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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1907)
WORLD OF WHITE and Aaotfal Qeatance Sale Offer frargaJn of ttch a character, If mlwerfnow, wlfl mot fee oMaloafele later at few than regular prices. Doo't Jet weather coadRkxis cfeter yon lhett'urno time like the present. OUK H13TII CONHKOUT1VK WEDNESDAY SPECIAL For tomorrow offer n flue lino of Mnndnnl sle COMFORTS In wnntfld weights' and glindee. Kvory ono worth fJ.GO aaoh. Wednesday Only Nena seW until Bi30 a, m. ........ p!!U SILK BARGAINS Grout In ml no, small In prlco. Your wnrdrobo can bo alignment, ed at a Mtnull coat during thi money saving ovont; 8So and II Hlnf.k Taffola 10 to 21 Inclioi ." Hlf Clearance unlo Price Bonnet ft Co.'k famous French Tnffolu 19 Inoh 11.00 vn I no Clooranco sale...,, . , IllncH 93c 30.noh Illack Tnffotn vnluo guaranteed- Regular 11.00 vnluo $1 .1 0 Glourunco Mo &7fe&bA&3 iJUC Ms Jr A CITY NEWS 1 "Win rw W m "J " bfwt ew Xm Owh Get Htovo Wood At the Bawtnlll, on short notice, rkoao 88. 13'l?.tf. A Nw Induntry tUU'iu U ueltlnc to bo n iirimt poultry ralln center, and tho blc demand for srouud croon bono fur chlcknna has becomo so Krnt thut toulofT llrot. have put In a powor liouo mill, and nro prepared tu sup. ly superior nrtlclo uf urouiid froth Votio at tliMio cetiis pr pound. Try Itev, I.. O. Jttooln, broftuie of III koalth, has been compelled (u rimlwti M twator uf ChrUt Lutheran ohureh. ! ArtliiR upon (tits advleo of hi phy Idana, Mr. Jacob ll bo out of th nctlvn work of tho ministry for a ytr or tuartv. Ila will so to Kuuth rn Callforula for rt and rminera tlon. Conm out and hw 1U. W.Hr Tkomu Mills Friday waning at 1:38, l Commercial Mali THE MOST PAYING SAVING Tio roWf tt lu prepwt)' Ax ti gUs V than jaya tor thM ho flrat fuw week. A entail vlug of rv for hi f taore ali ibaa k 1uc nf a Urr o uw of moo-; . THE EYES Control a largo ht nt of tH serve tuttt ot tho kumaw body. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE SHOE SPECIALS From our lino of famous shoos, Kvory pair In this sale Is worth N tho regular prlco no your saving is BltnoHt half, Hotter choose qulakly to not tho host result. Urokun lnes In Ladles' shoes, Pntont Loalhor, llluchor Cut, ling ular 13.00 vnulos. gA qj Special P I w73 lirokcu lines In our Plngrou shoes for women flttllOUH ItegU- llir 13.50 vnltics Special $2.95 Men's Slippers Our entire lino to rhooso from embracing nil tho host styles nnd leathers nro Reduced One-Third Men's Shirts Sizes rnngo from Hty to liVj. lingular $1.50 nnd $2 00 a values. Hpoclnl 4 Qothini; Needs Your clothing needa can well bo supplied during thin snlo mid you will snvo considerable. They nro the newest nnd best stylos nnd fiilirle Hnllni tltwt nt I CLEARANCE PRICES t . g-nc -rat -W Nolle I Auy ngnlnat ono having nny account mo of any iinturo plcasu preiont for pnymont. V. II. ailson. 3t lAKMatur6 IVstpl WnnlltiK IlraUOluas . board and room eon bu ncvommodntel nt (19 Oopllal stret. Throo hlooka from Hit suto Imiuo. n III of tho I'lj,h Moat of thu Ills desh Is holr to nro remedied by Osteopathy. Ltkoly your caso would boealy reached, It would at leant do no harm to havo a talk wlih Dr. II. II. White, In tho Uruyiimn building. ir" Telenrnph llrloN. Admiral iilitbeo has rtrtlrthl oh nc- OOHHt f AKQ. Al Wlnnlpog 8vmor Mtjtrl. tlie Italian toiirdoror wa hangiHt tlil morning. Mr. Jnmft a. Ululno, Jr, a ilBHghtw t Admiral Hlohborn, and Lleutonant Paul IViursall wqro mar rlHl at Motiu. Tlwy wttl llv In N'w York. lly a parlUan vot tho lowr hurt I'lllJ. " & ..