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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1907)
" hwami jr fw ...CAPITAL fSAi HOFERBROS., p!5!L -.-... v .! THE JOl'llXAL STANDS FOII I'HOGHKSS, " (JOVintNMKXT. AM) NO I" "'""" """ G'OOI) ' ; tmi: slv.un. v i - v-s .'! i- rtV L. Savage I In thought and totUng. wr i inv ilift humlocks reeling, Kf Wjjon the nind In lower canyons fight ami !r; J. When tlie craBn m aniiv ,,. i. Mi., nnia of slants grAPpttHK'. LtAII tbe wrfclVft tomuU of woodland I adbre. &-"' Whore Hi" "" ' ,in ",flfd l8ee "' vnr.diW" o,!": ii.??or ' 7 .,1.1...... with tho-mellow flips t !: Where tin gurxew ur ...,". -- " . Where Urn Imrron mountain rldgw . 1 The Eulf of Clolidinml bridges t "W tl huBdliiB of CrWtlott prlmiim ttWUHl ftf : ''Whore luo wntor from tho glaciers run n-foamlns In the ; WhTro lb. mtor low canyons and the rnck-ribbal barren .... And the peak-tops, henvpn-ollmblng, Knch with higher thoughts so riiyrolnJ- TJwe would I, the child of cities and of 'trouble gdlr he. t would 2lv inr hpp 0 honvdn for a llfo upon tha alppM. " Anl tho noonday shndows span It , Himn It nail to wall of grnnlle: , l "I"" ,v . . .... f Iaj) nnrflilt- hones. i There do I, o snvage, dreaming. P""u " " ' , 1- ' i. . r l. il.nnnlil mill lU BAilt. ' 1 ' Vor I love th moonlight gloaming. E4Wlia rt' HienniluK noil oa Rlaolors oold and wltltfr iIIH MK ivh-ii' ArA mi fnlierlnK aoiil'R mro trongtwnUif . t .... .-. 1.n..k tta 'fft fFFi And I thfitiK my iiinrumn ku -"' .. ..II I c ,..iir.K PAID THK iii- . VI1 'llll'j I Wi " -- . i. -. any opinions suppresseu mom . - Gcer was of sucu The toxtbobk commission appointed b G ed them, high character that Governor Chamber!.. In re ppo in direftorg and Men who had uusht "n " ' Toelected. ono man who was at tho head of ho unh. jJJ J BraIXI.S MKX JirVnStCSSKr tLn became the, dCr8ciflM educator did not oek plac on the jj-WjJj. d JJ ohoaper clan who wanted tho Job of scleotlns textbook l,y the governor In making PP,nl!Jf 6; p Uaild for the purpow of Jtwently there wa. a conforonco held at lo rtuv n t legg( demanding ft change In the Mhio Iwof J ' one f them three of the fire commlsBlonors should be educators a teacher in the public schools. dgPro. rru Journal In an ablo editorial showed w -iiosk b DICTATION FKOM TIIOSK material n " -,; MlimP(1 ,, w,n v..,...rf ,,- i.iik boon heard of the matter uui u . a nut In tha romliiE session ( Tt trust that wnB put out of buslnow In ...,,, it.i ohamcuv or this aeiuanu. u. """'," n.MtHl'LTK to the gov- wiio had iinormiT tiu: statk isto ii.whi o r . to tli kind of material ho Bnoum couw r: - .uuuiib - """-- , .,. 1-i.i.liirB. rru out In the com.nB bobbiuh u -- -- --- everything to III V1D" KHln hy any change in ino prunt "-"" fl ,, bnci t tho It nhould aufflce to call nttontlon to the danger o so old vif of doing things which was a dlgra to in. - -o-- , INSUHAXCK ItATIW OX TIlH COAST. ."t -I uiwh Llvormoro. in iwik irmun.. -o o. ii wiijk siHirnxo. Tho niipapni announce that William Jwnilnw nryan hu rttanUd and will haw oiiti free polllloal meeting In Oroaou. THU 18 TO ltl A I'KKB Ol'K.V MKOTI.Vfl AT PAMWI In t largwt hall that can be lilrod. but his other talki In Oron will bo 'That tho urtut exponent of Jofforsonlun demoerncy should bnvo been -Wo to Boruw bin Price- up to fiOO per night. 8howa the extent to whloh the people aro capnblo of being gulled. Just as though ho could get olt anything new. or that ho hail .not sol off four hundred llme already. AXI WHICH AM, HAVH IUKI " Wo do not Uluine him for doing thl. All honor to Win. J. Dryau for being able to make so much inonuy out of hi iiolltloal liiloht. Hut It rovoaW a woakntnm of tho masos. Hut It l gratifying that Hie "iiimum" nro to hoar poltlgnl wisdom on lap Mt one ulure in Orogon I not uharged for. Or1 course, th people nay for nil thu peiJifilaiJBUeeoliiw la thu'long rim. KVK.N II T1MJV AHI3 I-'IUCIC. 