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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1907)
v.-- mPTBTTr '- arm-- f & ,mjg'rF!0'"" "W - f& ' h tBI ' i ,. x . . hi V ii DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORSGON, WEDNESDAY, FKMItUAltY 0, 1007 rrTTS ,ei - . . 0f scroiwia -itniu lnflarnmntlons, sore--oflbaeyelW""" rni.u wasting. -AriCWW - "" tf.S,i".,s,taTO0O, Weiy .-- id'sSarsaparma . .. -, nil Us manifestations, fcKn the whole system. DUH- -r - . ny.pHMUnua -j Slum employes are happy Lndants Requests For In- crcase in baianeb uiuu-u By Ways ana mean& turn- mittees ;AUfr listening attentively for oyer , hour 'o Mi'"" rcpreseiHiiwui.B .. i. no nt HX m-irsm-n - - ane nsiluin the committee on Y! and means or tne nous. i-i enlng flnalb gave "d decided .v.tinn.n- an Increase In the sill ies of the nsjluni omployoB on a iduatcd scale ranging irom u iu ,0 per month which will mnko nn trcgafe additional annual nppro umn rf J 10.000 for the mnln- 3inco cf that Institution. The pres- ticaloot wages paid employos tit lawlnm ranges from $27.50 up to U50 and the new schodulo that ,11 be recommended nnd Incorporate i In a sxdal appropriation bill will .Mfrom $32 5n to $30 por month. Thewn8 and means conunittoo al- had n for conBlderntlon the ftMscJ establishment of tho Insti- .a for th-" eve of feeblo minded .now, and although no definite do- slon has been reached upon this iMtion tho committee Is almost unlmous In favor of tho proposl :a ami will submit a special appro bation bill providing for tho ncccs- Irr funds for Its creation nnd equip- tat. respective counties directly interest ed. Owing to the great number of local nnd Bpeclnl bills which have been in troduced In tho house It wns decided yesterday afternoon that a special order bo made for their disposition and Thursday evening was set aside by Speaker Davey for consideration of these measures. Speaker Davey also announced that, inasmuch ns general interest was being manifested in the creation of juvenile courts, he Btntcd thnt Tuesday oveninR of next week' would be devoted to listening to nn address upon that subject by Judge Arthur L. Frnzer, of tho clr cult court of Multnomah county, nnd presiding judge over tho juvenile court nt Portland. Three bills pnssed the house yestordny afternoon and tho bnlanco of the time wns devoted to IlBcnting of reports from special committees , under suspension of rules. II. B. 40, N'orthrup (substitute), rolnting to the redemption of real property. Special order for 2 p. m. Passed. II. B. 54, N'orthrup, to hmend tec tlon 5237 of code, relating to barring of dower by u ninrrled womrtn nnd to euro defectlvb deedp. Pnssed. Reports of BpecluT committee nn der suspension of rules. Special eom mlttco of Multnomnh delegation re ported back II. B. 243, Driscoll, for custody nnd .control of persons con fined In county Jail; SO, Driscoll, re lating to county auditor of Multno mah, favorably. To engrossing com mittee. Special committee Umntllla and Wallowa reported favorably S. B. 105, defining boundaries Umatilla, Wallowa and lAiIon counties. Adopt ed. 4-41111 II HH-H1I11H I 1 1 1 1 A fiOOl) PRESCRIPTION. . II !l COVKItXOU SIGNS BILLS. ftildtrable immnt of Siunll Mat tin Has lleen Considered in the House. The first bills to havo passed both fates and r eclvo tho governor's ature are house bills No. 214, by kter Kubll nnd Perkins, of Doug- i and Jackson, creating tho offlco of fpatv county recorder In .Inokson i Bilng his salary; DC, by Stoen, I Umatilla, Increasing tho Halary of Isccantv Ethool superintendent of att'laromtv from $1200 to $1S00 fris and .273, by Barrett, of luaington