-..,.,,, miuIU iimHivtuii a )uUIn of Mtgre Mldlr. TU lt publlean vtM acalnat It Howard Ilurge wont Into Murten Thompiou' restaurant at Huxten. l a, with a big knife saying, "I damn id oloati out th kBlM. Tfaommon shot and VIIUkI lUrSi. At Mllaukve, Wk.( JeUa Dm. tnaa. fermer pMrvUr, yMtftrday plwded Kutity to two IndktHnmt of -uraiuag,- ami was riHNt MtO. Thtt trail uf 1ay KltttWeh. wwwlttw Wi ' e imw ekHrge la nw t At Oattkmk, .. Mr Mbert Mar tin Jmawd Ihio a rtstein )aetrtoy with few two-woHikiuM baby ngd txrth wrtdrttMd. Nrrl rw tuis Wa tttt4 mu atr U auwrtHl Mttltnl. Ho ehlev4 wewlaee utuwt flshter a at wy-geowal la dlfcwMug tho NV Wka grala aad lumber truats. Ho V ld6d to anpport HiHHvftlt r. AKIUI, Hala has bo falllos ovr Kea tutky for four day, aatl the mni are at floo4 tld. Many railroad bridge are waakc4 out lly a vet of tdgt to Mvea tb an. it ltlp aoWldy bllt wa tltatfd la ,ut fcuuMi rtastt oa metcaiu mrla. a&4 Ht today, Piiend f U WU wp 4emrrite DAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALMH, n SOME MARION GIRL Will Yfslt the Jamestown Ex position Next Acril As the Journal's Guest Tho Salem Journal In connection .with tho Pacific Northwest, of Port- ' . . ... ...... lauu, Oregon, navo comDincu muir forces for tho purposo of tnklng MnrJon county's most populnr daugh ter to tho Jnmestown exposition, which will bo opened nqxt April at Jamestown, Vn. This oxcurslon will bo clvon In connection with Rovornl of tho land ing publications of tho knto" for the purposo of advertising tho agricul tural resources of Qrogon nil throughout the union. Tho party which will consist of Home thirty young Indies will loavo Portland , May 1st, going by wny of Sonttlo nnd Victoria ovor tho Canadian Pacific to tho great lakes, by boat down tho laltos through tho Hoo onnul. to De troit nnd on to Buffalo. Horo n stop will lift tnndo to visit Niagara Palls thon on to Albany, N. Y., whoro a day light trip will bo mndo.. down tho IludHon river to Now York. Prom New York City to Washington when tho party will visit tho public build ings, Mt. Vornon, Vn., tho' homo of Washington, nnd nlso call on tho PresldonL Prom Washington to tho fair nnd returning homo, by wny of Pittsburg, Dayton, Chicago nnd St. Paul stopping at many other of the loading cities of tho United States. Tho young lady representing Marlon county will bo oxuocted to carry II liiRtrntod llteritfuru depleting tho re sources of this county for gonornl distribution and It Is oxuocted thnt Mnrlon county will rccclvo moro pub licity through this trip ns Inaugurat ed by tho Salem Journal than through nny nttompl 'ovor boforo nifido. All coats Including transpor tation Pullman, meals, hotols, etc, will bo met by tho Salem Journal. Any ynnng lady In Marlon county Is cllelblo to mnko tho trip. Tho cholco of candidates will dopend upon tho young lady securing tho largest number of paid In ndvanco subscriptions to tho Snom Journal and tho Pnultlo Northwqst at $2 for six months subscription to Tho Jour nal und a twolvo months subscrip tion to tho Pnclflo Northwest. You know Tho Journal ns tho loading afternoon dally of tho Wlllamotto