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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1907)
eTappded L 7ZiwZ&, I(Con- ,, will m ihe relioi con,w rt,,lM.,-,i reforms unneces- ktf ..-n reai-" lte"" . I MlLot thee!:l can cvon Uston to iwrwy. waters, but lut .sinsiDB" ..Mnm ana w 3 fr0tiorl8O behind the data; m ihllhcr and tho waters Iai iih.r and auoi -' 8l111 h force In that penned P :ro ' a f . wash away any a ode b ," whn the dam 1" I11 B v,omc houses in tho val Lied aa some ny g0 t beneath, d AtM fault Is It? It 13 tho "Bat wfcow ft It I tho dBBi :Uoftbonia"- toarM 'fiheciBacurrent.ofPuhllr ottt Vhro is a stream of prog t S rrent havo its way H, jet ,n como -when d erery reform m onfor. r'"watcrrlscq 2 i and after awhile there will lllai uu ihnf no dam enn 'orceSO"rr;nrr.hleS they let Tllter rise until tho people In JSK Sow out the dam with '"'..... where tho poo- 71 free to act, they can remove jaroi"- i.nfnro It. be st tho bauoi uu "V..W.- J s too dangerous. Ten years Two appealed to tho people to stop rffronSa and remedy the nhuse L t they would noi ns--". u .-. r ' -,na flint thov did not Eik of then and that wo did not Iscuss. (Appmusu., .--. -- LMed government owneriui. w. ... .. .... t wns n candldnto, or Tea six years ago, but yet now a tepubllcan President discusses It and It as a club to securo roincdlnl !! WUUU - dilation. I houovc, my tuoima, . . -.! nnrfv will CO Ollt Into ho next campaign and call attention o tho remedies it nas propuauu, n. ... WnHnn to tho VlndlCU- ,111111 w" "" ioa of thoso remedies nnd it will ,iT to the people 'Are you renuy SHOE That will turn watei that will never wear otit; that will fit your foo that will give comfort and pleasure in wearing and stand any kind of hard ships. E. L. IRVIN'S $3.50 HAND MADE A shoe made by a Salem man ftcm carcfollys . feclcd leather. BIG HONEST VALUE. Just what you have been looking for E. L. IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoemen . Expert Shoe Repairing Out Specialty 326 State Street CORN We have just received a k"Se car of choice eastern wrn. Special low prices in large & Fine for chicken feed, $ eed, etc. t. A. white &SON Fedmen and Seedmen. PlUIlr nd Bee Supplies Phono 160. 5;; Commercial Street. now? If you nre ready, we will give you relief. If you are not ready, pre pare for remedies more radical thnn those which- you now reject.' " Mary Dnrk circles under the eye indicate ri sluggish circulation or tor pid liver nnd kidneys. Exercise dully nnd take HolllsterV Rocky Mountain Tea. 'Twill do you good. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale at Dr. Stono's store. o In Paris France, the weather Is be low zoro. The Seln is frozen over, nnd the unusual spectacle "of Paris ians slutting In the open Is seen, n Tlio Texas Wonder. Cures all kldnoy, bladdor and rheumatic' trouble; sold by all drug gists," or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Ollvo street, St. Louis, Mo. Sond for testimonials. Sold by Stono's drug Btoro. dw-lyr . o Potatoes Looking Up. Bncon I see potatoes In France are nearly double tho price of Inst year. Egbert Aht They've probably got their eyes open. Yonkers Statesman. o State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, rs: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of tho Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho City of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay. tho Bum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the uso of Hall's Catarrh Curo. