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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1907)
" 4 W"" ' fN DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1007. m It Heals Without A Scar.- Ttio Brest magnetized, toothing unit licatlnR tint' Iticnt- KING CACTUS Ol L never lem o a tear. Prof, Dtan's fmm MEWBER (Contlnucdjr "ZTnl tho governor's Btilte U9 Sfnltornoon and completed bU u ins htal-lt to tho stnt mn during w)1 nrrJvp ' d lanw- 22,1. will "Tds before the Y M. C. A. f"s the afternoon, an.! will lro- lf tbls city I" tho evening, and c ,0 "'";. .. T.Hfipv 24th. win 'Jicf taiko the students of n-Lotte University, and, If luvlt- io to do. win ui'" " t daring tl worn.- Bession. 1!.. il be the onlj address of n Z I r Ictor Mr. Bryan trill SSviakc in this state. Ho will S n oSNo Eugene to address .Snts of the State University, Z will probably make brief lm Plptu talks from the rear platform ff car at Albany and other stu- .... en rOUte. rtroTjudWoton. Jj-oor "jo -oloctlon or school lands ..'., o,ntn nirrntt ennrt. In """ "" iuvui, ui uio muno wouiu olthcimiiiio'""- " , mcan Umt th0 Btnt0 woud Utaint of John DeLalttre, of Min nesota, to compel tno suite m miu. ... fcrtlflcates of salo of stato land, hcM by himself and othors, aggre gating about 25,000 acros, moans .hit tho stato stands inn fair way u recover over 100,000 acres of val ........ i.. nn,i nrrlpiiHiirnl lnnds. mBieiu""- "" MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Mnko Snlcui a Good Market." Home King Cactus Oil Speedily curra cnt. fpralnn. ViMittri, i.iit orr..iTuilliiK,frt bites, dinprril Iminln, harhod wlro outa on nnlmols, lmriie ami tatl'llr gall, mange, Iirti, and oil hurts of man or bbnat. At itruczuin la ISc, We and t hollies. 3 amlfiileioratcilcnna or actit pn-piilit hv tho niinnractiitra. OLNEY & MoDAlDI Clinton. Iowa, If jour driigsUt rmipot-1 tor lo u O. W. Puttinm Co, 1.15 X. Com. at. J Siilcm, Or. SALEM MARKET. ctUlned upon (ramiuiont appneu lons, etc The certificates held by Doi.atttro laudorhcra, aggregate about 80,000 seres of some of the flnost timber and In the state, and wore outamcu hroush A T Kelllhor by means of applications bearing forged nnmos of applicants done by II. II. Tumor, nn attorney of this city, dlsbnrmont pro- reedlngs against whom nro now pond renp n rich harvest, and tho school fund In creased by several hundred thousand dollars Tho land board will tnko tho matter up at tho next rogulav mooting nnd may dccldo to tnko stops to recover all of tho" land available. Two Country Members. Roprcsontntlvo Kubll, of Jackson, says the Southern Oregon Normal school will be looked after by Its friends, and it luH a grorit many In various pnrts of tho stato. ,IIo 1b not enthusiastic about 'several proposi tions that aro much-talked about in tho nowspnporH.' Ropros'ontntlyo Moore has a mine insnoctor bill "no junkotlng trips. Carries 33500 n your nnd some printing. Wo wnnt a man to Inspect to ng before tho supremo court. Thoro tho mines and proservo human life are over 100,000 ncrorf of land, ob ain hI by this means, the certificates of jaie of which have boon cancolled oy the Stato Land Hoard, nnd thoro are about as many moro ncros of Just as vuluablo land for which dcods hare ben Issued, but which, under llakor countv dons not want any, con vict -built .roads." o- The Right Name. Mr. August Shorpotho popular I ovcrsocr of tho poor oJt Fort Madison, Ia says:- "Dr. Kings's New: Llfo i the denslon of Judgo Wolverton, tho PIUs nro rlghtllf-named; they act i state may recover tltlo by bringing ' morqi agreeably, do moro cqod )mn salts la the court to Bet tho Instru- make ono fool bettor than any other mentaihlc. ' laxative." Quarantcod to euro bllinus- I These lands are now worth from ncss and constipation;. 