t.i regulate tho snlary ' tho tuuntv judge of Washington 131'" Ail of thpRe menanron Vinlnt -h local import wont through pfoumof 1. slslatlon, aftor second Nl-.undc? puspfnslon of 1 "lings being satisfactory nnd peabl- to tho delecntlnnn of thn HOUSE ROUTINE TUESDAY Get Pruyor' by "Itov. Hoffman of tho Evangelical church. First Rending House Hills. II. B. 349, Rackllff, to doflno boundary lino Curry county. II. B. 350, Rackllff, to amend sec tlon G, chapter 237, of codu 10 ex cludo Curry county from provlsiions. II. B. 35.1, Mooro. to -create the county of Lewis. II. B. 352, Brown, to enablo cities to enforco charters. II. B. 853, Brown, rolnting to deeds of executors nnd ndmintrnstors. II. B. 354, Brown, bounty on wild anlmuls, II. B. 355, Roy nolds (request), to confor tho powor'of omlnont domain upon drainage districts. II. B. 35 G, Bonos, fixing snlary of county troasuror of Yamhill at $900. II. B. 375, Conuell, to establish a Htato wagon road through Columbia county. II. B. 258, Dobbin, fixing salary of Biiporlntondont of Wallowa county at $1000. II. B. 359, Merryman, fixing salary To relievo a cough or break up a cold In twenty-four hours, tho following slmpjo formula, the Ingredients of which can be obtained of any good pre scription druggist nt smnll cost, is all that will bo re quired: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure),' one-half ounco; Gly cerine, two ounces; good Whis ky, a half pint. Shako well and take In tonspoonful doses every four hours. The desired results can not be obtained un less tho ingredients aro pure. It is therofore bot!ter to pur chase each separately and pro pare tho mlxturo yourself. VIr-. gin Oil of Pine (Pure) should bo purchased In tho original half-ounce vials, which drug gists buy for dispensing. T3ach vial Is securely scaled in n round wooden case, which pro tects tho oil from exposure to light. Around the woodon enso is nn engraved wrapper, with tho name Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, of Juno 30, 190G, aerial number 451, prepared only by Lcnch Chem ical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio plainly printed thereon. There aro many Imitations and cheap productions of pine, but thoso only create nausea, and novor offect the desired results. lug and chanced to stop nt a farm house near Sheridan and was there introduced to Mrs. English who was tho house keeper. o r MONTHLY KXPENSKS. 4-H"H-4"H-4"H-4-H I I 1 I i I I I I treasurer of Klamath county at $1000. II. B. 3G0. Ways and moans, ap propriating $2G,000 for support of homo for wayward girls. H. B. 3G1, Froomnn, for rolla of bona lido holders of land cortlfimitos. II. B. 3G2, Morrymnn, to nmond code relating to covoynncoo of lauds II. B. 3G3, Boyer, rolnting to dam hgo suits. II. B. 3G4, Barrett, Umatilla, dis trict attorney snlary sixth judicial district. II. B. 3G5, Bnrrott, Umatilla, rolat ing to dutlos of district attorneys. II. II. 3GG, Newell, rolnting to pnlshmcnt of crime. II. B. 3G7, Perkins, for protection of birds, nests nnd eggs. II. B. 3G8, Vnwtcr, poruonnl prop erty contracts to bo recorded. H. B. 3G9, Upmeyer (request), to eroato Jefferson county. o After Thirty Yonr.s. A romantic lovo Btory with it's surrounding In tho wilds of Wyoming apponred recontly In tho Choyonno Trlbuno ns follews: John English, a woulthy, wull-bred southornor, mot by ehnnco nenr Slior ldan a fow dnya ago tho womnn who 30 years ago obtained a dooroo of di vorce from him, and who for noarly 30 yaars ho bullovod to bo doad. As a result of tho meeting tho man and woman have ngrood to bury tho dif ferences thnt separated them nnd will soon bo remnrrled. The