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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
nrina i VWVWWET'W 7T " '. 3' ' 4' i l r DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1905. --T- j Br ii ir i VX 'i- i: fl UM CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BROS. hi OFFICIAL CENSUS SALEM. MAY, 1004, 13,287. 42BGS ? 7" Woep Not for Salem. This 1b tho livo city of tUo Wlllom. wtto volloy. Tlio Journal Saturday will publish a HaTgo frco edition for distribution at Jtho Lewis and Olarko fair. T3alem and Marlon county, and tho tadjoialng countlos of Polk nnd Yam IHI1 turo tho Pnradiso of Orogon. 'HOrey havo tho finest crops, tho prot ttiest KTomnii, and brainiost men and tUo ibest cities and towns on tho Pa dfio coast. OCn tho midst of this Paradise sits Sa fltm, tho capital of Orogon. In spite of somo drawback, that tlmn my will removo this city grows nnd jttoopors. A city that can on throe-days' notico tpA up a Fourth of July colobration wSth flvo thousand pooplo on tho artroots and ovorybody happy, and woll wjntcrialnod is nllvo and getting moro raHvo, truth nnd prlnciplo tnat underlies- all government and all human relations Why not sot tho mills of criticism to grinding out and nscertain if possible tho' Historical Basis" for all tho kinds of theology in tho world! Why attack tho historical validity of a book mani festly not considered a mere record of historical evontst Tho Blblo will stand tho light of higher criticism MUCH BETTER THAN WILL' BE THE INVENTION Or THE THEOLOGIANS. Indood tho only danger lios in attempting to in terpret tho Blblo from tho etandpolnt of a materialistic basis of criticism, whon "tho things of tho spirit are ap prehended by the spirit,"' according to Paul. Publicity to Hangings. Thero is no donying that too much publicity has boon given to oxocutions. Thin nnont tho hanging sot for noxt TThuraday. Tho passngo of n law that ouch ad ministrations of tho death ponalty ehall Aalce plaeo insldo tho prison wall was a wtep la the right direction. But aftor that has boon dono it is till better to havo tho death ponalty CT into effect with as llttlo of tho son national as possible It Is not tho highest complimqnt to txmz civilization that wo must tako wnmy human lifo to satisfy tho demands ilf law nnd justice. Hut whllo this concession to Impor- Sect ooir,l conditions must bo mndo d It bo stripped of the oxpanslvo do- ,k flails as fur in public safoty will por- .unit. . It '. to bo hoped that tho attondanco ff M tirrttVll nrifl tlm maltltrtAi Inn e$ 1nai 'xtatomonts, nnd conversations with tho 2rlaonor will bo reduced to a mini axvavcL !'l5?l A Jocent rospect for tho living should Reform In tho Schools. Tho offort of Chairman Condlt, of tho Salem school board to mako tho city superintendent moro directly account able to tho board is a propor ono, nnd should bo adhered to Tho resolution requires tho city suporintondont to mako a monthly roport to tho board of bis own work nnd how his timo !j expended, and alio to makj rccommoa tin) Ions to tho bot-rd. If proporly on forced by tho board and llvod up to by tho" city suporintondont, this cannot but accomplish groat good. It is plain to bo seen, howpvir, that such nn order wctil I be used by mombori of tho board at smo futuro .'me to harass tho city superintendent, if they werj so dls- p. fed. In tho interest of tho Salem schools, wli'ch should hcroaftor bo numbered among tho host on tho Plflc coast, it is it bo hoped nothing of this klod will ovor devo'ep. and, in fact, tho i-eiii iiurposo of this resolution must bo tc o'iminato rl.'Fcroncos. Tho prop'o of this school district, nnd moro particularly tho school board aro on titled to tho fullest knowlodgo of tho wo k bolng dono in our schools, nnd this mothod hns a wholosomo tondency In thnt diroctlon. Whilo it may plnco a llttlo moro work on tho shouldors of tho city suporintondont, this monthly repot t also affords that official an op portunity to bo hotter understood nnd protect himself with tho bonrd and tho patrons of tho district. In tho in terest of good schools, lot us nil hopo