25o at J.! C. 1 1T50to1lO per acre to tluj Btate, as Perry's druc store. USE ELECTRIC SIGNS! I Electric light is tfae magnet that draws trade. Keep your store bright and you'll be kept busy. A show window brilliantly illum inated with Electric Light makes many a sale. It attracts attention, makes it easy for yoti display to be examined and shows yovtx foods to tne best advantage. An electric sign will make a me for you and when you name is me it will burn it in the public's em and minds. It is an investmert kt pays big dividends. Out repre atative will explain how. Stcincr' Market, Dealers In fish, game and peultry: Highest cash prlco 'paid for eggs. Prompt delivery. Stato street. Local Wholesale Mnrkct. Wheat 576. Local wheat G 5c. Oats 32c. ' Uarloy -$22. Flour $3.25. MIH"feedi-Brau, $1S.00;J shorts, $20.00. , t- - Ilay Cheat aud clover, ?C00 iqt ton; timotliy, $10.00 por tdn. ,Hbbs 27c. lions 10c; young chickens, 10c. bucks 10c;" geese, So; turkeys, 1310c. Butter 3G5; butter fat, 33c. Onions 553T75a cwt.; potatoes, COc cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prlmo choice, lU(Ql3V&c; medium to prlrao, 1012c. ; Chlttlm bark 5 d ) Gc. Tropical 'Fruits, nauunns 5 Ms c per Jb. Oranges $3.00(0) $4.00. I.omons $4. 00 $5,000. Retail Market. . Flour $1 por snek. ' ,- Bran C5n por sack, $19$19V6 1or ton; shorts, OOo por sack, $23 (T $2U por1 ton. . ' M Hay Timothy, G5c por cwt., cheat aud clovor, 45c por cw, $8 por ton. Oats $1.20 por cwt.; whoat, 75e; rolled bnrloy, $2 7 (ft1 $24 por ton. Kggs 35c. Apples 50o, to $1.00, nccordlng to quullty. .. ' Buttor Couutry, 2rS1'27c; cronm- iiry, 10c, liIVCNtol'IC. Cattle 1100 1200 lb .stners, 3c. ' Llghtor stcerK 2 2 9i c. Cows and heifers 90Q1000 lb, 2 020. Sto'ck hogs 5 M (Cc. Hogs 175 (250 rib, tat, $0.00 $0.25. r Sheep r Vic Lambs 5 c Voal Dro3H0d, GV7. Hogs DroBsod, Sc', , A Stiuaro Deal . Is assured you when you buy Br. Picrcr? fnrnlly misllcincs for nil tho Incrcilt onta entering Into them nro printed on tho bottlc-wrappcr and their formulas are nttpted timloroath ns being c mpli-to nndcomvt. You know just wlini (.unro payltiB for and that tho ingredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, bv'nu selected from the niot valuaMo naiivo medlctiial' roots found grow'tng In our American fores trrnxJjvh llo potent to cure aro perfrOTlr hnrnuNyiaj'VHn to tho moM delicate woinNjwWillmrir Not a drop lLajflhoLl'J'.HirTiito their c"mnortTr t (Lju.uxiLa,'u-aaiLi? imti.tinrT-.. M.HI.U -r4tint;attnnif isnmm CLASSIHED DEPARTMENT i! HllIOfrg-HM8.llliMhfail1 u iuiti. iin-vrvmn-nil' nnim m I ' liTlf '-t'I-Ui''' nje'it. v I z.-miro irif. niujieil glv: linu. 'iliuT accut noiscsses Portland General Electtic Pompany 20 Commercial St., Salem, Ote. PORTfjAXn MARIC17T. Wheat Club, C5CCo; valloy, Otic: bluo stem, C7fl'G8e. Outs Choice white, $aJ!.50i$2G Mlllstuff llrnn, $10. Hay Tliiicilliy, $12$13; alfalfa, $11. ' Vetch $7 & $7.50. Potatoes S590c Poultry Avorago ohi lion, 7 8c; mlxod chlokons, 11 12c; young roostor, 12(130: dross ol chlokons, 127M3c: turkovs. llvo. lG17e: tur- keyH,4 drowsed, I9(0!20c; geese, llvo. 10c; tlucks, 15lGc; nlgeons, $1.00 (IT 1.25. Pork DroBSQtl, GflGc Hoof i Dressed, 5 0-5 Vs c. Mutton Glc. Hops 11 14c lb, according to quality. Wool 'Vnlley, caarso to medium, 2021c; eastern Orogon, lSO'lSc. Mohair 2G 28c Buttor Fancy Creamery, 30 35c; storo butter, 25527c. o Indigestion, constipation como nnl go llko rent and tax day nnd other sorrows, If you tako Holllstor's Rooky Mountain Tea, tho greatest remody known to mankind; 35 cents, Toa or Tnblots. For salo at Dr. Stono's store. JT--0 Southern