story continues to say thnt English wns buying stock In Wyom- Rllls Oidvit'd Paid by City Council Iaist Monday Night. n id of th Lard Habit Cottoteite makes pies and pastry digest- VnT"ltmakes crisP flaky pie-crustthe J" 11 welt in your mouth rather an stick in the pit of your stomach. ,,; ,s o getting away from the fact wat lard is the fat of the pig. There was ITm the Wen days when lard -was iniiia .. "US 1 1 that made from pure, refined cotton seed oil. It makes food palatable, digestible and healthful. Cottolenc is the purest and best shorten ing. It is not a substitute for lard, but an improvement upon lard or any other short ening. When you accept a substitute for Cottolene vou are not getting your money's worth. Cottolene is the original and only tic t i a paFtlcular Part o tlie Vigi the -;- f--uwas called tiie "leat" i.i.i i i.t n.v r.. mat is 1, . . suori-uiiiK uu iuc iuuikci. it i miu- growth rfM i ' ' able m more ways man one inpuniy,re- m the m i ludustrv lard is now thrown sults and healthf illness. market made from nitr-fat from all Trv Cnttntene for a short time, and vou Sas the anuual and lard today, is will find that your digestion is notice-tUmeatlle-lar(lofyearsago"infact aWyinlPro.vcd- Fo1" r- Cuini vv","UJCii"umoreunueaiiny. jow airecuons given m ne ls a cleanly vegetable product on the pail. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest SSSi aV?rd) over all other cookfe faU at the wU?r?vW?,n5,PurchMe Expcko, ad food cooked " COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. Xr" ?rP" oo o 300 choice rtctpts, t&teJ tfrM The N. jc , r-,wrr-.;-. SLl.EA7VRET'Tht' " wr-tigkt ton m feUa pail it for hliVK! f. k5P,n COTTOLpiE el, fre.h whoktemei - " uca . oil, tc m ijrMi I JHi Gift from the Sunny South At tho council meeting Monday night tho following bills wcro ap proved and warrants for their pay ment ordered drnwnt John Conzor $22.50 Pholo & Bishop . . . . 3.00 N. D. Elliott S.00 A. T. Mofflt k 2,20 Hofor Bros 13.30 Win. Crothors G.40 Pholo & Bishop 3.00 Pholo &. Bishop 2.00 It. H. Pico BO The payroll for tho city officials for January, was ordered pnld ns fol Idws: D. W. Gibson ? 77.50 W. A. Mooros 100.00 A. O. Condlt no.oo J. M. Martin 5S.00 Frank Morodlth 30.00 M. H. Savngo . . , 73.50 W. II. Phillip. ' G5.00 13. L. Townsond 55.00 W. C. Smith 1G.GG L. R. Murphy G5.00 J. A. Fnrland . . k G5.00 C. N. Churchill 72.50 W. C. Rebham 10.00 A. G. Nace 10,00 J. L. George 10.00 Poto Grabor 10.00 Rnplh Radar 10.00 Clyde Nelson ....'.'. 10.00 P. Burghhnrt ' 10.00 II. S. Nutler .'. .'.'.' 10.00 Win. Iwnn 1 0.00 M. II. Phillips , roo Win. Iwnn 50.00 B.n S. Drak. . . .' 50.00 S. W. Drnk 4S.00 When You Need a Laxative Do not resort to violent purgatives which simply produce an effect with out removing the cause of the trouble. Cathartics do not cure constipation. Their u'se eventually weakens the bowels and interferes with digestion. The safe remedy for constipation, whether occasional or chronic Is A short course of these famous pills establishes healthy and recular move ments, The occasions for their use then become less freouent, and diminish ing doses will produce the desired effect. The benefits Irom these pills are it ...tint.. -M.I 1mbii T1im. ttanmvA flit. dlrvttA I-.m41.