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this Cth dny of Do comber, A. D.. 188G. A. W. QLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo U taken Inter nally, and nets directly on the blood nnd muco"3 surfaces of tho systom. Sond for testimonials freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. . II Satisfactory Growth. There is satisfactory growth in patronage at the Commercial Street Market of F. A. KURTZ No. 277. People have learned that the meats, fresh and cured, are relia ble, and that everything is clean. MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Make Salcn a Good Market." Home SALEM MARKET. Stclncr's Market. Denlers In flsh, game and poultry. Highest cash prlcfl paid for eggs. Prompt delivery. State street. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat 65c. Oats 35c. Bnrly $22. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Bran, $18.00; shorts, $19Q$21. Hay Cheat nnd clover, $7.00 per ton; timothy, $10.00 per ton. Eggs 30c. Hens lie; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; goose, 8c; turkeys, 13lGc. ' i Duttor 35c; buttor fat, 33c. Onions $1.25 per cwt.; potatoes, $1.00 per cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prlmo to choice, 1313c; medium to prime, 1012&c. Chlttlm bark 5 6c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5c por lb. Oranges $2.75 $3.00. Lemons $4. 00 $5,000. Retail Market. Flour $1 per sack. i Bran 65c por sack; $20 0 $21 per ten: shorts, 90c per sack, $22 $24 per ton. Hay Timothy, 65c por cwt, cheat nnd'clover. 45c por cwt., $8 per ton. Oats $1.20 per cwt.; wheat, 75c; rolled barley, $25 $28 por ton. Eggs 35c. Applos 50c to $1.00, according to quality. Buttor Country, 25 27c; cream ery, 40c. Livestock. Cnttlo 1100 1200 lb stoors, 3'c. Lighter steers 2323Vc Cows nnd heifers 900 1000 lb, 2&3c. Stock hogs 66 Vic. Hoga 175 250 lb, fat, $0.00 $0.25. Sheep 5c. Lambs 5 c. Veal Dressed, 6 8c. Hogs Dressed, 8c. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club, 66 67c; valley, 06e: bluo stem. 08 09c. Oats Cholco white, $25.50 $20 Mlllstuff Bran, $10. liny Timothy, $12 $13; alfalfa, $11.50. Votch $7. 50 $8.00. Potntoos 85 90c. Poultry Avorago old hen, 7 8c; mixed chlckons, 11 12c; young roostor, 1213o; dressed chickens, 12 13c; turkeys, live, 16 17c; tur keys, dressod, 19 20c; goose, llvo. 10c; ducks, 1516c; pigeons, $1.00 1.25. Pork Dressed, 66c. B00f Dressed, 55c. Mutton 0 7c. Hops 11 14c lb, nccordlng to qunllty. Wool Valley, coarso to medium, 2021c; oastorn Oregon, 1318c. Mohair 20 28c. Buttor Fancy Crcnmory, 30 j 35c; storo buttor, 2527c. -o Aro you tlrod, fagged out, norvous, sleepless, feel mean? Hollstor'a Rocky Mountain Tea strengthonH your nervcB. aids digestion, brings refreshing Bleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For salo at Dr. Stono's store, - Southern TacHlc Co. Time card No. 46, olToctlvo Novem ber 25, 12:01 a. m. Toward Portland. No. 16523 a. m Orogon ex- proas. No. 18 8:30 a m., Cottage Grove express. No. 122:58 p. m Oregon ex- preBs. I No 149:28 p. ro., Portland ex press. j No. 22211:03 a. ra., depart at 11:30 a. m Portland fast freight. i No. 22611:55 a. m Departs at ; 12:45 p. m., way freight. Toward Baa Francisco. No. 131:31 a. m San Francisco : express. No. 1111:08 a. m., California ' express. No. 176:32 p, m., Cottage urovo express. No, 159:56 p. ra., California ex- press. v No, 2212:33 a. m Portland fast freight. No. 225 11:25 a. in., departs at 11:55 a, m.. way freight. A LaEy Liver May be only a tired Jlvor, or & starred llvor. It would bo a stupid as at Eavaj'o tiling to boat a weary