that this now reform will work out for II' o best. SANTA FE TRAIL STORIES Reinlniscenses of Pioneers on Road Incidents of Two Fast Rides Tax tho Express Companies. How tho Oregon leglslnturo con havo ovorlookod (ho cxpross companies all snuru thorn thoso dotails of misfortuno J theso years in Oregon is a mystery. Sn Its last oxtromlty. It may nt times Thoy havo no passes to glvo out to bo kind to bo cruel, but In this In tstanco it is n klndiioss to nil con deemed to omit tho cruel details that ttend any execution. Tho officers of tho law, tho oMcors head off legislation. Thoy havo escaped nlmost entlroly. Businos9 luon who aro roadors of tho Atlnntlo Monthly will bo particularly interested in tho opening ortlclo of tho t of tho prlsou, nnd momburs of tho con- July numbor. It has to do with tho demnod man's family, nro really nil rotations of tho oxprcss companies to 'who nro entitled to bo prosont. This tho railroads nnd to tho public. Its aiowspnpor will cortnlnly try to sot n mew pneo In reporting such ovonts us lOxiefly att possible. Criticism of tho Blblo. Tho press roports toll of 101 clergy min of tho Church of Kuglnnd send ing out a circular for tho starting of n mow enwado for THE "HIGHER CRITIOISM' OF THE SCRIPTURES. In response to their action ovor 1700 clergymen of tho snino church havo algncd u document asking for tho ap plication of tho so called historical linols to tho interpretation of'tho Holy Bible. Tho "higher criticism," it Is alloged Mas nlroady boon oppliod 'with' ad vantage to faith" to tho Old Testa meat, and it is now askod to bo applied ito tho Now Tostamont. Tho declaration of thoso clorgymon Announces in ndvanco that whntover may bo tho issuo of tho criticism tho faith of tho church will stand un moved. THEN OF WHAT USE THE APPEAL TO THE "HISTORICAL JJABIS?" It would scorn that in matters of tfalth only tho highest understanding hould bo appealed to iu ordor to mako clearer tho basts of fuith, nnd tho moro suro tho foundation for tho npprchen elan of spiritual truth, "Tho historical basis" has not yet boon successfully applied to sottllug the problems Of history, nnd tho sal ivation of souls in not dopondont on knowing what kiud of clothos tho Saviour wore, nor tho color of his hair. Tho historical basis of criticism can never bo successfully oppliod to tho exposition of tho Scripturos, which record tho atrugglo of humanity to got .rtiold of spiritual truth, or tho only nlm is to sot forth tho reasons for tho wldo-sprond demand for greater public ity in tho transactions of thoso com panies. Tho nrtlclo is . writton by Prank Ilnlgh Dixon, nn axpert on trans portation problems. Tho noxt logisjaturo should soo to it that thoy pay for tho privilege of do ing n prlncoly business in Oregon. But will tho pcoplo bo foolish enough to lonvo so just nnd Important matter to tho altogothor too oaslly corrupted legislature. Tho initiative and referendum is tho only weapon by which thoso tax gathering machines can bo reached. $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to loarn that there is at loast ono dreaded dlsoaso that sclonco has boon able to euro in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only positive curo now known to tho modical fraternity. Catarrh bolng n constitutional dlsoaso, requiros a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon internally, acting dl roctly upon tho blood and mucous sur faces of tho system, thoreby destroying tho foundation of tho djsoaso, and giv ing tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo in doing its work, Tho proprietors havo so much faith in its curatlvo pow ers that thoy offor Oho Hundrod Dol lars for any caso that it fails to curo. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J, Chouoy & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, 76c. Tuko Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. CHILDREN CRY TOE FLETCHER'S OASTORIA. a How a SAVINGS ACCOUNT Will Grow In our Savings Bank Dopnrtmout. Intorest computod nt 3 por cout, compounded somi-ammftlly. Amount Bated S oenu per dr - 10 cuu per ilr . 