7ho piofKmliiiml politician chargM It nil tip and "It all oomea out In tho wjiiih." when the taxes nro paid And It cunnot be unh! that the oxpeuie or Bowrnnwiit ar Wfher lit this fcoiiiilr) than oWowhere. AS ft matter of fnot. Till! I'KQIMill fllfl' AllOUT TWlOH AS SUTII AM Tlllir 1AY WHI. That Is the men who eme thew iwlIUrolU' do not ntv.. oulmlf in luiieh oumnetiMtluH the wme UhM and tulenU etnniond elurwhef. Hut let iib h iHad thai we c t one fr-witl offerlHg by Mr tlrvan ON THIS A lPA OI 1118 (WNTHV. It ts true tfcat has mado nmHr free mpMW lee. whe he was a emidlrfWe fw oMw, but tlmt alt helpMl put Mm whr he sowld ahsrK. Bo wih to 8alMu all J unwashed and derttn JHmoerala and hear pne fwi kfllel by the great leodw of uutxd prlvtbKMs. It mj b llmiikful Uittt w haw not m far IMH'AUTHU UltAM THIS I'AITH Ol Tin: itiUNDHIIS hut wHl w can hv oh tfnwt free po- IHkul blowout. And b9ild(H n us slv Mr. lirynn a woet enihwateette wk. . . o ..i.. ii n ' WHAT 811 AM. TDK IiKHISUYTUItlt 1M) f( ,11 U (W tiHMrtin what the Oraje togtuUr 1tt Ho wttU the rjlro(W at the eeutlUB sMlon. TR t fiH U KutfKl talk at pawtina a rattrwtd roigwIeeUn WU but the MftiiUHHtt ikt the wtKto gaaemtly IS NtT VHUY IMVOHAItltll. Tttokt Otttiwn railroad aBmutWtdnn. wtu untk h farfle Utat pMvte are not sttf petiuaded aatHber nm wtH Mt be )nt tike tt. Thert tm kwu a get sdut 1 the ooimtoW lde U the pst (ew j'Hiir. OummtiwUHt hat ben reoawinieted tl wade mart el tlpAlw WahtugtH. tceettslH ami other utt ka raenmsrtioted th4r rail road ciUMUklH ami hv IHU' A HHIVXt 1HIA1. W l0Vlllt INTO tltllllt II NIS. The shlptHre eMUjr bve all Brl or lew Wr Uit ar ekofi od tne rrei Was beeg rupeaiea wal tlww. Tbt artHtrtce tkU ysr was tnuh hmto w tban vhre xwk ao uht it tHiwrUvly h ttew thing la tnta ttnfae. Thu elfeet t the car fthortftga tti r? ItM t MUMtry has Mi swre. ,'- ty f4L in OrKii, aud tm h ha Mfrr4 wmwea with others. Thwe l a t4rous suUMt tan3Hghf8t 11m tt In kiwr t th lc JUtr Mwltig a MK'll'llOUAI. H)kMUUUAOIt IhW, wglok wHl av A teuddsry to tnaK th raUMuU irBtt, Mr ttr a rnoel Htle lw be ulvtHi, w vU hlMKr a kWH tK to th MAni w thrgl fw (a(Ur t is4 prMptly A slmllei lw hi In twe t Virginia. Tws 4 tkr . 4 IT IS (UIMHI) IT HAH W0UKII1) WKt.u Tho Onu ttit ViJiiKhi Mur TBJutIaelHrt' mmmskUm t ew elating vHh the IWiUM eJUmUer ; eMtmen t finnr Mirf ui ImMIhs lHglnwi the niete. Ui 4ft,im$ A w wflsvr this pht t Ihe proWfw. ' " A n wuH of U HdhtM thy rfr,rla Owe ta fy prmpt lbt (her 1U U rallro&d lGWl w Ortn t th ewHlnoE eJMton Juit how radical tlt propel lw4 yn rMiM t a - A a ttuttar af praetieal l.tli fwtue, xilll MVVTU SHOUI.n AVOU HAKTV U IXKHKIIOl-IVK ACTION II SjthUc )M 4 eo) 4et(Wm(0 ettH of IhwJ4 mwi TIIK OnitCON TllXTiiotiK SITUATION. SK ).. tu Orn !pte4 a uu teaihxMk (utiu, ud -,j t 4t4 obBW In the yteH of dsjh of wcwjl txt,biok. 4tjw w um nu iw nwm (wonty mrt euo texthtlc trust had we m w mwkm! nua u. its WJC rHiilsj tx) tub vnftffi The rate, of Insurnnco have been ialsed several times In Oregon as a result of the groat nro and o"1'""!.! In rate, TUB INSUHANCI-: CO.MPAXIIIS Jl'STIItt I II ,s .'J1' ,n . i, i.nd hin licit IN A MN.Ni i". noro in a hiuio u' iu"d ' . . .. i f .tin Gf.ll Unv nv. tho Orecon nrose Iiiih clamored ror tno najmuiu - - .ln1li-.t tnt ilrtllitr 7Z Z y , 'iVp h and NVashmgUm 5- the naymont of full Insurance, ratos have been advanced on tho hole Pacific coast. , .,,, t nink thin atnte uny for tho calamity of California It seems unjust that rntoa should be n " earthquako TO MAKK W FOIt TIIK I.OSSKS SUSTAINS) THWth. In the meantime, ns a result of tho heroic attitude of tho press