or vuirvoo man cocauso ho lagged In his work, S In treating tho lusshiS, torpid llvor It Is a gn at mb;.iko to lash It with strati; drn'i.c drnR-. A torpid llvor Is but at Indication of an Ill-nourished, onfioUcr body vhnso organs am woary with mc work. Start wUh tho stomach nnd nKioc organs of dictum and nutrition! I'm thorn In working ordrr and soo hov. qulckl? your llvor will Ucnnio active. Dr. l'ioroti's Golden Mrdloal Discover? has nitvdo many r.inrwloua Mires o( "live, troublo" by It wordcrful coirtrol of thr organs ol dl,ystluu nutrition. It ro stores tho noi mill activity of tho stomach. Increases tho weretlor.s of tho bUn-d-mak-Ing ghuuls dinnsi" tho sv-slom from jw ! sonous acciii uilntintis, and so relieves .h liver o( the bunions Imposed upon It by tho dofectlon or other organs. If you liavQ ultteror bad tasto In thn mom tnir. poor or A"f labia appetite, coated toniw foul breath. coitlpMl or Irrcarular bonoU feel weak, cailli tired, ekipondant, frequci; hoailicUc.", p&ln 4r dls'.resin "stnill ot back.1' pnawlne or dls(rc5Cil fcerjtf An ttotnacb. pcrliap uau5cn.UiwV15w,,rlslnlr,, In throat after catlnc. and klnTki yaiptor..i Of cak stomach and torpid llv nii.ri'-f'l- Ji!or a part of tho booto si raiiwins will bo present at oiio tluio and jot point to torpid ll-cror biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread and biscuits, rtrlddlo cakes and other tndlccstMo fooil and tako Uio"(Jultp Medical Discovery icirularlv and stick to Iti uso until you aro vlcorous and utroite. Tho "Discovery" U noti-hocrot, non-alcoholic, is a irlycorlo extract of natlro medici nal roots with a full list of Its IncrcUlou'. printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. Its lncredlonU aro endonre and oxtoflcd by tho most eminent medical WTltora of tho aeo and aro rccommendod to curo tho diseases for which It Is advised. Don't accept a substltuto of unknown compoMtlon for this non'sccrot mkuiclvb OF KXOWtf COU"OS1TIOX. Sec Us for Bargains in Real Estate Six room houso, barn and 22 lots, 45x130 each; prlco $1800. Six room hottno on enr lino, 4 lots, 75x150; prlco $1500, easy terms. - Nine room houso plastered, closots, pantry, basement, septic tank, barn 26x34, woodshed 18x22. Tills ploco is thrco blocks from court houto; Prlco $2625. Six-room houso, plnstorcd, closots, puntry, toilet, well, good barn, Ave lots 75x150 each, on enr lino; prlco $2000. Two ncros, 7-room houso, burn, well, and nil kinds of fruit, near Sa- lom; prlco $1250. Flfty-flvo ncros. 35 In cultivation, 20 ncros In timber, now 7-room Iioiibo large barn; 16 ncrcs In hopB, all wired. This plnco 1b all good blnck soil. Prlco $110 per aero. Forty-ono and ono-hnlf acres nil In cultivation, 7-room house, largo barn, 16 acres of fruit, good woven wlro fences, implements, 2 horses, one cow. ThlB plnco Is near Bchool and church, ono nnd one-half miles from Salem. For prices soo Radcllft & Co. Wo havo ono hundred acres of good land near Salem to trndo for Snlom property. Wo also hnvo a sood business block nnd dwelling In Colorado Springs to trndo for proporty horo. It you want hop ranch, tlmbor grnln, fruit or grazing InndB soo us. Several housos for rout. Cnll It you want anything In IiiBtirnnco or notary work. RADCLIFF CO., Reliable Agents n 1 1 tfnAxno l1rtnl Criltltn Opft ivoun. xi, i..Uu.UD u.wv, ...v..., w.. Roforonco. any bank or buslnoss houso In tho city of Snlom. THE CENTURY A magazine which has steadfattry stood for all that is best in American life, lias held fast by the soundest traditions of literature, aided mater ially