valley and tho Pnclflo Northwest ns tho boat farm monthly on tho const. Kuch two dollar subscription oounta na ono vote nnd the largest numbor of votes will bo doomed tho choice of tho coiinty,,to tnko ndvnntngo of tho wunderoua upiwrtunlty of visit ing p mot nly tho whole nt tho United Status nt our expense. Boo. Wo wnttt u candidate nt Wood burn, UorvnU, Aurora, Sllvorton, Stuytnn, JotTorson, Turner nud tho other town of the county. Send In ywir name at once that you may ob tain u kihmI start. Addrwui, CAPITAL JOUHNAL, ShUid, Oregon, o ' Torrlbly HMn"liig. Nothing onu rause wore twin and mure dUtr than Hiea. No condor many Pile sufferers av their lite are burden to them. UotMliueut and Uh trtHtUueuta may reilu but cnuttot rure. Dr LeuahnrdCa lUiu-itoUl Is guar nntewl to euro any ce of Ptlea. It lluiuxlteld doent cure yott. you get )iur inonny buek. llom-ltold la a tablet taken Inter nally. thus removing ike enitee. 81.00 at druggtftt, or Dr Leon hardt C . Nlaxura Palte, N. Y.. lrt jirl'ter. SaM b Dr S C Stone. Be lew. HTItHUT OAlt TIM, Wilr Ground and South Sale'tn. Three trlM ptr lMt. At the mxmh kaer. At mlHHte aY tie ev hour At 40 minute after ike ore hour. IVultcntUry Uuv. Tw trtM inc kear. At 8 wttiute after tie even hour At 38 minute attar te , hour. Anylum Um fur trl per kour. At n lae.tea alter ta ewa hour. At 3 Mlnta alter ike even hour At td mlati afir tue ere hear. At is mtaiite after the rve hour. Vew Park Two trip per heur. At IS ininutM after the eiaa hour. At 45 talnutea after ae eve iour. WMOX.I for IVrtUml. WestuMdajr. ThurJay xd Satur day at 10 a.m. p OKKGOXU for rorUaad Wendijr, Taedy a ad Friday at TUESDAY. JANUARY 15, 1007. "LtATHEK CHAINS. rr Clenalnic Tliem Willi Luther f Citadle Sonp. Leather on chairs Is best cleaned with jet raff nnd soap. Select a pure castllo i- wi.itn nat-ncrcr n laundry variety -make n lather with lukewarm water and with a damp cloth rub suds Into tho leatber w'th a rotary motion, cov ering the entire sarfneo so one part will not be f lean and another have a tolled appearand. When the seat or back has been well scrubbed In Oils way, rub tho surface dry with a soft flannel cloth, nnd the spots should not disappear, but the leather should be as shiny as It win when new. Where there are grease spots on the leather Ikey t-bould havo au extra washing ana ..-. t....1 with flirt ftllilfl should first bo e,,w,to Jh,L'",8 jiitl damp chamois or piece of cheese- m t,mt nny sl,n wIll ,, out when ih" entire lmek or sent It scrub bed. . ..' I would never rub oils into lenuicr, f jr most of them make the mirfncoa rtleky. fnHy during hot weather. Then. too. the lenlher Is so prepared Unit nn oil la uwHHtaar.v. the only csien tlul In care of mh-Ii upholstery being h (lutflnff en-ry day or oftener If con Tfiitiiil and a washing with suds and m damp cloth once In two or three wwk- Dou't forget that leather must H, mri-fiillj- rnblKHl and kept warm In n Inter, nmi remember that It Is u bad plan to alt down quickly on a hwthcr viit that bus been kept In a wild room fnr .v.rnl tiara, for Iho upholstery U to cnii'k and -pllt. Jut ns patent loallier iloes. New York Telegram. TRUE HOSPITALITY. M a V.l Minlr I'M ft ISrnnil VmU nntl Ctilfrliiliiiiii'iiU. In umiiti that I have In mind thu real spirit of hospitality Is shown nt Its best. There Is often no miilil, und Miinetlmpa