of Oreaon and Washington. San Francisco has renonoci a ricu ru.u While Oregon and Washington have been punished with hlghor rates. San Francisco has been able to collect immense sums oi ineuniiw.. ni.. whimsv r tha iinivorsltv of California, making his CBti mate of the amount of money tho pooplo of San Francisco havo recolved from tho flro Insurance companlos In payment of tho April fire losses, I'LACHS TUB AMOUNT AT 918(),0()(,000. ti,o nnnrimnia inu Hint San Francisco oxporlencod in tho April Ulsas tor and tho groat aid supplied by good companies In tho rehabilitation of tho city hnvo mado Insurnnoe n loading thomo anions men 01 uusiuoss. Thoro Is n community of Interost botwoon nro Insurance companlos and tho cities and towns whore they transact business. Tho prosporlty of nuinlolpnlltlos depends upon tho assurance thnt the underwriters furnish THAT ItBl.lBF Wild. UK FOUTUCOMIXf! AITF.K A CONFLAOHATIOX. Tho burned nrea In Sun Franclprn comprises 4.7 squaro miles, contain Ing about 56,000 buildings, of V nhuut one-half woro residences. The amount of InsurancO covering pty(HityJin tue ourneu uisinci was ap proxlinntoly 1250,000,000. All of this hail boon written by uompnnlos nuthorlzod to do buslnoss In tho state, uxcopt about $G.OOO,000, which had boon plnced outside of thu sUite In about 100 compnnloe. The tilue of the bulldliifis and contenU destroyed by tlu) llro was ap proximately about $350,000,000, tills amount being anctlmato on the Insurance liability, the known general ratio of lnsurnnee to valuo about TO nr cent and a gneee than about rt I'lM OB.VT OF TUB PIIOPUHTV IWIIItlKU NO 1XSUHAXCB. On Novotuber 1, 100G, the adjustment bureau or the Hoard of Fire Underwriters or the Paclflr hail practically completed Us work. The eeltlemeiiu agroed upon through that agnoy throw light on tlte benefits Hint mme to Sail Francisco through lnsurnnee paymente. 121 even hundred and forty adjusted claims showed a sound valuo of the properties lin-olvod In those ailjustmeiiu to have been $12S,Ofi9,023, on which the Inmiruuco was J8S.01S.UJ ami the visible salvage was es timated at $10.6S3.7!S. TIlH HATIO OF IN'SFHANOB TO VAI.l'H WAS THHUHl'OHB (18.7 I'HU CBNT and the salvage was S.r per eeut. This HdJiMUnent Included all but twenty-two claims, which wore still liemllng owning to one eause or another. ' ' -o TACTICS OF Till! HI.HfiAXT GKIMINAI,. COZFHOMBS Your home 75TJ7J7SJU MZWWl IS be made comfort- mxiWi, m m .:: kpl m more . . .1 .. Uatnm if vnn have , aoie man c: ...- r, .: r;i Hwntpr. you can a renecuuu - - -rt- tt aooiu anu tan umv..j . warm anJ cozy the rooms and hallways that the heat from the other stoves or fur nace fails to reach. There is no other heater so handy, so clean and simple as the PERFECTION Oil Heater UFaulDPcd ivllh Smokeless Device) Hundreds of thousands now in use and giving per- cf,rrinn. Perfection Oil Heaters, equipped with the smokeless device, are all that the :Hme implies .A trial vi convince the most sgepucai. x um .. r ...K.. or low as you can-there's no danEer. Gives intense heat. lwolinisnes nicKei aim y. - --: beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency iur in scriptive circular. 1 all-roundi imp made. cratc and .i..i..f.i .-(0 rmi nwd w th atest imnrovcu oumci. Hrai throughout and nickel plated., An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-toom, parlor, or bed- room, cmy lamp wani. ..