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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
Sffl GOO'S ECU 'tHt CTiqrc is- w k) w ft. 4 iVA FOUR OA.LY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 9ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1904. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is the only medicine you need. We have been saving this for 60 years. If you want additional proof, ask your own family physician. We will abide by his decision. (ffffitSS: -. . . A vers Lherrv ltrnrhiflQ nnlv medicine vou need. We m ma a m m . a ma a . a . -m j Mtm B VIV W Unr hrtpn en mmma mmmmmmam NEW CABINET TODAY Ofle-oOThem a Vice President of the Santa Fe 7 Washington, July 1. Paul Morton, who obtained nlno-months' leave of absonco from his duties as second vlco-prosldont of tho Santa Vo, In or der to serve In Koosovolt's cablnot tho remalndor of tho President's torm, was sworn In this morning as secre tary, and prosontod to the bureau chlofs, entering upon his new wdrk Immediately by attending tho regular Friday mooting of tho cablnot. Sec rotary Moody was sworn In as attor neygenoral, tho principal ofllcers of tho department witnessing tho core mony, which was proceeded by a short speech from Knox. Metcalf has not yet reachoil Washington, ANOTHER DEMOCRAT DEAD Caught a Cold by Fast Train and Went to Bed St. Louis, July 1 J. B. Kyan, mem ber of tho national Democratic com mlttoo for Nevada, died at tho Jeffer son holol this morning of pneumonia. He caught cold while on route here, and on arriving was compelled to tako to his bed. READY FOR THE BAY And the Office Will Follow Teddy in the Regulation Way Washington, July 1. All is in read Inos for the departuro of tho Presi dent and his office for Oyster Day to morrow. Ho will remain thoro until after July 28th, after the notification committee calls, when ho returns to Washington for two or three weeks. o SENTIMENT GROWING FOR PARKER (Continued from first page.) GRAIN SHIPMENTS SHRUNK. On Account of Decrease In Production of Cereals. Portland, July 1. Tho cereal year of 1903-4)4, brought to an end yestor biy, was romarkablo for tho shrinkage of tho shipping business of tho North Pacific (torts. This falling off in ox ports was occnslonod by tho decrease in tho whoat yield of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho, as comparod with tho few precodlng year. Tho throo slates produced laat year 33.584.970 bushols or wheat against 41,079,435 busnols In 1002, and 46,361,338 bushols In 1001. Shipments from Portland in tho past 12 months, Including flour as whoat, woro 8.400.8C5 bushols, com parod with 14,p90,282 bushols In tho precodlng year, and 16,674,296 bushels two years ago. Puget Sound ship ments show the samo ratio of de crease having boon 11,868.118 bath ols, as against 18:07.1,818 bushels In 1002, and 18.82G 007 bushols In 1901. and for any who may bo Injured in tho Jam that necessarily attends a meeting of a national political con vention. In tho exposition building aro tho headquarters of the national commit teo and of the commltteos on resolu tions, credentials and permanent or- rrnnlvntlin rtil itf1ni rt Imalnnflu i?nh ' of tho rooms tired as committeo head quarters Is capablo of seating several hundred persons. "Arizona Is Instructed for Hearst, but aftor tho second ballot will sup port Parker," said J. II. Breathitt, na tional committeeman from that terri tory this morning. "In my opinion the Now York Jurist will bo nominated on the third or fourth ballot." British Deny Statements, London, July 1. The news from Washington that steps wero believed to have been taken looking to the mediation between Russia arid Japan creates great surprise hero. Tho British government not only has taken no part In such a measure, but ap parently Is Ignorant that they are In progress. Official opinion here, fiom Premier Balfour down, Is that tho tlmo Is not yet rlpo for any offor of mediation; but, to qudto a person In Mr. Balfour's confldenco, "Great Britain has kept tho door open for any such contingen cy." It Is not likely that this government (would be acceptable In tho rolo of ar bitrator, but it would, at tho right time, use all its Influence to urge the belligerents to accept the offer from a suitable mediator. Thoro seems to 'If &gfl uffl ' ! B53I: 83131 THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO, 209 Liberty Street. DRESSER A vety pretty line of Duesser s and Dressing Table, in Golden q&utteted Oak, Bird's eye Maple and Mahogany just in. You may look the cotintty ove and not find their superior China Closets Recent atthrals in China Closets pats us in a position to supply yot either in Gold en Oak on Weathered Oak. Also plain o mittoted backs IlBf j bo no reason for thinking that tho government would not fill that role suitably, but Russian opinion Is al ways a rather unknown factor. From tho highest official sources here, and from the Japanese legation, comes the positive statement that nothing whatever has resulted from the Interview between King Edward and Emperor William at Kiel, that wa3 in any way connected with the On almost every proposition now ad- Russo-Japanese war. There seems to vanced horo there Is tho query, "What be no doubt thnt responsible ministers will Bryan do about It?" Tho Nobras- seriously warned King Edward that he kan will arrlvo on Sunday, according' m8t not Initiate any stoi In that dl- Swallow May Decline. Harrsburg. Pa., July 