Pacific Co. Time 'card .No. 46, ortoctlve Novora per 25, 12; 01 a, in.,, Tovrnrtl Portland. No. 1G 5:23 a. ra Orcgom ex press. No. 18 8?30 a, m., Cottage Grove express. ' M No. 12 2:58 p. ra., Oregon ex press. No. 14 9:28 p. ra., Portland ex press. t No. 222 11:03 a. m departs at 11:30 a. ra.. Portland fast freight. No. 226 11:55 a. jn Departs at '12:45 p. m way frejght. t Toward San Francisco. No. 13 1:31 n.m.,,San Francisco express. . No. 11 11;08 a. m California express. No. 17 G:32 p. m Cottage drove express. No. 15 9:56 p. ra., California ex press. - , No. 221 2; 33 a. m., Portland fast freight. No. 225 11:25 a. m., departs at 11:55 a. as., way freight. intrinsic im- loiiol nropnrtle,- of Its own bollis a must valuable. nntlxinithMitul nutl- fcrmuiit, nuiritivo and soothing itoiuiil colit. (ilveerlno jilays nn Important part In Dr. rierco's ijAhlen Mttllcnl recovery In tho euro of ituiisctftion. Ua)' psia aijd weak stomach, ntteiuhnl by sour risings, henrt-biiru. rm(l breath, coated tolimm. poor apiieUic. gnawing feclllig In stojn . acli. billouainws nnd kindred (Icrnngn nionts of tlui Moinnck liver nnd liowo. llesliles dittim rll the above H trussing allnit'iui. th UoUlen Metlirnl l)i.(Tverv Is n 'iiiYllle (or all diseases of tho mucous mem' ranns, as ratarrh, whether of tho iiaxul passages or of tho stoniuch. bnwelg or pelvic orvuns. Even lit Its ulcerative stages It wili-lpjd to this. ?ovcreliiu rem ody If Its nit- no iKTsoViTitl In. In Cltrqnlc Catarrh of tho p.t sages. It Is well, whllo taking the "(iolilen Medical DJs covory " for tho necessarj' constltuttoi'al troatniei't. to elcnnso tho pnt-saes, freely two or three times a day with Dr. .Sago's Catarrh Itmncdy. This thorough course, of trotttiuiuit generally cures tho worst cases. In oouiflu and lionnrni'ss enuscilby bron chial, tlnunt and lung ML-ci' .n. I'NCL'pt rcn Mintnllon In I's nilvnnivil ursiroi. tlin"Uoluun Mculcal Uli.civorj " Is a most cllli'icnt tcn mly. uu'lnHy In tboso obstinate. Imng-on COiutmc'iiii.eii lv Irtliatlon nml congestion of tli"ln iiiclili'lniueousiiicnitilauus. Tllo,,Ul5,, covcry " is mn o inxxl for nuuto eonntii arls luir RiiUiicii eolriv nor must it lw ox tnvteil to cvii- Mniviinrttton In It nOvnneeO !.taH-.-iionu'.l . "1 do Hint Inn for nil Mia oiHtiimtc in . i tiii.-iis, wlin h, if nev- i (!, or l i, . ,i no to i (i-1-.u" DRAYMEN, n It. O. Ciuntnlus Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery and transfer lino. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving a specialty. Stand at 156 South Commorclal street. Phone 175. Resldonco phono 9G8, 8-4-tl l'Xn RUNT. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR "Will treat you with Oriental horbi and euro any disease, without operation or pain. Dr. Kutn is known evorywhoro In 8nlom, and has curod many promlnont pooplo bore. Ho ban li,ved in Salem for 20 yeras, and can bo trusted, lie uses mnny medicines unknown to white doctors, and with them can cure catarrh, asthma, lung troublos, rhou mutism, stomach; llvor, and kidney dls onaes. Dr. Kutn makes a specialty of dropsy and female troubles. Ills remodlM euro private- disonscs whon everything else foils. He has hundreds of testi monials, and gives consultation frco. Prlcoa for medicines very moderate. Porsons in the country can wrlto for blank. 8end stamp. t If you want soino extra fine ten, got It from us. DR. SUM BOW WO CO,, 107 South njgh street, Salem, Oregon. CONTEST C. Ullom, proprietor of the 'Capi tal Bakery, Is starting n tonohern' contest. AH tenchers in tho Snlem Public ScIiooIh nro ollgihlo to bo voted for. v With ovory Rooms Furnished for light houso kooplng, 730 North Front strooU 1-3-tf a''r Rent Soven-room houso with basement. Good well water, nlned in and out. Iuqulro of A. Schrolb or, 500 N. High strcot. 