in the development of American art by educating popular taste and putting work in the hands of prom ising artists, and in season and out of season urged upon a people engrossed in business, righteousness and competency in public office, justice to authors, wholesome con ditions in the crowded parts of cities, the larger educational opportunities for all. The Outtook, Sttui for full pnuitttHt and jfxeial efftr to new tubieriberi THE CENTURY CO. Union Square New York If ItlHW ffflAIWI FRENCH FEM4LE PILLS. A tin, CuTiU luuir It K-rruura Uimnwtmm. RIVII JLISWII T8 Mil. ''! Bytintu. MlliOurUi. TlU m4 Um M lllal,ti U fiU bf WrucT4 JUHWkr, ttjs dnfUl w M4 wJ9 imm mm jew rori u UMITCO MEDICAL CO.. BOX T4 UCATI. f. I Sold In Sakm by Dr. 5. C Stone tim iiiimuiiiiii'nnninnmniiiem CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT. I wiiiw nniitBi8timiiiiiiiiiniif imnn imtm DRAYMEN. H. O. Cununhis Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and transfer lino. Prompt aorvlco la our motto. Furniture atid piano moving n specialty. Stand at 156' South Commercial Btreot. Phono 175. Residence phono 968. 8-4-tt FOR RENT. ltoonis Furnished for light house keeping, 730 North Front Btreot. 1-3-tf For Rent Sovon-room house with bnsomont. Good well water, plpod In and out. Inquire of A. Schrolb er, 560 N. High atrcot. 1-7 -lmo Furnl9lied Rooms With or without board, phono, electric lights nnd bath room. J. Jny Cook. Phono 533. 1-12-lm JFOK HAIJ Wood For Sale. Dry cord wood. In quire at Doyens & Westncott'a stable, Ferry strcot, or phono 188. l-23-3t For Sale First class cash register nt n rnro bargain. Inqulro at Journal ofllco. 1-23-Ot For Sale Two good Studobakor top carriages, ns good as now. For snlo cheap. H. Mclring, 689 Com morclnl street. l-22-3t For Salo. Ono McConnlck mowor, ono rovor8lblo Pllta harrow, ono 14-lnch Oliver plow, nil good as now, at a bargain. Call at ofllco of Orogon Sienna Paint Company, Snlbm. l-7-lm IjODGKS. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forostors, No. 19. Moots Tuosdny In Hurst hall, Stato street U. S. Rldor, C. R.; A, L. Brown, P. S. Central Lodge No. 18, 1C. of 1 CaBtlo Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato nnd Llborty Btreots. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard. C. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Mcoti ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C: P. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. P. It. Capper, C. S.; P. L. Frazler, Clerk. For Sale. Gnntlu pony, broko to rldo or drive, also piano, which I will Bell on InBtallmontB. W. B. GllBon, 117 Commorclnl street. 1-10-tf For Kale. My 80-ncro Turin, four " miles south o tho bttslnoss contor of Snlom, nt Llborty, will soil In Btnnll tractB to Biilt purchaBor, or entire tract nt a bargain, or will ront to right party. Call on J. C. JohtiHon, nt Salem, or nddrosB J. II. Dnnlol, Kugeno, Orogon. 1-1 7-1 m MI8CKLLANKOU8. Work. Got my prlceu on "".v .. . ...' !.... ... BldownlkH, curbB, aoptlo tanktf and comont work of any klud. All work guarnntood flrBt-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 609. 1-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro thnn any othor bread, yot tho prlco la no hlghor. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA UAKKRY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. llutto & Woiideroth Flue wines, llnuorB nnd cigars. Wo handle tho celebrated Kellogg and Castln whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial atreot 9-3-lyr Sulcni Iron Worka. Founders, ma chlnlsta and blackamltha, Mnnu facturora of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying Htovos, etc. Manufacturers ot the Salem Iron Wprka Hop Press. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent nnd ponBhn insurnnco; $2,' 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agontB wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, Bupromo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. R. Ryan, sccrcctary, 646 State Btroet. PHICHESTER'S PIL'L'S blkuaMK UMIHI t 7J tMlM. M4ll ' l POIM. . Fl", MMWW "(www x 5)a1oH BKANt i'll-tf. ' rot ,.r"dti m. w.i. A'r VUlkMlw Ck.U.t !' I'Mlfc, !. r "":! nA ti.A mlilk:Vr NEW AND SKOONIMIAND GOODS. New and Second-Hand Gooik. Bought nnd sold, nlso ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, disk 03, granlto and tinware of all klads Glvo us a call. O. L. McPcok, 179 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly OSTEOPATHS. Dr. 11. H. White Graduate ot Klrks- vlllo, Mo., Under founder ot 0 toopathy. Room 21, Breymaa building, Commorclnl strt. Phono 87. Rcsldcnco 390 Sumraw Btreot, corner of Contor. Phoas 1219. Tronts ncuto and chro&4 diseases. Examination freo. 11-17-tt PLTJMXBRis; Theo. M. narr Plumbing, hot wntwr and Btcnm heating and tlnnlax, 164 Commorclnl Btrect. Phoat Main 192. fl-l-ly M. J. Petaol Plumbing, steam aad gas fitting. Successor to Knox ' k Murphy, 220 Commercial atreet. 'Phono Main 17. A. L. FT&eer Successor to Barrouglut & Frazor, plumbor and tinner. Maia facturor of ooppmr and gnlvanii Iron eornleo, nnd metal skylight, 105 Stnto atroot. 'Phono 1511. nmiHNnanMMMHnHMMN t ' ' rilYSIOIANS AND SUROEONS. Dr. 1). 11. Grlflln, Uie Specialist a Morphine All drug and liquor habltB, which ho curcn in 3 days. No monoy until curod, 214 Trade St., Salem. Oro. Phono 568. Joaa Doyons, Bualnosa Managor. 8AEH. AND DOOR FAOTOKUW. Frank M. Brown. Mnnufaoturer of sash, (Kmhs, mouldings. All klnda of houso finish and hard wood work. Front atreot, hot. Stato and Covrt, VETEBINAaY BOTKtEON. Dr. B. J. Young, Votorlnary Burgoo ..nnd dontlst, 83 Tonra' oxporleao. All work guarnutood. DIClcult trar glcal operations a Bpoclnlty. Phoa G81. Offlfto nt Club SUblei. Phont 7. Snlem, Orogon. 3-9-tf WANTED. Wanted A girl for work. Inqulro at South Snlom. gonornl hoiiBC Dauo'a storo, l-23-3t Wnnted Stock hogs for foodlng, chickens, ducks and all klnda ot poultry. Highest prlco paid. Hop Loo Co., 181 Commqrclnl streot, Salem, Or. 12-5-tt Wanted. Gontlonmn or lady of fair education to travel for morcnntllo houso of lnrgo capital. Torrltory nt homo or nbrond to Bttlt. Wook ly Halnry of $1000 por yonr and ox ponsoH, AddrosM, with stamp, JoHoph A. Aloxnndor, Salem, Oro gon. ' 1-32-St WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OPFIOB OITY HAIiL. For water servlco apply at offle. Bills payablo monthly in adraact Mako all complaints at the office. I Gold Dust Flcfit Made by TUB SYDJTflT POW SB COMPANY, Sldnsy, Oregon. Made for family use. Ask your gTOCir for it, Bran and ehortt always on hand. P. B. Wallace AflRNT "- a j iw O. C. T. CO STEAMERS P05WNA AND OREGONA LUAVR PORTLAND MONDAY, WKDNKfi DAV AND FRIDAY AT ,10 A. !., TUICSDAY, THUItHDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 8:00 A. M. FOR CORVALIH TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT fl V. M, M. P. BALDWIN, Agt I NDKPKNDKXOK STAGK. Dally except Sunday. Loavea WIN lamotte Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nectB with motor for Monmouth nnd Dallas at 6: IB p. m? Leaves Inde pondonco at 8 n, m, Phono Main 170. " RALPH BUDLONO, 'Manager.