33 oenu per dr ----W oenu per ty si.W per 0jr Atnoum a jer f MS1 1UTD 4Sitt 06 0 U37S0 Amount 10TMI t 809 21 413 43 1044 0 SOU It 4134 S3 Amount 90 yr. 400.42 800,83 40(. M08.M Deposits Qf Ono Dollar or wore caw H aide at gy tlac SAVtNGS BANK DEPARTMENT Cat National Bank Members of tho Early Settlors' asso ciation of Missouri, who, with n party of city officials from Kansas City, havo rocontly boon attempting to Iocnto tho original routo of tho Santa Fo trail, which is to bo marked, soom to havo sottled tho location of tho road as far ns tho old Harris- houso at Wcstport, Mo. Among tho older mon of tho party on tho trail tho other day an odd bit of history enmo out, says tho Kansan City Star. When Wcstport becamo a flour ishing town it felt tho need of a moro convenient routo to tho river landing, so a rock road" was built roachlng as far into Kansas City as Twelfth street. In thoso days Kanmis City had about tho samo rolatlon to Wcstport thnt In dopendonco now holds to Kansas City, oxcept that tho Wootport merchants had to como to Kansas City to get tholr frolghf. So tho big town built tho road, a sort of toll rood, running mostly on tho west side of tho old San ta Fo troll. Tho trail 'was not at all cosy for spoody traveling, but S. 0. Ragan took a swift trip ovsr it onco. llo was driv ing threo yoko of oxon down tho hill north from Twonty-olghth street when lightning struck a troo just behind tho wagon. Tho oxen ran all tho way to Konsns City as fast as bIx frlghtonod cattlo could run. J. S. Chick told of a llttlo fast riding ho did in his timo on tho trail boyond Westport. Ho foil in with four Moxi enna who had mules to soil, or said thoy hod. "They woro drinking somo of tholr Moxlcan drinks," ho said, "and wnntcrt mo to drink with them. I ob-l joctod." "Not to a llttlo whisky?" W. It. Bernard suggested. ''I did not say I objectod to n llttlo wmsky. i ma object to tnking tholr Moxlenn drink with them whon I was already sunrHoious of them. "Tho mules woro supposed to bo out on tho trail n fow miles In Knnsa. Wo sot out to And thorn. Thoy woro not wltero tho Mexicans first said thoy woro, but thoy said wo would And thorn n fow miles farther away. Then thoy rodo two in front of mo nnd two bohind. It wns nn uncomfortablo placo for mo. Thoy know I had monoy to buy mulos with. I thought I know thoy woro thieves and cut throats, nnd I soon lost interest in tholr mulo story flouring on how to lonvo thorn bohind. I finally got a ohunco nnd started my horse on a run to a Gottlomont near. I soon dlstnucod the Mexicans, nnd I nevor saw tho mules, I don't know of nuy ono olso that over did." It is n curious fact that war has boon n factor in tho making of Kansas City. It was tho wnr botwoon Toxns and Moxico thnt mado tho Santa Fo trail. Commerce with Moxico was carried on by shlpti across tho gulf of Moxico un til that war. Then Texas put Out some privateers that mado tho trudo danger ous, and it was started ovorland by ox teams. Goods woro sent by way of Kansas City and Santa Fo Into contral Moxico, kcoplng too far west and north for tho Toxans to do any damage. Af terward when tho United States took up tho war tho trddo contlnuod to go overland, and to this day goods nro shipped to Moxico through Kansas City. Every ono knows that tho civil war and tho troubles that followed sent tho Toxns cattlo trado into Kansas City territory instead of east by water or across Louisiana, nnd every foreign war strengthens tho Kansas City mulo market as well ns tho flour and moat trade. J. S. Chiok saidhat it was tho war botwoen Texas nnd Mexico that mado the Santa Fo trail nnd laid tho foundation for tho city that has helped to outfit or provision every wnr that has boon fought slnco in oWry part of tho globe. "Tho party of city officials and members of tho Early Settlers associ ation who attempted to locate tho old Santa Fo trull tho other day came pretty near tho original routo, as I ro momber it," said James Huutor, Mr. Hunter is a notary in Wcstport, whore ho has lived continuously for many years. "I camo to what is uow ostport with my father in 1834," said Mr. Hunt or. "I