1-7-lmo I FuriilHlied Roonisr-Wlth or without! board, phono, electric lights and bath room. J. Jay Cook. Phono 533. 1-12-lmS For Rcnt.-j-FurnlshoU room; front. Baa light and bath. Suitable for couplo. Ono block from enr lino. Six blocks from stato houso, 541 Contor strcot. l-12-3t Ftinilshed Rooms For ront during loglslnturo, coutral location, mod orn conveniences. Call at 533 Contor strcot or phonp 1079. 1-1 2-1 wk Roonth will rent slnglo room or sulto of two rooms' during Iqglsla turo at 244 12th strcot. Two blocks from Stato houso nnd ono block from good boarding houso. Phono 081. 1-14-3L Furnished Houso for Rent. Six largo rooms, largo hall, two full lots, nbundanco of fruit and flow ers. Inqulro nt 1211 South Lib erty Btroot or of S. C. KlghtlliiRor. Sajpm Wntor Co. 1-14-t OSTEOPATHS. Dr. R. II. White Graduate of Kirks . vlllo, Mo., undor founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Broyman building, Commorclal street. Phono 87. Resldonco 390 Sunimor Btrcct, corner of Contor. Phone 1219. Treats acuto and chronlo discasos. Examination free. 11-17-tt " PLUMBEBS. Xhco. M. Rnrr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating nnd tinning, 164 Commorclal street. Phone Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. PotaclPlumblng, stoam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox ii Murphy, 220 Commorclal street. 'Phono Main 17. A. It. rroacr Successor to Burroughs & Frnzor, plumber nnd tinner Manu facturer of coppor and galvanized iron cornlco, nnd metal skylights, 105 8ato ilroct. 'Phono 1311. . w Mi MMMi l)r. 1). It.. Gfinin, the Specialist on Morphine All drug and liquor habits, which ho cures in 3 days. No monoy until curod, 214 Trado St., Salem. Ore. Phono 508. John Doyonu, Business Manager. MEJaMMaaMmmMaBaaaMBanaMaMaaaaMM SASH AND DOOR FAOTOBTBt!. Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and bard wood work. Front street, hot. Stato nnd Conrt. FOR HALE. J For Hale. Ono McCormick mower, ono rovoralblo Tltta hnrrow, ono 14-Inch Ollvor plow, nil good as now, at a bargnlu. Cilll at ofllcu r of Orogon Sienna Pnlnt Company, Salem. 1-7-lm Dry Fir Wood For sale, sawed or timmwed, dollvorod to any part ol tho dlty. lSuquIro M. A. Dudlbng. phono 897. 1-1 il-nt" LODGICS. I'MrcNtcrs of America Couty Shor wood Foresters, No, 19. Moots Tuosday In Hurst hall, Stnto stroot U. S. Rider, C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. VEraniNAitY sueoeon. DrTirJJ?JYo1mff7VetSo ..and dentist. 33 years' experlones. All work guaranteed. Difficult sur glpal operations n specialty. Phoas 581. Ofllco nt Club Stables. Phone 7, Salem, Oregon. 3-9-tf WAlhTEpr Wanted-:To oxchango pulntlng or paper liunglng for a good cow. Al ho wnll papor for salo. Phpno 700. l-12-3t W'linfW? Flvo to ton cnrtla of o(A llr wttod. Apply to 1". Hofor, Jour nal ofllco, 12-ac-tf ':. 5-contf purchaso a tlokot good for onpvbto will bo given untitling tho holder To xtfo for nny toachor, eontost roHtiltu lo ho pub published weekly. Coutost bogliiH January 3, ondu July 1 at S o'clock p. in. Flint Prl7f. TRIP TO NEWPORT WITH ONE WEEK'S EXPENSES PAID. Second Prize. LADY'S PURSE. VALUE $10.00 Third Piio. LAD'S PARASOL, VALUE $5.00. Central Lodge No. 1H, IC. of P. CttRtlo Hail in Iiolmnn block, cor ner Stato nnd Liberty HtroatH. Tuosday nf ouch wook at 7:30 p. in. M. W. HazardC. C; W. I. - Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 524G. Moott ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holmnii hall. W. W. IIII. V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clerk. Yon ran get Capital Bulu'ry bread, cakes and pastry at: Baker, Lawrence & Baker. J. W.