the inhuman of this 1ioiini hold l nearly oerworked. but Invarltt bly the guet N uuitly comfortable. If tt Is a hot ilny a Iniy bearing lemon aiksfhwl U'n or felnger ale and wafers is brought at otire to refresh the wilier, or mi a wad day It will be hot won or till or n IhiiiIIIiiii cup of hot soup. Ill variabl) tlieio Is homethliig to express u Lliidlr fwllng for one's comfort, and It Is never preceded with the query wlit'llur ou will have the cup If It should be nrenared. Many n houew will ask her guest If' he will lime refreshment, und It la rare that one replies that ho will, for the question Itself Implies effort, some thine .that should nerer appear In a hospitable on'orlup. The overconscleii. tlotis hostess, who fears that her bev erage may not be made Just right or that her china Is not quite line enough, inlssiM niiK'li pleasure for herself and guest. The heslnner In housel.eepliu' would do well In nequlre the habit of putting the true spirit of hospitality Into her homellfe at the outHct, und as she grows older her home will have ac quired n reputation for comfort nnd cheer that mii ostentatious dinner or luncheon now and then will never con fer. Chicago Inter Ocean. DRESS HINTS. In proHsIng rlblMins with a hot Iron, lay them Ikiwixh two Mlutu of maulla miper, and they will cuiue out like new. In sewing a piece of material on thn Mas to ii straight pto-e the firmer Is apt to Iwwuao (4retrkel. To avoid tbb the bias should to plaivl uiuleruoath, and It ulll then he mmii In only. If ahvtrn are to-j 1hik or too full don't lip tlioui out. I'lrxt take n tu k or fold In tho dqK making tluMti the donlred length, and baaio. Try on Mid If right out off the siiihvIIiuhim miUerlal. Skirls should always be hw uteri with three Imuds- one on the right side, one on the left and one to hold op tho ilrary at the Iwck. If this pre caution Is takin It Is math better te hang up H skirt than to fold It and lay It aaj. lu making up any material with n nap reinowber that the up should nl ways rim downward. This fact should not to forgotten when ..ponging und prvartiig, otherwise you will make a shiny streak on the surface of voui material. ClranlBK Llbrarr. clean a Ubrari- itruiinrlv . To should have u rr iereroa fer book After the fttnittwe U aU rewevrd from the room uml ike floer has reeotTeri the uroiion io i.e gtxea It, ikea turn to the book. Take one shoir nt a tlwe. Wipe each Iwok an It la removed from the shelf. Have a mmII hair dust brush al ulih thin lawk the torn, sides and totdmt ef the liooka. Btf Tery partkularrfo rrpkee the volumes lu the pr4r entwr. Nethlac oxa-JK-jtea a lk lover were than to bava well arraial Kkeies mixed ha tu house cleatuag wetbok. !TNMtCulliit loia. To fHtthMto, or dletaert. a reow Idate aa eftUuarr k., Uve over the Are eui it iomM tkerougblr heatwl taut t lMt; .ve to the cen ter of tksr ni wiib it mm lwir on ,( ckL TW eboel skonkl to , p,ictj that ttesie of U Duid m nui r . . the aoer. Ti rlwMc will to given oft la a vaey wjy WIU . "iwegk W MtKert a rtw. -Hd If fien. uMe eartteUr W uml wkkh I aot a ifi wrreeive acw. tto varor will to no way InjHre ptetarej. tnctals ot fabric. H". o U Atrtvaa. If you are arvou reciemtor tkU lajde rule Nelhlag la M eSecUve aa SI1 uf,?1? ' W"f " bw- two. MMlcal wen tledare that w afeould be helped lu various war ii we were mere thoughtful