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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. XVII. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1000. NO. 8. ROOSEVELT IS BACKING HUGHES A NORTH SALEM BOY IS ELECTROCUTED FOURTEEN YEAR OLD BOY KILLED Came Into Contact With Live Wire Telephone Line Crossed With Trolley Line Electrocutes Forrest Presnall Forrest Presnnll, tho 14-ycnr-old son of Sylvanus Presnnll, of North Salem, enme in. contact with a llvo I telcphono wire about 8:30 o'clock j this morning nt tho Intersection of Highland nvonuo and Pine street and wns almost Instantly killed Tho accident took plnco almost under tho eyes of Mrs. A. C. McMillan, who saw him standing looking nt tho wire and Immediately after henrd his scroam and turned to seo him writh ing and iloundoring upon the. ground i In mortal agony. It took scvornl minutes to wrench tho wire from the grip of tho boy when ho wob carried Into tho house but died almost Im mediately. Tho unfortunato boy had been over to tho home of his uncle, Enos Pres nnll, across tho street from his own IIICAGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE A GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. PRICES SLAUGHTERED 12.00 Fur Neck Scarfe, price. .89c $3.50 Fur Neck Scarfs, prlce.$1.60 18.00 Long Furs, prlco $4.96 $12.00 Fox Furs, prlco $0.90 Ladles' $13.90 Long Coats, prlco $8.90 Ladles' $16.00 Long Coato, prlco '. $9.90 $20.00 Long Coats, price. .$12. CO $8.00 Silk Petticoats, price. .$4.50 $2.00 Satoon Petticoats, price.. 98c $5.90 Silk Waists, price. . . ,$3.7G All Trimmed Hats Halt Price. $35,00 Waterproof Rubber Lined Slk Coata, price. .$18.90 45c Colored Silks, yard 25c 76c Colored Silks, yard ....49c $1.50 Silks, yard... 75c, 85c and 98c Silk Umbrellas, Half Price. 50c Drees Goods, yard. ..... .25c 85c Dress Goods, yard. .... . .49c $1.65 Fancy Panama Dross Goods, 64 Inches, yard. ...,98c Silk Waistlngs All Reduced. Ladies' $2.25 Drew Shoes.. $1.49 Slippers, Half Price. gjujwa FAtTasr aitowixa stork. McEYOY BROS. homo and was on his way back, when ho came upon tho down wire Just how It happened Is not known, but Ib Is supposed that, In trying to get around It he fell upon tho slip pery sidewalk and either grnBped the wiro falling or rolling ujiou It. Tho wire had fallen across tho trolldy wiro of tho Oregon Electric Railway line, at that junction, and ovidontly his body received tho full cxtont of tho current, 500 volts. Mrs. A. C. McMillan was tho only ono who witnessed tho accident. She was at work in her kitchen and was looking out tho hack 'window In tho direction of the young boy when ho caino upon tho down wiro. Sho saw him standing looking nt It and then turned awny to pursuo nor duties when flho hoard a scream and rushed back to tho window to seo tho boy struggling, with tho wire. Sho rush ed and grabbed hold of his feet and, In her efforts to brenk his hold upon tho wiro, hersolf recolvod a shock of such severity as to knock her down. Then W. P. Rlngo and A. C. McMil lan rushed to his nssistanco and. by tho ubo of sticks succeeded In wrench ing tho wiro loose, from tho boy's grnsp. .Both of lls hands wore severely burned and ho had no sooner been carried Into tho houso when ho mnda n fow gnBps and died. Tho mother of tho unfortunnto boy Is almost pros trated with grief over tho shock and tho husband, who Ib working away from homo has boon notified of tho disaster, Tho tolophono wiro had boon blown down as a result of tho high winds, and, elnco tho nccldont is rogardod as unavoidable, no particu lar Name Jb nttuched to anyone as yet for Us occtyronco. 8c H. S. Ladles' Handkerchiefs, prico 3c 5cHandkerchIefs, price. ..... ,1c Men's 10c Handkorchlofs 4c Ladles' 10c Handkorchlofs. ... 4c Flno Llnon Handkerchiefs Jleduced. All Mufflers, from 25c up. Ladles' 50c Hand Bags 25c Ladles' 50c Silk Bolts, prlco.. 25c Men's 65c Underwear, prlco.. 39c $1.00 Dressing Sacques, prlco..45c 1,000 yds. 8 1-3 Embroidery, yard 3c 75c VolveteouB. all colors, yd.. 39c 1,000 yds. Outing Flannels, yard , c Beat Spool Silk spool 3c Best Darning Cotton, ball lc Best SanB Silk, ball 2c 25c Toys, price. 