-.i llif. -rtyfinQ. reruovo bilious conditions and are world-renowned as i The Best Bowel Medicine Solil KvcTywlivro lu lloxpn, tOo mill 88Vi iil You'dvbettor jiaddlo your own ennoo, For that's what you'll have to do, For whon you ara In hard luck And want to borrow a "Saw-bunk" All you'll get ls sym-pa-thoo ( Unless you tnko Rock Mountain Ten, Dr. Stono's drug Htoro poixtkhs rxi)i:u Til 12 OM)I2.V DOMK. toxt-book business back Into the hands of the Rlgler push, where thr stnto rescued It from odium a fow yours ago. Tho American Book Com pnny should got Its hooka back Into tho public schools on morlt, not by tho advocacy of Its hired men, and under the guise, of loglslntlou. Up nt the big state building, some times rallod tho "Lie Factory," whoro certain newspapers tell tho people tho ktnr can do no wrong, thoro aro enough grnfts ltndortnk.u nnd put lu tho .form of printed bill", to wreck nn ordinary commonwealth, This is not a calamity howl, but a statement of cold, frozon. adnnmn tlno truth. Whon tho Jnmostown fro ojunket for a lot of professional ldlurs, at state oxponso, Is killed, Mr. Dosch univoly comes up smiling nnd snys: "Oh, woll, that was all right. Thoy asked too much. But Just give us $15,000 for oxpoiiBos, nnd lot It go nt thnt." The Hon. Billy Wall rung shows up and with tears In his oyon tolls how ho has mndo n sncrl llo of himself for many years nt tuudiug oxposltloitB nt his own ox ponso. Of courso, Washington coun ty wniits no appropriations. Its mombers fight tho open river nnd oth or mtmsuros to help tho pooplo. But wutch tho whole bunch got onto tho exposition wngou and work that fund up to $150,000, and all lido on tho doublu-cushloncd sents whoro they toll not uolther do they spin, but tljo relatives all get onto tho payroll. mnko, but It ls a stop up tho long hill tho toller has to nscoml to hold his own with tho non-tolling masses. Tho tollers aro getting into the ml norlty. Tho country Is so prosper oub thnt tho number of men who nc tually do hard work for a living Is no longer tho gront ninjorlty of man kind. Tho Capital Journal hns al ways boon a nlno-hour-day Industry, except tho editor, tls'ow tho printers got an eight-hour day, and tho edi tors still put in 12 to 1G. But tho prlntors work by tho day, nnd tho editors work for tliomsclvcs. Sp tho eight-hour dny for tho laborer is what tho wholo world should come to, nnd tho bill roforrcd to Is ouo a man can work for with clean hands and n good conscience. WIuto Statesmen Congregate and Consplro for the Public flood. Sonntor Bonch takes fnthorly .In terest lu tho Juvonllo courts and has sucurod Judge Frnzor to como up to Salem and address tho lcglslnturo at 8 p. m. on Thursday ovonlng on thi subject. Judgo Frnzor Is an onthusl ast on this uubjeot, nnd tolls how many bad boys ho has roformed by troatlng them kindly, and going In swimming with thorn, I unload of lot ting thorn go off by thomsolveB ami cuss and swear and tlo hard knots in onch other's clothes. Several Snlom fathors could got pointer's on how to ralso their boys, and will tnko front Beats nt Judgo Fruzlar's mooting. Prosldont HulnoH lias put up a very good lot of lawyers In his end of tho louUlntlon factory on I ho Ju dlciaTy commlttpo and tho rovlslon of laws commlttoo. Boworman, Mnlar koy, Coke and lIodKos rortnlnly oam their thro dollar, por, and their word Is law with tho root of tho senators. Thoy are man who could earn a living at th. law htislussa ul most anywhere, and, with the atMist anca of ihoir vary eomputbnt darks nnd stenographors, thoy turn off porno very excellent work, Ouo good road law would bs worth n great deal to Oregon. -The Johnson bill, copied after the Now York sys tem, of having the state, the. county and tho abutting property ouch pay ono-thlrd tho cost of hard roads has somo sense to it. Ink nocks, the Tut tlo law silly, and If It hud u little nmondmunt to allow the convicts to bo u sod to proparo tho road material It would bo about porfoct. Tht)ro Is mora fool road legislation passed and proposed, and thoro