and Meeiet at la tkla r;ct. it li certain rule d eae tWt u JV aaA a W. W.l. . " fen Personals Attorney Bigger spont Sunday In Poitland. R. If. Itutherford wont to Marlon this morning. rov. Pathar Mooro left this morn- Inc for Portland. J. F. Holdar loft this morning for a visit In Seattle; - O. C. Ilatt loft this morning ior Bay City on btialnosn. Hon. Jack Matthowa, of 1'ortlnnd, was in the city yterday. Mr. Harry Albert has returned from a visit In Portland. Miss Jones returned to hor home , ureoks this morning. Ha.ley, of Portland, is vltlng her pnroms in una n,. .. . Al.I- -! . . ,, Attorney J. a. uaraon .... tho pnaeenfers bound for Portland ..!.... C. H. Medenlf, tho gonial Unlversl ly atudent. left today for Los An gola. Profwwor L. . Grnhnm retnrnod this morning to Ilia homo in Port land. Attorney und Mrs. Uort 13. Hnno nro viBiting nniem romuc onu friends. Mrs. C. P. Hlshop arrived last e- onlng from Portland to spend seveial days lu tho city. Mrs. S. B. King, nftor visiting Sn- loin friends nnd relntlvos. nns re turned to Portland. MIhh Lena Pnyno und slstor, Mlsa Mary, nro visiting rulntlvoa and frlendB lu tho city. J. W. Ilalloy. stato food nnd dairy commlHeionei', nrrlvod horo hut ev ening on hiiHlnees, Mm. Martin Larson, nftor visiting lelnllvoa horo, has rot u rued tb hor homo In Junction City. Miss (Jortrudo Dashor, nftor visit ing hor mothor In this city, ruturnod this morning to Portland. ' Hx-Govomor nnd Mrs. T. T. Qeor, nf Pendleton,' uro visiting at tho homo of Chas. A. Gray. H. S. Hndcllff loft this morning on business for tho Cots Bay country, whpro ho will romnln eight or ten dnyb. Miss ljJlva Smith, of McMlnnvlllo, who Imi boon visiting Dr. Morcora' family horo, loft this morning for Sllvorton. Mr. und Mrs. John Runn md Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. P. Hlnshnw. after n brlof visit here, havo returned to their homes In Mnrlon. Miss Knimn Clearwater, who has boon visiting hor sister, Mrs. Harry Moyer, returned this morning to her home lu Portland. J. T. Hunt, who bus boon In tho city to witness the opening of tlio icMifUture. tetiiriuui thu inoi-nhor fn kls home lu Shuw. .".ra. II S. 'French, who.hns boon th : .t of Sulom friends, hns loft for her hum In IloMhure-. Sho wn ccoin-anel by Mm.A. N. Crawford. Colonels r. Jackson. C. 11. nauor. J. A. Waddle, C. K. McDonald, Chas. , wl ouro. This treatment is pn Chamberlain and Adj. Gonornl W. IS. i lrI exclusively by tho PyramiJ Flmwr oame u;i from Portland this Dr"K Co- whlch '" sufficient evld morning. of Its genulnonosa. Howovcr, Mrs. L. M. Uwgford nnd son. aot Bk -vou to depend upon the Jt John, have beH railed Bust by the , HaVtlllty of our namo or tho bonaw death of a relative. Mrs. Lnnnrford left thk mornlnif for Portland, whore she wilt be Joined by hor son. who is In Corallls nttendlug school. " Mr. nnd Mrs. D. V. Curuos left this morning for a few days' visit In Portland. Mr. Onrnoa will then leave for Minneapolis, where he will take ohnrgo of n territory comprising Min nesota and North and South Dakota for aa Kastorn glues factory. Mr. Cramer and Mrs. Holt, of Los Aagelee, wko hav beon visiting their sleter, Mr. W. D. Matthews, left this moralng for Portland. They wero aeeompanled by Mrs. Matthews. Mr. Met Hamilton left this morn ing for Portland. Hear Mills on Soolallim and what will da for