10c 60c Toys, prlco , . 25c lOo Frilled Garter Elastic, yd. ,6o Beat Safety Pins, per dos 2c Ladles' How. . . .10c. 15o and 26c $2.00 Silk Hose, pair. .... .$1.25 Cerwr of CtMaw cUI mi Ctsrt Strttts i EMPLOYERS LIABILITY STATUTE Government Will Fight to Uphold Its Constiiution-J ality j Washington, Jan. 3. A rcsolutlbn has been introduced in tho houso of congress to Investigate tho Balti more and Ohio and Rock Island wrecks. At a conforoncc.of tho Pres ident, Bonaparte and Strauss today was preceoded by tho announcement thut tho government will light to tho last to Bccuro a decision upholding tho Constitutionality of tho employ ers liability act. Judgo Evans do clarod it unconstitutional. Taft to day communlcatod to congress a ron ommendntlon that tho government rolmburso San Francisco saloon kcopors $30,000 for liquors tho fed eral soldlors destroyed under his oV dcrs during tho disaster. MAYBELL ' GILLAM'S ' G0REY jtSl uweb tresia ncy ot "-ttboh Is not BU1),)0Se(1- Vbo likbiy; lruSI OH ACCOUnt OF HIS ii Infatuation New York. Jnn. 3. It Is report ed In Wall street today that Corey will loso his iiosltlon nt tho head of tho steel trust on account of his In fatuation for Mnyboll Gilliam. It is rumored that Corey h already de posed. Alva Dinkey Is to bo his suc cessor. It is stated thnt Schwab is incensed at Corey' actions resulting In dlvorco and headed tho movemont against him. o Cuba Gloomy. Havana, Jan. 3. Tho prospect of tho withdrawal of Amorlcau troops has aroused all tho bankers through out tho Island to declaro that If tho troops leavo they won't loan money on crops. Thoy can't take tho rlBk. Financiers gonornlly tako a gloomy vlow of tho outlook In Cuba, o Rrlef Telegrams. Major-Gonoral Von Derlounltt, per fect of tho city of St. Petersburg, was assassinated today wMlo out driving. Tho cutting of tho sixty million dollar melon for tho Groat Northern stockholders, planned for tomorrow has boon postponed. A restraining order Is still In effect for a hearing upon it. It wub Bot for today but continued until Tuesday in tho fed oral court at St. Paul. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools ami the Family Circle. It has been decided in congress to carry on tho Columbia rlvor Jetty work continuously until It Is finish ed. General Booth, head of tho Salva tion army, will leave London In FeV ruary on a tour around tho world. Oregon's new flat salary law, by which all state officials, except the state printer, receive a specific amount por year, went Into effect January 1. Mayor Cornelius, of Hlllsboro, has resigned as ho Is potmator, and the federul goyersmeat Aoe not al low one ma to hold two oHea, Irrltloa promts Hi ik Yakima eovatry will somtoy SAO 44ttJoal me by Um lrat of AsrU, - LOBBY WAS-EXPELLED Nebraska Rule That Should Be Adopted Here Lincoln, Jan. 3. George T. Shel don was Inaugurated governor today. Il6 declared legitimate corporations should bo yrotoctod but cdnsplrn tors atalnst the common good should bo punished. Tho houso this morn ing ordered nil professional lobbyists excelled from tho chambor. tho .rulo to apply during tho wholo sosslon. British Battleship London, Jan 3.- Iliully Damaged. ComplnlntB are bolng made in nuval circles that the facts rolatlng to tho damage which II. M. S. Dominion rocolvod in Ca nadian waters recently are bolng hushed ut. Tho Dominion crossed ho Atlantic In ordor to recolvo a Bil ker shlold and Borvlco of plate con tributed by Cnnndlau citizens to tho otllcors' moss of tho ship. Tho ship touched n rock, but no Information has reached tho public as to the ex tent of tho injury. It has leaked out, however, that tho vessel id bo badly damaged and strnlncd that she twill never be fit for Borvlco again. 'J3ho Is now In Bormudu. whoro sho ftiVrlved with 3,000 tons of water in xgx double bottom, Ifts.ho' will bo " i. - .