- agency if not at your dealer $. STANDARD OIL COMPANY equal to five times tho population of one pnrtlcular state In this union. It is not alleged that thoy havo strayed or havo been stolon. Postllonco has not swept thorn off. No calamity hna been reported as having visited tho roglon whore they chose their now and happy homos. Mystery, tho dcep ost and darkost. enshrouds tholr failure to respond to roll call. Tho only Information furnished by tho Mnll and Kmplro Is that the loss of tho 237,988 souls or, at any rato, bodlos that Incumbered souls ocourred between tho Dominion Im The Trniis'i-nnl Constitution. London, Jan. 3. In a parliamen tary blue book Issued today giving tho text of tho letters patent and In structions relating to tho now Tram vnal constitution. Lord Elgin In the preamble addressing Lord Selbornf stntes: "In announcing to you the transmission of the instrument for promulgation I am commanded Ir tho king to express through you to the pooplo of tho Trnnsvnnl his earnost wishes for the pcaco end prosperity of tho country under tn.o now constitution. I desire to add, , .1 ,i. n, ... on. behalf of his majesty's govern- census bureau. Just hpw far apart "", that thoy have advised M. those onices aro wo are not ndvlsod. "! Brant Immediate rcspon but tho Mall and Kmplro appears to , 8lol Bovarnmont to the TrnMml have convinced Itself that some- " '" conlWonco that under the whero botwoon them the tragedy Imp-!fro instructions oslabllBlied by tMi ponod. Our contomporary prints constitution tlio prosporlty and con statistics which show that tho now ! tentmont of tho Transvaal and Its census of the' northwest attributes ' People win e h.t...ui...j -. to the three provinces lying between I iiie iiiHiiuiiirj ui and with the hope that the stops now ...- .- ...- .1 I.. I In thfl ni.tnrln nn.l tho UIKBll Will III UUB UIJ1U !. i rt kftlM. M rVl Urng0 u litz ekim of the w m. m wwu inatgamits d , lading whool men of tM 1 IWH wm fcM. Th ftdkoa) wr wrly4. Tk 4nctor mm'Zottr" ..MMU C ft, UUmtoZ - I """" ww'wtfMUl.rouiW Into the CnMdiaB Th Jnnnnrr AtbtnUi Nlentbly has nn oloqueut paper on the orlmtnal oM cteae. a now term for certain ipeoia of law breakers. Iloro are h few MMteilcee from this moat spirited dmgnoaU of the all menu of this age: Th director who sooeatates In Ui curitle of hht oorooration. tho tanker who lends his dsnoattors' man to himself under divers corporate allMoe. the rnllriMid elllotel who gruuta a toeret rebate for his private graft, th bulkier who hlrot walking delegntM to harass hut rlvnl with cftMMtaas strlks. th lahor loader who Ufitutatoi a strike In order to be paid (or tttlilas It off. th pNbllsntr who bribe hie textbooks Into the cnMU.-.tbes revtl In Ueir faeta netklng of wolf or vultur. Natnr baa not donwed them to vU by a double do of luat. crnelty, HMllrc, icreed. or Joalonay. They are not dafnreu. tormon toil by nmwtroiw trovlnga. They want nothing more than wo nil want. oy, powor, consid rrttlon. In a wra. auecosa; but THHY AIUI IX A II limy AND THUV AUK NOT FAUTIOUUVU AS TO TUB MIUXS. Those aro tho erliMlHAloids. Too neMta MA too prndoat to praeitco troachery, brKtaUty. ami rlbjHe lunigou. the crlmlaalolil take euro U werk thres;U middle- IHbIU UMewWna of th ntlodal dlorMo between diBe wrong and gottlng It don, bo 9law mi hie dirty wrk. With a oulnc f IntorinMitartM bAww Wmsolt ami th tunh bo S T ? i Wlta u U WU8 0f mv wh b olher uavvle? HIS HANDS SWKirr AND HIS HOOTS CfcHAX. Tho l he bcoine a eooaemor of eo.n4 vrtw,. CIIWIt of crtel- Rocky mountains a population of S0G.02S. Manitoba, the oldest of the trio, leads with 366.S4S; Sftsknt chewnn comos next with 250,984, and Alberta boasts 1S4.906. The figures show an Increase of 387,410 since 1901. when tho census of the Domin ion was taken. The Mnll and Empire confronts tho census buroau reports with the immigration bureau tig tiros for the sam period of live yours. union or the Interost of the wholo of his mnjeaty's dominions in South Africa." Tho following aro tho lead lug provisions of tho letters paont A govpmor and commander In chlei of tho Transvaal Is appointed bv the lmporlnl