-irarrM. Roth & Grnber. Central Grocery. Augclut.. " It. D. Gilbert & Co. Tho Hello Confectionery. .loo Albrlghf. v A. A. Knglt'har(f' tV. W. ZIiiii. A. Dane Mrs. NcKgelntiir. 1L Milncr. 1-11-lw. O. C. T. CO Woodmen of Winld Moot ovory Frl dny night nt 7:30. la Holmnu hall. F. R. Capper, C.S.; P. L. Frazlor, Clerltt Wantetl Stock hogs for feeding, chlokons, ducks and nil kinds of poultry. Highest prlco paid. Hop Loo Co., 1S1 Commercial Btroot, Salem, Or. 12-G-tf Winded 10 man in each stato to trnvol, distribute tmmploB of our nuodH and tnol; signs. Salary $85 per month; $3 por day for ex pouuos. Saunders Co., Dcipnrtmont P.s'o. 46 Jaeknon Boulevard, Chi ongo, III. 1-14-1 w Plnt'o Wnnted An olilorly man would llko a plnoo whoro ho can do ehorofl and work for Ills board Ho Is i. olenn, sober man of good habits aud ueds n home. Add reus Scott, care Journal onion. 1-7-tf. MLSCELLANKOUS. ronrmo uoi-k. uot my prlcoa on hlduwnlks, curbs, soptlc tanks nnd comoAt work of tiny kind. All work gunritutood Hrst-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 506. 1-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It la worth moro than any othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no hlghor. For salo at your grocor'it. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Coolcy, Props, Ilutto & Wenderoth Fine winos, liquors and cigars. Wo handlo the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whlsklos. Cool und rofroshlng beer constantly on drough. South Commorclal street 9-3-lyr WATER COMPANY. W SAim WAlbH COMPAtn OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvlce upply at olHes. Bills payablo monthly Id advance Make all complaints nt the afllee. M I Gold Dust Flour i Made by TID3 SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. Hado for family uio. Ask your JL groctr for it. Bran and shorts vftviuyp on hand. STEAMERS- PO.MONA AND OREGONA LI3AVH PORl'LANI) MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. It., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M. FOR CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. M. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt flYY Yin 4aaffg.iuiMo4ir.Ma I PILES Rsuuposltom Salem Iron Works. Foupdors, ma chinists and blacksmiths, Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tho Salem Iron Works Hop Press. MHBaaaaaanaaaanaaMBaB.aaBMiaaaanBaaaaaaaaait Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent nnd pouslon insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agonts wanted. J. H, O. Montgomery, euprotno organizer, Box 432 Salem, Orogon. R. R. Ryan, sccroctary, 646 Stato street. SoU fa Sakm by Dr. 5. C SioM i evux rmt tutmrts NEW AND SKOONIMIANI) GOOD8 New and Bceond-IIund Goodie- Bought and sold, also rangos. stoves and cooking utensils, dish es, granite and tinware of all kinds Olve us a call. O. L. McPeek, 170 goutb Cewatercial 9t. 8-13-ly P. B. Wallace AGENT ttttweaai.B)B.e7 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjmjra Traoc Marks DtSIQNB C0PVRIQHT8 AC. Anron. nillnu a ilelrh and tleacrlpdnn ma, qulcalr ,rruiii our 0iiilin it wlifiu.r aa lureuil int fri 1'atcn tl4tat notUt, lar.mlnii It prohablr Pt5'J nt Irta. Mli llonaalrMllraunad.Dlbil. H ni irta. l'.unla Me. foniiuuiilc. HJBUU oil raletil llldet aM.iicr fur MKtituiiriAlnu. taken tbrmuU Muun A Co. receim in. wlth'iut cbar(. lu tfao SckHiilic Jhtitricati. Ijirvett rtr. T A IMuitratwt yitMr. ilallun OI an, (ii.niior journal, iiimi, , m i lour niouiua, tu bum ujan ii.wiuwiicr. ,nari four nic MUHM4Cfljfrr.Htw.TQ MraucB ucfl, o r ou, wuuicniuu, f. CHICHESTER'S PILTS by. MM, l lu KU4WB. W . ! alM Mttl.iMr.t.Ali.tyt It- y'-svrv u 4 i