- .TV"T. Bho.wlll be overhauled in Chatham dockyard, but everything at present points to tho fact that sho will not again take her placo In tho firing lino. Tho Dominion Is a compara- tlvoly now vessel of 19,000 tons dls - placement and was built at a cost of $5,280,000. ' o Leavo llluo Trail. Denver, Jan. 3. Governor. Mc Donald's mcBsaco today urges nay - i n AAA AAA .ul.l .....,.... ..l IUUIll Ol $0,UUU,VVU IIUUl UUIIUHUIUU during labor troubles, election of senators by direct vote, and other, roformB. Lincoln Steffons wont , through today onrouto to tho Pacific coast. Ho left a bluo trail and views cd ou lntoreatlng address on tho fu tho Bltuntlon in Colorado with groat j turo prospects of tho trodo and W. M. posslmlsm. Says Colorndo politics Royoanco, of Utah, read a paper ou Is nil personalities, and no principles and nenrlng a class light. o Lots of Hfforin. Jefferson City, Mo Jan. 3. Fojks message today. recommondB regula tion of Insuranco companies, nboll tlou of railroad passes, taxation of capital stock of corporations, impris onment of violation of nntl-trust laws, making It a folony to register a bot on a horso faco and much other reform legislation. o 1 Exhibit in City Hall. Tho stato board of agriculture has their offlco In tho city hall and will probably ninke a. display of tho state's products together will) tho display of tho business men's exhibit of the Marion county products. It is reported that an offort is be ing made to obtain a suitable build ing in tho business part of the city in which to place the county exhibits, This It Is considered would bo a good Investment for advertising the county as well as for tho education of tho citizen, . o Prefers Writing to Talk. Grass Valley, Cal Jan. 3. Condi tions of miners strlko are unchanged. Operators asked appointment of com mittee of miners to discuss troublo but request was refused miners say ing thoy preferred to do the busi nesfl by correspondence. Operators anticipate a-long struggle Reported miners intend to vote for Increased wages Friday. o Nigh W4$r. The river bat) raised, two feet la the last 24 hours and sow has reach ed the 8-foot mark. The water is ratelmr very fast and owlaa; to the heavy rlm aad mow ia that SKHtBiait the toot -will prob ably do damac before it. subside. REFUSED IMMUNITY TO OIL CO. Chicago Federal Judge Forces Standard to Trial. Chicago, Jnn. 3. Federal Judgo Lnndc this morning sustained eight Indictments and quashed two against tho Standard Oil Company, overrul ing tho demurrers and refusing tho Immunity bath such as tho packors received. Tho trial prbcocdod upon tho eight Indictments. Dofondnnto contended that tho new law extinguished tho pcnnltlos im- posed by tho Elklns law. Landls hold that s.uch an Interpretation of tho In tention of congress vore inconceiv able and fully sustained the conten tions of tho government nttornoys. Court hold that indlctmonts sufllelont ly aver that dofondnnto property was transported at proferontlnl rate. Ho said: "Congress wants to bring about reaHonablo rates for shippers, not soiuo shippers, but all shippers, and congress knows thnt tho nbolltlon of proferontlnls is an cssontlal pre requisite to this." Ho declared tho law oporatlvo against tho coiiBignoa and consignor, throwing out tho con tention' thnt tho Standard Oil com pany wns only a consignee. Iq . Western Vriiftcrs 'Convention.' - Kansas City, Jan. 3. Tho Western Fruit Jobbers association commenced, their third nnnunl convention In tho Midland hotel yesterday aftornoon Tho attondnnco Is Inrc'o. After an nauross or wolcomo to the delegates I - - . ..... by tho Hon, H. M. Boords'oy, ninyor,conm'B1J,nB. , of this city, tho dlfferont commlttoo' woro appolntod. Thou followed tho annual addross by tho president, Mr. W. Anderson, of Toitoltn. which wnn ) discussed by C. II. Williamson, of 'Qulnoy, 111 R. R. Scott, Winnipeg, HfnnUnKni TT TT Tv.Mfl.i.l.i r T"i1iiM I ihiihuuuu, ... u. im uuouu, wi uiuill, Minn.; T. D. Turner, of Oklahoma City, Okla.; II. M. Jones, of Sioux FallB, S. D., and othors spoko, A. F Dochman, of Oklahoma City, dollvor- "Competition and Co-operation." "The Advertiser." was tho subject of an address