are less good roada to show for tho brains and pains and monoy wo spend on that subject than In any othor stato In tho UniOD, and wo ought to quit It, and go to building somo ronds in stoad of having so much machinery. An olght-hour day on public work by tho county or tho stato booiub a small demand for organized labor to A mill mnn sayB to, us: Toll tho farmot'B to tako good euro of tholr grnln snoks. Thoy will bo higher. Thoro Is it Juto trust In this country and In India. Sacks aro going to be up nt homo nnd nbrond.' Tho trust will tako nnothor twist. This state will not put tho convicts to making grain Backs. That would bo too dl ruct n bonollt to tho produror. Wash ington nnd California can do such thlngH to holp tho fanners, but our farmers nro too prosperous, Thoy bettor snvo up tho old .neks and lot tholr wIvob spond tho winter mend ing tho holos. Wllllnm W. Baker, father of tho lato Frank C. Baker, died In Port land yesterday at tho homo of his daughter-lu-lnw. Ho wns a pioneer of 18-10 and wns In his 80th year. Treasures ; "Pound in Our American Forests. tncrican forests nlxjund in plants which possess, the most inal virtues is nbimdnntly attested by .scores of the most writers nnd teachers of this nnd othor countries. Even d Indians had dibcovcred the usefulness of- ninny native e tlie ndveni of the white race. This information, imparted whites, led the latter to continue investigations until today wc uavancli assortment oi most vnitinuie American medicinal roots. Dr. Pierce, of Htiffalo. N. V . believes thnt our ,ynw-irnn fqrrsg nbonnd in medicinal roots for the cure of most ob'-tinnte nnd fatal dis eases, it we would properly investigate them, nndj, in confirmation of this conviction, he points with pride to the most marvelous, cures ef? fected by his "Golden Medical Discovery," which has proven itself to be t he most cljjcient stomach tonic, liviecinviyoinjor, heart, tnnlennil rgtr. tilator, and "blood cleanser known to medical science. Dyspepsia, or indigestion, inrpjd liver, functional and even valvular nnd other nfffC- tions of the heart yjpJQ n In rnmtieo nrtion. TMat our A ...T.(JHlik mtrrtM CmincrWmctnci the ttntWor plants bf'r freely t'iie Tho legislature ought to nbdllBh tho eighth grado tsachors' certlficat.s and tho "bum" normal schools. But It can't do that; tho wholo stato edu cational machine needs wiping Out, and a new ono started, but It takes brains for that, and th.y are not available. In Linn county the other day three-fourths of tho eighth gradors were rejected. Tho third grade teaobors' certificate Is another humbug. Thero aro really only two grades of school teachers, good ones and thoso yet In tho sap. Tho hill that went through the senate to put two of the stato school machine onto, the text-book commission ought to be killed. U Is a move to put the Tboreiiflon tpii,,OoIdpn Med leal DIb cocry" cures tlieso and ninny other affections, is clearly idiowu in n little book of extracts from the fitumltml .medlcnl works which is mailed free to nny address by Dr. R. V. Pleroo, of Buffalo, X. Y., to nil .oudlng reipieiit for the Htmo, To aid in henllng old fioros, or uleers, apply Dr. Pierce's All-Uenllng Halve to tlioiu while taking the "(iolilen Mwlicwl Discovery" toniirifyaiiilonriflithelilfMiil. Dr. Pierce s Ail - Healing Salve is clonnsing nnd pain relieving. It de stroys tho bad odors arising from sup purating, or running, sores nnd puts them in tho best powiblu condition for healing. Tli(i"AlMIealliigSnlvc"ls a superior foJ)l)dM, F.xiwcUnt motliers too will find dressing for all open, nuining, or iup-. It r prlceles- boon to piepuru the ; ptiratiug, Sores