govornmont. Tho legisla ture Is to consist 'of a legislative council (upper) and u legislative as sembly (lower). The legislative council shall consist of flftcdn mem- which show no less than GC1.404 nr- l)r8 t0 bo summoned In tho caso 01 OttmuUV MIlng Inuul;rantj. On of tha moM etanllnt: ovr rencoa af all tho tuna H annoaBeed In th leadlog editorial et Um Toroa to Mall aad Bmplr of the Sth of December. It to a matte of tb grftvwtlmnort not moroly to Cuada but txiuatly to tbo I'alted JHate Indeed. U Is so swriou. o suggestive of tragle borrow, that It canimt tali to ahoei; the heart of humaalty In &n eounlrlea. BrloHy stated. i. orthwt U lb last tv mrg .v rcsoM woro from the Ualtod Sutea and wr routed u havlag swtled f-rmaontly on farms, n te not ta ovldoaoo that any of them have de mtod tbolr mw homw. 0n l trary, roporta of tbelr coatentmoat and enthusiastic, still. 11,. r: Mar4 us la the fac that S73.9S8 of them ar mlssiag. That U a eml number of persona x number Urge enough to populau more than one of rlrals. And thereupon the Toronto paper points out that while the Im migration bureau added 061,404 10 the population, the census buroau can find no more thun 3S7.41G of those newcomers. This forces the sad conclusion that "some 273, ASS people brought In by Moeers. Slftou and Oliver with the aid of the North Atlantic Trading oompany and simi lar philanthropic organizations, are mlwing." Our contemporary, in a spirit oMevity that 111 boflu the sel lout theme,, speculates upon tho fate of the absentoee. It aska funny ques tions, such for Instance as "can It be that 273,988 Immigrants haw boon swallowed up by an earthquake? or aro we to assume that there has been an exoaus from the wostT" Thee Inquiries are followed by the sue gestlon that "poselbly th explana Uon of tho diserep&ney lios In the, dishonesty that prevails at Ottawa i There Is on thU side of the Hue much lew InUrost In that alleged dishon-j osty than In the emigration of our wostorn farmers to Canada and tuj fortunes that befrll them la that country. Natumllv. wv ...' --- - , . wr.V1V,a UUl I people would prefer to believe In that etiarge of dishonesty at Ottawa In prefereuoe to a tragle aooountlng for the absence of several hundred thou sands of our ojchUUwbs. Hi. o How to Cure Chilblains. To enjoy freedom from dill, blalns." wrltos Johu Kemn. East Ottoneld. Me.. -I apply Bueklen's Ar nica Salvo. Have also used It lor salt rheum with excellent results." Guaranteed to care fever sores, Indo lent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bltea and skin diseases: 25c at J C Perry's drug store. the first council by tho governor, and hold olllce fo- five years, unless be fore that tlmo a law shall havo come Into effect providing for the election of members of tho legislative coun cil. The legislative assembly shall consist of 69 mombors. whoso quali fication Is thnt tlfty aro registered w votors in the colony. Every white male over 21 years of ago shall be registered unless ho has committed grave offonses. All members mas' swoar to boar true and faithful al legiance to tho king. Chinese labor 1 Is to bo completely abolished In one ! year after the meeting of tho leg" laturo. ' TO OUltE A COLD IN ON13 DA. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qulol9 Tablets. Druggists rofund money l! It falls to euro. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 2Jc. Canadian our IS sUtea; Indeed, It U more than NOTICE DF.POSITOUS IN THE SAV 1NT.S DEPARTMENT OP THfi OAPlTAli NATIONAL BAtf' WILT, PLEASE PRESENT TREI TASS HOOKS FOR TnE rUB POSE OP HAVING CREDITE THE SEMI-ANNUAL INTERKSt DVE JANUARY FIRST. IF NOT WITHDRAWN T INTEREST WILL BE ADDED T THE ACCOUNT AND BKGIJf TO DRAW INTEREST FROM TH DATE. JOS. It ALBERT, Cisiu 9iyu &&&$4 .-