1. The Patri ot today hay hi Dr. Silas Swallow may decline tho nomination after all. This evening, In response to n tologrnm, ho sent tho following to Chairman Stewart: If tho honor referred to In your dis patch Implies duties requiring my aU eonco from home, whllo I highly ap Preolato any honor or duty the grand est party of tho age can glvo mo, yet uuless Mrs Swallow's health greatly improves, I would bo compelled to do Olluo, S. C, SWALLOW. Dr. Swallow said ho had nothing further So ay, as to whothor ho would accept tho nomination. Ilo also said ho did not think It advliablo at this tlmo to mnKo any slatomonl as to his plan of campaign, if ho should consent to remain a candidate -o OASTOIIIA. Bun Ik. . Ito Wad toa Hw Alwiyi Bottfit TTfiSflafe &jrJi, ' W4MMMNNMI4tt S 2 ! We Have a Few j ! HAMMOCKS i i Left which we will sell at I Ten Per Cent Reduction I Salem Gun Store PAULH. HAUSER, Proprietor, CfM4i yWWMHMWiWM I Bargain Hunters, Listen, take to the rem nant sole to present plans. It bocamo known today thnt Bryan will urgo that any man who did not support the ticket In 189(1 or 1000 would make n weak can didate. Few of tho socallod conserva tives will fill that hill. McClellan and Uoso Is tho ticket being quietly tipped by a leading mombor of the Michigan delegation. Cleveland is casting a shadow that makes the dlseusBlqn of his name by ono only In nwod whispers All real ise that some sort of Cleveland cabal Is being hatohod In tho Rait. "If Parker enn't be nominated." was tho epitome of tho situation ns foroenstod by Judge Ditty, who Is horo In chnrgo of Judsou Harmon's Intorests, "the light will be botween Hnrmon and Clommn." There Is n palpable offoit to rltll culo tho Cleveland boom out of tho convention. . "What do I think of tho Cleveland boom." said Sonator Du Bolse. or Idaho whoso main purpose Is lo get a strong anti-polygamy plank Into tho platform. "I think It Is full of wind, absurd, and started -by some hi imumnuH menus only to kill off Parker. nnd if they do dofoat Parker, they cannot nominate Cleveland, for Hryan thou will control tho conven tion " Active campaigning for Judgo Park er began in oarnost today, when tho advance guard of Parker boomers oponed headquarters at tho Piantor's hotel. Maurice Minton, who Is asso ciated politically with August Del mont. was busy buttonholing dole- gaitS for tho Now York irlu rm, Pniker people havo six parlors on tho llfit tlOOr Of Ilia I'lnnlu.o ..., i.. . . - ", lllltl ins frteirtU " doing their best to elimln " me impretnon that Hill's man rectlon with his Imperial nephew. Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay. On Juno 1st tho Southorn Pacific Company will resume salo of excur sion tickets to Newport and and Ya qulna Bay, both season nnd Satur-day-to-Monday tickets will bo sold. This popular resort Is growing In fa vor each year, hotol rates aro reason able, nnd tho opportunity for fishing, hunting and sea bathing aro unox celled by any other resort on tho Pa cific coast. Mrs. Arch Mosler, of Hosebuig, In tho city for a few days. is Jli llililililH.ltl vj fit v MORRIS CHAIRS The choicest in Morris Chairs, all finishes, all kinds of cushions and upholstering. The simplest and most sensible back adjustment. Mission frames in weathered oak are among the most popular sellers. The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St. Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and Albany. . Resignation Accepted. Havana, July 1. Tho resignation of Secretary of State Zealos has been ac cepted. Secretary of Finance Montes will probably succeed him. OASTORXA. Bmi tu 4 Tha Kind You Haw Alvays Bought Promoted and Retired. Washington, July 1. President Roosevelt today promoted Major Bing ham, of tho engineer corps, to brigadier-general, and Issued an order for his Immediate retirement. He recent ly had a leg amputated as the result of an accident at Buffalo. Major Bing ham served as superintendent of pub lic buildings nnd grounds, and was tho President's military aide. Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asao elation. Tho Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association will meet at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City, July 12th to 24, 1904, inclusive. Tho Southorn Pa cific Company will make reduced rates on tho certificate plan for this occasion. Call on any Southern Pa cific agent for advertising matter 6-20-eod Midsummer Sale of Vehicles i.uAg&aKffigrngffTfftg-a Parker I i At The Old Cronise Studio. Over betw York lUcket Slew. til tittiagMBlllBMBniaM ma, T Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Prlfle Company will soli round tup ucj8 Rt greatl). duced ratn, to St. Uuls and Chicago on account ,,f the St. UuU exposition .u i iiiiiowmg dates juno 16 JUiy , i, j,; Awguit 8 J0 twuberS. 6.7; Oetohar s j Going trip must be completed with in 10 days from data af !, mA ,,as. j uj- ltt wlii eBIlh within tho lleturn limit on but not later than December SI looV or run Information as to r.i .. rihkltau .11 .- ., an agent of 8. p. Co. at Salem. . 17. Sop- ennhli) (kan. .L .. . - U ""r "Bwr destination HHiy Hmlt. This $75.00 bggy with shafts, leathe qtate top and leather trimmings for $60 mM cn easte Nr S. ,. . The . oUaed the rnUut .. . . U , ..--.. mi mu i,ewts and ui. -'-- iojhi8 ior the iWwu """-" ot tfte estfo- Boggies at $52.50. Road Wb t ,B7 m .,, cea. B.y aw. Enioy s JZZZ Mit -m FF. Ca,y, Manage,, 51 State Stt. Salem, Oregon