or Ulcers. For IiohHiik ! tern VHr Imby'n coining and tendering open wounds, outs and scrstches it is! thr ordeal roinpsistivcly pNinlits. Jt unsurpaMed. can do no harm in any Mute, or oon- k'ouien, who and other dtsphicemouts enured by wenkiieM, uleeratioii of uterus nnU kindred iiffi'otiiiiiH, often nflor many other udvertiMid inedlcliios and physi cians had failed, Nursing iiifithers nnd over-hunleiK-d women in nil mulonn of life, show vigor nnd vitality may have been un dermined and broken-down by over work, exacting wieial duties, too too freiiHit bennng of ehildren. or othsr raiiM., will find in Dr. Pierce s Favorite I'rwtcrlption (lie iiitMit jKitent, invigorat ing, restorative streiiKth-t;iver ever do Ih1 for Ueir special beiwflt. Xumng mothers will find it ospoclHlly valuable in siintainiiiR liieirNtreiiKtli and promol- ing nii-abuiidnut nourUbiiiHiit for the If your modlclno dealer does not have dition of tho femnln Hbtein. o ''All-Healing Salvo" in .lock mail Delicate, nonons, ueiik w tho M cents in postage ttninpa to Dr. (. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will receive it by return poEt. In treating all open sores, or ulcers, bolls, carbuncles nnd othor .welling, it is important that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery be taken persistently to purify the blood and thereby remove the caute of the trouble. It is in the blood that the great battle of health ms to be fought. The ulcer and the sore are .imply the scarlet (lowers of diseato, with roou running down into the blood. These routs intuit be orndirutcd or the disease will break out nfronli. "Golden 3fedical Discovery" eleunxes the bld of all foul anil jionoiiH accumulations, pushes out tiiH dead and iniillor, and thus purifies life entire life ourruut. Disease in tlie flesh iiiu.l die out when It is no longer fed by foul blixni. nflnlriuii Mi-dlnnl Diseoverv" effeetlvelv cures dieeiifco in tlie flesh by curing ts i wl ohmUts and phnrmiioiets with lie cause in tho blood. ! aid of apparatus and appliances special! v Not less marvelous, In (he unimral- designed and built for this purpose, leled cures it is constantly making of Both mediolues are entirely free fn . woman's many peculiar affections, nloobol and nil other harmful. hnbt weaknesses and distressing derange- forming dmgs. A full hit of their la ments, is Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescript gradients Is printed on each pottle suffer from freouent headnehes, oaek ache, drnggiug-oown UUtress low down in too niMlomeii, or irom piuiuuj or ir regular monthly periods, gnawing cr distroMiod xensatlon in rtouiaoh, dlzry or faint spells, see Imaginary speoks or spots floating before eyes, have disagree able pelvic oatarrhnl drain, prolapsus, . niitovurslou or retroversion or other ' displasninoiits of womanly organs, from wouknom of parts, Hill, wlittliur they experisnre many or only a few of tho a do vu symptoms, una ronei nuu n per manent cure by using faithfully, and i fairly persistently, Dr. Plurco's Favorite i Pro-orlitiou. Both tlie above mentioned modi- , cities aro wholly made up from the j glyceric extractN of native, medicinal 1 roots. The processes employed In their ! manufacture wero origlnnf with Dr. fierce, ami tney aro carrleu on by skill cure coo- tlon, sis is amply attested by thousands wrapper. of unsolicited testimonials contributed Dr. I'lerco's Pleasant Pellets i by grateful patients who have been stipatlon. Constipation Is the cause of curd by it of cstarrhal pelvic drains, many diseases. C'ure (he cause and you pantra! psrioas, irrfjfuisnues, prolapsus cure me aneaie. r,asy to e h emwiy-