was then eight years old, and wo bad rcmovod from a farm noar Independence, whoro wo settled whon wo camo from Kontusky. I grow up and wont to school in tho first log sohool houso near a, spring about a quarter of a mllo from what Is now tho Wormall road. When J. 0. McCoy laid outthe town of Westport ho told my father ho would glvo him a lot at what is now tho southwest corner of Shnwnco strcot and Wcstport avenuo if ho would start a storo there. My father built tho storo on tho ground, and wo ran it togother until 1850. "From 1850 until tho timo of tho wnr 500 wngons a day went ovor this trail from May until Juno. Going out of Wcstport tho ilrst camp on tho trail was just beyond tho old Wornoll home stead, noar Indian crcok. Tho oxact routo of tho trail may bo a matter for porsonol rocollcctlon, but wo can never differ as to tho location of tho watering places on tho trail. I can namo today all tho watorlng places botwoen horo Kansas City nnd Council Bluffs. This was tho last settlement- in tho days of tho wagon trains until Fort Union was reached." MRS. JOHN H. ALBERT INJURED Lowia and Clark Edition Saturday. Tho Dally Capital Journal Saturday will bo at least 16 pages, and will bo dovotod largely to showing up tho in dustries and resources of Salem, tho Flower City of tho Western Orogon Paradise. Thoro will bo press work dono Friday night and all day Satur- Marlon county headquarters of tho Portland exposition. Got. In your best thoughts about our city and surround ing country, nnd lot us show tho world that wo aro olive. Steam Gives Out in Automo' bile on Heavy Grade, and It Upsets Tho past wook has boen favoraU, for normal growth, notwlthstandiqg jt uvoroged cooler than usual. Haying is now general, and, although consider ablo hay was cut and lying ltt . fields when tho rains of ut early part of tho wook occurred, no groat damago ensued, nnt! tho hit Mrs. John II. Albert was seriously ,' r--" - - ."....y n(!aTj injured in an automobile accident last,""" "l """ 1y. U when evening. It happened just across tho uo to, fl" " 7 t. ham bridge In Polk county, nnd, whllo Mrs. j bp'" ln nbou- tea days or lw Albert's injuries are serious nnd pain-1 - FnS dlwaees and Insect ft.1. it is not thouoht that they aro,l,cstB nro moro t'oubleeome than usual , - , CROP BULLETIN at this season of tho year. 8prla whoot in portions of tho Willnmotti dangorous. Sho will bo confined to her Mr. nnd Mrs. John II. Albert" nnd vlloy ,ls ln'"Jf pMi,b,l Mrs. Harry G. Albert were out riding tlso " condition is promising. yesterday ovening, nnd in ordor to "" '"" - " ungat, test a now hill-cllmbing apparatus h'ch la causinff muc1 "PPrchcnslon which Mr. Albert had just put on his "U"V " i'H w. orn, gar. machine, thoy started up tho side rood donf' Potn'oc "Ins and sugar j .... .... .. ... iiiiulh cuuLiaun iininir wnn. Mnnw u. a t. ..i - i -ii.i- which leads irom tho wa laco roan un . . . "" uujn u KUk uui, nu migu uu muuim jur - nro reported in tho hop yards, osnedil. fro cdistrlbutlon nt tho Oregon and,t? tho old abandoned rock quarry P ' J aDouc nair a nmo west oi mo uig - - bridge. When nearly up tho hill tho tom and, P"Potlons for oxtcnslr. steam gnve out, tho machine stopped, 'P1" havo bcon, modo wh ffl and began to back down tho hill. Ko- bo put in operation If tho present warn, nlizlng his danger at onco, Mr. Albert nnd htlht wcathor doos not causo their tried to throw on tho emergency brake,' ""PPonranee. Berries aro plentiful, but this would not work. As tho ma-,nnd othor fruIt haa mado satisfactory. Two words. Schi'Sitig Best; and one more that i? moneyback stand for the best in trade: bjst goods and best dealing. Tur gmm' t noniyback. . A Pleasant Way to Travel. Tho abovo is tho usual verdict of tho traveler using tho Missouri Pnclflo railway botwoon tho Pacific coast and tho oasf, and wo bollovo that tho sorv ico and accommodations given merit this statemont. From Denver, Colora do Springs nnd Denver thoro aro two through trains dally to Kansas City and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat est standard eloctrlc-lightod sleeping cars, chair