnn. with far imPfff ohean. JflOO.. . . ... - 1 A beautiful -aifr- '1 ProsRinew. on--. -- . . -! honsoand locatioO J3-"' J. a t n..thln8 U? p. iJUC " " vluM you want worjv. or "M kind, leavo your oravi -1 R. R. ft 510 Stato Strrrf. ..v o. nJ of IW I1UXIU OllUU.uu-. -- . . ....oVn.1 l. a l'd tiU soon killed It The nW eui muii " - - j ,. . ... -. fattest ino oiKB. - -- j.w ; Sllets nolghborbood w Jack, ot Rock Creek SMJ old and weighs lb V. O yj PAZO OINTMENT Ug Bleadlntf or ProUolW J AV WJ w. ' - SsEJ.