womanhood ot Amerl- ra isveryuoiy woloome. -- Firo Chief As-ks Holp. The ehlof of the Salem flro depart nient asks asaUtaaco from the cltl as to keop up preaaure. Chief Si.v age cannot fight fires that ain likely to oear wtihoat preaear. aad in this he la right- He says, do not loavo all yoor faucets raanlag and thon oxjHct to have a full stream from the hydrant If your hoo lkktrma 11& cm v. . k ....,.. ... BHa vr tc aimoct no water la the reeervolr, the water works puaipa are froaea aad Must be operatea by steam, aad there roust bo less waste It there la to be aay se- curlty at alt. New Justlco of the fjprrnio Court. Judge nebert Kakln. ot La Grande w sworo la aa Juatlee of tho Su premo Court. a4 takes his seat as the new womb of that body, to ad oateii the !w nracMeo aH pwtaw of Governor Chamberlain Cured of Phes by Pyramid Pile Corel . ; ,IfJou SufTcr. You Cnn Uc Curr4j -'Cost's Nothing to Try. ' j , If 'you think that you m- $ one-ruted ntion to bo cunj t - you ar0 wrong. Thousnnds nf 3a g excrulntl,lr doubt than youreTl uian Jours, hJ cured" Pa,lBly, qulckIy . permanently, while tho paMenl ' been nt hN work without the Z of tlmo noccssitatod by an opcrat5 " ? ' mnhf J . has JQ J -, "J h s work or even -wm .u IUUUI U 11 LI I JlirPt t .. 1 . rnm,, .T1 "a'EUt """" V-...V.WJ i'il-iiuil-u oj llifi n.lj ml(j Drl,g Co -m- NoMoroPJlei' Such was tho condition ot an h-l dinnn businoss man, ns shown la ij rocont lotter: iiuuuivuu juui uuiiiimo oi nil Curo nnd hnvo glvon It n fair Wj! nnd it has proven tho best I ere tried. I can recommend you bitty in this vicinity. Havo used you snmplb nnd one box and It hai ef fected a comploto curo. It has txti worth $100 to mo. "Thanking you for tho sample utl tho cure." I will recommend you t everybody. Yours respectfully, JJ ,UB "-, uuuiur in v uuvuura, uii . Be"B nntl II,deB' Bedford, Tnd." I Tho Pyramid Pllo Curo cak "8cd nt 1,on, J tho Privacy of J own roow' Thoro ,8 onouBh at rent ,n cach "Ulo suppository to drhe tit , Infection, while at tho samo tlnje B ,M0,t8 nw"y ,nt0 tho dendoncd thiua . of tho rectum, heals up tho fissirs. rolatlvos the Inflammation, UA ,no circulation of tho hemmorrliolM V0,,,8i dlmlnlshos tho congestion ,,r,nB" tll organs back to their iv- ,nl condition. ' w9 wn,,t to l,rovo to overJ suirtfl ,,ro,n I'llos thnt tho Pyramid Pile Cw "Hinnonlnls of tho hundrcus oicw I I,lles suffors. Send us your ms .n"d addross for a frco trial packW Use It according to directions. TV rellor you will get will Justify I going at onco to tho druggist fct B0 cent box. All druggists sell Pyramid Pile Curo. Just like t cample. Accept no substitute. Fff mid Drug Co., 76 Pyramid Bl& Marshall, Mich. ..MONEY TO LOAN. THOMAS K. r01 Over Ladd & nush's Bank, SaIcb.wj Norwich Tin ton Fire Insoemace Sdf Frank Meredith, Hosldent Apfl Office with Win, Brown & co ' 1S9 Commercial stroet. NEW TODAY JailnilJ-Srt nnv Wiintn OOSltiOB cook, or win-nto hnuso work 'I CltV. Adtlre&a "H." car" of J,r nal. 1 7 5-5t House PurnUlitags -"Recently V nnncAii frtt. obIa f Tffl4a street, near 21st Btrect, north. J' Standard piano, rugs, and o1 lurnlahlngs for sale. i-w" Don't fall to hear W. T, Ml day evening, January 18th. at & merclal Hall. Admission free- ' .. g ' i?icu. i?uu.j rsuiltr. A Jury Jn the circuit court tog fa the irajtskfcefper, 1 niw.. .i, - ..Mid "n MmkM7L ' Iffr Pratam. M,