cars and up-to-dato dining cars. Tho samo excellent servlco is operntod from Kansas City and St. Louis to Memphis, Llttlo Bock and Hot uprings. xi you nro going oast or south, writo for.partlculars and full in formation. W. O. M'BBIDE, Gen. Agt., 12-1 Third St.. Portland, Oro. ehlno wns gaining velocity ovory in stant, and as tho road was very nar row, ho decided to etccr it so that it would back up on tho uphill sldo of tho road, and thus stop. It was going too fast, howovcr, and, instead of stopping, mounted tho embankment, rolled over on its sldo and throw tho occupants out into tho rook road. Mr. Albert and Mrs. Harry Albert escaped without in jury, but tho eldorly lady received a fracturo of tho collar bono, lowor jaw, and threo ribs, besides numorous bruis es and injuries. Tho accident happonod nbout 8 o'clock and a cab was immediately summoned from tho city, nnd Mrs. Albort wns removed to hor uomo as quickly as pos sible, whoro modical asslstanco wns summoned. Although her injuries nro painful, sho spent a surprisingly easy night, and her physicians nro very hopo fill. Mrs. Albert is nbout GO years of ago, and has been in very dollcnto health for a long timo. That sho es caped from Instant death is miraculous. advancement. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought ltZtf Boars tho Slgnaturo Excursion Bates. During tho Lewis and Clark Exposi tion tho O. 0. T. Co. will mako a rate of 75 cents to Portland, round trip $L Tickots good for 10 days. Boats Joav lng daily. Greatly ln Domand. Nothing Is moro In. domand than n modicino which meets modorn requiro monts for a blood nnd systom cleanser, such ns Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. They aro just what you need to curo stomach and ltvor troublos. Try thorn. At J. C. Perry's drug store, 20c, guaranteed. I O j3u J3 3? O Usi. zz j:... Dean ths rf 1 1 11 Yol llWAh:w B03jl)t TT5fif6aS UNIFORM. Whon you buy Salem flour you art nssurod of uniformity tho enmo this week, noxt weok or noxt month as that you purchased a weok, month or year' ngo-unloss, possibly, it's chnngod on!r! to bettor its quality, for wo'ro alwayr on tho nlort to improvo our produetj Anyway tho Salem brand is always in tho lead of good flours. SALEM FLOUEINa MILLS. C I Everybody Is In Need of Something Are you in need of anythbag? What Is it? If you need a shotgun for your summer hunting, a fishing outfit a pocket knifo, a bicycle, solar lamp, fish basket, razor, revolver, watch and chain, you canlet u SfJi, th WATERS' NEW FROFIT-SHABINO ASSOCIATION for ABSOLUTEL Y NoSmS Vfi 1 ? w thin bcfoWLdtd you? Well. It la so neverthele, Th. u,-..,"7" 0Tmm . Nevcr hoardo' " proflta with you. We stand tho cost of allthoso premiums, if you hav wSthJ,? 1 ! T " you think of something your wife wants? Do you over think : ZlZJ want, can't a good follow out of yourself, save up a fow coupons andvo VX 2 wZ ? LoTaS S bio, somo cut-glass pieces, carving set extension dinin , ,-m. - ,......' Bno wouia I,ko a "lvor tUm' a clothos wringer, reading lamn. a nollshM w,it m.. ,,. 'J.. wca8ur0. ves, forks and spoons, a clothos wringer, reading lamp, a pollshod white maple or colden a,h ,, ,,."? . . mantel clock. " iUUt ca For your boy or girl wo havo a great many usoful thinw. onr n.t. - ,n. ..... SSSTyS " &ma 8UPPlylng " wo oursolves porsonal,y TJZ or Sotu Thomas Every ono of thorn la as repro- Make Yot Tobacco Habit EARN YOU SOMETHING Is thero any good reason for not patronizing Qco. E Waters. ,, urns thrown ln FREE? Salem tobacco users havo never befor.? y ? get y0Ur cho,C8 of 191 valuable preml wvi. ,!- -.. -. 4 " vo aBVCr Deiore had such a liberal ?- v- . .x .w-- vjn BW4v mi KO(, aay Qr au or these presents frea to vn v "- u nvo oniy 10 pat tha sama tirices. nd th onAwnmv t. t.. . . " ku ou' OU Ket tha samn tn,. j .im at the same prices, and the QUANTITx" is there. . wiuo , nu w (juAflTny ia there. A few nurchase tJh -, mo wnaccc premium, Dome in and take a list of theso presents home with you t0 8omethIn to get tho samo tobacco and cigara at tho way of a GEO, E 252 Commercial St. WATERS CIGARS AND TOBACCO.