by C B. Walker, of Kansas City, and "Tho Southwest and Its Relation to tho Fruit and Pro- duco," was Bpokon of by T. D. Turner, of Oklahoma, Okla. The delegates aro tho guouts of tho Kansas City I Fruit and Produco Trndo nnd a ntim bor of ladloa have arranged nn olab orato program of entertainments dur ing tho convention which will last until Friday night. Tho banquet will be hold tonight whon C. II. William son, of Qulncy, 111,, will act ob toast master. F. C. Raker Funeral. Tho funeral of tho late Frank C Baker will bo hold at tho Scottish Rlto Temple, Portland, Sunday aft ornoon, and tho lntormont will prob ably bo at Rlverviow comotory. Tho arrnngemnts havo not boon complet ed, but tho eorvlcca at tho Temple will bo in chargo of Portland Lodgo No, C5, A. F. & A. M.. of which Mr. Baker was a mombor. o Smiles Llttlo 1007 sticking him. ovidontly has a pin Tho awnings In Chinatown aro at half mast. This is ono of tho days that just "blew In." Considering Kb ago the now year has set up a pretty nearly first class squall. As aa evidence ol the extdnt of the storm It might ha Matiooe4 that a hat was fo4 ea the street here this nutntirur with a Rourg's saefchaate label ia it lrWMiMMMNWl ATTACKS SAWDUST COMMISSIONS Goy. Hughes of New York Radical His Message May Reconstruct Politics of the Nation Washington, Jan. 3. Tho political fight of tho coming year centers on Now York. All forces of corporate and political lnfluonco will bo mar shalled ngalnst reforms proposed by Hughoa. Tho llu'ht Sb national bor caiiBo If tho trusts win in Now Yejrlt, roforms .In other stntcswlll, bo ro tarted." Political parties liro certain to undergo realignment. Hughes Is backed by Roosovolt. Sllont but with tho knowlodgo gained whilo govern or tho ProBldont Id ablo to aid Hughes indefinitely. Many declare Roosovolt Is largely responsible for thc Hughes' message. At any rato thp Presldont wns dellghtod whon ho found a man full of his own Ideas strong enough tq propound them in tho oxocutlvo chair of tho Emplro stnto. Washington representatives of Wall straot, lobbyists, and con gressmen today woro flooded with on rentjesi to head off Hughes. LAl Uaiiy suiuW nni lUBSoribli'motfaro arming for a fight to Bavo their po litical lives. Hcarnt sayB ho bollovos Hughos sincere, and promises ovory Btiport which will' bo of greatest vnluo if Republicans split n't Albany -1..1IH -m '.t-i. '., ...11,.- " uuouuou oi um nuouo uuuiy- ; : WIND STORM RAGING It Causes Considerable Dam age in Many Places A lllwl dtnMi nnnA 1 1 1Ifn.l. , " "," "l",m """" "" "-- dllf t and soma to bo atlll at Us Ili,I"1t aa'' 0n,y onot 8er'0,1B c' c ,lotnt '""J ,,00n I,orto,, f tnr tho ?Tl00,t1ro" lo'1 ' IKo,'r,e9' l rC8n0,, ,n ' North Bnlora. Tho wind was accom- lm,,,c,d ,,y a dl?lns' rnn n ia. MlUllllllh UVUillllIll, IB ill II llUUdCd stato, Tho crooks nnd rivers are rapidly rising and tho water is stand Ing in puddles and pools everywhere and running In streams down tho stroots. Tho wind did considerable damage to property around town, blowing down trecB, poles, fences, etc., and anything moveablo that tamo In Its way, The electric power nnd tolcphono companies escaped wth remarkable llttlo damago, No trolley wires woro down and only a fow of their poles aro on tho ground, most of tho old ones having been recently replaced by solid now sticks. On tho power line from Sllvorton In ono place several poles are down but tho damage is bolng repnirod. Tho gonoral opinion is that if tho rain storm continues oxtremoly high water will bo caused as this warm rain Is rapidly molting tho snow which haa rccontly fnllon in tho mountains. Tho wind blow down tho neat station houso at the terminus of tho Garden road lino in Kngle wood, -o Tho safe of tho atato bank ot Now port, Cal., waa dynamited by two robbers at midnight. They secured $1,200 and escaped, Both houses of congress mot at noon. Tho houso adjourned to laqo, .,, Dr. J. F. COOK MOVKD 'fO flM JJMSmfY WTHUWT, WMMK8 HSI WILL KMWf AJUU OL am raw vAsramM. warn any aWlilt CALL OH DK. COOK. OOMSinUfAVIOlf v'l